LoL Guide Something I learnt from Nisqy on skill shots |
- Something I learnt from Nisqy on skill shots
- Why is Veigar considered weak early?
- Complete Lane Phase Guide for ADC Players
- Why does Nasus in theory seem so broken, but doesn't do as well?
- What data/statistics do you need to analyze your games?
- Kayle support
- What should I teach my friends who are new to league
- Reach Plat ELO TOP with great Wave Management and low mechanics: 130 cs vs 40 cs at 16 min - Game won in 20 min.
- Note: Attack when you’re rooted! CC is actually all different
- How can I get really high cs as an ADC
- What to do in an "unwinnable" game?
- Laning Phase Fighting Guide ( for ADCs)
- What did you do when you started?
- When To Damage Tower
- How can a 0/1/0 Ahri be higher level than my 2/0/0 Yone?
- What makes Janna a viable pick?
- anyone else learn a lot from watching your replays?
- How to deal with better enemies in top lane?
- Fighter + lifesteal + atk spd question (WR)
- Is it a bad idea to main Master Yi?
- Is it ever bad to stay in minion xp range when in an unfavorable matchup?
- Basic Question
Something I learnt from Nisqy on skill shots Posted: 28 Dec 2020 01:58 AM PST So while watching Nisqy's stream, I noticed a trick he used to hit more of his skill shots, namely in Q and E. This was Xerath into Anivia, where Nisqy missed the first few Q's in the early laning phase due to Anivia dodging. He noted that Anivia was dodging downwards while he was trying to predict her movement upwards, hence missing his Q. He noticed this trend and eventually starting predicting downwards, hitting more Q's and winning trades. I'm unable to find the VOD as of now, but I will update in this post in case I am able to find it. The main takeaway here is to be more willing and flexible to adapt to your opponent as they all change, and can help to win you your lanes. This can apply to that pesky Thresh Q you can never seem to hit, or the Ezreal Q you missed that lost you that kill. Just noticed this and thought I might share it here. [link] [comments] |
Why is Veigar considered weak early? Posted: 28 Dec 2020 10:08 AM PST I can never beat him no matter what I play His base damages are very high Whenever I try to trade with him, he just uses the cage and I'm a sitting duck Whenever I try to freeze, he uses the cage and forces me to move away, so the wave just crashes If I shove him, the jungler comes and ganks me and he assists with the cage If I try to roam, he just farms up and outscales me He is hard to gank How am I supposed to beat him, I just see no solution already [link] [comments] |
Complete Lane Phase Guide for ADC Players Posted: 28 Dec 2020 12:43 AM PST Hey friends:) After almost a year, I have finally followed up on my ADC macro guide (if you missed it: ). This time, we are having a closer look at the ins and outs of ADC laning. As usual, I made a text version of the guide and also a video version if you prefer watching over reading. Video guide: Text version (pretty much works without the video if you have a good imagination and know what the map looks like): When the game starts and you have to leash for your jungler, you should always walk the long way to your lane afterwards. If you go through the River instead, the enemy bot laners can ambush you if their jungler started top side. This would cause you to instantly lose lane, so either avoid this path altogether, or ward the entrance bush before the jungle camps spawn. If you don't have to leash, you can try to do this to your enemies, of course. When the first minion wave arrives, you want to clear it slightly faster than your lane opponents. If you succeed, kill the melee minions from the second wave as quickly as you can. When the last melee minion from the second wave dies, you and your support hit level 2. Use this power spike to go all-in against your lane opponents immediately while they are still level 1. However, if your enemies clear the first wave faster than you, simply back off and farm the second wave under your tower, so you can avoid their level 2 all-in. When the third minion wave arrives, you need to start expecting the enemy jungler. Therefore, you should make sure that you always have enough vision in the River from now on. As an AD carry, your job is to last-hit as many minions as possible, while punishing the enemy AD carry for doing the same. Whenever you kill a minion, you should quickly look at your minimap during your champion's attack animation. If you can't track the enemy jungler or mid-laner, you have to assume they are coming for you and play defensively. When an allied minion gets low, you should attack the enemy AD carry while they farm your minion. This way, they cannot hit you back, but keep in mind that you will draw minion aggro for attacking them. Briefly walk into a nearby bush to instantly drop