• Breaking News

    Saturday, November 21, 2020

    League of Legends The LEC wins Esports Content Team of the Year at the Esports Awards 2020

    League of Legends The LEC wins Esports Content Team of the Year at the Esports Awards 2020

    The LEC wins Esports Content Team of the Year at the Esports Awards 2020

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 02:50 PM PST

    PowerOfEvil Joins TSM | Official TSM PoE Mid Laner Announcement

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 08:02 AM PST

    New Champion Teaser

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 08:04 AM PST

    The League Twitter just tweeted this:

    "Hurt someone enough, and they just might hurt you back."

    With a picture of a lance that matches the lance of the teaser from the September Roadmap for the tank support that's supposed to come out next patch.

    This lance was also spotted in the preseason shop splash.

    submitted by /u/Spideraxe30
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    EG singed Ignar as a new support

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 11:49 AM PST

    Former Misfits support leaves FlyQuest and joins an dark side and will be playing for Evil Geniuses next season. I didn't find this announcament anywhere on this subbredit, so I'm posting it here. What do you guys think about this, even if it was "leaked" a couple of days earlier?


    Edit : Made mistake in the title, no fun in editing it.

    submitted by /u/ssejn
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    Just your average yasuo main (reposted for better quality)

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 12:35 PM PST

    I have fed GPT-3, the most advanced AI up to date, a post from this subreddit, and it decided to generate 17 tips for new players. I hope they will be of help!

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 11:36 AM PST

    Some tips for new players:

    1. Ignore people who tell you to "Win some normals and then come back". If you've never played an online game before, it's pretty fuckin' weird to put your head down and pretend you're working when everyone else is chatting. You will suck, we all did.

    2. Don't get butthurt. Just because there was some toxic behaviour in the room doesn't mean it's also moderate. GG not banned for being toxic because they're generally toxic.

    3. Listen to people who are actually friendly. It's how you tell if someone's being friendly or if they're just trying to be friendly by being nice to a new player.

    4. Accept nobody can carry like you. No one can. It mocks the effort everyone puts in, when you join a game crying "THIS TEAM NEEDS TO LEAN BACK, IT'S TOO DAMN FARMING" itoffends the thousands of hours of practice everyone else has put in.

    5. YOU ARE NOT THE JUNGLER. You are not. You are a toplaner. It's not your job to steal camps.

    6. You may never jungle in this game again, so stop trying.

    7. Follow your support. Unless they don't gank. In which case, tell them to gank. If they say "I can't kill them" leave it.

    8. You don't complain about how lanes are at the start, you pink ward the map. Only then do you say "You aren't my support. I'm reporting you. . ."

    9. Don't talk to the botlane. Many new tolaners do this. Why? THEY'RE BOTLANES AND YOU ARE NOT BOTLANING! Even if you are, one of them might be new and it's quite likely they could upset them.

    10. Don't try and jungle in an ARAM. You will die a tragic death.

    11. If you go afk before the game starts, press start/back and restart the game.

    12. If you ever get on a team without a jungler: don't try to jungle.

    13. Never, ever run to protect your fed ADCs.

    14. Invade Atlantis.

    15. Mouse over champion portraits and press Alt+Ctrl to see their runes and skills. It'll save a lot of time and it's helpful.

    16. Only get rid of dominion if your team are on a losing streak and you need to get gold. If you're behind, tell your teammates to go for towers, ask for a baron. If you're ahead, ask for a team fight, don't waste baron.

    17. Stop running around out of your lane to 'save your ADC'. Get a Void Shield.

    submitted by /u/Ayumu_Kasuga
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    "The Collector" Should show an execute threshold and how much gold you've made from it's passive.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 12:16 PM PST

    Would be great Quality Of Life if it had an execute threshold like Cho'gath ulti, or the elder drake buff. It'd also be nice to know if when you hovered the item it showed total gold netted from its Death and Taxes Passive. Overall feels a bit inconsistent right now and I feel this would help.

    submitted by /u/BabyGeeezus
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    Perkz - will you ever come to NA? - Interview excerpt from July 2018

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 01:19 PM PST

    My girlfriend saw me go 0-17 and decided to go to sleep instead of duo que together

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 09:59 PM PST

    Basically the title. My girlfriend used to play league in college and got up to silver or low gold. I've watched plenty of streams and as we've been getting more bored recently I suggested we play together. I've never played before, but figured I could pick up the game quick. I was doing an unranked game trying to get to level 30 while she was booting up her computer and after watching me go 0/17/5 Lux top she decided that sleep was probably a better alternative then duo queuing. Where does my LOL career go from here?

