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    Wednesday, December 16, 2020

    LoL Guide Where your enemy (and yourself) will appear when using teleport

    LoL Guide Where your enemy (and yourself) will appear when using teleport

    Where your enemy (and yourself) will appear when using teleport

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 12:00 PM PST

    Something that must be know by Caitlyn players but is useful for everyone is where an enemy will appear when they teleport. Many people think that when teleporting to a minion or ward that a champion will simply appear directly on top of the ward or minion but this is not the case. In reality, the teleport will leave its user to the side of the target, specifically the side closest to their own nexus.

    This, as I mentioned above, is necessary for Caitlyn players to know since they must trap the correct location when someone teleports close to them. This is also useful for trying to aim skillshots or knowing when you should just avoid throwing them in the first place. For example, if you are playing Morgana and an enemy uses tp to a minion it might be impossible to hit that enemy with a binding depending on your positioning if that minion would block your skillshot.

    An easy way to remember this is to picture where a champion appears when they teleport to a tower. If you think about it, champions always appear to the side of their tower that is closest to their nexus.

    submitted by /u/Showdow13
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    “Follow your laner”

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 03:26 AM PST


    I am a support main, adc secondary, who has recently picked up mid lane after a break from mid to gain more experience playing bot with my duo who would tell me what to do.

    I have not played mid much, but I have played a lot of Neeko in the sup and adc roles. Recently have been getting into using Anivia and Zoe - mechanically I feel good with the champions I currently play, and in the future I'm hoping to pick up Qiyana, Akali, Syndra and Orianna.

    So recently I was playing a game of Zoe against a Talon. Talon hard shoved a wave under my tower and roamed, and I was pretty sure he went botside. So I picked danger around botside and then pinged mia in my lane a couple of times. Before I could finish getting the cs, Botlane dies, and then Pyke asks me why I did not follow my laner.

    However, from watching videos midlaners don't usually follow their laners if a wave is pushed under their tower, they normally get the cs and follow or continue to cs. This got me thinking, when should I 'follow my laner'?

    Also, was what I did the correct play? In my opinion it is very hard for a Zoe unless she has ghost to catch up to a roaming Talon, and I also think missing out on a bunch of cs that has just crushed under my tower is bad.

    I did mute the Pyke for the rest of the game as I did feel he was going to be annoying about it.

    (By the way, I don't play ranked and am not super serious about the game, I just want to play my best with the champions I enjoy!)

    submitted by /u/Coral360
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    How to communicate properly in League Of Legends (for teams)

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 11:44 AM PST

    Hi, I hope everything's good with your life recently.

    I'm Hellfire Lord and in this post, I'm going to explain how I approach the concept of communication when I coach since I get a lot of questions about this topic. If you think your team lacks communication skills then I'm sure you'll find this post useful.

    Communicating is really important for your team to learn for competitive LoL. This seems super obvious but as you'll find out, there are all sorts of people in the world. Some are shy, some are outspoken, and some just are not used to talking to other people. Regardless of what type of players you have, you'll have to teach them how to communicate whether they like it or not. Let's go through some of the common types of players when it comes to communication:

    1. Silent top laner type: this type of player is generally found in top laners. They have been bred to be on an island all their LoL life and sometimes find it a hard transition to be a team player. You need to force them to talk in team situations such as calling enemy possible TP's, ult availability and coordinating ability cooldowns and timings for jungle ganks. Seriously, these are crucial information for the team to succeed. If the top laner has an extreme aversion to speaking then try this exercise. Have them mute all 4 other players for a game. They won't receive any info and have to play the game blind to the team's intentions. It will be very difficult for them. After the game, let them know that by not speaking to the team well, they are subjecting all 4 of the other teammates to that every single game. This generally fixes things pretty quick from my experience.

