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    Saturday, December 19, 2020

    LoL Guide Games are usually dictated in the first 5-10 minutes. Plan your early game.

    LoL Guide Games are usually dictated in the first 5-10 minutes. Plan your early game.

    Games are usually dictated in the first 5-10 minutes. Plan your early game.

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 02:37 AM PST

    I have seen a lot of people asking things along the lines of "how do I beat a 20/0 Yi" or "how do I improve my late game macro" as if those things are applicable in most games you play. Thing is, it is a better idea to focus your improvement and your attention in the first few minutes of the game.

    No matter which champ you play, lane bully or hypercarry, you will always have to play the first 10 minutes of the game. If you coinflip them and autopilot, you will have a coinflip game. You might get that epiphany when you see the enemy juggernaut getting ahead because you were chilling early instead of trying to actually win the game. Focusing on the constants of each game you play will give you the most consistent results.

    What I would recommend is: Read a guide or watch replays of better players than you on your favourite champions and see what they do in the first 10 minutes of every game. This is the easiest part of their gameplay to immitate and the one that is always applicable to you. You won't find anyone to tell you how to stop a 15/0 Darius at 30 minutes but you will find a plethora of people telling you how to make that same Darius go 0/15 by properly managing your wave and taking good trades.

    Have an early game plan. It might be something as simple as "I am playing jungle Olaf into Amumu, so I will go 2 buff-raptors-gromp and invade him on his second buff to set him behind". Or "I want to just freeze for the first 10 minutes as Nasus against Irelia, so I don't get ganked and can get to my mid game powerspike without falling behind". Not to mention, most people in soloq will run it down if their early game goes badly. If your early game is planned out just to make them fall behind early, you can snatch quite a few free wins just because of enemies literally inting.

    submitted by /u/ImUnderYourBedDude
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    Maining Mid Lane in Low Ranks

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 09:41 AM PST

    I have noticed that there are SO MANY mid laners in silver-gold, and I remember seeing a grandmaster on this subreddit meme about how anyone can main support until they get diamond where they won't get their role anymore because of how many supports there are in diamond.

    I have also seen the majority of people who skyrocket out of silver/gold to platinum/diamond by playing an entirely different role such as jungle or support, my question here is whether I should reconsider my main role or just continue attempting to improve until I get to a higher rank?

    submitted by /u/Wild_Extra_Dip
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    Focus on REAL improvement

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 09:41 AM PST

    If you don't have time to read this one: Focus on actually learning the game while enjoying it and not in abusing some cheesy meta champions and strategies.

    One of the biggest misconceptions of improvement is that we always have to win to get better. That is simply just not true. Our focus should be the continued improvement of ourselves every day and every game we play, with winning being a secondary focus that will come naturally on its own.

    The constant focus on improvement is much more important to ourselves than simply focusing on how to get that next win. The improvements, methods, and work ethic that we learn while we train, will stay with us for a very long time, if not forever while learning some cheese strategy will only get us so far. Think of it as giving yourself a fish, versus teaching yourself how to fish. I will now give a hypothetical example that we can see in almost all levels of League of Legends and other esports to highlight the importance between the two.

    Let's say we have two unranked players, A and B. Player A focusing on practicing the latest OP champion and strategy. Player B spends the majority of their practice time on basics, such as trading, csing, warding, minimal awareness, macro decisions, micromanagement training, and mental focus within a game. In the beginning, player A climbs faster and a lot higher than player B. The champions he's playing paired with the latest meta-strategy he runs to give him easy victories over his opponents. Player B has a slow start, as he's spending time on issues that take a substantial amount of time to fix, improve, and even understand.

    After 6 months of playing, player A finds himself still winning and climbing, but the games are much closer now. Players are starting to become much better as he climbs up the ladder, they adapt to meta strategies and champions faster than lower ranks and know how to counter them, and Riot also decides to nerf these cheesy strategies and champions. Player B is starting to gradually climb at this moment. The process is not easy though, as he still has a lot to work on and he plays champions which may not be meta, but he really enjoys playing them. Nonetheless, he is starting to see a lot more wins due to his early game being very clean in the sense that he's not giving up gold, and only going for high percentage plays, which are executed correctly thanks to their constantly improving understanding and mechanical skills of the game.