    Quick edit: I appreciate everyone giving me advice and offering to help teach me! Y'all are too kind and I'll be sure to give an update post if I make any progress. Also yes- I was arrogant to assume I'd pick up the game quick. I'm competitive and have a big ego; time will tell if I get hard stuck bronze or make it to a respectable rank.

    submitted by /u/NomNomNomNomNomm
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    Selfmade: LIDER is better than 7/10 midlaners in EU

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 09:00 AM PST

    Prostreams.gg now supports LPL streaming sites Douyu and Huya so you can watch pros like Jackeylove, Doinb, and Karsa live!

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 01:05 PM PST

    I posted about my project prostreams.gg a few days back. It's a website to watch professional players stream League of Legends and find streams by player, role, and region.

    Due to popular request, I added support for Douyu and Huya. This is where a lot of popular LPL players stream their games. These sites tend to be pretty hard to navigate (especially as a non-Chinese speaker) and it's near impossible to know which LPL pros are currently streaming. Now you can just directly find the top streaming LPL pros and watch their streams directly on prostreams.gg!

    I've already sunk a lot of time into watching players like Jackeylove and Doinb.

    Cheers everyone :) Please leave a comment with any more features you'd like to see.

    submitted by /u/djinglealltheway
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    Upcoming changes to Anivia

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 07:00 AM PST

    Riot Scruffy Tweeted the upcoming changes for Anivia

    With Anivia needing adjustments for 10.25, @RiotAzuBK wanted to expand the scope a bit and do a QoL pass on her


    • Unbind her from Tear so it's an option not mandatory

    • Improve reliability and flexibility of Q and R

    Tuning may still change, this should be on PBE next week

    Image version of the changes: https://i.imgur.com/kapwFXS.png

    Base stats

    • Attack Delay Cast Offset: -0.008 >>> -0.1

    • Basic Attack Missile Speed: 1500 >>> 1600


    • [c] Damage down, utility up, QoL up.

    • Now Chills enemies it passes over

    • Passthrough Damage: 60/85/110/135/160 (+.45 AP) >>> 50/70/90/110/130 (+0.25 AP)

    • Explosion Damage: 60/85/110/135/160 (+.45 AP) >>> 70/105/140/175/210 (+0.5 AP)

    • Cooldown: 10/9.5/9/8.5/8 >>> 11/10/9/8/7s

    • Mana Cost: 80/90/100/110/120 >>> 80/85/90/95/100

    • Missile Speed: 800 >>> 950


    • Length: 400/500/600/700/800 >>> 500/575/650/725/800

    • Cooldown: 17 >>> 20/19/18/17/16s


    • Mana Cost: 50/60/70/80/90 >>> 40

    • Damage: 50/75/100/125/150 (+0.5 AP) >>> 60/90/120/150/180 )+0.6 AP)


    • Cooldown: 6s >>> 4/2.5/1s

    • Damage: 40/60/80 (+0.125 AP) >>> 30/45/60 (+0.125 AP)

    submitted by /u/MonstrousYi
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    Tanks dont need to deal insane damage to be interesting and useful. Where did all that creativity go that was used on Offensive mythics when making Tank mythics?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 01:10 AM PST

    Tanks should keep their high base damages so they dont auto lose trades early but come mid-late game they should be doing peashooter damage in most cases. It would be ok if they did shit damage if they had other ways to be useful besides unkillable false juggernauts.

    Since mythics are the items that define our build, [OUR CORE] and change the way we play the game, why not have tank mythics be the most defining? Tanks dont have to be played in just one way. There are many things tanks could do besides deal more damage the longer they are in a fight. Where is the utility, the buffing, the supportive but aggressive frontline playstyles?

    The biggest dilemma with tanks currently is that they either do so much damage that you have to kill them or they will eventually wipe your team, but they end up being so tanky and dealing enough consistent damage that you cant or they do no damage and have barely any usefulness outside of a bit of disruption so you just ignore them and focus down the carries while they hit you with wet noodles and wait for the cooldowns. Tanks need to be annoying enough that you want to focus them down but they shouldnt be able to solo the enemy team. How do we achieve this? Through large, team wide effects that assist your team in various ways. This could be things from AoE Hard CC to super buffing a single teammate to buffing the whole team. Hell, even debuffing the enemy team is a way. Anything but pure damage. Here is a quick rework of the current tank mythics with one new Mana tank mythic.