    2. The overzealous speaker type: this type of player is so excited about playing. Too excited to be honest. He will call out basic ability cooldowns and will basically speak to himself. He'll ask trivial questions and start drowning out others in the comms. You need to keep this guy in check. Start politely in game and tell him to quiet or focus up. I sometimes will say to the team "keep comms clear please." Just do your best to keep his energy in check and you should be good.

    3. All other players will fall somewhere in between and should be reminded either way to make sure they eventually develop good communication skills.

    What should my players/teammates be communicating then? That's a good question. I'll essentially list all the high importance and relevant information that should be going through comms. Anything not listed here isn't irrelevant but just not as important as these.

    1. Bot duo laning. This is what's going to take most of the comms early game. Your support and adc should be constantly letting each other know their intentions. For example: Support might say, "going to look for hook after cannon, let's push for level 3 advantage ok, save abilities for fight please." or ADC might say, "don't fight, I'm just looking for a back after the push here, help me push then back." These things are mundane but your bot lane NEEDS to start communicating their thoughts to each other. Most deaths and misplays in bot are due to different intentions and thoughts.

    2. Coordinating jungle ganks. A lot of good looking ganks which lead to the enemy escaping are due to poor timing and no communication. Instead of just telling your top laner you're coming up and they should start fighting, try setting things up better with them. A typical gank should sound like this. Jg: Going to look top after half clear, can you start setting up the wave? Top: Ya I'l let it start pushing back to me a bit. -waits a min or 2- Top: Ok, I'm going to try and bait out her dash, wait for the cannon I'll start it first, wait wait. Jg: Ok ya, enemy jg should be bot, I'll wait for dash and come in, don't let her run down the tri bush ok?

    3. Summoners. Your support (due to their low APM) needs to start typing down summoner timers. You can copy-paste it into the chat and just change the numbers as you see summoners used. This will make it so that no one needs to ask about flash or ignite anymore. It seems like a pain in the ass but you HAVE to do it if you want to move to the next level as a team. You can still ask through comms but this will make it a lot easier.

    4. Target focus. In team fights, your team needs to start calling and ping targeting priority targets in team fights. Seriously, I know you've all heard how LCS team fights go in comms and your team needs to eventually sound like that. All resources need to be spent on the target that your shot-caller or team calls for. On the flip side, if you make the decision to peel for the adc then you need to do that as well. Whatever the team fight strategy, it needs to be vocally spoken and everyone needs to follow it.

    5. Rotation intentions. During mid and late game, there will be a lot of rotations and people trying to catch waves. Don't ever just do it without telling your team. You have to let your team know where you're going and if that's an ok rotation.

    6. Shot calls. Obviously, the shot caller will be making calls in comms.

    Make sure your team isn't just shooting the breeze and clogging comms up with useless information. Remind them to communicate the important things I mentioned here at the very least.


    Play a few practice games where you have a checklist for communications that I covered and make sure your team is sticking to those points for their comms.

    I hope you find this useful.
    Best of luck in the fields of justice!

    submitted by /u/hellfirelord
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    Why you are not improving

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 08:09 AM PST

    "The way to high performance is to alternate between the learning zone and the performance zone" - Eduardo Briceño, Co-Founder & CEO of Mindset Works.

    We all want to improve, but only a few take the necessary steps to get there. If you find yourself stuck often in League, then you probably haven't heard about the concept of the Learning Zone and the Performance Zone.

    • Essentially, your Learning Zone is the place where you can practice, experiment with new things, analyze, learn new habits, etc... A place where mistakes are welcomed.
    • Your Performance Zone is where you focus on your climbing, on executing your best. Somewhere were mistakes are to be avoided or minimized.

    Throughout my coaching years, I've seen many players with the idea that the more ranked games you play, the more you'll improve. Since you can watch your own replays and look for your mistakes. However, at some point this might not be enough.

    Once you practice and repeat something enough times, you eventually reach what is called the line of automaticity. It's when you can finally perform that skill without having to consciously focus your 100% on it. I believe you have probably felt this in League at some point. It's when you can finally play the game without being surprised at what the hell is happening on the screen, when you can finally farm and talk to your friend on Discord at the same time. You can also call this the comfort zone.

