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    LoL Guide Won in CS but lost in gold?

    LoL Guide Won in CS but lost in gold?

    Won in CS but lost in gold?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 08:12 AM PST

    Okay, so I use blitz for runes and to see my teammates stats and stuff. One of my favorite features is the gold difference. I am semi new to the game (lvl 50ish) but am decent mechanically. I CS well (compared to golds). But last game I won in CS against a zed 168-130 but lost in gold? How can this happen without major bounties?

    submitted by /u/IcyWafflesHero
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    Graves Jungle

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 06:35 AM PST

    How do you guys rack up damage playing graves? I do fine in the jungle (getting objectives, clearing camps), but I struggle to do damage output.

    Also, do you guys give the kills on graves? It might have something to do with that, since I usually end games like 1/1/12

    submitted by /u/BarbellScholar
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    What to do after you jungle clear ?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 09:05 AM PST

    So I'm a beginner (lvl 15) but I already know the basics and roles of the game . I've found myself often playing Lillian jungle cause often times no one will claim that role and tbh i ve come to enjoy it. Problem is after jungle clearing idk what to do . I hesitate a lot and I suck at ganking .

    So my question is what to do after u farm ? And when do you know its time to gank ? And any tips for Lillia? Thanks in advance for your advice 😊😊

    submitted by /u/hadoumn
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    Some observations on Silver players trying to reach Gold before season end

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 07:58 AM PST

    Having recently made it to Gold IV in my first season on League after a short but concerted effort to reach the milestone before Season 10 ends, I've been trying to help out some duo partners who I met along the way. Unfortunately for them, they are still stuck, and many have plummeted to Silver IV in their seemingly futile climb.

    After playing and observing their habits, I thought I'd compile a few thoughts to share for those who are still grasping for the finish line in the next week. Much of this echoes the advice that is already widely given.

    It's not your team; it's you.

    The most common excuse for not climbing is that you get bad teams. It's true some of the time, but this is where the 30/30/40 rule really applies. 30% of teams are automatic losses because of absolute trash players, leavers, trolls, etc. But this also applies to the opposing team, and the ratio balances out. 40% of the time, the teams should be even and you have full control over how much you influence the outcome. Basically, if you played to the best of your ability, you should be winning up 70% of your games, which is a climb ratio. If you're losing most of your matches, you really need to be looking at yourself and whether you legitimately are at a Gold level.

    Lock down your best role/champion

    We usually see advice to one-trick or have a small champion pool. If you're doing your last-minute climb, this is more important than ever. Looking at my climbing Silver partners, their history is erratic. Aside from autofill roles, the sporadic flips between Top, Mid, Jungle and ADC are almost random. Often it's because they lose in one role and change to another. However, they are failing to get into the zone and play their best match-ups. Essentially, each game resets the momentum. Instead of flexing how average you are at every champion, win every game with your best.

    Actually be good at your champion

    I play with a partner who is a Teemo one-trick and Karma off-pick as top lane. As much as I think he's a nice guy, he gets absolutely smashed. His best performances are average, and he is literally never able to carry a game. If you're going to take top lane, you should expect to be able to solo carry if you think you should be in gold, no matter what your champion choice is. There's no nice way to say this, but for this player who only plays Teemo, his obsession with the yordle and his goal of reaching Gold are mutually exclusive.

    Your duo might be letting you down

    There is the general perception that having a duo means that you are more likely to have a stable team and therefore climb, especially when you're equal in rank and can climb together. But remember the part about being equally ranked - they're just as bad as you and will struggle to climb. I noticed with some of my duos that when we play, we win most of our games, but when they duo with another regular partner, they lose nearly every game. Their record doesn't necessarily show that their duo lost the game, but they consistently didn't carry the game, such as being an ineffective jungler. If you lose 10 straight with the same duo partner, maybe you should re-evaluate whether you want to do the final Gold climb with them. I certainly deleted more than a few players I picked up in my journey but whose attitudes were clearly destructive.

    Respect when you are tilted and stop.

    Like with all climbs, your performance drops when you are tilted. Don't go straight to the next game after a bad loss. You will undo all the progress you made in your climb, and will easily drop from Silver 1 to Silver 4 before you know it.

    submitted by /u/nusensei
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    Question about Warwick's W

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 11:00 AM PST

    I read about Warwick's abilities and his W has a passive and active ability. His passive makes it so that he gains AS against enemies with health lower than 50% and he moves faster in the direction of those champions. His active allows him to sense all enemies and "Blood Hunt" them. I want to know if his W's passive is active all the time (when W isn't active) and what does Blood Hunt mean.

    submitted by /u/Dabdullah666
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    How much credit can you give support for a fed ADC?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 01:48 PM PST