    I also think mythics arent always rush items since you dont even get the mythic bonus until after a legendary item.

    • Frostfire could have had hard CC in the form of a ice field around the carrier during combat that slows. Enemies in the slow field for 5s get increasingly slower then freeze for 1.5s [HARD CC MYTHIC]
    • Chemtank could have buffed allies with MS after slowing opponents and grant then Tenacity [TEAM BUFF MYTHIC]
    • Sunfire could have applied 40% Grievous Wounds on burn and when maxed, apply 60% Grievous Wounds. Allies that hit immolated enemies ignite them, causing them to burn for an additional 5 seconds and applying 60% GW. Ignite has an internal CD per enemy of 15s [ENEMY TEAM DEBUFF MYTHIC]
    • Could add a pure health item similar to Cinderhulk. Builds out of Bami's Cinder+Kindlegem+Tear of the Goddess. 500Health/400 mana/10 Ability Haste. ITEM STACKED Gain 5% - 35% damage reduction scaling up with missing mana, maxing out at 50% mana. A mythic passive that granted 5% health per legendary item [PURE TANK MYTHIC]
    • Shurelia could allow you to transfer 2% of your bonus health and resists to an ally and boost their Move Speed by 30% for 4 seconds. During this time, you lose the amount of resists you gave to your target. If you are killed, the target loses the buff. [SOLO SUPER BUFF TANK MYTHIC]

    I also think none of the tank mythics with resists should have flat resists. Instead of 40 armor and 20 mr, something like, 5% increased armor and 5% increased MR. Let legendary items carry flat resists. Not only that, have the resists be adaptive based off which ever is higher be it your armor or mr. Tank mythics could instead say, "Dominant resist +10%/Secondary resist+5%" It would be based off bonus resists. If equal then both resists will get half the value of that a dominant resist would so in this case it would be 5%. If Riot wanted to take this further and stop supports like Rammus and Leona from going crazy with these items early, you can have their percentages scale with levels. Something like 1-20% Dominant resist/1-10% Secondary assist so you dont get level 1 Leona with per-nerf aftershock vibes. Tank supports would be less tanky than their solo counterparts as they would naturally be a lower level. Also, tank mythics having percentage adaptive resists means other classes like ADC/Mages/Fighters cant build them and be as effective as a tank would with them.

    A change like this would mean tanks can build these mythics and not worry about having the tank mythic's resists going to waste and more about their functions.

    Edit: I want Bami's Cinder to remain a staple but reduce or completely remove the damage it does to champions. I also avoided changing recipes because I just wanted to discuss item effects. Recipes can be Riot. Same goes with numbers. These are just values I pulled from items with "similar" effects.

    submitted by /u/ParadisePrime
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    KT's former ADC Aiming will play in the LPL

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 08:03 AM PST

    I miss twisted treeline so much

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 06:40 AM PST

    Twisted treeline was such a great game mode and my friend and I almost exclusively played it. We took a break for a while and now are back into league this year.

    It was a different experience and was more fun than Aram imo.

    The rotating game modes that come in and out like urf and the spirit blossom event have been fun and almost scratch that itch I miss from twisted treelines but some nights I just really want to play a 3v3 game

    submitted by /u/RHeniz
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    If an ADC wants to buy an MR/Armor item, they have to skip crit. Skipping crit goes against the point of the crit rework.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 06:23 AM PST

    So everybody's saying how diverse crit builds are now, and that's true but only on the offensive/utility side. Before, you could sit on 50/75% crit and get your DD/Maw/GA, but if you do that now, you have lower crit chance, and because you'll delay IE, lower crit dmg too.

    The items I'm talking about:

    • Maw: great into AP, but no crit
    • Death's Dance: great into AD, but no crit
    • GA: great in general, but no crit
    • Scimitar: yes crit, but situational, it's a shit buy into Fizz, Katarina, Akali, Ekko, Viktor, etc.
    • Bloodthrister: yes crit, but very expensive and it only feels defensive into bruisers, not into assassins/burst mages.

    I'm not saying that Maw, GA and DD should get crit because that would screw their non-ADC users. I'm just pointing out that crit ADCs this patch are all about stacking crit on every buy, but ADCs have NO defensive options with crit other than QSS and BT which are too situational.

