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    LoL Guide Answer in game questions with post game analysis

    LoL Guide Answer in game questions with post game analysis

    Answer in game questions with post game analysis

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 05:09 AM PST

    Do you ever ask yourself questions during game? "Do I need to ARAM with my team here?" "Should I rotate to drag?" "Could I have played that better?"

    Do you follow up on those questions after the game is over?

    A lot of times we play the game without answering these questions and when they come up again and again we continue to have this big question mark about what we should be doing in these situations.

    In-game we only have so much time to make a decision. A lot of times it requires us to move the camera around and assess the situation; Something I myself struggle with.

    How can you answer these questions and what is the significance?

    Watch the replay! Go back in time to the moment you asked yourself the question and figure out the answer! This allows us to improve at the game by internalizing the correct play and allowing us to recognize similar situations in the future.

    Let's look at a recent game of mine:

    I was playing ADC and my lane was pushed up. I looked at the minimap and saw my Kassadin get ganked by Nunu. I thought to myself "Should I help him?"


    At this moment in the game, I can only do so much. I can pan my camera over to him, assess the situation, and determine if I need to help him. Being the greedy ADC that I am, I chose to farm minions and ignore him.

    This is the moment in the game that I saw the Nunu:


    This is the moment in the game where I need to make a decision:


    Let's look at the situation. The lane is pushing into me, and I have easy access to the river.

    Can I move?

    Yes. I can walk into river and try to help out.

    What is the cost?

    This minion wave will crash into my turret and I will lose several waves worth of xp and cs.

    Is it worth?

    No. As the ADC I should not be giving up two full waves of cs and xp this early in the game. The wave would need to be pushed all the way into their turret or I would need a cannon wave just arriving in my lane in order for me to help out without missing too much.

    What could I have done?

    Watch the enemy bot lane and follow them if they rotate. Ping my team to let them know that backup is coming.

    Did I make the right decision?

    Yes, as long as the enemy bot lane does not move to help, I should stay in my lane. If the enemy bot lane moves, then they can potentially kill my mid lane and my jungler and look for a dragon.

    Going back to your replays and answering your own questions will help you improve as a player by recognizing similar situations and making the correct plays in future games. You can figure out what is the correct play, if you made it or not, and how you could play it better. For me, I need to be moving my camera more to see what is going on. To access your replays, just go to your profile, view your match history, and use the buttons to the right of the match to download and view the replay.

    submitted by /u/jubilee414404
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    "Hanging pieces" chess analogy

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 03:13 PM PST

    In chess, if you leave a major piece (knight, bishop, rook, queen) undefended and it's captured for free, you have essentially lost the game, unless your opponent makes a huge error. I had been struggling to climb out of mid Silver, but once I applied this same principle to League, I climbed to Gold for the first time in two different roles (top and mid) in about 20 games each. The idea was just that, win or lose, I started skimming through my replays and trying to see if I had "hung" myself at any point in the game -- if I had, that game was a deserved loss, regardless of my teammates' play or the actual outcome. I was surprised at the amount of times that, despite the information I had available at the time, I was putting myself in irredeemably bad positions: in chess terms, I was just launching my rook into the enemy with no backup, without even thinking about it, so of course I was bound to lose. I tried hard to stop doing this, and good results just happened on their own.

    Treating League as a tactical positioning game, whether it's micro-positioning in lane or macro-positioning across the rift, you can cut your mistakes by a lot, while also recognizing enemy mistakes more quickly. Many losing games can seemingly just turn around on their own when you just stay in the right position, and the enemy does not. I recommend any folks in Silver or below giving this a try.

    submitted by /u/Runic_Bistro
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    ADC Starting itemization: Dorans Blade + Health Potion vs Longsword + Refillable Potion

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 08:16 AM PST

    This isn't a new conversation, but with the item changes in season 11 I thought it would be a good time to discuss the potentially stronger start of Longsword+Refillables in the bot lane. Let's take a quick look at a statistical comparison...

    With Dorans Blade + Health Potion, you get a comparative:

    • +80 Health

    • +2.5% Omnivamp

    With Longsword + Refillable, you get a comparative:

    • +2 Attack damage

    • +100 Health Regeneration from potions

    • +50 Gold saved (Assuming you will buy refillables later in the game, which is pretty standard).

    Stat vs Stat this is pretty close. On one hand the Bonus Health from Dorans does protect from all in burst potential, but you do get an extra 20 hp total from Sword/Refillables if you run through all of your potions. This is not counting the health that you will get back from the Dorans blade Omnivamp, which undoubtedly exceeds that 20 health. However, the bonus +2 AD from Sword and saved gold can be valuable as well.

