• Breaking News

    Tuesday, December 15, 2020

    League of Legends Uzi 1v2 outplay on Varus

    League of Legends Uzi 1v2 outplay on Varus

    Uzi 1v2 outplay on Varus

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 10:00 AM PST

    Why you should always pick your champ based on the first event in Nexus Blitz

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 08:52 AM PST

    Mordekaiser Traditional Skin

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 06:34 AM PST

    Mordekaiser Traditional Skin

    Hi everyone ! That's me again and I hope you'll guys and girls are ready for the next one, if I say "Rock, Metal" who do you think about :) ? yes you're right. I'VE DONE MORDEKAISER.
    And I really hope you'll enjoy him, his armor was kinda hard to paint haha but was really cool to make also !
    ( Painting and photo manipulation over the original in-game model from Riot Games )

    See you soon !


    submitted by /u/TorokArt
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    Sooo the chariot scales with whoever gets in first....

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 10:42 PM PST

    I wish Xin Zhao was more than just a lvl 2 spam ganker that scales horribly.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 09:10 AM PST

    One thing i hate about Xin Zhao's rework is how it shifted him to an early game AD fighter from an on-hit one. All his ratio became Bonus AD from Total AD, added a new skill thats scales off AD and nerfed his base atk speed.

    He was also one of the few champs (or the only one idk) where his pickrate dipped HARD, like super hard, after his mini rework in S7. Now he barely holds a 1% pick rate and his winrate ranges from 48 to 50%.

    In this clip, Riot August talks about Wukong and lastly about Xin Zhao, and he says that old Xin Zhao wasn't for everyone, then new Xin Zhao isn't for anyone.

    If players are dropping him, maybe his rework wasn't succesful? Changes to mordenise him and adding skill expression just made players not play him and drop him.

    When was the last time u saw Xin Zhao in your games?

    He was pretty strong in the scuttle meta where he got nerfed twice, almost halving his passive ad scaling (from 20/40/60/80% to 15/25/35/45%).

    Why pick him over anything? He doesn't provide utility or is tank enough like Jarvan since his ult circle is pretty big and if u get knocked away, you can just walk into it super easily and kill him. He isn't a real threat to the enemy backline like a Jax or Camille.

    If u didn't get at least 2 or 3 kills by minute 5 you can just ff ig.

    A shift of power to a more mid game/late game oriented and more fluid gameplay (his W roots him, is super thin and u need 140% bonus atk speed just to reduce its cast time) and build diversity (he doesn't work as a onhit champ like Master Yi, his W doesn't proc on hit effect but more than half of Katarina abilities can lol)

    I love Xin Zhao, he is one of my favourite champs along side Wukong, and it's sad to see how he just isn't fun as he used to be.

    submitted by /u/MyLifeIsStrangeLikeM
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    C9 Perkz got his visa approved!

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 02:16 AM PST


    Glad that we don't have a situation similar to Broxah with Team Liquid last year, that was really unfortunate. Perkz gets to practice in person with the team in time for the LCS Lock-in tournament at the beginning of 2021.

    submitted by /u/Etherealizee
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    Pyke and Kassadin on the same brainwave

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 09:56 AM PST

    The autofill protection should be changed to trigger after filling or playing JUNGLE instead of support

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 08:44 AM PST

    At this point it's easier to find a game as a jungler than finding one as support. Support has turned from being a unpopular role to being somewhat favored.

    Plus chosing to fill will more often than not put you into the junglers shoes than anything else. It has come to a point where I'm genuinely surprised whenever I get assigned something other than jungle.

    submitted by /u/redditsucksdiscs
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    Patch 11.1 Preview

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 05:15 PM PST

    Riot Scruffy Tweeted the upcoming changes for patch 11.1

    Very early Patch Preview for 11.1:

    There's still likely some additions coming in January after we see how things go over the rest of the month.

    Also re-sharing the burst shift we're doing to transfer some of the up front burst into stats.

    We didn't like the way the previous Muramana change (only procs on physical spells) was impacting the patterns of many of its core users like Ezreal, Corki, and others.

