• Breaking News

    Tuesday, December 22, 2020

    League of Legends What is the fastest cleanse ever? Mine was 0.07 according to death recap

    League of Legends What is the fastest cleanse ever? Mine was 0.07 according to death recap

    What is the fastest cleanse ever? Mine was 0.07 according to death recap

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 05:18 AM PST

    Kalista 1 Shots a Nunu

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 02:59 PM PST

    When baron is lost for sure, trade it for drake.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 03:20 AM PST

    Riot Scruffy asked on Twitter about improvements in the item shop. So here are some examples of what can be improved on the new shop in the Preseason

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 12:09 PM PST

    Riot Scruffy asked on Twitter about improvements in the item shop. So here are some examples of what can be improved on the new shop in the Preseason

    Mark Yetter u/RiotScruffy asked on Twitter: "what improvements are you all still hoping for?"

    Here are some examples of what can be improved in the new shop:

    1 - Have the option to resize items to eliminate the scroll bar. Aka fewer clicks when buying;


    2 - Nowadays, no matter the map, the player must always press the pin, in ALL games. This is irritating for those who want it always open, besides being wasted time. If the player presses the pin, pin those left areas forever, every game in that map.


    3- The return of the "item set" that has not worked since the shop was updated;


    4- The trinkets' place from the HUD in the shop. Need to appear in the shop so the player can focus his gaze on only one place.


    Now about HUD: After this new shop came up with the new items, the damage icons disappeared in HUD. I used to know at least one enemy was under Liandry's effect, today I have no idea because the icon does not appear as it used to. This is a giant nerf in gameplay. The player does not know if he can hit the tower without being focused. Today we have Liandry's Anguish and Demonic Embrace that doesn't appear on the HUD.

    Old HUD, with Liandry's Torment damage icon

    Today until I saw only Riftmaker has the damage icon on the right side just like the old Liandry's Torment did...

    New HUD, with Riftmaker damage icon

    Plus: This one is an old request. Came from the time of pro players have abused Zilean top using a support item. At the time, a "temporary solution" was created: a range of 2000 units from any ally so that the holder of the support item can passively earn gold. A long time has passed and the final solution has never arrived. The "temporary emergency solution" has become definitive, so what about we create a signal for this range? Taking advantage of item changes, especially for new players:

    Make a unique visual sign for the support items, just like Knight's Vow or Zeke's Convergence has. Something, I don't' know, like a golden ring(?) That bond breaks by distancing 2,000 units from an allied champion (This signal can only be viewed by the support champion)


    I am not a native English speaker.

    Forgive any grammatical errors.

    Merry Christmas!

    submitted by /u/raphelmadeira
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    What having 3 guardian angels looks like

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 05:16 AM PST

    Tyler1 losing his mind

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 06:56 AM PST

    Designing Mythics that fill gaps left by the current system

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 10:14 AM PST

    Yesterday, on the front page of this subreddit, a post stated that Riot failed to address (one of many of) their preseason goals, specifically, making multiple viable Mythic options for each champion.

    In addition to failing to create multiple viable options, some champions have no options that work well with their kit. I created several items that help cater to these problems. Here is TL;DR, and below that you will find detailed stats and passives for each item.

    Item Who it is designed for Niche (what role it would play in the item system)
    Starsplitter Marksmen who relied on an early Infinity Edge or Essence reaver spike, or who don't want the early attack speed from other mythics. (Jinx, Xayah, Lucian, Draven, Jhin, Cait, etc) Fixes the issue of giving marksmen stats they don't want and creates an option for raw AD users. Helps crit users get to the Infinity Edge spike without being useless early.
    Petricite Crest Tanks who don't want to build Sunfire, but need to be tankier than locket provides (tank Galio, Alistar, Leona, Rell, etc) Sunfire items are too expensive for tank supports, and locket doesn't give them enough tankiness. This also offers peel.
    Shard of the Sundisk Midrange battlemages who don't care about the burn. They typically do more sustained damage earlier, but burstier damage later (Ryze, Swain, Lissandra, Karma, etc). Other than Night Harvester and Protobelt, there is no health available on mythic items for mages. This item also encourages aggressive play, which is not a common theme among mage mythics. Aims to be a more interactive Rod of Ages replacement.
    Shadowbane Supportive tanks and some enchanters who can't effectively use Moonstone or Shureyla's Battlesong. (Taric, Braum, Tahm Kench, some enchanters such as Lulu) Building Ardent Censer (unless you have 2+ basic attackers on your team) is useless because you can't prevent the marksmen from being bursted. Serves as a combination of Moonstone and Shureyla's.
    Lunari Harbinger AP Assassins who don't work well with Riftmaker or Night Harvester, as well as some AP Champions who don't have an item at all. (Diana, Evelynn, Elise, Nidalee, and maybe even Sylas). Currently, Night Harvester is the best option for AP Junglers, but AP Junglers are still looking weak. Also gives more options to AP assassins. Prowler's claw, but for AP.
    Beastjaw Cutlass Bruisers who want to end the fight before they would need to use Goredrinker. Is also a non-spellblade bruiser item. (Darius, Urgot, Hecarim, Gnar) Meant to synergize with bruisers without gapclosers or bruisers that don't have an item that is optimal for them (ex: Kraken Slayer Urgot doesn't want crit).

