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    Friday, December 4, 2020

    LoL Guide How to deal with repeat tower dives as a toplaner?

    LoL Guide How to deal with repeat tower dives as a toplaner?

    How to deal with repeat tower dives as a toplaner?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 10:20 PM PST

    Today I had four games in a row where I was repeatedly dove from full by the enemy jungler. What is the counter play to fighting champions with strong dives when youre a champion with poor early wave clear.

    the scenarios were kayn + kled, poppy + volibear, jax + vi, and elise + renekton

    what sort of things can I do to avoid a dive, and what should I do when the enemy jungler vertical jungles and repeat dives?

    submitted by /u/ReaIEIonMusk
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    When in doubt, junglers should path towards the middle of the map to keep more options open

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 06:13 AM PST

    Frequently low elo junglers will afk clear and end up on either gromp or krugs, I call this "pathing into a corner". Because at that point, there's only 1 lane you can realistically impact. If you recognize an opportunity in another lane, you'd have to back track to get there.

    But if you path towards mid lane, you'll have the option of influencing mid or continuing your clear to the opposite side. If you don't have a plan or are unsure of where you should be pathing, mid gives you the most flexibility to react to anything happening on the map.

    Here's a video with more basic pathing tips if you prefer that format: https://youtu.be/5lTLNsuhYeU

    1. Go to where you have the most camps up

    Unless you have a REALLY good reason, don't go to a side of the map where you don't have camps to farm. Because you'll end up wasting a lot of time, and won't even have camps to fall back to. It becomes very inefficient. But if you go to where your camps are up (or spawning soon) you're guaranteed to at least get some value out of that side of the map.

    2) Clear quadrants of the jungle

    By clearing an entire side of the jungle at the same time (i.e. krugs, red, raptors), you will be putting the small camps on the same cooldown, causing them to spawn at the same time. This is extremely good for efficiency.

    3) Path in straight lines

    Don't pass by camps to go farm other camps . Your pathing should look like straight lines more than it looks like zig-zags or triangles. You should only skip camps when clearing the camp would mess up your timing for a gank, counter-gank, or objective spawn.

    4) Path towards objectives/win conditions

    Ex 1: drake is spawning in 1:00, clear from top side to bottom. If you start your clear on the bottom side, you'll either have to wait around for 30 seconds (which isn't always bad if you don't have vision control yet), or you'll have to continue into your top side to be efficient.

    Ex 2: You have a super fed Darius against a Kayle, path towards the top side of the map as he is coming back off a recall. Then when he gets to lane, you are in the area to gank, dive, pressure turret, counter gank, or take rift. Play to your strong side.

    I hope these tips help you think more about the fundamentals of jungle pathing!

    submitted by /u/WL_Kairos
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    A valuable lesson I learned about tilting and comebacks

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 05:47 PM PST

    (scrub gold elo)

    So I was in a game and me and my team were behind. And when I say behind I mean fucking BEHIND. I fed my laner about 7 kills at this point and i'm literally 0/7/0, my jungler 1/4/2, my midlaner 1/5/1. Meanwhile the enemy toplaner was 8/0/0, their jungler 2/1/7, and their midlaner 7/1/3. Our botlane was behind as well, although not by much. 10k gold difference.

    At this point (I do not have the best mental) I was like yeah, this is a nice team diff, time to go next (I tried to FF two times)

    But it turns out that our jungler just happened to be the most untiltable person on Earth. Despite all of us feeding including him, he never flamed any of us once, instead just started directing us around. Stay safe, don't push up, go to drag, group, go to baron, follow me, recall, stay on me (we had a yummi), you splitpush, etc.

    As you probably guessed, we just started having the most massive comeback of all time (I even solo'd my laner at one point). By the time we won I was so confused about WTF was going on and how this jungler happened to be a freaking god. So yeah, turns out if you don't tilt and FF, most games are actually winnable. This game has given me a whole new perspective on soloQ, and I just wanted to share my experience with you guys. ty

    submitted by /u/Some-Cake
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    Resources for low (like, iron) elo junglers?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 09:34 PM PST

    Whenever I see people discussing low elo they basically mean gold. I'm, like, sub-iron. And jungle is so complicated it makes me feel like an idiot anyway. I watch guides and read posts but they're all aimed at people who aren't dumb.

    I legit need the the basics. I spammed jungle for three days straight and all I did was int and piss off my teammates. Even it I get kills I never get objectives and more often than not I get invaded nonstop and the whole jungle is the enemy's.

    I'm really, really, really, trying to learn this role but there's so much and if you fall short of your team's expectations they can be even more tilting than the enemy. I want it bad, man. I really want to play jungle. But I just feel so stupid.