    After you reach this line, many fail to understand what to do next. Most players keep playing ranked games, which is their Performance Zone. But even if they are serious about it and want to improve, without spending time on the Learning Zone a player can't really expect to see much improvement.

    I want to share with you guys a video where I explain how to best use this two zones to be able to make continuous improvement, and avoid getting stuck or plateau.

    Link to the video: Link

    I hope you find this useful, and any questions you have please write here or leave a comment on the video. Thanks for your time!

    submitted by /u/Iam_Blink
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    Things I did as a new player to improve, and the importance of ARAM.

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 11:10 AM PST

    TLDR; My way of playing league was following a guide every game. ARAM taught me how to be free and have fun, test builds, runes, have an open mind about different play styles, matchups, itemization, champions, and much more. Also, it taught me that I am better and have more fun playing support than jungle, haha.

    First, what led me to start improving:
    I was so bad my mental was getting fucked because of all the flame and self-hate, even though I was only playing normal games (I mained jungle and every single mistake would weight in my mind for the rest of the game).

    Every time I thought about playing, I would get extremely anxious and this just made my gameplay much worse; I was doing wrong plays, missing cs, not looking at the map, just thinking about "I'm bad, I shouldn't be playing. Why am I playing" even when my team was playing worse than me and nobody was flaming me at all. So...

    I stopped playing normal games and decided to start playing ARAM. Reasons:

    - Found it to be a 'fun' game mode.
    - People would very rarely tilt, and even if they did, people on my own team would say "Shut up, it's ARAM" so there was like a shield.

    And then I started. I basically played only ARAM for ~5 months. I was level ~30 and I still play ARAM until today, at level 105. And here are my thoughts: ARAM is the most important game mode for new players. List of reasons:

    1. I got motivated to play and learn a bunch of different champions I didn't know (I would search runes, builds, and see the spotlight video from the champion before the game started).
      This was also very good because I learned about runes and how they worked, one of the best things that happened to me.

    2. You can learn A LOT of matchups: You can learn how to play against most champions and how to counter them.

    3. Itemization. People would say "Yoo they have a soraka and a vlad, it's better for us to build executioners" and stuff like that, and this way I learned how and what to build against certain champions (I was the type of new player that would search a build and literally build it every single game).

    4. "Champion combos". Malphite with Yasuo, Cassiopeia with Twitch, Taric with Yi.. so many champion combinations that together are awesome. I didn't even think about that this existed, I just discovered that after seeing people do or people telling me what we could do together in the game.

    5. Somehow, fun and the feeling of being useful overrides your KDA. When I played normals I always thought about my KDA, but when I played ARAM, I was always thinking about "It's okay if I die if my team is going to kill them all", for example, when I played Galio: I would just dive them, get everyone on my W and then they would focus and waste everything on me (spells, abilities), while my team would most of the time get 3-4 kills because of that.
      I learned that KDA is not everything, guaranteeing victory to your team is more important.
      (OBVIOUSLY, I'm not talking about killing myself all the time for my team. I refer to doing good plays where I could also leave alive, or just providing utility when I can't do much)

    List of other things I did:
    - Disable /all. You have no reasons to have it enabled. Even disable team chat if you want to.
    - Practice mode is one of the best things in the client; go on it with champions from the free champion pool to test builds, abilities, runes, combos, and the basics of it. Also, test warding spots.
    - I used to play custom games against bots (1v5 or 3v5 with 2 bots in my team) to try to improve my csing and overall map awareness. Also gave me a good view of the tower range and wave management.
    - Tested several in-game configs (mouse sens, for example) and found the best for me.
    - Watch videos, watch streamers and watch high elo VODs. In-depth game knowledge doesn't come from nowhere, it's much better to see other people playing to learn faster.