minion aggro again. As far as your general positioning in lane is concerned, always make sure to stay "parallel" to your lane partner. This way, you can both attack your enemy at the same time during a trade. If you are in front of your support or vice versa, the enemy can trade against you 2 vs 1, which always puts you at a disadvantage. So, if your support is roaming, warding, or just positioned far behind you for no specific reason, all you can do is go for uncontested minions and back off when the enemy starts pressuring you. Moreover, make sure you and your lane partner are never right on top of each other. On the one hand, this would allow your enemy to hit both of you at the same time, and on the other hand, dodging skill shots is more difficult because you are getting body blocked by your ally. In order to get the best trades in lane, you must pay attention to the enemy cooldowns. It is crucial to know which enemy spells are most impactful. When you lane against a Morgana support for example, you need to always keep enough distance to dodge her Dark Binding on reaction. If she fires that spell and misses, you now have the opportunity to start a 2 vs 2 trade. This will be a favourable exchange, as Morgana won't have access to her most important spell for 10 full seconds. The intricacies of cooldown-based trading are match-up dependent, of course, so general champion knowledge goes a long way here. Much easier is the concept of timing the enemy Summoner spells. When your opponent's Flash is on cooldown, you can pressure them way harder with your engage tools. If they currently don't have their combat Summoners (mostly Heal or Ignite), but you still have yours, you can look for more aggressive trades, because you're in a good position to win in an all-in situation. But most importantly, you need to know that a lane is always a priority target for a gank if there is an ongoing trade. So, if it is possible that the enemy jungler or mid-laner are nearby, you should never commit to trading but play defensively instead. The same is true if the enemy top-laner got their Teleport ready, as they can easily join a bot-lane skirmish at any point. Logically, you should be looking to trade hard if your allied jungler or mid-laner are in a position to gank. If your top laner has Teleport, make sure to place down a Teleport-Ward in the second or third bot-lane bush, so they can join fights from the perfect angle. When your support manages to crowd control one of your opponents, you should naturally look to follow up on this to get some free damage. Don't blindly go all-in here, though, unless you know for sure you will win this. Quickly hitting an immobilized enemy without them being able to retaliate is always a winning play. In a situation where your lane partner ends up getting caught, your best way of protecting them is to all-in the enemy with the highest damage potential, so they are removed from the fight as quickly as possible. In most cases, this champion is the enemy AD carry, but when their support is a burst mage (Brand for example), you need to focus them instead. After taking some favourable trades and picking good fights in your lane, you should end up with health advantage. In order to win the game, though, you now need to snowball that advantage through smart minion wave manipulation. If your enemies are clever, they will not allow you kill them here but go back to base instead. However, it doesn't really matter if you end up killing them or not. What matters is the fact that they are no longer in lane. This allows you to push the minions all the way into the enemy tower, maybe even take a tower plating (or Dragon with your jungler), and then go back to base yourself before your enemies can return to the lane. Now you've converted your health advantage into a gold and level advantage, and this smart back-timing allows you to turn your extra gold into an actual item advantage. Additionally, the enemy tower will clear the minion wave, which creates a slow push towards you due to the even-minion-rule (when two opposing minion waves are of even strength, the wave will always push towards the opposite side of the map). Therefore, you can collect a huge wave upon returning to lane yourself and then start snowballing your lead by turning your item advantage into another health advantage. Always remember the four steps to success: force them back, crash the wave, turn gold advantage into item advantage, repeat. GLHF and happy climbing:) [link] [comments] |