    Are there any good resources for people like me?

    submitted by /u/Mokujo
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    How to make your minimap huge and on another monitor screen

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 05:00 AM PST

    Get OBS. Make a source the monitor you play league of legends on. Zoom in on the minimap on that soure. Move OBS your secondary monitor. Now maximize the window and you have a huge version of your minimap. Depending on your setup, this can be pretty sick

    Video demonstration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5W75I0sfK5M

    submitted by /u/RAZGRIZTP
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    Vi help?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 08:32 PM PST

    So I am... Decently new to this. Not even Level 30 yet.

    I was simply wondering what's good ways to play Vi? I've played a lot of characters but she feels really right to me, idk how else to explain it, but I don't exactly feel confident in myself playing her as a main. Im pretty sure she's a Jungler, but are there any specific strats to playing her, or things you should do?

    submitted by /u/Phantasm_Blast
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    How can I gain more gold and build my items faster mid-late game as a support?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 09:17 AM PST

    So usually when I play support, I start out with Spellthief's Edge and can usually get to Shard of True Ice pretty quickly and place a few wards. I can also usually get my mythic pretty quickly too. However, once I get my mythic, I find that I'm lagging behind in gold and I struggle to build some of the items I really need to make a difference mid-late game. I also struggle to ward a lot mid-late game. I'm pretty new to the game, so any tips will help. How do I keep up with gold generation after I get my mythic and do things?

    submitted by /u/Wurbled
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    What to do on adc if teammates are all dives champs

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 02:17 AM PST

    Hi I am currently in gold 4 pretty bad at the game, and usually i'll have people to like to take agency over the game which is good in a way. but i get so lost when they play mobility heavy champions and keeps chasing enemies away from a low mobility adc. The problem is that I have no clue what to do when this happens. Do I just walk and try to catch up even though it's unlikely. or do I just sort of sit there in despite because i miss out on the play. Anyone is welcomed to input some thoughts.

    submitted by /u/Ares_Beta
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    How do I make the leap to Master?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 01:46 AM PST

    I've been Diamond for 6 consecutive seasons now. I've had the dream to reach Master for quite a while, but no matter in what way I try to improve, I don't seem to be able to make it. I am hardstuck D4, previously D5, and the only way I can reach higher ranks is by elo-inflating by playing a champ which fits the meta very well. So although I finished S10 in D3, I was only able to do so by abusing Malphite top, a champ that was in my opinion OP in the last patch, and my offrole.

    I main mid, I like flashy champs (mages prone to cheese and assassins) and I would really like to make the leap to Master in season 11. I try to avoid coaching, as this would not feel like my achievement, should I make it in the end.

    Does anyone have advice for/experience with this endeavour, and would like to share?

    submitted by /u/Siphtrex
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    What on Earth do I do against Lillia?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 12:18 PM PST

    I'm a mid laner trying to learn jungle and I just played a game vs Lillia. Omg. I thought she was annoying to deal with as a laner. She outfarmed me super hard and I couldn't hit a damn thing on her thanks to her stupid 1000% move speed. We won because I was able to just pick off her squishies, and Lillia can't exactly 1v4, but she made the game last like 20 mins longer than it should have thanks to her stupid ulti, her like insane jungle and objective pressure, and her zooming across the map.

    For reference, I was playing Evelynn and she's who I'm learning jungle on. I find her really fun since I love AP assassins and she's kind of motivating me to learn jungle because I find her such a ball to play.

    submitted by /u/zooeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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    How to watch vods/replays of better players?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 05:03 PM PST

    I've heard a lot of people say:: "don't analyze the stats in op.gg, go watch the vod to get a real understanding". My question: is it possible to download other peoples games and watch their vods/replays? If so, how and where? op.gg? I would really like to study some one-tricks and pros if possible because I feel like simply playing the game doesn't help me as much.

    submitted by /u/oskarnurm
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    Laning 1v2 as ADC

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 11:00 AM PST

    Hello, I'm a D3 average player who peaked D1 last season and I main ADC. A lot of high elo support players know the importance of roaming and putting pressure in other lanes, Alicopter for example. As an ADC, are there any tips people can give to surviving the 1v2 that occurs when my support goes to play for other lanes? I understand the importance of not dying, but if the lane is frozen and I can't unfreeze it, what's the play? Do I go with the support? Do I just start warding the enemy jungle and become a roaming ADC until they unfreeze? Thanks in advance. ^

    submitted by /u/Vorii_LoL
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    How do I use my f keys without pressing fn?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 06:50 PM PST

    Hello, I use an hp monitor and I would like to know how to use f keys without pressing fn. Do I change this in windows settings or what. I have read some sources to press fn+esc, f1, f2, f9, f11, or f12. But none of them worked for me. I know this isn't really league related, but please help me out with this, thanks!

    submitted by /u/08312005l
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    Eclipse passive bonus not working as intended ?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 09:41 PM PST

    So I was playing around the practice tool testing items feels and performance, seeing whats most optimal build for Riven and came across this:

    So, Eclipse passive bonus gives 4% Armor Penetration for every Legendary item in our inventory. 4x5=20

    Here's what my stats are showing with Eclipse and 5 Legendaries:


    Like, is it shadow nerfed ? If it's not then it's bugged.