    That's it.

    submitted by /u/SauloJr
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    Got crushed so hard it gave me insecurities

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 01:09 AM PST

    EDIT: Thanks everyone for your replies. It seems I vastly underestimated the skill gap between a D4 and a D2 player. I guess it should not have been a surprise considering the amount of people that get stuck in D4. I will work hard to improve and achieve my objective, after all the season hasn't even started yet.

    Hi, I am a plat 3 midlane player and recently I just got shit on so hard it made me actually doubt myself and gave me impostor syndrome.

    I have a 59% winrate over 250 games in P3 right now and a 65% winrate on my main champion (Zoe), 61% on my "backup" pick Malzahar, and 56% on my third pick Lux. When I'm getting my second position (support) I usually take Nautilus (73% winrate over 30 something games), flex my Lux supp, or eventually Morgana.

    While I don't worry too much about this, I admit it does feel good to have "nice" numbers and I do feel like I deserve my elo and to climb even more. My objective through this season was to climb to D4 at least, hopefully D3 but that's more of a "ok the job's done, let's see if we can squeeze out some more extra cash" kind of thing. To reinforce my belief, I have steadily improved every year (ended Silver S8, Gold S9, Plat S10) and I feel like I handle myself quite well and win lane most times against other Plat 4-3 players.

    I mainly play normal with friends right now and, last week, I got faced against a Diamond 2 player while playing Katarina. Now, I know how to play Kata although certainly not that well, but I thought "nice, a chance to test my skills against a waaaay better player".

    Well, yeah, but he was WAAAAAAAAAAY better. I just got completely shit on, from level 1 to the end of the game. IIRC I was 0-5-0 by the time he got lvl 6. Every single time he had E, he'd just walk up, chunk me, E out. Even under tower. I was down by 30 cs at min 7 and by 60 at min 15 (when we ff'd).

    I tried to analyze the replay and ffs I just can't fucking see what I do wrong. I watch it and I just think "well there's nothing I can do about that here". The only fuckup I can see is level 1 I took a very bad trade that I thought I'd win since I had a larger minion wave but I extended it too much and lost. I also had DH instead of Elec/Conqueror so it was a doomed trade from the start. That's it. From there I just never recovered and I cannot believe it's all it takes to get ANNIHILATED for the entire game.

    I will admit I have an insane hatred for Fizz and I struggle against Fizz players even in my own elo, hell in normals I struggle against Fizz even against Silver players. Still, this was a hard punch to my ego and I am actually thinking I'll never be able to reach Diamond because the skill gap is just SO BIG between them and me. I also noticed my ranked performance after this experience drastically decreased and I now find myself more afraid of the enemy midlaner even when I should not be. Every time I see enemy mid is P2 on op.gg I just start sweating and play like shit.

    I have no idea how to recover from this. If anyone has had any similar experience and actually learnt from it, please do share it.

    submitted by /u/BOT-Jones
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    I wrote a guide about adapting your item build for each game, and I'd really appreciate it if you checked it out!

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 10:29 AM PST

    Heya everyone, me again. From the studio that brought you iconic classics like 'that one guide about dragons that got 150 upvotes' and 'that other guide about boots' comes this guide that I wrote about itemizing adaptively! It features some item suggestions for various team compositions that you might face, ranging from heavy healing to high burst damage. With all of the new items, I figure there's some demand for something like this, so feel free to check it out and give me your thoughts!

    Guide Link: http://dignitas.gg/articles/blogs/League-of-Legends/14932/diversifying-your-portfolio-building-adaptively-in-league-of-legends

    submitted by /u/Lucklepto
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    Looking for advice - Cassiopeia TOP

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 10:48 AM PST

    Hey summoners

    I've always been fascinated by Cassio but I've never been confident enough to main her. I don't particularly enjoy playing mid lane so I'm thinking about taking her Top.

    I've played a few games, maybe 6 or 7. I'm really struggling with a few things which I'm hoping some of you can help with.

    Firstly - She feels super squishy, so when a top laner bruiser type jumps on me I feel defenceless. What should I be doing in this situation? W the floor they're on and Q immediately and back off? Should I respect the range of their dash or leap?

