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    Tuesday, December 22, 2020

    LoL Guide Kha’Zix can be 1v1’d at crab easier than you think

    LoL Guide Kha’Zix can be 1v1’d at crab easier than you think

    Kha’Zix can be 1v1’d at crab easier than you think

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 06:47 AM PST

    This post mostly goes out to junglers, but mid laners might find this useful too. Many people feel kha is too strong and he has extremely high isolation damage, and therefor you should just give up the scuttle to him. This is true. HOWEVER, Kha's Q's power comes from its ridiculous bonus AD scaling, meaning before he backs he is actually quite weak, and will lose 1v1 to most junglers right now (graves, olaf, lee, rengar, trundle, skarner, elise, and even Kayn if it's level 4 vs level 3 Kha).

    submitted by /u/Anoyomous22
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    Take these clickbait science posts with a grain of salt, they aren't always accurate...

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 05:20 PM PST

    Lately I'm seeing more and more posts on this sub talking about how "performing x will help improve your ability physiologically" or "perform this practice schedule and you'll optimise your reaction time/mouse accuracy" yet the information given within the posts is rarely based on actual proven physiological/motor learning principles and are clearly written by people with no formal education on the subject who have just done a bit of quick googling.

    A major issue in LoL (and this sub) at the moment is the sheer amount of "coaches" with no qualifications aside from being decent at the game themselves who are then trying to teach things outside of their scope. Reaching diamond+ doesn't make you an exercise physiologist, just as much as being an exercise phys doesn't mean you'll be good at league.

    I understand people have the right intentions and are trying to provide helpful advice, but spreading misinformation creates a harmful environment in which factual information may be mistaken when it appears. There's research being done with esports in mind looking into optimal practice schedules/play managemenr/exercise regimes to optimise in game performance etc, but until that research is complete, all we can do is speculate about applicable transfer from other research.

    With that said, if people are actually interested in learning about what is currently perceived as optimal practice/play schedules, the best ways to practice to improve hand eye coordination/reaction time or anything relating to exercise/posture that may have carry over benefits to in game performance, I'd be happy to do some posts touching on core principle's that we understand through research that have been shown to be applicable to computer gaming.

    Side note: Just because a post links a few studies doesn't always mean it's going to be factually correct either, I've seen some posts here that have just linked research via a vague interpretation of the abstract of the research paper without actually reading the full paper, and as a result creating their own biased interpretation of the results for use in a post.

    Edit: be especially sceptical of posts by people who spam their exact same post in every gaming related sub on reddit, with 0 other post or comment history on any of the subs, who may also stand to get financial gain from doing so (via coaching etc).

    submitted by /u/ImWhy
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    How to win lane in the first 3 min (before lvl 3) thanks to wave management - apply to all lanes - MUST READ for GOLD/SILVER

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 11:51 AM PST

    Hey guys,

    Jean here- Top plat EUW player, I wanted to share 2 tips on wave management/early game that can basically win or ruin your game in the first 2/3 min of the game. This applies TO ALL LANES!! This is a must-read for PLAT and below - it will change your understanding of the game :)

    In the video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEBIyk2UhmA&t=119s I compile many matchups and show how I win lane early (in the first 2min of the game before lvl 3) with a very late game champ (Jax). There are different matchups from melee to range: Darius/ Shen / Ilaoi / Irelia / Kayle / Teemo

    Please start the video at 2min to see only the laning phase (the first minutes are highlights of Jax in S11 preseason)

    Overall, the most crucial tips guys:

    1. Play around your lvl 2 and lvl 3 - if you push early, you must know when you reach 2 and 3 so you can take advantage of it. Otherwise, you must respect your opponent

    2. First 3 Waves management concept (apply to all lanes): FUCKING AMAZING READ IT

    • Push slowly 1st wave to get lvl 2 first and then zone out the other laner
    • Just AA the 2nd wave to last hit to keep the slow push
    • 3rd wave (cannon wave) - push as fast as you can.

    If you do it properly - what will happen? A combination of the 2nd and 3rd wave will crash to the enemy tower.

    Option 1 - If the enemy is low, you can either dive him alone or with your jungler - even if you die it is worth because he will lose tons of xp and cs.

    Option 2 - You can't dive him and you recall:

    • The opponent will lose cs while being zone out during lvl 1 and 2 and then while when he farms under tower.
    • While he is farming, you have a free recall and can come back to lane without wasting TP.
    • The wave will bounce back to you so you have basically a free roam on the map (huge):

    What do you after recall then?

