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    Monday, January 4, 2021

    LoL Guide Do not become untargetable while Caitlyn is channeling her ultimate on you

    LoL Guide Do not become untargetable while Caitlyn is channeling her ultimate on you

    Do not become untargetable while Caitlyn is channeling her ultimate on you

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 06:59 PM PST

    If you do this, her ultimate cancels but it goes on a 5-second cooldown. You don't want this. You want her ultimate to go on full cooldown. Use your untargetable ability when she completes her channel, or when you see the bullet coming towards you. That way she doesn't just get a refund and can use it again later. Rarely anyone knows this but you've seen it now. A quick tip when playing against Caitlyn.

    Also, never use Zhonyas against Caitlyn unless she is not in range to trap you until the stasis effect ends, unless you're sure you can tank her headshot damage.

    Proof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x31MLFjLUR0

    submitted by /u/ExplodingFistz
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    Leaguecraft 101 - The Text Version for you new season

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 07:33 AM PST

    I was watching my old posts, and I noticed that I had done a text version on the league craft 101 videos, so I thought that maybe it would be a good idea to post it here again since it has been 4 years since I have done it.

    It covers most of the basics in the game, and really important mechanics for beginners and intermediatte players so hope you guys enjoy.

    League craft 101

    1 - Trading Stance

    • Stand on your dying minion
    • Prioritise CS over damage on enemy
    • Time the approach with your trade
    • Zone in front of the dying minion

    2 - The Retaliation Trade

    • If your support gets all-ined don't run away and instead focus the ADC
    • Take care of cooldowns (engage when they don't have abilities)
    • All-in or trade to save the support

    3 - Lane Control

    • Use the techniques in 1 and 2
    • Trade and push-up phase: Trade while farming and pushing; get higher level faster; focus minions
    • Lane control phase: Stop pushing (Zone, Slow Push, Reset and Freeze)
    • Zone: Care vs. strong junglers; stand behind enemy minions; prepare a countergank
    • Slow Push: Use trading stance; try to dive or free drake; have the jungler near your lane
    • Freeze: Make the wave stop near your tower to make enemy lose XP and CS

    4 - Team fighting

    • Direct Initiation: Create a fight; the fight can start with 1v5; carries do not go in
    • Follow Up Initiation: Tanks pressure backline; force everyone to use cooldowns; carries stay OUT until tanks use cooldowns
    • Hit Tanks: Hit tanks after cooldowns are used; force backline cooldowns; carries don't dive backline (stay out of range); try to be in range of only 1 enemy
    • Kill Backline: APC flashes the backline OR finishes off the tanks; ADC can dive if no enemy burst cooldowns are up; Tanks can make a flash play
    • Cleanup: Flash to kill enemies escaping; focus objectives after fight

    5 - How to get fed in lane

    • Use trading stance
    • Pressure Canon Minions
    • Be careful of pushing the lane
    • Punish Dash Usage: If they dash to you, you can all in, make your decision quickly
    • Level 6 all in: Watch XP bar; push before getting level 6; engage immediately
    • Lane control: Freeze for ganks; push lane for roams; care breaking freezes

    6 - How to Roam

    • Cheese Roam: It's a random roam with no reason; don't do it; not planning will always end up in loss of XP and CS
    • Bread and Butter Roam: Push wave into turret; roam when minions hit the turret; doesn't matter if the enemy knows you are coming
    • Reaction Roam: Watch the mini map; move immediately; most of the times following enemy is more important than farm

    7 - Assassin Team fighting

    • Direct Initiation: Only do it when enemy is out of position (Fizz R, Kassadin R, flash plays)
    • Hit tanks Phase: Don't go deep; counter-engage will 1 shot you; watch for CC and cooldowns
    • Kill backline Phase: Burst front line and tanks OR flash bomb back line; DON'T use Zhonyas when you are about to die use it to reset cooldowns

    8 - How to Carry

    • Win Lane: Level 6 all-in; manipulate the wave for ganks and communicate flashes; apply info in 1,2,3, and 5 to win lane
    • Reaction Roam: Following the roam of your enemy laner; If you don't do it you will lose; check the mini map every 2-3 seconds; apply info in 6
    • Control Vision: DEWARD wins games; WARDS stop you from losing
    • Don't die: You lose objective control and vision

