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    Thursday, December 17, 2020

    LoL Guide The spot in which a ward is placed in a bush actually matters.

    LoL Guide The spot in which a ward is placed in a bush actually matters.

    The spot in which a ward is placed in a bush actually matters.

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 02:05 PM PST

    Hello fellas,

    As a fellow support main I literally get triggered every single time people have plenty of time to ward a bush and dont place the ward in it properly.

    Picture the Brambleback bush.Placing a ward in that bush carelessly can deny your team huge entities of vision control in that area.

    This for example is a great ward to put: https://prnt.sc/w4ygva

    Whilst this, a ward in the same bush, is pretty terrible: https://prnt.sc/w4yh5n

    Also heres a neat little trick to place the wards on the exact border of a bush, using the icon.

    1. This ward will not be placed in the bush: https://prnt.sc/w4yj2z
    2. On the other hand, this ward will though: https://prnt.sc/w4yjz1

    How do you know? Its actually the cursors border. On the second screenshot you can see the cursor starts having a green border. This indicates the ward being placed inside the bush.

    Using this trick I've placed a ward right on the border of the following bush, whilst the b)-ward is placed carelessly. Compare the patches of vision you get:

    a) https://prnt.sc/w4ylak

    b) https://prnt.sc/w4ylr6

    Using this little trick you can maximize your value of your wards, and potentially gain a huge visionadvantage over the enemy, which ultimately results in you winning the game.I recommend you use your items and trinkets on quick-cast with indicators (takes some time to learn, but its worth it!) for being able to execute this little trick consistently.

    For some more educational content check out my Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCplD0356o7nsmNpWj8NBZ7w

    UwU and out,Bagger

    submitted by /u/HD_Bagger
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    How do you farm against ranged top?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 05:20 AM PST

    I always try keep healthy and freeze right under tower, but then the enemy laner 1-2 waves into my tower and pokes me everytime i try to go for caster minions. I can't really farm with ranged abilities either because by the time it goes of cooldown i lose 3-4 minions in exchange for 1 and some mana. Also if i am against a champ with a good escape like vayne/gnar/kennen i can't engage or ask my jungler for ganks because then they'll just run away and i lose half of my wave because we were busy chasing.

    Please help me i know that you cannot get every single minion against ranged top but most of the time i have 5/4 cs/min while they get all of it

    submitted by /u/Own_Audience_4444
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    What to do as support when enemy recalls?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 08:13 AM PST

    I've been coming across a scenario where me and my adc get a great trade, they have to recall, and we get a few waves for free. Thing is, I'm never quite sure what do with the waves. I would think pushing them could be a good option, but usually the wave won't crash into tower anyway plus they would get back with items and full resources so it's possible we could be ganked. But I also don't see the point of just farming like normal, I feel like since they aren't in lane we should do something with the wave. Anyone know?

    submitted by /u/TrueField
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    Beginner Question: If I am significantly lower level (XP) than my teammates as the game goes on, does that mean I'm doing something wrong?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 09:39 AM PST

    Could you elaborate your answer on each role? I know adc needs to be more fed than the rest of the team (at least I think so) but what about xp?

    I guess I'm asking if I'm lower level, does that mean I'm not killing enough minions/ participating in teamfights enough?

    submitted by /u/Sasukes_boi
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    How to play junglers with bad 1v1?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 09:45 AM PST

    I'm talking about mages usually but some tanks or assassins too like Fiddle, Kayn or Phoenix Udyr. In a meta filled with Graves, Olaf, Kha and Lee Sin everywhere these champs feel near impossible to play.

    You can get invaded, counter-jungled or your laners can get ganked if they are on your opposite side of you while the enemy don't risk much going on the same side as you are and punish you if you greed too much.

    submitted by /u/Hyrdal
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    can i last hit minion with help of tower? (particular case)

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 04:37 AM PST

    sometimes wave crash, and you can cs under tower with, for example: auto, tower, auto or tower, auto, depends on the champ, minion and level.

    but what if a minion have too much HP to be killed with an auto but too low to survive a tower shot?

    ok, you can use ability but suppose it's on cooldown, can you cs THAT minion if you sync your auto with tower shot so that they hit at the same time or it's 100% lost?

    seems that i sometimes do it and seems that other people are trying it too but i don't get if i success because it was already low enough so my auto kill him or maybe too much hp so tower hit minion, it survive and my auto finish it or if it is because that particular sync combo explained above works.

