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    Friday, December 4, 2020

    LoL Guide The only comps you need to know for Clash are teamfight, pick, and siege

    LoL Guide The only comps you need to know for Clash are teamfight, pick, and siege

    The only comps you need to know for Clash are teamfight, pick, and siege

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 06:59 AM PST

    Teamfight in particular is the best composition for low elo teams to run in clash. It rewards solid mechanics, doesn't take TOO much coordination, and helps you secure the majority of objectives to give you a lot of win conditions (baron push, drake soul, elder).

    Here are the pros, cons, and execution tips for these 3 basic comps. And this is a video version if you'd prefer: https://youtu.be/rO-efyxlP_0

    Teamfight Composition


    - Lots of opportunities: Teams will NARAM even if their teamfight is worse

    - Ease of execution: clear team identity. Usually front to back, dive, or "Press R".

    - Skill expression: gives mechanical players a chance to outshine the opponent. Also you'll always be 1 great teamfight away from getting back into the game from behind.

    - Dictate Fights: you'll be the team pulling the trigger and deciding when to fight. usually is a big advantage


    - Disengage: a Braum, Poppy, Zyra can completely disengage and ruin your ability to start fights.

    - Communication needs: high skill cap in terms of communication good information to teammates. Easy to split focus or not commit to an engage as 5

    - Split map: a fed split pusher will prevent you from having all 5 teammates together, reducing your teamfight power.


    - Power spike tracking: must track major cooldowns, item break points, and level break points to find advantageous fights.

    - Communication: make sure everyone knows when you're looking for an engage, or when you're unable to fight. Coordination is a MUST for teamfight comps.

    Example Comps

    - Cho, Amumu, Cassio, Ezreal, Naut (front to back)

    - Camille, Zac, Galio, Kaisa, Leona (dive)

    Pick Composition


    -Snowballs hard: when ahead, the enemy team will feel like they can't even go in the juingle for fear of being picked.

    - Margin of error: if successful, you should never need to take a straight 5v5. You'll be able to get picks and then only take 4v5 or 3v5s

    - Opportunities: you'll have lots of opportunities because people take greedy rotations, disrespect vision, and position poorly very frequently in low elo.


    -Objective secure + waveclear: Pick champions (Assassins, Senna, Jhin) typically have a slow baron secure. Also these champs don't have great waveclear, meaning they can't deal with baron very well.

    - Very bad from behind: when trailing, you won't have the damage to burst the targets you pick. Then you'll be open to counter engage. Also you won't have vision control on the map, which is necessary for a pick comp to succeed.

    - Globals: You go for a pick, 3 enemies ult on top of you... say no more.


    - VISION: make sure everyone is getting pinks and you have some sweepers. Set up pockets of vision to pick people in rotations.

    - Play for mid game: the comp is bad from behind, so play a conservative early game to make sure you get opportunities when the map opens up and people are more mobile on the map.

    - CC layering: don't greed CDs when you hit a target, make sure you commit your cooldowns and get the kill. At the same time, don't use all your CC at once. Stagger it to maximize how long the target is locked down.

    Example Comps ( i wouldn't recommend FULL pick comp, but consider these 10 champions who have strong pick potential)

    - Quinn, Elise, Fizz, Senna, Thrersh

    - Urgot, Lillia, Zoe, Jhin, Morg

    Siege/Poke Composition


    -Vs short range comps: melee and short range comps will never be able to get in range to start a fight. You can kite them out forever.

    -Low risk: doesn't require aggressive positioning or starting teamfights. More macro reliant to set up siege scenarios and poke down enemies so they can't engage.

    -Punishes uncoordinated teams: if a team doesn't all-in you together, you'll be able to disengage and turn back on them.


    -Long range engage: siege is safe from short range engage, but long range (zac/Ornn) can destroy poke champions (which are usually squishy and immobile)

    - Strong wave clear: Waveclear champs like Anivia or Viktor will make it hard to setup siege, as the wave will hardly ever hit turret. Against them, baron is needed.


    -Wave management: understand when waves will crash, how long you'll have to poke, and side wave pressure.

    - Draft disengage: to deny long-range engage, make sure you have 1-2 STRONG disengage options (Gragas, Poppy, Braum)

    - Flank wards:L in siege situations, make sure the enemy doesn't get an easy flank. Ward your sides before the siege.

    - Disengage quickly: because hard engage is your primary weakness, be quick ro use your disengage cooldowns to deny teamfights early. Don't greed your disengage CDs and lose the fight.

