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    Sunday, January 31, 2021

    LoL Guide Countering Garen - Guide for Low ELO players

    LoL Guide Countering Garen - Guide for Low ELO players

    Countering Garen - Guide for Low ELO players

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 09:24 AM PST

    In top lane in Low Elo, most people have a hard time countering Garen. As a Garen main spamming him to climb right now, here are some of the best ways to counter Garen.

    • Deny the level 6 all in - When you realize that you are close to 6, or halfway to level 6, start hard shoving the wave. You want to hardshove the wave before 6 and back. Why? Simple. Garen, with a simple Flash - Q - E - R - Ign combo can burst anyone who is around half health, with essentially zero counterplay simply because Flash - Q is an instantaneous cast. In order to flash away, you would need godlike reflexes, something which you likely don't have if you are having trouble vs Garen. Thus, in an ideal situation, shove the wave into the enemy Garen's tower and reset. If Garen tries to contest your shove, you might be able to all in him with a minion wave advantage.
    • All in at level 3 - Garen's level 3 is pretty damn weak. Garen gets free resists on his w passive, but in order to get the 30 resists, Garen has to CS. This means, without much CS, Garen will not be as tanky. Many top lane picks can beat him, even kill him, at level 3.
    • Level 2 spike - Both of Garen's damage abilities come online at this point, give some respect for this.
    • Garen's Passive - Garen's passive ensures that he will stay healthy. The way it works, is that Garen regens (2-10%) of his max HP every 5 seconds 8 seconds after not taking any damage from an enemy champion. In the early levels, this feels like a slightly better Mundo passive, so in order to keep Garen at a low enough HP, winning one trade vs. him can relieve some pressure temporarily.
    • Playing around Q - Garen's Q is his second most important basic ability, along him to kite, apply his only form of CC, and engage/disengage. If Garen uses it, then he will not be able to leave any trade that you force on to him. If he also burns E on the wave, you can just wait the 3 second duration E has and trade onto him.
    submitted by /u/Meteor53
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    Fun fact: Ghost Poro gives an alert ping when it sees an enemy champion.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 04:28 PM PST

    Yes, the alert ping appears on the map as well.

    I've always been confused. I usually play bard with Ghost Poro and sometimes I would listen to a ping alert somewhere in the map, look at it but then I'd notice that nobody pinged it (it wouldn't show who in the chat). It was the Ghost Poro seeing someone.

    What I think is interesting is that in the wiki, it only talks about it giving an alert ping in the patch notes, saying it was an "old effect" (screenshot)

    I don't really have a video showing because I'm too lazy but you can test it by yourself; go on practice tool with Ghost Poro, put a ward down somewhere, skip 1:30 minutes and then spawn a dummy next to it. Maybe some people really think this interaction was removed but yeah, it is there.

    submitted by /u/SauloJr
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    How do challengers keep getting fed in low elo games? Is it even possible to improve like at all?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 08:19 AM PST

    Im a plat 4 adc main and i watch challenger streamers 24/7, when they play i can see what they're doing and why theyre doing it but i cant do the same in my games. My games end up being coin flipped, i either lose lane or win it depending on matchup but when challengers smurf regardless of their support or matchup they get fed . If its a really bad counter pick they will just roam and get fed or position very good in teamfights and pick fights that they (somehow???) know they can win. Honestly on a bad loss streak ive completely lost confidence, i just think theres a talent ceiling thats impossible to pass, ive been playing off/on since s4 and cant get past plat watching these gm/chall players i think " oh yeah i see what hes doing/ how hes positioning himself thats totally what i would do if it was me!!!" Then i go play lose a game, watch my replay to see how dumb i actually played it out, and just feel like crap about how i didnt see why that was such a bad play AT THE MOMENT.

    submitted by /u/Sicthroway
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    Having an impact as Top in season 11

