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    Friday, January 22, 2021

    LoL Guide Be careful if you buy Guardian Angel as Viego!

    LoL Guide Be careful if you buy Guardian Angel as Viego!

    Be careful if you buy Guardian Angel as Viego!

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 11:21 AM PST

    Hey everyone, I wanted to create a post to warn you about this.

    If you buy Guardian Angel (GA) on Viego, you get other champ's soul, and you die, your GA will not activate as you are him! So be careful with it!

    Watch out fellow summoners, and stay safe!

    submitted by /u/Frucoarht
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    Why don’t we do 2v2 mid lane?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 10:17 PM PST

    i tried to google and look through this sub but couldn't find anything that wasn't discussing 2v1 mid lane and it's dynamics.

    why is the core meta that 2v2 is in bot lane? i understand dragon priority. but what else defines the need for the adc and support champion to be locked to the bottom lane? and in reverse, what are the key factors mages benefit from in mid lane?

    submitted by /u/_rapids
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    How come Renekton’s played so much in pro play?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 12:48 PM PST

    There's been a Renekton top in basically every LEC game today. Renekton overall doesn't seem to have an outstanding winrate and he has a lot of counters, so why is he picked so much? He also doesn't seem to have much utility outside of his W cc for .75/1.5 seconds and his decent tanking with R, so aren't there other, much better picks?

    submitted by /u/NoSignal925
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    A handy resource for all the Cut Down fans

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 08:05 PM PST

    Hey there fellow summoners,

    So I play bot lane, and my main is Caitlyn, who tends to synergize well with Cut Down because she has the lowest base HP of all marksmen. But I don't always go Cut Down, because (1) Coup De Grace can give that little extra oomph to my ult, and (2) I don't know the Base HP of every single marksmen. I know same of the ones with high HP, and same thing for supports.

    But I decided to fix that! And I figured I would share the resource with anyone else who likes running Cut Down. I created a Google Sheet with the base HP of *every* single champion in the game (yes, even Viego) on the first sheet, along with a second sheet that has just bot laners and supports. It also has an area that reminds you of the HP modifiers of starting items, warding items, and mythics that certain champs in our lane may be inclined to run.

    Here is the link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ETXoDxcidMw4X_dwrN8iCyA1FERVIeuAZbckZjbZQwg/edit?usp=sharing

    Hope this helps some people, and good luck on the rift!

    EDIT: A very helpful commenter noticed something odd about Syndra's HP, so there was a slight mistake in the list, but I have fixed it. Double checked HP numbers for MF and everyone after, they are correct, so there should not be any more issues.

    I also added Lillia and Lissandra, who were not on the list I used.

    submitted by /u/shadows_of_liberty
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    Climbing from Iron 1 (Week 1)

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 07:19 AM PST


    In an attempt to document my progress climbing this season, every Friday I'll post in this Subreddit documenting some progress and setting a goal for the next week in an attempt to become a better player.

    First week was reasonably successful. Played okay and got into Bronze after spamming a series of games over the past two days. I finished Bronze 1 last season, so I expect to be back up there pretty soon.

    Currently maining Diana in the midlane with Irelia as a backup, and playing Hecarim in the jungle if someone else wants to play mid, or if I get filled jg. I'd like to add a third AP midlane champ into my lineup as most comps are heavy AD. Have been having some fun with Syndra, however she isn't a carry like Diana or Ekko, which I need to play in order to win. I'd enjoy some recommendations. I'm gonna play around with Ekko in some norms today, see how I like him.

    Goals for next week: I won't list any LP goals because games are quite coinflip in low elo as teams are usually quite bad, so I'll just have some general goals to make myself a better player.

    1. Better CS. Farm is important, and I'm not too good at it. Will always push the wave before a roam, take more JG camps from bad junglers, and pick up the sidelane more often when it is appropriate.
    2. More productive roams. In coinflip games, I have had previous success snowballing other lanes to improve my chance at winning, so I will focus on taking advantage of bad roaming champs in lane matchups, as well as watching flash timers.
    submitted by /u/Lyan27
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    Tips for laning against Ahri? (As Kat/Irelia/Trist)

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 12:34 PM PST

    So Ahri's supposed to be a free win for all of the champs I play (Katarina/Irelia/Tristana) but I very rarely win lane against her and she tilts me out of my mind. 99% of Ahri players even in bronze and silver will hold charm until I engage onto them giving them a free trade. I'll weave in and out of minions to try and bait it but they always always hold it. I know I can E over it as Katarina but it's pretty unreactable so I need to hard read it (which will get me killed if I don't read her timing right). She's just so damn safe I feel like I have to just farm passively, but because of her Q poke and sustain and her being a ranged champ I just get out cs'd massively and risk being poked out of lane as she slow pushes giant wave after giant wave into my tower and she wins lane that way. On top of all that she's pretty much unkillable at 6 and onward. She feels like a safer, more mobile, easier to play Zoe (who I also have similar issues trying to fight against).

