LoL Guide Challenger Ultimate Kha’Zix Guide for anyone who wants to pick up and learn! |
- Challenger Ultimate Kha’Zix Guide for anyone who wants to pick up and learn!
- Best thing to help you climb in Ranked and improve.
- ADC feels much better when you duo with a support
- Don't overextend with objectives up.
- Can someone explain the jungle penalties for taking lane minions?
- Why your jungler is unable to secure dragons and how you can help them.
- Vision Score Explained
- Are there such things as invisible bounties?
- Top lane drafting theory
- Beginner ezreal questions
- Taking TP AND Ignite Top lane
- How to roam in low elo?
- How can I convince my friends that always buying control wards are important?
- Don't Gank Akali
- Is jannas shield even useful?
- Catching side waves as a support?
- Advice for a new player who is playing with more experienced people
- Supports touching the wave.
- Need Help Improving as an ADC
- Good Team Comps Season 11
- Jungle Macro/Pathing Help
- Trying to improve and winrate dropping drastically normal?
Challenger Ultimate Kha’Zix Guide for anyone who wants to pick up and learn! Posted: 05 Jan 2021 08:03 AM PST Hello there, My name is Sybr and for those who might not know me, I'm a multiple season Challenger Kha'Zix main on the NA server, currently, I am 704 LP Challenger. I have created an Ultimate Kha'Zix Guide that contains almost all the information you will need to learn for Kha'Zix for anyone that has an interest in Kha'Zix. The video link is here: Feel free to ask me any questions during this post or comment on YouTube, I will gladly help out! [link] [comments] |
Best thing to help you climb in Ranked and improve. Posted: 05 Jan 2021 12:56 PM PST I know you're not gonna believe it and might click off the post when i say this but your Attitude towards the game is gonna determine how you climb, it's gonna contribute a lot to it indirectly. To explain more, what you can do when you're grinding ranked games is try and think about your own performance rather than the game result and what your team has done, everyone gets into losing streaks where it feels like no matter what you do you're gonna lose, but if you just think to yourself about everything you did and the mistakes you made, whether it was being caught once randomly after having a very good game, a macro or micro missplay, every little thing you should think about and not care about lp but instead how much you improved. Even if deep down you know that it wasn't your fault you lost, you need to enforce the mindset that you need to play near perfect, not make a single big mistake. And even if you feel like you played perfect and still lost, you shouldn't be mad or angry, but rather satisfied that you played out an entire game just like you wanted to and that you're very happy with your performance and are noticing yourself improving more. By having this attitude not only do you help yourself improve more because of focusing only on yourself, but you'll most likely also tilt way less and want to play more games, and we all know the best way to improve is just play and grind a lot of games and learn from your mistakes, or from being in those situations by yourself. Having things like farming be a thing you don't even have to focus on from how much you're used to it, and enforcing a mindset of constantly thinking about the game and the right decision, knowing the limits of the champions you play and the champions you're laning against, or just playing against in general. TL;DR : By having a positive attitude and focusing on yourself only you're more likely to improve yourself, and indirectly you also improve by just wanting to play more games and grind solo queue. [link] [comments] |
ADC feels much better when you duo with a support Posted: 04 Jan 2021 06:36 PM PST Hey Reddit! I just feel like voicing an opinion of mine because of how happy I am right now. I haven't felt like I had this much impact in the ADC role in a long time. Pretty much I met some person online and we synergize very well in botlane and it makes the role feel so much stronger. Even if I'm behind I still feel like I can have an impact because we communicate with each other over voice comms and we help each other out for example him peeling a zed off of me. It actually makes me feel like I'm in an LCS game because of how synergized we are. It kind of made me realize that maybe this role specifically is meant to be played with a duo. Maybe duo queue overall is broken and mid with jng is more broken than duo with support but I'm definetly enjoying the role more with a duo and I highly suggest finding a support or adc that synergizes well with you! [link] [comments] |
Don't overextend with objectives up. Posted: 05 Jan 2021 10:19 AM PST This is something i've noticed happen a lot in my games on either end, and its a team having 3 drakes, and having the soul spawn soon or already spawned, and them going to the enemy base which has all inhibs down and is getting 5 man defended just to fight cause they are stronger. In theory yes you still have a very good chance to win because you're stronger but its way better to just stop the greed and head to the objective, whether its a drake soul or a baron or even both, since the chances of them contesting will be as low and most likely even lower. And it just makes your chances of actually winning the game higher. I know this sounds like something obvious and it feels dumb that im posting it here but i've lost so much lp in high diamond because of stuff like this so i feel like i had to post about it. TL:DR : If you have a free chance to make your odds of winning higher, dont get greedy and just go take that objective for free, no matter how ahead you feel you are. [link] [comments] |