    9 - How to Jungle

    • Jungle Priority chart: Counter Gank > Minion Crash Dive > Gank Overextending lane > Take Objectives > Push when enemies leave lane > Hold Lanes > Invade and Ward > Power Clear
    • How to Gank: Wait for bloodlust; Gank lanes that are trading; chose ganking paths that go behind enemies
    • Minion Crash Dive: Check for low enemies getting pushed; come around the back side; dive from behind when minions crash
    • Save your KDA: Don't throw deaths for kills; save your bounties and ultimate/flash; don't give the enemy opportunities

    10 - Carrying From Jungle

    • Levels and Gold: Level makes you unkillable; Gold gives you damage
    • Always remember the Jungle Priority Chart
    • Common Mistakes: Stop ganking so much; try to avoid ganking losing lanes; get a winning lane ahead to contest the fed enemy
    • Item builds: Build Hybrid damage tank after jungle item

    11 - Minion Crash Dive

    • Accelerates the games
    • Creates Gold Swings
    • Equivalent to 4-6 CS + Kills if successful
    • Step One – Approach: Push your lane first then Roam; don't arrive too early; don't go through warded places (use pinks)
    • Step Two – Prep: Let all your members surround the enemies; approached them from the back; if the enemies TP ask for team to cancel
    • Step Three – Tank: Let your tank go first; Ping target then CC it and drop all damage; tank it until 1 shot from death
    • Step Four – Burst: All-in after the 1st person engages and use ignite first to prevent heal; calculate how greedy you can be
    • Step Five – Objectives: Evaluate your priorities (turret/farm/baron/drake/bush wait)
    • Take leadership and be careful with timing

    12 - Manipulating Back Timings

    • Under rated way of generating advantages
    • After a Kill: Look for a reset on wave into a new wave and freeze or just recall; staying with gold is losing lane pressure
    • Optimal Scenarios: Return to lane with wave pushing against you; freeze and get a gank; build a big wave and go for a minion crash dive
    • If you kill the enemy and the wave is pushing against you; consider just recalling
    • Call ganks when you get back to lane

    13 - Playing Losing Lanes

    • When do you lose lane? They outrange you, they out damage you or both
    • Trade and Push: Trade while farming and pushing, get higher level faster; focus minions (doesn't work Plat above)
    • Don't push the lane: Opens you to ganks; lets them freeze; if you push it call jungler to break the freeze
    • Avoid Trades: Play like a little bitch; probe for CS but care trading stance; stay high health and CS under turret
    • Don't push with range abilities

    14 - ADC Team fighting

    • Direct Initiate Option 1 (if they have 1-2 initiators): Enemy has to dash to initiate; QSS or flash allow you to frontline
    • Direct Initiate Option 2: Dash to an isolated target to force a fight; QSS only if they turn for you; only do it if you know you will win the fight
    • Direct Initiate Option 3: Walk around in circles; wait for direct and follow up initiates to go down; majority of team fights happens before you QSS
    • Wait for cooldowns to be burned
    • Hit tanks Phase: Be in range of 1 person at a time; maximise your DPS by kiting; learn to attack move under pressure
    • Kill Backline: Turns marginal leads into game winning leads; calculate what you can get away with

    15 - Diamond Eyes (Why you can't climb)

    • Every loss is your fault because you didn't make the plays to win
    • Avoid dying
    • Putting enemies in tough spots forces mistakes
    • Use dedicated practice to improve small things at a time

    16 - How to Outplay

    • Every time you would flash away think of an outplay
    • Plant the ability you need to flash
    • Know what abilities/summoners they have

    17 - Advanced Bot Laning Phase Guide

    • Zones Recap: Take trades when even or ahead on zones; be aware of bush or zone extenders (Braum W, Blitz W), supports takes the lead and ADC follow
    • Lane Matchups: Bad ADC matchups can be made up by supports
    • Sustain > Poke, All-In > Poke, All-In >>> Sustain, Disrupt > All-in, Poke >>> Disrupt
    • Lane Control: Push and Trade Phase, use trading stance
    • Proxy Lanes: Janna/Soraka lanes; zone with trading stance instead of trading
    • All-in/Disruption Lanes: Support has one big cooldown; Support stands in front against All-in; carry lots of potions against poke; ignite vs. Sustain
    • All-in/Disruption Tactics: Timing attacks; vision denial; trading stance abilities; flash combo with gank; hook through dying minions; all-in of the end of the wave
    • Miscellaneous Tips: ADC and Supp buy pinks; back at the same time; support doesn't need to stay to get CS; you get more CS being together