    So we're reverting that change and doing a simpler nerf to the item to bring it into balance.

    Image version of the changes: https://i.imgur.com/a8y5N2j.png & https://i.imgur.com/naroDV7.png

    >>> Items Buffs <<<

    Grevious Wounds items

    • Debuff Duration: 2s >>> 3s

    Shurelia's Battlesong

    • Active movement speed: 40% >>> 60%

    Arcangel's Staff

    • AP: 60 >>> 65

    • Sapphire crystal replaced with Amp Tome in build path

    Ionian Boots of Lucidity

    • Ability Haste: 15 >>> 20

    >>> Item Adjustments <<<

    Shifting burst into stats

    • Duskblade of Draktharr, Prowler's Claw, Hextech Rocketbelt, Night Harvester, Trinity Force, Goredrinker, Stridebreaker

    Runaan's Hurricane

    • Cost: 3400 >>> 2500g

    • AD: 25 >>> 0

    • Passive bolts: 40-70% >>> 40% of attack damage

    • Pickaxe replaced with Dagger in build path


    • [REMOVED] Shock only applies to physical spells

    • Total Cost: 2600 >>> 2900

    • Sapphire crystal >>> longsword in build path

    • Shock passive damage: 4% >>> 2.5% Mana

    • Awe passive: 2% >>> 2.5% mana converted to AD

    >>> Champion Nerfs <<<

    Master Yi


    • Cooldown: 18-14 >>> 18-16



    • Cooldown: 9-7 >>> 10-8


    Base stats

    • Health Regen: 10 >>> 9


    • Empowered AD scaling: 135-165% >>> 120-165%

    >>> Champion Buffs <<<



    • Mana cost: 40 >>> 40-32


    Base stats

    • HP Regen: 8.5 >>> 9

    • HP Regen per lvl: 0.65 >>> 0.9

    • AD: 64 >>> 66



    • Cooldown: 12-8 >>> 10-8

    • Mana cost: 40 >>> 30



    • Shield base: 80-200 >>> 80-240



    • Mega Q Damage: 5-165 >>> 25-205

    • Mega Q slow: 15-35 >> 30-50%


    • Mega E dash range: 600 >>> 675

    • Mini E attack speed: 4s >>> 6s duration

    >>> Champion Adjustments <<<



    • Crit bonus: 100% >>> 150%

    • Crit conversion: 1% crit - 0.5 AD >>> 1% > 0.4 AD

    Base stats

    • AD per lvl: 3.2 >>> 2.2



    • Crit bonus: 100% >>> 150%

    • Crit conversion: 1% crit - 0.5 AD >>> 1% > 0.4 AD

    Base stats

    • AD per lvl: 3 >>> 2
    submitted by /u/MonstrousYi
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    Today I learned what a Syzygy was

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 11:51 AM PST

    I spent half a game confused as to why my Orn kept spamming "what the fuck is a Syzygy" and I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about until he upgraded my Eclipse.

    A Syzygy, or as my teammates pronounce it, a zig ziggy, is a conjunction or opposition, especially of the moon with the sun.

    Really cool to see this from riot, sorry that no one plays Orn or I would have seen this weeks sooner https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Eclipse#Syzygy

    edit: it is pronounced sizijē

    submitted by /u/the_e4_mafia
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    New Lunar New Year skins based on TFT mid set update leaks

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 11:33 AM PST


    Seems like Neeko, Cho'Gath and Nautilus are getting a new year skin, don't know about the last one though.

    Source : https://imgur.com/a/NZLlvD9

    submitted by /u/Yumihaa
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    Jankos reviews G2's 2020, why he has changed his IGN to G2 BudgetCanyon, his future bucket list including beating Damwon, beating Faker (again), winning Worlds, and inspiring the future generation: "You could say that I'd like to be like a grandpa, who was guiding the younger generation."

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 06:29 AM PST

    Rell was supposed to feel heavy, but instead she just feels clunky

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 10:36 AM PST

    League has a number of champs who feel like there's a weight to them, lumbering juggernauts who might be a little slower, but who have a ton of weight behind their attacks and abilities.