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 07:04 AM PST

    Hello everyone, currently gold II getting back to plat but with the personal objective to get to diamond this season. I mainly play Camille, Renek, Aatrox, Morde. I'm having the same problems as other season but it feels worse this one obviously because I am not doing something correctly. First pick top is always an issue and it's hard for me to find a "safe" first pick, should I take some pick in particular or just play without thinking about it? The main issue is when I take second pick and usually have to play against something like malphite, garen, gnar that do not care to get 30 minion down and just stay 30 km back under tower only for me to get snowballed by the enemy carry jungler.I know that I should slowpush and try to roam but if I can't tp or gank mid what should I do? Should I try to time my slow push to help the jng since is the most impactful role? What is the best way to impact a game as top in the current season?

    submitted by /u/Brizzevic
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    How to counter Garen's infinite splitpush?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 02:32 PM PST

    Garen's macro potential after laning phase seems very strong, and I'm wondering if there are any ways to counter it. With his ridiculous waveclear with E and MS, he can basically splitpush whenever he wants wherever he wants. Gank him you say? Have fun trying to catch him with his stridebreaker + deadmans + Q, wasting more of your time. Hold the lane? Sure, but by the time you rotate over he probably already left taking jungle camps, splitting in the next empty lane, or even just waiting in a bush for you to leave so he can continue splitting again. You have to back after a big fight? Not for Garen, while you're sitting at fountain he's regening all of his health with passive, farming up or, you guessed it: splitting some more.

    Any tips to help counter this besides just doing a wild goose chase across the map?

    submitted by /u/Some-Cake
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    Does anyone else have weird pre game rituals?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 01:54 PM PST

    I think it's a bit of a superstition I have. I play for a collegiate team and I always have to shower before we have a match.

    I think I play better when I look more presentable and am cleaner. Anyone else have weird stuff they do before important games to get themselves in the mindset?

    submitted by /u/Apprehensive-Exit-29
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    I feel like I have more knowledge then skills

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 05:16 PM PST

    I'll explain, from browsing this subreddit for a few months already I've learned a lot and I mean A LOT of things that have helped me improve and I feel like I did improve but I can't get myself to use all the knowledge I have while I'm in a game, mostly macro stuff like wave management or map awareness.

    How can I apply all of my knowledge into my games?

    submitted by /u/theManlyMan8
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    What bot laners to play with non-engage supports?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 03:34 PM PST

    First of all I don't want this to come across as a whiny post like "supports don't play what I want ree" but I genuinely wanted to ask the question.

    I'm a gold 4 ADC main but I struggle to play with non tank/engage supports, stuff like zyra, seraphine, sona, senna etc.

    I want to abuse Kai'Sa at the moment because she's busted but feel like it's a wasted pick if my support doesn't go CC so what would you pick in that situation? My other go tos at the moment are comet MF to double down on poke or Ezreal to just play my own game but I'd be interested to hear your guys thoughts on how to approach this.

    Also asking for opinions on how you guys would react if asked to play specific champions since most people don't really seem receptive and just think it's flame.

    submitted by /u/Avixim
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    How do you jungle against shaco?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 03:22 PM PST

    I've been playing jungle mainly since preseason, use to play top and feel I've gotten a pretty good grasp of things. Most champs I play against I can have some kind of game plan for what to do or how to play safe, trade, etc, but then there's shaco that I have no idea what to do. I know easiest thing is to ban him but I usually ban jax or other champs that directly counter me.

    I've been playing viego recently, but usually try to play champs like kayn, khazix, or udyr.

    How as these champs do I survive against shaco, I know fighting 1 on 1 should be avoided but not also avoidable.

    submitted by /u/SouthLime4
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    How do i end once ahead?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 04:17 PM PST

    I feel like I play pretty well in (mid) lane, depending on my opponent, I can also 1v1 kill them in lane. But even if me and my team get ahead, we sometimes still lose or take a really long time to end. I honestly have no idea what to do most of the time and follow the lead of my (bronze/silver) teammates. Can i get any decision making tips? What do I do once I'm fed? (I mostly play mages in midlane)

    submitted by /u/terawki
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    Early Laning Mistakes

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 02:54 PM PST

    I made a short video of my early lane mistakes (lvls 1-5): https://youtu.be/rUx3yAMYoVM

    I am trying to minimize the number of games I lose cuz of an early mistake.