Can someone explain the jungle penalties for taking lane minions? Posted: 05 Jan 2021 11:52 AM PST Does this never go away? I just started playing jungle in Gold 4 and I have no idea how to track when I'm going to get a jungle penalty or not. Also, do I get it because I took smite or because I took the jungle item? I can't find anything halfway related to it anywhere in-game. And then does it just last all game? Thanks! [link] [comments] |
Why your jungler is unable to secure dragons and how you can help them. Posted: 05 Jan 2021 10:55 AM PST There is an ocean drake spawning in 30 seconds. You've just forced your enemy midlaner to back and you've taken 2 turret plates. You see your jungler has just backed. How can you help him take the dragon? The laner's job in taking the dragon is arguably just as important, if not even more important than the jungler. The reasoning is simple; there are more laners than junglers. If you team can send a jungler, midlaner, and both people from botlane, the enemy will have to forfeit the dragon if they can only send a jungler and a midlaner or risk getting killed. Here are some things you can do to help. #1 Get there 20-30 seconds early. If the people on your team get to pit earlier and group up, you will easily be able to pick off the enemy team one by one as they arrive late to the dragon pit. If this is done successfully, you will have almost no resistance when you actually kill the dragon if your enemies are dead. Sometimes, some junglers are too focused on ganks/farm rather than on spawn times, in this case, you should kindly remind them to start heading over to dragon pit with a ping. #2 Break enemy infrastructure If you make it early, you can use Oracle Lense or place down a Control Ward to kill of enemy wards, Teemo shrooms, Nidalee traps, etc. Additionally, there is a blast cone behind the dragon pit that benefits Blue side (the team on the bottom left corner of the map). If you are on Red side, it is essential that you get rid of this so it becomes harder for your opponents to steal it. Finally, if your team is ahead, you can also place a person behind the dragon pit to zone off anyone who tries to steal with long range abilities that can be fired over the pit, such as a Lux R, Jinx R, or Aphelios R. #3 Try to force an enemy back, or push in the wave 20 ish seconds before dragon spawns. While your enemy laner is forced to push it back you can walk down to dragon pit and help. This is easier said than done for many laners. If you are playing Veigar against an enemy Pantheon mid, chances are Pantheon is too strong early for you to even push, since you risk dying. This is called a lack of lane priority, by playing scaling champions, you are usually forfeiting early lane priority for late game power. If you think you don't have lane priority, you are doing step #1 at your own risk. However, on the other hand, if you have priority, you can easily force backs, push waves, or even get a kill, which will greatly increase your team's chances of the dragon. #4 If you need to buy items, plan your recall ahead of time. You have probably seen times where 3 members of your team recall at a poor time and the enemy team gets a dragon essentially for free. Usually, 1 minute prior to a dragon spawn is a good time. The best thing most people can do here is to push in a wave, recall, buy anything they need, have 30 seconds to walk to dragon pit, and still have time to spare in case a fight breaks out at pit seconds before a dragon spawn. Although it might seem like the dragon is the responsibility of the jungler and you want to carry your lane as hard as possible, keep in mind that the dragon buffs and dragon soul benefit everyone on your team. Helping your jungler when a dragon spawns not only benefits them, it directly benefits you and allows you to snowball your own lane harder. The next time you see your Lee Sin or Warwick ping assistance at the dragon pit, please kindly go offer them a hand. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Jan 2021 12:23 PM PST I'm sure this has been said multiple times on here, but vision score plays a big role in helping you get those S-, S, and S+ ratings you need for mastery on champs. And everyone I talk to has the wrong understanding for how vision score works. You get a point of vision score for every minute of vision you provide from wards, or every minute of vision you deny the enemy (by breaking wards). On top of this, if you're ward is considered useless by the game, meaning it's to close to another ward, or the lane you won't get points for it. There are some things that affect the base about of points you get from your wards. If a ward doesn't spot any enemies after a period of time it will no longer be equal to 1 full point. On top of that spotting unseen enemies or epic monsters you will also gain points towards your vision score. With all this being said to get a higher rating you need to have done all of the things your role requires, and do them WELL. With well being better than the average game a player gets with the champion you are playing at the time. If you're playing jungle and you get 55 kills and die 0 times, but don't kill any jungle monsters you are not gonna get an S rating at the end of the game. Hope this helps, and happy Leaguing! [link] [comments] |
