• Breaking News

    Tuesday, January 12, 2021

    League of Legends Free Talk Tuesday - January 12th!

    League of Legends Free Talk Tuesday - January 12th!

    Free Talk Tuesday - January 12th!

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 12:21 AM PST

    What's up, /r/leagueoflegends! Icy here with this week's edition of our FT thread! Hope all almost five million of y'all have had a safe weekend!

    It's been a busy few days in the community! We've got a whole host of things to be excited about, with the two shorts; Ruination and Don't Mess With Yordles - watch Ruination here and DMWY here!

    That's not all we've gotten! Viego aka the Ruined King aka the League's newest spectral heartthrob fades onto the Rift on 11.2! His passive lets you take over the nearest dead enemy champion's body and hooo boy can he take advantage of that fed enemy Vayne Tumbling a Teemo too far forwards. What do you make of the League's newest addition?

    We've also got teasers for new incoming champs and VGUs, new skin lines to decide on (DEBONAIR GANG 2K21) and tons of other stuff coming our way in Season 11! Anything you're particularly excited by or hyped for? Let's hear it, fam!

    That's it from ya boi for this week, though. Thread's all yours, now! Just remember to follow our usual FTT rules; talk shop, play nice and as always, have a good week!!

    submitted by /u/IcyColdStare
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    Viktor cutting it close

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 10:47 AM PST

    Kraken Slayer is absurdly broken and inconsistent, and the upcoming changes don't fix that.

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 03:12 PM PST

    For anyone who doesn't know, in League there's a difference between on-hit and on-attack effects. On-hit effects are (mostly) just damage, and things like Wit's End, Kog W, Vayne bolts, Sheen procs, and Ashe slow are on-hit effects. On-attack effects are things that happen when you complete a basic attack windup, and generally include "fancier" effects. Things like Runaan's Bolts, Pix, and Kayle's damage waves are on-attack effects. A number of spells that apply on-hit effects also apply on-attack effects, like Ezreal's Q and Yasuo/Yone Q.

    Now, with the exception of Kraken Slayer, everything behaves consistently. This does lead to some results most people wouldn't expect, but reading about on-hit/on-attack effects can explain the results. For example, Ezreal can shoot Runaan's bolts with his Q (even though they are still limited by his basic attack range).

    And then along comes Kraken Slayer. It makes, legitimately, no fucking sense.

    It doesn't interact at all with Guinsoo's or Runaan's. Okay, fair enough. Maybe it's an on-attack effect? On-attack effects don't interact with those items.

    But, as everyone surely knows by now, Katarina applies Kraken Slayer way too fast. For anyone who doesn't know how the interaction works, for each enemy hit by each tick of her ult or by her passive daggers, she gets a Kraken Slayer stack. That means if she hits 3 people at once with her ult, the first two people give her stacks and the third person consumes the stacks to deal true damage. This means that each tick of her ult can potentially do Kraken Slayer's true damage, and it ticks like a billion times a second for a grand total of three billion true damage. The most infuriating thing, however, is that her ult/daggers do not apply on-attack effects. They only apply on-hit effects, so the Kraken Slayer interaction means that stacks are being generated on-hit. This is also true for other melee champs. I tested it on things like Pantheon and Irelia; Irelia's Q gives her a stack, and Panth's triple attack will give him three stacks (dealing the true damage). Again, though, these abilities don't apply on-attack effects, only on-hit effects.

    The wiki says that Kraken Slayer applies on-hit for attacks without projectiles, and on-attack for attacks with projectiles. This could explain it, as Kat/Panth/Irelia are all melee and don't use projectiles. IMO, it would be a really bizarre and unintuitive explanation, but at least it would be an explanation. However, that statement isn't even entirely true.

    Senna Q, which applies on-hit but not on-attack effects, generates stacks, but only once, regardless of how many targets are hit. ?????????????? Senna's autos don't use projectiles, so to be consistent with Katarina, each target hit should generate a stack.

