• Breaking News

    Sunday, January 3, 2021

    League of Legends Monday Megathread! Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged!

    League of Legends Monday Megathread! Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged!

    Monday Megathread! Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged!

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 06:30 PM PST

    Welcome to the latest Monday Megathread, where you the community get to ask your questions and share your knowledge.

    Need help against a certain champion? Unsure how and where to ward? Looking to improve your csing? This is the place to ask. This weekly thread is a place for new players to ask questions and get help/advice from more experienced players. So, don't hold back, get your game related questions ready and post away, and hopefully someone can answer them!

    Previous threads

    If you wish to just view top level comments (ie questions) add ?depth=1 to the end of the page url.

    Looking to chat with people live? Come check out our discord channel here! We also have the channel #new-player-help if you want to ask questions there.

    If you are willing to learn, /r/SummonerSchool and its respective discord are always willing to teach.

    Basic Mechanics explanation in our Wiki

    New Player Guide by /u/The-All-Tomato

    Riot's New Player Guide

    LolEsports New Viewer Guide


    Please sort this post by new, so that you can see the newer, unanswered questions.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I was somehow able to kill the top laner from across the map with Hawkshot

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 05:21 AM PST

    TIL: buying Frozen Heart while dead and undoing the purchase will give permanent (until their death) attack speed reduction to enemies around your corps at the time of undo

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 08:49 AM PST

    Whole video: https://streamable.com/mg9hm0

    Screenshot of me with no one nearby: https://imgur.com/a/GcRDymG

    Screenshot of me when I died: https://imgur.com/a/pDozidZ

    It's not just a visual thing, check me (Brand) killing the ward at 0:55

    submitted by /u/max1mum
    [link] [comments]

    Fiora thinks she has made a great escape

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 07:06 AM PST

    Hysteric's LPL 2021 Spring Split Power Rankings

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 01:01 PM PST

    Hey all,

    It's that time of year again and hopefully this split I'm going to play you away, thanks as always for the support to the LPL team; hoping this year is even better:

    #17 - LGD

    Top - Garvey / Cult

    Jungle - Flora / Kui

    Mid - Uniboy

    ADC - Kramer

    Support - Peace

    - They exploded their roster and lost their biggest selling points in Xiye and Peanut. The only remaining element is Kramer (and technically Garvey + Cult).

    - They have a largely inexperienced roster who have had little stage time apart from Kramer and Uniboy

    - Kramer had a rough 2020 and Uniboy is not a big enough change to effect my feelings on what became one of my favourite teams in 2020 :(

    #16 - Estar

    Top - Zs

    Jungle - H4cker

    Mid - Insulator / Irma

    Adc - Rat

    Support - ShiauC

    - The same Estar team with the addition of H4cker, Zs & Insulator, not big enough upgrades to give me the confidence that Estar will be a good team

    - Expecting the team to lack a powerful identity and be able to rely on the upcoming solo laners from the LDL - Insulator/Irma & Zs are at the bottom of their roles

    - Same issue as LGD - Quite a bit of inexperience in the roster and it will take a lot of time to develop

    #15 - OMG

    Top - New

    Jungle - Aki

    Mid - Wuming / Bright

    Adc - Eric

    Support - Bafang / Cold

    - Exciting changes that I think could make OMG a contender for top 8 if the solo lanes develop in the way I hope; New was great on RNG & Wuming was a blood thirsty mid laner on RW.

    - One of the most inexperienced Rosters in the LPL with only Cold holding more than a years experience in the LPL

    - A great example of a development roster; just very limited expectations in Spring

    #14 - TT (Previously Dominus Esports)

    Top - Chelizi

    Jungle - Xiaopeng / Bless / VV

    Mid - Captain / Sky

    Adc - SamD

    Support - Teeen

    - A massive upgrade from their Summer Roster (With Captain coming from the IG Young 2020 LDL Champion Squad + SamD from the hype V5 Roster)

    - Still concerns on how Chelizi will stack up to other top laners when his last debut on Vici in 2019 & 2020 were super underwhelming. Also concerned with SamD and his new support meshing as 2020 Summer was SamD's first LPL split.

