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    LoL Guide CSing during lane

    LoL Guide CSing during lane

    CSing during lane

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 03:51 AM PST

    I understand the importance of CSing well to remain relevant in the game.


    How do you CS in a losing matchup without: a) Losing about 4 minions a wave b) Taking an extremely bad trade c) Getting minion blocked and forced to take bad pathing

    C is where I struggle the most since whenever I got to CS the casters theres just a wall of melees preventing me from getting to them (this is as melee). This forces me into walking close to the river brush and opens me up for an easy gank or just bring rundown by someone like a Darius.

    Edit: Thanks everyone for the insight, gonna not feed as often now xD. See you on the rift (。•̀á´—-)✧

    submitted by /u/EmissaryOfStorms
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    New player looking for a starting point

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 12:32 PM PST

    Hey guys I'm level 20 so I've gotten a few games under my belt. I know that I like the game and understand the basic ideas. Is there any prominent guides or videos to watch to help me expand my knowledge? Also I would like to pick a role but kinda having a hard time deciding is anything going to be better for starting out then the other? Any certain champs I should focus on being new? Maybe give me your number one thing you wish you would have new/learned when you started sooner?

    submitted by /u/Whodats9
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    What skills does a jungler focus on?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 06:32 AM PST

    What skills does a jungler try to improve. For example ganking or framing.

    When you are playing in lane you can try to focus on wave-management/manipulation but I really dont know which skillset a good jungler has. Imagine filling that sentence: "A good jungler must ..."

    That question emerged because I'm currently picking up the jungle role and I'm trying to VOD review myself. My problem there is that I really dont know what I'm looking out for or more precisely what skill to focus on when playing the game to improve. So now I'm seeking help from you to maybe get a list of skills that one can work on.

    Thank you in advance for your time and have a great day!

    submitted by /u/The_One-n-Only_Zmall
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    What to do when you have a lead in Bot lane but other lanes are behind?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 09:58 AM PST

    What I am doing is to either freeze to deny CS and threaten to kill or push to harass under tower and get lane priority to help my jungler. But what to do when their mid is fed and can roam bot and completely throw our leads? Or if top lane is just losing so hard that my top can't stay in lane and the enemy top is pushing our second tower? Ideally we should chill when mid roams and trade objective when top push right? But is there any hope to save the other lanes?

    submitted by /u/TotatoPomat0
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    Jungling question

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 08:04 AM PST

    I've notice a lot of high elo and pro junglers have been taking the mr rune and I can't figure out why. To my knowledge most of the camps are ad. Is it just because of the fact that you get more mr from the rune (8 vs 6) or am I missing something here?

    submitted by /u/labudamike
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    How do I deal with Swain?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 10:15 AM PST

    Swain in the early game as an ADC is quite easy to deal with, just play around his root. Make sure you're on the opposite side he is on etc. But what I don't get is for that early game how is he also so strong late and how do I deal with it. I'm a Caitlyn main and even if I get a double headshot it doesn't feel winnable, I had 3 items over the guy and 2 levels and he 1v1's me so easily I'm not sure what to do. He will just flash ontop of you and auto you to death with his ult and unless I have flash I'm fucked aswell. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/Wsnippin
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    What makes triforce better than sunderer on some champs?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 02:42 PM PST

    I noticed that some champions like jax and Camille prefer to take triforce whereas champs like Yorick and Nasus tend to prefer sunderer. I get why the beefy boys tend to build sunderer, but since I come from a bruiser standpoint, I dont know why anyone would build anything other than sunderer as an AD sheen user. What makes triforce better? Especially since Camille likes the big hit with her grasp and jax likes the big hit with his w and ult passive and both of them love the healing.

    submitted by /u/Madrigal_King
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    Is there a chat command to toggle mute on my team, but not mute pings?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 03:51 PM PST

    Simple question. If I type /mute all, I mute chat, pings, and emotes. If I go into the settings, I can turn off chat, which leaves pings and emotes turned on.