    Secondly, I've found junglers LOVE to gank Cassio Top. Probably because shes squishy! What should I be doing in terms of wave management and positioning to avoid getting ganked early to mid game?

    Thirdly, during laning phase should I be aggressive with my Ultimate (R) or keep hold of it to defend myself?

    And lastly, what is my role mid-late game? Should I prioritise solo farming gold over team fighting? When is it appropriate to team fight and what is my role within the team fight?

    Many thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Dirtyden13
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    Can someone explain raidboss champs?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 12:45 AM PST

    I'm sure there's some counterplay, but it seems like champs like Aatrox, Sett, and Urgot are intentionally designed to require 2-3 people to take down. It kind of feels like you get to pull extra weight for your team just by picking the right champ, which seems odd.

    Their base stats seem insane with how tanky they get mid-game with basically 1 item and a few levels.

    What do you do if you're isolated with such a champ? What do you do if there's multiple of them in the same game? Some games its like the enemy team just picks 2-3 such champs and the enemy team becomes an unapproachable wall of flesh and teeth.

    submitted by /u/Overclockworked
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    Xayah newbie.

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 11:56 AM PST

    So recently I got star guardian xayah in 'Your Shop's and decided to try and get back to her, and now I'm basically feeding the enemy support / adc. Is anyone an experienced xayah main that could teach me most important mechanics?

    I know the most important ones like Q + AA + E for a quick root and other stuff such as "closer you are, easier to root the enemy" so if someone could explain that would be fantastic. I play on the EUE server, I'm level ~52 unranked. Help would be appreciated and have a nice day!

    submitted by /u/Bwoj2006
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    Is there any solution to bodyblocking?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 11:32 AM PST

    I'm a master yi main, recently I noticed some supports will literally stand on top of their adc making it impossible to click on them. Last game I went against tristana and alistar support and while I got fed I simply could not get my hands on trist as they would just stand in the same spot with alistar ulting. As I climb the ranks I notice it happening more and more often. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/Hokaido251
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    How to stop someone from freezing?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 11:58 AM PST

    Whenever I see someone ask how to counter champions like Darius and Yasuo, the answer almost always is "just farm and don't give over any kills and you'll outscale"

    However in the actual game what happens is the darius or insert whatever champion happens to be overpowered at the moment freezes at his turret. He just stands by the wave and if you try to take a single CS he just runs you down and kills you. By 15 minutes I've seen top laners who haven't given over any kills to Darius, but are down 60+ cs. Effectively this is the same thing, and the Darius just runs down our entire team.

    Is there anyway that any given person can do something to either break a freeze or stop a freeze from happening? You have to understand for many people below platnium, calling for a jungler to break a freeze simply is not an option. The jungler will simply ignore you, will not know what that means, will do it incorrectly and set up another freeze for them, or give over a free kill. I just want to know if there is anything in the 1v1 matchup that a top laner can do against an extremely strong early-game champ to avoid being frozen on besides exclusively picking champions that are good into Darius, seeing as Darius pretty much has full control of the wave from level 1.

    submitted by /u/grahamster00
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    Need advice on midlane

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 10:24 AM PST

    Hey all, I'm a high Diamond midlaner from TR. I peaked D1 100lp in season 10 with a lot of Vladimir and Twisted Fate. Recently by watching Challenger commentaries, I realized I have no gameplan whatsoever when going into the game. Yes, I do know the concepts of wave management and macro, but most of the time I don't prepare any plan in advance on what to do in lane. I see the opportunity to freeze and I think to myself "this freeze opportunity will make my opponent laner lose a lot, I better do it then". I want to be able to have a plan in advance, during champ select even. My question to you all challenger and grandmaster midlaners is, what factors do I need to consider in preparation of my plan? ( stuff like "enemy early waveclear and cs'ing under turret is bad, better shove in early and roam")

    link to my opgg:


    Sidenote: I did pick up Sion and learnt a lot towards the end of s10 as an offrole, so thats why he's on there.