    Option 2.1 - Always start to path mid before going top as you have time and you can countergank or just gank mid and then go top to get the farm when the wave arrives to your tower.

    Option 2.2 - Generally it is a timing for an enemy gank botlane so you can tp in botlane to countergank - get a kill and then recall, go top and you will get all the waves crashing to your tower - why? Because it is very hard to hardpush at lvl3 for ur opponent toplaner, this is why you have time to roam on the map, and go back top to recover the 2 waves.

    Option 2.3 - If you don't do any of the above and arrive to lane:

    The waves are pushing for you and since you recalled you have 1 more item than your opponent. It is huge and you are ahead because you have a better wave management. Well done Buddy ;)

    What is next? You can decide to trade coz you are ahead, and here are the next possibilities:

    Option 2.3.1 - If you get a kill then you are gucci. He will tp back, just tp back as well, buy items and you should snowball.

    Option 2.3.2 - If you don't get a kill - he will be low in health and lower than you since you are ahead with your items (and you traded already at lvl 1/2 with him earlier). He will either get gank by your jungler or back.

    • Freeze the lane so that he must tp back to not lose cs and xp (if he does not tp - his lane is over coz he is losing too much).
    • After his TP - he will push your lane to break the freeze. Just farm under tower and then back/TP on the lane - you will buy more item coz more money and you are still ahead.

    Well that is great JEAN but that is books theory - WHAT IF SHIT HAPPENS?

    I am getting gank during the 2nd and 3rd wave that I am building early on?


    First ping your god damn jgler to have him counter gank :)

    Unless both enemies have a very very strong lvl2/lvl3 - if you fight in your big wave that you are building, you can either get a kill or actually double kill.


    Don't fucking panic! - just play it slow in your wave. Actually, in low plat and above, jgler understands the risks to gank and won't probably gank you because they know that you might either trade kill or get a double kill or your jgler will countergank and double kill. In all this scenario, it is almost game over for him because that will put him so much behind.

    However, for lower elo - they just will run to you in your wave. DO NOT run away from your wave coz u will lose, stay in your wave and trade and win :)

    This is actually how high elo players carry game by understanding those macro elements that can put you so much ahead :)

    I hope it is clear - if not please don't hesitate to ask questions - happy to do a video where I show some specific parts.

    Best of luck on the rift,


    PS: I posted originally the video as part of a Jax guide in reddit link here - https://www.reddit.com/r/Jaxmains/comments/kd1ry1/jax_for_s11_build_rune_match_up/

    This is well working as well bot by ADC who can fastpush and have a free recall.

    submitted by /u/JeanTryHard
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    Does the game start to give you secondary position (jungle) more once you get filled to it more?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 07:51 AM PST

    I started playing jungle as a secondary role from mid main and rotating secondary positions depending on who I'm playing with. Now whenever I play without a dedicated jungler in my party I get jungle 90% of the time. I played 11 jungle games in a row when I didn't have a jungler queued with me.

    Does the game fill you as your secondary more once you start to play it? My worry is that the matchmaking algorithm now thinks I'm a jungle main and want to play jungle so it puts me there every game. It's getting pretty frustrating.

    submitted by /u/avengaar
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    Learn to cut your losses

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 02:05 PM PST

    It's annoying to lose. Nobody loves losing a lane, or a fight, or an objective, but sometimes losing might just help you win the game overall. Here are a few examples for what I mean:

    -A lot of the times, people who already lose lane, end up dying because they try to go for farm. If you can't farm, soak EXP or go to other parts of the map. It's better than dying AND losing the wave

    -your jungler just died and enemies are doing baron? That's gonna be hard to come back from, but it's gonna be harder to come back from if you try to commit to a 4v5 in baron pit, get aced, and leave your jungler (who spawns first) to deal alone with the baron minions. Cut your losses. Enemies got drake or baron secured? Get other stuff. Push a lane, get the other objective, do anything which isn't panicing and inting a 4v5.

    • You're at bot lane, you see the mid missing and the enemy jungle coming from a ward. You just don't wanna miss all the EXP and farm, also someone has to defend turret right? Well now you lost EXP, farm, turret, and gave 2 kills which can lead to drake and to further snowballing of the game.