    Let me know if you see any other mistakes. That I missed, I am only silver so I am sure there are plenty.

    submitted by /u/phorezkin3000
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    who wins between ziggs and xerath?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 05:01 PM PST

    i've been learning ziggs as a pocket pick to counter xerath since he bullies my other mid(vlad)

    i feel ziggs waveclears jsut as well and can use his ult to respond to xerath but at the same time xerath's poke is more consistent than ziggs and later on i feel like xerath just does more with his q hitting more enemies and not being so awkward

    i really like ziggs but feel its a skill matchup that maybe favors xerath a bit

    i played a game where we went even but in later teamfights he was superior with all of his aoe and his stun

    i felt like zigg's slow field is ok for zoning and his satchel for peel but the q only hitting the guy in front really hurt my damage output compared to xerath

    maybe i need to be more creative with my positioning but during sieges ziggs feels way better as you can zone them off really well and of course pop the towers fast

    so who's better between them and who should win mid lane

    submitted by /u/pimpdaddy_69
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    Tips on how to play against ranged characters as a melee champion?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 04:26 PM PST

    So currently, I'm a top main, playing a variety of champs that I have on hand or in rotation so I can maybe pick a true main in the future. Right now, Fiora is the closest to that, so assume I'm playing her. How do I play against someone like a Quinn or any ADC playing in my lane?

    I recognize that getting CS is very important, which is why I try to prioritize it, but in a matchup like this, I can't farm without simply getting poked down to low health and being forced to back behind tower. How do actual good players deal with this? Granted, Fiora has her fuck off dash and slows, so she can close gaps, but not every champ is as lucky, like Darius or Poppy for example. What about them? Is anyone that's ranged just an automatic loss?

    submitted by /u/Oxenfurt
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    How to play ADC mid game/late game against a fed top/mid

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 11:43 AM PST

    I am a bronze 3 player and I notice I will get a decent cs lead and maybe a kill or two advantage on my lane, to usually have a dragon and tower. I feel like my laning phase is really good, but I start to drop/suck mid game.

    Typically I notice my stats:
    -large cs lead pre-15 min.
    -I am behind my cs lead post-15 min
    -I typically get focused and get no peel in team fights.
    -I can't carry at all by mid to late game.

    My username is dandia (NA).

    I typically play Tristana, MF and vayne

    submitted by /u/kissmyassphalt
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    How to beat trynamere mid

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 12:31 PM PST


    So I went agianst a tryn mid the other day as orianna. They picked tryn last pick and I thought I had a chance because orianna can poke melees easily, but I also vaguely remember getting shit on by a tryn mid in the past so I new it wasnt going to be easy. Anyways it sucked. He perma pushed me in and I went oom trying to poke him out. Trades went fine in that I was never taking to much damage ,but i was never able to do anything to him. He would just ignore me and once he was low heal up or just base since he pushed whole wave already.

    Tyoing this out I should have built anti healing, but i rushed arm gaurds because when he did get on me he hurt should i have build anti healing and arm gaurds I feel like I def shouldnt do that because lack of mana and delayed mythic. since i am playing range into melee i feel I have a responsibilty to abuse the melee but should i have just giving up since it wasnt leading into anything but me fucking up cs?

