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    Sunday, December 6, 2020

    LoL Guide In Clash, draft flex & comfort picks early to give your team the most versatility

    LoL Guide In Clash, draft flex & comfort picks early to give your team the most versatility

    In Clash, draft flex & comfort picks early to give your team the most versatility

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 06:51 AM PST

    I'm not saying you should go out of your way to pick/learn meta champions that are flex picks, but you should definitely note flex champs for your team and work to use them to your advantage in draft.

    By picking a flex pick early, you can sometimes get an advantage by seeing the matchup you'd be playing into, and then swap it around if it isn't favorable.

    I made a draft guide for Clash awhile back, here's a video version if you'd prefer: https://youtu.be/Vy8BDJVKaC8

    I also put together a nifty draft sheet to help. The video goes into depth and provides examples. But here are some of the highlights:

    Ally Planning

    • Collect top 5-6 champions for each of your teammates and organize them by comfort level (copy spreadsheet from above)
    • Write out the champions you expect the enemy team to ban away from you.
    • Note any flex picks, as well as who has the deepest pool

    Enemy Scouting

    • Collect top 5-6 champions from enemy history/mastery/ranked tabs in Clash
    • Ban strategies:
      • Highest elo player's best champ(s)
      • OTPs
      • Weakest player (if carries and OTPs are handled already)
    • Note: they are not locked to roles. Probably smart to ban a OTP even if their last clash game wasn't in that role.
    • Screenshot enemy history/mastery/ranked and save them in discord so you can view them during draft.

    Draft Strategy

    • Recognize basic themes (i.e. dive, poke, kite).
    • Use flex picks to conceal your themes until your enemy team has committed to one
    • Draft towards themes that counter your enemy's theme
      • Dive beats poke, poke beats kite, kite beats dive. It's a basic rock, paper, scissors game (oversimplified, but trying to make this easy to follow)

    Draft Tactics

    • Early pick flexible champs to keep your theme options open. "Flexible" is constituted as:
      • Can play multiple lanes
      • Can adapt build according to situation
      • Can match different themes (engage/kite/poke)
    • Save late/counter picks for your players with the deepest champ pools
      • Focus on getting more comfortable champions early for your weaker players. This keeps them from getting banned out.
      • Allows your best player to take advantage of a lane counter,because they're the most likely to know how to snowball that lead into a win.

    HAVE FUN! It's only a game :D

    I hope this can help you all to win more Clash games and go into draft with confidence! If there are any other tips you recommend, comment below. I'm happy to discuss further :D

    submitted by /u/WL_Kairos
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    Why can't I apply anything I've learned in guides to actual games?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 01:38 PM PST

    So I've recently started playing lol with some mates (we never played mobas before just fps games) and since everybody already kinda decided on a role I had to pick up jungle... The thing is I watch so many guides on pathing, objectives etc but whenever I join a ranked game I just get totally fucked ...

    I cant do shit in this game its like having a learning disability ... example of a typical game: I try to get a lvl 3 gank fast but no lane is remotely looking promising enough for that so I decide to clear the rest of my camps meanwhile as soon as I get to my next camp the enemy jungler ganks one of my lanes and I try to get a gank somewhere else but to no avail so I go back to farming get invaded fall behind and from there on I get flamed by my mates and just keep dying/invaded no matter what I do...

    It seems like no matter how many guides I watch it seems like I cant react when things don't go as planned. How do i fix that?

    submitted by /u/FLAKFL4K
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    Putting out feelers to see if there is an interest in low elo team atmosphere.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 11:36 AM PST

    Basically, I am seeing if there is any interest in a low elo league where we set up teams, have a coach, scheduled matches, and so on. I have resources to set up everything necessary as well as at least a few volunteer coaches. All I would really need would be people with an interest in participating and I would not turn down anyone willing to coach as well. Participants would need to be from Iron to silver. I am willing to do a separate league for gold 4 to plat 3 if there is interest there. I will do my best to balance the team assignments and will allow coaches to make trades as they see fit. I am also working on getting someone to color cast/analyze matches between the teams!

    I am open to any suggestions on things that could be implemented.

    Outside of that, I really just want to see what kind of interest this generates! If people are ready to roll on this then I could have things set up within 1 week.

    submitted by /u/AskAboutMyPodcast
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    Holding myself accountable [Silver 4]

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 02:41 PM PST

    Hello all,

    I quit ranked in the middle of October, due to frustration with myself and my champ (I was a Warwick one-trick at the time.) At the time, I was in Silver 3, but I had a friend playing with me who often carried me to victory even if I didn't play well. I played my first 3 ranked games in a month today, and I lost all 3 of them, making me Silver 4 55lp right now. I was, at first, pretty frustrated, as the first two were completely out of my reach (0/10 botlane, and then 0/8 toplane), and then I got autofilled the third game.

