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    Tuesday, January 5, 2021

    League of Legends Beautiful Kindred Mask

    League of Legends Beautiful Kindred Mask

    Beautiful Kindred Mask

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 10:14 AM PST

    PBE Preview: Ruined & Shan Hai Scrolls Skins

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 08:01 AM PST

    Patch 11.1 notes

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 11:09 AM PST

    Lillia saves game with 1v5 penta

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 12:01 PM PST

    DoinB insane 1v1

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 06:17 AM PST

    LCS 2021 | A New Era, Made By Many

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 10:05 AM PST

    Why is Trinity Force getting nerfed?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 01:48 PM PST

    It's already a weaker item than it used to be, considering the item's users are not getting enough value out of its mythic stats and its lack of movement speed compared to last season.

    Literally no champion in the top 20 in terms of winrate (according to u.gg) builds it besides Camille and that's because she's overtuned. Yet Riot doesn't nerf her directly. Why do other trinity force users get screwed over even more than they already did just because of 1 champion?

    submitted by /u/InsurgentTatsumi
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    Pyke mid is pretty good, but I'm bad.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 03:17 PM PST

    Does Riot really need to nerf Taliyah in every role when she's only overpowered in the jungle after a jungle-specific buff?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 10:00 AM PST

    While Taliyah has been one of the least played champs in the game for a while, her playerbase pretty evenly played her between Mid, Jungle, Bot, and Support. However, with the preseason changes, Taliyah was struggling a lot in the jungle, she was one of the worst junglers in the game, so she clearly needed buffs. The single buff she got in 10.25 was:

    Threaded Volley

    • Subsequent stone damage against monsters increased to 100% from 50%.

    This almost doubled her damage to camps, which is evidently insane lol. This single buff made her one of the strongest and most picked junglers in the game this patch, and considering this patch has a lot of super strong junglers, that's obviously problematic and in need of nerf. The nerf they're going with:


    • Movement speed: 20-45% >>> 12-40%

    So, as a result of way overbuffing specifically her jungle, their response is to immediately nerf her in every single role? On paper it's a big nerf too, it's a difference of like 20-30 movespeed. I feel like the obvious solution would be to lower her subsequent stone damage against monsters to like 75% or something to, you know, tweak the massive overbuff she got, instead of just nerfing her everywhere? Like I really don't see why this isn't the kind of nerf they're going with.

    I've seen the sentiment that "she's being played a lot in the jungle now, so who cares about her other roles." But, ignoring how they already give other champs buffs for roles that nobody plays them in while Taliyah's playerbase actually played her in other roles, frankly I don't really think that Taliyah is going to stay with a high pickrate if she isn't super OP. And I'd assume that nerfing her in every role is just going to hurt her pickrate even more in those.

    This just seems like a really poor way of handling things. People complain about her -> they overbuff her jungle -> they nerf her everywhere -> now she's worse in other roles than before.

    submitted by /u/bornhat
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    Why is Ravenous so unconditional with its power compared to its competition in Domination?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 08:41 AM PST

    That rune singlehandedly added lots of healing in the game, even when it was just spell vamp. Now that its Omni its gotten worse. Worse for spell vamp the intended audience and more strong with Auto attacks.

    And also why is it merely "just healing"? Ingenious is CD reduction on Item Haste, Relentless is out of combat and Ultimate Hunter being for ultimate. These are very specific conditions to where the runes apply their strength.

    If the three were on the same level with Ravenous, Ingenious would be combined with Ultimate into one. CD reduction on everything even passive CD's.

    If Relentless was in the same level as Ravenous the movement speed wouldn't be out of combant only.

    You guys wanted to promote healing right? And wanted it to be in combat healing right? So why don't you guys make Ravenous give the heal whenever the champion is in combat instead of just getting it out of nowhere.

    Even when Runes reforged started, that rune basically became the pick for everyone as a standard secondary line. Assassin? Ravenous, Mage? Ravenous, Tank who relies on abilities? Ravenous. You'd have to have a kit that can underutilize it, cheese runes for a specific playstyle or OP in order to skip RH or don't know the champ rune set up.

