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    Tuesday, November 3, 2020

    League of Legends Patch 10.22 Discussion and Bug Megathread

    League of Legends Patch 10.22 Discussion and Bug Megathread

    Patch 10.22 Discussion and Bug Megathread

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 04:35 AM PDT

    Irelias passive needs to show below her health bar like how Annie stun is

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 10:47 AM PST

    For an ability thats powerful it should be more noticeable , on certain skins its easier to see but in general it should be below her health bar for the enemy to know when its up rather then just clicking on her , alot of jungles tend to gank when its up and end up getting 1v2ed because of it..

    When you play irelia it shows for you NOT the enemy.

    submitted by /u/war5188
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    how a post on r/leagueoflegends got me from bronze 3 to Diamond 4 in 6 weeks.

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 04:00 PM PST

    I main Kassadin, Yasuo, Katarina and master Yi as a backup if I get autofilled. I used to play super aggressively early and as a late game champ get my powerspikes early on and snowball to victory. However I would often fall behind and start inting instead causing my winrate to be around 27%.

    recently I saw a reddit post saying "don't give up if you lose early as a late game champ" and I was enlightened. I had never realized that you can get gold by last hitting minions, and last hitting a whole bunch of them actually lates you scale safely.

    Now, thanks to this reddit post I've been able to get my winrate up to 97% by not inting most of my games. I'm ever grateful to whoever shared this wisdom with us.

    Now everytime I feel like inting I simply open that post and decide not to int instead.

    submitted by /u/Byepolarpolarbear
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    General Sniper's contract with C9 Terminated due to young age

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 01:02 PM PST


    It seems that he literally cannot join a team due to being too young. It sucks for him of course, but it just shows you crazy talented this guy is to be signing with an org at the young age of 13. Very reminiscent of TheShy signing with some LPL org (think EDG or WE) as a streamer until he was at the age to compete. Still a bummer, tho :/

    EDIT: TheShy was 15 when he signed with WE EDIT: Jack's response: https://twitter.com/JackEtienne/status/1323797049951744000?s=20

    submitted by /u/nitinismaldingXD
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    Train Conductor Ornn Concept

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 04:32 AM PST

    I edited Seraphine's base splash art to look more like a clown.

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 12:24 PM PST

    Hi all,

    I tried to make Seraphine look a bit more like her lore writes her to be, by doing a paintover of the original base art. I left the glitter wings in so that she can fly away from her pain.


    Thank you for your time and long live the Brackern.

    submitted by /u/Orianna_Is_Love
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    General Sniper signs with Cloud9 as a Streamer

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 10:08 AM PST


    Honestly seems like a super big pickup. I honestly would not be surprised if he ends up starting on C9's academy team in a few years time when he becomes eligible. Definitely one of the best prospects the scene has to offer right now.

    submitted by /u/AnFun
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    Dark Cosmic Kayle (fanmade Skin)

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 10:14 AM PST

    Dark Cosmic Kayle (fanmade Skin)

    Hello everyone.

    I was a long time away from my Skins creations, I wanted to return but I didn't know with what champion or concept, so here I present to you: Dark Cosmic Kayle, the truth was not as expected, but the concept is quite good, I hope still like it.

    Dark Cosmic Kayle (Basic Form)

    Dark Cosmic Kayle (Basic Form)

    DarK Cosmic Kayle (Final Form)

    DarK Cosmic Kayle (Final Form)

    I leave my networks in case you want to follow me and see my other works:






    submitted by /u/ValkharART
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    The backlash T1 and Joe Marsh are receiving are not based solely off of LS and his past. There is more to it

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 05:59 AM PST

    Yes, the Korean fans do dislike LS for his very questionable act regarding Malice and Untara but that's more of a bonus to the whole story.

    The fans of T1 and Faker are hugely disappointed and to a certain point enraged for how T1's management have handled 2020 season.

    In 2020 Faker was involved in more than 20 advertisements, largest number in his whole career, was featured in a Youtube video of a famous celebrity several times, and the same applies to the entire T1 roster to a certain extent as well. Although Faker and his teammates were quite busy doing external activities during the SKT T1 era as well, it is still incomparable to what T1 is demanding its players.

    Coach Kim, while still in T1, has expressed that he is not satisfied with how T1's players are involved in too much external activities. Clid left T1 because he wasn't satisfied with how the team is run, including all the advertising he needed to fulfill as a T1 player. Fans were worried about how much T1's players, especially Faker was doing all the advertisements shortly before and during the season as well, although it was less of a concern during the spring split.

