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    Sunday, November 22, 2020

    LoL Guide I haven't really played since SEASON 4 and the biggest thing I notice is that comebacks arew ay harder, am I imagining things?

    LoL Guide I haven't really played since SEASON 4 and the biggest thing I notice is that comebacks arew ay harder, am I imagining things?

    I haven't really played since SEASON 4 and the biggest thing I notice is that comebacks arew ay harder, am I imagining things?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 11:26 PM PST


    I feel like if enemy is up like 5-0 or if every lane is down 1 death. There is like 20% chance to win the game. Or as soon as one lane gets a tiny slight advantage it just snowballs really hard.

    i have played almost 100 games now since coming back and I really can't remember one legit comeback when earlier in around season 4, it was pretty frequent.

    And from I understand the new items and how strong the mythics are, it will just be even more snowballing gameplay since its like first to mythic wins.

    Whats your thoughts about this? Am I right or just imagining things lol

    submitted by /u/Thedeefact
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    Help your F#$CKING Jungle - Quick tips on how to help your jungle while laning

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 01:07 PM PST

    Hey guys! Sir Slunt here, so playing with some of my friends I noticed a need for knowledge in the aspect of when to shove lanes to help your jungle.

    A good rule of thumb:

    If Scuttle crab is about to spawn it is generally a good idea to start shoving your lane so that you can rotate quicker than your opponent. (Every second counts)

    This helps in multiple ways. It puts pressure on your opposition by making them choose between CS or following you to said objective. It immediately puts the ball in your court and allows you to get there quick without sacrificing cs.

    Same concept with Dragon/rift herald - If your team is going to want to set up this objective it is generally a good idea to get some sort of lane priority by shoving the enemy laner to their tower. This way they will be behind you/slower than you on the rotation toward the objective and also they are at risk to sacrifice valuable gold and experience to contest with you.

    I'm starting a series on Youtube with quick random tips like this and currently calling it Sunday Quickies which outlines something random each week in 2 minutes or less. If you'd prefer a more in-depth and actual video of what I just said, here is the link.

    2 minute video:


    submitted by /u/ACslunt
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    What determines whether an ability will disappear after death or not?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 06:28 AM PST

    For example, I could be playing someone like Ahri, throw my Q, die mid way through it, and have it return and kill someone after I already died.

    Or I could be playing Neeko, about to get a kill, throw her Q, die, and have her pop blossom disappear before it even makes contact.

    Always wondered if certain skillshots have to meet a certain criteria, or if it's just riots spaghetti code.

    submitted by /u/FurrySwipez
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    Ingenious hunter is actually useful now

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 02:02 PM PST

    Ingenious hunter has for a long time been one of the least used runes in the game. The only time you would actually take it was on full glacial builds where you wanted to spam your GLP and twin shadows a little more. Pretty much nobody played with it otherwise.

    Well, I'm here to tell you about how it's actually good now.

    With the introduction of ability haste, ingenious hunter also got a little tune up. Instead of giving you CDR on item actives only, it now gives item haste which applies to both item actives AND passives. This isn't just a little item haste we're talking about either. Immortal Shieldbow which originally has a 90 second static cooldown, goes down to a 60 second cooldown. That's pretty major for such a lifesaving item.

    Pair this with the fact that there are now an abundance of new item actives in the game (like galeforce, prowlers claw, everfrost, you name it) and you've got yourself two pretty good reasons to start using ingenious hunter.

    submitted by /u/SirCucumber420
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    Taking mages botlane.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 09:03 PM PST

    After being fed up with the state of marksmen in the botlane in the pre-season , me and my support buddy were discussing the new botlane items , and why ADCs suck ass. He then mentioned how his support Mythic Imperial Mandate was doing work , averaging between 3-6k dmg dealt per game on his support champs. And me being tired of getting shit on playing marksmen , i had the idea to play a hard cc mage bot with my support duo , both of us taking Imperial Mandate.

    And boy oh boy let me sing you the gospel of botlane Mandate. Basically take your mage WITH a form of hard CC as AP carry , and a support that has at least a slow. Both get first item Mandate and start tearing up shit with INSANE damage and synergy. So far we're on a 14 game win streak , and we HARD carried every single one.

    The synergy and bonus damage of the Mythic item when you have 2 of them is CRAZY. Im gonna list some examples of characters we played , and have in mind that we won EVERY lane phase.

    So basically you take your mage carry with CC and then a support with CC too, and you can even change which character will be the support and which will be the carry and take farm , it doesnt matter its HELLA OP. Some ridiculously OP combos are :

    Swain / With basically any support with cc or slow - Lux , Naut , Morg , Nami , Leona , Pyke , Senna , Zyra , Xerath, Panth.