    Point of this post is, game is not over till its over. Don't give up too much stuff trying to win that one objective. Sometimes it's better to understand that it's their objective, or that you gonna have to miss some minions, and doing so can help you win more games.

    submitted by /u/gitrikt
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    How do you fight kraken slayer katarina?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 12:58 PM PST

    I was against a kat mid, who went on hit because thats the meta now. I was lissandra, and my ultimate can stop her, but I don't have the reaction time to stop her ult before it does at least 1k to me on top of the other damage of her abilities. She does her q to dagger me, then w (I think?) To drop a dagger on her spot, blinks to me to spin and immediately blinks out, unless that first rotation did enough to ult me dead. I can sometimes catch her before ultimate but the moment my stun is over she ults or blinks away. My team that game was not built to stop her, with singed, eve, ashe and lux on my team. Ashe tried to ult her but its so telegraphed that kat dodged it every time

    I also play morg, lux, anivia, xerath and vegan, but besides anivia q there's no reliable way to stop her ult.

    submitted by /u/all-day-tay-tay
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    Is it worth losing minions when trading in top lane?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 03:05 PM PST

    If the wave is pushing and not, if I am ahead, behind, we are even, during laning phase and after, if I outscale and get outscaled?

    I always take fights even if it costs minions at least if the enemy outscales me so I got more kill pressure and after the laning phase, what do you guys think and when would you do it?

    submitted by /u/Katanaia
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    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 03:04 PM PST

    I hope you are doing fine , I have a team and we want to do some scrim , so im asking if anyone of you know a discord or everything else where i can find team to play 5v5, or even if there is some team here who want to play, europe server ( euw) elo gold plat if possible.

    Thx you.

    See you in the rift !.

    submitted by /u/Cryficus
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    What the heck do I even do in Top Lane

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 01:21 PM PST

    I just don't understand what even the point is there. Every fight seems unwinnable.

    Fighting a Sett? He outdamages you and outsustains you without even hitting all his abilities. Teemo? Well, get poked to death and see him snowball in 7 minutes,

    I can outfarm them, I can outplay them in the sense that I dodge their abilities and hit mine, but every fight just gets out of control. Also Jesus, I know I am new to the game, and so far I'm mostly a jungle one trick, but god every Top Laner seems like the most annoying shit in the world compared to my Jungle match ups.

    What do I do in Top Lane when it feels like despite playing right, I get outperformed every fight and every game?

    submitted by /u/somethingsuperindie
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    How the fuck do I use Camille?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 03:44 PM PST

    I've done everything: testing different builds, practising in practice tool, follow advice from pros, looking for guides and more but still I wouldn't been able to win lane one single time in around 20 games (I've only won lane 3 times where 2 of them the other toplaner was visibly trolling and the 3rd my jg camped my lane like crazy, the thing is, when I'm by myself(and that's most of the games) I can't do anything and that means most of my games I lose a 1v1 at around minute 7 - 10 and then the rest of the laning phase I'm bounded to just farm safe under tower and ending 40 - 50 cs under the enemy toplaner by minute 15)

    if you want to see how pathetic my situation is, I created another account just so I get to play against low levels and feel what it is like to win lane with Camille, 2 matches in and I lost against a Nasus and a Sett and both were lower than level fucking 15 (in my original account I'm level 90)

    so I'm here as a last resource asking: how. do. I. play. this. champ.?

    at this point it's not even because "I like this champion and I want to learn how to play it"(well that's how it started), it because I want my fucking redemption against this champ

    submitted by /u/sebax820
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    How do you play melee champions

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 03:31 PM PST

    As a toplane main and a quinn one-trick I've decided to try out Camille because i really like the character design and the playstyle is cool. My problem is trading as a melee champion is completely different and makes very little sense to me. It feels really awful to take a good trade and still lose a ton of hp. Also how do you farm when your basically touching the the other guy to get to the minions

    submitted by /u/TerriblePersone
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    Mordekaiser W - Scaling with hp vs ar/mr

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 09:32 AM PST

    Hello everyone, I was having a discussion with a friend about morde W and its scaling. He says because its a shield mr/ar is obviously better and you get full value of the mr/ar on the shield, but hp only 1/3 effectiveness.

    However I cant really wrap my head around it, I would think that it scales the same with hp vs resistance because its based off of max hp. Obviously there are times when resistance or hp is better on every champ, but just unsure if morde W changes things more in favor of resistances.