    Just to give you sense of how busy the T1 players were, that collab between T1 and BTS was filmed 20 or so days before playoffs IIRC.

    On top of that, there was a leak about T1 signing Polt and LS during regional qualifiers, way before Kim has resigned. Based on this one could even assume that T1's decision to sack Kim was not entirely based on the team's performance but his disagreement with the boards, like the one mentioned above.

    Last but not least, the fans are feeling in such way that, if T1's reason to sack Coach Kim was due to his performances, they feel that the most logical step after it is to find a head coach that is familiar to League and has proven himself.

    Although Polt was a decent SC2 player and beloved in NA, we should remember he has just started playing League this season and his elo is gold. Damwon's coaches were master and challenger. CvMax was high elo in the past when he was streaming. Kkoma was a high elo player as well. This is actually way more important than some might think. High elo doesn't only mean that you have the mechanical capabilities but also the gaming sense and know how to play the game on a macro level. We will never know if Polt's macro sense in SC2 will convert into League before next season.

    Talking about LS, although he have shown some brilliance, especially concerning itemization, he was never proven as a coach either. Daeny, Zefa, CvMax, Kkoma, Edgar, you name it. All of these coaches have proven themselves at a smaller team or as a sub coach. Polt and LS hasn't.

    This would not have been as big of a deal in some other smaller teams but we are talking about T1, and more importantly, Faker. Faker is past his prime and now his career is probably in twilight. Every season after another becomes more significant in meaning and T1 has already had a very lackluster 2020 season. It's also the case that Faker's skills, despite being past its prime, looks to be enough to compete for the cup. We should remember that T1 was the champion of the spring split.

    This is what enrages the Korean fans the most. That T1 is gambling with their coaches in what might be the final years of Faker's career. Parallel to that they are not letting their players to concentrate in the competition. Fans are questioning if T1 has become fundamentally a different org from the SKT era and is significantly spoiled by Joe Marsh and the new management.

    It is also true that after Joe Marsh stepping in and SKT T1 becoming T1, the change in the roster was a huge let down losing Clid and Khan and scouting Roach and Cuzz, scouting Coach Kim was a total cluster f** in hindsight and how Joe Marsh handled the situation (including that Baby Yoda tweet) was very disappointing.

    Some are even feeling in such way that T1 doesn't see Faker as a player anymore but a marketing asset. I agree on this view to a certain extent as well. Sponsors are important but they cannot be more important than the competition itself.

    To football fans, the relationship between FC Barcellona, Messi and their fans would be a good comparison to the situation T1 is facing.

    I personally think LS might be a good choice because his strengths might match the huge item updates coming up for season 11. On top of that there are also rumors that Marin would also step in as a coach alongside LS so he could be able to fill in what LS would lack on.

    On the other hand I am also very doubtful that it's T1 among all others that's pulling such decisions out. It's very worrying for me because we don't know how longer Faker would be able to compete on a top level.

    submitted by /u/redMahura
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    Thank you Caedrel | Excel parts ways with Caedrel

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 04:16 AM PST


    Thank you @Caedrel. Thank you for joining us on this journey for the past two years. Thank you for putting your trust into Excel back in 2018.

    Thank you for everything, there will always be a home here for you. Now go smash whatever you do next.

    Until next time. #ThriveTogether

    Looks like we have another free agent on our hand. With Excel rumoured to give Dan a chance, I'm not sure there's a spot left in the LEC for Caedrel. Teams that had underperforming jungler seem to want to try rookies out with Zanzarah, Dan, Tynx, Elyoya rumoured to join. Schalke has re-signed Gillius, Jankos, Inspired and Selfmade should stay where they are.

    Edit : Caedrel - Announcement

    Looks like Caedrel is retiring from progaming and will look for opportunities as a freelancer, most likely keep streaming ? That's a pretty sad day. I feel like Caedrel is the best player to have never made an LEC playoff.

    submitted by /u/supterfuge
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    My biggest gripe with Seraphine is the fact that she doesn't even look like she's from the same game as almost every other champ.

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 03:06 PM PST

    We all know how ugly her green goblin looking hoverboard is and how she awkwardly vibes on it (who thought this was a better idea than just giving her a cute run or something?), but her overall design just looks like something straight out of Mobile Legends. Something she shares with imo Qiyana, Zoe, and Yuumi.

