• Breaking News

    Thursday, December 3, 2020

    League of Legends Four years ago, Faker was solokilled by a Gold 4 Brand

    League of Legends Four years ago, Faker was solokilled by a Gold 4 Brand

    Four years ago, Faker was solokilled by a Gold 4 Brand

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 09:00 PM PST

    Allorim on Crown’s LCS “Partying” accusations

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 04:01 PM PST

    Allorim: "I think what Crown said was not translated the best, or he put it the wrong way. I was on OpTic the entire time he was here, and our nights were spent doing draft logic/3rd block scrims before big matches. If "parties" were going on, it was AFTER a win at the end of the weekend"


    "Our players DID like going out to eat for dinner at like Tsujita or whatever, but that was it, come back from dinner (maybe even have a beer omg), prep more for the match if needed. I was in the office almost day to night, in a very open area for acad/LCS'

    Source: https://twitter.com/allorim/status/1334285474945503232?s=21


    "And before people accuse me of just trying to defend the region because I'm NA too (Not apart of LCS/Acad right now btw), remember that this post came from: Crown spoke to Ambition, who spoke to the stream, which was translated from Korean to English. Things can get mixed up"

    submitted by /u/I-AM-NOT-THAT-DUCK
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    Carlos/Ocelote explaining why he refused to sell Perkz to Fnatic on Crackdown

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 09:53 AM PST

    Rito Has Killed Taliyah

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 05:41 PM PST

    A little background on this champion called Taliyah, I know a lot of you most likely haven't heard of her and that is because she typically sits at <1% playrate at all ranks and regions! She has been unchanged and unmentioned in patch notes (outside of bugfixes) since the patches started with the number 8.

    Rito recently announced they were changing that and it brought new life and enjoyment to this cold husk of a videogame for us small group of people who play this under represented champion, the sub was on fire people (both jg and mid mains) more excited to play rock girl than they had been in YEARS, they were going to buff her base armor by 20% (20 -> 24 base armor) and we were amazed, making both lane and jg better against power creeping ad assassins who over the years have gotten even more potential to squish a soft AP midlaner or AP jungler like Taliyah. Her worked ground, a mechanic unique to Taliyah where, after she presses Q, makes a 450 unit diameter circle that causes all subsequent Qs cast within to shoot 1 instead of 5 projectiles but only cost 1 mana, was going to be reduced in size by 75 units down to 375 diameter. Once again after this change was announced Taliyah players of both the jg and mid variant were excited it meant in fights she could weave in an extra ~300-500 damage if you played it right making her much more viable. The last and least consequential change was the reverting of a nerf two years ago which made her subsequent Q projectiles (shots 2-5) do reduced damage to camps and after this patch all Qs would do 100% damage to jungle monsters and neutral objectives.

    These were impactful changes to a champion to maybe bring her back into rotation, make her more viable all the way to the professional level and we were all excited, but just take one quick look over at r/TaliyahMains and you'll see something happened that has caused uproar. Taliyah actually will only be receiving one (1) of her announced three (3) changes and for many of us it doesn't matter as we still play her in MIDLANE.

    The changes on PBE show after TWO WHOLE YEARS the only changes riot will make to this champion to make her feel better to play in both mid and jg is reverting a TWO YEAR OLD NERF to jungle camps, she will not be receiving changes to her total armor or armor growth, her Worked Ground will still be 450 units and she'll still be countered by most champions in her intended role of midlane.

    Also a little extra juice, at the same time as the revealing that she won't even get a buff is thrown out they say they CUT INTERACTIONS between Taliyah and the new support champion Rell meaning little to no content being produced for a already dying champ that three weeks into preseason still doesn't have stats on op.gg .

    TL;DR - Riot after two years of not changing Taliyah announce they will buff her and then don't buff her at all and at the same time say they actually are just not going to give her content anymore effectively killing the champion and any future of lore/in game content bringing in more players to this sub 1% playrate champion.

    submitted by /u/Kronchyee
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    Why did riot removed the fact that you could see what champion your friend are playing ?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 12:27 PM PST

    Hello !