    Example Comps

    - Jayce, Gragas, Xerath, Ezreal, Lux

    - Maokai, Nidalee, Velkoz, Caitlyn, Braum

    Each of these compositions has a clear way it wants to play the game, which makes it much easier for your team to understand and execute on that comp identity. I hope this helps some of you win games in the last Clash of 2020! :D

    submitted by /u/WL_Kairos
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    A low ELO jungler's perspective. Things I think laners don't quite know about the jungle role.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 11:31 AM PST

    1. I have a lot of jobs, one of them is to gank, but typically my ganks are cyclical, I can't abandon farming/objectives to gank. Me and the opposing jungler are going to rotate top to bottom, bottom to top as we clear the jungle. That means there will be good times to set up a gank as I rotate top or bottom, and time when you need to expect the other jungler to gank, or times when you have to accept I can't be there, im helping another lane. When dragon is spawning, or im anglin to take it, dropping and clearing wards, I won't be top lane a lot. That's how it is.
      Edit: can't abandon farming all together. Not can't abandon a specific camp to help. Jungler must spend some time farming is what that meant.
    2. I have to farm sometimes. I can't gank forever, every lane non stop. I also have to plan objectives.
    3. During the first clear, I won't be ganking hard till I have both buffs. If you get level 2 ganked by the enemy jungler and im on the other side of the map, cant help you. If you teleport back and die twice before 3 min because they sat in brush waiting for you, I can't solve that. I wish I could, but I can't. It's not jungle diff!!!
    4. I can't save a losing really bad lane. There won't be a point, especially for top lane, when I will be able to help you kill the 2 level up, full health, still has ult and flash and ignite pushing you with a full wave and your half health with no ult.
    5. I can't read your mind. I need pings, i need talking, i need you to chat with me about what I can do, and you can do, and we can do to win. Spam pinging you want the gank now when I am half a map away is impossible. Spam pinging to stop a 3 man dive when im half a map away is impossible. I won't come. If anything ill take the dragon or crab on the opposite side of the map, or ill counter-jungle.Great plans are, "hey when you rotate top, ill let him push, can you gank." Splendid idea, im all in.
    6. If you full push, and don't ward, or ward and don't look at the map, and you get ganked and die. It's not jungle diff!!! in all caps. I literally have no idea what you wanted from me. There are almost no situations where hard-pushing lane for 10 minutes, then sitting there trying to poke them under tower makes sense. You will get ganked, you will die. Push, back, get items. Freeze waves when your ahead, ward deep. If you don't have wards, don't push.
    7. If I ping im coming, then I gank, you have to do something to engage. If you stay back, it just turns into a 1v1 or a 2v1 where you never got close enough to do damage or help. When that happens and they get away, its not jungle diff, im here, im helping, but im not doing your lane for you.
    8. I need your help. If I am doing dragon or herald, or were in the middle of a gank and your lane roams, you need to follow, or push for turret, or at least ping. Or maybe slow them down. Just ignoring it, then flaming it so pointless.
    9. I can't stop 2 man invades in my jungle. If they are counter-jungling me with laners, you either need to help, or push hard to make them lose cs. You can't sit in lane and then blame me for being behind. There won't be a point in the 2-5 minute mark where im going to just 2v1 everyone.
    10. I cannot consistently 1v5 solo steal dragons, barons, herals or other objectives. Don't ping me to steal, don't ping me to 1v5 baron steal. Don't even ping me when were way behind to contest objectives we will just lose hard because there's only 2 of us, or we are waaaaay behind. I pinged dragon 45 seconds ago. You all could of come, and you chose not to. Its a team objective, not a solo objective.

    And most of all, I am continually trying to improve. I am low elo for a reason. Im climbing, but im here for a reason. I still have things to learn. I am improving my micro game, my macro game. My trades, my decision making, understanding champ limits and pathing. Trying to communicate better. All I want to do is work with you. I want to help, its why I jungle. AND SOMETIMES SOMETIMES, your just going to have to believe me, that thing your pinging me to do, is a bad idea, a REALLY BAD IDEA. Then when you go alone and it doesn't work, just stop being surprised.

    Lastly, I can't stress this enough, I can't make you win lane. I can help, but I can't do it for you.

    submitted by /u/LordSlickRick
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    Saving your gap closer as jg

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 09:50 AM PST

    Ok so I'll start this post by saying I'm very new to this game and only started playing over quarantine, but there is one mentality that has improved my games immensely, so I wanted to share it. As a jungler, I would usually use any gap closer I had immediately when ganking: Q with Lee sin immediately, Q with master yi immediately, E w kha zix at the beginning of every gank, etc. Then I watched some vod where a jungled said to save Kha'zix E to catch them after they flash and I got many more successful ganks. It's a super simple concept but honestly it never occurred to me before I was told explicitly, and now that I've done it once or twice, it's almost second nature to save the ability.