    Seriously, look at her splash art when surrounded by other League champs. If I didn't know any better I would think she was a crossover champ.

    Riot really bombed it not giving her a steampunk aesthetic or toning down her idol like appearance

    submitted by /u/thalfe
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    The Reddit Effect - How Social Media Affects Pro Players

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 11:49 AM PST

    T1 x BTS Play League Together

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 07:31 AM PST

    T1 x BTS Play League Together

    Faker getting called out by BTS

    The two iconic South Korean groups came together for a collab episode to play different types of games together (including, of course, League of Legends). SKT1 was introduced to the games BTS play normally on their show (singing games, etc) and BTS were exposed to playing League (which surprising only 2-3 of the members really play). The league that they did play in the episode is a Dr Mundo Dodgeball game which was interesting to watch (likely chosen since full 5:5 matches would take hours). I just wanted to share this moment since it's pretty big for South Korea but If anyone is interested in watching, you can skip to 20:42 in the video where the League segment begins.

    Group Photo

    Edit: I just wanted to thank you guys for being so respectful to T1 SK and BTS, it's quite rare now but nevertheless heartwarming. Hope you have a good one!

    submitted by /u/Vitch2Fab4U
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    Staying alive until I cancelled an auto

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 10:18 PM PST

    Jankos on Bwipo's offer from 100T

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 03:37 AM PST

    10 Tips to Master Akalis E (Shuriken Flip) in 90 Seconds!

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 12:02 PM PST

    These bugs are insane sometimes

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 12:10 AM PST

    How Reignover Became Cloud9's Head Coach - IWillDominate Interview ft. Reignover & Jack

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 12:21 PM PST

    Upcoming Seraphine balance changes

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 02:51 PM PST

    Riot Scruffy Tweeted the upcoming changes for Seraphine

    First patch is showing us that Seraphine has been skewed towards Support more than intended so we're adding adjustments to 10.23 to shift her primary position to Mid.

    Support is quite good right now, so these shouldn't remove the position, just bring it to a reasonable state.

    Image version of the changes: https://i.imgur.com/qxmYPzv.png


    We're pushing the distinction between mid and support Seraphine. Mid Sera, who will be higher level throughout the game, will have better access to scaling damage via the Passive and Q changes and can now use E more comfortably for waveclear when needed. Support Sera won't be able to hit those same levels or damage numbers, but still be able to lean on E-ma to provide consistent CC for her team.

    Base stats

    • Mana regen: 10 >>> 8


    • Note ratio: 7.5% AP >>> 6/7/8/9% AP (levels 1/6/11/16)


    • Damage: 55/65/75/85/95 (+55% AP) >>> 55/70/85/100/115 (+40/45/50/55/60% AP)


    • Base damage: 60/85/110/135/160 >>> 60/80/100/120/140

    • Damage to minions: 60/70/80/90/100% >>> 100%

    submitted by /u/MonstrousYi
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    Ornn in season 11

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 07:20 AM PST

    Misclick leads to unplanned but very cool synchronized dragon boys backing animation

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 05:23 PM PST

    Cloudtemplar on Damwon vs Sunning + Reflection

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 06:05 AM PST

    translated from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_KnXHycF2s&t=689s

    Damwon 3:1 Victory!

    As of now because of Damwon's victory in World LCK are now the number 1 region this year. Of course next year we still have to see MSI and Worlds but for now LCK have reclaimed their number 1 region spot.


    This was a very emotional moment for me. This took longer than I thought. When LCK first fell I thought they would do better next year but they kept faltering on the international stage. I even thought this day would never come. When I watched LPL to be really honest they were really good. Even at the finals they gave us a hard time. Damwon really won our confidence back.


    General Ideas

    To start I think Suning did better than I expected. Both side have something they regret/fell short and there are many points going for them both but in the end I thought Suning did better than I expected. I predicted a 3:1 but I predicted a much easier 3:1. The won games were all loseable and to be honest I am not sure what would happen if they went to game 5.


    Looking at Suning it reminds me of the old(young?) Damwon. Overall Damwon are a better team but Suning was really able to play out their style. Just like the name 'Style of Me" Suning was able to play according to their strength and displayed a monstrous performance. To be honest it was really fun seeing them play. Of course it was fun because we won it probably won't be that funny if we lost(IG flashback).


    This is going to be a short overview of the series. Let's not go too deep on the games itself since we have something else to talk about.