    It would be nice if the healing only existed as in combat or even as spell vamp. Its so tiring when you see everyone heal off from a wave after a trade just because they had a stack. Champs who are already healing centered, already have it at ther peak in combat. Why not make it the same to prevent a Drain tanking meta?

    And why Omni? Shouldn't Ravenous hunter be the opposite with Legend: Bloodline? We already have a lifesteal dedicated rune, you might as well turn it into Omnivamp too if the goal was to streamline it.

    With how Generalized RH is with its power and how easy the stacks are to get in an actual game, it has no bussiness of being a Minor rune. It might as well be a Keystone with how much everyone takes it as a standard rune in the secondary line.

    submitted by /u/MaleQueef
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    It's January 2021 A.D and there's still no 2 Factor Authentication for the League Client.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 10:33 AM PST

    After more than 11 years of this game's release, there's still no added security for Riot accounts.

    Here, in August 2017, a rioter said (deleted account now):

    We are working on implementing a two-factor authentication solution, but unfortunately it's a long process with a lot of considerations that have to be made that might not be so obvious - for example, 2fa for players that don't necessarily have smartphones, that kind of thing - as well as the age old meme of putting new features into legacy (spagetti) code.

    In February 2019, they replied:

    I have no new information to share unfortunately - we're working on it and it is coming soon and I appreciate how non-committal, vague and frustrating this response will be :(

    Not talking about an authentication app or even SMS verification but not even a simply opt-in 2FA e-mail code?

    Every single major online game has some sort of 2FA. It's honestly ridiculous that for the playerbase size that league has we still lack such a basic security feature.

    Seems baffling that you can spend thousands of dollars in this game but there's no extra added security like most online services nowadays.

    I only want to know what has come of it, has it been delayed? Is there any kind of ETA or has it been postponed indefinitely?

    The infrastructure is already there, there is e-mail verification upon login on riotgames.com so I wonder why there isn't for the League launcher?

    submitted by /u/XocketLoL
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    Griffin announces disbandment

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 01:40 AM PST


    "[Griffin Final Announcement]

    안녕하세요. 팀 그리핀입니다.

    오늘부로 그리핀 LoL팀의 해산 소식을 전해드립니다.

    그동안 응원해주셔서 감사합니다.

    Hi, this is team Griffin.

    We announce that Griffin LoL team is disbanded from today.

    Thank you for supporting us."

    submitted by /u/EzshenUltimate
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    New Prime Gaming Skin Shard Available!

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 09:41 AM PST

    PSA: If you have a Kalista shard that you don't want, disenchant it now to get the maximum value of BE

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 03:36 AM PST

    As per Riot's policy on champion BE price reduction, the release of the next new champion (the Ruined King) will be followed by a price reduction of an old 6300 BE champion.

    Now it is Kalista's turn, so she will be dropping to 4800 BE (the directly lower price tier after 6300 BE). Source

    As such, if you disenchant Kalista shards after the price reduction, you will get significantly less BE in return.

    I therefore recommend doing so now if you were planning to do it anyway, so that you get the maximum bang for your... shard.

    EDIT: Yeah, as u/10inchblackhawk pointed out, don't forget that if you actually want to unlock Kalista, it is better to wait for the price to drop first!

    submitted by /u/Xplosion101
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    Proxywolf joins the LCK broadcast team as a color commentator

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 05:42 PM PST


    I am joining the 2021 LCK broadcast team as a color commentator! I have been preparing for this for months and have been an avid follower of LCK for years. I am excited to honor the rich history of Korean League of Legends and to add a new Korean perspective to the broadcast.

    submitted by /u/kakusei_zero
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    Practice tool multiplayer??

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 08:03 AM PST

    Why isn't it a thing??

    My friend started playing league, and starting to enjoy it, but there are so many limitations in how i can help him to learn.

    Scenario 1: We go into an AI game and kill some bots, he is already beyond this and at this point just wasting time.