    This may be even more relevant in season 11, as the 1 item power spike is much stronger than it was in season 10, and all of the Mythic Items that ADCs will build have a longsword component (Galeforce, Eclipse, Duskblade, Shieldbow, Kraken Slayer and Sunderer). With a longsword start, you can reach your Mythic item power spike 400 gold sooner. That can have pretty major implications in your game if your teams adc has their Mythic for an objective fight and the other's does not.

    All in all, I think that Doran's Blade is going to end up being the slightly stronger laning start, but I do think AD's with high base HP (Jhin, Twitch, Jinx, Draven, Xayah, and Kaisa) who are already resistant to burst, may want to consider this alternative start for a quicker 1 item power spike.

    Thanks for reading! -Lowsmith, Diamond ADC

    submitted by /u/Lowsmithy
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    How to Farm (last hit) CS under tower (melee, casters, and cannons)

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 02:15 PM PST

    I see many people even in gold elo who don't know how to farm under tower, so this will make it a lot easier

    Scenario: this is early levels between 1-6, a wave of minions pushes into you and you're under tower

    MELEE: When tower is attacking a melee minion, the tower will take 3 shots to kill it if its at full health, tower will do 98% of its health in 2 shots, this means it will take one AA to kill the minion before the 3rd tower shot comes in (every champ can last hit a melee minion when it is low from tower like this)

    CASTER: When tower is attacking a caster minion, the tower will take 2 shots to kill it if its at full health, tower will do 70% of its health in 1 shot, this means it will take some additional ability and an AA if you are a mage OR just one auto if you are ADC or have any extra attack dmg items (some times, if it is really early in the game, like lvls 2-5 ish, even with a Dorans blade it may take more than one AA to kill the caster after the 1st towers shot)

    CANNONS: With cannons at full health it takes 8 towers shots to kill them. You must AA after the 7 shot to take it, BUT you can almost never last hit under tower because it may have taken dmg from minions or something else. Meaning if you are a mage you must use an ability and prepare to AA to be safe, if it is early game and you're an ADC or have AD items you will want to AA and use an ability to take it, over time you will be able to notice if a cannon is too low and you will have to use an ability

    *For cannons, watch how much health is taken every time a cannon takes a tower shot and you will then be able to know to wait for another tower shot OR to go ahead and take it*

    submitted by /u/Salty_Storm
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    I can't even farm

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 06:56 AM PST

    Hi everyone,

    I'm a bronze 1, lately playing kat, Kayle, galio and akali. I have a fair good knowledge of the game (priorities, objectives, waves, etc.). My CS is not the best, as I rarely get 100 cs at 10 minutes, unless I play singed or smt. My main problem is that even if my team falls a bit behind, I can't cs. I cs jungle, my team does it too, so it's not enough. Sometimes enemy team invades anyway since they have the priority. I go to farm lane, they send an enemy champion there to shut me down, etc.. I end up falling 1-2 lvls behind and most of the game I'm trying to guess where the enemy team is, in order to push an opposite lane ( if not roaming as a group with my teammates and dying on an enemy warded bush). Any advice?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Vfucktor
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    I plan to create weekly guides in the style of DUUL's famous Camille guide. Here is the first addition: How to play Evelynn Agony's Embrace

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 11:00 AM PST

    Hello everyone,

    I am a motion design student from Switzerland with some down time and created this guide in my spare time. I would love some feedback on it and the idea of making this a weekly thing.

    It really was a lot of work and I hope it was worth it.

    Evelynn Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6U-WOcSCH8

    submitted by /u/Sinthoral
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    What's the lowest mechanics champion I can get to platinum with?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 06:18 PM PST

    I have to admit it: I suck.

    I'm 33. I'm stuck in gold. And I have to admit that I just can't play champions like Fiora.

    Realistically, if I need to outplay my laner, I'm not going to do it.

    I win games by the grace of the macro gods and simply having 50+ more cs than they do... and by knowing how to manage a wave better.

    ... But I am getting atrocious RNG, and my teammates need me to hard carry.

    So what champion can I get that can hard / solo carry a game with good game sense, but as little mechanics as possible?

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_450_WORDS
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    How is climbing up different in bronze, silver, gold, plat, diamond, master+?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 02:46 PM PST

    I am an ex-Plat 4 player, who quit the game for like 7 months. I came back to find my account demoted to silver (thanks to my roommate), and I couldn't help but wonder if there are any differences between climbing up in each of those elo's stated in the title.

