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    Tuesday, November 17, 2020

    LoL Guide Think before using your abilities and don’t just use them because you can

    LoL Guide Think before using your abilities and don’t just use them because you can

    Think before using your abilities and don’t just use them because you can

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 06:52 AM PST

    So many times I see players just using their abilities without thinking the consequences.

    What do you gain by using it? And is there a better time to use it? Are you putting yourself in danger by using it?

    Let me give few examples:

    1. Blitz hooking an alistar into your whole team. Giving him an easy and possibly 5 man knockup.

    2. Janna or lulu wasting their shield, and then they engage in a fight and lose.

    3. Morde ulting a darius when the darius was caught out in a 1v3 on side lane.

    4. Darius using his W/Q to farm and then just fighting the enemy laner, not realizing he is considerably weaker now.

    5. Supports or tanks engaging without thinking if their team can follow up or not, and whether they have their key ultimates available.

    Things might be better in plat/diamond and above, but down here in gold/silver and below, it's a shit fest of who makes the least mistakes. Just thinking about what you're doing will increase your chances of winning

    submitted by /u/Silencer306
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    The complete guide for overall improvement in League of Legends...

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 08:33 AM PST

    There are almost 500K summoner's in this subreddit learning League. So I wanted to write a post that anyone can simply understand and learn. I'll write this post topic by topic (topics are bold) below. If anyone doesn't interested in some topic they can skip that topic and read other topics. But, I recommend you all to read this full post because, it will change the way you play and you will eventually start to enjoy the game. This post is for players who are trying to climb. If anyone is play this game for fun you don't need to do everything in here. This post mostly focused low-mid elo. But some points in this post will help even challenger level players :) So let's begin!

    1.Physical health & Mental health

    Physical health is a must needed thing for gamers. If you are physically weak, you can't perform your best. In League of Legends you need high level Brain+Eyes+Ears+Hands coordination in order to play better. So if you are sick or physically ill, stop play League until you fully recover your physical health. The other thing is Mental health. Mental health is also a must needed thing in this game. If you are mentally suffering for things, you can't perform your best in this game. It is true that games can help you with your stress & things like that. But if you are playing for the improvement you have to sit down with a good mental health. If your mental health isn't at it's best, then stop play League until you recover your mental health. You can't perform well this good physical health + bad mental health or bad physical health + good mental health. Both of those things must be in good form in order to have better results in your games. If your physical health & mental health are not good at any moment just take a break from League. Do some other activities. Enjoy!

    2.Hardware & Internet connection

    Hardware & Internet connection do huge impact in your gameplay. Even if you have challenger level skill you could be stuck in diamond because of your Hardware & Internet connection. Play with a PC which can at least fulfill the minimum requirements for League. Play with a monitor with high refresh rate. For keyboard and mouse it depends on the player. There are lot of guides on youtube you can watch how to find the best components for you. Mouse sensitivity is a special thing. You need to find the best mouse sensitivity for you in order to stop inaccurate mouse movements. There are lot of guides on youtube for that too. Try to get a stable internet connection which is good for gaming. You need to have a connection with low ping without too much packet loss. Take a look at your local service providers and find the best one!

    3.Sitting Posture

    Sitting posture also can impact on your gameplay. If your table/chair is too high or too low, then you will feel uncomfortable. If your monitor height or the length between your eyes and monitor aren't perfect, then you will feel uncomfortable. So just try to adjust your table, chair and other peripherals until you feel comfortable. Even famous soloq star APDO (DOPA) never change his chair, table height. He set it all where he can feel comfortable. So he can completely focus on the game. If you aren't comfortable, your mind cannot focus your gameplay completely. Part of you mind give attention to the uncomfortable sitting posture and signals you to change it. So you change it every ten minutes and lose your perfect focus in to the game. Try to fix it!