    Full item stats and descriptions below!

    Starsplitter – Spellweave and Burst

    50 Attack Damage

    20 Ability Haste

    20% Critical Strike Chance

    UNIQUE - Heaven's Descent: Your first Critical Strike against an enemy champion does 50%-150% bonus damage and grants you 15% Attack Speed for 3 seconds (20 second cooldown per champion).

    Mythic Passive Bonus: 10 AD

    Petricite Crest – Teamfight Control

    15 Ability Haste

    25 Armor

    25 Magic Resist

    50% Mana Regen

    50% Health Regen

    UNIQUE - Dauntless Vanguard: Upon immobilizing an enemy champion, slow them by 20% for 2 seconds (20 second cooldown per champion).

    UNIQUE Active - Bannerman: Slow all nearby enemies by 40% for 3 seconds and taunt the nearest enemy champion (60 second cooldown, reduced by Ability Haste).

    Mythic Passive Bonus: 5% Ability Haste

    Shard of the Sundisk – Skirmish Mage

    60 Ability Power

    200 Health

    200 Mana

    10% Ability Haste

    UNIQUE - Sands of Eons: Upon damaging an enemy champion with an ability, mark them for 3 seconds. If they die while the mark is active, gain 10% Movement Speed, 5 Ability Haste, and 5 Ability Power until out of champion combat, stacking additively with each kill.

    Subsequent damage on the same champion refreshes the mark.

    Mythic Passive Bonus: 15 Ability Power

    Shadowbane – Ally Protection

    200 Health

    10 Ability Haste

    50% Mana Regen

    50% Health Regen

    25% Heal and Shield Power

    UNIQUE Active – Sigil: Designate an allied champion as a Keeper (60 Second Cooldown).

    UNIQUE – Sentinel's Protection: If the Keeper would fall below 30% of their maximum health, they gain a 150-450 (based on Keeper level) shield, 10 armor, and 10 magic resist for 3 seconds. Additionally, their most recent champion attacker is stunned for 1.5 seconds (90 second cooldown).

    Sigil cannot be placed on a champion in possession of an item with UNIQUE: Lifeline. If they are eligible to be designated, they will gain UNIQUE: Lifeline and will not be able to purchase items with the same effect.

    Mythic Passive Bonus: 5% Heal and Shield Power, 5 Ability Haste

    Lunari Harbinger – Assassination

    85 Ability Power

    10 Ability Haste

    UNIQUE Active – Moonrise: Dash in a line through the target enemy's location, and upon completing the dash, deal 100 (+ 15% Ability Power) magic damage to the target and increase your damage dealt to them by 15% for the next 3 seconds (60 second cooldown).

    UNIQUE – Duskpetal Dust: While outside of enemy vision, gain 5% Mana Regen and 5% Health Regen.

    Mythic Passive Bonus: 10 Ability Power and 40 Health

    Beastjaw Cutlass – Teamfight Bruiser

    50 Attack Damage

    20 Ability Haste

    200 Health

    UNIQUE – Relentless: Damaging an enemy champion grants 10 Movement Speed until out of champion combat, stacking up to 5 times total (1 per unique champion damaged).

    UNIQUE Active – Bountyhunter: At maximum stacks of Relentless, activate to slash in a circle, damaging enemies increased based on their missing health. Additionally, double your Movement Speed from Relentless for 5 seconds.

    Mythic Passive Bonus: 5% Tenacity and 5 Attack Damage.