Are there such things as invisible bounties? Posted: 05 Jan 2021 09:17 AM PST In some games, I'll get a kill that gives me 350 or 400 gold (that isn't first blood). It doesn't count as a shutdown, but it gives more gold than a shutdown does. What causes some kills to be worth that amount, rather than the normal 300 or just having a normal bounty like 450? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Jan 2021 02:12 AM PST I'll share my tought process whenever I have to pick in plat+. Top lane soloq is all about counterpicking first, and adapting to your team's win condition second. You want to have 1 or 2 champions that can be first picked blindly and then a varied champion pool to have nice counterpick and team comp adaptability options. In pro ornn and gp are great first picks because they can play weak side when then enemy team punishes the first pick. In soloq this doesn't matter because it's less coordinated and having little hard counters so you have a chance of winning the lane is more important. All the lists are roughly in order of strength(historically, not this patch). First picks: these are melee champs with medium mobility and nothing easily countereable in their kit. Camille shen renek sett aatrox. You should play one of these anytime you have to first pick. You need 1 or 2. You could otp camille or shen and be close to optimal in 90% of drafts since they adapt well to most soloq comps too. You can also do stuff with minimal hard counters on patches when they are op, like fiora late season10 or kled early season10. Fighters: fiora irelia riven camille wukong jax kled etc. If you have the chance to counter with one of these champions you can usually carry the game. All of them have mechanics that shine in some matchups. My 15/2 games usually happen when I 2nd pick with someone from this pool. You should learn as many of them as possible. They maximize your agency in the game Ranged: sometimes your opponent is stupid and first picks darius or garen or similar. Then we teach them you don't do that. quinn kayle neeko vayne lucian are all good here. You want to learn 2 max, preferably with opposite damage types, burst poke vs dps, ap vs ad Anti-ranged: irelia yasuo camille diana wukong and some mid assasins. Irelia and yasuo a step above. This pool is the reason you can't first pick ranged, they obliterate those matchups. Have 1 ready. Irelia is hard and requires time to master but she's by far the best here. Certain sustain tanks like maokai also beat the early game poke guys like neeko and teemo, while kayle can safely outscale stuff like gp kennen or vayne. Tanks and juggernauts. I don't like to play this type of champions because they can't push advantages very well and require your opponents to mess up in order to carry. Garen voli and most tanks are easy to learn mechanically however, and they still shine as counters. I only find myself picking malph with any regularity. If you like the juggernaut playstyle darius can carry hard however. Juggernauts counter team comps heavy on melee carries while tanks counter bursty team comps and do well with ranged dps carries. AP sources: morde kennen kayle akali neeko vlad and almost any ap in the game if you know what you are doing and it counters your lane (my kayle got trashed by an azir top once). Unfornately there's no safe first pick ap for top. If I have to first pick alongside a zed/yasuo I go kennen or ahri and dodge if I get hard countered. You want to learn 2 or so of these, with different styles, since they also have good counterpick value, I mentioned them on the other categories. And that's it, so for example your pool could be: (camille fiora vayne diana), (shen irelia malph neeko), (camille darius neeko morde). Note that for beginners it's still better if you otp garen jax voli urgot or something easy and learn the macro game first. Any critiques on my theory welcome. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Jan 2021 12:37 PM PST I am new to ezreal and have a few questions 1. At which point in the game is ezreal the strongest and when is the weakest? 2. What are ezreal's main strengths that i should play towards? 3. What are his main weaknesses that i should watch out for? 4. When is ezreal stronger in a 1v1 or a 5v5? 5. What is your job in a teamfight? 6. How do you position in a team fight? 7. Is ezreal a good splitpusher? 8. What are some good supports for ezreal? 9. What are the best builds for ezreal (items and runes)? 10. Are there some good ezreal 1 tricks on twitch/YouTube? 