    Can someone smart here help me shed some light on this?

    submitted by /u/DarkLord93123
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    little damage as ADC

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 03:12 PM PST

    I fully got into league of legends like 4 weeks or so ago and after trying some roles, I had the most fun playing ADC, first Caitlyn and now Kai'Sa. But coming straight to the point, if I have many kills or not, I just dont deal much damage, most of the time its a bit over the damage of the support, but then there often is a gap to the next person. Im playing most of my games with people who are ~30-100 lvl above me, but I dont think that is the problem. I dont know how to fix this, Im sometimes not auto attacking (which is too because of Kai'sa's small range) in fights, playing defensive because I think i would die otherwise and losing my focus on my character and just the situation in general but is this the only reason why Im always dealing that little damage? I pretty often feel like I did great what also sometimes displays on my kills but maybe you guys have some tips for me or something.

    my op.gg: https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=d3rKorbi

    submitted by /u/kawaiifu-
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    Has anyone tried AD Nunu?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 03:04 PM PST

    I've been enjoying playing Nunu, but I've noticed that a major weakness for him is taking towers. I've also noticed that in my elo (bronze) you can't always rely on your team to close out the game, and I think building AD would help. Has anyone tried building done ad-tank items on him like titanic hydra? What other builds might work?

    submitted by /u/KameHameMaime
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    When is it okay to take jungle camps as a laner?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 12:23 AM PST

    This has been a reoccurring talk with the guys I play with. We have all played together for a while and the "camp stealing" seems to always come up no matter what.

    We know not to steal early or in a situation where the jungle is behind for whatever reason. It usually comes down to someone saying it's 19mins into the game it's ok now. It is also to be mention it's only one of the guys that complains about it always, if it matters he plays Udyr normally.

    I am too new to LoL to have a true opinion on this so I would love to see what you all say, thank you!

    Edit: I really appreciate all the answers and different takes from everyone, means a lot!!

    submitted by /u/devilspaintball
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    Trying to crash top wave while enemy jungler is close

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 02:24 PM PST

    So I'm camille and I have to leash for my nunu. I'm against shen and I have to concede control of the wave on lvl 1. He crashes the 3rd wave and then it bounces. My nunu pathed towards bot and I know his Udyr started bot side. Now I can't crash the wave because Udyr is close and I basically get frozen 1v2. Is there anything I can do to avoid this situation?

    submitted by /u/Lezaleas2
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    What to do when a player on your team is chanting ff15?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 09:59 AM PST

    This happened recently in one of my games where my mid Velkoz got caught out and fed Yone first blood. At this point our jg secured scuttle and bot is pushing in with pressure. Minutes roll by and Yone all-ins the out of position Velkoz, kills him again and he starts spamming ff15, dog team while bot is up 3 kills, top is up 1, and jg got dragon.

    At this point I tell him to stop typing and play, rest of the team is winning. In frustration he takes our jg camps and keeps feeding the Yone. Obviously at this point mid is a lost cause so me and jg go mid, kill Yone, push turret and get every objective. Of course, vslkoz ends up like 0/7 and spams the surrender button every time he can. Team tilts, I say mute the clown, we win, he leaves before anything else can be said.

    Obviously this type of player isn't uncommon in this game, but I'm sure some of you have been in either side of this situation. As the toxic player or the team flaming said toxic player. What is the correct approach to solving this issue? Despite winning the match left a bad taste in my mouth and I feel like it could've been handled better.

    submitted by /u/Sabodew
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    Is anyone else losing a lot since preseason?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 07:38 AM PST

    Since preseason started, I've been doing really horribly at the game. It feels like there's nothing I can do to win. Currently out of 16 matches I have won 3 and lost 13. It's never been this bad before and I came back from a short break before preseason. I don't know what I'm doing wrong... I build what's recommended, yet I feel like there's absolutely nothing I can do to win. I'm not really sure what I should focus on adapting on since the changes, but I kind of miss the old items. Anyway, losing this much has really sucked the fun out of the game. Has anyone been losing a lot too?

    submitted by /u/VanilleDia
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    Looking to get back into League

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 11:50 AM PST

    Hello, I've posted a long while back about trying to find help with who to main and I like Nasus. However I eventually found myself quitting League anyways as I just can't breath the competitive air.

    I want to ask a few questions:

    -Is there a champion that more functions in the background? Example: Engineer from Team Fortress 2.

    -Is there a way to take the game less seriously and even add some humor? I don't want to be rude, but in terms of that LoL always felt a little more than just dry.

    -Is Riot serious about that "Always play to win" rule? Its been a while so I don't actually remember much about the terms and conditions other than whats, in my opinion, the worse part.

    submitted by /u/Xzoron
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    Relatively new player starting ranked... issues with matchmaking.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 11:49 AM PST

    A relatively new player here... playing ADC (mostly solo).