    submitted by /u/aluxmain
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    i noticed a speed bonus when you leave base late game, when you gain it?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 04:58 AM PST

    i know that at game start you get a huge speed bonus to reach center of the map, than nothing for a while and late game you get a smaller and shorter bonus that helps you leave your base faster (up to where inibitor end).

    do you gain it after x minute? when you get at least x turrets? or what?

    submitted by /u/aluxmain
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    What websites have winrates for bot lane + support pairings?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 02:37 AM PST

    My duo partner and I queue with bot and support as our main roles. We have a few pairings that we like to run but were wondering if there's a resource for Bot+Support winrates to help us think about other pairings to try. I know champion.gg used to have this but it seems to be gone now.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/TobiasX2k
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    How to deal with malphite in teamfights?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 03:32 PM PST

    This may seem like a noob question but I seriously don't know. Basically I was winning against him in lane but as soon as teamfights came about he turned the game around. If I stacked onto my team he would just ult us all and win (obviously). If I stayed away from my team he would choose to ult my squishy teammates instead, pretty much instakilling them with the help of his teammates. i just didnt know what to do. tips?

    submitted by /u/Some-Cake
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    What to do with first blood on top?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 03:29 PM PST

    I am not the best player, but sometimes I do get first blood, which should be an insane advantage which I fail to make use of. If the waves are equal, and opponent respawns in 5 secs + tp, should I just recall buy boots + item? Or stay in lane to not miss cs?

    submitted by /u/NoodleRNG
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    Is there a way to get better at actually timing summoner spells and remembering when people use them?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 12:59 PM PST

    So something I'm trying to implement in my games recently is keeping track of summomer CDs. So far the math is pretty easy, flash is add 5 minutes to whatever was marked at, 3 minutes for combat spells (with some exceptions being 330), etc. And then copy pasting it into the chat. I get the theory behind it.

    Where I fall short is actually trying to execute it. I'll tunnel into a fight, and when I either die or get the kill and start to recall, I won't remember a single thing about the fight that just happened. People will ask for the sums of my laner and I just won't remember anything. This is exponentially worse for giant dog pile team fights where all hell breaks loose at once. Did anyone else struggle with this and know how to fix it?

    submitted by /u/TheYellowEmperor67
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    How does Tryndamere win games ?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 02:27 PM PST

    What is Tryndamere supposed to do late game if his team is super behind ? I can't just split push if my team is getting one shot in every fight and I can't join the fights because Tryndamere is terrible at team fighting. I have watched every Fogged and Neace video and I still can't find the right way to play him.

    submitted by /u/Mhisper
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    How obtainable is challenger ?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 09:19 AM PST

    I have just started to play ranked consistently with small goals in mind, but i have started to wonder what does it take to get to challenger. There is so much to learn and keep in mind but is it actually obtainable for some random player. I think i heard challenger is filled with pros and streamers and up and coming pros. Are there any randos in challenger?

    Who downvoted it is just a question

    also ty for comments makes me respect the people in challenger a lot more.

    submitted by /u/javenmc11
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    Why is Graves so strong?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 09:22 AM PST

    I am jungle main on EUW in Silver Elo.

    I want to pick up a ranged AD jungler and there is only Kindred and Graves. I like both thematically but on every tier list I see online Jungle Graves is either OP or S Tier, but most tier list also say that he is only strong in High Elo, but why is that? Is it because he has strong early game and then falls off late game like Lee Sin or is that mechanically diffcult?

    submitted by /u/Serendipity-123
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    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 04:07 PM PST

    I'm not sure if this is helpful of me to put this here. But I've been hardstuck plat for centuries (I do take breaks occassionally) but this preseason I decided to relearn adc and actually take time and effort to learn how you actively carry a game.

    One thing I've been learning is how powerful it is to funnel all your eggs into one basket. In the past I was always convinced this was a bad idea, since if that player dies it's a serious problem. This is especially reflected when your yasuo has 90% of your kills and continues to 1v5 down the midlane.

    However last game has convinced me just how powerful that is. Played samira, got a few kills in a game that looked hopeless, continued to get every other kill since people were so behind that they couldn't do enough damage.

    At 19 minutes we were 5.5k behind. However, at this point, I'd like to think that I personally was 2K ahead of their strongest teammember. How does this work?

    Items scale off each other. Meaning that a Duskblade and a collector on two different champs, will do far less than a duskblade and a collecter on a single champ. This is even more true for an adc. While adcs are the joke of this season, the old rules of adc items still apply. Crit scales of crit. The more crit you buy, the stronger you get, and for every crit chance you get, both AD and attack speed become more valuable, while AD and attack speed also amplify each other. So unlike most items that linearly scale, crit scale exponentially, meaning an adc on his 4th item is a lot more powerful than on his 3rd item.