Why does Nasus in theory seem so broken, but doesn't do as well? Posted: 28 Dec 2020 01:46 PM PST Hey guys, I was thinking about Nasus's kit and I don't really understand how Nasus works. If we examine his kit, he has a Q which basically stacks damage and literally is able to 3hko most ADC's mid game (if played properly), he has a W to slow people, thus ADC's are less likely to kite him out, he has an E that reduces armor so that his Q does even more damage, and he has an ultimate which essentially makes him a raid boss. This is not to mention that he has passive lifesteal (and a decent bit of it as well) so that he also is able to tank some shots (not to mention Nasus normally builds tank). So we have someone that is extremely tanky, strong, and able to slow down people so that he doesn't get kited out. So why is it that in team fights, Nasus just doesn't... perform? I don't know the best word to put it, but I feel like Nasus NEVER puts in much, I almost never see this guy get any kills in a team fight. Can someone explain why this is? Also if the answer to my question is that everyone just targets him in a teamfight, I have a follow up question: Why don't nasus' teammates, while he is tanking the shots, just annihilate the enemy team? tldr: nasus should be bonkers broken but actually isn't. Why? [link] [comments] |
What data/statistics do you need to analyze your games? Posted: 28 Dec 2020 02:48 PM PST In order to improve our scrim/tournament analysis service, I'm looking for a coach/analyst, who will have the possibility to help us to find essential data for game analysis (macro, micro, etc). What are for you the most useful data you would like to see appear on a league of legends analysis service? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Dec 2020 01:25 PM PST I really enjoy playing kayle but she has such a weak solo landing phase. I thought to take her to support as she has fairly good support abilities and item synergies. I've been starting E but maxing W into E. I start with spellthiefs -> imperial mandate -> Ardent Censer -> pretty standard kayle (tooth, rage blade, etc.) I have had really good success with it but I'm not sure if that is just because of the rank I'm playing at, or the limited sample size. Do you think this could be a viable way to climb ranked? Or should I keep it to normals to just have some fun. [link] [comments] |
What should I teach my friends who are new to league Posted: 28 Dec 2020 01:40 PM PST I don't know if this is the right type of thing to post here since it's technically the opposite of the sub but I need some help. I'm a level 90 player with an average amount of experience. So far we have a yi top( who wants to play ornn, he only has yi but I have experience on ornn). A pantheon top and ekko mid whose about level 30(the most experienced one) who is good at his champs but doesn't have a lot of game knowledge. A nami support who I'm pretty sure wants to play bot. And I'm pretty sure the fourth has only played Annie mid for three games. I'm a jungle top main(in that order) with an amount of experience in every role. I'm the only person they really know who has experience in league. What and how much should I teach them and in what order. The ekko pantheon is really good for his level but knows nothing about warding objectives matchups if anything other then combat. The other three are blank slates. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Dec 2020 11:21 AM PST Hello guys, Jean here, Top Plat EUW player - Sharing this specific game as it is a perfect example of - Carrying hardly as Jax 10/2/3 vs Nasus 1/9/1. Before I start the game - here is what I know:
Based on the above, here is my gameplan:
All in all, I won the game because:
I hope it is clear - if not please don't hesitate to ask questions - I will EDIT the post with your comments/suggestions. PS: I did a first guide on wave management here --> Why am I doing this? I firmly believe that you can reach PLAT elo just with game knowledge and poor mechanics - I am myself a great example of that :). Moreover, I received a lot of positive feedback in Reddit and IG following my first post and I am happy to help others :) Best of luck on the rift. Jean [link] [comments] |
Note: Attack when you’re rooted! CC is actually all different Posted: 28 Dec 2020 02:30 PM PST Hello! I would just like to share with you guys something I don't see a lot of people do, although I apologise if a similar post has already been done. You can use stationary abilities when you're rooted! Of course, you will remain in place. But knowing this could help you catch someone running away, if you have enough range, or could possibly save your life in fights. You cannot use dashes or Ekko ult, as well as flash but you can auto attack and use summoners such as exhaust or barrier. Also, some abilities can hit even when the caster is disabled by other types of cc. These are mostly just recasts, such as Aurelion Sol Q, Zoe Q and also includes 'buffing' abilities such as Karma and Heim R. Tryndamere can also use his R. [link] [comments] |