    Maybe this is super obvious to you all, but it wasn't to me, so hopefully this post helps someone.

    submitted by /u/KamdynS7
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    How To Play Like A Challenger Nunu In Season 11 - Challenger Analysis, Guide and Tips

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 07:02 AM PST


    Text Version (Video is better organised haha)-

    High winrate = good matchups into current meta e.g jg has no counters, counters best adc in the game jhin, sunfire still OP - lets you win fights you shouldnt + keep you tanky, high mobility with new phase rush page (from early season 10)will completly change how you play him.

    Path - Red with or without leash - snowball to raptors, Q big raptor, Snowball from mid of midlane to wolves, snowball to blue, gank, scuttle, gank. You can also do gromp if there are no good ganks -> crab -> gank

    Passive - Stats for highest AS champ, like old nunu W. Movement speed - auto enemy/turret whenever you can to help with positioning

    Q - healing ability, not for dmg most of the time. Especially useful on minions - heals more, can bait people in. Main part of nunus tankiness. Also main reason for objective control - Q Smite combo - caluculate dmg then win all smites

    W - Gank tool - judging distance hardest part. Cannot be slowed during. Longer range = longer CC. Relase key to release the ball - it will keep travelling, extending the range slightly for a longer range cc - lets you reposition.

    E - Great for phase rush - land all 3 = speed. High dmg at lvl 1, try to land all 3 charges on same person for max dmg, not just for cc early.

    R - Shield = survivability and bait again. Either - High DMG Burst, Zoning tool/peel. Try to let enemies use CC/flashes first. Can also use like a fiddlesticks ult - go in bush, sweep/ward and let eneimes walk into you. Best to do during a hecic fight, otherwise it is easy to notice the slow.

    Phase rush - Nunu has no mobility, so this gives him a lot of escape potential + repositioning

    LVL 3 is powerspike

    Dragon not as important as you would think in soloq - challenger players may prefer ganks over soloing it as it still takes a long time to solo even with nunuq. If you can get your laners ahead instead, then they can carry you to a win. Also this will mean dragons become free. The spam gank playstyle is much more effective in getting a team ahead. An early dragon will give something like 10AP/AD to each player, whereas a gank + kill gives gold to you and laner + XP + makes enemy miss CS. Dragon only really matters for the soul now, which pressures people to fight around it. Basically dont fall into the trap of 'you're nunu you get all the objectives' because that stops you from being a normal jungler, balacing ganks, farming and objectives as usual. You really need to adapt NUNU to YOUR ganking playstyle, not try to adapt to what you think he should be doing. You never see a smurf jungler spam killing dragon to win, you see him outfarming and spam ganking to get ahead then carry with that lead.

    Challengers try to avoid taking kills - nunu will not be a 1v9 carry. Sunfire does give him a lot of damage now, but if you get laners fed they will be much more effective. Nunu does not need kills to do his job, but an ADC will really benefit from them. Dark seal is a good purchase as it lets you get fed even without having to take the kills, and if you do get kills it will let you carry much harder.

    Raptors are nunus fav camp - snowball in, Q big bird and it will all be dead

    Long range cc counters nunu, e.g morgana, LUX - cannot dodge bind when in W - very hard to engage

    Ganks - stay close to walls - gives least amount of reaction time for enemies as fog lasts a tiny bit longer

    Always W out of base with homeguards - very fast

    Start picks from scuttle crab speed up - lets you suprise enemies. If you cant do that, do it from Fog of war so they are suprised

    Mid game - continue looking for snowballs from long range to get catches in fights. If you land a snowball onto an adc they will die to your R and your team - especially great against immobile carries like jhin who is by far the best adc right now.

    Try to end games asap, nunu is not a scaling jg, he just gets more tanky - which will always be less effective late game compared to a dmg champion. 25-30 minutes is a good goal, any later and you will start to fall off.

    Build - red smite most common, helps with 1v1s. Dark seal early also good, especially if team lacks damage or you need to help carry. Sunfire 1st, Plated steelcaps or merc treads, Then situational. Deadmans plate is good, randuins is good, abyssal mask is good, spirit visage is good. Again, you are aiming to only have to get 2-3 full items at most as from then on you are falling off in effectivness.