    Serylda's gives flat 30%, Eclipse should be giving me another 20% but it's giving me 14%.

    So instead of sitting at 50% Armor Penetration, I'm sitting at 44% for whatever reason.

    I'm missing out on 6% Armor Penetration which is let's say 2 Black Cleaver stacks.

    Black Cleaver gives 4% per proc, up to 24%.

    When I hover/mouseover Eclipse it says it's giving me 20% Armor Penetration, however my stats as you can see are telling me otherwise.

    submitted by /u/Christxvn
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    ADC Vayne Lord Dominiks vs Bortk

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 10:02 AM PST

    Lord Dom - https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Lord_Dominik's_Regards

    Guinsoo's - https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Guinsoo%27s_Rageblade

    Bortk - https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Blade_of_the_Ruined_King

    So my question is when should I pick Lord Dom for the armor pen, or Bork for the 6% health damage?

    Does Guinsoo's have any effect on Bortk?

    submitted by /u/Tactical_Bacon1
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    How do I figure out the optimal route for a new jungler

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 04:01 AM PST

    Hey everyone,

    So I recently joined a league team, which meant that I had to expand my champion pool a lot. Starting to play new champions in the jungle can be especially hard if you don't know what the optimal route is on that champ. Additionally, riot recently buffed krugs gold and I'm still wondering whether it is actually worth to clear them now. How do I figure out the optimal route on a champion?

    submitted by /u/noah_legerstee
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    How to improve my ability to impact a game as a jungler?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 03:18 PM PST

    I've been playing a lot of jungle lately as I hate being in a role where I don't have a large impact on the outcome of the game. Basically, if I lose I want it to be my fault that I underperformed. Usually one lane will perform poorly, and I can adapt to that and give help where needed so my team is relatively equal to our opponents. Other times both top and bottom will die faster than I can help, and I tend to fall behind in levels and gold as a result of me trying to help. This also results in not getting neutral objectives, since the enemy team is fed and can 1v1 me and my teammates are too busy trying to regain control of their lanes. This usually snowballs the game to a defeat unless we can get a few of us to scale nicely before then. What is the correct course of action when I'm in such a situation? Do I ignore them and farm to keep up? Focus on ganks and hopefully shut them down and risk giving them a double kill? I tend to be indecisive and waste time trying to figure out what to do so it would be nice to know what i can do.

    submitted by /u/Skoop963
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    How to play Mid in a Flex/Clash environment.

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 07:06 AM PST

    Hello my name is IGN is Weu I am a Plat mid main for about 2 years or so I came from adc. My champ pool for mid is very complicated because I play Sooo many different champions depending on META. I've sort of struggled in carrying games in Flex/Clash games because I'm not able to roam efficiently or I get caught because the communication is very good from the other team. I need to change my mindset into not having to roam as much and not play as aggressive and feel the need to carry because what has been happening is I'll try to force a play mid, jgler is waiting on the other side in my non warded side I get baited GG im behind mid. Long story short does anyone have some tips or vods I can watch in regards to working on that I think it would help my solo play too. Also if anyone has any tips on Champion pools I should think about adding? I currently play the Most Leblanc, Katarina, Ahri (sometimes) and Akali and many more assasin type mids thanks.

    submitted by /u/fexuntv
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    How to poke as Senna

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 10:50 AM PST

    Recently as Senna i switched from a passive playstyle to a more aggressive and poke oriented one but i find myself dieing a lot more than i did and even if my soul stack is for sure higher.

    What are some poke strategies and tips that can help me to don't feed and have better trades?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/Guicciardi
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    Armor Pen/anti-healing

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 06:31 AM PST


    I was wondering specifically how people are fitting both lord dominiks and mortal reminder into their build at the moment as ADC?

    Let's say I go vayne and they have two tanks and a strong healer.

    Is my build really going to be boots-kraken-guinsoo-lord dominiks-mortal ?

    Seems like its hard now to not build lord dominiks now a days and just 1 strong healer sets your build mostly. Am I overlooking something?

    submitted by /u/rnichaeljackson
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    Returning player update

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 11:23 AM PST

    I'm a returning to the game after a couple of years away because wild rift is being released soon. I can't imagine I am alone in this so I want this post to be dual purpose. My first goal is to get caught up. I stopped playing at the end of season 9. What's new? This jungle shit really threw me for a loop. What's with these new legendary items? Why are the outside lanes so weird? What the hell is going on with dragons and the herald? Where the heck do I look up builds now? It used to be op.gg but that seems like a bust now.

    My second goal is to propose a stickied post. That is updated with major game changes. Not every patch or anything but preseason and after MSI. Just updating the big things as they change so you don't get a flood of what are legendary weapons posts.

    Let me know what you think fellow summoners

    submitted by /u/BlameGameChanger
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