    After one year of playing, player A finds himself starting to lose more games than he actually wins as his champion got nerfed and the meta has shifted entirely. And when he picks up a new champion to learn or a new strategy to practice the enemies stomp him as his fundamentals really suck. His level of fundamentals is a lot lower than his actual rank and he's going to demote sooner or later, or just be hardstuck in this rank. Player B, however, is starting to win more games convincingly as his fundamentals at this point have been refined for an entire year. Little to no time is wasted up-keeping his basics in play as it is muscle memory at this point. This frees up time for him to pick up new champions that suit his play-style and the meta equally.

    The outcome is clear. Player B, has set himself up for success, while player A is now a whole year behind in terms of improvement and game understanding.

    The goal of my content is to produce players like player B with long-lasting results.
    I hope you found this useful!

    submitted by /u/ioannisppoulos
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    how to synergise with my mid laner?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 04:06 AM PST

    i come here a lot haha, but i've been playing a lot of jungle recently, specifically kindred, and i've been wondering about how i should make plays around my mid laner. i know mid is technically a 2v2 lane between me, my mid and their jungler/mid. how am i supposed to play around them? am i supposed to make sure they get ahead if they're especially strong?

    submitted by /u/ceriies
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    Is low damage per minute as a jungler a problem?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 12:20 PM PST

    Since I've installed the Porofessor app, I've noticed that I'm pretty consistently scoring below average on the damage I do as a jungler. I know part of this is a desire to avoid bad fights and preferring farming to random scraps over nothing in particular. However, I'm concerned that there are possibly other issues as well. Am I failing to notice opportunities? Perhaps there are mechanical issues within team fights?

    For example, some stats from my last two games. In both cases I was playing tanks, but the issue also occurs when I play carry junglers. Both games were normals.

    Poppy jungle: 6/5/6. Avg DPM: 416, victory (gold avg DPM = 492).

    Skarner jungle: 7/2/23. Avg DPM: 281, victory (gold avg DPM = 358)

    In games where I lose, figures tend to be considerably worse! Is this an issue that I need to address and if so, then how?

    submitted by /u/cathartis
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    Why Am I feeling like this?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 02:52 PM PST

    Hello! Today I was playing a lot of SoloQ and I feel like I don't have damage on my Akali, even when I have 3 kills lead and more items than enemy in early or I can't play vs matchups which I was destroying hard. Playing with this feeling isn't cool and I am losing matches by it (winning lane or having neutral situation on lane and losing late even when team is ahead so much). How to feel well again? Change pick to similiar to Akali (Katarina, Talon) or try to train Akali even more? PS. Now I am S2 but my rank =/= skill because it is my new account, I've been in P1 before Permanent Ban which has been given to me when preseason started, so tips like try to farm or watch minimap are useless to me :/

    submitted by /u/Aurus666
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    Top Laners, how far out from Dragon do you head bot?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 09:02 AM PST

    I'm trying to figure out the proper, or my best timing to get my wave in a good spot for a roam to Dragon to help. What are your thoughts.

    I'm thinking arrive at Dragon 30 - 45 seconds early for positioning/control and to help clear vision. Travel time from top to Dragon pit ~25-30 seconds (best guess will edit If I find Actual time just can't hop in practice tool ATM).

    This means I need to have my wave where it needs to be 60-75 seconds before Dragon spawns.

    That sound about reasonable?

    submitted by /u/Czar_Petar
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    Handle Lanebullies Through A Balance Of Freezes, Pushes & More (Illaoi Vs Irelia Video)

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 11:21 AM PST

    Hello everyone,

    Here's another video on how to handle lanebullies like Irelia early with a fellow lanebully character and presented through examples from a recent match of mine. Witness potential that (nowadays) only rarely surfaces through the Ocean Dragon Soul.