    If you have low end pc then use low level graphics. It will help you to prevent from FPS lags. If you have high end pc then use high level graphics. You will see a clean and clear ability animations which are helpful to dodge or combat. Turn off useless sounds. Some pro players mute ingame music while some players play with a playlist of their own. That is your choice. For controls, it is up to you. Find comfortable keys for your finger to move fastly. Standard QWER based controls are designed to match most players. Some players may have uncommon ways using the keyboard and mouse. They can always change the controls for their best fit. One of my friend using Shift+S+D+Space to replace standard QWER. So find YOUR BEST SETTINGS!

    5.Patch notes

    Before you play the game at least read main changes in the latest patch. Some items for some champs become stronger in some patches. Some champs who dominated previous patch can become useless in the current one. If you just jump into a game without knowing those things you will miss an opportunity to win an easy game. Take few minutes and read the patch notes!

    6.Role & Champion Pool

    If your aim is to improve but you aren't naturally good at this game please play one role. Even if you are naturally good at this game it is not an easy task to play few roles. Playing few roles make you equally good at all of them up to very low percentage. If you play one role you will get better at it five times faster than you play all the other roles. You can learn inside to outside about your role and climb faster than the one who play all the five roles. Same theory for the champions as well. If you play way too many champs you will not become good at any of them. If you play few champs, you will eventually feel comfortable and then you will start to improve. So pick one role. Keep secondary role which matches your main role for an emergency situation. Pick one comfortable champ (easy champ recommended for low elo) and only play that champ. If your champ isn't a good blind pick or a safe pick always keep a secondary pick which is a good blind pick!


    SoloQ chat isn't a good thing to deal with. Specially in low-mid elo. If you cannot control yourself from looking at the chat, mute it. It will not do any good in low-mid elo. If you are a type of guy who can keep your cool in any situation just turn on chat because even in low elo sometimes chat can become useful to win games. In high elo chat is a worthy source to gather some information. If there is any kind of toxicity in chat, just try to ignore all of them. If you feel you are out of control after looking at chat just mute it. Even Faker mute his chat when bad things happen :D


    When you are in the loading screen always try to think about your lane matchup and team matchup. Make your game plan while you are loading. Think what playstyle is better for this game. Question yourself, are we good at this or that. When you already have a plan ready for that game you will play it better than you do it without a plan.

    9.Map Awareness

    This is a most impactful thing in League. Try to look at the minimap whenever you can until end of the game. From doing that you can track your own jungler, enemy jungler and other enemy movements which can lead you to get a combat victory or an objective. Map awareness is a little mind game you can do while playing in the summoner's rift. One enemy miss-position you caught on minimap can help you to get a major objective or even end the game!


    Main source of income in League of Legends is CS. Do a little math. If you miss 30 minions in 10 minutes just calculate the amount of the gold and xp you missed. Think what you can do if you had those 30 minions for your CS. Worth right? Don't miss cs. Don't give up a huge wave just for a kill which you can't get. Watch youtube. There are hundreds of videos about csing. Learn from them.

    11.Wave Management

    This the best way to punish an enemy if you know how to use it correctly. DOPA is a master in wave management. Try to watch him if you can. A good player who knows wave management can deny gold,xp from enemy players, can pressure a lane, can build good roam timers, can do better recalls, etc... A laner with a good wave management can drop all the morale of entire enemy team and pressure them. Watch and learn wave management on youtube.

    12.Damage Trading

    This is connected to the champion pool which I mentioned in number 6 topic. The more you know your champ, the more you can go in for trades. If you know the limits of your champ it is always easy to trade damage in lane. If you are still learning one champ just search and find videos for your champs trading patterns and timings. Good trades can force your enemy to respect you. If they fear you, then you can use 11.Wave Management wisely to punish them.


    Honestly I had lot of things to talk about this. But sadly I'm not completely aware of new shop and items and the way those items work. So I think it is better to learn from other source ;)


    This is different for all the five roles. So I recommend you to watch the warding guides for your own role. Any ways vision game is a thing like map awareness. Good vision can win you more games. You can punish enemies harder when you have proper vision. Don't just try to watch random vision guides. Try to watch in depth warding guides. That will help you to control the entire game!