    I'm just about tired of being mediocre at the game. If I was more like Tarzaned or KarasMai (w/o the attitude, ofc), all my games would be winnable, no matter how my team does. That's why I'm going to do the following, and hold myself accountable so I can actually improve instead of just coinflipping.

    1. I will dodge games that are meant to be dodged. (like the 8% WR Trynd on my team)
    2. I will VOD review EVERY game that I lose, and even some games that I win.
    3. I will not duo, because that's cheating I want to become a better individual player.
    4. I will develop a champ pool of 3-4, and not play any other roles aside from jungle.

    Anyways, there's the end of my rant. Good luck and I'll hopefully see you on the rift someday.

    (oh yeah, my op.gg is https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=noobrektlmao)

    submitted by /u/noncringeusername
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    How much does a gank cost?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 12:06 AM PST

    If you are the jg, how much gold does it cost you to gank a lane? I'm interested to know so that I can evaluate my ganks better. Wanted to get input from people who play jg often.

    Of course the value varies depending on how far you were from the gank, whether you got a kill, how much the shutdown gold is, whether you burn their summs etc. But there seems to be a rule of thumb, for example half a minion wave's worth.

    submitted by /u/RatHound
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    How do you deal with Sett in top lane?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 02:22 PM PST

    I main top lane and I usually play melee top laners like riven, mundo and jax, but I can't handle Sett without jungle assistance, and even then I still get my ass handed to me. He just has so much regen that makes poke seem irrelevant and he's able to dish out so much damage in return that it seems impossible to win the lane against him. Am I supposed to just give the lane or am I messing up somewhere?

    submitted by /u/Top-Nepp
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    Mini Season 11 Zilean Guide

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 09:26 AM PST

    Hi r/summonerschool

    I've recently been practicing Zilean support and I got some really good results (6+ KDA over 11 games)... so I decided to make a Season 11 Zilean Support guide!

    Video Guide: https://youtu.be/UUrj-cdj-1M

    Although the most common Mythic item is to go Imperial Mandate for the extra damage, I've actually had a lot of success going Moonstone Renewer route. It's very easy to help your teammate get into combat with your E and it's super easy to remain at the edge of teamfights to continually proc the healing passive. Combined with the Guardian keystone, you can play super defensively yet contribute immensely to teamfights with your game changing ultimates. Overall, the new items provide Zilean with lots of options for Ability Haste, which is arguably Zilean's most important stat.

    The video is just under 10 minutes long, but provides a solid overview of the build paths, runes, skill order, and playstyle for Zilean support heading into Season 11. If any of you have any further questions or comments, please let me know! I'm always open to feedback from other Zilean or support mains to see how I can improve upon my builds.


    submitted by /u/ADD_ikt
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    I use a mouse in my non-dominant hand. Is it too late for me?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 12:53 PM PST

    I've always been very left handed but I learned how to use a computer with a right handed mouse. In almost every game, the controls are on the left side of the keyboard unless you remap them (wasd, qwerdf, etc) so I just thought it was easier. My main games are Valorant and League, and I have always had slightly below average aim in Valorant. I haven't noticed as much of an issue in League since I main Shaco, a champ with no skillshots. However, one of my friends and I were playing yesterday and he said "You know you'll always be less accurate with a right handed mouse, right?" and that threw me for a loop because I thought I'd adapted pretty well. I am trying to decide whether to buy a left handed mouse and remap all my controls in all my games or to just keep doing what I've been doing.

    Tl;dr: Is it possible to overcome the handicap you give yourself by using a right handed mouse as a lefty? How hard is it? and is it worth switching my setup and learning to play left handed?


    submitted by /u/Pankace04
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    A champion for my ego

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 03:03 PM PST


    I've been practicing mid-lane and am starting to feel pretty good at it. Currently enjoying mostly Diana.. but lately a couple friends told me Diana is super brain dead, and my big ego is starting to dislike the idea of maining her.

    I'll still play her since I've put time into it, but for my second or third champ.. what's a midlaner that people will be more impressed at being good with? and less likely to give me some excuse for climbing with like "brain-dead" lol... A champion for my ego.

    submitted by /u/Captainyargg
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    So I've tried Quinn with Triforce info Collector...