    Is there a chat command that mimics the UI setting? It's much faster for me to type than it is to open the interface, and sometimes I just need to say something (90% of the time it's 'Buy healing reduction'), but I don't need to expose myself to the toxicity of the average soloq team fully.

    submitted by /u/shaidyn
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    Chemtech Putrifier over Morellonomicon

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 07:33 AM PST

    As a support player I'm really not sure which one is better. I honestly feel like you can get a lot more value out of the Chemtech on champions like Morgana, Lux, Nami, etc. Chemtech is 100 gold cheaper which for support is kind of important, still not such a big difference, but it also applied the 60% immidietely after immobilising the enemy champion while morello does it if their max health drops below 50%. When I play someone like Morgana for example I try to create engagés with my root, I'm not looking to burst them ASAP, so I feel like I would be applying Chemtech's effect a lot better than morello. But at the same time the game does not have Chemtech as recommended on Morgana/Lux, it has morello. Every build that I follow for items also tells me to buy morello so I'm very conflicted cause I'm just a gold 4 and these builds are made by high elo stats so I just want to understand the difference.

    submitted by /u/JunheeLove
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    Am I wrong for not liking Zeke's on engage/tank supports?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 07:18 AM PST

    Lately I've been playing a lot of Rell and some Leona/Naut as backups, and I find myself really disliking Zeke's Convergence as a second item. I get that it's a cheap source of utility and the amount of CDR is nice, but defensively it feels awful. The mana feels mostly irrelevant, and 200 hp and 25 armor is nothing compared to the huge boost in survivability I get from something like Thornmail, which incidentally also gives me a bunch of utility given how much healing there is in the meta, especially after buying Locket which is already a somewhat "lightweight" tank item.

    I feel like the item is tailed to the wrong priorities, as an engage focused support I want to be able to survive as long as possible while being in the thick of the enemy team applying cc (or peeling for my adc), and the extra on hit damage doesn't make up for the lack of tankiness from it.

    I often find myself skipping the item and going straight for items that make me beefier like Knight's Vow if the enemy team has mixed damage or just Thornmail if they're heavy AD, and later stuff like Abyssal Mask (again, big chunk of health and resistance).

    Am I missing something here? Is the 20 AH that important to justify the early squishiness?

    Edit: Forgot to add, the item feels bad on Rell to me, while on Leona it feels more ok because of the built in damage reduction she has. But rell scales with MR/armor percentages, so it feels extra counter intuitive for her.

    submitted by /u/OohDeanna
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    When behind on cs, do you continue to farm when possible or help out your team?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 12:24 PM PST

    I placed Silver 4 this season by playing support but I want to try and climb by playing adc with Xayah since she's who I'm most comfortable with. I played two games and got flamed in one but did bad in both. The first game, I was constantly getting harassed by Janna while my Brand stayed in the bush and did nothing. This result in a lot of missed cs but when I tried farming while Lucian and Janna backed, my Brand got mad that I was pushing and not freezing. I didn't want to make him more mad so i stopped what I was doing. In the end, I went 4/9/9 with 164 cs at 30 minutes.

    The second game, we were doing okay during the laning phase but after that, I was constantly getting pinged for not helping my teammates in fights and being "afk" because I was farming. One was also getting upset because I was being "scared" for not wanting to fight the fed enemies in a 2v3. I didn't really know what to do so I stayed and helped fight. I ended 6/7/9 with 180cs while the kaisa had 242cs at 30 minutes.

    I really don't know what to do :')

    submitted by /u/Arxnea
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    Losing streak

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 02:00 PM PST

    Hello, I'm on a huge losing streak atm (like 15 games or something) and I can't determine what it is. BTW I'm new to the game (only lvl 61) and I just recently started playing ranked, when I started ranked I lost 10 games in a row, and like every game I'm in a team of my levels vs a team of full lvl 300s. Now I went back to playing normals again for a break, and now I can't even win normals games, please help

    submitted by /u/BeigeOakPlanks
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    /r/SummonerSchool brings you an EU Beginner Tournament!

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 01:48 PM PST

    Hi SummonerSchool redditors I'm Tamy and I'm one of the Event Organizers on the official /r/SummonerSchool discord server

    We've been hard at work to bring everyone an event that brings fun and builds the community up while also staying true to the purpose of Summoner School, learning. For this reason the tournament will only allow the inscription of solo, gold & below players. They will be matched by us in teams and assigned one coach per team to help prepare & guide them through tournament strategy.

    The tournament will be happening on the 30th of January at 15 PM CET in EUW, yes you need an EUW account. If your main is on EUNE that's okay, you can use that as a sign up, we will however not be accepting people from other regions as the ping difference would be unfair.

    If you're interested in signing up make sure to join the discord server as it is a requirement to join the tournament and then fill the sign up form here.

    The full rules of the tournament can be found here

    Hope many people join us, good luck on the rift & have fun!