    I was wondering why i cant see the champion my friend play in real time ? i mean it was there so why specifically removce it ? i dont see any purpose

    submitted by /u/LCDCMetaux
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    Rekkles bullying his opponent

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 06:42 AM PST

    i combined Thresh, Neeko, Sona and Twitch into one beast

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 05:55 PM PST

    i combined Thresh, Neeko, Sona and Twitch into one beast

    thought it would be fun to mash all of my mains together. cant even think of a name for it.

    any other suggestions for champs to morph?

    the beast

    submitted by /u/bobowildin
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    EvilGeniuses (EG) welcomes Impact to the team

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 11:51 AM PST


    The plan is coming together. We've added @Impact to our EVIL plan. Join us in welcoming him to the team.



    I have lost to this guy more than vs any other player in international competition over my career. Glad to finally be on same side of the rift.

    Best weak side top the West has ever seen, hoping we get the chance to show more Jax and Fiora next year too.

    submitted by /u/axw30
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    IWillDominate responds to Crown's claim: "I've only heard of teams partying Sunday night after matches when Monday was the day off in all of Season 9."

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 05:27 PM PST

    Here is Crown's original claim for context: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/k54a43/ambition_crown_told_me_that_in_na_teams_would/

    Link to tweet:https://twitter.com/IWDominateLoL/status/1334305857299877888

    " Not sure if there is any truth behind what Ambition claims Crown said about NA teams partying with alcohol when they have matches the next day. I've only heard of teams partying Sunday night after matches when Monday was the day off in all of Season 9. "

    He then tweets this in the same thread: "Season 10 there were some times where people would still throw Sunday parties with other teams having Monday Night League games but very rarely did any of the players playing the next day show up/drink at those parties."

    submitted by /u/adrenmostpissed22
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    The Champion Designer Everyone Loves To Hate

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 09:24 AM PST

    Why was Sivir not not buffed?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 08:39 AM PST

    Not trying to sound like I'm complaining but Sivir currently has a 0.5% playrate with a 47.7% winrate.

    If she had a high playrate I would have understood the low winrate.

    And in Diamond SHE HAS A 44% WINRATE WITH A 0.2% pick rate.

    So how on earth is a champion like Ekko with a 52% winrate buffed but Sivir who is struggling was neglected?

    I just want to understand.

    submitted by /u/Bewitching_Fortune
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    What the hell changed with "Shift + Enter" after a game?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 12:51 AM PST

    I just want to say GG and every time I have to hit shift enter for all chat like twice. I had the timing down right as the game ended to hit that GG before the honor screen. I am angry.

    submitted by /u/DookeyLukey
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    [Feature] The LEC is in a luxurious position: new talent is being bred in the thriving European Regional Leagues. However, teams are disappointingly careless with rookies. Instead of trying to cultivate players who they did see potential in, teams speed-roll through European talent.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 11:10 AM PST

    Why does Kayn's profile picture change based on what skin he's wearing?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 03:43 PM PST

    I don't know if this was always the case, but I've been noticing in my games that if the kayn has a skin, his in game profile picture will be different. To me it feels really weird to see it along side all the other default ones, especially with Odyssey Kayn, it just doesn't look right.

    Is there a specific reason for this, am I missing something?

    submitted by /u/Neo_Penguin
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    Sett 100000IQ Play!!

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 05:15 PM PST

    The Muramana nerf not only hurts mages, but also its main builders as well.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 05:13 PM PST

    Notably characters like Ezreal or Corki who also deal a lot of magic damage from their spells.

    Before preseason, Ezreal's W and E were also able to proc Muramana, because they are single targeted spells. That means that Ezreal's combos consistently proc'd Muramana multiple times, which is a huge part of Ezreal's burst and DPS.

    After preseason, aside from the stacking changes, not much changed except that his ultimate also procs Muramana now that the single target spell restriction was lifted. But god damn, this new change is just awful for Ezreal. Because Muramana will only work on physical damage, Ezreal's W and E will no longer proc Muramana, which is going to tank his damage by a lot. He already lost the easy access to both self-peeling and tankiness from Iceborn Gauntlet's removal/overhaul. And I didn't even talk about Corki and how all of his spells except his E deal magic damage.

    Honestly, in my opinion, they should just revert the current nerf and instead focus on buffing Archangel/Seraph so AP characters will actually opt for the AP version of Tear instead of the AD version.