    I personally think that:

    bronze = Basic game knowledge.

    silver = Good Mechanics.

    gold = advanced game knowledge.

    plat = advanced mechanics.

    diamond = expert mechanics.

    master+ = expert game knowledge.

    Please give me an insight on what you think. Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/ArchitectDayz
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    How do I improve my mechanics?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 11:54 PM PST

    Hello everyone, I started to play this game about 6 months ago. I didn't have much to do besides my online classes and it seemed fun. I decided to start playing support only because it was the "least intensive" role and I sucked hard on anything else.

    My main champions were Lulu, Janna and Nami. I was pretty terrible at the start, but I learned bit by bit and ended the season in plat IV. I used to really enjoy playing and learning more, but lately it feels like I have less and less impact. I know enchanters aren't know for having great roaming, but I always do my best to help mid and jg, sometimes even top.

    However, it feels like most of my games now are decided without me doing anything (my katarina will come bot 4 times and end the game on her own, or the enemy will do it and I'll have do give up everything to not die; or my jg will afk farm while the enemy ends the game solo; top will hard fed, etc.), I could talk a lot about how awful playing bot feels right now, but there's are enough people making threads about it already.

    So instead of crying missing Athene's and waiting for riot to actually make bot playable, I decided that I would finally venture out and go to Mid. The problem is: I suck in every aspect. I'm trying to learn, and I already decided on my champion pool (Neeko and Fizz, possibly Ekko since I find him very fun to play). I understand some basics of the game, I'm improving my farm and trying to learn wave control, but I made a new account to play mid only on ranked (didn't want to ruin games for people in my elo) and even though I'm still playing only norms it feels like I'm constantly outclassed when it comes to mechanics.

    Is there any way to improve it? Something I can train? I know that a lot of people recommend champions like Annie, but she simply doesn't click for me and I really like Neeko. Fizz seems to be one of the simplest ap assassins and I also find his playstyle quite fun.

    Also, I'm sorry if it's a dumb question. I don't know anyone who plays the game and I'm not really active on social media groups. This subreddit is where I learned a good amount of things I know about support role, so I thought of asking for advices here.

    submitted by /u/MadAtDisney_
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    Aram in ranked

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 03:44 AM PST

    I am a silver 4 midlane main and just started to really play ranked. Every game I play my team randomly comes mid around the 12-15 minute mark. This usually happens after a teamfight around drake or something. Whatever I tell them they just won't leave, even when the teamfight is long over. I usually am forced to split by myself if I want any kind of farm, which often results in my team following me(?). Is there any way I can reliably keep my cs/min up or is this just something I have to get used to.

    submitted by /u/gingamey
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    Taliyah botlane on the Korean Server

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 07:43 AM PST

    As of today, I discovered the surprising efficiency of a Taliyah in the botlane, with Leona as a support against the duolane of Jhin and Sett on Youtube. It was not just effective, it dominated their lane and I will tell the elements of their domination.

    The stats of the match

    The match itself, if you desire discover by yourself

    The first thing that works well is the CC Synergy between Taliyah and Leona.

    Leona roots her target for 0.5 seconds with her E, "Zenith Blade", and stuns her target for 1 second with her Q, "Shield of Daybreak". It gives enough time to Talyah to knock the target to her direction with her W, "Seismic Shove", before chaining with her other abilities, to deal damage on the target, as seen at 04:20, in game time. But of course, you can use this synergy the other way.

    Also, Taliyah's W can knocks more than one enemy. If they are knocked under turret, they may recieve unnecessary damage, like seen at 02:40, in game time, as Taliyah used herself as a bait.

    As you may have seen the Talyiah player has Dark Harvest has his primary runes and Precision as secondary.

    The combination of Dark Harvest, dealing adaptive damage to a champion below to 50% of health and Coup de Grace, dealing 8% more damage to champion below 40% of health, it can become difficult for any champion that deals with her.

    Dark Harvest is often picked for Talyiah when played as a jungler. It may be surprising for mage champion like her to not pick Sorcery at least as her secondery runes, but according to OP.GG, despite not having the highest rate of picking, it has a 52.86% winrate on Taliyah.

    However, it is important to know that this player is a Taliyah OTP, having more than 800 games on the champion, and is ranked #131 Taliyah player, according to LeagueofGraph. It can be seen on his profile that he played many times Taliyah on the botlane, but sometimes as a support, a toplaner or in the midlane.