    submitted by /u/EonXII
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    Good streamers to watch to learn?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 09:31 AM PST

    I usually watch Lathyrus and Lacerration. What I like about them is that they often play while narrating the game, explaying what they're doing, why did they do something, what could have happen, etc. They're also very good challenger players. Are there more streamers like that?

    submitted by /u/SauloJr
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    New Player Needs Help

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 07:53 AM PST

    Hi r/summonerschool, I recently started playing League and I think it's pretty fun. But I only play against bots because I'm really bad, there seems to be an endless amount of information I need to know to be good at the game but I'm not sure where to get it.

    If someone could possibly teach me or just give me some tips that would be great, thanks!

    submitted by /u/8DireRaven8
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    Questions about split pushing and lane swapping

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 12:33 PM PST

    Hey I've been playing this game for 2 months now but these two things always confuse me to no end. What makes a good split vs a bad split? I generally go for a split under the following criteria: No one on my team is extremely behind, I am playing a champion who is able to split push effectively, the rest of my team has a solid disengage/engage tool, or if the enemy team fight is bad. A lot of the times though I feel like it doesn't work out, a fight somehow breaks out whether it being someone being picked going to jg or getting caught out by an engage, leading to a 4v5 team fight. Anything I can improve here? It's to the point when I just don't bother anymore and just passively push lanes until an objective comes up. This is silver 1 btw.

    Also lane swapping, I have no clue when or how to go about that or why it's strong. It just requires a top/mid owner who can 1v2 right? I don't see the inherent benefit in it though so if someone could explain more of the strategy behind it that would be great. I just see it happen very rarely and have no clue how to play with it as the jungler.

    submitted by /u/SFWApple
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    Demotion between Tiers

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 11:59 AM PST

    Hi all, I just started playing this year and just hit gold 4 for the first time and am rather happy about it. I want to keep playing, but I lost a couple games off the hop and am now at 0 lp, and am no longer playing because I do not want to demote to silver again. How safe am I between the tiers to play?

    submitted by /u/NordSquideh
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    Few questions

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 09:11 AM PST

    Hi, I'm new to league and got a few questions.

    For the build order, do I focus on just building one item at a time or should I try to get multiple? I see people having more than 1 item from a tree sometimes.

    Do I build boots first? Does it depend on the character?

    I've been playing top lately. Do I do any camps while in lane or maybe at the start of the game? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/mjmc001
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    How to play Talon into other assassins?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 11:54 AM PST

    I'm trying to learn to play assassins in the midlane so I started with Talon, but I keep having to play against other assassins/melee champs and getting shit on in lane. I played one game against Viego and could hardly even walk up to minions because he would stab me through them and then look for a stun. My jg ended up dying to him three times so I couldn't even hang out in lane because he would approach from camouflage and then kill me off of a stun. Later I played against Yone and I all in'd on level 2 like I thought I was supposed to but he ended up killing me just before I could finish him. Afterwards I could never push because he could engage on me from half a lane away and combo me to death.

    I hear the way you're supposed to play Talon is to all in at level 2 then shove and roam but I keep finding that a) I somehow lack the damage to kill other assassins before they kill me at level 2 and b) I get outpoked before I can even get CS

    What do I do to not roll over and die in lane every time?

    submitted by /u/kiptronics
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    Problems with climbing in soloque

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 02:00 PM PST

    So I noticed this season that I lose a lot of games compared to every other season. I always was in Gold Elo with a positive winrate like 60-70% I would say i was a average-good player. Now i didnt play for like 2 months and i instantly started with ranked. Right now I stand at 2 wins and 9 loses and I have noticed that games are like way more onesided this season and there is like no chance to comeback. Did anyone of you make the same experience that this season is kinda different, probably because of the items I suppose ? I definitly got worse but still I never had a season where I had that many loses at the start.

    Thanks for you answers !

    submitted by /u/helpmelol213115
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    When do you recall and reset after killing an enemy?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 11:30 AM PST

    I just started playing league again, about a month before preseason kicks in. I'm just at low elo, Silver I last season, starts at Bronze I now after a ranked game.

    I just started to improve my macro gaming such as wave management and resetting. I hope improving general skills on the game instead of champion-focused will help me get Gold for the juicy Victorious rewards (thats my only goal for climbing, as since s3 I'm just playing normals and now just customs to practice techniques first before testing in pvp).