    MF Q, which applies both on-hit and on-attack effects to the first target and only on-hit to the second, generates two Kraken Slayer stacks. It should only generate one. Meanwhile, Twitch ult and Kayle E (both of which modify basic attacks to apply on-hit effects in an area) only generate one stack, regardless of targets hit. Aphelios's "fake autos," (the ones from his ult and flamethrower Q), which also apply on-hit but not on-attack effects, each generate a stack. This means if he hits 3 people with his ult/flamethrower Q, he instantly procs Kraken. Again, to be consistent, they shouldn't generate any stacks. Same thing applies to his heal-gun Q (the one where he attacks a lot): the attacks don't apply on-attack effects, so they shouldn't proc Kraken Slayer at all. Except maybe they should, because his heal-gun doesn't use projectiles? I'm honestly not sure about this one. Sidenote, his heal-gun Q is also really inconsistent. It sometimes doesn't apply on-hit effects at all, and it stacks energized attacks (energized stacks are generated on-attack, so they shouldn't be stacked).

    This is confusing, bizarre, inconsistent, and leads to a ton of broken interactions (ie Katarina). IMO, they should make Kraken Slayer an on-attack effect, which would make it more consistent with other 3-hit items (Guinsoo's), fix Katarina, and generally prevent abuse. But, at the very least, it should be consistent. What we have now is definitely not that.

    TL;DR: Kraken Slayer behaves super inconsistently regarding on-hit and on-attack effects. It should just be an on-attack effect.

    submitted by /u/Shaheenthebean
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    Tyler1 watches i0ki getting picked for his team in Twitch Rivals

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 02:27 PM PST

    [Comic] I drew a comic about trying to assassinate a fed carry

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 08:16 AM PST

    [Comic] I drew a comic about trying to assassinate a fed carry

    After a surprisingly long game of League, it's come down to a final teamfight. The enemy Ashe is super fed but also super immobile. And a certain speedy assassin plans to take advantage of that.

    Would strongly recommend using Imgur's old design to view this (the new design destroys the image quality).

    Feel free to zoom in for a crisper resolution, and please read left-to-right.


    Feedback always welcome!

    I also have a Twitter where I post other drawings: https://twitter.com/noKone4


    submitted by /u/noKone
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    Froskurinn will not be a part of the LEC next split

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 03:04 AM PST


    I have decided not to re-sign with the LEC for the 2021 season. I cannot reveal the next steps yet, but I've always felt strongly about moving into management and development positions. I wish the LEC broadcast, teams, and fans the very best. I absolutely loved it there.

    in an incredible act of self-irony, I will post her words about reddit here:

    Ahhh one last reddit hate thread. Nice. I gave you so much of my life and effort and it was never worth it to try for your acceptance. You don't know anything, you torture players and personalities. You truly are - and I mean this - the worst aspect of this incredible community.

    submitted by /u/Aromatic_Reindeer
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    Multiple CLG members catch COVID, experiencing visa issues. Solo and Griffin (Wiggily) for Lock In

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 05:00 PM PST

    Ruined skinline has been confirmed as canon

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 07:59 AM PST

    Ruined skinline has been confirmed as canon

    So, turns out Viego really did capture Karma, Shyvana and Draven.

    tweet link: https://twitter.com/notquitefrodo/status/1348890186248187906

    While I was a bit torn initially, I like that they are advancing the plot through skins.

    Their skin bios indicate they weren't killed, but they were 'ruined'. In other words, they are corrupted/possessed by Veigo and it's a situation that can (and hopefully will) be reversed.

    submitted by /u/Garretz
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    Making Zed Mad

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 03:07 PM PST

    Clash should allow bench players

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 08:05 AM PST

    Assembling a team is hard enough and some people are not sure wether they can commit to the time window or not. Sometimes games can get really tiring or sometimes players can only play 2 matches or so. So Clash should allow teams to recruit players on the bench and field five players before each match. The enemy team can then scout those fielded players and not worry about the benched ones so there wouldn't be extra work for them.

    What do you think of the idea? Should all players be rewarded too? I think if benched worlds players get their skins and glory for the worlds title then it should be fair that all players would get items no?

    submitted by /u/yasumasa
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    Patch 11.2 Preview [Full Changes]

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 01:53 PM PST

    A follow up from the previous post yesterday

    Riot Scruffy Tweeted the patch 11.2 preview with the full changes.

    Patch Preview 11.2 with all tentative changes

    A few additions, and not 100% locked down but we're getting close.