    The question will be, will it be possible to see a Taliyah bot, soon in other regions and played by a non-OTP player ?

    submitted by /u/SoujiKuroIronCoach
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    Need a champion to main

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 04:40 PM PST

    I used to play league up until three years ago and I picked it up again recently. I want a fun champ that can play jungle/mid/top and can carry games. I am currently in bronze and I want someone to master that will help me climb while having fun.

    Thank you in advance:)

    submitted by /u/BamBamDiam
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    Studied the META on Botlane and I guess that's the final decision regarding the Patch 10.24 Tier List!

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 04:36 PM PST

    Hello guys!

    I am Edd, a Challenger player from EUNE and a Master player from EUW with over 5000 hours on Kalista easily!

    After so many games around as Kalista and other ADCs.. I decided to do a clip about the best ADCs currently in Season 11 and what fits ABSOLUTELY perfect with these items!

    I know that we are all getting used with this botlane and is strange but here is what worked very well for me!


    I did this clip and I have a lot of clips for my friends and for new people on botlane!

    Hope you enjoy my channel/videos on Kalista/ADC and you like them!

    Let me know what you think about my clips cause I really want to know how to improve my editing/guiding skills!

    submitted by /u/PAWKalista
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    How to play Nunu Mid

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 03:57 PM PST

    Hello everyone, my name is Chen Chen. I have been spamming Nunu Mid ever since the preseason began, trying to find the best build to make our furry duo work. I have made a nunu mid carry guide and hopefully it will help you guys learn and potentially even pick him up to gain the sweet LP in the upcoming season! Nunu mid is what is perceived to be a very easy strategy and perhaps boring at times, but I promise you that if you master all the aspects of playing this champ in the mid lane, you will have success. I recently went on a 19W 1L run with Nunu mid in high diamond. I strongly believe the strategy works well in all elos, but is especially good in lower elo if you can snowball (literally) the game and end before 30 minute mark. As long as you play the strategy correctly, I can promise you will have great results. Hope my video helps!


    submitted by /u/chenchenlol
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    Ingenious Hunter changes?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 03:00 PM PST

    I'm unsure of how this works. I read on the Preaseason patchnotes that Ingenious Hunter was changed to work on both active and passive cooldowns. Naturally, this led me to believe it works to reduce the CD of both a Zhonya's and a Banshee's.

    However, when I tried a build involving Ingenious Hunter and Frostfire Gauntlet, I noticed that the 4 sec CD of FF Gauntlet was never reduced, no matter how many stacks I had. Is this because of a bug, or does Frostfire have a different form of CD for its slowing zone?

    submitted by /u/Excalidorito
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    How to win lane against Urgot?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 12:39 PM PST

    I play Fiora/Camille and just cant figure out how to outlane Urgot. If you go for shortrade shotgun knees is a free trade win for Urgot, and extended fight post 6 and ult just kills. Play passive and get he just gets free poke. Roam and you just lose towers. Even if I don't get hit by his CC dash he just kinda outduels. And if I get my jg to help put him behind he just builds tankier and becomes an ult bot to delete someone in a team fight. I feel like there's some clear counterplay that I'm just missing while Urgot just holds W on me, or is this just a lost lane and outscale scenario?

    submitted by /u/Irony_Central
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    Returning after 7 years

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 05:54 PM PST


    as the title suggests, I did not play a single game of league of legends for 7 years straight. I watched most of the world championchips and some playoff games of lck/eu tho. I also watched a lot of league streams for the past 3 months.

    I would like to know changes that I certainly do not have on my mind, general tips to remember. Also if someone wants to play with me (after I hit 30 maybe) that would be great, since none of my friends play league anymore. My aim is to play in a team ( I read something about a tournament style teamranked?) and have fun with people.

    So basically: give me tips you would give your returning friend, no matter what it is. I will stick to mid for now, since I played it back then. Any tips/resources/hints welcome and thx for reading.

    Edit: I saw that my question is under "Discussion, I do not know how to change it, if anyone can tell me I will happily change it to "Question"

    submitted by /u/TheSenegalese
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    As ADC, When To Rush Grievous Wounds Versus Damage?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 11:37 AM PST

    When I'm against a strong healing champ, like Soraka, I tend to rush grievous wounds first (executioners calling, 800g). But, I have a friend (gold-plat) that says that it can be better to just rush your damage, because you outdo the healing (with enough damage).