How can I get really high cs as an ADC Posted: 28 Dec 2020 11:29 AM PST For a while now I thought that I've. Even doing well a as an adc winning bot lane and getting a few kills out of it.then I realized that my cs by the end of the game was like 90-130 in a 30 minute game.I watched some Streamers and realized that they might have 150 cs by 15 minutes sometimes even better.How can I get these high amounts of cs so that I can be more fed and carry seemingly lost games? [link] [comments] |
What to do in an "unwinnable" game? Posted: 28 Dec 2020 03:16 AM PST Hey Summoner School, I recently played a game that didnt go well, but rather than writing a rant about it, I want to try and learn from the experience. Here's the setup. (this is a normal game, idk if that matters) Lvl 13 Sett (4/3) vs Lvl 12 Nocturne (0/7) Lvl 16 Kha' Zix (20/0) vs Lvl 10 Nunu (4/12) Lvl 15 Yasuo (9/4) vs Lvl 11 Yone (1/11) Lvl 11 Kai'sa (2/3) vs Lvl 11 Tristana (6/4) Lvl 11 Neeko (2/4) vs Lvl 10 Janna (3/5) Keep in mind, Kha' Xiz has Dark Harvest. As Nocturne, what should I do here? Here's what I thought of during the match. Split Push: I tried splitting top, and was able to get our one and only tower. Trying to split after that resulted in Kha and Sett coming up and killing me. Group and Push Mid: We dont win teamfights because of Kha, Sett, and Yasuo. Defend: We cant try out best to defend, but we get no objectives and are ultimately delaying the inevitable. Forfeit: Normally this is what I would do, but Trist and Janna refused. ("I'm winning lane") I'm making this post so I know what to do if another situation like this comes up. Are there other options that I'm missing? [link] [comments] |
Laning Phase Fighting Guide ( for ADCs) Posted: 28 Dec 2020 06:19 AM PST Hello everyone! I hope you're doing well! In this post, I will analyze the concept of fighting in the bottom lane. tl;dr: When you trade or go for an all-in you always need to have a reason. Never fight because you're tilted (you can also listen to this post in audio form here) No matter what champion you play, you must have a basis to fight. This will minimize your loss when you fail. One of the most important things is checking skills cooldown. This helps especially in hard matchups. It actually even helps win these tough matchups. In even and favorable matchups this concept is even easier. If the enemies have no cooldowns of spells, summoners, or runes it's the right time to engage. If enemy Thresh wastes his hook then react to it by trading immediately or in the timeframe you have before his hook comes back. The same idea applies to ADC's cooldowns such as Ezreal's arcane shift (E ability). What if they waste their cooldowns but I'm so behind that it doesn't even matter? Or what if my support sucks so much? Then it's best not to fight and farm safely or just trade by using your long-range abilities and the rules I mentioned in the previous post. If you're getting outscaled you can look for roaming opportunities so you can help other team members get ahead and carry the game. Don't forget to check runes cooldowns. For example, thresh without aftershock is easier to kill. So if the enemy thresh landed his hook but he didn't go then you have some seconds you can trade without him having his aftershock. You can check runes cooldowns by clicking the champion and it will appear on the bottom right corner under their items. Do you remember the triangle positioning from the previous post? It actually starts from the same idea And this idea is "Every play must have a reason". This is one of the most important things in League Of Legends. For example, the team jungler is on his way to gank my lane so I'm going to fight. Never fight because you're tilted. You need a lot more reasons like enemy jungler's position, skills, and summoner cooldowns, rune cooldowns. I understand "I fight cause I'm tilted". However, you need to know in this case you only rely on your outplay. What I actually do is I make reasons for every single one of my plays so that I can always answer the question "Why did you fight at this time?" In the first place that's what I was thinking when I transitioned from support to an ADC main. When I was a support main I was curious about some things. One of them was "Can I fight a Draven 1v1 when I'm even with him?" All of my ADCs never fought with him and I was wondering why. So I decided to try it on my own and see what happens. Of course, I lost and I said to myself you should not play ADC like that. If you don't know the reason behind any play then you should try and learn. Set up your own hypothesis and try things as if you were a scientist. This is why experience and training are extremely important. Try to have your own matchup guide notes instead of memorizing others. This is because your guide notes will allow you to play according to YOUR OWN play style and you can be more flexible even in tough matchups for others. For