    For any questions it's better to ask me on discord (@Just Tamy#0042) rather than on reddit.

    submitted by /u/Just_Tamy
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    How can i improve my mechanics faster?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 08:37 AM PST

    Hey guys, I'm a fairly expierienced player, former Aatrox otp peaked on plat 3 on euw. I struggle to win games in low gold games due to lack of mechanics.

    Allthough aatrox is strong i want to move away from Otping him. My macro is okayish i got good map awareness and do tp plays with great success, but i struggle on winning games on a lot of meta champs such as camille, fiora irelia, and on my off role jgl due to lacking mechanics. Any advice beside just spaming games?

    If i move to easier champs i wreck the sht out of everyone and win even with 4 loosing lanes, but i want to improve on my weaker roles and champs.

    Edit: Corrected grammar and add something to the champ list.

    submitted by /u/TheTbone2334
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    How to effectively trade during lane

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 11:05 AM PST

    Hi guys Im a silver top main, who is severely underperforming in lane. I've been playing since season 4 and I've developed a lot of bad habits and autopilot mentality. Quite literally every one of my games is really hurt during my laning phase, even if I win the game. I've been maining fiora (I'm trying to figure out the other 2 champs for my pool), and I find myself going 0/2 when laning phase ends. I constantly fall into bad trades, getting ganked by the jungler due to a lack of vision, or getting bullied from csing.

    I used to be a jungle main and I think my laning mechanics are trash compared to the rest of my game. Ifind myself playing far below my teammates in skill level during the first 15 minutes of the game, and then im pretty evenly matched with a lot of them in terms of game understanding once laning phase ends. I understand the concept of waiting to trade when I have the upperhand in a fight (like when the enemy uses a skill to cs) but I find it hard to actually put into my game. I think it could be that I dont know my champions well enough/matchups, or that im playing too many champs since im so indecisive.

    I'm really trying to work on laning fundementals so if you guys have any tips regarding trading or laning in general, please feel free to share. I want to hit gold at least this season but ive got a lot of work to do. thanks for reading!

    op.gg for reference https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=chaiiengerdeep

    submitted by /u/pj5802
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    How to make a comeback as a toplaner?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 10:31 AM PST

    I have been playing league for around 4 months now, ended up being a voli main (took fiora before but my mechanics isn't enough to play her yet). At times, I would play other lanes as well. That was when I noticed how comebacks are more possible in other roles other than top lane(and supp maybe?) . As far as I now, top lane is very snowbally(take it with a grain of salt, I only got around 100ish game experience). Once you are behind, you lose your relevance in the game, you simply become another feeding squishy who can't do anything other than hugging towers. You can't roam much because the wave will be crashing and when you do, your fed top lane opponent will be there massacring everyone.

    Any solutions for this? Is a comeback possible with a late-game champ? (I used late-game champs(Anivia, Kai'sa) in both mid and bot)

    submitted by /u/Mathayikiller
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    Is three ignites too many? Should I be taking exhaust to help balance out the team?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 10:26 AM PST

    Hey, folks. I play a mage support in the bot lane, and I prefer to take ignite. When we all in at level 2 or 3, it really helps clinch the kill.

    Unfortunately, at my ELO, TP basically doesn't exist. When the top and mid laner both lock in ignite, I'm reticent to run it myself, because in late game teamfights we'll all be stepping on each other's toes. BUT, for the 10 to 15 minutes I'm in lane, I feel like I miss out on several kills. So I take exhaust for later, but it feels bad.

    Should I be playing around my team's summoner spell choices? Or should I be staying greedy?

    submitted by /u/shaidyn
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    How to beat Garen in laning phase?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 04:20 PM PST

    This is a pretty specific question but my match turns 10 times harder when laning against Garens.

    I don't know what playstyle i should use.

    If i go aggressive, i stop his passive from healing him, but end hardpushing the wave, leaving me a really bad spot, and giving him the opportunity to freeze the lane, and even if i win the trades the first 3 levels, when he reaches lvl 6 its impossible to win cuz his R deals true damage.

    If i go safe, he might end up bullying me, CSing better than me, outscaling me and carrying the game.

    I think Garen is a pain in the ass to deal with, cuz i feel it's like a task you have to take care of constantly so it doesn't grow into a bigger mess.

    Is there any way to win the lane agains him that doesn't require Vayne or other hard counters?

    submitted by /u/PaulWiFi
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    Finding a jungle coach - please let me know if this is allowed

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 04:19 PM PST

    Hi everyone

    I am looking for a good jungling coach that I can pay money to to coach me. If not allowed to ask here, could you please let me know how I can best do so? Apologies in advance if I've broken any rules.