    Image version of the changes: https://imgur.com/a/k5UiH9D

    >>> Item/Rune Nerfs <<<

    Ravenous Hunter

    • Omnivamp per stack: 2% >>> 1.7%

    Hextech Rocketbelt

    • Movement Speed boost: 50% for 2s >>> 30% for 1.5s


    • Cloudburst cooldown: 60 >>> 90s

    Imperial Mandate

    • Per target cooldown applies on: Ally proccing >>> initial application of CC

    Kraken Slayer

    • Damage proc respects reduced on hit modifiers (Katarina, Aphleios, Urgot)

    >>> Item Buffs <<<

    Turbo Chemtank

    • Cost: 3200 >>> 2800

    • Build Path: Bami's + Negatron + Cloth + 900g >>> Bami's + Null + Cloth + 850g

    • Ability Haste: 15 >>> 20

    • MR: 50 >>> 25

    • Mythic Passive 5% Tenacity and Slow Resist >>> 5 Ability Haste

    Frostfire Gauntlet

    • Cost: 3200 >>> 2800

    • Build Path: Bami's + Null + Chain Vest + 850g >>> Bami's + Null + Cloth Armor + 850g

    • Ability Haste: 15 >>> 20

    • Armor: 50 >>> 25

    Gargoyle Stoneplate

    • Fortify increases bonus resists by 3% (max 15%) >>> 5% (max 25%) when damaged by enemy champs

    Essence Reaver

    • Mana restore: 3% Max Mana >>> 40% Base AD + 16% Bonus AD

    >>> Item Adjustments <<<

    Sunfire Aegis

    • Mythic Passive: 5 Ability Haste >>> 5% tenacity and slow resist

    Phantom Dancer

    • Cost: 2500 >>> 2600

    • Attack Speed: 40% >>> 45%

    Runaan's Hurricane

    • Cost: 2500 >>> 2600

    • Attack Speed: 40% >>> 45%

    Umbral Glaive

    • Cost: 2800 >>> 2600

    • AD: 55 >>> 50

    • Caufield's Warhammer >>> 2 Long Sword in build path

    Serpents Fang

    • Cost: 2800 >>> 2600

    • AD: 60 >>> 55

    Chempunk Chainsword

    • Cost: 2700 >>> 2600

    • Health: 200 >>> 150

    Shureliya's Reverie

    • Health: 350 >>> 200

    • 5% Movement speed >>> 40 AP

    • Base Mana Regen: 50 >>> 100%

    • New buildpath Kindelgem + Bandleglass Mirror

    >>> Champion Nerfs <<<



    • Spider Q Damage: 70-230 >>> 70-210



    • Lifesteal: 14-22 >>> 16-24%

    • Healing amplification: 0-50 >>> 0-33% based on missing health



    • Noxian might bonus AD: 30-230 >>> 20-205


    Base Stats

    • Movement Speed: 345 >>> 340

    • HP: 580 >>> 540

    Maokai Support


    • Mana cost: 60-80 >>> 60-100

    • Damage AP ratio: 1% per 100 AP >>> 0.8% per 100 AP



    • Energy cost: 120-80 >>> 120-100

    >>> Champion Buffs<<<

    Dr. Mundo


    • HP refund on hit: 40 >>> 50%

    • HP refund on kill: 80 >>> 100%


    • Cost: 25-65 >>> 20-60

    • Damage: 3-5 >>> 4-6% max HP


    • Healing: 50-100 >>> 50-110% max HP



    • Bonus damage ratio: 10-50 >>> 15-55% tAD


    • Attack speed: 20-100 >>> 30-110%



    • Base backstab damage: 10-25 >>> 20-35



    • Cooldown: 10 >>> 8s


    • Cooldown: 150-100 >>> 140-90


    Base stats

    • Health per lvl: 92 >>> 97


    • Mana cost: 50-90 >>> 50-70


    Base stats

    • AD per level: 2.88 >>> 3.3


    Base stats

    • Mana per lvl: 33 >>> 40


    • Cooldown: 120-60 >>> 100-60


    • Attack Speed ratio: 0.2 >>> 0.3

    • Non kill ghoul spawn chance: 22 >>> 28%

    • Gold from ghouls: 3 >>> 8


    • Healing ratios: (40% AD) (25% AP) >>> (50% AD) (40% AP)



    • Health restore: 50-90 >>> 50-110


    • Heal: 80-220 (+60% AP) >>> 90-230 (+70% AP)



    • Cooldown: 15-7 >>> 14-6

    >>> Champion Adjustments <<<



    • [NEW] Increases healing to 25-45% during World Ender


    • Healing Amplification: 50-100% >>> 30-60%
    submitted by /u/MonstrousYi
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    Santorin to miss week 1 of Lock in Tournament due to Visa Issues.

