• Breaking News

    Monday, December 28, 2020

    League of Legends Broxah opens up about toxicity in the pro player community

    League of Legends Broxah opens up about toxicity in the pro player community

    Broxah opens up about toxicity in the pro player community

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 10:20 AM PST

    Alistar Hexflash Outplay.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 04:38 AM PST

    A Friendly Game I Came Up With Called "Who Dies?"

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 09:49 AM PST

    Stealing Rift Herald, Elder Dragon and Baron Nashor using Jinx's ultimate, all in the same match!

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 06:04 AM PST

    Shadow confirms he's heading to the LPL

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 09:34 AM PST


    Shadow has written a message on his Weibo account, confirming that he is heading to the @lplenglish and believes #LPL can give him new challenges "LPL Gogogo!"

    Best of luck to you, shadow! Does this make him the first western player to play in asia?

    submitted by /u/CozyXan
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    Pantheon Traditional Skin

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 07:11 AM PST

    Pantheon Traditional Skin

    Hi League players !
    I'm Torok a french artist, I'm 24 and I'm a fan of League of Legends since season 1.
    Today I'm back with this traditional skins line up and today I've made Pantheon

    ( Remember that you can check out all other champion skins on my profile/subreddit )
    Hope you guys will like it !

    ( Painting and photo manipulation over the original in-game model from Riot Games )

    Don't repost the image, thank you.


    submitted by /u/TorokArt
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    Insane Teemo Double Outplay (Wait for it!)

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 01:33 AM PST

    It's 40 min into the game, enemy team has elder, infernal soul and the better teamfight comp, there is only one scenario where we actually win the game...

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 10:10 AM PST

    /dev: A look back at League in 2020 - League of Legends

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 08:26 AM PST

    KDA More But The Budget is Really Low (KDA More Chinese Rural Version)

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 12:19 PM PST

    Khan on joining DAMWON Gaming, his expectations on replacing Nuguri and melding into the Worlds winning team, a message to fans who watched KeSPA Cup during Christmas: "What a pity. May you find a good partner next year so you may not tragically find yourself watching KeSPA Cup on December 25th."

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 08:50 AM PST

    Summoner spell *Revive* shows up once again after being removed back in 2015

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 03:57 PM PST

    Summoner spell *Revive* shows up once again after being removed back in 2015

    Revive icon shows doing damage to me in an Aram game

    So i was playing my daily game to get win of the day, when i check the damage chart after being oneshot and i see this icon that looked familiar. 'i thought it used to look a little different but anyhow.'
    It made me chuckle a little seeing a summoner spell that was removed back in 2015 appear in the game again.

    I'm sure this is just some passive of some sort on Quinn that has gotten the wrong image name in the code, but thought it was a little fun, so wanted to share.

    submitted by /u/D0LPHUS
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    Shurima/Desert themed Summoners Rift update

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 09:04 AM PST

    Shurima/Desert themed Summoners Rift update

    I've updated my Concept of what Summoners Rift would look like if it were Shuriman/Desert themed.
    I've added the 4 Elemental versions to Redbuff:


    The individual pictures can be found on my artstation: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/18aLLX

    submitted by /u/MrVeRoN
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    I drew Me and the Voids for RP

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 09:21 AM PST

    Was a few RP short for the event pass so I drew the classic Void gang.

    Me and the Voids headed down to gank botlane.

    submitted by /u/hongfung
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    Nemesis outplays Nisqy on Ivern

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 07:46 AM PST

    My first 1 v 5 Penta :)

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 03:11 PM PST

    Autofilled JG is the worst

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 10:33 AM PST

    I'm sorry but getting auto-filled jg or having an auto-filled jg is the worst.

    I don't know how everyone feels about this but as a Laner, getting autofilled jg just fken suck and is the worst role to get auto-filled into. If you get autofilled top, u can play a tank and farm under the tower until team fight. If you get auto-filled mid, you can play like malzahar or ori and play it safe and farm til teamfight. The same goes for support and bot lane, u can always pick a safe champ and play it safe til teamfight.

    But if u get autofilled jg and is facing against a jg main, its like pretty much doom. The other guy will just read u like a book on pathing. He going to double CS, Steal all your buffs and camps, while ganking your laners. Meanwhile, on your team, your team is raging and flaming your ass while spam JG Diff, making you hate the game even more.

    If you comment below and say just play rammus or nunu and perma gank your lanes, not everybody play in bronze/iron. If you play rammus, clear 3 camps and gank bot or top, against a good jgler, he going to invade the opposite side and take all your camps. You will be 2 lvl behind for the rest of the game playing catchup as he Perma invades you making you unable to play the game. When mid-game come around and the 2 teams are contesting drake or w.e, you will be like lvl 8 while the enemy jgler is lvl 11. it's pretty much a 4v5.

    If you comment below and say just dodge, not everyone have all the time in the world to dodge, some people may only have time to play 2-3 games or maybe 1 game where you cant really be wasting time with dodges.

    TLDR: The punishment for a bad jgler is too high that the game is pretty much doom if you have an auto-filled jg vs a jg main.

    * sorry for the terrible writing...