    - The development of this roster is one of the most hyped and I think by the end of Spring we will get an understanding if its valid or not. This team can hit playoffs in Summer if all goes as expected.

    #13 - LNG

    Top - M1kuya

    Jungle - Tarzan

    Mid - Icon / Plex

    Adc - Light

    Support - Iwandy

    - Another roster with big upgrades; especially with what I think is one of the biggest role upgrades in the jungle (because I thought Xx was not good). Tarzan debuting in the LPL is super hyped and something I think could make or break this team.

    - Have put them here because of the above fact as it might definitely take time for LNG to gel. Especially with Icon since he's moving into a new environment after being the Star on OMG for many years

    - Light and Iwandy have shown good development + now have more experience in their mid and jungle. Concern is for M1kuya who is coming from the LDL but has high prospects. It's a cop out but another "wait and see" roster with much stronger grounding due to Icon and Tarzan.

    #12 - Rogue Warriors

    Top - Ziv

    Jungle - Haro

    Mid - Forge

    Adc - Betty / Kelin

    Support - QiuQiu

    - Haro is still the driving force of this team so it does feel like roster swaps have to be incredibly major to change my thoughts on this crazy blood hungry team. Haro just has new pawns to make him happy >:D

    - Big names joining however with Ziv who old LMS fans will remember + Betty from RNG. There's a lot more of a solid ground on RW so fills me with confidence on top of the above fact.

    - Will still be one of the most entertaining teams in the LPL; they will beat teams above them and randomly lose to those below them

    #11 - RNG

    Top - Xiaobai

    Jungle - Wei / XLB

    Mid - Xiaohu / Cryin

    Adc - Gala

    Support - Ming / LeLe

    - RNG are essentially the same and a lot of the fans would have heard that Xiaohu is now back to mid which is a breath of fresh air (yes I also think Cryin needs a starting position but what can you do

    - Gala showed a lot of promise towards the end of last year and has a great path ahead of him

    - RNG still struggle with a strong voice and common direction most of the time; they'll sit around where they sat in Summer and let old fans down

    #10 - EDG

    Top - Flandre / Xiaoxiang

    Jungle - Clearlove / JieJie

    Mid - Scout / Gori

    Adc - Viper / Hope

    Support - Meiko

    - Clearlove coming out of retirement is obviously super exciting but I'm skeptical on if it puts them in the comfort of playoffs right out of the gate...

    - They've upgraded Top with Flandre, ADC with Viper and have a hungry import in Gori behind Scout (The irony of another Faker-shadow going to EDG, just like Scout 5 years ago). It's a good move but I feel like EDG should have already been successful with the players they had in 2020 so I'm keeping them just out of playoffs.

    - Having said that, EDG have leveled up even more in 3 roles. The biggest variable for me is Clearlove, if he performs like he did when he brought back EDG in 2019 then this is a Spring Playoff team.

    #9 - Suning

    Top - Bin

    Jungle - Sofm

    Mid - Angel

    Adc - Jinjiao / Huanfeng

    Support - Owo

    - This is probably one of the hottest takes; Suning are still the Worlds 2020 Runner Up with 4/5 of the roster. However, losing SwordArt was so much more than just losing their support.

    - They lost their shotcaller, their voice and the direction of the team. There is so much value to a strong voice for a high tier LPL league of legends team that I think Suning will be overshadowed by some of the more powerful and optimised roster changes.

    - I also go back to what I remember in the LPL which was that Suning were kept down in the regular season by a lot of the more decisive top tier LPL teams so I think in the LPL environment their impact will be limited in Spring.

    - If I've overvalued SwordArt I'm so happy to be wrong on this one.