    Thanks. Whomever read this, have a good one!

    submitted by /u/erbanxd
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    Ranged vs Melee Midlane

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 11:37 AM PST

    I am a mid player and I'm trying to learn how to play ranged vs melee better as most of my champs are ranged. I know that typically should be abusing the melee champ with my range while avoiding their abilities, but I'm not sure how to do this well. Specifically, I have two issues (other tips are still appreciated): I don't know how to tether while trading, and I don't know how to abuse my range and trade while maintaining a favorable wavestate. The first issue is pretty self explanatory but for the second one, if I try to abuse my range and trade while maintaining a freeze, I can't ensure that I hit abilities (unlike being able to hit abilities while the enemy last hits) as I'm trying to zone the enemy off the wave, and when I do trade, sometimes I draw minion aggro and it screws over my freeze.

    submitted by /u/DampPigeon
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    How to beat Aatrox as a mage?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 10:31 AM PST

    I main Anivia and Syndra, I was wondering how do I beat Aatrox mid? I find it very difficult because he sustains all my harass (hes a melee champ so I try to punish him for when he last hits) and he does ALOT of damage. I think im pretty competent at dodging skillshots but his chain makes it easy for him to hit you with a sweet spot Q because he knows where you're going to walk or you actually get pulled in. His mini dash makes it hard to dodge his Q's as well. I know Aatrox mid sounds weird but I have played against a few and can't seem to win.

    submitted by /u/TheRealChandu
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    How do I achieve consistent early game impact as a jungler?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 12:04 PM PST

    Hey there,

    I've been a little frustrated when trying to make a consistent early game impact in the jungler, even playing some champs that are strong early.

    Sure, I grasp the basics of jungling, but I struggle to see what higher elo players see when playing in my elo (Gold-ish), they win consistently down here because they consistently get first blood and consistently get successful ganks off.

    I understand counter-jungling and how to snowball off of (and keep) your lead, just not quite sure how to get that lead more consistently. When I'm not playing a high mobility champion (Hecarim) or someone with not much CC, it feels like it's more luck than skill in my games whether or not I get a lead early.

    I've found the most success on champions with really straightforward ganks, Hecarim comes to mind, I have a 70% WR on him in Ranked (or, rather did before the pre-season started, haven't really played Ranked in pre-season), but I want to learn how to actually gank without super speed on my E + Ghost.

    I love playing Graves and he's also one of my best performing champions, but all he has is a small dash and some very soft CC and his ganks early game feel extremely weak and seldom ever work, so I often feel relegated to powerfarming and counter-jungling. (Which does work down here, I often end at like 300CS and 9CS / min 4 levels up on the enemy jungler and I end up popping off in the mid - late game, but again, I don't struggle with that, I want to get the ball rolling starting from the moment the game starts)

    The one last champion that comes to mind and that I struggled with picking up has to be Kha'Zix. Yes, Kha'Zix. I know everyone complains about how broken he is right now and, yeah, watching my friends play and watching streams, he seems to always get 2 or 3 kills early game and snowball like crazy. Problem is, when I play him, I can't gank to save my life! I know his E is a jump, but using it to start off a gank leaves me with no way to chase and finish off the person I'm ganking. And if I wait to use it for that exact purpouse, they just kinda waddle back to their tower before I can even get to them. His ganks become far easier at 6, but powerfarming til 6 as an assassin like Kha'Zix feels so counter-productive.

    One last thing is that it very often feels like all lanes are ungankable, especially whilst playing those champions. And it happens at times where I should be ganking (3~ minute mark, pre or post-Scuttle) Nobody seems to be pushed in enough for me to come in and help secure a kill (or even blow a flash) and I'm just not seeing something that I should be seeing, because junglers better than me, playing against players better than me, get those early kills so consistently. I just don't know what I'm missing.