    Runes - Phase rush- nimbus, celerity and waterwalking - all help with ganking playstyle and safety secondaries - thriumph + legend alacrity. Cheap shot + relentless hunter are common also, but challengers always take the first page. stats- as adaptive armor

    I am someone who has always struggled with learning nunu, and I think that switiching to a ganking mindset really helped. Here's an example game in diamond euw where I changed my playstyle to fit the challenger ganking style from this video, and I was able to spam gank lanes to keep us ahead, then use some clutch snowballs in mid game to get picks on their super fed ADC which you can solo kill most games. The hardest part is mastering the snowball, but after a few games it will just click. You just need to learn the range, and how it can steer around corners, then you are ready to set up any engage. It is also important to use it as much as possible to get around the map. It is your big advantage over other junglers, so spam it off cooldown as much as you can.

    submitted by /u/G0ldenfruit
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    With preseason in action and inters at every corners, heres how me a person that has been perma banned more than 20 times went from one perma ban per month to none in a year aka how to deal with extreme tilting.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 03:36 PM PST

    Disclaimer: I know this seems like extreme and also some of these tips will look obvious but when you allow yourself to tilt, you cannot stop. If you are one of these people that just cannot stop writing in game or be mad outside of the game for minimal things, you have come to the right place. Some people say there is a stereotype for tilters, that they are dumb, hopeless, friendless, familyless, etc. I do not fit any of these and if you saw me tomorrow, you would not believe that I am this kind of human trash on a kids game. I do not condone toxicity although I still think some people really deserve it.





    Here's what you have to do to fix your behavior. If you are getting muted every 2 months, or banned every weeks or even just cant stop typing in games things like: go ficuk yoqurlself, I gotcha fam.





    First of all, understand that this is going to be a very difficult process and that you have to put your heart and head into it for it to work.

    Here we go. (These are not tips, if you want to stop tilting on League of Legends as an extreme case, you HAVE to do those).





    1st thing you HAVE to do: Go in your options and take the scale of the chat HUD to the lowest possible so that the chat is the smallest possible.





    2nd thing you HAVE to do: Go in your options and DISABLE all chat and team chat but KEEP your pings up.





    3rd thing you have to do: Disable enter from your keyboard when playing League of Legends using a script. This is totally safe, has been around for years and it will not get you banned.

    Follow these steps:

    a) Download autohotkey: http://www.autohotkey.com/

    b) Open notepad and paste in the following (without quotes): "#ifwinactive League of Legends (TM) Client



    c) Save the file as scriptname.ahk and run it

    d) put the script on your desktop right next to your league of legends client and everytimes you launch league you also launch this script.

    CONGRATULATIONS, you have put the tools in place to stop tilting, now there are a few more things you need to do to put these tools into effect.

    Now that you cannot SEE your teams pings, now that you cannot SEE your teammates discussions, now that you CANNOT type to your team and now that you are focusing solely on the one variable you can affect, heres how to climb using this method I just showed you.





    4th thing you NEED to do: Do not attempt to find how to remove the script or the settings from your computer, let me tell you, like a little addict you will try to find the ways to enable your enter to talk to your team in a 50 mins game where your jungler just lost Nash, nope, no more talking only playing.





    5th thing you NEED to do: Do not attempt to find a way to enter in contact with your team even with the tools disabled. Mass pinging, taking CS, taking buffs, spamming smite, etc. It might seem tempting but its still gonna affect your team, probably way less than typing as typing is the main cause of loosing games.





    6th thing you need to do: when you finish a game, click next. Do not try to talk to your teammates or enemies, just report everybody type LOL and leave.





    7th thing you need to do: Start concentrating on how you play, how you can improve and start winning again.

    The main reason you are tilted isn't because you are not good, its not because your jungler is not ganking you, its not because their jungler is camping you, its because you are making mistakes and are looking for the easy way out. I know sometimes its your junglers fault but if you focus on improving, you will start giving yourself tools to beat the players you think are lesser than you. I am often mad at my junglers when I get camped or ganked and I remind myself one thing:

    Story time, you can skip to the next tip if you want:

    I saw a video of Foggedftw2 where he was not able to get any farm level 1 as Nidalee started top and he had a Renekton opponents. You know what he did? He saw that Renekton was building a double wave to crash a huge wave of 15 minions. You know what he said at that very moment? He is building a huge wave so that they can dive me level 1 and lose me game. So what I am going to do is go ward and be ready for her. He warded and 15 seconds later, nidalee showed up level 3 while he is level 2 and Renek is level 3. He left tower, went in the bush (THE BUSH NEXT TO HIS SECOND TOWER), soaked EXP and waited for Nidalee to leave, meanwhile his Graves invaded Nidalees red and ganked bot. He lost half a level and about 300 gold but he won the game with one play.

