• Breaking News

    Thursday, December 17, 2020

    League of Legends Ghostcrawler announces that work on a League of Legends MMO is beginning

    League of Legends Ghostcrawler announces that work on a League of Legends MMO is beginning

    Ghostcrawler announces that work on a League of Legends MMO is beginning

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 04:07 PM PST


    I have news!

    My recent job at Riot has been to help develop the League universe, which we're going to need!

    Because it is time. My new job is to kick off a big (some might say massive) game that many of you, and many Rioters, have been asking us to create.

    In case you think he's just misdirecting, other Rioters are responding more explicitly. And here's Ghostcrawler himself stating it as such.

    It's been about time. World of Runeterra coming soon?

    submitted by /u/MyNameIsLegend
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    Ryze soldiers > Azir soldiers (older clip from me)

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 09:46 AM PST

    Why are "events" just skins and battle passes?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 06:42 AM PST

    With no Christmas map (or skins) this year, it got me thinking... Where are the real events, like we used to get? If I remember correctly, the last real event we got was the Odyssey gamemode. Everything past that has been battle pass after battle pass with a prestige skin that costs too much money or too much time to get. Can you even call them events? Nothing changes. Nothing to get excited when you log in. The excuse that the Odyssey gamemode had low playrates is bad. We don't need a gamemode like that to make an event great. Remember when Gangplank took over as announcer for summoner's rift and Howling Abyss was changed to Butchers Bridge? THAT is what an event looks like. Immersing players into whatever event is out. I'm sick of getting battle passes every couple of patches with nothing new ever added into the game. I'm sick of playing Nexus Blitz or URF. I still love this game and always will, but outside of skins and Summoner's Rift it seems like Riot just doesn't care anymore about stuff like that. I would be so happy just to get one more chance to play during the gangplank event. Or better yet, a whole new event that isn't just a prestige skin.

    More examples being OVERCHARGE (the Project event) or Star Guardians. Why can't they just recycle the modes if they can't make new ones? I don't get it.

    submitted by /u/easythatwas1212
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    Riot Games 2020 | Push Through

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 09:10 AM PST

    After 40 minutes of Tyler1 trying to hit a 4 man Malphite R in a bet with chat, he hits 1 of 4 enemies in fountain

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 04:54 PM PST

    Nuguri joins FPX

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 02:04 AM PST


    Please welcome FPX.Nuguri (Jang Ha-gwon), who first rose to fame in 2017 and showed his talent through all these years. Now the young warrior already had Summoner's Cup in his hand, and the brand new battlefield awaits as well. Let's fight for our new future together!

    As we all saw coming. A bit unfortunate for the LCK to lose him. Hope FPX find a suitable jungler, with Tian's wrist situation and all.

    submitted by /u/Ophelia_Of_The_Abyss
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    Sion Traditional Skin

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 09:38 AM PST

    Sion Traditional Skin

    Hi everyone ! I'ts Torok again
    I'm made a remake of my last traditional skin, because I wasn't proud of it so here I am with Sion !
    ( Painting and photo manipulation over the original in-game model from Riot Games )


    submitted by /u/TorokArt
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    Smeb retires.

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 10:13 PM PST

    There is so much healing in the game that anti-heal items are a "must" nowadays

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 01:06 PM PST

    I want to clarify that i know i dont have to buy exec sword/oblivion orb every game but out of 4 games in 3 of them i need to buy exec for atleast 1 enemy because they run Conq+Ravenous Hunter or hard lifesteal items. Remember when we used to buy anti-heal only when enemy team had a Soraka/Vladimir or champions with high sustain? Now you have champions like Yasuo/Yone/Graves who rush Shieldbow 1st or bloodthirster 2nd. Or bruisers who run Conq+Ravenous and build dmg/tank stats and heal like crazy.

    Also, Ravenous Hunter is one of the most toxic rune because it allows so many champions to sustain in fights while sitting on damage items. I know they are buffing grevious wound duration to 3 seconds but imo a better aproach would be tuning down the healing from runes then from items.

    submitted by /u/Mattix46
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    [Fan Art] Winter Zoe and Yuumi

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 11:00 AM PST

    [Fan Art] Winter Zoe and Yuumi

    Hello everyone,

    I'm back with a new painting, on the christmas / winter theme. I hope that this painting will give you some good vibes , and if it put a smile on your face my goal well be complete !


    Feel free to share your thoughts as long as it is respectful !

    Merry Christmas to everyone !