    So I've seen some videos on yt about resetting after a kill to "secure" or kinda like "save" your game. I get this, like winning a 1v1 top lane and then enemy jungler is ganking bot so youre safe to push the wave and then back to reset. But what if you just got back to your lane, killed the enemy, and your health is almost, if not full. Your gold is at around 300 atm from the kill. Based on my knowledge (and probably, what I'll do), I'll just freeze the wave if its near my tower/going towards our side. But what should I do if the wave is pushing towards the enemy or is in the enemy side? Should I push the enemy wave and get some platings maybe + try to 1v1 jungler if he came? Or play safe if enemy jungler is missing on the map?

    I know this is very situational but giving basic knowledge or some sample situations is very welcomed. I'm after all, just a casual player that wants to improve.

    Thank you so much guys!

    Edit: I mostly play top and sometimes mid, Idk if same rules apply to bot lane as 2 people are there so idk. I almost always playing at solo lanes.

    submitted by /u/Autumist
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    It's all about the wave: How to play around bot

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 09:15 AM PST

    My diamond jg friend said he wanted to learn how to play around bot lane. He said he doesn't have much experience ganking bot lane and diving especially. In the previous season he ignored bot lane completely because he felt like it was irrelevant. His opinion of S11 is that only bot lane matters and I figured I would put some thoughts out there for any junglers who wanted advice.

    The most important thing to think about bot lane is the state of the wave. Is it pushing? In which direction?

    How low are the enemy champions and what summoners have been used.

    The idea is that if you have a wave that is slow pushing into the enemy team, you want it to crash into the enemy turret every time. When the wave crashes into the enemy turret you can: 1. Take plates, 2. Dive for kills, 3. Zone farm and xp, 4. Invade jungle, 5. Take dragon.

    Sometimes the only thing you can do is get deep vision in the enemy jungle but it will atleast give you an idea to where the enemy jungle is.

    Being botside when the wave is pushing into the turret is the only thing that I really ask for as an ADC.

    I have to think about a few things: 1. Where is enemy jungler, 2. Where is enemy mid, 3. Who has teleport?

    When I slow push a wave and I can't answer 1 or 2, it's hard for me to crash the wave into turret, It's dangerous for me to walk into river and ward, and it's easy enough for the enemy to freeze the lane outside of their turret.

    If I commit to get the wave into their turret, I could get ganked and lose out on any advantages I may have.

    This is where the jungler comes in.

    If I have a stacked wave and I get ganked, my jungler can 3v3 and use the minion advantage to win the fight. If we match TP for TP then we can also win the fight.

    If I don't get help while I push out a stacked wave it will generally go to waste unless I have full vision of their mid and jungle.

    submitted by /u/jubilee414404
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    Bot Lane help vs Pantheon

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 10:46 AM PST

    I am completely at a loss on how to win lane against a Pantheon bot. It seems like in every game, once he gets his point-and-click stun, any botlaner that isn't a tank gets immediately melted with no chance of counterplay aside from standing so far back that panth couldn't possibly reach them, but then you lose dozens of farm and he gets items first and wins anyway.

    I have no idea what to do.

    submitted by /u/bradjmath
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    Is it possible to not do a standard comp?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 07:54 AM PST

    I only started playing league a few months ago and I know the roles in draft are locked to top,mid,jgl,not and support.

    I was wondering if any other comp was viable. Like maybe 1/1/1 with two jungler supports. Have each jungler take one quadrant then recall and get a support item then go to a side lane making a top lane 2v1.

    submitted by /u/Proflucifer
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    I just can't seem to get out of bronze.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 04:22 PM PST

    Honestly I dont know what to do. I've been playing off and on since at least season 4. I must have logged at least a thousand hours in to this game. I just don't know what I'm doing wrong. I've been playing a shit ton, I have the experience, I know what lanes I like, I have certain champs I think I'm at least decent with and yet I never seem to improve.

    Check my op.gg below if you want to, Idk what to say. Any help?


    submitted by /u/G0d3ater
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    why isnt pantheon picked this season in pro

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 04:00 PM PST

    im talking about solo lane pantheon. mid and top pantheon. so far in all pro games ive watched this season he is mostly picked in the jungle.

    top lane is a little obvious, he cant dps tanks and bruisers, and his r isnt as useful as in mid.

    but why isnt he played in midlane? midlane he can roam with ease, has zero bad melee matchups and many mages are easy af matchups like zoe and syndra (press e and win every trade). who are his bad matchups mid in the current pro meta?

    submitted by /u/Tabletdogs
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    Are skillshots that only hit one target considered single target spells (for omnivamp healing)?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 03:58 PM PST

    I know about targeted spells like irelia Q or katarina E but what about ezreal Q, sylas E2 or some hooks like blitz', nauti's ect?

    Also in the reverse way. Zyra plants only hit a single target but when i asked about it last year in their subreddit Iwas told it's considered AOE.

    How about azir for example? his soldiers auto attacks are considered spells but he uses a single target command to do AOE damage.