    What I am trying to say is that as a bronze, silver, gold, plat, diamond, master player, etc. you think that you are down to your luck, you think that you are surrounded by terrible players, you think that you are left to yourself but there are Challengers player out there getting camped by duos of Challengers that still win their lanes. Learn from these people and go clap noobs instead of being mad at some oblivious silver amumu who is trying his best to do a camp.





    8th thing that you NEED to do: you need to tilt. I know its dumb, but its okay to be mad in real life when a bad play happens. Fucking throw your mouse, fucking go drink a glass a water angrily, go hit your sofa, go walk angrily in your house, go do something to be mad and then, go sit back at your desk and walk back to your lane. Dont forget, and thats probably gonna be the hardest thing to do, that you are still going to tilt, you are still going to be fucking mad, you are still gonna wanna insult your teammates and the enemies, but the goal in this whole guide I just wrote down is to not show anybody but you that you are tilted. If you are tilted and losing 0-3 but your toplane is clapping, your botlane is clapping and your jungler is even, that game is won. You may feel like you are useless and probably are but if you dont show it and keep playing your best game with what you got, you will win that game and you know what? In the past that game was lost because you were typing and tilting your fed teammates, now you are a new woman or man and are reformed so you fucking win a lost game. There you go, there is the edge, you just went from platinum 3 to platinum 2 with the free LP you won.





    9th and final tip that you need to do: after enabling yourself with tools to remove your tilt and enabling your mind with positive reinforcement, at some point in the near future, in between 2 to 3 months, you are just gonna be untiltable. You think I am kidding? You think I am a joking, I have a notepad with 17 unbanned accounts right now that I have no idea what to do with because I used to get banned and wait for their bans to go away for 6 months before reusing accounts. Now I only use 2 accounts and dont have any use of these accounts.






    Here is my progress:

    I was diamond 4 with 67% winrate last season and was untiltable. In may of last year, I went from 67% winrate, clapping everybody to this season having 47% in platinum 4. The moment I started using the tips I showed today, I went to platinum 3 in 63% winrate from scratch.

    I went from 47% winrate on my main to a smurf in higher elo than my main with 4.24 KDA and 63% winrate and still climbing.

    I know this thread is not for everybody because a lot of you do not have these issues, I know this is for extreme cases but I think that anybody who would follow these steps Honor 5 or 0, would climb.

    I hope this helped. Have fun ladies and gentlemen :D

    Proof that it works: https://imgur.com/9GQWszx.jpeg

    Proof that I was an angry boy getting banned quicker than my shadow: https://imgur.com/q6GX9e1.jpeg

    submitted by /u/MegahardOnfire
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    When to pick what champion in my arc pool

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 12:58 PM PST

    Hey guys,

    Been playing a lot of league lately and jumped into the adc role. I played a decent number of games (30+ each) on Ashe, Kai sa and Jhin which will make up my adc pool to climb.

    Right now I dont have any rhyme or reason on when I pick each, just go with what I feel like playing that day. I was wondering what kind of situations should I pick Ashe over Kai or Jhin or vice versa.

    I know Ashe has low damage and best to pick into a higher damage supp. What other kind of compositional situation would lead me to picking one out of the 3?

    I'm only mid silver so I doubt it matters much, but would like to know. If there are any holes in my pool would love to hear!


    submitted by /u/Cheap_Use3506
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    (From a toplaner perspective) How come when High-Elo players smurf their teams almost never feed?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 03:30 PM PST

    Top laner here. Not here to complain because "my team feeds" or whatever. Just an observation and genuine question.

    Something I've noticed when watching high-elo players smurf is that their teams barely feed. You barely get to see them actually have to try. You barely get to see them actually have to 1v9 the game. You barely get to see their bot lane go 0/5 in the first 5 minutes. You barely get to seem them play 30+ minute games. You barely get to see one of their teammates disconnect/AFK early on and have to 4v5 almost the whole game. Not saying it doesn't happen or that it hasn't happened to them, but it always feels like their entire team wins 8/10 games I'd say.

    It's just so interesting to me because low-elo players are always complaining about their teams feeding/holding them back yet when high elo players go into low elo their teams at the very least go even.

    Is it just coincidence or do they play in such a way that it makes their team not feed (most of the time at least)?

    submitted by /u/mevaleunachingada
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    Vision Control Principle: Treat wards as AFK champions

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 04:07 AM PST

    Basically what the title says.