    I have been playing casual/unranked PvP for 2 years (elo may be upper bronze to lower silver). This year, I am learning seriously and I want to start ranked next season.

    What I am becoming frustrated at is the extremely abusive matchmaking. It is absurd and actually feels like targeted. I mean, com'on I am 2 year old player and I am being matched with people behaving like they never played before. If it happens once or twice a week, I'm fine with it. But this is my everyday nightmare now. Many times, I reach 10% winrate in last 25 games. I'm playing ADC which is the most fragile role and practically seems in-effective in lower elo given the bad playerbase and smurfs/trolls. And now this horrible matchmaking since last month has become so disgusting. If I get matched against over-skilled player, I will most likely lose the lane as well as the game, understandable! But +80% of the time, we lose because of inhumanly useless teammates consistently dumped on our side. It is like the matchmaker wants you to lose, it is forcing a loss on you. And I can post entire match history so u can see the plus double digit inters and feeder in +40 minutes games. It is so weird to see enemy teams in these matches seem to play all lanes good. If I suppose our feeders/trolls are new players, why am I being matched with them? and why enemy team doesn't have such players? I am feeling like matchmaking is biased towards 'something'!

    Because of this issue, I cannot gauge my own performance. These games flip so fast with super-fed enemies. I keep hitting C grade stats from A in last 10 games repeatedly.

    I use external websites to get an overview of my team. Right now, I am mostly being matched with Bronze 2 to Silver 3 players. Most of the time, their Win-Loss sessions in ranked are like this:

    9 wins - 107 losses

    15 wins - 45 losses

    60 wins - 120 losses

    37 win - 167 losses

    etc etc

    Ikr, as a new player, this scares the living daylight out of me... like; practically I need to be a Grandmaster to climb out of Bronze/Silver alone... like wth ??? How am I even supposed to play when these guys are in my team? Or are they victim of pay2win? Its like, prepping for 2 years to start my ranked journey and prepping to stay in Bronze/Silver for 4~6 years may be lol. So, how do we explain these depressive loss streaks?

    At the end of the say, I dont want cosmetic stats. I am an old gamer. As long as I can have decent teammates, I can take all the losses and toxicity. But if a serious player is stepping into ranked... it has to offer me some chance based on skill than just a roll of dice... and honestly, when it comes to my recent experience with unranked matchmaking, it is consistently unfair, nothing feels random about it. Whats the point of learning if nobody (including the matchmaking) cares about your skill ?

    submitted by /u/NoWinz
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    League of Legends tournaments

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 10:39 AM PST

    So I wanna start watching league of legends tournaments with the official teams and stuff, but where do I watch this, I wanna watch the playoffs, skirmishes and I wanna understand how the tournaments work and how the teams climb to the world finals. Could anyone explain or link me a site? Thx

    submitted by /u/Eddy_Bunjee
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    How do I lane against Cassiopeia as Kayle?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 11:30 PM PST

    So I'm a bronze top main and I've found I've really been struggling against Cassiopeia, I have no idea how to handle her.

    Obviously kayle can be one of the weakest laners so I always like to play pretty back, farming with my Q and E, and that works alright against cass but causes me to fall far behind in cs (50 @ 10 vs her 80) which isn't as big of deal to me with kayle because I'm mostly leashing xp.

    However she zones me pretty hard which causes me to miss even more cs, even at level 6 and 11 I felt like there isn't anything I can do to improve the state of my farming. What's worse is when she eventually crashes a wave into tower I can't walk up to thin it out without being heavily poked or turret dove. I always end up burning my ult just to stay alive which leaves me pretty useless for team fights.

    How do I survive top against her without letting her poke me off tower and farm for free even past level 6+?

    submitted by /u/ironbattery
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    Ability power junglers

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 09:39 AM PST

    In recent low elo games we have always had full ad team (if you dont count support) so I really wanna learn some good ap jungle champion. So what ap junglers should I play. I have played amumu, ekko, evelynn, fiddlesticks and nidalee. Out of these champions I mostly liked only amumu just because he's tanky so I can get tank support for my team if no one else picks tank. Also I liked fiddlestics but I feel like if enemy team has a lot of enemies with stun or silence abilities they will ruin my game. So pls suggest some champs and also I prefer if they are cheaper ones but I can get some more expensive ones aswell if needed.

    submitted by /u/rasse768
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