    Its a niche matchup and I didnt get to counter pick (what are some counter picks? ) but any help is great. I feel like off meta picks are sometimes the scariest.

    submitted by /u/javenmc11
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    Smite damage display

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 08:31 AM PST

    Returning player here. I noticed today that smite no longer displays the current amount of damage for the spell on the icon. I used to be able to glace at the spell and see a number along the bottom of the icon showing the damage. Is this a setting I can enable or did riot remove that feature from the game?

    submitted by /u/lesp811
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    One trick Garen looking to branch out

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 02:20 PM PST

    I'm a one-trick Garen who typically plays blind, but I'd like to branch out into draft and ranked. However, I hardly have any experience with other champs. I like melee bruisers, but am open to some assassins as well. Who may I be able to adapt well to in mid/sup/ADC roles?

    submitted by /u/Biff057GF
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    Where am i going wrong

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 05:45 PM PST

    It's almost 2 am here and im just tilted af. I just want to know wtf do i do in this situation. All these 10 games have gone the same. One person in the enemy team gets fed. Enemy team just aram's mid and ends the game before people in my team can even get their second/third item

    submitted by /u/hamhaw
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    realistically how can I improve at the game?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 05:12 PM PST

    Hi so basically I'm a blitzcrank and bard player but can play twisted fate, ziggs and veigar mid... i started playing league nearly 3 months ago and i still feel like im not improving, im in bronze sadly as in this season i was playing mid when i was pretty trash. but before that when i was playing blitz and bard at the end of last season i was silver 4 and im trying to find ways to get better at league, realistically do i just need to keep on playing alot to get more game sense? or is there stuff i could be missing? thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Wholesome_Doinks
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    Which class beats Master Yi

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 01:17 PM PST

    No no do not get me wrong my question was not how to beat master yi. I already know that all it takes to kill him is one CC and if that's not the case, he will 1v5 your team.

    From what I know is that Yi is supposed to be good against tanks late game but he is not doing bad against squishy targets either? In fact he can sent a squishy target back to the fountain before I even have the chance to blink. We already know that assassins counter ADCs and tanks counter assassins. But which class counters Yi?

    submitted by /u/Original_Forever_476
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    Newbie attempting a smooth start

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 05:21 AM PST

    What are the things that i should now to not piss off the veterans of this game. Had a few guys shouting at me and i don't want to be much of a bother. So what do i need to remember, repeat each morning like a mantra of the things to do. Last hitting, placing wards i already learned.

    submitted by /u/TooChanes
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    How true is the ''you get camped because you are doing something wrong'' is?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 08:10 AM PST

    I mean, reading some posts almost 100% of time i read someone saying that if you are getting camped is because you are an easy kill or you deserve it, but this is really the thing? i think that sometimes you get camped just ''because'', you ward, you are under your turret and you still get ganked multiple times, either you die or not and i don't think that theres any reasonable explanation other than ''because he wanted to'' as a personal experience i had one game where i was playing under my turrent when i saw the jungler sitting on the bush, and he tried to gank me a lot of times, i think worked once at 17 minutes of the game, and our team got all objectives botside.

    But anyway my point is that not every time the enemy does something logical, maybe he just wanted to camp you because he...wanted to camp you?

    submitted by /u/x-Taylor-x
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    One Tricking vs Diversifying

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 09:37 AM PST

    So for a little bit of context, I'm a low ELO looking to get back into jungle and I'm trying to settle on a champion pool. My problem is, I don't know if I should one trick or just be proficient on most junglers. I feel like I just can't commit to one champ, but I also can't really get myself to pick a group of champs to rotate between. I don't know how I should pick them, and what constitutes as a solid group of champs to play in Bronze. I was told to avoid high skill champs, which I will.

    So, my question, Should you one trick or should you have a diverse group?

    submitted by /u/ZingerSauce
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    anyone know how to fix this?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 08:01 AM PST

    PC starts beeping when playing lol and doesn't respond to mouse and keyboard. I hold a skill button then release but it keeps holding it. Mouse is also laggy, I end up walking into enemy tower because it doesn't respond my clicks and just keeps going.

    I stopped playing the game because of it, it makes me lose the game every time it happens.

    It only happens while playing lol.

    submitted by /u/ssLoupyy
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