    15.Summoner Spells

    Pick a spell if you can really use it to impact your gameplay. If a Renekton with ignite play under his own turret doesn't do any good to that game. If Malphite with TP only use it to get into lane doesn't do any good. Understand the concepts of spells. Use them wisely. Ask yourself why should I pick this or that spell. Can I use it wisely. If you have no idea about using them just watch guides.


    This topic is connected to 9,11, and 14... All those topics help you to make a good roam. Master them. You will master this!

    17.Objective focused gameplay

    This is special for low elo. Low elo players completely ignore objectives sometimes. That is why low elo games take too long to end. You need objectives to win games. At least understand this... You can only win games by destroying the nexus or by enemy surrender. In order to destroy that nexus you must push turrets,inhebs.. You can't just aram mid and push to the end. Well, sometimes you can if you are far ahead. If not, you need powers from others sources like dragons, baron, elder. That means all those are connected with your victory. So if you want to win, just get them in one way or another. Don't force unnecessary fights if you are losing. This isn't a Team Death Match game. This is an objective focused game. So focus them and play around them.


    This one is directly connected to the topic no.17. If there is going to be a fight just ask yourself three questions. What are the things we have to sacrifice for this fight. What will be the outcome of the fight. Does it worth for the sacrifices we made. If yes, then fight. Bring the glory to your team. If the answer is no. Then focus other objective and go for it. Of course you can take a risk and change the game. Take the risk if you aren't completely donating the game to enemies hands.

    19.Push for the WIN!

    If you have the lead. If you have the objective (Baron,Elder) just don't waste them. Try to force fights and pressure the enemy and push for your win. So many low elo players take all the objectives and yet they still doing mindless farming or running around map without ending the game. First understand why you play the game. What is the reason for playing the game if you don't put any effort to win it. Question your mind always. Ask yourself why am I doing this. What else should I do. This will help you to think about your game in entire different direction and stop autopiloting.

    20.After the game

    Look at your own stats. Look at your team stats. Look at your enemy team stats. Compare all of them to yours. Did you played better. If not, Take a minute and remember the way you played that game. Remember the mistakes you made. Ask yourself what to do in situations like that. If you can't find answers, ask someone who know about it or search it on youtube. That is how you improve. At last ask yourself am I ready for another game. Are you physically strong, Are you mentaly strong, Are you tilted, etc... If answers are for the negative side, don't play again. Take a break. If not, you won't improve. PLAY THE GAME WHEN YOU ARE READY TO PLAY IT!

    That is all summoners. Hope you guys will learn something. Ask questions below in the comment section if you have. I'll answer them.

    submitted by /u/SirBlack404
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    Season 11 Updated Neeko Guide

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 09:10 AM PST

    Hey guys its me Neeko Neeko Niii. I am a diamond Neeko main with 1.5 million Mastery points. I finally got around to updating my guide for this upcoming season. Even though Neeko isn't very popular I hope this guide can help people in their games and also main her. I now think I have played enough games on Neeko from pbe and live servers to conclude what in my opinion are the best Neeko builds. Leave me feedback on the guide or what else I should include or not include so I can make the guide better.


    submitted by /u/NeeekoNeekoNiii
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    Simple bind for all who struggle with unlocked camera

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 12:07 PM PST

    So i saw a lot of posts about it and my friends who also can't really play with unlocked camera. Most of players who play with unlocked camera are moving it with leading cursor to the edge of monitor. But I want to share how i play with unlocked camera all the time playing lol. My bind is about you change camera position together with your mouse when you press selected button (my is Mouse4). Here you have a video how it looks.


    I think that can really help a lot of people that want to play with unlocked camera but doesn't want to move their mouse all over the screen. The camera moves at the same speed as your mouse so you never will go too far or to little, and your pointer always stays next to your champion.

    How to get that bind?