    Add ON: some of you are commenting below saying to learn a little about jg so you wont be useless. JG is not really that simple, you need to understand the efficient pathing of your champ as well as your enemy champ. You need to read your opponent to see where he will be ganking so you can ping to warn your laner and or make sure you are nearby to counter-gank. You need to know matchup of the lanes to know which one will have prior and which wont. You need to keep track of what is warded and what is not so you arent spotted out. There is soo much more, but even as a non jg main, I know of that much. There is no such thing as "play safe" for jg. as a laner u can give up cs and farm under tower, while as a jg "playing safe" mean u giving up objectives as well as your camp when u get invaded on. game is pretty much over if u give up rivers objective.

    submitted by /u/PoopyTrash99
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    A well-timed accident. I flashed the point blank ashe arrow because I wanted to stay in range for my Tristana ult.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 12:31 PM PST

    First encounter with a player without a name.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 12:05 PM PST

    TL;DR: A player played with a friend of mine without a name, turns out they used an external tool (allowed by ToS) to skip the summoner name selection screen. See edits below for screenshots of how it looks.

    Today a friend of mine was playing on his low level account and found a player without a name both in game and in champ select. (I'll call he/she "Blank" throughout this post for clarity). We immediately wanted to know what characters Blank used to have an invisible name, so I started looking at the official Riot's APIs to get the player's summoner name, turns out he did not use any character: in every endpoint the name was just empty.

    Trying to add Blank as a friend or trying to open Blank's profile in the post-game screen would fail with an error but the latter was possible through the match history screen (Trying to add Blank through the match history would add "Summoner 4" which happens to be another player).

    This is the Match ID if you want to take a look at the match yourself, Blank is the Kai'Sa: 5002530395 link to the match (EDIT: This requires logging in, otherwise an error appears)

    This is Blank's match history: link to his match history (only reachable by editing the link with the information I've found through the APIs)

    Those are Blank's summoner informations from the endpoint /lol/summoner/v4/summoners/by-account/{encryptedAccountId} (I got encryptedAccountId by looking at the match information through MATCH-V4)

    { "id": "vZlMJJp0cC4fJPUji2Xz2Is0e38hdd2zdz7I2---3GHjWuF0VBCS84axsA", "accountId": "JEus5Z5AFY15bYAK4QwLgQmmvwG73VRMK8ik_2SD1xK3R5NqQHnD3AMj", "puuid": "3xG6AzYF__XHF_icDfxB4E1U76RGlbCKr7HG39cFCdXGb-msI0p5Op1pwI63EGTvkVTAj0LjbEkqhw", "name": "", "profileIconId": 3546, "revisionDate": 1608800266000, "summonerLevel": 23 } 

    As you can see name (which should be the summoner name) is empty.

    How did he do it?

    I obviously don't know how he did it but I can think of only five possibilities

    • Blank did not use league client to enter in game and so skipped the summoner name selection screen. This would be possible only if there was no summoner name check in the lobby, queue and match internal programs.
    • Blank analyzed the summoner name selection private apis and sent a request with an empty name or something that would result in a blank name (like spaces). This would require the summoner name validation to be only client-side.
    • Blank sent something that didn't appear to be empty but resulted in an empty string. Example: \0Example would be considered 8 characters by both the client (made in js) and the server (probably not in C) but the database might consider it length 0 (if C-strings are used. Look at strlen for an example)
    • Blank created the account during an outage or a server error creating a bugged account.
    • Blank called himself with a sequence of characters that were considered invalid by the server (like some unicode characters, for example Japanese) causing them to be removed.

    EDIT: I'm not a native english speaker, sorry for the eventual mistakes.

    EDIT2: Some screenshots: Album

    EDIT3: /u/joel_on_laski Confirmed my first theory, you can just use Mimic and play the game without selecting the summoner name.

    EDIT4: How it looks in game: Album

    submitted by /u/HawkOTD
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    my favorite Cassio ulti dodge of all time

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 09:17 AM PST

    Vander talks leaving Rogue, offseason negotiations "I did consider NA, but I don't want to join bottom 5 teams", joining up in the bot lane with Kobbe and his impressions of Razork: "I was positively surprised by him (...) I saw him play every day, but I didn't know he was actually this good."

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 09:26 AM PST

    Horizon Focus is NOT for Mages only.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 05:14 PM PST

    [Fanart] I painted Christmas Nidalee!

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 12:15 PM PST

    [Fanart] I painted Christmas Nidalee!

    Hi everyone it's me again! (Sorry for the repost, I had to change some wordings before posting again.) Anyway, here's my Nidalee fanart as the year slowly comes to an end. I realised I did a fanart of her about a year ago, hence I decided to redraw Nidalee again and post it today! And this time, I have also added some minor stuffs as well!

    My latest fanart! (Dec 2020)

    Another Nidalee Fan-art that I did a year ago! This is also my first fan-art digitally, when I bought my drawing tablet. (Dec 2019)

    submitted by /u/Toffi_Coffee
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    Weekly sales shop

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 10:59 AM PST

    Is it just me or it disappeared? Like there's no sales. The whole sales section is gone. I was waiting for the shop to come but it's gone

    submitted by /u/pioheh
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