    #8 - Rare Atom (Previously Vici Gaming)

    Top - Cube

    Jungle - Leyan / Aix

    Mid - FoFo

    Adc - iBoy

    Support - Hang / Maestro

    - Vici were on the cusp of making playoffs in 2020 Spring and Summer; from what I saw at Demacia cup they've developed to be worthy as a Top 8 team.

    - FoFo was a huge roster upgrade and it broke him free of the drama on BLG, he's an incredibly mechanically talented mid laner who can have a team build into him

    - The development of the players on this roster in 2020 + iBoy getting back to his strengths give RA (Rare Atom or Ra Ra Rasputin) a serious chance to continue momentum as a playoff team in 2021.

    #7 - BLG

    Top - BiuBiu

    Jungle - Meteor

    Mid - Zeka

    Adc - Aiming

    Support - Mark

    - BLG also massively powered up their bottom lane who were abyssmal at best. Aiming has been seen as a giga carry and Mark has just come back off of his first Worlds.

    - While BiuBiu is a sort of side-grade and Zeka is a downgrade from FoFo, it does mean that Meteor is finally free of that weird dramatic shackle (please ask reddit comments for full story between him and FoFo). Meteor was Rookie of 2019 and was a top 3 jungler, only to plummet in 2020.

    - The players on this roster are all people with massive ceilings (BiuBiu from V5 one of the best solo killers in 2020 Summer, Meteor having insane games in 2019, Zeka praised as an OP rookie on VG, Aiming talked about from the LCK & Mark getting so much better). This is like the stars are aligning and I would be surprised if they didnt take a playoff spot.

    #6 - V5

    Top - Langx / Aliez

    Jungle - WeiWei

    Mid - Mole

    Adc - Y4

    Support - PPGod

    - The same roster apart from the top lane, however, Langx is a flat upgrade to BiuBiu and is an incredbily versatile top laner. This roster got better imo.

    - WeiWei had an insane debut to the LPL in 2020 and was a big reason for the success in making V5 into that hero story in Summer (alongside blessed PPGod, of course). Their shotcalling and a quickly developed V5 makes it near impossible to not put V5 in playoffs once again.

    - Losing SamD when Y4 is essentially the same faciliting ADC doesnt make much of a difference and fans should be excited to see how far V5 can go

    #5 - FPX

    Top - Nuguri

    Jungle - Tian

    Mid - Doinb

    Adc - Lwx / Prince

    Support - Crisp

    - One of the most talked about roster moves with 2020 World Champion Nuguri replacing the long standing Gimgoon & more recent Khan (Funny how they swapped). This gives a lot of raw power to the topside of FPX; something they've never really had or known how to play towards (with Khan especially)

    - Biggest concerns right now are Tian's Wrist Issues, LWX & Crisp's average performances & FPX's ability to be flexible with their style. A lot of their success was built on how well they played the map in 2019 and used Doinb + Tian as strong facilitators to beat down the doors of games.

    - This team is suffering from many issues but is still good enough overall for me to rate them in the top 5; Nuguri is incredible but one great memeber is not enough to push them into the top 4; as seen by Khan's failed integration in 2020.

    #4 - IG

    Top - TheShy

    Jungle - Xun / Ning (Technically Inactive)

    Mid - Rookie

    Adc - Wink / Puff / Snow

    Support - Baolan / Lucas / Southwind

    - Putting the most inconsistent team here as many fans will know is risky business. IG flopped hard against LGD and missed out on going to Worlds. However, like usual, their ceiling has been seen to be this Top 4 level of good

    - As well as the usual antics, IG have their IG Young Jungler starting over Ning (who is currently inactive), Xun is the same jungler who won the LDL in Summer. IG now also has Wink over from Estar who had a great showing in 2020 Spring LPL. There is a lot of potential for everything to go right, plus the fact that players fighting for a starting spot can only be a good thing for the team environment.