    Game 1

    SofM Shen Jungle

    Last time I talked about Shen and how not everyone can play the champion. There are just some player unable to play the champioin. I don't think SofM was good with Shen but instead, he is just really good with jungling. When you see the game you don't really get the feeling that SofM or even Suning is good with Shen. I don't think Shen is a champion that mesh well with Suning. But SofM is really good with Jungling so in terms of farming and macro he is really good but I don't he played to Shen's strength.



    Damwon picked a pretty traditional comp: Orianna, Ornn, and Graves reminiscent of the group stage and then Ashe/Pantheon. The analyst desk talked about this already but this comp is great even in blind pick(OGN B05 prepared us for this). This comp doesn't really have much weakness and it's a great game 1 comp.


    Suning on the other hand chooses a very stylish(flavourful) comp which they will continue to do so the entire series. The comp is all about combos with Azir, Wukong, Leona going in while Ezreal deal damage in the back. Azir is good on paper(original: 'concept pick') but it was really hard to use him effectively in-game.


    Suning's comp was really scary but to put it simply BeryL played out of his mind this game. He was good overall but specifically his positioning before teamfight/objective was really amazing. Because they have Ornn against Shen/Wukong they really can't break sidelines so they have to group around mid. What Suning want to do is catch them offguard with Leona/Azir but BeryL was able to stop them and even catch them before they catch Damwon.


    You hear this and might think Damwon is unstoppable this game but in reality, it was a really close one. Biin played out of his mind this game. Specifically when Biin who was able to outplay Nuguri and Canyon who came to pick him off. But Biin was able to dodge their skill and survive till Angel and SofM came and clean them up. Wukong wasn't even that ahead. Overall however Damwon did have the advantage but Damwon made some mistakes and we realized that this isn't going to come easy.


    Sunny Side Up

    What is interesting about Suning is that they play around top which is rare and no other team do this. But because Biin is so good they were able to put out a great performance. SofM too was good on enabling Biin while making sure bot doesn't collapse.


    So Nuguri was really important here. If there was ten ganks then he evaded nine of them. Since top side was Suning's win condition Nuguri did a really good job absorbing the pressure. Sometimes he doesn't even get help and was just expected to survive on his own.

    Suning Roster on Paper vs Reality

    I don't think Azir is a good pick overall and he is only okay in niche comp like this. But Angel isn't their star player and aside from that Syndra game he didn't really surprise anyone.


    What is kind of funny is that if you look at Suning on paper they aren't really a scary team. Because one: they play around top side and who the heck play around topside today? Their mid and bot isn't that strong and they are not even that great at Macro. Don't they sound like a weak team? The problem is that you lose even if you know all that. Suning has a particular style and they perfected that style to a tee. (It's like that quote that the best swordman isn't afraid of man with hundred move but man who perfected one single move).

    Shen pt. 2

    So a lot of people was asking why Shen didn't fall behind like many other Shens. Shen is a level 6 champion and like many other level 6 champions he couldn't keep up the tempo in early game. Suning however played around it and let him grew in the jungle. It was a team effort to keep Shen in the game. Canyon however didn't just slack off. He was able to get many objectives and was really busy. On the other hand Shen was focusing on leveling. This is why Shen didn't fall behind.


    Game 2

    This is a world record game where we have the first pentakill in Worlds Final. This was a really good game from Suning who played almost perfectly. They gave Lucian and picked Syndra who is good against Lucian in exchange. Because Damwon picked Lucian Damwon picked an AP Jungler(Eve) which then they picked Rengar to counter. From a pick/ban point of view it was a work of beauty.


    Looking at this comp you might have thought Damwon inted in pick/ban. They gave Angel Syndra who is almost a Syndra one trick, they gave Rengar who counters Eve, and they gave Suning Jhin/Leona two of the most contested pick in bot. But in reality, Damwon had the advantage. It was a winnable game for Damwon and there were many reasons why they lost but I think the biggest reason is their failure to adapt.


    It seems Damwon struggled against Suning surprised picks. You have to play a little differently against Rengar and Showmaker especially seems to panic a bit. And Biin Fiora played flawlessly this game. Canyon and Showmaker to be hoenst made a lot of mistakes this game. There were times where Canyon died with summs and Showmaker didn't do well with Lucian. I wonder what would happen if they played with a bit more caution.