    There's a risk involved however which we do get into as well as the match unfolds. Also to help you integrate the insights there's the match included, edited for your convenience. Having a story to go with the concepts helps to better remember/apply what you learned after all. :)

    Thank you for taking the time to read this and good luck out there!

    submitted by /u/TiV3
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    Does getting last hit on turret do anything?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 08:28 AM PST

    Had this question itching me for a while now, I've seen a lot of streamers that don't last hit the turret. I'm wondering if last hitting it even does anything, I play adc and usually I'm the only one in lane when i destroy the turret so wondering if all the gold goes to me if it's just minions hitting it even if I don't get the last hit.

    submitted by /u/MafiaMatrix
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    A few tips for playing a better Rell

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 05:04 AM PST

    I recently learned that Cntrl+F enables and disables network Ping and FPS

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 07:33 PM PST

    What are some other stuff like this that is useful?

    I am not sure how, I somehow disabled my network ping and didn't know how to turn it back on for a long time. The settings don't contain any knowledge regarding this matter.

    I kept asking other players how to turn it back on and eventually ran into a guy yesterday who told me Cntrl+F turns Network Ping and FPS back on and off.

    Do you guys know of any other similar features that are not put in the Settings or any where in the game?

    submitted by /u/LongnosedBugmen
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    I'm an ADC and I don't understand why people buy IE instead of the Collector, am I missing something?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 02:55 PM PST

    This is a decision that's bugging me a lot, so maybe you guys can shed some light here.

    According to this article about lethality, when I am level 9, the Collector should deliver around 61 total damage, scaling up to 70 :


    IE gives me 70 dmg right away, which is great, but none of the extras that come with the Collector.

    What am I missing? Why would anyone take IE first? Why is IE more expensive than Collector when Collector just seems to do more?

    submitted by /u/EverythingEverybody
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    Comparing my stats to challenger mid players, there is one area I clearly need to improve on...

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 05:32 AM PST

    ...And that is map control. Have a look at these screenshots where I compare my Katarina to challenger Kat midlaners: https://imgur.com/a/OhAgWPK

    As you can see, I have solid mechanics and farm, but my map control is terrible. I only started playing normals this preseason and only with katarina, I was an aram-only player before this. Apart from putting down more wards, where do I start? Are there any helpful videos that can teach me map control (whatever that means apart from wards)? Sorry if this is such a noob question but I really don't know how to improve this area apart from putting down more wards lol.

    I am unranked and wanting to start ranking once I get the metagame down. Thanks for your help.

    submitted by /u/AmpedMonkey
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    The ultimate tip for carrying low Elo games

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 02:18 AM PST

    I'll start by quoting one of my favorite League content ex creators : Uberdanger. "League below mid diamond isn't about who playsbest, it's about who throws the least."

    Thing is, we all make countless mistakes in lane and in mid late game. That's why it's easy for master and challenger players to 1v9 every single game. The most common mistake I see people making in my elo, gold, is wave management. They just push the wave without thinking why they are doing it. Also, awful recall times are so often seen it's hilarious. After lane ends, most players group mid and ARAM. This is where your chance to carry really is. When everyone is mid, that always leaves side lanes to push and collect jungle camps for extra gold. Always push FIRST, then do jungle camps. If you push the wave to the enemy tower, someone will have to respond and come to the tower to collect the farm. You can also split push, especially if you're mechanically gifted and play something like Fiora or Vayne (with 2-3 items so you clear waves well) By applying pressure to side lanes, it allows youe team to potentially get an objective or a numbers advantage if a fight occurs. Basically, the easiest way to win is to keep applying pressure to secure objectives and farm, taking advantage of enemy mistakes.