    - I said this on stream; Rookie carries this team so damn hard and is also a big reason I've put them in the top 4. He had one of his best years in 2020 and his laning phase was unmatched. The problem for Rookie is who's mess in IG he has to clean up and why is TheShy also inting!?

    #3 - Team WE

    Top - Breathe (Previously Curse)

    Jungle - Beishang

    Mid - Shanks / TeacherMa / Yimeng

    Adc - Jiumeng

    Support - Missing

    - This is probably my biggest take next to Suning, considering WE were a team in 2020 that were a 6-8th Playoff team. WE not only made it to the finals of Demacia Cup with this roster but improved so much over the course of 2020 that this feels warrented.

    - Breathe is a huge upgrade over Morgan who dissapointed me greatly last year. Breathe was the starting top laner for OMG and was consistently trying to 1v9 in a hard team environment; now no longer. On top of Breathe, you have Beishang who turned into a top 3-4 Jungler in the LPL, Jiumeng who went from bad to great in the span of 2020 and Missing who remained one of the best supports in the LPL. This team has rising talent that is no ones equal.

    - I think this team holds consistency and versatile elements that are hungry for a Championship; Team WE just need to continue their pursuit and it feels like the path is realistically a finals position in Summer; if not Spring.

    - The only thing that can stop WE is Shanks, he looked okay at Demacia Cup but is definitely the blaring weakness of this team right now.

    #2 - JDG

    Top - Zoom

    Jungle - Kanavi

    Mid - Yagao / Xiye

    Adc - Loken / Mystic

    Support - LvMao

    - While they were dissapointing at Worlds, they're still one of the most powerful rosters in the LPL; and that was BEFORE they took Xiye and Mystic to have alternating greats in Mid and ADC (Good to see 2017 WE reunited in some way :)).

    - Even without this, JDG would have the top 2 in every role bar perhaps those Mids and ADCs(?).

    - Kanavi is a big driving force and can often come up clutch in a lot of crucial moments (Finals/Playoffs especially). You want to see him take over the jungle and bring his laners to him to force on his advantages.

    - I'm selling a horse to a horse salesmen; JDG are still a cut above almost all

    #1 - TES

    Top - 369

    Jungle - Karsa

    Mid - Knight

    Adc - JackeyLove / Photic

    Support - Zhuo / YYJ

    - This one was just plain obvious; it doesn't matter that they dropped out to Suning at Worlds, they still have high expectations coming into Spring.

    - And holy shit was Zhuo good at Demacia Cup, he took initiative and worked so well with JKL on the rift. Even off of the rift in press interviews they have great chemistry so I think this is the missing piece.

    - If Zhuo wasn't in the picture I might have thrown JDG in 1st but I honestly think this roster is unstoppable now. With the same great elements on top of a now coordinated driving force in the bottom lane; how do you beat this team?

    Thanks all, feel free to share thoughts below; always love the discussions that I see below these!

    Remember, LPL starts this Saturday on the 9th of January @ 5PM China Time / 9 AM UTC / 9AM GMT +0

    submitted by /u/HystericsCasts
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    Unofficial 2020 Year In Review Generator

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 12:31 PM PST

    LoL Rewind (Year In Review Generator)


    This website will generate a full match-history-in-review compiling data from every match played within the last 1-2 years.

    Supported Regions: NA, EUW, EUNE, RU, BR, JP, KR, LAN, LAS, OCE, TR

    See https://imgur.com/a/naYFYcv or https://rewind.lol/user.html?username=Shmikal&region=NA for an example of what to expect.


    • Free to use
    • Fun facts like W/L streaks, likelihood of tilting
    • Cool network graphs for your friend relations and item builds
    • Stats per champion played by you, your team, and your enemies
    • Friend stats
    • Stats by match length
    • Heatmaps of places you got kills/deaths
    • Calendar heatmaps of when you play league
    • Hourly winrate heatmaps
    • Tables of items built by you, your team, and the enemy
    • Lots of stat-appropriate colors

    Ideal Summoners

    Feel free to try this website even if you don't meet the ideal criteria; but just know that certain sections of the website may be empty or non-functional. Have you played at least 50 games that meet all of the following criteria?