    It's pretty frustrating and I feel very dumb for struggling with it as much as I do, so I ask for your help. Your best tips, some content to watch and learn from, literally anything. Please and thank you.

    I apologize for the wall of text, wanted to get all my thoughts out there, thank you!

    TL;DR: I struggle to gank and make a consistent impact early with low mobility / low CC junglers. Please help and thank you.

    submitted by /u/b1uezje
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    How do you kill a fed Yi with duskblade?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 03:49 PM PST

    ^ title.

    I know that to counter yi, you have to shut him down early. But what do you do when the Yi gets fed? I feel like the moment he gets duskblade the game is just over, as there is not much counter play to a cloak on kill champ with an ad night harvester and a second of immunity the moment he leaves stealth. How do you kill a fed Yi?

    submitted by /u/Shimadacat
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    getting frustrated while teaching a friend

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 09:42 AM PST

    i'm not a coach and never will actually coach someone, but since my friend has started playing league, i try to teach her (she asked me to do this) she's still very new, being at lvl 12. i'm by no way a pro, sitting in silver 4, but i try to teach her the basic stuff. i don't know how people where able to play with me in the beginning. she's doing everything wrong and when i say everything, i mean everything. i created a smurf account, but there are so many other smurfs in there. and i just get so frustrated. i suggested her an easy champion and she quite likes annie. but i don't know what i am doing wrong. i told her about annies passive, the stun, she knows her abilities. i told her about flash and heal and potions. but everytime that smurf yasuo walks up she stands there, autoattacking the minions, not even last hitting, just autoattacking. then she dies, with heal, flash and her stun and ult up. i try not to get frustrated, i swear, i try. but i do get frustrated. i of course don't lash out, i tell her that i'm frustrated, but that's it not her fault.

    does any coach or just anyone have any clue what i can do to 1. not get tilted 2. be a better coach?

    ps: i don't tryhard, i try to have fun and i don't care if i win

    submitted by /u/Jamie_of_Rivia
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    Cho'gath keeps stealing all my creep camps

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 03:09 PM PST

    This boosted player I pinged him that Khazix is in my jungle and I need help killing him, he escaped with a one hp and Ahri killed him and Cho'gath died in top lane from Darius because he didn't even bother to help, he keeps stealing all my jungle camps with his R and last hitting what I'm farming. I can't roam now because I'm underlevel and under-fed. I just wish riot games would do something about these greedy players who keep starving my jungle champ to death.

    I don't know what to do after this, I tried ganking they always have flash or escape etc.

    submitted by /u/DTAKOP
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    A tip for my fellow low ELO ADCs out there: Add an AP carry to your champion pool

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 01:00 AM PST

    I'm an ADC main, and I've noticed a trend the last few months for people to lock in AD champions in every role. It was making things very difficult for me, because at my ELO people don't give a fig for team comp or synergy. A yi one trick is locking in yi no matter what. A yasuo fan boy couldn't care less what else is on the team; he's playing yas. Mentioning it in chat does not go well, most of the time; it basically tilts people before the game even begins.

    Out of frustration at one point I switched from my normal ADC to zyra, just so that the team wasn't 100% AD damage. I had some experience with zyra as a support pick, so I knew my buttons. I played a safe lane, and even though the enemy packed on a lot of armour, I was able to cut through it at the end of the game as help us score a win.

    It's become something of a tech pick now, and I recommend other ADCs give it a shot under very specific circumstances. If top, mid, and jungle are all playing heavy AD champs, and you see anything on the enemy team that might build armour, slip in that AP carry. Maybe a Zyra, a Xerath, I suspect Syndra or Oriana might work. It's not going to smash lane most of the time, but I guarantee it will be more useful late game than an ADC that's spamming shots until two full armour tanks.

    submitted by /u/shaidyn
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    Why are midlaners only playing assassins now?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 02:48 PM PST

    I'm in gold1 elo at the moment, and of the past 20 games I've played mid, only 1 single opponent hasn't been an assassin. I've been playing since season 2 and while assassins have always been popular, I've never noticed them being THIS popular.

