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    Saturday, November 7, 2020

    LoL Guide Should I stop forcing myself to get Diamond?

    LoL Guide Should I stop forcing myself to get Diamond?

    Should I stop forcing myself to get Diamond?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 12:19 AM PST

    Ranked season is about to end, and I haven't reached my goal for the year, and that is, to reach Diamond 4. I really want to reach this milestone, this is the least I can achieve this year. But things haven't been great for me, there are schoolworks, household chores, and other things that are stopping me to reach this goal. I tried playing 10 games during a free day, but it seems really exhausting because I do other stuff. I do have the mindset and presence in playing but it's not really paying off because of how much time I got left. Should I keep going? Is it worth it? Is it better to relax and just try harder next season? Currently Platinum 3 and yes it seems like a long way.

    submitted by /u/thecaptain126
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    Is it worth it to buy elixirs in mid game?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 07:35 AM PST

    I was playing Syndra and I had enough gold to buy the sorcery elixer but not the component of the item I wanted. It was kinda strong. 50 bonus ap and 25 true damage to champions and turrets. It was kinda sick but it wasn't cheap. Is it worth the 500g investment?

    submitted by /u/NairodI
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    Dark Harvest vs Electrocute - How do you decide?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 09:41 AM PST

    Basically the title. If you're playing a burst mage (Annie, LeBlanc, etc.), what are the reasons behind taking either Dark Harvest or Electrocute? What are the pros and cons of each respectively?

    I've usually thought of DH as a meme rune, but I've seen it somewhat consistently in pro play (I remember Jankos playing DH Lillia in the Knockout Stage). What makes a champ/situation fit more with Dark Harvest? Asking specifically in regards to Annie, but I'm curious as to the general consensus as well. If it helps contextualize, I'm in Silver, so I feel like there would be more opportunities to stack Dark Harvest in my elo than say Diamond.

    submitted by /u/Pkch42
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    Help me puzzle out what I could do about this loss streak

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 11:00 AM PST

    So last week I fell from p1 to p4 and for most of my games in this span I can't figure out what I could have done different to fix it.

    I play support and I had 60%+ WR when I hit Plat 1 this season. Yet after that I started getting these massive loss streaks where I felt like there was nothing I could do. As best I could figure out from reviewing replays and stats was that almost every time two of my lanes, usually mid and jungle, just lost out massively, picking deaths left and right putting the team so far behind in a hole that even if I managed to swing bot lane in our favour, those other lanes spilled all over the map and put us behind as well.

    I do think I'm pretty good and many times in those games I managed to claw the game back to a somewhat recoverable state by getting picks and, usually more importantly, preventing them, yet most of the time that doesn't end up mattering because those players who are playing badly either continue to do so to such an extent that nothing can be done (constant solo deaths all over the map) or end up in flame wars to the point that someone just quits playing.

    Not that I claim that I always win bot, because it depends so much on the ADC too and I'm playing solo, but I almost never lose the lane either. On League of Graphs I almost always had the unkillable and ungankable tags because I'd die tops 1 time before 10 mins and that's not because I'm playing afraid and doing nothing. If the lane state allows it, I'm constantly trading with the enemy ADC and it's not rare for me to get a pick. It just feels that even getting ahead is not enough to offset the losses elsewhere.

    I don't feel like it's my champ pool either, on what ever I am I end up pretty impactful and not like there are that many 1v9 supports out there. Neither am I stressing about climbing, I don't even think about that when I play.

    The answer that feels correct to me is that when matchmaking the game matches people over a span of MMR and I get to be the one who balances a high MMR enemy, but I'm support so I can't win 3 lanes at once and my game impact ends up lower than the enemy high MMR players who happen to be in more impactful roles. Still, we know all about the truth of feelings so that might just be a fantasy of mine.

    Anyway, do check out my OP.gg and see my great 25% WR.