    To be honest this game might have been a frustrating game for Nuguri. Because to be honest as long as Nuguri was able to hold Biin Damwon should've won. Ornn is really hard to break and they wasn't able to break Ornn but other lane collapsed. Nuguri said in interview that he was angry for playing weakside this game and other games. And to be honest this is a game he deserves to be angry because he was able to hold on his own against Fiora. He did his job but as a tank he can't really do anything when his team collapse. He is really good on Ornn but you can't win against Fiora as Ornn.



    This and Damwon giving G2 Lucian makes me think they are not ready with the pick. It is hard to get practice time with Lucian since he is so contested and if you picked Lucian you need an AP jungler which is also contested and hard to match with other champions. Lucian is a good pick I think everyone agrees with that. But sometime there is picks like that where because it is so contested not everyone are able play them(Like Kalista at her prime).


    Why Eve Why Not Lillia?

    Eve is really good at pressuring enemy team and are great in shutting down Fiora. I don't think the picks are the problem but the in game plays. But you can say that the comp they picked might not been bad but what they gave to enemy team is wrong. Syndra who is Angel best champion, Jhin and Leona the teir 1 bot lane champions. If you look at the game from this perspective then yeah the pick/ban isn't good from Damwon.


    Millionaire Binn and Vietnam Rengar

    But for people who watched the game Biin was insane this game and SofM showed us the peak of Rengar. The analyst desk talked about this but there is some freedom to Rengar. You can go lethality Rengar or Tank Rengar. Usually, for solo alne Lethality Rengar is perferred but SofM was insane with the ping pongs and stack management. Out of the three mustakteer champions: Camille, Fiora, Jax Fiora has the weakest team fighting but with that items, nothing really matter. No matter who you are if Fiora has that many items she has no equal.


    Even I with that many items could've won.


    "??????????????????" -Chat


    Cloudtemplar is currently Plat 3 with a 42%(33 games) winrate on Fiora.

    Game 3

    If I have to describe this one game with one word it would be: Nuguri. If I have to do it in two then it would Nuguri and BeryL. I am oversimplifing a bit and of course other players did their part too and BeryL was really good but Nuguri was a whole another level. He was able to evade ganks, win lane, and win team fights. Usually it is almost impossible to evade ganks and win lane he really did everything he can do. BeryL also did really good job with Braum.


    However this was also a close game. Biin picked Jax(one of the three sword champion), Angel on his Akali, and SofM on Nidalee. It was a close game and it could've been a frustrating game for Nuguri because he really everything he can. Especially that time when four of his team mates made bad judgment and died. It almost became the like second game where Nuguri lost because of his team mates when he was doing really well.

    All Right, Then. Keep Your Secret

    So... people have been asking about the Omnistone runes Biin and SofM used. The thing about Omnistone is that it could be unexpected to the enemy and surprise them of course sometime it also surprise you. It is a gamble and it is really fun to play around that randomness but at the end it is really just for fun. I am really unsure about this. If Wunder told us why then we could have known but Wunder said he is keeping as a secret for next year so... Use it with caution to your LP.


    Damwon's Biggest Strength

    One of the biggest strength Damwon have and also the most important thing in this meta is lane prioirity/dominace. Damwon's bot doesn't falter against HuanFeng/SwordArt and Nuguri is Nuguri so Mid is very important here. But Showmaker is on Syndra so he is able to get lane priority which creates a scenario where all three lane are winning which gives Canyon a lot of space. Because of this it wasn't huge to give Sunnin Nidalee.


    RED vs BLUE

    When you are Red Side you have to give them one pick so what Red usually does is they give the enemy one good pick and take two afterward. Usually Blue take Lucian and there are still many good picks leftover like Jhin, Leona, Syndra.


    Let's make this simpler. If you are red side you are able to take 2 OP pick against their 1 OP pick. AND you have last pick so you can counter one of their pick. This is why everyone picks Red side. So why does people prefer blue side the early stage of Worlds? This is because not everything was solved. At that time Nidalee, Lillia, Graves was super contested and getting just one of them at the start gave you such big advantage in Jungle. But over time people started to figure out how to play around them so the OPness got smaller. BTW this is normal. Players always find counterpick/style against OP picks and find a way to counter the current meta.

    Game 4

    There isn't much to talk about this game. Suning seems a bit fatigued and mental seems... a bit down. Suning Pick/ban wasn't that good, their secret picks was already shown, and went into this game a bit worried and exited the game the same way. One important thing is that Showmaker is once again on Syndra and through many adc bans they picked Cait gaining lane priority, Pantheon and Leona has the same role but Pantheon was able to move faster than Leona, and once again they seek to play around top but Nuguri was able hold once again.