    • PvP (not vs AI)
    • matchmade (not custom games)
    • 5v5
    • summoner's rift
    • non-RGM
    • in the last 1-2 calendar years

    How to use it

    1. Enter your name in the username text field.
    2. Select a region.
    3. Press the "update/add summoner" button if you'd like to see data from every match from the last 2 years. Otherwise, press "add summoner 2020" for matches played during 2020 only.
    4. Wait in the update queue.*
    5. Return to the homepage and use the "lookup" or "lookup 2020" button once you've been processed.
    6. Share it with your friends!

    *2020-only update requests will always be processed before generic requests. For the fastest processing, I recommend you use the "2020-only" option. Otherwise you will be waiting for all the 2020 requests to be fulfilled before your request is processed. This queue policy allows us to process the highest volume of profiles for now.


    • It is slow to process each player one by one (there is a lot of data to retrieve)
    • It might have bugs
    • It might look bad
    • It will have data from the past 2 calendar years, so that would include data from seasons 9, 10, and 11.
    • I am the only one working on it and I am providing it on a best-effort basis

    Happy new year. I sincerely hope you enjoy it and discover something interesting :P I'll also be monitoring the comments for questions, etc.

    Edit: The queues are getting a bit long but rest assured we are fully operational. It's still better to join the queue now rather than later.

    Edit: For those attempting to reach the website from unsupported regions, I've relaxed the firewall rules so you can try to access the website again.

    Edit: So far we've processed about 700 profiles since this post has been up. Thank you to everyone for your patience.

    submitted by /u/iaace
    [link] [comments]

    You have entered the thunderdome

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 11:39 PM PST

    What Has The Item Update Accomplished?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 07:57 AM PST

    I can't think of much and I'd like help with the mental. Going back and looking over the item goals is actually depressing. I found ONE point that they successfully addressed.

    This is legit the only point I've read that they even got close to succeeding with.

    • Ability Haste as a choice for Mages- With the rework from Cooldown Reduction to Ability Haste, we can use the stat to create another decision point in mage builds. This allows for some super Haste-focused builds and other powerful builds that give up Haste for other gains.

    It does feel like mages have to make the choice which is nice. I'm also someone who enjoys the mana changes but those weren't talked about anywhere in the goals post so I'm assuming it's something that was just overlooked and happened to become a nice positive for me.

    But that's the only point of success lmao. And over half of this community sees the new idea behind mana to be a step backward. So they accomplished one, maybe two, things. And the rest of what they said is legitimately just nonsense because they didn't even attempt any of their own points.

    The entire tank section is such a joke I'm just going to copy and paste the entire thing.

    • More options to adapt to team strategy - Tanks need to fill a wide variety of functions for their team, so we want to make sure they have build options to support them while getting the necessary defenses to be a meatshield. Do you need to match a split pushing Tryndamere? Hard engage on an Azir? Protect a Kog'Maw carry? All of these directions should be clearly supported by new options.
    • Filled out magic resist options - The current MR options are a bit niche and feel like they don't offer strong options to deal with teams that require effectiveness against multiple AP playstyles at once.
    • Enhance tank utility - Tanks create value for their team by being immovable damage soaks while also providing CC and other utility. We want to create more items to showcase the utility attributes of tanks beyond their baseline defenses.
    • Late-game capstone items - We've seen a satisfying type of item across a few other classes that's only efficient when bought late game, but creates a satisfying capstone that feels like it completes your build (like Deathcap). We hope to create one or two of these items for tanks to be excited about in their very late game slots.

    None of these points were accomplished and most of them set back even further than they began. This is all of their points I'm not just pasting the ones that look particularly bad. They failed them all.