    1. Go to Hotkeys / Camera control / Drag scroll and set your button (I recommend Mouse4, that you can use your thumb)
    2. Go to Game / Controls and turn on "Mouse button drag scroll" option
    submitted by /u/PyNone
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    An In-Depth Guide to Smite and How to Secure Objectives

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 07:00 AM PST

    We've all been there. An objective is going down, both sides are posturing, and in the heat of the moment you mistime smite and end up losing it. No one wants to mess up smites, and hopefully with some of the tips I share today, my fellow junglers can improve upon this vastly underappreciated skill.

    Before An Objective

    Many people think that securing objectives is the only the jungler's job. While it's true that this is one of the jungler's primary responsibilities, there are many moving parts you need to consider before starting any objective. There's too much to talk about here and I wanted to focus on smiting itself with this guide, but before you take any objective, you should definitely consider all of the following: lane prio in the two lanes around the objective (if during lane phase), enemy jungler location (known/unknown), vision control around the objective, champ levels/items, and any TPs. Especially in the early game, knowing when to take an objective is infinitely more important than anything else in regards to being able to consistently secure objectives. However, especially in lower elos, there will be plenty of situations where objectives will be decided on who has a better smite game. So, how do we get better?

    Maximizing Smite

    Smite battles come down to a reaction speed check between the two junglers, so some people will inherently start with an advantage. However, you can improve your odds dramatically by unloading all of your damage in as little a time as possible combined with smite. Even champs with hardly any "burst" can still auto or use abilities simultaneously with smite to increase their odds of success. It's for this reason that it's very important to know precisely how much damage you're doing at any point in the game. Luckily, us junglers spend a lot of time hitting things, so always left click on your camps and you'll easily be able to tell exactly how much your autos/abilities do at the time. Junglers that have a big burst combo are typically favored to win 50/50 smites for this reason, and I will go into the notable ones below.

    Threats to Securing Objectives

    You Will Lose Smite

    These champs cannot be outsmited under normal circumstances, and you shouldn't expect to ever win a 50/50 against them:

    • Nunu Q+smite (around 1k early, over 2k late)
    • Cho'Gath R (at least 1k all stages of the game)
    • Jhin 4th shot (not an issue early but with items will do upwards of 1.5k)
    • Jinx ult (this is probably the most ridiculous one, can do upwards of 3k to baron/elder)
    • Lee Sin Q+Smite (similar to Nunu but slightly more forgiving; still virtually impossible unless Lee messes up because your only window to smite is between his Q2 and smite, plus he can kick you away if he needs to)
    • Kalista E (probably the least applicable of all of the ones here, but with enough stacks on big objectives like Baron she will easily outsmite you)

    Strong Smiters and Thieves

    These are a few champs that I think stands out in a certain way when it comes to securing smites and/or stealing objectives, and it's important to keep in mind if they're on the enemy team:

    • Ekko is an extreme threat for steals since he can easily get in and out while having a very high burst combo with E+Q+passive; his passive actually makes him better at steals than traditional secures
    • Graves can similarly get in and out very easily with E and R, and he has quite strong burst as well as the ability to remove vision of the objective from the other jungler; if against a Graves and a smite fight is about to go down, stand right next to baron/dragon so you don't lose vision (this same tip applies against Quinn and Noc)
    • Gragas has decent burst and can push the enemy jungler out of smite range with his ult, as well as easily slip in and out with his E
    • Nidalee has a very potent burst combo but requires herself to be put in harms way
    • Warwick ult makes it so you cannot smite and can be used over walls; Skarner's ult also suppresses and makes it so you cannot smite

    Other Random Problems

    None of these guys will outsmite you, but they can make it so you cannot physically smite the objective:

    • Displacements: Poppy R, Morde R, Sett R, Singed E, Lee R, Vayne E, the list goes on and on but if they have a champ that can displace you a significant distance you need to take this into account. There was a game where I lost a baron due to the enemy Tahm Kench eating me at the right time.
    • Can't Smite: Bard R, Malz R, Warwick R and Skarner R all prevent you from casting smite, while Quinn/Graves/Noc can remove vision

    Let me know if there's anything I missed, or if there's any other tips you guys have. Thanks for reading.