    I think SofM regretted picking Graves this game. I think SofM didn't expect them to lose so much lane priority. Graves is a good pick when you have lane priority and when you don't have lane prioirity you want to pick a ganking jungler. Whether it is Lee sin, Jarvan, or any ganking jungler they would have worked better. As for Kindered wolf was basically in heaven with 3 lane priority giving them free reign. Graves can't gank can't make plays. Other picks would've been better.


    As for Gankplank he doesn't have as much as outplay potential than Jax, Fiora, Camille so I think Damwon had an easier time dealing with him then the last three games. Of course Damwon did well in pick/ban but you don't win just off of pick/ban they also did well in-game. This is game that I expected to happen. But aside from game 4 all three games was really close and clutch.

    Series MVP

    So Canyon received the series MVP which continues the feeling that Junglers are dominating the mvp spot after Ning, Tian. Some fan asked me if I can choose who would I choose for MVP. I think I would've chosen Nuguri because to put it simply Nuguri didn't have a single bad game this series. Canyon was a bit... bad in that Evelynn game but Nuguri did well all four games. Even the game they lost he still did well. I think Nuguri was the most consistent player and Canyon did really good but he didn't do good that Evelynn game.


    BeryL did well too, Ghost did good too and Showmaker. Guys to be honest MVP is really just for show, for celebration. This is a team game everyone did their part to win the trophy. Who held the trophy highter doesn't really matter.

    Best Players in Each Role in Worlds

    I have always believed that whoever win Worlds are the best in their role If you know my history you would know that to be true and this is especially true this year. Think of any player that is better than Damwon's roster. There is none. Damwon roster is the best this Worlds.


    However, who is the second/third is a bit more complicated. I think it is much more interesting to pick 2nd/3rd than to pick first since it is just Damwon.


    2nd Best Players




    Guys Guys Guys. This isn't World top 20 this is my own list. This is my subjective opinion and you can pick whoever you want. This isn't a poll rank. I will explain why I pick Caps later.


    Marksman is a bit tricky but my pick contenders are: HuanFeng, Ruler, Rekkles



    Guys come on aside from that final series what other games did Huangfeng did bad on? Yes, there was some adc gap between him and Ghost but- people who play marksman will know this. They played top side games what can you do when you are playing weakside marksman? Suning always play around top side so how can you expect a weak side marksman to super carry? I am getting frustrating saying this so I am going to pick Huanfeng(lol).



    Why Caps?

    Caps isn't as lane dominant as let's say Knight who is the second contender but he is a great playmaker. He made a lot of plays and are crucial to G2 and even in games they struggled Caps still made the best possible choice to win. I picked him because of his game changing playmaking potential.


    I was going to put Sword as a joke but as you guys are rioting down there I am going to stop here.


    1. Was there a party?

    a. No


    b. Yes, but I just stayed for a while


    c. Yes, but I didn't know


    d. Yes, but I was banned


    It's one of those

    2. Cake?

    I don't knw what taste it is since I didn't get get to eat it. I was going to throw the cake to fellow caster's face but then it had Damwon on it so I didn't want to ruin it.

    3. Seed Change?

    A lot of people have been asking that since we won Worlds would that give us 4 seed? I am not the one in charge but I don't think winning one Worlds automatically gives us 4 seeds. I think it is more about past achievements so this is only the start.

    4. Next year?

    So people have been asking what LCK will look like next year with the Franchising change and such. I don't know much but I think the region will be more competitive with the influx of money and slot security.


    Come on guys its only been a couple hours since Damwon won please don't ask where I think the players are going...

    5. Cloudtemplar's Schedule

    I am not sure how they are going to do All-Star if at all but if they do it I will probably be there.


    Starting soon I am going on a college tour and will meet many college students interested in League. I have already done this a few times but I am going to do more starting on Monday. If you wanted to meet tell your student council because they are the one giving out invites.


    To be hoenst student council are such Chads. Like even when I was in High school I would see my seniors playing basketball or soccer and I think they are so cool. I usually just sit in a corner and talked about video game with my friends. I remember we would talked about last night game and break the game down. We would do our own draft and compare it. I think this is something our fellow gamers could relate like we would gather around during Lunch and talked about draft, pick/ban, and where/what we should play tonight.