    Hope I was able to help some of you. ~Cheers

    submitted by /u/Wutroslaw
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    wild rift question

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 01:06 PM PST

    I have a pretty horrible internet connection and some times i get disconnected from the game .....i accept the fact that i might get banned on mobile but is there any links with my same account but in pc?I dont want my account on pc to be banned as well from a mobile game

    submitted by /u/johny4353367
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    What are the best ways/tips to learn the jungle role?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 03:40 AM PST

    Long story short, I didn't like Season 10 too much because I always felt my role held little weight when it came to deciding games compared to others, Jungle in particular. It is a very determinant position currently, I think, but it has always been my most hated role, and I'm starting to think I should learn it a bit, even if it's just to check if my hypothesis is true. I've played two jg games in the whole season, both with Graves (I know him mechanically from playing him in other positions) and I want him to be my jungle go-to pick.

    More than the champ, I want to learn about the role, so I'd appreciate any tips, feedback, recommendations, clips, etc. Just whatever, because I want to see a bit more of the jungle.

    Thanks! :)

    submitted by /u/Pax19
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    idk where to start

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 11:42 PM PST

    I'm basically brand new to league. I'm trying to play top lane but I just don't know what to do, I always lose lane, usually die 10 times a game, am always under-leveled, have bad cs, don't know when to rotate or roam though I'm usually pushed under tower so I never have time to anyway. I always try to play passive when behind but just get all in killed every time and I'm never ahead so Idk what to do with a lead.

    basically, I'm horrible in every possible way, so what am I supposed to do, clearly I have 0 skill but I'm really interested in this game. I don't expect to be challenger I just want to get to a point where I don't die 10+ times a game is this possible? Should I just quit and uninstall or do I just need to play more games and grind it out.

    To be clear I'm just as bad at every other role, I'm actually best at top lane though that's not saying much.

    TLDR- I'm probably one of the worst players to ever play this game do I uninstall or is there hope

    submitted by /u/nightmair01010
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    Why is Karma so bad?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 09:51 PM PST

    I've been playing a lot of Karma and got her to m3 and nearly m4, and I don't see why she is a tier 5? She does good damage, has good sustain and a really nice kit that can build most things. I keep on dunking on people as her as well, so then why am I seeing she sucks?

    submitted by /u/Beebee_gamer
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    I just keep going back and front between bronze II and I and idk how to climb

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 12:33 AM PST

    Hey bois it's me, a random league player. I started playing league this year, before LoL I've played other MOBAs mainly DotA, over the course of the year I've played more than 500 ranked games and although I've climbed from iron something to bronze 1 and 2, I feel like my win rate is just too low. Anyway, I understand my CS sucks and I die frequently and I'm trying to improve that, but other than just learning through experience what can I do to climb faster? Here's my op.gg https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=Luna475

    (My Diana statistics may seem good but all I do is qew aa on the enemy, e back to their minions and no one trades back because they start running when I jump on them and so I win almost every lane) Also not a big fan of mid lane assassins but I suck at every other champ

    submitted by /u/Summoner475
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    What to do as support when i am losing my Laning Phase?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 05:51 AM PST

    I've been played lol since june of this year. And now i am completely lost in my first p.re season, all those mythic items made my gameplay more difficult, if the enemy bot lane gets those items first my lane phase is screwed, but if me and my adc got it first them the lane phase is guaranteed. What should i do when i am loosing the lane phase? More roaming? How to stop the enemy snowballing?

    (Sorry for any grammatica errors, english is not my native language, and to be honest i havent practiced in a while)

    submitted by /u/Snoo_79138
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    How do I learn mid/late game macro as a top?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 11:04 PM PST

    Hi, I'm currently a Darius top player who just started ranked about a week ago. I've been placed into silver, and I'm wondering how I can improve my macro. Preferably, I would have a coach who can tell me exactly what to do and why, but I would like to improve without having to hire a coach.

    I figured I could watch high elo replays without commentary, watch other people's coaching sessions, or watch my own replays. Which would be the best? There are plenty of high elo replays on YouTube, but most of them are in the POV of the person who is winning their lane. I want to know how to play when I am winning lane or losing lane and when my team is behind or ahead.

    submitted by /u/OkInflation5
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