    It would be nice if crit ADCs got a crit+MR and crit+Armor options, so that they can itemize against the 12-1 Katarina without dumpstering their already low dmg.

    submitted by /u/Jandromon
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    ADC Player Innaxe remixed K/DA's MORE

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 11:26 AM PST

    Quality of Life for Horizon Focus

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 10:01 AM PST

    I have no idea what 750 range looks like, let alone which if any of my abilities are above that.

    This could be easily solved by either a range indicator when hovering over the item in the shop, or somehow highlighting the abilities that have the capacity to proc this. Or even including range numbers in the hover over of an ability.

    Example. Lux's ult is easy. But does her q or e count? Other than looking it up outside the game, is there a way to find out ranges numerically in game in real time?


    submitted by /u/ShadowfoxDrow
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    Cho'Gath's Knock Up (Q) has a tine knockback that is distributed randomly

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 04:35 PM PST

    Cho'Gath's Knock Up (Q) has a tine knockback that is distributed randomly

    I placed 3 Dummies on the exact same spot and then started using Cho'Gath's Q on them. Over time they started dispersing and moving in different directions. It seems that it is not only a knock up, but also a slight knock back coming from the center and spreading to the edge. Non of this is stated in the description. Additional fun fact: Targets on the edge of his knock take more damage. Happy 11th Anniversary.


    submitted by /u/KnowsItBetter69
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    Shen has no counters top lane besides kayle. because shes OP and hes about to be nerfed

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 11:07 AM PST


    he has at least 51.5% winrate against every top laner in the game besides 4, even other "OP" tank tops have more champs they have a sub 50% winrate again. because counters exist

    Shen is uncounterable. he just isn't his damage in the early game is more than non tanks and carries. he has to be looked at

    he has 52%+ winrate against like 30+ top laners. there is absolutely nothing you can fucking do against a shen top with ignite

    submitted by /u/Quatro_Leches
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    These LCS In-Houses are CHAOS and I love it

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 12:18 PM PST

    Constant fighting and action every few minutes and players really showing off their mechanics left and right. Some may call it a fiesta but I call it a BANGER

    A small example of some of the repeat fighting that auto direct could barely keep up with: https://clips.twitch.tv/CuteBreakableAlmondPipeHype

    Shoutout to Corejj, the man didn't drop a single game that I casted last night! Absolute monster

    submitted by /u/iDoNotCap
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    TF Blade in a nutshell

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 09:06 PM PST

    Ixtal was unveiled to us nearly a year and a half ago, and I think everyone just forgot.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 02:36 AM PST

    I remembered when Ixtal was first unveiled, I was actually really interested in seeing its development. A perilous jungle region where it's inhabitants are ferocious, exotic beasts and elemental masters? Hell yeah, sign me up.

    I've since then ENTIRELY forgot it happened. The most recent champion made for it was Qiyana, making up it's enormous roster of literally six, 4 of them just kind of thrown in there like "the fuck is a Malphite, idk let's put him in there lol"

    Looking up Champion releases, the last "beast" champion was Ornn in 2017, and he's literally infamous for not receiving any attention in those 3 years. (Yuumi doesn't count, that's a cat on a book, and Lillia is half human).

    I'll expect Ixtals' first champion release in 2022, after KDA We Made Another Skinline Give Us Money 3's hit release. Instead of a beast related or themed champion, it'll be Qiyana 2, Bigger Tits edition. Control the elements of the world to release a legendary skinline and 5 chromas, 4 of which you only unlock through the Qiyana 2 bundle. Make sure you also buy the prestige edition skin at the end of the year, or else we'll actually have to diversify our champion releases.

    submitted by /u/DaveyGunfaceIV
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    Nemesis reacts to bwipo

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 12:15 AM PST

    The worst thing about amazing skin concepts

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 04:16 PM PST

    Over the past couple of days, I've been looking at various skin concepts as the community comes up with some amazing stuff. The worst part is, is when you find an amazing skin concept for a champion that you would love to see in-game, yet you know it is so incredibly unlikely. This becomes extra annoying for champions who are a bit less popular with less skins such as Kled who I am a big fan of. These champions are way more likely to get overlooked but this 'problem' even exists with decently popular champions like Ornn. https://www.artstation.com/artwork/KaDDnr That link leads to a Kled Dragonslayer/Tamer style skin which I absolutely love but it upsets me a little to know it will likely never see the light of day. Great work to the creator of the concept though, very well done.

    Small edit : I would spend decent money on this too, super cool idea. Feel free to list any concepts you guys have seen that you like, I'll check them out (even if it will hurt me even more seeing amazing skins that probably wont ever exist)

    submitted by /u/imadeaypto
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