    Edit: OP.GG link was somehow broken, edited to fix.

    submitted by /u/Mean_Rev
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    LS says that Soraka top and mid (as well as her main role support) is one of the best climbing picks at all elos, even in bronze. Do you think this is true?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 10:48 AM PST

    I saw this information on LS's patreon tier list. I will not be linking it here as you have to subscribe to his patreon (for $5) to see them.

    While its well known that LS thinks Soraka is really amazing champion, and has always thought that at least for support, I'm surprised by his endorsement of solo lane Soraka and I'm conflicted about whether I should play it in ranked (I'm in bronze and still pretty new to the game).

    I've played it in normals a bit mostly for top lane, but also a bit of mid lane as well. Some advantages of the pick include:

    1. Ability to win most trades in the early game with Q max due to the sustain. Very safe if freezes are maintained near tower line and can use the sustain to bait all ins or win tower dives (idk in my normal game elo EVERYONE tower dives me, so I press Q and win).
    2. Comes online faster with the solo farm, but even if you don't get that much CS, even 3-4 CS/min is good enough to get athenes/redemption/locket and put in work.
    3. Similarly to support Soraka, she scales extremely well in utility as the game goes on, so you can essentially carry the game by keeping your team alive and healed up, even though you won't scale very well in terms of damage output. Thus, even if you don't solo kill you lane opponent over and over again you can often have a larger impact on the game than them.

    Some cons of the pick I've noticed include:

    1. Teammates being weirded out or flaming the pick even when you keep them alive and allow them go HAM.
    2. Probably among the lowest late game damage output if played in mid, top doesn't feel this problem as much. In top the downside is slow pushes and the enemy freezing at their tower line will punish you hard, but you also don't need much CS so its not as big of a deal as it would be for say a Vladimir.
    3. Wave clear is better than most enchanters but she needs like 3-4 Qs to shove waves (casters need 2 maxed Qs to die).

    Anyway I'd really like to know more about what you guys would say. Besides what I've said here, LS's list also puts Soraka botlane as an S tier pick in gold and higher, as well as a blind pick for top, bot and support, but not mid.

    I think his lists are supposed to be more for general climbing in solo queue while improving at game fundamentals, rather than a reflection of specific metas derived from the pro scene. As a result, if you did look at his lists (he has ones from last season on YT that are somewhat similar) you'd notice that he doesn't even list champs that are too hard to be worth it (like Azir) or too team and coordination dependent (Taric). And of course Annie is S tier on his list up to Diamond, in both mid and top.

    submitted by /u/XenoVX
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    How do you play early game champions?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 06:01 PM PST

    Hello, I am currently a silver mid laner that mains basically every single scaling mid lane in the game (kassadin, vladimir, casseiopeia, veigar, and sometimes even play jax mid). I have always liked playing scaling champions (I'm especially obsessed with the concept of infinite scaling) and I struggle to play early and mid game champions. When I play something like kassadin, it feels like I can just afk splitpush and get items and levels and win the game by doing the exact same thing every single game. However, when I play something a little more early game oriented, it feels like I lose the game by making one or two mistakes. I also find that I manage to get kills in the mid or early game even when I'm playing scaling champions. Can someone please explain to me why I suck at playing early game champions so much, and what I should be doing while playing early game champions (should i be permashoving to roam, should i be letting the enemy push into me so i can run them down)? For reference, I estimate that I get about 50% of my kills in teamfights, 45% from 1v1s and 1v2s, and 5% from picks. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/08312005l
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    How to Climb as a Non-Carry

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 10:06 AM PST

    I am in gold IV and am struggling to climb. I am definitely a Non-Carry player. I prefer to play non-carries like ornn and stuff or at most, pseudo-carries like Sett. However, since I cannot rely on low elo teammates being good carries, I have to play carries myself. I have had the most success on Kayle and Fiora, but I am still not the best or used to playing as a carry. Is there anything I can do to climb better when I don't want to play a carry champ?

    submitted by /u/Capsaisyn
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    The best guide for dummies and even experienced players about improving and climbing at LoL !