    18 - Mid Game and Rotations

    • Octopus theory: ward and sweep areas you can walk to safely
    • Rotations: moving from one place to another, good rotation is arriving when a wave hits another lane's turret
    • Mid Game: Most games become ARAM, people don't know how to deal with lane swap and rotations
    • Mid Game Plan: Works in solo queue, centered around winning Bot lane: Take dragon; take Bot turret; lane swap to top; top and supp/jungle stops Bot; counterpart of supp/jungle helps take top turret
    • Mid Game Plan: playing mid game when behind is easier; react to what opponents do and try to rotate in time; get as much vision as possible

    19 - Priority & "Win Lane, Win Game"

    • Laning techniques: Trading Stance; Retaliation Trade; Lane Control; get fed and punish
    • The missing piece: Defensive items builds allows you to win trades and survive all-ins; defensive build lessens your all-in threat; building damage often concedes lane priority
    • Lane Priority: Lets you crash waves into turret
    • Priority Strategies: steal enemy chickens; help jungler invade; push and bread and butter roam; minion crash dive your lane
    • How to win solo queue: stop teammates that are ahead from throwing; make your losing lanes self-sufficient; predict and nullify the enemy jungler
    • When to build defensive: if the defensive item builds into something that's optimal; if the enemy has someone with 1 shot potential

    Side Notes: I did this to gather all info I could from Leaguecraft 101, it might not be perfect but it was the best I could do. All credit goes to the creator of the videos (https://www.youtube.com/c/unswlolsoc/videos).

    submitted by /u/DRTIcePenguin
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    Difference between lethality and crit builds

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 12:00 PM PST

    I'm an adc main and I play missfortune, and after the item changes i'm presented now with the choice to go either crit or lethality, the same for other adcs not just Mf, but what's the difference between the two, which one enables you to do more damage, when do you go one or the other, and do you play differently if you go with each build?

    submitted by /u/Aenyr
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    How do people play so solid at such low levels? I feel like the dumbest player in this game ._.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 02:13 AM PST

    So, my preferred role is Jungler. I do reasonably well unless I go against someone blatantly much more experienced than me. For reference, I am level 30 just now, although the first 14 or so levels of my account I got several years ago, so not quite, maybe. If I go against a level 300 Hecarim then, yes, I'll get destroyed, but against similarly low level players, it seems to be okay. I have an okay eye for when to gank and steal and do objectives etc.

    But as soon as I go into a lane I just get destroyed. Completely. Top lane, I get destroyed 100% of the time, and it hurts even more because apparently I play champs with favorable matchups against the champs I lose against. But I go 0-7 nonstop.

    Mid lane goes slightly better usually, but not really. And bot lane I get destroyed perhaps even harder, as I constantly get duo'd on and walk into ganks and combos and have no clue what to do different.

    And I've read a bunch of guides, how to play safe, when to be aggressive etc. but... everyone's execution is SO much better than me. They freeze waves better than me. They trade favorably even when that shouldn't be possible, apparently, they snowball, they roam, they do everything so well. Like, I'm sure against high ELO players they'd also get crushed, but everyone seems to have a solid understanding of the game - except for me, who knows nothing, it seems.

    Is there some kind of, like, in-game guidance or combo option, or just... I dunno, something that helps with all of this stuff, that I'm too dumb to figure out? 'cause it's really frustrating getting destroyed without any idea what exactly the mistake even was, and teams not even surrendering for 40 minutes and it's just miserable ._.

    submitted by /u/somethingsuperindie
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    How do I have an interactive laning phase against Malzahar mid?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 01:24 PM PST

    Hello Summoners!

    TL;DR Malzahar just constantly clears waves, leaving me no chance to kill him or deny CS. Is there a way to force him to actually lane against me?

    I've been working lately on trying to improve my laning phase by improving my wave management and trading. It's been going well, but one champion I haven't figured out to stomp is Malzahar due to his waveclear.

    Regardless of how I play the lane, Malz just clears my entire minion wave and leaves, and if I try to freeze the wave outside my turret to deny him he just comes back to lane and clears it again. This results in the laning phase just being him clearing the wave, and then me clearing the wave so it resets. The outcome is usually that we are both 0/0/0 with 90 CS at ten minutes, so while I'm fairly strong at this point, I don't have any advantage over him.