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 05:41 PM PST


    Santorin is having visa issues and will miss the first week of the lock in tournament. Armao ( formerly knows as Grig) will be taking his place for the first weekend.

    Pretty unfortunate for TL

    submitted by /u/ArkhamKnight96
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    Champions That Scale in S11

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 07:52 PM PST

    Champions That Scale in S11

    This post is mainly for new players. I have seen a lot of misconceptions about champions that scale. For example, I have seen the following included in lists of scaling champions: Vladimir, Nasus, and Vayne. None of these champions scale.

    I have spent many, many hours perusing the literally thousands of champions in league, in order to find the champions that scale, so that you don't have to.

    In summation, here is a comprehensive list of the champions that scale in league of legends:







    And that's it.

    But which one scales the hardest? Well, that would be rammus. His scales are very hard which is why he is so hard to kill.

    Please let me know if I missed any. And please do not try to troll me by trying to convince me that jax or kayle scale! They don't. I checked.

    submitted by /u/A_Deadly_Sloth
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    Glorious Champion Capsules are not given beyond level 1000

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 11:46 PM PST

    This is a repeat post but I intend to repeat it until it's heard by officials. Once an account has reached level 1000, it stops getting glorious champion capsules at 10 and 25 level milestones like it should. And before anyone says "you don't get GCC at 25 level intervals, you DO because it counts as border upgrade milestones EVEN THOUGH you get past level 500 where border upgrades stop. I'm currently at level 1083 and I'm missing my 1075 and 1080 level GCC's.

    submitted by /u/Sandyclawz9317
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    Yoo, so if you watched Adventure Time, this is pretty good easter egg of this show in League of Legends

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 08:45 AM PST

    Hextech crafting is frustratingly slow

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 06:42 AM PST

    They need to speed up the process like having the option to remove the animation and/or being able to craft/shard multiple copies of the same element at the same time. Like I had 19 token event and after doing the 10 for 100 token I had to do it 9 different times to get 90 blue shards... And seeing the animation 10 times... How rewarding.. I bet a lot of you have a shit load of champion shard sitting there, waiting for the next chroma emporium to painfully slowly get shared.

    submitted by /u/FulminatorMage
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    Tyler's emotional roller coaster

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 05:03 AM PST

    Multiple LCS Teams Contract Covid - Players Should Play at Home

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 07:04 PM PST

    How does +12LP/-17LP make up for removing promos?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 08:45 AM PST


    So i need to now win 9 Games instead of 7 to promote AND in addition to that I lose 17 which is more than I would lose with promos? Someone explain this logic lol, i was d4 last season and now p3. How can my MMR be this bad after 14 games? 7W-7L lol

    submitted by /u/Kymori
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    Rogue Warriors vs. Top Esports / LPL 2021 Spring - Week 2 / Post-Match Discussion

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 05:28 AM PST

    LPL 2021 SPRING

    Official page | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Eventvods.com | New to LoL

    Rogue Warriors 2-1 Top Esports

    RW | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Website | Twitter
    TES | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Website | Twitter

    MATCH 1: RW vs. TES

    Winner: Top Esports in 29m | MVP: 369 (1)
    Match History | Game Breakdown

    Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
    RW syndra olaf leona leblanc twisted fate 42.5k 3 2 H2 H4 I5
    TES yone akali pantheon volibear renekton 56.7k 17 9 O1 C3 B6 I7
    RW 3-17-7 vs 17-3-35 TES
    Ziv aatrox 3 0-3-0 TOP 3-0-8 2 ornn 369
    Haro nidalee 2 1-3-2 JNG 3-2-6 1 graves Karsa
    Forge zoe 1 0-3-1 MID 5-0-6 4 viktor knight
    kelin jhin 2 0-3-3 BOT 6-1-5 1 kaisa JackeyLove
    QiuQiu galio 3 2-5-1 SUP 0-0-10 3 alistar Zhuo