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 11:09 AM PST

    ...And... It seems to work ?

    It's a build I, very much a bronze player, theory crafted myself after seeing the similar Kindred build pop up everywhere.

    It goes like this : Triforce into collector with berserkers and either PhD or BORK third. For the last items, you could go for anything you want but I'd suggest filling with as much crit as possible : Mortal reminder if they heal a lot, IE if you're ahead, Bloodthirster if you want sustain.

    For runes, you'll want : Phase rush with nimbus cloak, celerity and gathering storm as primary followed up with legend alacrity and probably coup de grace.

    You want to max W first for the movement speed on passive procs and that's it! In late game the build scales quite well, you can assassinate ADC as well as DPS quite decently - but you mostly thrive in duels. When you proc phase rush there's just no stopping you and it feels amazing.

    I've also tested, yes spell blade works if your AA-ing your way out of bird form. So your first auto when coming back to lane or ganking will do that bonus damage.

    Since I am bronze tho, please, PLEASE tell me if something could be done differently or in a better way.

    Have fun with this build ! I would put a smiley here but like... Reddit.. whatever. Thank you if you bothered reading this ! If you played that build, please tell me how it went. (Also Quinn is probably one of my worst champs like my Winrate on her is just like it does not exist lol)


    submitted by /u/Azchenon
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    Advice for begginers

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 08:42 AM PST

    Hi there! I am level 12 and I am a total noob. I guess I lack coordination because I always miss, I get distracted by the chat when my teammates are mean(almost every game) so I muted them. But I am scared that I ruin the game for them because I am useless. I usually play Annie or Ashe, but I can barely make one kill. I dont have any friends to play with, and normal games scare me, but I really wanna learn. I am thinking of playing more bot games. What champion should I try? Or what lane? I mean, the easiest thing ever( not Yuumi tho because it's boring). I like the game but it's very complicated and the community is not that great. Are there any things that could make my learning process easier? I watched some youtube videos but everything seems so easy when another person is playing. I dont want to be the best, I just want to have fun playing without fearing that I ruin others' experience. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/anxiouscat24
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    Simple question, but probably has some depth I figure.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 07:41 AM PST

    So regarding the new jungle items, how quickly should you be rushing to your red or blue smite?

    Like, I figure you want to get red or blue smite fast right? But many times when I watch pros, they save the smites so they AREN'T rushing to get the empowered smite, like I originally figured you should.

    I figure maybe they are saving smite in case they wanna get an objective, but typically you don't go for early objectives anyway(unless based on the champion of course). Maybe it's in case they need the smite health boost?

    I figured for a while that I wanted to quickly get my powered smite since it can be used in fights and still of course against objectives, but I just wanna know if there's an extra layer here and maybe if I shouldn't be in a rush to hit my 5 smites?

    Edit: Thanks for all the answers! I know we all hate the "it depends" answers but I know this game is fluid!

    It was just a minor thing. It never adversely affected me, but it was a thing I observed so wondered if I should take that extra step.

    Scuttle totally makes sense. They typically save them most on first clear and always have one backup smite so it totally makes sense now :)

    submitted by /u/Gredran
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    How do I deal against two champions who can constantly unavoidably dive me?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 10:55 PM PST

    I had a game where I played Orianna mid against a Malphite mid, a Zac jungle, and a Pyke support. I was able to force Malphite flash pre-5 and have a 30 CS and level advantage, but I wasn't able to kill him.

    Post 6, I was repeatedly able to do this, get him to around 30% health. But even under turret, I would die to him or Zac setting up for each other, or Pyke roaming and Malphite setting up for him. I ended up not completely inting, going like 6/10/5, and my team won because my jungle/top were able to carry, but I was just completely useless besides a few ults or setting up a few fights.

    Is getting ganked like this just unavoidable, if I'm dying if I'm literally just barely under turret? How could I have improved how I played the laning phase?