    I main support so I'm just curious. Some games my ADC does well and I do bad while other games it's vice versa. I mean it seems logical that the other player in lane would be a part of it but often at ends of game where my adc gets fed early and caries everyone praises the ADC and no credit is given to support. Obviously the ADC needs to know how to use the lead and whatever, but is it fair to give credit to support for a fed ADC?

    submitted by /u/TrueString
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    How useful is Aftershock?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 12:14 PM PST

    Hi there I play mostly tanks. I'm wondering the merits of grasp vs aftershock. Afershock about 30 minutes in is about 100 armour and MR for 2.5 seconds. Is this worth it compared to the early game trading power that Grasp gives you? And is the Aftershock defense buff really useful? Thanks

    submitted by /u/Rextreff
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    how does void staff works exactly? does it work with 0 magic pen?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 03:04 AM PST

    basically title, as void gives magic pen by percentage, does it work when i have 0 magic pen?

    i just realized this and i feel like i've been doing all my seraphine builds wrong because i'm going cdr boots lol, is it worth more doing morello instead of void in this case then? or should i just build 1 more cdr item and give up on cdr boots?

    submitted by /u/nexthi1709
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    Why is unlocked camera better than locked

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 09:12 AM PST

    Pretty much the title. I've heard from pretty much everyone that unlocked is better but no one has given a good explanation. I find laning with locked is much easier and if I need to move it I can unlock it to move to the area I need to see then lock it again. So can someone explain

    submitted by /u/RagOnARock
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    Should I worry about not getting the last hit on kills as ADC?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 09:53 AM PST

    Hey all!

    I'm pretty new. Level 35, and not a smurf, in silver. I noticed that in a lot of my games (learning Caitlyn) i usually finish top 5 in damage but end up with WAY more assists than kills. For example, my last game i went 10-5-21. Some other games I've gone 13-8-21, 2-4-15. I just keep missing the last hits on these kills and idk if that's a problem or I should be happy we're winning and getting the kills regardless.

    submitted by /u/MarkAButt
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    The right macro movement

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 08:32 AM PST

    Hello guys just wanted to ask a question and open a debate in wether or not macro plays can determine the output of a game regardless of how bad you team is doing.

    The question popped up after a game I just played. I was starting to pick up my Jax top after a whole season of not playing him and ran into the next situation:

    I got a huge lead over the enemy top laner by getting some early kills and correct wave management. I decided to use this lead to secure objectives for my team. I got herald, slammed it getting 2 towers down and helped my team secure 2nd and 3rd dragon. Problem was that my team kept running it down against the enemy Leblanc and by the time we got that 3rd dragon she was around 20 kills. I decided fighting her was kind of useless since she would just burst me down with a combo so I decided to splitpush getting bot inhib down but eventually Leblanc ended up wiping us and the game ended with us losing.

    Was there another way I could have used my early lead to win the game or was it an ff 20?

    P.S. I started to get my hand into macro this season so I don't really know if my decision making was correct. I want to improve on it so I appreciate every response.

    submitted by /u/Lekkitch
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    What is the best pick VS full AP team?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 04:24 PM PST

    I have been wondering for some time what could be the best in tanks vs AP champs.

    For example when full AD teams I know that malph and rammus is so good vs them because of their insane armor amount, and rammus can easily jumps in 1V5 and kill most of them especially in late game.

    and why full AP team is not as common as full AD team? I have encounter a lots of AD teams but only once and it was yesterday.

    and thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/saadan2
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    Climbing out of low elo - when do frequent teamfights stop?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 04:12 PM PST

    So, I'm a Bronze 2 Urgot main (yeah, scum, i know lol) and i like to believe that for the most part, I'm not that bad at carrying the teamfights that inevitably break out at that elo.

    However, this obviously is not how you climb to, say, diamond (i hope it isn't, anyway) - i have 3 main questions:

    • what elo do i actually start to need macro beyond "look at map every few seconds, go to fight if there is one, fight it, repeat"?

    • how do i know if i even can be remotely useful outside of that low elo environment?