    We played 14 games i played the carry role , and my support was buying mandate even on AD supports, and we hard stomped. Shits busted yo , go get some free wins before it gets nerfed.

    submitted by /u/NoPeanutSneakers
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    Is it bad to play with only 3 fingers on QWER?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 04:38 PM PST

    So I'm fairly new to League and I play with my friends. They found out that I have my ring finger on Q, middle on W and index on E. They acted like it was one of the worst possible things I could do in the game. I don't really have trouble having to quickly move my index finger to R or using my spells. Is it that much of an issue if I want to get better at the game?

    submitted by /u/FlufyFoxx
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    Can someone explain how much 1 AD/AP really is? I don't understand the way AD and such works? Does it make you doing 200 damage an AA go to 201?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 07:53 AM PST

    I've been playing the game for a long time and buffs and nerfs feel like nothing a lot of times. I don't quite understand them/can't put them in perspective.

    For example, Tryndamere has the lowest w/r in the game, he's getting a 5 AD buff. That sounds like an incredibly small buff because it's only 5. Fogged played it on PBE and said the buff feels so good? How much is 5 AD? When a mage is too OP they'll give them like a nerf of 10 AP and sometimes that's game breaking? So those numbers are bigger than they sound? I really just don't understand how any of these starts really impact gameplay? When I read patch notes it's usually just "ah ok, a buff, a nerf cool" but I can't really get any perspective of what gameplay might be like until it's live

    submitted by /u/Pinanims
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    Does Senna Support need to auto the wave for some reason?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 08:54 AM PST

    Hey, folks. Noob question. I don't know Senna's kit well and I don't get paired up with her as support too often.

    The last few days, though, I had three different ones. And all of them, for whatever the reason, auto the wave. Not consistently, not as if they're pushing. Just, at random, as they walk by. I want to make sure this isn't some Senna mechanic before I correct them.

    I only bring it up because it's on the Senna supports who've been doing this.

    submitted by /u/shaidyn
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    Ever wondered why the most random and god-awful picks/strategies work at high elo and don't at lower elos?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 10:21 AM PST

    So, you might have watched some high elo streamers and been amazed at the kind of weirdchamps that they can win with. RatIRL playing brand/twitch top, Tyler1 playing ivern top and sometimes winning. Well how come they get to play and win with this crap and when I do it in my silver games I get people spamming open mid at loading screen ?

    I have 2 accounts currently. One is in D4 and one is in D1. I specialize in picking random crap (rumble adc, ziggs support, sion mid, maokai mid, shyvana mid/top, brand top, jayce adc, sona adc) just to name a few. On my D1 main I get to play with streamers/pro players that have much more experience with the game and are willing to give a champ a chance for what its worth.

    On my D4 account I get people spamming ff votes 2 mins into the game. A big reason for this is a sociological term called a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    Essentially the players think that they are going to lose because insert reason here and then they guarantee the loss so their own prediction about the loss rings true . At this point the outcome of the game doesn't matter for them, the only thing that matters is if they can prove themselves correct in their assessment.

    This right here is a big reason why streamers will duo q to get through low elo just so they can test things at higher elos. The increased player skill doesn't matter here, all that matters is you have a proper testing environment.

    • For example you cannot test an imperial mandate ashe support if your adc picks yuumi and sits on the jungler instead of coming down bot because in their eyes the game was already lost when you picked an ashe support and thus they will do everything in their power to guarantee that loss so they can put the blame on the ashe support for the loss and report you (community has a weird fetish for 9x 'ing people even though its well known it doesn't do anything .. ? ).

    • When streamers call diamond players dogs and other fancy words by really rattling their volcabulary, they are not talking about skill levels. Of fucking course players playing at the top 0.2% are skilled. It doesn't take a genius to realize this. They are talking about this defeatist attitude that they have that makes actually playing the game impossible.

    So what do you take out of this? Unfortunately the problems I mentioned between D1 and D4 are significantly more pronounced in the lower elos. Remember in silver/gold/plat people hardly if ever play with actual good players. The closest would be them coming across a smurfing player that plays one champion to get out of low elo asap (due to the reasons I listed above) and as such they don't really have an idea about what works and what doesn't.

    Historically low elo players have been very slow to adapt.... They simply don't keep up with meta changes, patch notes, item reworks, champion changes yada yada.

    So, How can I make my low elo teammates not troll/grief/ragesplit and actually play the game when I want to try out something new?

    Well the best thing to do is probably duo with someone, and when questioned by your team for your pick just say its a new korean strat and that you have been having success with it.

    • Duoing with someone - reduces the chances of getting someone that gives up just because of a champ pick.

    • Saying its a new korean strat - soothes some braincells. Its all just smoke and mirrors but you would be amazed at how well it works out.