    Does anyone have any tips to force Malzahar to lane and trade with me so I can actually have an advantage over him when midgame comes around? I primarily play Ahri and Ekko if there is anything specific I can do with those champions.


    submitted by /u/TheRealSlimSaady
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    Corki build question

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 10:50 AM PST

    Hi y'all, I'm a plat 1 midlaner and I'm trying to add corki to my champ pool. My games have gone well, but I'm a little bit confused on what's considered the meta build right now -


    My primary confusion is that high elo players are building ie 4th item (games rarely go to full build), even though their builds inherently don't hit the 60% crit threshold to make the passive work.

    IE does have 70 AD, but by going BT or quick blades 4th item instead, you'd have a real passive that works and you'd get nearly the same stat like minus 10-15 AD.

    So, why IE 4th? Any corki mains have thoughts?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Abarn279
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    Beginner jungler decision-making question

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 01:07 PM PST

    Hi all, I'm pretty new to league (2-3 months) and have settled into jungling as my favorite role. I've been watching kingStix videos mainly to get the feel for new champs and playstyles, but one thing I struggle with is mid-game decision-making when things aren't going my way. When I'm behind, I try to farm or take advantageous fights, but sometimes I feel like I'm just wandering around the map aimlessly. One particular situation came up yesterday, and I'm still not sure whether or not I did the right thing.

    My top laner got ganked. I was nearby doing my krugs so I came to help, but by the time I arrived he had already died. It seemed like based on the wave, the enemy top laner couldn't siege, so I continued pathing to invade the enemy blue side jungle. My top started pinging me a bunch so after I took the gromp, I backed. but by that time the top laner had backed too, and we didn't even lose any plates. I felt like I made an ok call but then my mid laner started pinging me too, so I wasn't sure. There are a lot of other sitautions too where I'm not sure if I should contest a siege at a man disadvantage, or if I should just farm on the side and come if things look too bad.

    Do you guys have any tips on this situation or just improving decision making in these situations in general? Anything is appreciated, thanks!

    submitted by /u/TheDumbestSmartGuy
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    Bad luck? or just me playing bad?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 03:57 PM PST

    So https://blitz.gg/lol/match/eun1/MaadMoxxi/2693044611 this is the link to my match.

    it started slow, and Darius went AFK LVL 4 due to who knows what.

    For the rest of the game I basically easily 1v5 the whole enemy team yet we still lost.

    if there's anyone here that can pinpoint my mistakes id really appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/Alaskaisgoth
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    How to analyze a VOD

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 03:54 PM PST

    I'm a supp main with no specific main champ and I want to know how to analyze a VOD in order to get knowledge because I want to be a coach, but I don't know how to analyze them and if you can tell me what do I need in order to be one, I think this can be of help to a lot of people. Sorry for the problems, being so selfish and sorry for my English im not a native speaker.

    submitted by /u/Deone079
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    Relatively New to League so I have a few questions

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 03:51 PM PST

    1. When supports take cs with steel shoulderguards, does it share the same xp with the adc (assuming adc is nearby) if instead the adc got the cs for themselves?
    2. If I flash caitlyns ult as it's traveling towards me, does it still somehow follow me/hit me or does it count as a way to dodge her ult?
    3. I'm sure it depends on the situation but, in general, if everyone is Aramming midlane, is it ok to go to a side lane to cs and risk not being there for a team fight or do I sacrifice the side lane cs in case the other team engages the teamfight?
    4. Tried watching YouTube videos but I still don't really understand: Can someone explain what attack move click vs attack move are and when to use them.
    5. What should I do if I'm getting camped by the other team's jg (more specifically Nunu/Rammus who roll into you and cc you like crazy)?

    Thanks in advance for reading through and helping out :)

    submitted by /u/itsluk3
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    How to stop hypercarry yi comp?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 03:34 PM PST

    From time to time, you meet this average select with Shen top, yuumi support, and then suddenly last pick yi. Is there anything to do besides dodging? We tried it then a few games with friends, and it's almost comical how little the enemies could do past 2 items on yi, regardless if the game state before that.

    submitted by /u/aamgdp
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    Season 11 Miss Fortune Guide

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 06:44 AM PST

    Hi Summoner School!! I made a YouTube video guide on how to play Miss Fortune in Season 11. I'll post the transcript below for people who prefer reading. Feedback is welcome!



    Hello gamers, and welcome to my season 11 Miss Fortune guide. Miss Fortune benefited a lot from the item changes to both lethality items as well as crit items which has left her in an incredibly good spot, being second only to Jhin. Here's how you build and play Miss Fortune in season 11.