    You want to treat wards as if they are champions. If an ally champion is in danger, you should think first before helping them. Is your ally already dead whether you help or not? Do you have more allies than enemies? Can you get your ally out of it? Or will you also die? Is it a good trade of kills or not? Is it best to leave your ally to die?

    Same principle should be applied on wards. For example, if the enemy is dewarding/destroying your wards, you should look at the locations of your allies and enemies before deciding whether to defend it, leave it, or kill the enemy champion. Do you know where your enemies are? Do you have close allies? Is it possible that enemies are waiting over the wall or on the next brush?

    The same principle when you're the one dewarding. Can you assume that enemies won't be able to defend it? Or are they already approaching you from fog of war?

    Although wards can be compared to champions, don't forget that they are AFK. That means, just because you have a ward on a brush doesn't mean that the next brush is safe. Your ward won't help you. Wards can give you a false sense of security. Information provided by wards is often limited to their vision. But this can also be used against your enemies. If you know that they have a ward in a brush, you can wait at a close brush and kill them.

    Remember, the control ward isn't worth your death.

    submitted by /u/Bamb0ozles
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    Do I ever help the jungler early game when the wave crashes into my tower?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 11:34 AM PST

    Too many games I'm playing top/mid and the wave is crashing into my tower but either our jungle is being invaded or jungle decides to take the scuttle fight.

    I don't come because most of the time if the wave is crashing into the tower I'm a lower level which means we'll probably lose the fight anyways, and also it's way too risky to fight because if we lose I'm going to be down 1-2 waves + a kill when I come back.

    But every game this happens, the jungler flames me and says "our top is afk" or something of the like. Is it actually better to take the fight and miss the wave?

    submitted by /u/MediumMortgage249
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    Playing out ganks slowly and engaging at the right time - How to gank "1v2" lanes

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 10:31 AM PST

    This is just a really quick pointer or two for jungle mains: how to go about ganking lanes where there's a risk of you both dying (this will mostly be toplane, but it can apply to the others as well).

    Abilities are the end all be all of league, and by extension successful ganks. Many if not most champions have a ton of their damage or utility or ability to fight tied up in their abilities, and if they miss them, become significantly weaker.

    First, a disclaimer: Avoid ganking these types of lanes when the enemy is actively FED. If they aren't fed, then this guide applies, but if they are fed, avoid the lane and make plays elsewhere. The reason for this is that this guide assumes that both you and your laner are somewhat capable of 1v1ing the gank target. If either of you instantly die to them (due to being behind or just weaker), then this doesn't work, as they can just hard focus one of you for the kill. You should both be moderately scary to them.

    To successfully gank these types of lanes, you must consider:

    • Your champion's "key" abilities that you must hit to gank successfully
    • The enemy champion's key abilities that make them much stronger or give them kill potential if they hit (eg illaoi E, darius Q, etc)
    • The enemy champ's ult status (many toplaners have "I win xd" ults that they will... well, win if they use while getting ganked. Again, examples include Illaoi, Renekton, Nasus, Morde, etc.)

    When you approach a risky gank, you're looking to expend or prevent these abilities from being used. How do you do this? By playing the engage slowly until they're used or missed.

    Let's take ganking an illaoi at lv 6 as an example. She has two major things, the E and the ult. Get hit by both, you will get 1v2ed. If you get her to miss her E, then walk out of her ult once she uses it, it's free.

    Begin by walking behind the illaoi. You want to position yourself so you are between her and her tower, and pincer her between you and your laner. If she Es, dodge it, and if she Es your laner, just chill for a bit and let your laner tank the E for a bit/walk out of it. If your laner knows how to play against illaoi, they won't engage while she has E down (so she can't Q both the ghost and them). Just chill for a bit. If she ults, walk away from her towards her tower. This puts her in a tight spot. Does she walk towards you and your tower, leaving her ult, and risking you CCing or 1v1ing her (which is likely to be successful as she has no E or ult)? Or does she just sit in ult, unable to hit anyone with it (since again, you just both disengaged in opposite directions from her)?

    Either way, once the ult runs out (you can detect this by looking at the tentacles, they are health-less during ult and can't be killed, afterwards they gain their health bar back), THEN you can engage, use CC, and fight her.

    Darius is similar. Despite popular belief, darius sucks at fighting multiple people until he's able to stack passive. To gank him, approach from opposite directions. He will be forced to pick someone to attempt to stack. The person who gets stacked on should do their best to run away from the darius, to slow down his stacking speed, while the other person wails freely on the darius, paying attention so he doesn't hit Q on both people. If he's forced to switch targets, he resets his stacks (since it only transfers stacks when fully stacked), this will make him much less scary. The initial stack target can just wait for their stacks to fall off, then re-engage or just provide ranged support/swoop in for the kill if they're low.