    • Saying you have had success with it - pacifies people and lets you atleast see the first dragon and teamfight before ragequits happen.

    Do keep in mind however it is MUCH MUCH easier for one person to ruin a game even with 4 other people trying their best to win. Some of the most aggresive game-ruining strategies (intentionally feeding nunu that uses smite+consume to counterjungle his own jungler and feed the enemy team buffs on repeat) are so potent that they can invalidate even a smurf's positive influence on the game.

    Essentially, try to do everything possible for you to prevent people from getting to smite+consume int nunu state just because you were trying out some unorthodox strategy. But just realize that if it does get to that stage the game is probably over and its best to try your strat in another game.

    submitted by /u/Amnizu
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    Weird teamcomp idea that I had, would it work, if not, why?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 03:10 PM PST

    Basically if the other teams picks a low engage support and a non dueling jungle, pick a snowballing top and mid (Fiora/akali/yasuo etc etc), and pick an ADC with a good escape and scaling like ezreal. From there pick two super duel heavy junglers like lee sin or kha zix, and have the junglers vertical clear so there's one top and one bot. Start the game with an invade and basically completely deny their jungle of farm, and spam gank

    submitted by /u/Irony_Central
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    How to Play From Behind/ Facilitate a Comeback

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 10:16 AM PST

    I was recently thinking about the fact that I don't really know what to do as both an individual (an ADC player) and as a team when down gold overall and in a state that we would lose most fair fights. The only trick I really know is using pink wards to secure vision and then grouping as 5 so as to bait smaller groups of enemies into your whole team but that's not always effective.

    So, my question is: When behind as an individual what are the best things you can do to make a come back possible, and when in a team (like clash or Flex) what can my teammates and I plan out to make a comeback possible as well?

    submitted by /u/LeaderSheeper
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    Why do abillities deal less damage than they are supposed to do?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 08:00 AM PST

    I've been playing League for over a year now, yet I have just noticed that some abillities deal less damage than they are supposed to deal. For instance, the first part of Graves's ult (the shell itself, not the explosion) deal around 10% less damage to both Dummies in PT, which obviously have no Armour or MR whatsoever, and also enemies in PvP modes. From what I have noticed at least.

    The link below is a showcase of what I mean.


    Is there any hidden mechanic in League that lowers you damage output on certain abillities etc?

    submitted by /u/Insemer
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    Should I pick up Riven as a new player?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 07:35 AM PST

    I googled a bit and it says she has kinda a learning curve and I've seen a couple new balance videos come out recently but I have no idea what they mean. So in the upcoming season will she be worth learning? Rn I only play miss fortune and started the game couple days ago. My options the game has give me is Illaoi, Riven, or Garen

    submitted by /u/StraightBot1
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    So how do I get out of Bronze I as support?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 03:51 PM PST

    I recently started playing League again and I've been struggling to get out of Bronze I playing Sona support.

    The usual scenario is that we manage to keep bot lane competitive, and good poke, but aren't managing to get enough kills. (E.g. after 10 mins maybe 1 or 2 kills in our lane for the ADC/jgl).

    I keep thinking I'm playing well in these matches, successfully bullying the enemy bot lane, protecting our ADC, and keeping them from CS, but we end up hard pushed against their tower making it harder to get kills.

    The biggest problem comes from when other lanes lose in laning phase, and we can't get our ADC fed enough. I can't stop other lanes feeding, but maybe I can do something different to get my adc more kills?

    What can I do differently with Sona to improve my win rate?

    submitted by /u/the_someguy
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    Transitionning from locked to unlocked camera

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 12:01 PM PST

    So I've been playing with locked cam since i started playing lol 8 mounths ago, but now as my level progressed i found myself unable to di it cuz i deny myself so much info and it's hard to play champs with long ranges abilities or playing against them with locked cam, I've managed to do it and move the camera around with my mouse while doing something simple like just farming and last hitting and moving around the map ...etc but when i'm doing something more intense like trading, kiting, ganking, flanking, I'm unable to do it, and if I try i find myself looking at my nexus. So do u have any tips to improve in this aerea or is that something that naturally comes by with more practice?

    submitted by /u/Aenyr
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    Can someone actually breakdown Pstarzilean, Ratirl etc (troll but win in high elo)

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 01:46 AM PST

    Title basically, there's a million tips on this subreddit about how to play optimally etc but then I go to twitch and watch these guys and they will literally troll games in Masters+ and still win. This is what I don't understand, all these tips; get at least 7 cs/min, ward, focus objectives etc. Yet these guys are winning games at the highest elo where everyone should know what they're doing and champ choice should matter a lot. I just don't get it.

    Pstar, half the time he will just ragesplit bot yet still wins all the time and will even just suicide mid for cs. I over extend once in my plat game and the games over.