    So help me out guys. Right now I would like for the item update to be reverted. To me it has accomplished basically nothing and added so many more issues to the game. Let me know about anything you think the item update has accomplished. Something that has moved the game forward. Because right now it just feels like wasted effort that could've been used elsewhere to me.

    submitted by /u/L1veShyn3
    [link] [comments]

    I’m Coming Home: Jacob Wolf returns to Dot Esports as their new Chief Reporter and Investigative Lead

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 12:04 PM PST

    LEC youtube content has moved from LoL Esports channel to its own LEC channel.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 01:30 PM PST

    I haven't visited this sub for a while so I'm not sure if it's been already mentioned, but a quick search for this didn't give me any results. This combined with the whooping 379 subs this channel has makes me think that most people are not aware that LEC has moved out of LoL Esports.

    That being said, here's the link to the new channel.

    submitted by /u/Akahari
    [link] [comments]

    My spirit blossom Ahri fanart

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 04:44 PM PST

    My spirit blossom Ahri fanart

    This is still my favorite fan art from the past year so I decide to make fanart out of it *-*


    submitted by /u/Odyssey__21
    [link] [comments]

    Honor Rewards are Extremely Disappointing

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 10:40 PM PST

    The Honor-Token shop literally says it would get new rewards each season. Can we talk about how thats a lie? The honor 5 shop is a joke. How about rewarding honorfull gameplay more to make it more appealing to be friendly and all instead of punishing and banning all over the place. I dont feel rewarded at all. I got my third honor 5 token and after i got the two skins which i didnt even use once, because they are terrible i didnt even use the token. Very disappointing.

    At the same time a friend of mine got banned because he lost toplane rather hard and got reported for inting on purpose. He had a bad game yeah but a 14 day ban for going 1/10/0 because he simply played bad is kinda stupid. He is lv 50 and almost quit the game because of that. He didnt even try to contact riot because of that because he was just extremely annoyed.

    I really hope the honor-5 Rewards will get better soon because they are a joke.

    submitted by /u/Subterror_Szopieray
    [link] [comments]

    Me, an autofilled 0/3/9 support Leona, casually 1v1ing the 9/0/1 Evelynn

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 07:12 AM PST

    Shaco in urf deathmatch is fun

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 10:11 AM PST

    Another Friendly game of "Who Dies?" (Late Game Edition)

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 06:34 PM PST

    Radical Idea: Mandate should've been an AP mythic; Everfrost should've been an Enchanter mythic.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 03:13 PM PST

    So, this is a strange idea, but hear me out. There's a couple of weird things going on with Imperial Mandate and Everfrost. I bolded my main points because I like to ramble, but I appreciate those who are insane enough to read the entire thing :D.

    Let's start with Everfrost. Everfrost has such a slow cast time and low range that it acts more like a Crowd Control extender or a melee disengage tool than what GLP was, which set up combos for champions such as Sylas and Veigar. As such, Everfrost acts more like a defensive supportive tool that rarely gets picked, if ever, by DPS AP champions because they opt for, well, damage. That's kind of their thing. Even with champs that revolve around hard CC like Anivia or Taliyah, they simply go for Luden's or Liandry's**. In most champions where Everfrost is even considered an option, it falls under a 5% pickrate**.

    Now let's talk about Imperial Mandate. Imperial Mandate has been a curious design for Enchanters especially considering that one of the major concerns of s11 has been damage creep. Despite Enchanters being classified as shielders and buffers, it seems like a large oddity that they were given an entirely DPS-focused item that seems more suited towards poke supports rather than Enchanters. So much so that Imperial Mandate has seen play by characters such as Aurelion Sol and Ashe, and I'm sure champions like Aurelion Sol and other Battlemages and Control Mages would love to have that item more suited towards them.