11. What should i practice most on ezreal and how do i practice it? 12. What are some general tips for playing ezreal. I also made this post in r/ezrealmains [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Jan 2021 12:53 PM PST Recently I've seen 3 instances of high elo top laners who take TP and ignite top lane instead of flash. I understand this might be situational, but I want to understand what are the advantages of this. I saw this on the LOL All Stars LCK/LPL with Canna and Jisoogirl taking TP ignite Camille, and an Akali in a montage top lane with TP ignite. I assume this is ok since Camille and Akali are very mobile champions, and does early game pressure with ignite and late game split with tp beat the advantages of flash? Would this work in low elo? P.S. first time posting, ty for any input!!! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Jan 2021 10:13 AM PST Does anyone have any tips on roaming in low elo? I'm currently a bronze 1 support and if I roam when my adc backs ive usually already warded dragon and by the time I get to midlane my adc spam pings me for leaving lane. I have a pretty varied champ pool but Naut and Morg main. [link] [comments] |
How can I convince my friends that always buying control wards are important? Posted: 05 Jan 2021 01:49 AM PST I have been playing league for many years now and I have always understood the importance of buying control wards. However, I am playing with 2 friends, one who has been playing for just as long as I have and another who is just starting out and almost to level 30. I have tried to express the importance of buying control wards to my noob friend because he hopes to play in the ranked scene but they will both team up on me and say they dont value buying control wards and use the following points to shut down my argument: "They aren't stealthed so they're not as good" "75 gold? You must be out of your damn mind" "They give the enemy 30 gold when they destroy it, might as well take my wallet and hand it to them" The more experienced friend reluctantly buys them in ranked games but I don't want the habit of not buying control wards to pass on to the noob friend who hopes to duo with me when he gets better. How can I construct an argument to get it through their thick skulls that being stingy for 75 can make or break a game? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Jan 2021 02:37 PM PST Sorry if my format or something else is weird, I don't really post on reddit that much :) Wanted to make this post as an Akali main to let everyone else know that Akali is very, very hard to gank, and when playing akali, I see a lot of junglers trying to gank me just for them to waste around 30 seconds of the game. Why? Well, she has so much mobility, on top of movespeed boost (from passive), on top of her shroud, that it makes it practically impossible to gank a somewhat competant Akali. They can R over you and shroud, then e towards tower and use second cast of R to get away, or can just shroud and e, they can r and e, they can w-e and then r over you into river, then e-dash back to their shroud in lane towards tower, they can e or r over walls, etc. Lots of people also say gank when she doesn't have shroud, but even then, she still has r and e, and can r over you and e away. Pretty much the only way you can gank her is if you have a LOT of cc and burst, and if your laner is 100% ready for the gank. Or, if Akali just used everything to kill the laner and you come in late. On top of that, once you get past level 6ish and Akali has everything, assuming Akali knows what she's doing and chooses to fight back, she can normally kill at least one of you, if not two. TLDR: Make sure when ganking akali, you have LOTS of cc, and are coordinated with your laner, or else Akali will either get away, get a kill, or kill both of you. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Jan 2021 12:12 PM PST I have only mained Ivern and Seraphine and they have their own strength. Ivern shield has basically no cooldown and slows, also is pretty beefy. Seraphine shields and heals her entire team. Whenever I play janna however I feel like the shield just breaks instantly. And the cooldown of the item isnt that forgiving either. Maybe I haven't played her enough. Idk why but I love giving shields and want to try maining janna but her shield seems so weak. Do I build more AP or CDR? I read somewhere shes the best enchanter [link] [comments] |
Catching side waves as a support? Posted: 05 Jan 2021 11:30 AM PST In my recent low elo games several times my team mates were apparantly ignoring medium sized side waves that were about to crash into our T2 towers. Instead they seemed to be looking for trouble in mid lane or somewhere in the jungle. It didn't seem they had objectives in mind at those times. But rather look for skirmishes in other lanes or enemy jungle where they'll be potentially outnumbered and triple-killed or something like that. As I play support, I don't really see it as my responsibility to clear those waves and push them out. But rather to be where the team fights are expected to break out. When I play enchanters with abysmal waveclear the answer is clear. But with (mage) supports that potentially can clear those waves reasonably quickly, should I spam ping for assistance or go and clear myself? I feel that I can use that gold and exp too. What considerations should go into this decision? In what state should I leave the wave when I'm done? [link] [comments] |