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 07:02 AM PST

    Before reading all the stuff below , here is why you can trust me about the stuff below

    I am experienced Diamond player who play this game for 3-5 hours a day for 5 years straight.

    Here are the best 3 rules you should remember !

    1.The most important rule ! Stop overcomplicating things !

    You didn't lose your ranked games because they got more broken champions , you lose because your team did more mistakes than them.

    Early game bullies , Scaling and Hypercarries ? They all doesn't matter ! Game is decided by pure skill and mistakes done !

    You can't carry 1v9 when you are fed anymore ! Understand this please , it is already Season 11 and developers wants the game to be decided by the better team ! Not by the most fed player.

    1. Stop tilting. You can't do anything about your team being bad ! Accept the lose because it is a team game !

    Yes and that matters even to you hypercarry mains ! You are Jax with full build in late game and you still lose ?? YES ! Because your team made the mistake or even you fucked up and the enemy team punished you properly !

    1. You might not care about this rule but here is what.

    The champion you play matters but not that much :)

    Play your best champion. If you can go very well with Sion or mediocre with Fiora what would you chose ? Fiora ? No. Mistakes lose and win the game and when you play Fiora you can make much more mistakes !

    Okay guys hoped that helped you :)

    submitted by /u/Vanchovski
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    Why do i play like absolute garbage some games and hardstomp others?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 02:12 PM PST

    So i am a jng main, i play ekko, khazix and graves. Some games ill go 5/0 or 18/6. and then ill go 2/9 the next game. i usually have similar farm and keep up but i just dont have any impact. If the enemy decides to invade without vision and just yolo it, and i get caught twice. I am usually just going to straight up überfeed as ekko. How do i avoid this and how can i learn from this? Most of the time if im ahead i invade, track the enemy jungler and ward his jungle but if im behind with 0 vision its so much harder. My biggest weakness ive noticed is having vision control when behind, in the last game i got kileld multiple times in my own jungle due to very few wards out.

    submitted by /u/Needmeawhip
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    I’m Really New to League and I have a few Rookie questions.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 10:19 PM PST

    Is Gold Shared with your teammates or does everyone have their own personal sum?
    What do the different roles do? (Top Laner, Jungler, Support)
    What are Items in the shop? On the character select screen, why do some of the champions have an unlock symbol by their character?

    I'm sorry if I'm really bad.

    submitted by /u/HEYITSTOMMY3
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    What to do if my mental is my biggest ranked issue?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 11:25 AM PST

    I'm a gold 4 player who plays on LAS server. I found out that the thing that makes me not climb the most, is my mental. 75% of my ranked games my performance is deteriorated by me not being able to think properly, it feels like my mind gets stuck while playing. Does someone else experience the same? And if you know a way to fix this problem, I would appreciate that you leave a comment explaining how.

    submitted by /u/Riloox
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    Creating my own items build vs using the recommended one (blitz app)

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 03:25 PM PST

    So Im somewhat new to this game (currently lvl 28 after playing for 2 weeks) and I started using blitz cause I didnt want to be overwhelmed by runes and items just yet. Well, today I decided to make my first items build for akali by my own, and of course, as expected, it didnt go well.

    My question is; should I stick to blitz choosing my builds or should I keep trying to build them on my own? Theres just a fuckton of items and I heard that theyre going to be reworked really soon, so I dont know if its worth my time.

    Here Ill write what build I went for, in case someone is interested.

    I know that akali can go both AP or AD depending on the lane and situation. I am playing mid, so as I know Ill be facing a lot of mages with ranged attacks, I went AP and magic pen. with many of my items. What did I do tremendously wrong? Forget about magic resistance. It wasnt that big of a deal as I can just search magic res. items in-game, but as I dont know the majority of them Id spend a lot of time reading each. So yeah, it turned out to be a bigger deal.