    I enjoyed it. It was my childhood and to be honest it was fun. I remember before video game we would make our story and people role play(it's kind of like DnD). Like we would have one DM and one artist and we will play out our story. One would be mage one would be barabainians and then DM would be like "Ah a monster appeared what would you do?" and we will be "attack", "run", "poke his butt hole". The story would go on for weeks and every time we had break we would gather around and play. It was really fun. Some people are laughing but I know some here could relates to it.


    6. Stage, Opening

    So to give my honest opinion I was quite dissapointed at first but then I was like "it's okay" at the end. The Galio wasn't too bad and I think at the end it got better. I don't think it's not that bad. It picked up at the end.

    7. Oberservor

    To be really honest the Obseror was really meh. It was kind of frustrating because I am seeing so many things but they are not showing them. I am good at casting from watching minimap and it is something I am proud of but... At one point we just stopped talking about things because we know that the oberservor won't show them. It is not like they can hear us so we can't really do anything about it...


    But it's okay cause Damwon won. These things happens time to time let's just move on. When we host it we will do better.

    8. Crowd

    A lot of people was complaining about the crowd and how it was a library. Let's be the better man here and let it slide. And to be honest LPL crowd didn't have obligation to cheer for us. Just like how LCK fan doesn't have to cheer for them they don't also have to cheer for us. These things sometime happens in Sport like people would go completely silent after a homerun from other team.


    And someone pointed this out but at least they didn't boo'ed us. When I was playing against TPA the whole crowd was cheering for TPA. Like when they killed a ward they would chant "TPA, TPA, TPA"(because of screen sneak peak/cheating incident everyone hated Azu Frost at that time). As long as they don't cheer against or boo us I am okay with it. You guys are asking too much.

    10. Hope for LCS?

    I think they either have to grow their player domestically or they have to be more open to spending money. I said this before but I think having more S tier player in a region elvate the region as a whole. So they might want to get more S tier player to NA. They don't want to come? Slap them with so much money they are having a second thought, second house, and second wife.


    To be honest though they are already spending way too much money. What they have to do is spend money on the right player and cut those who does not deserve it. They have to paint the region as a region that pay you a lot if you perform and not just give money for free. Right now they are just spending money they have to spend money more realistically and smartly.


    I am not saying they should get more Korean but just imports in general.

    11. Championship Skin

    I wanted to see Nuguri pick Ornn but tank champion in general doesn't get much love. And Nuguri Kennen have always came out when they needed him the most so I think it is okay for him to pick Kennen.


    Canyon said it is either Graves or Nidalee and I think those two are fine. Probably going to sell a lot once it come out. Oh he said he picked graves? That's pretty cool.


    As for mid he said he is picking TF which is fine. Akali would have been good too since he got famous for the pick but I don't think he picked her this World. I am not sure about Syndra since she already have a skin. Picking TF is actually kind of huge since he was one of the oldest champion and was in and out of the meta quite often. He is quite popular too.


    Hmm I wonder who Ghost is going to pick. Oh he is picking Jhin? Hmm I don't think Jhin fit quite well... Draven? I don't think that sell well so I am not sure... Ashe? Ashe is good too Ashe is also a beta champion like TF. She is also many people's first champion because of tutorial... Wait they changed it? It's no longer Ashe? I guess time changes but wow I can't beleive they changed it... I feel old now.


    BeryL should just pick Pantheon. It is going to sell well too. What? He is picking Leona? Oh man Pantheon skin would have been nice because you flex him in any role so he is more versatille. I guess I have to respect his personal opinion. Hopefully the skin would look good.


    I know it is easy to just say LCK won and celebrate but this didn't come in one day. This came with many hardworks and please don't think only Damwon contributed. A lot teams worked hard for this moment and they made each other strong doing so. So many of them were like "I don't want to fight cause we might lose" then the coaches will be like "fight cause that's the only way we can get better." The teams decided to change and this is the result of it.


    The Future of Cloudtemplar channel

    So I have been doing this kind of stuff for a while and this one marks the final episode of the year. I've done this with Pony, with guest speaker, and even just myself and I am thankful for the fans and the attention I have gotten. From a youtuber perspective it is really hard for a hours long video to get any view. In Youtube short video are the one that get attention and viewership. Even I don't want to watch hour long video so I really appreciate you guys watching.