    TLDR- Save damage in conjuction with smite, and watch out for bad things

    submitted by /u/Yung-Thick
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    Is Soraka good in Low elo ?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 11:17 AM PST

    I'm currently looking for my 3rd support , I play mostly Lux and Morgana . I'm need to get a 3rd support , just in case neither of my mains will be available(as it did happen once and I lost ) . I was thinking about getting Leona too , but my playstile is mage/healer , especially because I played a few good Nami matches back in the day. What do you think is the best to grind through bronze 1 and do the leap to silver .

    Brand excluded , he is always getting banned rn

    **Tomorrow is my promos , I need 2 more lp , wish me luck *XD

    submitted by /u/Chris2kN
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    I only know how to play supp

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 03:32 AM PST

    Hey, i'm silver support main and i wanted to learn new roles in this pré season, but i'm terrible at the game. Top: i don't know how to trade or farm; Mid: I allways Die, even under my Tower; Jungle: I'm invaded everygame and my path is read like a book; Adc: I can't last hit and i can't concentrate in the fights. I only know how to set up vision and roam and steal kill's. Anyone have any tips to learn other roles and what would be the easyest to start? I was looking to learn more about playing top, but, like I said, I suck at trading and at the Farm. Should i try other role or Stay in support forever?

    submitted by /u/SemRecursos
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    Wish to learn toplane, but apperently I am too stupid for it

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 08:51 AM PST

    Hey together,

    I am a Dia Midlaner (Aurelion Sol OTP), but because I wanted to learn something new and my clash team already has a decent midlaner (Asol is permabanned anyways), I decided to make the swap to toplane. Also I am kinda certain, that I wont be able to climb to Master, so I am ok, with low Diamond being my "peak" for now.

    Well ok, Top lane... i SUCK! Its not even funny... to me it feels like in lane, I am missing a required chromosome or something. Currently I am only playing flex, since Smurfing is not that much fun(Smurf q), but I am hardstuck low Gold. It doesnt even matter, what I play. Do I play a high skill cap champs, I pop off in game 1 and get crushed in game 2. If I play more team teamoriented champs (tanks, teamfighter) its exactly the same. So maybe thats good news, as I am consitently bad and its not mechanics only... but yeah. I am lost. I am trying since 2 months, even got some coaching already, where the feedback was not really bad about my gameplay/knowledge... so I am thinking about giving up. General things like wave management seem to work decently.

    Does anyone have some last resort tipps? Any ways to finally get some improvement and maybe also some insight, why midlane might work so much better for me than toplane.

    Glad for any help / insight!



    submitted by /u/Declade
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    What is the general take on kill steals?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 03:52 PM PST

    As a support I witness a lot of kill steals as I have the least power to steal a kill in most cases. By steal kill, I most commonly see people flashing to run up to kill someone who is already confirmed and no one else is at risk of dying or anything similar.

    How important are they? Is it worth raging over? Do you give kills to your teammates if they're behind? Is the ultimate goal to eliminate a target or does it still greatly matter who kills them?

    submitted by /u/DabSlingz
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    How to path in the jungle

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 11:32 AM PST

    Ok so I'm aware how important the first jungle clear is. I know all the combinations to hit level 3 in three camps for your first clear. My question is how should you be clearing the jungle after that first clear? Should you be doing full clears? Like I'm so lost on this please help.

    submitted by /u/sadkinz
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    How to get better at dodging skillshots?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 01:05 PM PST

    Hi guys, D4 here,

    I would like to get better at dodging skillshots. I'm not really sure what kind of combination people use when it comes to prediction vs reaction to what kinds of abilities. 90% of my skillshot dodging is prediction-oriented instead of reaction based. I've noticed that high diamond and challenger players are insane with dodging skillshots, and I know that some of the super tiny movements they do (where they basically stand in place) help, but I'm not sure how or what the purpose is, or whether or not I should be incorporating it into my play.

    Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/XWindX
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    How do I be consistently good with Nasus? (At least when trying him the (Almost) first time)

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 12:48 PM PST

    Yeah, I know his laning phase, how he needs to stack while freezing the wave closer to him, as well as take towers with ease once he has said stacks at the cost of being vulnerable to CC.

    But how can I be consistently good with him to where I can pick him a bit more than usual (Even if his counters eat him up for breakfast early game-wise).

    Thing his, not only is he alright (But not great) in late due to armor penetration others would purchase as well as heavy CC, but he also doesn't have much of an escape unlike the other splitpushers. Not to mention that he relies on single target damage, which can really suck since it makes him not so great at teamfights.

    Considering this is also the preseason, I'm not sure if Spellbook rune would be a fine choice since it's kind of been having a lower winrate than the Grasp rune.

    I guess this is just Macro stuff I'm asking, after all I learned Top Lane a bit from watching Fogged's Tryndamere vids as well as his Tryndamere matchup guide which helped me tons.

    Honestly I'm saying this because I want to try out his Battlecast skin, just like how I mained Sivir due to her Odyssey skin, and made her my main ADC with the 2nd highest mastery until Season 11 hit, to where I am now playing Wukong.

    submitted by /u/BulletCola
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    Abilities that I need explanation

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 12:41 PM PST

    Hey guys, I have been playing this game for a year but there are still abilities I don't know what they do so I want to ask you guys if you can help me.

    1. What does Irelia's W do? Do you get less damage?
    2. Varus W passive and active?
    3. When you ulti as Morde you get their staats, what does it mean?
    4. What is armor/magic pan? Do you do more damage if you build it? If I don't build magic resist do I get more damage when someone with magic pan do damage to me?
    5. Why the drake attack Teemo when he is on stealth?
    submitted by /u/AfraidAnimal11
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    Is It Ever Okay to Abandon Lane Early?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 06:31 AM PST

    I am newish to adc and I've been playing Ashe. Things have been going fairly well... Until yesterday when I was up against a Nautilus and Caitlin pair (I was with a Pyke supp). I don't really ever play with or against Nautilus, so I am still unsure about what he does exactly and how far I can stand away from him to get pulled in. Anyway, I ended up getting pulled in twice and my support got irritated with me for this (even though he got pulled in once as well?). Whatever, it's my bad. However, we also kept getting ganked and making just all around stupid plays down there and the Caitlyn was getting fed FAST.

    Our tower had about 2/10ths of its HP left when I saw that there was a Lux all alone mid when I was coming back to tower. Since I was behind and couldn't even touch the Caitlyn, I thought I could go mid instead, abandon bot (it was going to be finished anyway) and help Twisted Fate take down mid turret. Well my support did not like this idea at all and stayed bot, only to die to them yet again. He said that if I was there to help him we could have gotten Nautilus (he was able to kill Caitlyn, which was good, but I was already way too far away to help anyway so I'm not sure why he went in 2v1).

    So my question is, is it okay to leave lane early if you're getting steamrolled and help another lane?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/edamame_clitoris
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    How to counter yone

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 10:05 AM PST

    Hello there, I am a katarina main currently gold 3. I always have struggles against Yone/Yasuo. But I specifically wanna ask what Yones weakpoints in lane are. Like when can I engage, should I push him? I mostly wait until his 3rd q is out until I engage but that sometimes isnt even enough to win trades. Either I am doing something horribly wrong or that isn't the right time to engage him. I appreciate your tips.

    submitted by /u/ImCheesuz
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    CSing as an ADC

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 11:21 AM PST

    I'm a jungle main , but ive been looking into getting into the adc role. Ive been playing three champs, MF, Caitlyn, and Ashe, but im kind of confused as to the avg cs score at ten minutes. Im a silver 2, so if anyone else could contribute, that would be very helpful.

    submitted by /u/ASBlazer
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    Simple tip to debunk a flex pick

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 06:58 AM PST

    Oh no, the ennemy just locked in Sylas. Is he going mid or top or jungle? Don't wanna pick thinking i'm gonna face Sylas when he is elsewhere and end up openning myself to an easy counterpick.