    For runes you have the options of Dark Harvest if you're doing Q max or Arcane Comet if you're doing E max. E max will give you greater poke in lane and generally is better in lane overall but does far worse in the mid-game, whereas Q max gives you more burst and DPS and combined with Dark Harvest makes you scale better. The Comet page is the most popular page right now in high Elo. Note that if you're doing the Comet E max build, you should only put 3 points in E before switching to maxing Q, so your skirmishing power doesn't take too long to come online.

    Alongside Dark Harvest take Taste of Blood or Cheap Shot, Eyeball Collector and Ravenous Hunter, and alongside Comet take Manaflow Band, Absolute Focus and Scorch.

    For secondary runes with Dark Harvest you'll want to go into precision with Overheal or Presence of Mind, then either Alacrity, Coup de Grace or Cut Down. For secondary runes with Comet, go into Domination with Cheap Shot and Ravenous Hunter.

    For stats, you can pick up either adaptive force or the attack speed shard, then adaptive force again, and either armor or MR depending on whether you're facing an ADC or a mage.


    For summoners you'll want the standard Flash, then your options are between Heal, Cleanse and Exhaust.

    Heal is the most useful summoner for ADCs in most situations and what you should default to if you don't feel you need either of the other 2 options. Cleanse on the other hand can be crucial against high CC opponents such as Varus, Ashe or Leona. As an immobile champion you have no easy way to dodge their skillshot CC meaning Cleanse is almost essential for avoiding engages without having to entirely concede the lane.

    Exhaust is also very useful in matchups against bursty ADCs or those who want to go all-in, such as Tristana or Draven. By crippling their damage when they commit to a fight it can potentially cause them to lose the fight before they get their full power back, denying them the ability to force winning fights that their champions should naturally have.


    For starting items your options are between Doran's Blade and Tear of the Goddess, depending on whether you want Manamune or not and then depending on whether you want a stronger lane or faster stacks towards your Muramana.

    Miss Fortune has so many different build options right now. She can go lethality with Eclipse or Duskblade, or she can go crit with Kraken Slayer or Galeforce. And regardless of which style of build you're going for, you also have the option of building Manamune before your Mythic for greater scaling, or you have the option of skipping it for a quicker powerspike.

    Regardless of which build you're going for, after your Mythic your next item is always going to be Collector due to its great synergy with both Lethality and crit builds, with Miss Fortune's kit in general, and even with Dark Harvest if you're running that.

    Afterwards your options are either Edge of Night on lethality builds, or Infinity Edge on crit builds as you'll already have 40% crit.

    From thereon we move onto situational items. Your situational items are Guardian Angel for survivability on both builds, Mortal Reminder for anti-heal on both builds, Firecanon for poke on both builds, Bloodthirster for survivability on crit builds, Serylda's Grudge for armor pen on lethality builds, Lord Dominik's for armor pen on crit builds, Mercurial Scimitar for the QSS active on both builds, and Maw of Malmortius for MR on both builds.


    Miss Fortune, especially when building lethality and with E max, thrives in the early-game. Q bounces onto minions give her safe poke from a distance and can deal nasty damage if they crit by killing the minion in question. Even without maxing it this will still pack quite a punch. If you're using Comet, spam your E every time your comet is off cooldown for the unavoidable Comet poke. This may not seem to deal much damage, but the damage sticks and the fact that your E is basically unmissable while the slow makes Comet undodgeable means it's impossible for the enemies to avoid each consecutive poke and slowly whittles them down.

    Miss Fortune best synergises with aggressive, lane dominant engage supports such as Leona, Nautilus, Thresh and Blitzcrank who can lock someone down for a deadly combination of chain CC and Bullet Time. Additionally, Nami and Janna are both very good right now and equally great options to pair with Miss Fortune despite not actually having as much synergy with her kit. With them you'll have a weaker laning phase than you would with the lane dominant engage supports, but superior scaling to compensate. They also synergize a bit better with Comet Miss Fortune as they can help you poke.

    You want to use your ultimate either in combination with your support's CC to melt a target while they're locked down, or to DPS from outside of auto-attack range if you can't get in range or if it's too risky for you to get in range. Additionally you should also use it if the enemies are grouped up and you can dish a lot of AoE by casting it.

    Miss Fortune's teamfighting lives or dies by the efficacy of her ultimate usage. She can put out some DPS with auto-attacks and her Q, but she won't deal as much sustained damage as other ADCs to carry fights. To succeed in teamfights she'll need to hit a good ultimate either onto priority targets to kill or chunk them out from afar, or hit a really big AoE ultimate that annihilates the entire enemy team. Look to teamfight in enclosed spaces like the jungle and dragon or baron pits where there's less space for the enemies to maneouvre around so they're more likely to be clumped up for a devastating ult.