    I also noticed that I picked very few items, and so my versatility was not as good as one would desire. To end this, I picked some items with mana boosts just because I liked their passives, but I found myself with bad stats cause some of my items would waste them in useless mana instead of AP, magic res. or magic pen. For example, sheen gives 250 mana and 10% reduction, with a passive that makes an auto attack attack to deal 100% bonus damage after casting an ability, so I thought that was pretty damn good for akali (Q, E so I get out of my passive, E again to get close and bam, my auto attack deals critical dmg with my passive plus 100% bonus dmg with sheen) , but then I would be getting 300+ mana which is of course useless for akali and 10% bonus attack speed, when I could be getting AP or armor pen. instead with other items.

    Finally, I wanna point out that I dont know what the 80% (10%+-) of the items do, so yeah thats obviously an inconvenient.

    So that was pretty much all, thanks for reading and thanks in advance for all the help!

    submitted by /u/FETU55LAYER
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    What’s a good balance between clearing camps and ganking when I jungle.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 03:11 PM PST

    I got the game less than a month ago I'm level 26 and after 1 tricking renekton top lane, I picked up Nunu for ig. But whenever I play Nunu I always just end up ganking lane after lane, and when I go to clear camps I get flamed for not helping. How should I be doing this?

    submitted by /u/BoatIsTaken
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    What do you see good supports do or do well?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 01:07 PM PST

    What do good Supports do that bad supports don't?

    I'm trying to get better at support. I currently use Morgana and Soraka. Mostly Morgana. I build the auto suggested items. I've played two WHOLE games PVP. Right now I'm focusing on map vision and not auto hitting minions. What are things you see good supports do well? I don't look at KDA as a metric for myself. I usually look at ADC kills/cs.

    submitted by /u/malth1s
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    I see many people playing League either if they dont want to, and I dont think that is the right ting to do

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 04:42 PM PST

    I lately saw posts on Reddit on people playing League because they want to reach a goal in it, but the thing is that they dont feel like playing and they play just to reach that goal. I dont have really much experience in the game, but I say if you are trying to reach a goal, first finish all your chores, and only play when you feel like, because if you dont you wil probabbly end up getting mad because your team or feeding, and you will stress out, and you will get more far and far from your goal. But anyways? What is the point of playing a videogame if you dont want to?

    submitted by /u/theww3
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    How to deal with fiddlesticks?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 04:35 PM PST

    I'm gold I right now and everytime I'm against one it feels like it's almost a free win. Once he hits 6 he can one shot my entire team while spamming W and I can't move because I'm cc'd for over 2 seconds. Once he gets zhonyas I feel there's zero counterplay because even if If I survive his R ( which I cant because of the damage) I can't even damage him or stun him. If I build banshee's or zhonyas then maybe I survive but the rest of my team is dead and I die shortly after. Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/BorkThyGuy
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    Effectively using free cam?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 04:33 PM PST

    Hey all,

    I find free cam a bit less disorientation in laning phase so I've begun trying to use it for playing. However, I play mostly long-range artillerly mages like Lux, Xerath, and Vel'Koz, who should benefit greatly from free cam, but I find myself more frequently missing with this type of cam. The biggest reason for this I've found is that I have my mouse at the very edge of my screen when throwing out a skillshot and thus move the screen by accident, thereby completely missing the shot. I've also found that, if I keep my champion at the very edge of the screen, I lose track of it and become liable to being hit by skillshots. Where should I look to have the screen in relation to my champion?

    submitted by /u/Bruh-I-Cant-Even
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    How to get out of Gold when you're put into smurf queue against boosters?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 04:21 PM PST

    Literally been playing out of my mind just to get back to plat on my main account...

    But this god forsaken matchmaking seems to have put me in smurf queue and now I'm against oddly good low Golds, 3-4 timing champs they've never played with ridiculous 20-4 KDAS jumping from low Gold/Silver to high Gold/Plat.

    Gee, thanks Riot...