    Is this the case? Should I just be rushing my main items first? If so, at what point do I buy Executioner's Calling?

    For specific examples, I play Jhin/MF (lethality), Trist, and Senna.


    submitted by /u/Sadiew1990
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    Are there any important keybinds i'm not using?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 07:14 AM PST

    I recently moved to pc and i tend to move all of my keybinds over to the number pad (since i'm left handed) so i have things like camera lock/summons/actives etc, but are there any important ones i'm missing out on? I know there's one for pinging wards i haven't go to yet.

    submitted by /u/iici
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    Ganking Jungler who Scales

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 07:31 AM PST

    Morning all;

    I've been playing a while, and finally wanted to try and actually push myself to get better. I play jungle primarily, and am trying to diversify my pool and play different styles.

    I'm looking for advice on a champ or two who has good ganking potential early game but still scales well into late game. I don't like the idea of "snowball or lose" that a lot of the early game gankers have (kha'zix, Lee Sin, Olaf), but I want to try and play a champ who can gank more regularly (I've been playing champs that are power farmers, like Zac and Shyvana)

    What champs can gank early but still have the ability to scale late? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Slinkadynk
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    Being accused of playing like a coward and "KDA player" when playing Support Lux, do I play her too skittishly?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 12:07 AM PST

    I've had a few games now where people get mad that I didn't go into melee range along with them and get killed when everyone else did, and instead stayed at the edge of the fight and just threw spells and then left when it was clear the fight was over and there was no way I could pick off the survivors

    Maybe I am a "KDA" player, I'm pretty proud of all my "Unkillable laner" and "Hard to Gank" tags even with my "Aggressive Laner" and "high KDA" etc flairs (which should mean I'm not just AFK hiding in lane) between the various League stat sites, but like . . . it works so far? My WR has been around 60-70% on her with me just focusing on hit and run and GTFO to hit and run another day tactics.

    My stance in games has always been that it's better to not die if you can avoid it, because you can't do damage and contest objectives etc when you are dead. Now obviously, you have to commit when you can, and there's always some risk with that, but in general, I've found in games like Overwatch and League, my win rate improves DRASTICALLY when I count every single death and ask myself "What could I have done to avoid that? What did that cost my team? What happened while I was dead that I could have helped with if I'd been alive" etc

    Lux is so squishy and cool down based that I don't understand why people think I want to be right in the middle of the brawl where Amumu, Leona, Sett, Morde etc are going nuckin futs at. I just stand on the edge of the fight and throw in my abilities and ult etc and kite anyone who tries to jump on me. I try to proc my passive with autos if I can without getting my teeth knocked out, but in the current gap close meta of "Everyone is playing tanks, bruisers, and assassins and everyone does 12 trillion damage", that's not very often.

    Here's an example where I was raged at by my team for "Playing like a pussy" (their words after that fight while raging at me) because I didn't go in to finish off the last few people who were low.

    I definitely don't think I played perfectly or am a perfect player by any means, but in that example I honestly didn't think my team was going to go as hard as they did. And then I got scared real quick when Ezreal did like 60% of my health bar with a single hit, so I didn't really like my chances of fighting the Ezreal that just got a triple to the death 1 vs 1 (with 2 of his teammates lurking with 1 health somewhere close), just to try and pick up the last few people. I could have played better for sure, landed more hits and made better use of my shield etc, and I do think I was further back than I should have been given my over all accuracy, but yeah, between me having a bounty and that Ezreal blowing my tits off with one hit, I didn't really want to be any closer to that fight than I had to be

    Do you guys play AP mages like Lux like that? Or do you actually try to proc her passive by auto attacking level 15 enemies in late game team fights? I obviously auto if it's safe, but Lux dies SO fast if she gets hit, and like in my example, two hits from Ezreal sent me home on the verge of death

    submitted by /u/YobaiYamete
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    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 12:04 PM PST

    So I was wondering if I could play with somebody who would be willing to help me get better at the game since I'm just feeling a bit overwhelmed atm. I don't rage and I try to be as friendly as possible in games :). I'm EUW lvl 29 ign: GoldenLeviathan. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/No_Complaint_2416
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    Would I build pure dmg Aatrox or pure Life steal Aatrox and why?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 10:08 AM PST

    Hi, I recently picked up Aatrox but I'm confused on the build I should go for I already know which runes I should go with: Conq, Triumph, Tenacity, Coup de grace, Taste of blood and Rav hunter. All i am confused about here is the items I should go with especially the Mythic item any help?

    submitted by /u/W0asted
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