    That's the end of my season 11 Miss Fortune guide! I didn't want to go too in-depth but I hope you guys found it helpful and have a better grasp of how to build and play Miss Fortune in season 11. Drop a like if you enjoyed this video, feel free to subscribe for more guides and high Elo gameplay videos, and check out my links in the description to find me on other platforms. Until next time, gamers!

    submitted by /u/VaporaDark
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    Use the plants effectively

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 08:16 PM PST

    Plants, meaning the honey fruit, scryers bloom, and blast cone, are useful in more ways than you may think.

    First, the honey fruit. Honey fruit gives you Mana and health, pretty simple. They spawn at around 6:15. Now, to the uses:Honey fruit can be used as a natural bait towards people with low Mana or health. Having vision on these plants can sometimes grant you vision of vulnerable targets, which can then be collapsed on. For those of you who play Teemo, you can place your shrooms near these plants, since people who are low health could potentially step near these plants and net you a free kill. During ocean drake souls, these fruits appear more throughout the river. Even if you're full health and Mana, taking these fruits can prevent the enemy from using this free sustain to their advantage.

    Next, the scryers bloom. Grants you vision in the direction hit. Also reveals wards in the area. A lot of players tend to just hit it randomly to get their vision score up, but it can be a lot more useful. First, these plants spawn in the jungle next to the blue buff, and behind the objective pits. The jungle spawning plants can be used to 1) Scout of an objective, and 2) Defensive vision on your own jungle. Scouting out an objective from far away can grant you vision of it, potentially catching someoen doing it, or could clear the vision on it to set up for your own benefit. Hitting it the other way around can let you know if there is anyone in your jungle, or if there are any wards in it. The second set of plants appear behind the objective pits. These can also, be used in multiple ways. First, scouting out an objective. Second, defensive vision, and Third, denying this vision from enemies. If you're doing baron, you can hit it away to see if anyone's coming, or to make sure they can't hit it into your team. If you're melee, you can target ping it and hope someone else hits it for you.

    Finally, the blast cones. Blast cones are unique, as in they can be used in many ways. First, mobility. You can travel over walls, over traps, and to dodge skillshots. It is very difficult to land something if you are travelling using this plant. You can also use it to get an enemy away from you. Using these plants on the enemy side of the map can restrict their mobility. These can also be used to transfer things, including heimerdinger cannons.( very useful when contesting an objective.)

    submitted by /u/Nocheese1
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    Questions regarding ranked and matchmaking going into season 11

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 03:01 PM PST

    So i noticed that a lot has been different in terms of the matches i get in ranked recently compared to when i last played a lot which was pre-season 9. I noticed that games are significantly less quality than before, like either games are complete nightmare stomps where the enemy team feels like they are some diamond premade and my team is actually silver. Then other games i get the diamond premade on my team and i hardly have to do anything to win, it kinda just happens. Was just wondering if this is like a change to the system overall or why exactly is it like this currently? This has been an evaluation over the past 2 months of ranked ive played which is about 125 games total.

    submitted by /u/PsychologicalAd8787
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    I love playing Skarner but I am scared to play him, help?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 02:49 PM PST

    I love playing Skarner and he is my favorite champ, but I usually play him once every 30 games. This is because I'm scared I will do bad and mess up my stats and the whole rest of the game.

    I usually just think "who cares ima just play" and it works for 1-5 games until I do really good and feel like I'm never gonna top it so I stop playing him.

    Does anyone have any advice to fix this feeling?

    submitted by /u/Ta7on
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    Everfrost Katarina should be Freaking Illegal(Others benefit aswell)

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 12:57 PM PST

    Yeah I know it has Mana in it, but before you say something bad, lets examine what the item does shall we.



    • Free Morgana Q
    • Scales with Range of champion, more range attack you have, the further it streches
    • Low CD
    • Scales 15 AP per Legendary Item. 4 Legendary Items is a Large Rod 60+ AP


    • Not very good Stat Wise
    • consider troll item vs Riftmaker

    When used with Katarina it should go as so

    Katarina: Q>EverFrost> E>W>R= 40% increase chance to kill opponent beacuse of the 1.5 second Root

    With Rylais or AD Variant, enemy will be too slow to flash fast enough without taking heavy damage

    Rumble: EverFrost>R>W=60% Increased to opponent being killed

    Yummi: EverFrost entire Enemy Team>R=Profit

    the item is very good, I suggest you all take another look at it

    submitted by /u/iiAskQuestions
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    How to win against Shyvana ?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 09:09 AM PST

    Hi, i'm a D4/D2 jungle main.