example, a lot of people may think of Ezreal vs Jhin as a losing matchup for Ezreal but because you've taken notes and managed to practice this matchup a lot, you now feel a lot comfortable facing Jhin and know how you can beat him. So I want you to think of every matchup you play and make your own 'matchup guides'. High-level pro players have their own matchup guidelines they follow every time a matchup happens. They know that winning or losing matchups can vary in every situation. The guides out there cannot cover every situation so you need to experiment a lot until you get it. It's ok to die a lot in soloQ. Don't be afraid. If the bot lane matchup is unfamiliar to me in any game, I take notes. What did I do that felt wrong? What did I do that led the enemies to an advantage? What did I do that made me win the laning phase? The next time I play this matchup I try to maximize the things that worked and minimize things that didn't -and always make sure to find new creative ways to try out when playing this matchup-. When you know more things about a matchup than your opponent then you hardly lose. This is why keeping your own notes and practicing is so important. Try to remember the condition when your champion becomes weak or strong. Make sure you have a plan for your fights before playing. You cannot outplay every time but you can make plans and think every time. That's what I want to emphasize on. Always think! Then you fail less, and even when you fail you can learn a lot. For example, you fought because the enemy support didn't have aftershock. And you lost. You learned that it's definitely a tough matchup to play and rune cooldown won't even matter. You fought 2v1 vs a Draven and lost. Then you know you should avoid this fight with your champion at this time. Summary
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What did you do when you started? Posted: 28 Dec 2020 10:35 AM PST I am terrible at this game, everyone my level is somehow better than me in everyway?? I tried guides and stuff (I enjoy fiddlesticks and mordekaiser) But still don't understand anything at all, people deal more damage than me, level faster than me and I've no idea why. But yeah how is it that people my level are leagues better I really don't get it. So I really want to know what you better players did when you first started out to understand the game, because just playing really isn't helping me.. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Dec 2020 05:05 AM PST I'm of the opinion that it is generally bad to damage the tower unless you can 1. get a plate on that wave or 2. take the tower on that wave. Let's say you're in a situation where turret plating has fallen, tier 1 is still up, the enemy is in transit back to lane, no other immediate threats or objectives are up on the map, but you don't think you'd be able to take the tower on that wave. I'd be more likely to roam for a gank or ward or to recall and get a buy for an item advantage than to try to damage tower. Is that the right macro play? My duo was asking me why I wasn't chip damaging the tower and it got me wondering if my macro play is wrong in this situation. [link] [comments] |
How can a 0/1/0 Ahri be higher level than my 2/0/0 Yone? Posted: 28 Dec 2020 11:20 AM PST How is it possible that a 0/1/0 Ahri is higher level than my 2/0/0 Yone? Yeah I was playing midlane I had 2 kill advantage and 23 cs while she was 0/1 with 19 cs and somehow she was still higher level than me and outdamaged me. She was level 5 while I was still at the very beggining of level 4, how come? Is it because she farmed more cs but was less good at last hitting them so she got the XP but not the gold? I think it's because of this but I'm not sure so I'm asking here. [link] [comments] |
What makes Janna a viable pick? Posted: 28 Dec 2020 04:43 PM PST It feels like Janna's only benefit is that she has an annoying knockup and the utility of her ult, other than that I fell like she's completely worthless in a team, there are just better supports out there. If i wanted the knockup I could play something like nautilus, even though its on his ult his whole kit just seems way better than Janna's. [link] [comments] |