    Now imagine if I were the ADC, how the fuck do I play around that after laning phase too? Because it was either my ADC, me, or our support getting smashed but luckily we all had enough damage such that if 2 died, top/jg and the remaining survivor were able to clean up the fight.

    submitted by /u/lifesucks26
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    How to play against Katarina?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 11:31 AM PST

    I tried Malzahar which you think would counter her somewhat but it was like facing against Fizz where I can't walk up to the wave really because they jump on me from so far and do so much damage so quickly. I ulted her as she jumped on me and ulted once and she still killed me while supressed. I don't really understand how to face this champ. But something like Zed I don't have as much trouble since he doesn't really jump on you in the same way.

    submitted by /u/BizarreCake
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    Should you slow or hard push when the enemy is giving up priority?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 01:42 PM PST

    This is probably to general of a question, so I'll specify. We was in Botlane, not ahead and not strong enough to dive. Opposing Duo just chilled under their tower and my ADC insisted on hard shoving every wave. I know there are matchups that can change the answer to this question, i.e. Does the opponent have good waveclear (tristana or smth) and do we have good poke under tower. But I still feel in both of those scenarios it could be beneficial to build up a bigger wave - It forces the enemy laners to either engage with us or give up farm for free, and creates a stronger wave which can be used to win on ganks or reset or do crab or whatever. I'm not sure if we're giving up platings for it though. Any thoughts on this? I've noticed this question coming to my mind in other lanes or matchups as well.

    submitted by /u/Grunzelbart
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    Mac problems

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 01:41 PM PST

    On a mac, can't properly ping or use scoreboard? I haven't had this problem on Windows but using Mac for some reason whenever I drag to ping or drag in the scoreboard, my cursor just goes to the top of the screen, which makes communication very hard with pings. Like when I try to drag say a champion portrait, it's so hard to because after a certain point my cursor automatically goes to the top of my screen, pings also do something similar. Anyone know how to fix this?

    submitted by /u/NiceAesthetics
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    Easiest role to learn for a new player? // Not about me

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 04:08 PM PST


    I am not the new player in question. I am a support main who plays a lot of mid as well.

    I have a friend who really enjoys ADC. However, they do around 2k damage a game. They're really afraid of dying so they feel uncomfortable attacking enemies. (Although they keep going 0-10. Which is okay! It's apart of the learning process. League is a hard game.)

    I know most people will say "support." I don't think you're entirely wrong, but I don't know if that is entirely right either?

    I feel like support is a lot fundamentally harder to pick up on than people think it is. Warding is majorly important, and new players don't have a good understanding of that mechanic. Supports are also meant to set up for plays in lane and give kills, which I think would be hard for a new player to understand.

    I tried to challenge them to do around 10k damage for our next game, but they still keep doing around 900 to 2k.

    I told them to "attack even if they think they will die."

    I play a lot of mages, and I think maybe an AP champion would be easier. However, I don't want to force someone to play a character they are not interested in.

    Does anyone have any advice?

    This person really likes Caitlyn and Jinx. They're also interested in Lilia, Vi, Evelynn and Seraphine. (But they primarily play Cait and Jinx. I don't think they'd be comfortable with solo laning.)

    Also: should I tell her to play Seraphine? I got Seraphine to m7 in two days so I think she's relatively easy. The only concept I imagine a new player will struggle with is her echo'd abilities. I don't think she'd be comfortable with Sera mid, so support I guess?

    However, she is a skill shot champion. Seraphine's ult is a lot harder to land than people think it is. (I also play a lot of Lux. I think Lux would be a lot easier to learn than Sera-- but they haven't mentioned an interest in her.)

    submitted by /u/Toxxicsushii
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    How Aphelios mains achieve success, and what's the biggest strenght of an Aphelios player

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 03:45 PM PST

    Video I based this post on (made by me): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDpt6JtDde4

    Aphelios is said to be one of, if not the most difficult ADCs to play. But why?

    First of all, I'll explain the weapons so if you're totally infamiliar with Phel you understand what I'm talking about: Calibrum in the long range sniper rifle with long range marks on abilities (as in calibrating a sniper rifle) Severum is the red healing scythe (as in healing serum) Gravitum is the purple gravity gun (pretty self-explanatory, it slows with gravity) Infernum is the flamethrower (as in Inferno) Crescendum is the white chakram (in classical music notation (italian), crescendo means 'with increasing volume', since it deals more dps the closer you are to your target.)

    So most people know about how Phel's Q and W works (and if you don't, I recommend watching the video), so I'll get straight to the point: skill-expressiveness on Aphelios doesn't revolve around rotating your weapons to get better weapon combos. It's about recognizing opportunities with the weapons you do have. For example, if you have Calibrum and Gravitum, you can harass the enemy safely from range and when they try to engage on you you can just root them and walk away, but if you get Severum + Crescendum, you want to walk up and play aggressively because you most likely win that duel if the enemy oversteps. Different weapon combinations allow Aphelios to have multiple playstyles in one game: You can play hit-and-run with Severum and Gravitum, you can be a big DPS monster with Severum and Infernum, you can poke the enemy down before a teamfight with Calibrum + Infernum.