    I'm a decent jungler but I have a big problem. I don't know how to play against Shyvana. Here is my champion pool : Sejuani, Warwick, Rek'Sai, Xin Zhao, Morgana and a bit of Ekko.

    The thing is, I don't see how to win against Shyvana (mostly AP).

    The champ is damn good both at ganking, objectives and farming. I don't see any problem I can exploit. But the problem is, even if I do a good game, Shyvana will always do better. If I do a heavy gank game, she'll just out farm/xp everyone and be unstoppable. If I play a heavy farmer, she'll do slightly better anyway.

    Her damages are crazy and I don't understand how i'm supposed to win or contest that. Either I'm a fighter and she'll almost OS anyone including me, or I'm a Tank and I won't tank much against her. Can't even try to kill her first, her ult is uncancellable.

    Well, as you can see, I'm really annoyed by this champ. If you have any idea, I'll take it.

    submitted by /u/LeagEuDia
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    Need help with rune selection

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 12:44 PM PST

    Title. So for reference I have about 1k games and I'm G4 slime. I also predominantly one trick Kindred so 99% of games the only rune choice I have to make is "which defensive stat do I want" and "sudden impact or eyeball" because PTA is really they're only viable Keystone.

    That said, when I play some of my other picks (Graves and Pantheon, mostly) I never know how to tell if I'm looking at a Conqueror game, or PTA. Or for Graves when FF would be better than PR.

    Is there an ELI5 for how to gauge what runes I should be taking into enemy champs/comps?

    submitted by /u/JacksConscience
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    How To Play Rengar

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 08:31 AM PST

    edit: this is related to JUNGLE Rengar specifically, i dont like top lane :(

    Hey guys

    So.. just to detail this post, rengar used to be my best jungler (s10, some s9 play) and ive always gone electrocute Rengar. Unfortunately it seems this season that you are considerably more forced into picking CONQ Rengar over Electrocute for him to stay even semi-viable.

    My question is essentially: how do i play Conqueror Rengar vs his normal electrocute variant.

    Ill post clips of some plays a bit later when i make it home, but essentially i fall into this trap where my jg clear speed ends up being on par, but any time i enter a fight i feel like i die inmediately now despite the fact that conq is meant for easier sustain.

    My general go-to build is: Duskblade > cdr boots > collector

    Despite whos in my game, team mates or enemies, i jump in, Q/E/W emp Q and sometimes manage to kill, but half the time i end up with a half health enemy who turns around and stomp me if they have any mobility whatsoever. Im extremely confused on how rengar appears to be even less tanky than with electrocute. Pls halp.

    submitted by /u/BigCatRengar
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    Is ADC worth playing?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 08:44 PM PST

    Yeah I know everybody trashes on ADC for being a "trash role" but in my personal opinion I haven't had the worst time playing it (Ezreal and Tristana mostly), I've actually lowkey had fun. I'm a top main for context and even though tanks are really busted, they've kinda become pretty boring to me. Also, I don't know if it's just me but it feels worse when you lose lane as a top laner compared to ADC. I used to be a support main so I can pick that up as my secondary role. Should I start playing ADC in season 11 and if so, What are the 3 types of ADC's I should study up on?

    submitted by /u/jaytheasian04
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    How to duel Teemo?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 05:05 AM PST

    Hello guys, I'm a low elo player still kinda learning matchups. I'm currently sitting at bronze 2.

    So, how do you play a melee toplaners versus Teemo? I've tried Darius, Sett, and Yone and I find myself struggling against teemo.

    Should I instead go for a ranged champion or is there some good tips with a melee champion against Teemo?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Nopolas
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    2021 League Goals and Plan - MetaDoc

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 03:10 AM PST

    Hey everyone MetaDoc here. As some of you know I've posted some pretty science-heavy stuff on self-improvement, optimal practice and the impact of health on competitive gaming.

    Today I wish to share my own goals for League in 2021 and implement all (or as much as I can) of the things I've researched and document the progress. Would anyone else like to join? I have a small group that are interested in sharing progress notes, tips, tricks, etc. Anyways on to the post. Let me know what you think I should change.