    Look at his ban: this is solo Q, the team game where everyone is out for themselves. If Sylas banned Darius, there's a good chance he is going top, banned Lee? He's probably jungler. With this information you can pick accordingly, either aware you have to get something safe as you are blindpicking or go for that juicy counterpick. This is also useful to adapt your runes (don't wanna get double armor shards when it turns out you're vs Ryze and not Sett).

    Obviously this is not foolproof sometimes people ban champions outside of their role but i would dare to say it works around 90% of the time. At least in low/medium elos people, there people ban something they don't wanna see in lanephase.

    submitted by /u/kentaxas
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    Competitive 5v5, How to play around the current and "future" tank meta?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 10:18 AM PST

    A few friends and I are in a small 5v5 league were we were doing well pre S11 now are struggling on the new patch. We were playing a lot of generally carry/duelist top laners like Fiora, CC mage mid like Neeko, and a mage bottom (lux/morgana) with either ezreal or jhin. Our jungler pretty much only plays warwick. The general gameplan was a lot of sidelaning while the rest of the crew has very strong long range pick and cc. We could commonly play off the rotations required to match the split pusher and could disengage with a wall of CC from lux/neeko/morg/jhin ect.

    However we got beat by the amumu, zac, sion super tank engage into our towers when we were trying to sidelane over and over in this new patch. They just had to much backline diving power.

    Normally I would think we would need stronger wave clear and disengage with something like Aniva or something out of bot lane but that just seems like such suboptimal picks right now.

    So whats the optimal way to play against teams with at least 2 tanks looking to deathball hard engage? What team comp would you build to counter it? Most of us can learn whatever to help us.

    Also if rank matters the league is a mixed bag but our team is all plat players except our junglers who is bronze.


    submitted by /u/avengaar
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    I've gone from Iron 3 to Gold 4 in 2 seasons as an ADC. Here's my tips

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 12:23 PM PST

    Back in 2018, a long time and amazing buddy got me to finally download league, since he couldn't play my favorite game anymore, I figured its fair to try his. And thus, my journey started.

    Fast forward 2 seasons, im playing ranked with him the entire time slowly but surely grinding up more and more.

    The biggest tips I learned. 1) Any lead you have NEEDS to be translated into more than items. Place wards when you can in places of frequent travel (river, especially tri on your side | their jungle, by frog and blue buff | dragon pit entrance, etc)

    Not taking advantage of a lead you have doesn't help out your team, only you.

    2) You are arguably the second most impactful character. The first being Mid, and tied with jungle. You make the difference in team fights, able to navigate around, and can make or break the game. That being said, take any gold and exp you can. Your support might get frustrated, but if you translate your leads to ganks and objectives, they'll understand

    3) Find someone you're comfortable enough. I can not stress this enough. It took me 14 months to finally find a champion that I feel was built in my playstyle. Play aram, learn the different ones, especially some you never tried. It makes a difference when you find a kit you like.

    4, and arguably my biggest) its a game. At the end of the day, surrendered or surrendering, win or loss, enjoy it. Find people you want to play with. People will get upset, and toxic. And probably blame you. But we all were new. We all still play the game. And all of us will still keep playing. The people you play with make the biggest difference, so find a group and stick with them.

    submitted by /u/L3thalS3quel
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    It Can Never Be My Fault Syndrome and how to avoid it

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 03:53 PM PST


    Recently, I have noticed that one of my friends in my playgroup has a bad case of the, It Can Never Be My Fault Syndrome (ICNBMF). They are stuck in the mindset that they never make any mistakes and that it is always their teammate's or the game's fault that they are losing or died. It is worth noting that sometimes it is not your fault that you are losing or died, however always thinking that it is not your fault is very detrimental to improving at the game as it prevents you from learning from your mistakes. Common signs of ICNBMF Syndrome include:

    -Calling the game broken whenever you die

    -Always blaming your teammates

    -Always blaming the enemy jungler for camping your lane

    How to avoid it

    The best way to avoid ICNBMF Syndrome is to always ask the question, "Why did I die there, and how could I have gotten myself to live?" whenever you die. Looking back on a death and asking this question will cause you to identify the mistake you may have made and how you could have avoided that mistake. In the case of the answer being, "I was just in a bad situation and I could not have lived," attempt to think about how you could have avoided the situation entirely. For example: Let's say that you are playing midlane, and are pushing the wave under the enemy tower. While doing this, the enemy jungler ganks your lane which causes you to die. In this situation, there may have been no way to survive once the jungler showed up, but you can identify how you could have avoided this situation entirely. Maybe you could have bought more control wards to gain more vision in the river. Maybe you could have not pushed as aggressively. There are many ways to avoid ICNBMF Syndrome, but the best is to always think about how you could have played a past situation better whenever it goes wrong.

    What if it was my teammates fault?

    Sometimes one of your teammates will misplay a situation and it will result in a death or a lost objective or some other negative outcome. In this situation, the worst thing you can do is flame your teammate. It is important to recognize that everyone will make mistakes or misplay sometimes, and flaming people will never make them play better; it will only make you and your teammate play worse. Instead, a good method is to try and think as if you were your teammate in that situation. A common instance of this would be when falling to coordinate with your teammates. There is more detail to go along with failed coordination, but most of it is highlighted in this brilliant post by u/nusensei.


    In order to improve at League of Legends, it is important to recognize your mistakes when they occur, and it is important for you to identify how to avoid them in future games. Avoiding ICNBMF Syndrome is essential to improving at the game at a mental level, as well as helping you to avoid getting tilted.

    submitted by /u/GDSilver
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    Practice tool and simulating heals/shields

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 12:03 PM PST

    Does anyone else feel like the practice tool is a bit underwhelming sometimes? Like for example I'd like to go in there and test how the heals and shields are with the new items but it doesn't give me anything to work with in those regards. I want to see the viability of Moonstone Renewer on a bunch of different enchanters, especially since there's talk of the item being a bit underperforming, but I don't want to just try and feel the difference playing a bunch of rift games. I want to be able to simulate it on a bunch of champs with a bunch of different items. Does anybody have any where else that they simulate this kind of info? TY in advance.

    submitted by /u/sleepystevie3000
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    How to start learning jungle

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 03:46 PM PST

    Im a gold 4 top main, and I'm trying to learn how to play jungle(had never played jungle before). Every game I am getting curbstomped in the jungle by people who know the role. Should I start a smurf to help make the learning process easier? Ive lost like 8 games in a row, and they were all jg diff.

    submitted by /u/diceyttv
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    How do I deal with Tanky Junglers while I’m playing a squishy Jungler ?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 04:47 AM PST

    So I recently started maining Junglers with my main Champion being shyvana and then Evelyn. I'm still relatively new to the game as I'm at level 28 and I have LOTS to learn. Now my main problem while Jungling is other Junglers with lots of Sustain or are generally tanky like Olaf and Vi.

    I can't 1v1 them in the early game and so I have a hard time ganking and sometimes they just invade my camps. Now in order to counter them I try to build Grievous Wounds or anti-shield items but I find them just not enough to deal with them as they always manage to kill me before I can inflict some serious damage on them.

    submitted by /u/MRIT03
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    When should I get the blue as a mid laner?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 04:32 AM PST

    Hi guys!

    I'm a noob low elo player and I constantly see in pro matches and high elo replays that the jng give the blue to the mid laner while in low elo I as a mid laner barely get it. Only if I take it for myself when the jng isn't near (if they are then most of the time they just smite it while I solo it).

    So here is my question: when the jng should give the blue buff to the mid laner (especially if the mid laner is a mana hungry mage)? The second blue is for the mid laner? Or the jng should take the blues till lvl 6? I don't know. Please enlighten me and give me some advice how to co-op with my low elo junglers to give the blue to me.

    submitted by /u/Huntszy
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