    Think carefully about your opponent and consider the "win condition" for them. This might be hitting a few key abilities and 1v2ing, it might just be "I need to have this dash not get interrupted/hit this CC so I can escape".

    Hopefully this helps some laners/jungle mains struggling with this sort of thing.

    submitted by /u/Gangsir
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    Left-handed mouse/keyboard users?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 08:33 AM PST

    Hi, folks,

    Are there any lefty Lol players here who use a left-handed mouse/keyboard configuration? I'm a low-elo jg and supp main whose game knowledge - I feel - greatly exceeds my mechanical skill, so much so, in fact, that my poor mouse accuracy/reflexes/motor control frequently loses me fights. I'm also extremely left-handed in all other situations.

    Anyone switched over to a left-handed config, and have tips? Has it helped you out?

    submitted by /u/The_Coachman
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    Can someone explain Imperial Mandate on Ashe for me

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 01:26 PM PST

    I just saw a dude go Imperial Mandate Ashe ADC on TFBlade's stream and he's like 4-0 with the build right now. I've also seen the item built before on Ashe ADC here and there. Not to say that's it's a standard item on her, but clearly there's some kind of synergy there that makes it a niche, unorthodox pickup.

    I'm aware that Imperial Mandate "marks" enemies when you slow them, which can be detonated by your allies for extra damage. Does this include your own damage? So if you ran Comet, you slow with W, would the Comet then detonate the mark?

    Can someone break down how this shit works?

    submitted by /u/mmmsocreamy
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    I want to learn what is best time to go in as assassin.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 11:33 AM PST

    I want to know when to go in with assassins. I play kayn and moustly i get rhaast as form. But sometimes the assassins is better im not bad with assassin but sometime i trow game bcs i go in at bad time. And i dont know when is the best time to go in as assassin. Like last game i try to oneshot jhin but lux was there and she caught me in her q and i die. Did not see lux and fight did not start and we loose for that i screw up.

    submitted by /u/DNgamesDev
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    What is the counter to Kayn besides multiple characters with CC?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 02:57 PM PST

    I've been mostly playing Teemo top, which means Kayn comes to kill me a lot. I've tried everything to counter him and it just doesn't happen. I build a thornmail, I ignite him, I blind him. Doesn't matter, he can still heal all of that and then some. I just don't understand what I'm supposed to do. I counter the damage with armor, I counter the healing with grievous wounds, but none of it is enough it seems.

    submitted by /u/versipelis
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    I am recieving incredibly low amount of LP (7-10)

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 02:15 PM PST

    for the past 20 games i have been recieving 7-10 lp, usually 8, but today i got 7, currently i have a streak of 12wins, 2 losses, last 4 games were wins, and with every new game i recieve lower and lower lp, today i hit a new low of 7 lp.

    my mmr shows that i have an mmr of gold 2 for some reason, even after a week of playing with only 2 losses, i get lower and lower numbers, after 12 wins and 2 loses i have 86 lp (from 0).

    It feels just pointless to play, if i have to win 3 games and lose 1, to get 0, can someone help, somehow? i dont know how, i am just demoralised, i cant rank up, even though for the past 30 games only 5 games i had a kda lower then 2, and the whole past week were wins and almost no loses, (12-2).

    I dont know whats wrong with my aacount or it is mmr, or something else

    IGN : Onoharu

    submitted by /u/lexanyso12
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    What does it actually mean to be strong enough to freeze

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 02:14 PM PST

    I play jungle and am newish so I don't really understand wave management.

    I hear all the time in YouTube videos, streams, and posts about being strong enough that you can start/ force a freeze. What does that actually mean? Like is it health, being able to fight the enemy laner, being able to clear waves well?

    How are junglers supposed to help break a freeze? What is breaking a freeze. Slow pushing to allied tower or crashing into enemy tower?

    submitted by /u/that-other-redditor
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    An opportunity to grow!