    That's all! Keep in mind that I'm not a game designer, so the numbers are probably wonky. It's the concept that counts. Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/Chiimeraa
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    When the game spawns a Yasuo

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 01:40 AM PST

    I think it's cool how different each pet champ is

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 09:16 AM PST

    it feels like a niche that would overlap hard but riots actually been really good about making them all feel distinct, ivern-/illaoi/zyra/yorick/heimer/annie all have their own gameplay themes that dont make you think it's just another pet champion

    even with zyra illaoi heim towing the line hard since they all have similar focus on area denial they manage to never draw comparisons since they accomplish it in unique ways with different strengths

    it's pretty cool, these champs are neat

    submitted by /u/moody_P
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    NA was scared of GODGILIUS

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 10:40 AM PST

    Lux greatest Play

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 01:19 PM PST

    The best Draven video you’ll see for a while

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 06:40 AM PST

    The Average NA Jungler

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 09:32 PM PST

    New Darius Skin confirmed via TFT Twitter Set Update Teaser

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 09:20 AM PST


    A leaked image showed a different character as Fortune/Slayer in the new TFT mid set update and now its confirmed to be Darius with a new skin, mostly like a Lunar New Year skin. A lot of people were speculating its a new champ but this confirms its just a new Darius Skin with a pretty cool splash

    Link to the Leaked Image which also shows new Naut Neeko and Chogath skin splashes

    submitted by /u/ZainCaster
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    Thal claims EDG never game him any scrim time and told him he won't be part of the spring roster.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 06:36 AM PST


    Article here.

    Thal canceled his contract with EDG couple days ago and on stream talked about the reasons behind it. After he got no scrim time and the team told him he won't be part of the spring roster, he felt that there was no reason for him to stay and asked to cancel the contract. He is still looking for a team but also plans on becoming a streamer if he cannot find a team.

    submitted by /u/Blue_Piggy_Bank
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    Back when games could go to 28 minutes and you got really really excited

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 05:51 PM PST

    Only lost countless matches to get this clean on Taliyah

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 03:01 AM PST

    cvMax fifth trial held, ex-Griffin player who followed cvMax to DRX testifies as witness (full transcript)

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 04:22 AM PST

    Concept Art I painted for K/DA: More

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 10:08 AM PST

    Tanky Zilean = Best Zilean

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 07:39 AM PST

    When you've peaked and realized it's only downhill from here - Ahri penta

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 09:54 AM PST

    Drawing all champs day 97 - Rengar

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 02:32 PM PST

    Drawing all champs day 97 - Rengar

    Fuck cancer cat, all of my homies hate cancer cat. Yes I know I fucked shading but I'm tired today.

    Sett in 8 days.


    submitted by /u/MrKisiel
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    Guide: Winter Rift 2021

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 09:05 AM PST

    Guide: Winter Rift 2021


    Riot did not give us a Winter Map for this year for some reason, but a madlad known as Thekillerey made a custom map skin which includes changes to the map, environment, background music, jungle monster, minions, and more!

    Disclaimer: Proceed with your own risk.

    Credits to: www.killerskins.com, Thekillerey, and the custom skin community.

    I will try to guide you through the process on how to install and get it working.

    1) Riot's Statement on Custom Skin ( https://imgur.com/xRf5Wy6 )


    2) To get the custom skin working you will need two things: LCS Manager, and the skin itself.

    LCS Manager

    1) Go to https://github.com/moonshadow565/lolcustomskin-tools/releases

    2) Click and Download lolcustomskin-tools.zip

    3) Extract and Open the folder

    3) Locate LCS Manager and open it (Make sure you make it run as administrator everytime else the skin sometimes wont work)

    4) You will be asked to locate your game folder, make sure to locate the one that says "Game" (https://imgur.com/AV4HZED)


    Winter Rift 2021

    1) Go to https://killerskins.com/category/maps/

    2) Locate Winter Rift 2021, click on it to proceed to the next window.

    3) Scroll down, and click on "Download WinterRift2021"

    4) You will be redirected to a new page, click on the small download icon on the top right corner of that page.

    5) Do not extract the zip file.

    Installing The Skin.

    1) Open LCS Manager

    2) Click on the 3 stripes on the top left corner ( https://imgur.com/cFdpBbW)


    3) Click on "install fantome .zip mod"

    4) Locate the Winter 2021 .zip file

    5) And finally, click on Run.

    Merry Christmas, vibe while gaming, good luck! Let me know if any steps were unclear.

    submitted by /u/tnbeastzy
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    New Vi Mechanic Let's You Pull Enemies (Full Charge Q + Galeforce or Stormbreaker)

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 02:52 PM PST

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