    Anyone got a reason why they're so popular now? Items made them better than last season?

    Also fuck me is veigar into kat a hard fucking match up.

    submitted by /u/_Beardy
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    How do you lane against Yasuo?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 02:23 PM PST

    Hi, this is especially about yasuo in the botlane

    I have no idea how to play against him, not even what good picks are against him. Everything in his kit makes me super frustrated.

    I can't land skillshots because he has a million dashes that I can't all keep track of, and these dashes seem to have a huge range.

    I cant poke him in any way because he has a passive shield.

    I can't ever position safely because of his million dashes.

    If I pick ranged into yasuo he always dashes into melee without problem, might as well pick melee. And if I pick melee I still feel so much weaker compared to him.

    Any help on how to deal with yas in lane is super appreciated, ty.

    submitted by /u/Mc_Johnsen
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    what was the correct move?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 05:23 AM PST

    i was lux sup (silver), game kinda lost: at some point no turret in bot was destroied (both teams) but they took mid&top inibitor. enemy sett 13-1, our irelia 1-11, they took two inibitor and baron but we survived, inibitor respawned irelia started to get fed thanks to multiple "our whole team vs 1".

    i think that i was the "carry" of that game (also nasus), our adc didn't do much early game (die or recall because low hp) while i got some kills.

    late game: we got all three enemy inibitors, our inibitors were all safe (but we had no turrets except bot inibitor turret), we also got one final turret and we had infernal soul.

    i was dead (the only one dead): and one of my team wrote "wait for lux, she is absolutly necessary, than all mid and end", i was super happy that finally someone recognized that i'm useful, if i do bad game as adc i usually get 2 honor, if i do epic game as lux i get 0 honor...

    final fight: at this point both teams were even and could easilly kill the other, we were not behind anymore. i had one piece/rod of rabadon and needed like about 300/400 gold to get second piece+rabadon itself (all other slots were used so i couldn't buy second rod even with money), all lanes pushed, inibitor were almost respawning, 30 sec from baron (and 2 min for elder probably).

    i pinged baron but it was a bit late and everyone were mid just waiting the right moment to engage and i was happy that someone recognized that i was useful, so i thought "why not? let's try", they also said focus ashe but i said focus sett first and than ashe.

    we were all mid in front of enemy base walking a bit back and forth waiting for the correct moment to engage, meanwhile our jungler decided that it was the perfect moment to go "afk" and farm 3 wolf... '-_-

    luckily enemy did not engage in that moment. anyway at some point there is an engage, sett uses a random ally to use that move that jumps back with the ally (R?) and than oneshot me/our backlane since now he is near to me.

    i used full combo on enemy team before sett managed to do this but with me dead i couldn't root dangerous people and shield ally so we were all killed quickly and they won (respawn timer was long).

    i think that doing baron was the right move because even if inibitor respawn all lanes were pushed, they could contest it but we were in a better position, with baron i could have finished rabadon and ally probably could have got something+super minions...

    the problem is: what if the difference was from "all mid teamfight" to "all baron teamfight"?

    we probably get oneshotted in a different position...

    so what was the correct move as team and for me?

    as a team i'd say "get baron, recall, get items, push all lanes without fighting, regroup after all lanes are pushed, fight (with minions) and end".

    another possibility was roam somewhere and hope to find some enemy alone and kill him, this is how we got back into this super lsot game.

    for me i have no idea... i was back in a safe position before sett jumped behind our team using an ally.

    if i stay more far than that i can't do anything except R.

    how do you get baron? since i'm lux and i can't do much damage to baron i try to mainly shield ally, use E on baron but keep Q for enemy, i also try to check the area (same goes for drake) to stop people coming and prevent them from stealing. i think that my main job is not getting/damaging baron or drake but more defend it while ally are doing it (wards, root, zoning out with E...).

    submitted by /u/aluxmain
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