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 01:40 PM PST

    Specifically, I made a playlist on youtube with all the informational league content from sources that are in my opinion well versed. My intent was to make a general guide, something I wish I had when I first started playing LOL that maybe now might help someone else as it's a compilation of sources gathered in one place. Feel free to go into the content creators and find other things on their channels that might suit you better.


    submitted by /u/Emergency-Relief
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    I literally don't know what to do

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 12:07 PM PST

    I'm Silver I trying to get to gold, but I keep losing promos because, speaking honestly and objectively, all of my teams, and no I mean it, like at least 80% of my teams, are actually braindead. It's actually fascinating, I don't know why this is happening. All my teammates are at least silver 1 but usually they're all gold except for me. I play top and I'm pretty sure I'M AT LEAST DOING MY JOB TO, NOT ONLY WIN LANE, BUT TO ALSO ROAM AND GET MY OTHER TEAM AHEAD at a, at the very least, decent level for my rank. And yes I KNOW IF I WANT TO CLIMB I NEED TO PLAY BETTER THAN MY RANK, AND GUESS WHAT, I PLAY BETTER THAN AT LEAST 80% OF THE GOLD PLAYERS THAT I GET MATCHED UP WITH ON MY TEAM. But what is it? Do I need to sweat at 150% just to be able to barely win a game every single time? I go through replays etc. and I know I should probably get a pro or coach etc. to look at them but I don't have money to use on shit like that. In my replays, I literally don't see me making any mistakes, at least ones that led to the enemy to overtake us by a huge amount, and for sure I probably made some mistakes that I may have not known that in the long run led to the enemy team to snowball, but why do I NEED TO BE THE ONLY ONE PLAYING PERFECTLY AND SWEATING AT 150% just so I can help my team of golds who have negative KDAs (Yes I know KDAs don't matter but they're general game sense and macro play that I have seen is shit too) out of laning phase JUST BARELY WIN A GAME EVERY TIME? For the times that I don't win my lane, I blame myself for losing the game (if we lose that is) but other than that, at least 80% of the time I ALWAYS WIN LANE and then during and/or after laning phase I ALWAYS make successful roams and/or tp plays to bottom etc. Then when it comes time to group, they just won't fucking group. They go into another lane to meaninglessly split for nothing, then we either are forced into 4v5 fights that we lose and/or we get delayed into starting fights waiting for the splitter and lose objectives etc.

    I just don't know what to do.

    Edit: by perfectly I meant for my rank and/or skill level. And like I said in the post, I know that I need to play better than my rank or skill to rank up, but I feel like many games I have to do even more just to barely win

    submitted by /u/MooZedongus
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    Is the "Smurf island" a real thing? How to level up quick?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 07:23 AM PST

    So, i created an account in a new region just for sake of curiosity. After a few games played, I've been placed with players of the same skill cap as me, of course. But what caught my attention was that those players were all level 10-15 just like me. I mean, we all were once actual level 15 players, and I don't recall actual level 15 players being able to perform high-skilled plays like a clean Yasuo's keyblade combo. So I assumed that just like me, my opponents are also mostly smurfs. The real problem here is that my intentions weren't to "smash actual starter players to boost my wounded ego", or something, I only wanted to get this account to lvl 30 before starting actual ranked games, and thanks to this "smurf island", I'm having a hard time doing it. And that's where my second question comes in. Is there a way to get to lvl 30 real quick? Or am I really doomed to play like a hundred more of those beefy games before the real fun starts?

    submitted by /u/miangelo17
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    ADC alternatives

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 10:12 AM PST

    Hey SummonerSchool.

    My champion pool for ADC at the moment almost exclusively consists of Samira, Jhin, Ezreal and Kalista. I'm trying to learn the role coming over from being a top main and I'm playing with a flex group of usually 3-5.

    I'm trying to think of alternative champions that are viable in bot lane but it seems that the S & A tier picks right now are basically just:




    Miss Fortune


    Would you consider this accurate? Are there any viable mages besides Swain, or do you think even bruiser champions like the Garen / Yuumi meta would be an option? Just curious for some input here. My best champions are Renekton, Sion, Jax and Viktor. If that helps at all.

    Thanks!!! :)

    submitted by /u/happygreenturtle
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    Playing more consistently and improving with consistency?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 09:13 AM PST

    I've been playing League pretty actively for six months and I went through the recommended path of sticking to one champion and one role to learn the game. I've improved a great deal from where I started (console gamer and coming from racing games), but I feel like my consistency and improvement have dropped off the more I've played. There are some days where I'll have a streak of very good games, only to int and miss everything the very next day, with no settings or controls being changed between then. It seems like I just have good days and bad days, the latter of which happens more frequently the better my opponents are (e.g. I've been on a winstreak). For the amount of time I've invested, I would've thought the curve would feel more linear, but it feels like my skill level has completely plateaued, or at least I can't feel or see whatever constant improvements I'm supposed to be having. Are there any tips you guys might have for performing more consistently/seeing tangible improvements over time?

    submitted by /u/NotTheTrueKing
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