• Breaking News

    Friday, December 18, 2020

    League of Legends Phreak Roasts Prof. Akali

    League of Legends Phreak Roasts Prof. Akali

    Phreak Roasts Prof. Akali

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 01:46 PM PST

    Ivern bush trick with side by side comparison (great cheese escape)

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 04:50 AM PST

    Which champion has a <1% pick rate, can build AP or AD, and loves cheesebread? I tried to copy a Master player's Crit Neeko build. This is how it went.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 09:00 AM PST

    So...my Morgana figure arrived and she has 2 left hands

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 12:17 PM PST

    So...my Morgana figure arrived and she has 2 left hands

    Now that I've seen it, it can't be unseen. Funny thing is, the package containing her was actually lost in the mail and this one was re-sent to me by Riot. Guess they'll be receiving more emails from me LOL


    submitted by /u/appleminte
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    All star bans from both teams just now were TSM XD.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 03:17 PM PST

    LCS vs LLA and both teams banned 5 champions starting with T,S,M,X,D in that order. Goes to show the 5 man sleep will never be forgotten.

    submitted by /u/Excel_Rookie
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    Why Battle Bunny Riven has ruined my life.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 12:51 PM PST

    Do you want to know the absolute worst thing about Battle Bunny Riven? It's a heinous crime that no one talks about, a crime that is not without its victim. No, I'm not talking about Riven. I'm talking about Ivern.

    Do you know how hard it is to search for Battle Bunny Ivern fanart on any search engine? These search engines are so drunk on Battle Bunny Riven searches that they see the name Ivern and naturally assume that the user mispelled Riven's name, placing the R after the E instead of at the start of the word. This makes it next to impossible to search for bonafide Battle Bunny Ivern fanart without dealing with THIS.

    And yes, I know. You can surround any search term with quotation marks in Google in order to search that EXACT term. But as you can see, not a DAMN SOUL on the Internet has ever once been bold enough to breathe life into the idea of Battle Bunny Ivern.

    Why can't you people do your sacred duty and put Ivern on the map? Is a misspelling of Riven's name really all he is? It really brambles my vest. I hope that any artists out there who see this decide that it's high-time to stuff Ivern into a bunny leotard.

    submitted by /u/HolypenguinHere
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    Canyon on LCK's crazy picks at 2020 All-Star, thoughts on Jankos's IGN: "He was able to laugh it out, then go back to grinding hard. I think I can learn a lot from that. So, me too. If we ever qualify to future worlds, and maybe face G2, and if we lose then ... I'll change my IGN to BudgetJankos."

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 07:53 AM PST

    Infographic - Bjergsen

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 06:19 AM PST

    MAD Lions part ways with Shad0w

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 09:07 AM PST


    Today we part ways with @shadowlol
    Thank You for your time with us this past year, from our Spring debut, to Dragon's Raging our path to #Worlds2020. We wish you all the best moving forward!

    submitted by /u/k3hvn
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    Aatrox Traditional Skin

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 05:14 AM PST

    Aatrox Traditional Skin

    Hi there, it's Torok with the 10th traditional skin !
    Here we go guys with Aatrox, a lot of people asked for it, I didn't expected that result and I didn't expected that it will be that fun !
    ( Painting and photo manipulation over the original in-game model from Riot Games )


    submitted by /u/TorokArt
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    Lucian is spelled wrong in the ability description on his e.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 05:37 AM PST

    Lucian is spelled wrong in the ability description on his e.

    I don´t know how long this has been the case or if I am oblivious to some kind of easter egg, but I do believe this should be fixable without breaking the game too much (fingers crossed).


    submitted by /u/the_real_KILLGOREX
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    Gragas's color story, A Well-Earned Tip, has been released.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 03:52 PM PST

    So i found a fun new way to become a fast Ornn.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 01:46 PM PST

    Full Lethality Duskblade Kha'Zix because being invisible 3 times was't enough

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 03:32 AM PST

    One Last Try - G2 2020 Worlds Documentary

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 09:01 AM PST

    My thoughts on possible playable races in a Runeterra-based MMO

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 05:04 PM PST

    So GhostCrawler's recent tweet confirming a Runeterra MMO's development is starting up has me, as a fan of the lore, hyped out of my goddamned mind.

    To channel this newfound energy, I started thinking about possible directions the game could take in a key area; playable races. There are a lot of different races in Runeterra, which would provide a frankly ludicrous amount of customisation options for player characters. The trick, of course, is balancing a feeling of power for players while maintaining the uniqueness of "Champions", the characters who are meant to be living legends in this world.

    I think the following choices would provide a good baseline, with other things like weapons, magic, or mounts being covered by choices in Faction, occupation/class etc. This is purely my option, feel free to agree or disagree.

    Base choices:

    1. Humans: This lot will be first up because they're boring, but a must have for immersion players. One way to make humans more interesting, would be to give them additional racial bonuses / abilities based on the faction they choose to start with; like extra cold resistance and stamina if they go Freljordian (preferably not just passive stat buffs though, this is only an example).
    2. Vastaya: Hello furries. The Vastaya have a HUGE amount of variation, ranging from mostly human with some animal bits attached, to basically animals with human intelligence. Good luck coding this character creation menu.
    3. Minotaurs: Giving this lot their own spot, as it's never specified if they are a sub-type of Vastaya or not. Alistar's bio says that Minotaurs are native to the mountains between the Immortal Bastion and Piltover/Zaun, but since the Noxian takeover of the region, it's possible that many moved elsewhere.
    4. Trolls: Trundles bio states that trolls are, "found in many of Runeterra's least hospitable environments." Trundle's is by far the largest known tribe, but it is not the ONLY tribe of trolls, opening this race up as a playable option.
    5. Yordles: Legends of Runeterra showed that Yordles are a bit more common than previously thought, and so why not let players become cute, cuddly Satan-spawn?