    Illaoi, Mordekaiser, Nasus, or Darius would fit into this theme. Big bodies with big swings to match. You could even include someone like Taric in this group too, who has a time delay on both his most defining spells - his spells are a little slower, but his melee attacks hit like a truck.

    All of the above champs deliver on the fantasy of the lumbering behemoth... they all feel like they have a much heavier footprint in the game. Personally I love these kinds of champs. I'm a support main who loves slow beefy champs, and if there was ever a world where Darius support was ever a viable thing, I would never stop playing him.

    When you look at a champ like Rell, you can see that the "heavy" fantasy was kind of what Riot was going for, but the mechanics of her kit feel clunky.

    She has the typical slow windup on her abilities and auto attacks, and that all makes sense. Her leap is hugely telegraphed, and is easily sidestepped / dodged / flashed. That's all fine.

    The main thing that makes Rell feel so clunky is the crippling movement speed debuff whenever you aren't mounted. Her dismounted form is so bad because of how slow she's forced to walk - It feels like she's permanently in Singed's adhesive.

    And then Rell's ultimate feels like it it was supposed to have some gravitational / magnetic vortex feel to it, but in application, enemies can just walk out of it. It can't even cancel an MF ultimate. The impact of Rell's R feels weaker than Cassiopeia's Miasma.

    Rell doesn't feel like a beefy champ throwing their weight around - She feels like she's overly encumbered by having put too much armor on.

    And honestly it really baffles me that when Riot wants to, they can make a champ kit that includes this severe of built-in drawbacks, while at the same time just crank out champs with solved kits like Akali, Azir, Pyke, Yasuo, Aphelios etc.

    submitted by /u/Josh_Sand
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    Katarina's Newest Skin is the Final Blow Towards Gun Goddess Miss Fortune

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 01:53 PM PST

    Ever since patch 10.25 has hit the live servers with the new Battle Queen skin line, there is one thing that has got me thinking lately.

    As most of you may know, Katarina has received a legendary tier Battle Queen skin, with 6 different colored daggers. No animation will change depending on the dagger being used, however Katarina's skills' colors will. Also, they have sort of an in-game progression where a new dagger will be unlocked every 3 takedowns.

    ... Well... Gun Goddess Miss Fortune, an ultimate skin, has no in-game progression and only 4 different guns to choose from. Which will only change the effects' colors.

    Putting both side-to-side, I don't see a reason why Gun Goddess MF should still be worth 2775 RP, or even be classified as an ultimate skin to begin with. The only difference that benefits MF's skin being some changes in the character's model for each weapon, but still... a 955 RP difference?

    Ultimate skins should be few, extremely rare and very rewarding once acquired, that's a fact. However, once a legendary skin beats an ultimate one in terms of quality, something's really off.

    submitted by /u/GalaxyVic03
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    my attempt at cosplaying spirit blossom ahri! (IG: kyumibuns)

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 06:40 AM PST

    my attempt at cosplaying spirit blossom ahri! (IG: kyumibuns)

    I never purchased a skin faster than spirit blossom ahri! She's one of my favorite champions so I just had to cosplay her :3 It was also my first time making a fur tail ~ SO FLUFFY!! I'm planning on cosplaying her KDA All Out skin next :D

    if you want to follow my work, you can catch me on instagram!

    PC: diefenbach_photographic | Coser: kyumibuns




    submitted by /u/sojutears
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    I would like you to enjoy this move by a mechanically advanced champion.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 04:05 AM PST

    12/15 PBE Update: More Tentative Balance Changes

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 02:14 PM PST

    Imperial Muramana Ashe

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 07:11 AM PST

    10 golden seconds

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 12:48 AM PST

    2021 LEC Spring Start Date - Jan 22

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 04:13 AM PST

    Gold dive in its natural habitat...

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 08:44 AM PST

    When you teammates refuse to be carried

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 10:58 AM PST

    One Last Try | G2 2020 Worlds Documentary Trailer

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 09:00 AM PST

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