    MATCH 2: RW vs. TES

    Winner: Rogue Warriors in 41m | MVP: Haro (1)
    Match History | Game Breakdown

    Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
    RW olaf ornn syndra alistar leona 77.8k 21 9 I1 H2 H4 M6 B7 M8 M9 B10
    TES yone akali pantheon irelia lucian 76.1k 24 5 C3 M5
    RW 21-24-49 vs 24-21-49 TES
    Ziv renekton 3 6-1-9 TOP 2-6-6 4 kennen 369
    Haro nidalee 1 7-4-9 JNG 6-3-7 1 graves Karsa
    Forge jayce 3 4-2-10 MID 2-4-15 2 zoe knight
    kelin aphelios 2 4-8-9 BOT 10-6-11 1 kaisa JackeyLove
    QiuQiu thresh 2 0-9-12 SUP 4-2-10 3 sett Zhuo

    MATCH 3: RW vs. TES

    Winner: Rogue Warriors in 33m | MVP: Forge (1)
    Match History | Game Breakdown

    Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
    RW olaf ornn syndra camille zoe 68.1k 21 11 H1 B5 I6 I7 B8
    TES akali renekton aphelios yone irelia 56.1k 12 4 C2 H3 O4
    RW 21-12-38 vs 12-21-27 TES
    Ziv gnar 3 5-2-5 TOP 4-4-5 4 jayce 369
    Haro nidalee 2 5-1-3 JNG 2-4-5 1 graves Karsa
    Forge twisted fate 3 5-2-11 MID 2-5-4 3 viktor knight
    kelin kaisa 1 4-2-9 BOT 4-3-5 1 jhin JackeyLove
    QiuQiu leona 2 2-5-10 SUP 0-5-8 2 alistar Zhuo

    This thread was created by the Post-Match Team.
    We are looking for people to help out with Post-Match Threads in 2021. Please send a message containing your email address to Reddit username lolpmtc if you are interested.

    submitted by /u/wwsangus
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    Broxah/Finn might be having visa issues for LCS (replaced by Solo and Keel)

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 04:29 AM PST


    As posted by Shakarez, Keel and Solo were just added in the GCD to CLG. Doesn't specify if it's academy or main team but given how multiple teams are having visa issues right now and Finn was streaming in Europe just this week it seems like CLG might be running substitutes for the opening tournament

    Also sucks for Broxah that this shit happens again after last year

    submitted by /u/zkfq
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    Why was AD Katarina allowed? It's literally the same as AP Katarina

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 02:19 PM PST

    Okay lemme explain.

    Back then in 2018, Riot August, a rioter that reverted Rengar's Q back to the old one, decided to add AP ratios in Rengar's kit. He experimented with it, he wanted to make AP Rengar a thing. But THEN he chose not to, because, him saying, "it was still the same playstyle as the AD" , that was the reason AP Rengar was never allowed. So here i am, waiting for the answer on WHY tf is AD KATARINA allowed when it does exactly the same thing as AP KATARINA.

    - Riot's comment about this

    submitted by /u/Ryo_Marufuji
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    Rell's ultimate should be a ground

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 11:48 AM PST

    I've been enjoying Rell for the past couple days, but honestly the ultimate feels kind of lackluster with the amount of mobility in the game. Enemies can dash, flash, or even just walk out of your ultimate, so it's impact feels even weaker. The typical Riot thing to do would be to just buff it's damage or something, but honestly, to give the ability and the champ some identity, I think giving the Ult AoE a ground would work quite well. It might be broken but nerfing the duration as compensation would be an option to consider too. A ground on Ult would mean enemies which you ult most likely stay in your ult, as escape is now way harder, and the whole "Iron Maiden" with metal and magnetic abilities character they tried with creating Rell would feel more fitting with an Ult that actually doesn't let people go

    submitted by /u/paeddym
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    T1 has finally a decent team for once...

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 08:56 PM PST

    Poll - Which Champion Is The Least Fun To Play Against?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 04:04 PM PST

    We've all got our least favorite champion: the one who is either perma-banned from your games for a reason other than the current meta, has a kit you feel is unfun or frustrating to play against, or whose face you just want to pummel. Which champion is THAT champion, for you?

    The poll - https://strawpoll.com/zvwwwjevs

    submitted by /u/Every_Oblivion_Npc
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