Advice for a new player who is playing with more experienced people Posted: 04 Jan 2021 04:45 PM PST Hi all! So I've been playing league for a little over a week now and I've been playing with some friends who have been into it for over 5 years now. The problem I'm having is the opposition tend to be skewed more towards their skill level rather than my own, so I always struggle. When I play by myself I notice the immediate change in opposition skill and instantly feel more comfortable. So the question I am asking is, what role/champ/playing style should I be looking at while playing with my friends so that I am less of a hindrance and they may not need to carry me as much? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Jan 2021 09:53 AM PST What am I supposed to do with supports that do not stop hitting the wave. I will be trying to freeze the lane and they just keep autoing the wave. Or I will be playing champs that do not cs well with supports hitting the wave ( like jhin). I ask them to stop and they just keep doing it. It just tilts the life out of me. At one point yesterday my brand support was w e'ing taking the whole wave so that I couldn't get any cs. Is there anything I can do? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Jan 2021 09:29 AM PST Hello everyone! I am currently a D3 ADC Main (IGN is Kuol if anyone is wondering), and I just feel like I am stuck at a point where I am just not improving at all. My number one goal is become a great ADC player like Teddy or Gumayusi and reach Challenger in the future, but I am not sure how I can improve right now. I do feel like my cs/min is a bit low, but even when I stomp lane I still end up losing the game some how haha.... Any tips on improving dramatically? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Jan 2021 09:24 AM PST Hi. I am in a League of Legends Team (Gold Elo) and the other day we were wondering what Team Comps are good in this Season. Is it's a Tank meta or more assasins, is it more teamfight based stuff or more Splitpush? I would really appreciate some help as we are not that experienced in that Departement. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Jan 2021 08:58 AM PST Hi! I picked up ranked this season and decided to play jungle as its always been my favorite role. I've been a kindred main but decided to play nunu after realizing that my overally jungle abilities sucked. I have made it to High G4 but I feel like a lack a lot due to my pathing and descion making. I always go into a 4 camp clear into gank or scuttle and thats all I do. It works but I feel like I could do a lot more if I changed my pathing but I dont know what to change. Furthermore, I always question when to do hearld and I sometimes flat out forget it which makes me think I'm missing out on a lot of tower potential. Is there any way to improve on these things for the upcoming season? Thanks in advance! [link] [comments] |
Trying to improve and winrate dropping drastically normal? Posted: 05 Jan 2021 02:57 AM PST The last 2 weeks I've really been trying to concentrate and perform better. The blitz and porofessor apps have been telling me my CS is on par, and my warding is bad. Also that my damage is bad. CS and vision is still better than most of my teammates and opponents though. Like I actually scan and buy controls. I've basically been getting my CS and Vision up, but I've beem getting less kills, and my winrate have plummeted from 68% mid to 38%. I feel like I've been playing so much better. I've been rotating, protecting my jungler, winning lane in kills and CS. Ive been soloing Rift Herald and busting turrets. Been pinging more. Ive been being adamant about playing objective side, being alive with ulti, and new items before dragon spawns. Even warding it and scanning it. I've avoided 15 min ARAM and focused on taling jungle camps, but stick close enough I can be at a real fight. Now right here I want to say I know I'm the reason I'm losing, but I don't know why. It's like every game is ARAM at 15. No one is ready for dragon. No one buys grevious wounds. People stand around dragon instead of pushing when its incontestable. No one wards or pings. They chase in fog, and attempt to fight meaningless jungle fights when there are no objectives there. It's like im on the complete opposite page of every game being objective focused, oposed to KDA focused. I honestly think Im trying to do it all cause no one else is, and losing because of it. Maybe I need to focus my efforts on a few things, and ease up on a few? I'm not playing a carry hard champ that can bust turrets in 5 seconds solo. Maybe I should? I know it's hard to tell from a post, but have other people been doing what they feel is well and constantly losing? Like from a CS, Vision, and Damage perspective? If you've been in this situation, what helped you improve? *** edit *** ive also noticed now that once i start winning lane hard jungle will camp me hard, and other lanes will rotate on me hard. I normally have less than one death at 15 min. I average 0.5 deaths pre 10, and porofessor considers me an unkillable laner. [link] [comments] |
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