    If you want to, you can see the full project here on artstation : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/L3lRPk

    And feel free to come and say Hi on instagram too : https://www.instagram.com/aucherfargue/

    submitted by /u/maddns
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    I'm colorblind and I don't see the new ignite.

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 02:41 PM PST

    I'm red-green colorblind and I don't see the new ignite really well. It's easy to get lost when there's 100 things happening on the screen, but the old ignite was at least easier to see.

    Colorblind mode doesn't change how the effect looks and riot probably didn't think about it because the change wasn't made a big deal. If Riot could do something to make it more visible or easier to spot I would really appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/LordJenkinz
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    Pixel perfect flash

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 05:47 AM PST

    The spot in which you put your ward into a bush matters ALOT.

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 03:08 PM PST

    Hello fellas,

    As a fellow support main I literally get triggered every single time people have plenty of time to ward a bush and dont place the ward in it properly.

    Picture the Brambleback bush.Placing a ward in that bush carelessly can deny your team huge entities of vision control in that area.

    This for example is a great ward to put: https://prnt.sc/w4ygva

    Whilst this, a ward in the same bush, is pretty terrible: https://prnt.sc/w4yh5n

    Also heres a neat little trick to place the wards on the exact border of a bush, using the icon.

    1. This ward will not be placed in the bush: https://prnt.sc/w4yj2z
    2. On the other hand, this ward will though: https://prnt.sc/w4yjz1

    How do you know? Its actually the cursors border. On the second screenshot you can see the cursor starts having a green border. This indicates the ward being placed inside the bush.

    Using this trick I've placed a ward right on the border of the following bush, whilst the b)-ward is placed carelessly. Compare the patches of vision you get:

    a) https://prnt.sc/w4ylak

    b) https://prnt.sc/w4ylr6

    Using this little trick you can maximize your value of your wards, and potentially gain a huge visionadvantage over the enemy, which ultimately results in you winning the game.I recommend you use your items and trinkets on quick-cast with indicators (takes some time to learn, but its worth it!) for being able to execute this little trick consistently.

    For some more educational content check out my Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCplD0356o7nsmNpWj8NBZ7w

    UwU and out,Bagger

    submitted by /u/HD_Bagger
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    Tank shredding mythic working as intended

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 02:47 AM PST

    Here is a quick drawing I made of every ADC's favorite attached companion in the botlane.

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 07:34 AM PST

    Here is a quick drawing I made of every ADC's favorite attached companion in the botlane.

    I feel like I really captured the parasitic nature of the champion. It attaches itself to the ADC until they lose lane then it flies off and attaches itself either to the jungler or the toplaner.

    Yuumi fanart.

    submitted by /u/ThePrimeHydra
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    Preseason XPeke

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 02:45 PM PST

    My friend got "double killed" by a Shaco

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 08:06 PM PST

    Untara announces retirement via stream

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 01:45 AM PST

    Former toplaner for CJ and SKT, last played for Griffin in Spring 2020

    Just announced he is retiring via his Twitch stream. Video on Twitch

    submitted by /u/ToDreamofLove
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    A Fist Fight Ended One of the Best League of Legends Teams - A GBay99 Documentary

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 06:21 AM PST

    With Rell now out for like a week - fav 2020 champ?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 08:36 AM PST

    Yes, I know Sett is gonna win lol. No true criteria for like gameplay or lore - just which of our new champs you like the best.

    I'd put the Fiddles and Voli reworks here but 6 options only, so I just stuck to the purely new champs.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Koma60
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    Mythic components make no sense when not every mythic item builds out of a mythic component

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 12:27 PM PST

    As it is currently there are mythic components like Bami's or Lost Chapter that build into mythic items. Having either a mythic item or mythic component prevents you from buying a mythic component. This already hampers build flexibility as it locks out specific components, for example certain mages may prefer a non mana mythic item for it's effects but are then locked out of having a lost chapter to help their lane phase. I already don't like the limitation on mythic components, but it just makes even less sense given that many mythic items don't have a mythic component. It very much seems like a needless mechanic to restrict build flexibility.

    submitted by /u/bqx23
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    I Painted Aurelion Sol

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 07:04 AM PST

    I Painted Aurelion Sol


    I wish my camera was better!

    I've been really bored so last night I did a big canvas painting of Aurelion Sol, I dont actually play the champ but i love his theme and lore

    submitted by /u/TheSentinelsSorrow
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    Gotta love it when the enemy lines up for your MF ult

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 11:13 AM PST

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