    • Now, and this surely isn't dunning-kruger, i like to believe I'm not that terrible at macro at an intermediate level, but it does get very frustrating when you're trying to rotate top to collect that wave, and then at the same time your ADC (i swear it's always either the ADC or yasuo players) starts a random fight in mid, while you're obviously not there, or doesn't rotate and peacefully continues farming not even a screen stay while you're dying - how do you avoid at least part of that frustration when playing in low elo?

    my apologies if this turned out a little rambly

    submitted by /u/SEND_ME_NO_PICS
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    Where to ward to spot supports who are roaming?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 03:43 PM PST

    is there a specfic spot i can put my ward in to spot if the enemy pantheon, for example, is roaming?

    also is there a specific timeframe where roaming mostly happens? everytime im up against a pantheon he starts roaming and its hard ot really keep up.

    submitted by /u/mokura
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    How to Play Urgot Well

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 12:56 PM PST

    I recently got into the top lane and even more recently got into ranked. I'm garbage by the way (Bronze 1) I play Urgot in top lane because I liked his kit but recently I've been getting stomped. I think I've come to a realization that unless my lane opponent is an idiot, I should be playing much safer and use my abilities more to get away, and then play around my powerspikes. However, I really do want to know how to play Urgot better, how to play in lane and in teamfights, as well as what makes him strong. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/I_liekcheese
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    Use Eyetracker to imrove mapawareness

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 03:18 AM PST

    Hallo everyone,

    i dont know if this has been discussed before, so pls dont flame me on this.

    Has anyone (especially some of the high elo players in here) experience with using eye tracking to monitor your mapawereness? Would you say it can help you in analysing your flaws, or would you say mouse placement gives enough intel of were you didnt catch something?

    Would really like to know if you think it could be beneficial.

    submitted by /u/Super3DSpace
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    How do you play against Diana?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 07:45 AM PST

    As a midlane mage player, I have never learned how to beat Diana. Beyond dodging her q, how do you play against her in lane AND in teamfights? She can always win the 1v1 into a mage, and she has insane teamfight potential with her ult. Am I just playing the lane matchup wrong?

    submitted by /u/Pkch42
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    New to streaming on league fps is well over 400 but something just feels wrong

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 03:58 PM PST

    Title says it all really, I've started streaming league and my mouse feels kind of weird laggy in a way just not smooth at all. I play on a 144hz monitor with a Ryzen 3900x and frame rate never goes below 400 anyone have any idea on how to fix this? I'm using nvenc encoding and I've tried optimizing it as much as possible but nothing seems to fix the issue

    submitted by /u/TheGrimRs
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    Mana Issues With Volibear Jungle

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 12:10 PM PST

    I play Jungle for a long Timetime now, but I recently tried to Farm more and generally more efficient to improve my CS... But now I have mana Issues more often and even miss Jungle-mobs because of that, especially as Volibear. My Usual Approach for Jungle-mobs Is E<Q<W... Are there any Attacks I should avoid approaching with when I have no Blue Buff? Or should I just stop things like spamming my W to clear my Jungle without Bluebuff?

    submitted by /u/goalasso
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    How to play beat being camped in mid lane.

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 03:34 PM PST

    I just played a game as Diana against Yasuo which is a lane I feel pretty comfortable winning, however the enemy team had a nunu that ganked mid nonstop early game and it felt like I couldn't do anything at all. I got wards out in pixel brushes and was watching constantly but either he would just be too fast for me to get away, or would just come straight through lane and get me that way.

    Do I just need to camp my tower when this happens, and should I do it after the first gank or wait? Maybe I'm warding the wrong places against a nunu? Only problem I have with sitting under tower is I don't exactly outscale a Yasuo as Diana, so I feel like I just auto lose if their jungler is constantly on me. I'm sure it's a matter of knowing where the jungler is, but it felt like he at least twice ignored any sort of standard pathing and ran straight mid. Any help is much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/LeMordekaiser
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    Any tips for new Wukong? [Jungle]

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 02:51 PM PST

    Hi! I'm new player and I am looking for advices how to go jungle with Wukong properly. I red a few builds, watched couple YT guides about Wukong JNGL, but there is a lot of diffrent tips. For example: speople say that Q>E for jungle, but then someone say E>Q is better etc. So, there is my question - what is yours advices? Do you have some usefull tips? Links maybe? I really want to improve my skills. Everything from more expirienced players will be great ! :)

    submitted by /u/Kocilla
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    What are mechanics and how do you improve them?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 07:17 AM PST

    I'm pretty new (lvl 47 and haven't played ranked). I don't really see what mechanics refer to. I usually play top fiora, tryndamere, Jax. I'm also learning akali. What exactly are the difficult mechanics on these champs? The only mechanics that I can really think of are riven's animation cancels from when I tried to learn her. Are the mechanics just combos and stuff or does it include other things too? I've heard that fiora and jax rely heavily on mechanics but I don't really see anything too difficult on them. They both have parries and auto attack cancels I think but that seems to be all.

    submitted by /u/Domm772
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    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 02:40 PM PST

    I've looked it up multiple times, I've tried to find videos, but I've never gotten an answer.

    Why do junglers camp lanes?? Is it because if the champion they were camping were to snowball they'd make the late game hell? Or do they camp champs they believe to be weak to get fed really easily??

    Any answers would be great, thanks!

    submitted by /u/Lovelock042
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