    If it's OK to ask here, I'll post the details of what I'd like to have as a coach.

    Thanks heaps!

    submitted by /u/Jinnentonix
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    How do you turn winning lane into winning the game?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 04:09 PM PST

    I'm really shit at this game and lose lane the majority of the time, which is why I like playing jungle, but even when I do win lane, I'm never really able to get that much out of it. I might manage to take the tier 1 early or get a few kills up but I'm never in a position to solo carry my team or take the inhibitor super early (except one time when I stole Yorick ult with Sylas but that's a special circumstance). I try roaming, staying in lane to bully even more or just staying in lane to cs or push but at most I only ever do slightly well so that I don't stop a fed teammate from losing the game or we win cuz everyone did slightly better than the other opponent, I can never end up solo carrying or going like 20/0, whether I play bot, top, jungle or mid.

    submitted by /u/forgotusernameoften
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    Tips and ideas for improving in clash?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 12:18 PM PST

    Clash or generally playing coordinately with multiple team mates can be a complex thing to do and to prepare for. So what do you think are the most important aspects to improve at when playing clash? (i got some ideas, but make sure to post your ideas in the comments as well)

    1. Communication
    2. Drafting
    3. Decision Making/Shotcalling

    Clash is soon so I thought making a sub reddit with tips and ideas for improvement for Clash would be helpful. I think it can be a pretty big topic so one post might not be enough. More detailed discussion can be posted over there.

    submitted by /u/DoubleJungleMain
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    Need Support advice

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 12:00 PM PST

    I have a few questions as I'm currently a bronze 1/2 player. I have been in silver multiple times but that's really where it peaks for me

    1. Who are the most viable champions to spam right now? as of currently I've been using champs like nautilus and maokai.

    2. When do we/I start to move away to the mid game and start coming out of lane? This one always gets me as I seem to move after 1 of either turrets has gone?

    3. As a support I'll finding myself building the exact same things each game I have no adaptability and o really want this to change. Any advice for this?

    4. Just genera tips to help me improve my game would be handy :)

    submitted by /u/Vextah
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    Support helping enemy jungler take every camp and carry?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 01:47 AM PST

    So I played a game earlier today and wanted genuine advice. I was nunu against udyr and played my jungle really well. I secured first 2 drags, both scuttles early and killed udyr once while he attempted an invade. The issue started around level 5 when the enemy janna completely abandoned bot (her summoner name was literally "iabandonmyadc" or something like that lol) and assisted udyr in taking nearly all my camps repeatedly.

    I tried to counter jungle, and dive the enemy adc which went well but Udyr was able to rotate around the map far too quickly and killing us post the adc dive. He killed poppy top and went bot in less than 15 seconds. The issue was there movement speed was disgustingly unfair. I'm pretty sure they were duo becuase they literally started floating around the map doing whatever they wanted (getting kills/camps).

    Even if my laners rotate and try helping me when stealing my camps, janna is a disengage machine that is also extremely fast and they would escape with ease. We would just lose waves of minions and not get much out of it. What is the solution?

    submitted by /u/TimelyBenefit
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    low elo help

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 03:34 PM PST

    I'm here with the age-old complaint... I've been in silver for a while now, 2 seasons, and while I had okay winrates both seasons - 55% 2019 from B4 to S1, 54% 2020 stuck in silver - I simply don't play enough to progress anymore. I feel I could get to gold with ease if I invested some more time in the game, but the moment I try to play more, I just get tired of my teammates.

    Take just now, for example. I play Fizz and Xerath, and fizz gets banned. I go xerath, play well, and at 15 min I'm 2/1 with 40 cs over the Ekko permafrozen. I kill him, go 3/1 and then the 6/0 Darius dives me under tower. full health, the Darius goes back top to kill Garen. I ping 6 retreat pings to Garen who is at their t1, Garen doesn't retreat, Darius kills him and is now 8/0 at 15 min. I get a lil frustrated with Garen and question ping him, he starts inting. we lose the game because our jg was feeding their bot the entire time and the mf was 10-2 so we stood no chance in teamfights 4v5 while Garen afk farmed.

    So although I am obviously writing out of tilt, I don't want to just vent, I want to actually understand what to do to carry teams like this. I don't consider myself toxic and I usually mute all whenever anything starts to go wrong, so that's not the problem. Is it simply the fact that I play xerath, a passive champ - should I stick to Fizz? Or are there games where you simply can't do anything? If so, what do you tell yourself to not get frustrated?



    submitted by /u/sasahv
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