    So how must one go about getting back to plat in smurf queue?

    submitted by /u/yourLocalStorage
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    When to start Ranked?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 04:14 PM PST

    Hi all, I am nearing level 30 and want to know a little bit about when would be a good time to jump into ranked. I have been having really good games in draft pick and I would like to go for ranked, but the only problem is I really only know 1 role well, and 2 others fairly decently. If I queue ranked and get Jungle, for instance, its an auto L. I have tried queueing for it a few times but I just do not enjoy it and I'm really bad at it. Am I ok to try and jump into ranked? Or should I try for proficiency on all 5 roles before I attempt it?

    (The reason I am curious is because I have been keeping track of my stats on my main role and champ using the tool thing in my stats page and my stats are comparable with Plat/Diamond players on that champ, so I feel as if I am competent enough to try ranked at least on that one role.) I enjoy draft pick fine but I really like ranked grinds.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/LTorve27
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    How do I counter Zed?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 04:07 PM PST

    I have been playing video games since I was 4. I've beaten all the SoulsBorne games, Hollow Knight, Cuphead, love me some Kaizo Mario, yet there's never been anything in any video game that pisses me off as much as Zed. I've never broken a controller but the second I lose lane to him I feel like throwing my monitor out the window and smashing my PC to bits.

    I play mostly Kat with a handful of Kassadin and Tristana for counter picks but have close to a 100% loss rate against this champ.

    His laning phase is just so safe I don't see how to punish him. Level 1 and 2 I lose trades to just autos and his Q or E so I can't really fight him until 3. At that point he steps up and WEQs me. If I dodge it, he steps back for 20 seconds, I get a couple CS, then steps up to try it again. If he hits one I'm dropped to 40% HP and have to pop all 3 pots. If he hits 2 he hard wins lane as I have to back or die.

    Even worse is level 6. If I'm not under tower he 100 to 0s me and I don't see any counterplay. His ult also dodges all my damage so I literally can't do anything but farm under tower. But even then he can hit one WEQ and then dive me 20 seconds later without counterplay.

    After that he roams and 1v5s the game. If I follow him he can just turn around and kill me on the spot. If I ignore him he annihilates my bot lane.

    My only hope seems to be out scaling him in fights. But that's really hard when every Zed I fight is 12 - 0 at 20 minutes and can one shot someone with only WEQ then ult on someone else to kill them.

    I don't understand his counterplay. I don't understand why he can have a laning phase safer than someone like Ahri while winning lane in two skillshots while also snowballing as hard as Yasuo. Literally nothing about this champ feels fair to fight. You can't even stay check him with someone like Renek or Garen because now he just stays back and wins lane off 4 skillshots instead of 2.

    Please please please give me the fucking masterclass on why Zed is actually trash and I'm only losing because I'm low ELO garbage. I want to tilt Zed players so hard they start permabanning Kat and/or uninstall the game.

    Specific questions:

    How do I reliably dodge WEQ? It's fast for me to react to and travels halfway down the lane in 0.1 seconds.

    How do I punish him or get a lead in lane when he just steps back whenever his shadow is down? Even if he misses his skillshots he gets off scott free by just walking back.

    What do I do at level 6? The lane literally becomes unplayable. If I step up I get hit by everything and die or at least half to back because my hp is like 10. Is there anyway to dodge his ult's insane damage? Even if I do kill him pre 6 I'm still boned.

    Finally, how do I stop him from roaming? Even if I do kill him and I stay safe post 6, he can just go farm my teammates. What about following him but super delayed? If I can get there after he uses his ult I can definitely kill him. But even then he'll delete my team and turn it into a 3v2 really fast so that's entirely dependent on how low HP his bot laners are.

    Please guys teach me the ways of the Zed killers! I'm sick of permabanning him when there exists actually impossible matchups like Lucian mid.



    submitted by /u/ZedEqualsCancer
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    Do I have to play tanks toplane?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 02:45 AM PST

    I play Fiora/Camille/Akali top, but a lot of times my teammates ask me to go tank, even though I can play ornn some, I would much rather play the three above champs instead of a tank, is running tank top required for a good comp or can I keep playing Fiora?

    submitted by /u/Irony_Central
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