    Whether you want to learn Aphelios or you struggle against him, I highly recommend spending some time in practice tool and/or normals to see which weapon combos allow him what playstyle. So, would I recommend learning Aphelios? Only if you really are determined to do so and if you have a strong mental. It won't be easy, as he's one of the weakest ADCs as of right now. If you liked this post, there's a high chance you'll like the video, where I explain all this in more detail as well as add some (arguably) humor.

    TL;DR: A good Aphelios needs to play around the weapons he has and will have, to utilize the most of his kit.

    submitted by /u/fajnyczajnik
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    Can't win a lol game over a week

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 03:33 PM PST

    Current: 19P 3V 16L
    From G1 to G4 EUW

    Doens't matter if I go 20/0 or 0/20, go top/mid/jungler/adc/support/afk/flame/no flame, I will lose. So if the the big boys from this reddit have any ideia how to go arround this famous system of (if you lose u will team up with people who also lose) and atleast get a win.

    My games tend to last less then 10 minutes without one lane is fed, this isn't gold, this is more like a bronze fiesta, I tend to find it funny if I'm playing good I loose, if im playing badly I lose. The system is broken...

    "Win of the day turns to win of the week" -2020

    submitted by /u/DaniSLB20
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    Tips for and ADC struggling with good warding?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 03:25 PM PST

    I have started playing recently, I'm an ADC main and play mostly Ashe, MF and Jhin. When I finish my games I always have a very low vision score, I often don't buy control wards and also I don't know where to put my yellow wards during the various stages of the game. Also, should I keep the yellow trinket during the entire game or should I switch to red at some point? Or even take blue (not for Ashe ofc)?

    Thanks for helping out a newbie :)

    submitted by /u/OrangeBowtie_
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    How do i tell a raging ADC to respect me, a support main?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 03:10 PM PST

    I very often like to play support and a friend of mine likes to come and help me on bot, so that there is more teamwork in the duo lane. But whenever i get one CS, AA a minion, accidentally KS, he starts raging. But if i decide to play Yuumi, to avoid any CS or AA (on minions), he starts telling me that Yuumi is not even a support, and she is the worst, etc. (I have yet to tell him that if he is bad, i am unable to carry the ADCarry.)

    How can i tell him to be more understanding of me slipping up or securing a kill in a way that it can look like i stole it in the eye of a slightly tilted player? And how could i convince him that Yuumi is not a Morgana rooting enemies 24/7, but great in many of her own ways? If i would tell him in my "way", he would hold a grudge forever.

    Edit: As a side note, do i need to superglue myself to the ADC all the time, or is it just that every ADC i meet whines when i help the fed Nasus instead of the weak Ezreal..

    submitted by /u/DomiXD76
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    The ARAM Portion of the Game

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 09:12 AM PST

    I've been in silver for the last few months and I've noticed something I started to refer to as the ARAM portion of the game. Once it hits around 18-20 minutes, almost everyone on both teams finds their way mid. This turns into 8-10 people staring at each other until an objective comes up or someone extends too far, leaving top and bot alone. This is a waste of cs and time you could spend farming. Unless your team is ahead or better at team fighting and can force a fight/objective, go to a side lane and farm. There's no reason to sit there for 5 minutes sharing XP and minions with 4 other people when you could be side laning.

    submitted by /u/AverageJoow
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    When pathing through the jungle you should walk through brushes to check for vision.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 01:59 PM PST

    It's very common to walk over stealth wards in your own jungle, giving the enemy vision of you. While this is preventable, I wrote this post to talk about blue trinkets and control wards.

    There are a lot of bushes that people don't walk through as often as other bushes, like the ones next to buffs or the ones in the river to blue buff. If people ward here it is very easy to spend another half a second checking to make sure there is no blue trinket or control ward. If there is no ward then you lose half a second, and if there is you get your vision score up and some gold while also preventing vision to the enemies.

    When you walk through the jungle check bushes for blue trinkets and control wards because people commonly ward in bushes.

    submitted by /u/Volta-LoL
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    Mobility spells on the jungle

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 01:47 PM PST

    Spells like Hecarim's E, or Nunu's W. Using them makes jungle clearing much more faster but, if you need to countergank and that spell is on CD, the gank would probably be bad. So, with that in mind, do you guys always save those spells for counterganking, making your clear slower? Or you just spam them?

    submitted by /u/thedrenox
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