    How do you use this to win games? You trade resources in situations that look grimm. If you are confident, you can hardshove a lane as far away as possible from the rest of your team. Either they send people to you, which will be beneficial, or they win a 5v4 against your team, which is also fine. If you take 3-4 waves and get a solo tower for yourself, you will have likely obtained over 2 times the gold than any of the enemy players have by wiping the rest of your team.

    I'm not saying to just forsake your team. But if you happen to farm a wave top and your team randomly dies bot, don't recall. It's no use going in there to fight their deathball fed teamcomp if you could get yourself fed on farm.

    I don't know if this can help others. Idk why but once I saw the game stats and wondered how I pulled this one out of the bag I started to open my eyes a little.

    Of course... this does not work for support characters. But these carry by helping the strongest character, which in a way is just as valuable in a gloomy game.

    I'd like to add that this also works if you are having a terrible game, but another carry on your team is having a pop-off game. Might be best to let that player hog the resources and allow them to carry. For a lot of people it feels a bit odd do let others do the work (looking at you permanently all in 0/10 kayn going full damage assassin), but it will give your team a better chance of winning.

    submitted by /u/OverwatchSerene
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    How do i lane vs Jhin and Swain

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 03:08 PM PST

    I have no clue how i should lane vs Jhin and Swain. I feel like they are the perfect bot lane combo with poke and catch. If i get hit by anything Jhin can root and Swain will pull me back, and god forbid i get hit with any cc. I think i might just be tilted from always losing to Jhin and Swain. I really dont know what to do or what to play into Jhin and Swain.

    Edit: I am a adc main in gold 4

    submitted by /u/Recon238
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    What's up with arcane comet miss fortune

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 02:54 PM PST

    What's up with arcane comet miss fortune? Why is arcane comet a viable option for mf ecspecially over dark harvest and precision. What changed to make this an actual thing, cuz the one time I went arcane comet Ashe I was reported.

    Jesus Christ I just wanna ask a question, this word count is so damn annoying hopefully I have enough now

    submitted by /u/ouv123
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    Challenger ADC coaching a Diamond ADC VOD review

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 05:50 PM PST

    Hey Summoners,

    I think some ADC players might find this video useful. Even those that aren't ADC mains might find this interesting if they appreciate educational video content. Many of the concepts are transferable to other roles as well.


    submitted by /u/value247
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    What can I do about kayn as Darius?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 05:46 AM PST

    Had a game against a fed Kayn and it felt like I was powerless to do anything about him. He went Rhaast and it seemed like everything he did countered me. He red-smited me so I did less damage, knocked me up so I couldn't run him down, and then used his ult whenever I tried to Q. Even with executioners, I couldn't out-damage his healing. If I would E him, he's just q into me and immediately R. I know I'm bad, but is this just a result of me being inexperienced and missing something or is Kayn really just that strong? I had a 3/1 lead up on my lane opponent and Kayn was still able to dive me under turret and then snowball that lane. (I was against a gnar if that matters).

    submitted by /u/Madrigal_King
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    What do I do after a gank where my laner died?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 11:34 PM PST

    I'm a mid-gold jungle main, and I don't play any lanes very often. I'll be honest in saying that I don't know a ton about wave state.

    Usually, after a succesful gank in which the enemy dies, but my laner also dies, I will finish off the low health minions but otherwise leave the lane untouched. I know sometimes I should shove, and sometimes I should leave it untouched, but I never know when those times are unless the laner explicitly tells me to. Any help on this front would be greatly appreciated

    submitted by /u/chisoph
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    VOD Review - Deft Kai'Sa vs T1 GumaYusi Ashe | Patch 10.25

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 04:37 AM PST

    Hello there!This is my 2nd VOD Review. Tried to make it better this time. Let me know what you think about this one.

    >>Twitter: https://twitter.com/Neldarian​
    >>Discord: Daxarion#1080

    submitted by /u/Ilchester
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    How to deal with poke bot lanes?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 03:50 AM PST

    Pretty much as the title says anyone got anything that could help in playing against a poke bot lane? Whenever I verse a decent brand, Zyra or any sort of mid to long range poke champ I always try and play safe give up some farm in hopes of not giving kills to their bot lane, is this the right way to play? I feel like especially with brand he is so strong in my elo (S3) that he can essentially zone me off when he has abilities up

    submitted by /u/Sijakov16
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