anyone else learn a lot from watching your replays? Posted: 28 Dec 2020 10:10 AM PST Just silver here. Got to say I'm usually shocked at how much I miss in real-time that you see in teamfights in particular on replays. Was just watching a replay and somehow missed our last 2 teamfights, I positioned poorly, the enemy jax jumped me, but our kayle ulted me and so I lived and other than the CC stun from jax was doing max dps both fights and they worked out. There are other things that aren't obvious (to me) in real-time like I often have incorrect target focusing. There was a teamfight where I jump forward to kill the enemy underfed swain support. It was an easy kill but I should of jumped back to our team where the enemy jax was eating the rest of our backline and 2 aa's would of saved 1-2 teammates, a much better trade than me getting the swain support as jax was the biggest threat that game. I also generally miss a lot of peel my team is doing for me.. even at silver its interesting to see how much my support or top flat out steps in front of me to eat CC that would of hit me. It's also interesting seeing the enemy movements with the hindsight of 20/20 and full vision. That play where the enemy underfed jungle rammus gets caught out of position and gets flamed by his team was actually a really creative flank he almost pulled off that would of baited our entire team into their full CC and won them the game. I'll admit I generally only watch late game teamfights as to me, that's by far the most fun in the game. I think while it's more boring (to me) I'd benefit a lot more from watching early laning and my deaths < 10 min as that is probably my biggest weaknesses. Curious if anyone else has found use for these replays too. [link] [comments] |
How to deal with better enemies in top lane? Posted: 28 Dec 2020 04:08 PM PST So Im a top main and Im always getting the most bullshit of enemies where they are at least in a whole different rank division along with my teammates always being better than me too, this is happening at least 50% of the time too. I don't know what I should do so here is my usual gameplan and I want to know if there is any improvement to it. I camp under tower and farm until first tower is taken. I try to avoid as much ganks as possible and almost always avoid fights in the river because I know that even if I make that 1v2 a 2v2, I will almost certainly be dead weight and feed the enemies. If we take first tower, I wait for someone in my team to roam to top and help get rid of my tower then I proceed to do normal top lane things. If the enemy takes first tower, I just camp under tower again and hope they can push the other lanes well enough so I can help with the team fights. I often get flamed for being a pussy, which I am obviously being one, but is that the right call for situations like this where the enemy is way better than me? [link] [comments] |
Fighter + lifesteal + atk spd question (WR) Posted: 28 Dec 2020 08:58 AM PST Note: I'm wild rift version. so... I want to ask about lifesteal and atk spd for fighter --- 2 lifesteal: physical and magical, where physical for basic attack champion like ADC, and magical for skill champion either if it physical or magical. what about fighter that relied on using skill? like Garen or Wukong (from my perspective, using skill too much). skill user fighter won't get any benefit from physical, as for magical... was it worth use magic power on physical champions? (except that boot). the main discussion: are lifesteal not worth for fighter? and are there fighter that can use magic power? or maybe tips? --- basic atk fighter (ex: Xin zhao, Jax, Jarvan IV, etc), they... even have items, enemy hard to die. not to mention, unable to feel any hp regenerate from all the basic atk I give to them. like the moment I trap and corner an enemy, basic atk, yet also the one who died. I keep basic atk yet lifesteal won't keep up. 2 item common for them (have atk & atk spd): BORK & trinity force. even use bloodthirster + some def, also the one who died. the main discussion: is atk spd fighter possible? and are they hard to play? [link] [comments] |
Is it a bad idea to main Master Yi? Posted: 28 Dec 2020 01:19 PM PST With Yi I usually can perform well, usually carrying the game. The problem is, I find Yi to be such an easy champion (early game just farm, buy Guinsoo, press R + Q for gg) that I'm concerned I won't learn much before starting rankeds next season. BTW, which other junglers do you recommend me? I currently play Kayn, Warwick or Xin Zhao if I get Yi banned. [link] [comments] |
Is it ever bad to stay in minion xp range when in an unfavorable matchup? Posted: 28 Dec 2020 01:53 AM PST So I enjoy playing Riven and some matchups aren't favorable. Garen, for instance, whoops my ass. I've done it before but felt unhelpful to my team because I was letting urgot get farm and gold and falling behind. I just don't know whether I'd be doing the right thing or not. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Dec 2020 05:49 AM PST So I just hit level 30 and I'm wanting to get ready to start playing ranked games. I know all the champs pretty well (I at least know their CCs and other abilities) but my biggest issue is learning the items it seems like I'm always building items wrong or at least at the wrong times. I was wondering if anyone could tell me a decent way to learn the items better for this game. [link] [comments] |
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