    Ratirl, twitch top?!!? sorry but how are masters+ players not annihilating it? the jungle should just camp him etc but still he somehow gets fed every game.

    Tyler1, Not as good as the others but how can you play ivern top for example even in diamond and still win?? I can barely play Darius in low plat and win after watching 10 guides, or first time any champ for that matter in high diamond.

    Can someone actually explain what they're doing to win even when basically trolling? I mean rat's playing AP twitch sup, why isn't the enemy mid/jg just camping bot and picking up double kills.

    What do these guys do so well that even at the top level they can troll and still win? I'd be happy just to hit diamond. It must be the equivalent of when I play in Bronze matches I assume they just have free reign to control their games.

    P.s I'm currently abusing hecarim but even still I find some games are just so difficult even though i'm getting huge most games.

    submitted by /u/gily69
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    is anyone here on medications such as snri/ssri?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 09:47 AM PST

    I wonder how did it affect your league of legends performance? I'm currently on one for mental health issues, and I find my reaction time and processing speed to be slower, I also can't seem to think clearly, not sure if that's just me or if the medication is just bad overall for league of legends.

    i'd like to know others experience on it in regards to league of legends.

    submitted by /u/Fluid_Difference9469
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    Im so bad in jungle

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 09:36 AM PST

    I started playing league not long ago and have been playing support but i would like to switch to jungle.I dont think im bad at support and can do good early and late game but when i play jungle im unable to do anything and get shouted at in game chat for being about 4 levels behind everyone else and i cant even get a single kill on a gank because i just get easily one or two shot. What do i do?

    submitted by /u/Charlie76367
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    How much difference does the fps and ping make to my skill level?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 11:57 PM PST

    For context, I have a bad pc, league goes at 10-20 fps (5 at Teamfights) and my ping tends to be more stable but sometimes reaches 500-1000 ms. I am currently bronze 1 and I have tried hard to learn the game but I cannot get out of my rank because of that limitation.

    I have played on other friends computers with gold-platinum rank people and I feel that this is my level. Any tips to handle this issue and improve as a player with technical disadvantages?

    submitted by /u/Bromero01
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    Should I give up on Akali?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 12:03 AM PST

    Hello again, So the reason why i'm here today is because i've recently considered giving up on akali. I've noticed that most matches i literally can't do a single thing unless i'm hard fed in my lane. If i'm not fed, my K/D sucks, and I suck in that match. The reason i've stuck with her until now whilst knowing this is because I for some reason bought the all out skin when I played my first match with her since I was fed, now i regret that decision and don't know what to do. I've tried her out a few a more times but it hasn't been getting better, and yesterday I went 3/14, which is ultimately why i'm starting to think that maybe Akali wasn't a good choice for me. If you could leave your thoughts in the comments that would be appreciated, because at this point i don't know what to do.

    submitted by /u/Yenshirou
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    How many junglers should I play?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 06:53 AM PST


    So Im g2 and have played about year and a half. I decided to get into playing jungle at the end of the season. The problem I have right now is that there are too many junglers that I would like to play so I cant really focus on only few of them. The ones I play right now are graves, jax, elise, evelynn and rek sai. I also play nunu if my team needs a tank. My favourite champion is Sylas but right now his jungle is so bad atleast in low elo that I dont play him. So how many champs do you recommend I should play and which ones should I focus on?

    submitted by /u/GangsteriTonttu
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    What can help me improve my kiting as an AD player?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 12:34 AM PST

    I play the "kite" ADCs like Kaisa, Vayne, Lucian, etc (to be fair all ADs need to kite but the low range ADs like the ones I mentioned need to employ it much more in teamfights)

    Having played these champs for a while, I've learned how to weave in attack move and player move during teamfights to deal dps while moving about to evade spells or enemies targeting me. However, I still unnecessarily get CC'd or fail to out-kite enemies who dive me sometimes, especially if there's like 3 enemies out for my neck.

    Though it is a bad example to refer to, I've seen champion montages of Vayne or Kaisa 1v3/4'ing and masterfully evading all sorts of spells while simutaneously outputting tons of damage. In contrast, I sometimes straight up walk into a lux root lmao. What can I do to improve my kiting up till a point like in these montages?

    submitted by /u/PiroKyCral
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    I made a video giving some advice on how to best prepare for Ranked Season 11!

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 09:31 AM PST


    Preseason 2021 is not only the most game changing one we've had yet, but also arguably the most important preseason to take seriously to give you an edge in the coming year for climbing. So I decided to make a quick video detailing what you should do for the next month and a half to be better prepared to finally make that push for Plat/Diamond/Master+ :) Let me know what you think!

    submitted by /u/VarsVerum
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