    Quest/post-character-creation options:

    Some options here for in-world character alteration, which may or may not be limited by race.

    1. Cyborg: Heading to Piltover & Zaun should definitely open up the player to some sweet upgrades, assuming you have the coin to pay for them. Probably different options depending on race.
    2. Ursine: Were-bears? Were-bears. Let's face it, a Yordle taking this option would be hilarious.
    3. Shadow Ilses Wraith: Everyone dies, but why let that spoil the fun? You'd likely have to cover up if you want to go anywhere other than the Isles though, the average person is probably not up for a chat with Skeletor.
    4. Void-touched: Nami's story "Into the Abyss" as well as other tales around the void show that creatures can still function after being corrupted by the void, so if you want to go a more evil route this could be an option, through Malzahar's cult or other quests.


    1. Targonian aspect: Players should definitely get a reward for climbing Targon, but this should not be it. Leona, Diana, and friends kind of lose their "champion" status if everyone and their mother can become an aspect.
    2. Shuriman ascended: The process for becoming ascended has been lost for thousands of years. You want a fursona? Play a Vastayan.
    3. Darkin*: Asterix here, because there is potential to have a few Darkin weapons which grant their powers to players, and transfer their "curse" upon a PvP kill.
    4. Void-born: No being Vel'koz and terrorising Ionian women. If you want to join Malzahar's cult, fine, but these should really serve as antagonists.
    5. Ice-born: With rare, seemingly genetic traits like this, either EVERY player would have to have it, or NONE can be, to make things fair. The ability to use true-ice weapons is the big thing separating champs like Ashe and Sejuani from the plebs, so no un-melting maces for you.
    6. Demon: No, you don't get to be Eve's boyfriend, she's not a one man kind of woman anyway.
    submitted by /u/DA-Regulus
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    2020 All-Star quietly started and I didn't realize it. Just a reminder to anyone else who didn't know it was tonight.

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 08:06 PM PST

    Gilius shows respect for forg1ven

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 09:15 AM PST


    Before it gets released tomorrow I want to say that I have huge respect for @FORG1VENGRE nomatter what happened this year I am very grateful that you were one the players that wanted me back in the lec and believed in me you taught me some very valuable lessons best of luck

    He's talking about the documentary that will drop tomorrow on s04's 2020 I'm guessing he's gonna look pretty bad on it 😅 so I'm glad he talked about him a little positively

    Forg1ven replied to a tag of someone showing concern:


    It's probably not going to be full aids, of course he's gonna show that he favorites the org and not whoever just like every video ever.

    Better translation by u/madPsychic

    "Ok, it (referring to the documentary) is probably not going to be full-on aids but obviously it's going to be favourable to the org and not the player (referring to himself), like every video (of this type) ever"

    submitted by /u/CozyXan
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    Jankos on playing off-meta champions

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 06:18 AM PST

    Barrier to entry in LoL is INSANE.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 09:28 AM PST

    I'm a new player and perhaps some of the old guard can help me learn more. I tried dota a little and whilst it's very noob friendly the skill cap seems very high with mirco'ing etc, hence why I decided to give lol a go.

    I've found learning what other enemy heroes do in game is nigh on impossible, is there a way around this? In dota you can get destroyed by someone and check their abilities to learn, in lol this doesn't seem to be the case? Is there a way to quickly view opposing enemies abilities in game?

    Just a polite request to stop smurfing as well. I started watching some guides on youtube and find myself watching top streamers who openly talk about being on their smurf account and destroying games. Surely they understand what this does to the game?

    submitted by /u/Demonholmes
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    PSA: The new Mikael's remove the same crowd control as the old one, the cleanse portion of the active did not change from preseason

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 04:15 PM PST

    Remove all crowd control debuffs (except Airborne and Suppression) from an ally champion and restore 100-200 (ally levels 1-18) health (120 second cooldown)

    Do not be fooled by this tooltip. It says airborne and suppression are exceptions but it also still doesn't cleanse Blind (Teemo's Q), Disarm (Lulu's W), Ground (Singed and Cass W), and Nearsight (Quinn Q, Nocturne R, Graves W) according to Mikael's wiki page.

    I checked for myself and it doesn't cleanse any of those 4 crowd control debuffs. Just wanted to let you all know before you purchase the item with the intentions of cleansing those CCs even though it doesn't cleanse them in the first place.

    submitted by /u/ExplodingFistz
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    All Star 2020: LEC vs TCL post match thread

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 10:58 AM PST

    LEC 1 - 0 TCL

    Selfmade on Yone mid and Humanoid on Taliyah jungle, Riven and Katarina, fun start to the western All Stars.

    Not the best showing from the new European players (Armut and Blue) but it's still a fun event so not taking much from it.

    submitted by /u/DJShevchenko
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    "Let's ff cuz tryn is having too much fun"

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 10:27 AM PST

    Flash Wolves to return to competitive League of Legends

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 12:47 AM PST

    Twitter link: https://twitter.com/flashwolves2013/status/1339825069304860672?s=21

    The team hasn't posted anything after they disbanded. So if the rumour of ahq replacing rw in the LPL is true, maybe flash wolves will return to replace ahq's original spot?

    Anyways it's glad to see the team back in action

    Update: they're back in wild rift only, I feel scammed.

    Twitter link: https://twitter.com/flashwolves2013/status/1339934065168769024?s=21

    submitted by /u/MatthewTheLord
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