    • History - I had just reached Master when I stopped playing. I can't even remember which season it was (6 I think). I have to say the quality of player has increased as the game has evolved (mechanically at least). Most people I've played have bad macro but some could pass as Diamond's mechanics-wise.
    • Equipment - Trash laptop. It's an Acer Aspire 5. I've never had a gaming PC (just had an ROG laptop) but I hope that if my goals (finishing MD/exercise/LoL) are met in May then I can build one and maybe stream.
    • Rank - As a baseline I came back to the game recently and made a new account. I went in straight to ranked and just learned the game again as I went. No plan. No practice. Just play. I got to Gold 1 on my way to Plat as my previous main role of Jungle but decided to apply the principles to a new role, actually my most feared and hated one, Mid. Started playing Mid, and dropped to Gold IV. This is good. It means it will serve as a much better indicator of progress.
    • The amount of time I have available is varied and depends on my workload and studies. I'd say I can consistently do around 10 hours a week of gaming. That means I have around 190 hours available from when S11 starts until May.


    Reach Diamond I by June 1st as a Mid Laner.

    I will make sub goals on a per week basis and daily basis.

    A Mid lane mentor is always appreciated.


    - One Trick Pony - I've chosen Viktor as my main. Couple of reasons.

    1. Low ban rate.
    2. Not mechanically challenging.
    3. Let's me focus on the macro.
    4. Can be played top if I get filled there.
    5. Different variable builds.

    Realistically, as some of you have pointed out just playing one champ without having to dodge is hard. It can get picked, banned or you just get assigned a different role. My idea is to then just include 2 more champs to my line up but will only pick them if I can't use Vik.

    Chose Pantheon

    1. If AD mid is needed
    2. He can also play top/jungle/support if filled

    Third option as a secondary mage:

    I'm between Malz and Kass. What do you guys think? I don't care about who's OP right now or not. Patches move everything around. It's more about do I want to play something similar to Vik such s Malz or incorporate a champ with a different playstyle. I'm leaning towards Kass. Help me decide.

    Practice Structure

    My Optimal Play Time is 3 hours (OPT is in my accelerated learning post).

    My biggest problem that needs to be addressed is mechanics. I'm rusty as hell (and I never considered myself mechanically prodigious).

    With this in mind I will divide the hours as such.

    • 15 mins - Watch a Pro
    • 20 mins - Practice mechanics. I will use Lol Dodge Game. If anyone has better suggestions please tell me.
    • 10 mins - Practice combos in training tool.
    • 2 hours - ranked
    • 15 mins - VOD

    Couple of notes:

    Before each session I will write down the goal for the session. Something like "Have 100 cs by X time". Depends on what I'm working on.

    The Pro I watch will be specific to whatever I'm working on. For example if it's Viktor mechanics then I can search up a video on the #1 ranked Vik.

    I will add practice variability and contextual interference to my practice but I will leave it out of this post.

    I will use post its for reminders on in-game goals to form a habit.

    Between matches I will take notes of builds, matchups, areas of improvement and keep track of the habits I'm working on.

    Will do some exercise or breathing techniques between matches and during them if needed.

    Basically, I will incorporate most of what I've researched. There's a lot I've left out from the post. I'd love to hear your input and see if anyone else wants to join the journey. Also, starting today I will make a post every 2 weeks. Keep me accountable fellas!

    submitted by /u/MetaDoc_OP
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    Do I need to win lane to win games?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 06:39 AM PST

    Hey all, I'm at a bit of a loss right now about what I should be doing better to win games as a midlaner. I exclusively play Lux mid after playing her in support for a long time, so I'm moderately familiar with how she plays the lane, and I have around a 75% WR in norms after 30 ish games. However, I've been on a serious slump in ranked and, over 11 games, have a 40% WR with 6 straight losses in the last week, demoting me to bronze II (8-12 lp lost per game). I'm generally a passive player before I get my Luden's echo, and have found that I tend to miss farm/overextend and die when I'm playing aggressive in the first 10 minutes, and I tend to come out of lane even or slightly ahead of my laner. However, it seems the only games I can win are those where my other lanes came out similarly even or hard stomped, and though I often have the highest damage and KP on the team, I rarely ever seem to be able to win the games where both my bot and top lane are losing. Do I need to be looking to trade aggressively instead of coming out of the first 10-15 minutes even and safe to win games or is this strategy viable and I'm just not executing it right?

    submitted by /u/Bruh-I-Cant-Even
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