    Limiting the focus to Enchanters, those who pick Imperial Mandate rarely opt for anything else because it's just that effective, so much so that it has divided the Enchanter role in half: Healers (Yuumi, Sona, Soraka) and CC Enchanters (Janna, Nami, Karma). This distinction is important when you consider this: CC Enchanters who build Imperial Mandate primarily can also utilize Moonstone Renewer effectively; Healers who build Moonstone Renewer primarily cannot utilize Imperial Mandate effectively. This contention is normally lost when discussing the diversity of what Enchanters can and can build since one subsection of Enchanters clearly has more opportunities. That being said, the diversity of support mythics in general is disappointing, especially in regards to Engage supports, but that's a different topic for another time.

    So how do we resolve all these issues? Well, what if...we swapped what the roles these mythics were intended for? Think about it. Swap the costs and recipes of the Mythic items and tweak the stats. Both mythic passives give 15 AP/legendary item anyways, and both mythics give AP, AH, and Health too; so their stats, recipe, and cost can be easily exchanged and adjusted . The only difference is Mana vs. Mana Regeneration which...is also very similar. In addition, make Mandate proc off of any attack, sort of like a Crowd Control Spellblade that can be a novel addition to skill expression in terms of ability combos.

    If Imperial Mandate was designated towards being an AP mythic, champions like Aurelion Sol, Swain, and Anivia suddenly have a much better CC-synergy mythic that enhances their kit. Additionally, with the removal of Rod of Ages, this change provides stats that poke mages usually don't need like Health to fill in a gap that battlemages like Ryze lost. This could provide an opportunity for a decision between Liandry's Torment and Everfrost, providing different ways of defense and offense.

    If Everfrost was designed towards being an Enchanter mythic, healers like Sona, Soraka, and Yuumi can have an actual decision between mythics, opting for either Healing and Ability Haste with Moonstone or Crowd Control and Ability Power with Everfrost. This can also be used to expand upon skill expression that Enchanters lost with the removal of Athene's. It can also allow for Enchanters to be more favoured in pro play with some pretty ingenious plays revolving around the CC Enchanters and Everfrost. Imagine a clutch Janna combo involving some combination of W, Q, R, and Everfrost. It's like Galeforce Samira...except actually good.

    At the very least, it's a nice thought experiment and a clean resolution to problems revolving around the design of these very similar mythics. What do you guys think?

    TL;DR The title or the bolds. (Sorry for the essay lol, the title is all you need; the rest is just filler if you have nothing to do in quarantine).

    submitted by /u/HS_Cogito_Ergo_Sum
    [link] [comments]

    Ashe stops hitting Olaf so she can last-hit him and get the kill

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 02:03 PM PST

    I'm a Grandmaster Taliyah OTP and here is everything that you need to know about Taliyah in under 10 minutes for all lanes and roles.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 05:24 AM PST

    LCS Import Players Status

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 12:33 PM PST

    Given that visa/travel issues have been a recurring problem for LCS teams early in the season, I was curious about the arrival status of foreign players for LCS this year. I expect that Covid will only exacerbate issues for foreign players trying to enter the country. The LCS Lock In tournament starts in less than 2 weeks and I hope most teams have their full roster for the event.

    I've listed the ones I was able to figure out from twitter/solo queue activity, but if anyone has other info, please chime in!




    Dignitas - no imports

    Evil Geniuses


    • Josedeodo - ??

    Golden Guardians


    Team Liquid

    TSM - the whole team is already in NA

    • Huni
    • PowerOfEvil
    • Lost
    • SwordArt

    Edit: Added additional info from the comments

    submitted by /u/rsadagopal
    [link] [comments]

    We Make Legends l LCK Rebranding Launching

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 01:09 AM PST

    We should be able to permanently pin the 3 side tabs in the shop

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 01:18 PM PST

    I'm talking about the 3 tabs that hold wards and potions, boots, and currently held items in your inventory. I know that you can pin them for the duration of the game, but it's unnecessarily annoying to have to do that every single game.

    That's pretty much it. I think it'd be nice if we could pin them through settings or have the pinned/unpinned status persist through games to allow easier access to the items.

    submitted by /u/Entrooyst
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