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_EDGEWORTH_NUDE
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    Almost every single game is a one-sided stomp and I hate it.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 11:38 PM PST

    Diamond 2 ADC for reference.

    8/10 games I play is a literal one sided stomp that ends in 15-20 minutes.

    In 4 games we get stomped on 2 out of the 3 lanes we have and no matter what you do the game is over by 15 minutes. The game either ends at 15 if your team miraculously agrees to FF there or it drags to ~20-23 minutes when the enemy team can actually end it.

    In the other 4 games I have 1 or 2 people stomping the enemy and I can literally just afk farm bot and not turbo int and I will win. I can even int a little and it won't matter. I want to see what the enemy adc that won the lane does when our camille that is 4/0 and 4 levels up on him just wipes the floor with him.

    There are literally only 2 games out of 10 where I feel like I make enough of an impact in order to secure the win or loss. Those are the games where what I did actually mattered in the outcome of the game.

    Idk if it's all the damage or so many busted champions that once they get a lead they are impossible to stop but seriously what's the fun in playing 10 games if 8 of them are as relevant as me coinflipping and chosing the side the coin lands on?

    submitted by /u/DrixGod
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    why do i need to rely on op.gg to see someone's full rune page

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 11:37 AM PST

    i think its so bizarre that we can't see the full rune page in game or in loading screen. it's such a important part of the game and it's just a pain to have to load up 3rd party sites to check for it

    submitted by /u/sora-kunnnnnn
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    Ex-EG Top Laner Kumo joins FlyQuest Academy

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 04:16 PM PST

    Any Kuumers? yeah I went there

    Time to #LIVEGOOD! 🌺

    Welcome @KumoLoL to our 2021 Academy roster! #FLYWIN #ShowcaseGreatness


    submitted by /u/TomShoe02
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    The reason why chat was reworked

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 06:30 PM PST

    Do you want to feel sad? Just take a look at TaliyahMains and you will get it

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 04:15 PM PST

    Really sad over there. Today they reverted half of her buffs so the only one is that one of jungle, which is pretty much nothing for mid, apc and support players of Taliyah who loved that WG buff and that armor buff.

    Guess we choose the wrong champ :/

    submitted by /u/peruanToph
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    Crit adcs that had runnans on their core build need attention

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 06:32 AM PST

    Yes im talking about jinx, aphelios, twitch and possibly others.

    Runnans currently is at 3400 gold and apparently this is staying since runnans is supposed to be a "luxury" item now and not a second item anymore.

    I mean if thats the case then those champions need some changes, it also doesnt help with the IE change on PBE you cant even go IE second anymore after mythic like you can on live (its honestly probably the best raw damage item you can build on live after mythic for pure AA crit adcs even with only +16% crit damage at that point since runnans is kind of trash as a second item with that cost plus the scaling part of the bolts dmg).

    AA based crit adcs need a second item that powerspikes and doesnt cost 3400, or IE needs to be made to stay viable as a second item so they still have something to follow up on the mythic that still does damage, a suggestion would be take current IE and make it cost 3100 or 3000 gold instead of the pbe change (and honestly, give it back the 10 AD that was randomly removed from it), it lost a lot of stats and it still costs the same for some reason...

    submitted by /u/Rexsaur
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    Creation of G2 according to Carlos

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 10:58 AM PST

    Cloud 9 Amateur Team Roster Announcement

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 03:28 PM PST

    "Building new talent is our speciality. Please welcome #C9AMATEUR, the 2021 #LCS Cloud9 Amateur team! #C9WIN"


    JG: eXyu

    Mid: CptShrimps

    ADC: Wixxilol

    Support: TemposLol

    Coach: TailsJJ

    Given the changes to the Academy/Amateur scene w/ the introduction to Proving Grounds, super excited to see C9 develop more talent outside of their rumored academy team. All very exciting talent to watch, especially excited to see CptShrimps perform after his play in Scouting Grounds.


    submitted by /u/emoc291
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    KeSPA Cup to be held between Dec 21 to Jan 2. Group stage followed by RO6 knock-out stage between the 10 franchised LCK teams.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 09:46 PM PST

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