    I have said this before but I have many things to learn and improve on. I don't have talent, I don't have skill, and all I can really do is try my best. There is a lot of time where I just want to stop everything and I wonder do I really need to do this much? Do I really need to live a life where I get cussed everyday? I have confidence that I can do this but it is hard somtimes. Most people don't know how hard I work and to be honest that's just life. You work hard nobody notices and you make one mistakes everyone notices. I guess that's just something we have to overcome. Anyway thank you guys for the support see you guys next time.

    submitted by /u/winwill
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    DWG Flame announces that he has received permission from Damwon to look for a new team.

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 12:28 AM PST

    담원으로부터 타 회사와 접촉 가능 컨펌 받았습니다. 향후 커리어에 대해 열린 마음으로 생각중입니다. 이메일 -----로 연락주세요.

    I have received permission from Damwon to contact other organizations. I am open-minded about my future please email me at (check tweet).

    He is one of the legends of the game and has played in the NA LCS before and reached the finals in summer 2017 against TSM. He has said multiple times on stream that he still wants to be a player (does not want to be a coach) and is just looking for an opportunity and is very motivated. I have been a huge fan of this guy since the CJ days and I still think he has it and hope to see him on a starting roster.

    I am posting this because he seemed so motivated but his tweet gained very little attention.


    submitted by /u/KoreanExplanation
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    Champion concept: Farron, the Siegebreaker

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 12:19 PM PST

    Champion concept: Farron, the Siegebreaker

    Captain Farron is a character from Legends of Runeterra that I think would make a really cool champion in League of Legends, so I came up with a kit concept for him.

    He's the big dude with the ball-and-chains.

    His backstory is kinda similar to Samira's. Farron originated in Zaun, where he was an outcast. He eventually joined the ranks of Noxus and became one of its fiercest warriors.

    In the game, Farron would be a ranged juggernaut. His dual ball-and-chains give him more range than, say, Darius or Sett, but his movement would be extremely limited because of how heavy he is. His attack range would be 375, slightly more than Urgot.

    Now, onto the kit:

    Passive: Crushing Steel

    Farron's ranged auto-attacks deal a percentage of the damage in a small area around his attack target. He swings his ball-and-chain down with such force that the impact also damages enemies around his target. Enemies hit by a ranged auto-attack or the AoE damage are slowed by 15% for 1 second.

    In addition, any bonus attack speed Farron gains from any source is turned into bonus AD for his ranged auto-attacks only. His weapons are so heavy that he cannot swing them very fast at range. Auto-attacks at melee range do take bonus attack speed into account, and do not benefit from this bonus AD.

    Q: Meteor Strike

    Farron channels while spinning one of his ball-and-chains above his head. Farron can move while channeling. When the channel ends, Farron launches the ball-and-chain forward. The longer it's channeled, the further it goes. It damages and knocks aside any non-champion units it hits (like Draven's E) and stops on the first champion hit. The first champion hit takes damage and is knocked back. The knockback distance also depends on the channel time.

    During the laning phase, this ability can be used for waveclear and harrassing the enemy laner. In teamfights, it can be used to disengage a potential threat, or it can be used from a flanking position to force an enemy carry out of position.

    W: Crushing Clash / Chain Yank

    Farron throws both ball-and-chains to the side and swings them in an arc so that they clash against each other. Enemies that are hit by the clashing balls are damaged and stunned.

    Farron can then recast this ability immediately after the clash to yank both balls towards him, dragging any enemies that are standing between him and the balls towards him (not all the way).

    E: Fortify

    Farron assumes a defensive stance, preventing him from auto-attacking for its duration. While in the defensive stance, he is granted damage reduction from all sources. When the duration ends, Farron lashes out around him, dealing damage to all enemies based on how much damage Farron has taken during his defensive stance. He also regains some health for each champion damaged by this ability.

    R: Noxian Whirlwind

    Farron spins around while swinging his ball-and-chains for a few seconds, damaging all enemies in the area. The range of the area slowly increases over time, and Farron gains movement speed over time. When the time is up or when the ability is recast, Farron finishes with an extra powerful swing in a 120-degree arc that drags all enemy champions hit by the ball part of the swing to the end point of the swing. Champions hit by the chain part are also dragged along a bit, but not to the end point.

    submitted by /u/GeneralSecura
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    Off-Season Rumors, Predictions, and Speculations: T1 LS? NA Perkz? New LCS format? | HLL 147

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 04:52 AM PST

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