    And at last. How about yasuo q and katarina daggers which are AOE spells but are (in yasuo's case) considered an autoattack or (in katarina's case) deal on-hit, a single target effect, as AOE

    Sorry for my English and ty to everyone who has read it.

    submitted by /u/ice_wallow_qhum
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    Help me improve my VODs for esports students

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 03:54 PM PST

    Hey all, I coach High School esports. I decided to start making VODs for my students to try and learn from by using their favorite champions. Here is one I did with Pantheon Jungle: https://youtu.be/fRP33gqCHcU

    Any ideas you guys have for improvement would be great. They did ask for me to add text so that they can watch the videos without sounds and still get the info. But if you guys think I should also add voice commentary let me know ( I felt it would be redundant ).

    submitted by /u/phorezkin3000
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    Is it viable to build Lethality and Crit simultaneously?! Please Help?!

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 11:42 AM PST

    Haven't managed to get an answer or see anything else on the internet as to why it shouldn't be done?

    I'm asking because I wanted to try building Umbral Glaive on Senna into a full Crit build, are there reasons why this is in-efficient and shouldn't be done? Let me know as I have no clue!

    Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/cl0ux
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    As a Jungle Main, Do You Think it Would be Unwise to Play Ranked Today?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 07:39 AM PST

    I'm trying to do this thing where I see how high I can rank up this season by playing every Friday but with Viego just having come out I'm not sure if I should be avoiding ranked until the hype around him dies down. Just figured I'd ask, thank you for any responses!

    submitted by /u/SketchtheHunter
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    Looking for assistance to get better; Not knowing how to win.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 11:23 AM PST

    hey there, i have recently taken back to LoL (love the game, the style, the concept) but i cannot seem to win as much as i want to. there are games where i am doing poorly and i am the one at fault (100% agree with myself as i do not bm anyone else) then there are games where i am doing poorly but am not at fault (i.e., bott lane goes 0-12; 0/6 - 0/6 each) and cannot scale hard enough.

    there are also games where i have done well but was carried and done well due to me being able to finally do something well enough (my last ekko game for example).

    what i am trying to learn is, how do i transition from what i am doing currently to winning? these are the things i focus on as a top laner;

    1. focus on cs
    2. focus on poke if i can (after cs)
    3. try to make sure my top lane stays with me in lane
    4. try to play safe enough at times when i see 1+ ganks top side (i have been camped far too often which i will describe below)
    5. i tend to /mute all so as to not allow myself or anyone else to affect another with bm
    6. i tend to ping as much as i can with assist/missing/danger/wards or vision
    7. some games i am able to ward well enough for the brush/herald - other times i am either too pushed or too scared because of multiple ganks

    things i know i lack;

    1. team fight scope on certain champions (i struggle to focus down some enemy combatants on carries and tanks as when i engage i feel like i am alone in a 1v5 (i.e., some of my renekton games) and the enemy 5v1 engages me
    2. i struggle to understand when to back (i have backed with low hp but without vision and no tp i lose out on creeps/tower damage as i often find myself backing out of fear) - i am trying to get better but its hard
    3. mini-map focus is an issue at times when i am in the thick of things (i.e., a 2v1 gank) not sure how i can be as good as the diamond+ players who have an idea of what is going on everywhere
    4. i do not know the amount of damage it takes at times (i am trying to learn the burst/spikes but cannot seem to get there just yet) to finish an enemy (i.e., too many ignites without kills)

    now rather than say its all my team's fault, i realize there are games where i am the sole problem (i.e., my last yasuo game. i went 1-8 at the end of it all. went 0-1/0-2/1-2 with winning top lane with my jg, but the enemy kat was really big (10-1 at the time) and when i tried to assist after my enemy top laner was constantly roaming, i was blown up hard.) (fyi, post game i got flamed for 1-8 while no one made a comment on my bott lane 2-10 or jg 5-10, but even then, the evidence suggests that i underperformed.)

    however, is there a way to make sure i am consistently doing the right thing to win games? im not sure what this means exactly as i often find myself having to play passive and farm when another enemy is big - but the enemy hard-pushes to win (diving towers/2v1/constant roams/etc.) when i am ahead and attempt this, it is almost always a 2v1/3v1 (the last ekko game was just that. i had a lot of them try to come stop me alone so i tried to play as defensively and passive as i could by looking for chances to poke or 100-0). ((for anyone wondering, my last game was where the enemy jg tp'd on me and killed me in mid as i had no awareness while i was focused on trying to get vision on baron through the minimap. i think that was 100% my fault and not sure how to maneuver with the minimap + game at the same time. once that kill came in, the rest of my team died and the enemy team pushed straight mid to end.)

    my profile is here; https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=zionics

    my champ pool = renekton/ekko/ashe/tristana/lux/ez/

    submitted by /u/Zionics
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