    Scenario 2: We go into a PVP game and he either destroys a guy who is lvl 3 or gets destroyed by a guy who is smurfing.

    Scenario 3: We go into custom game and 1v1, which also means we have to disconnect league chat and use discord instead (but I guess this is a totally different discussion altogether). As soon as someone dies we now have to wait for 2 or 3 minutes to catch up in XP before we can fight again.

    I would like to propose a new scenario: We go into practice tool in a 1v1 and we can lock XP and gold, refresh cooldowns, mana and health. Now we can go all out and practice our combos without having to find ways to constantly balance our XP levels so that we are on an even footing. And also we can create new ways of training for things like CSing while dodging and trading..

    I feel like this would be super helpful for the newer community. New people come to the game and want to be good and want to train to be good. But their enthusiasm is quickly destroyed by an already experienced player base who kill them at lvl 2 or 3 and then they are stuck in a game for 20-30 minutes playing from behind and with no real knowledge or experience of how to find a way back into the game.

    It's just an idea, but I do feel that there needs to be some way for new players to focus on levels 1-3 and how to win lane vs real players, without having to invest 20-30 minutes.

    submitted by /u/Aggressive-Dealer-21
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    Evil Geniuses Academy 2021 Roster Announced

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 11:11 AM PST


    TOP - Tony Top

    JUNGLE - Contractz

    MID - Jojopyun

    ADC - Shoryu

    SUPPORT - Mystiques

    COACH - Matt

    The original jungler for this team was rumored to be Sheiden but he was banned for a year of competitive.

    Anyways this is the roster I've been waiting for, 2 fresh faces to the scene in Tony Top and Jojopyun while Shoryu gets another shot because the guy went off in SG.

    Mystiques is here who you might know from XL and EUM. (And according to his twitter Peter Dun brought him to EG)

    Overall another good Academy roster from EG.

    Also this years Scouting Grounds was a success since 13 players from Scouting Grounds were signed to either an Academy team, and LCS team or an Amateur squad owned by an LCS team.

    submitted by /u/PKAYBeam
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    Rell has achieved immortality.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 04:11 AM PST

    Ruined Shyvana Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 01:58 PM PST

    God i wish Twisted Treeline came back.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 08:53 AM PST

    This map was really interesting on the essence but left to rot by Riot.

    Had some interesting objectives and concepts, the fact it was 3x3 and faster ( this could even imply that SR could have some changes to be a lil bit less snowbally and focus on TT to be faster paced, so League could be good for those who want longer and shorter games ); had some interesting strategies and was pretty fancy to look at.

    B-but if this map was so good why no one played on it?

    SIMPLE: Riots fault, it was unbalanced, had no relevant updates, buggy as hell, had no competitive scenes ( most, including me, are competitive, why even bother to play a map that has no relevance on your overall skill/elo? since it didnt have its own ranked importance ) and weird sometimes, but could easily be fixed with some patches focusing on it and be on par with SR.

    Just wish this could come back balanced with new exciting features, i really liked this map when i was a newcomer/newbie; it was fun to explore ngl.

    submitted by /u/kittyrengo
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    1/5 PBE Update: Ruined & Shan Hai Scrolls Skins & Chromas, TFT Fates II, and Much More

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 11:55 AM PST

    Drawing all champs day 110 - Sion

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 03:33 PM PST

    Drawing all champs day 110 - Sion

    Only 42 more to go, honestly I never expected I will make it so far. At least I can shade a little better. my boi Skarner is soon, he deserves some effort.


    submitted by /u/MrKisiel
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    Opinions on LoL Wild Rift exclusive champion from PC players

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 08:20 AM PST

    According to an interview in https://areajugones.sport.es/videojuegos/presente-y-futuro-de-league-of-legends-wild-rift-entrevista-a-brian-feeney-de-riot-games/ , Wild Rift will be getting exclusive champions that will not be in the PC version. What are your thoughts as a PC player

    submitted by /u/InMischieve
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    LS - LoL Patch Notes 11.1 - SEASON 11 PATCH NOTES LOOK GOOD

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 03:45 PM PST

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