LoL Guide Hello, I'm a grandmaster ERL top laner and I made a short guide to Teleports and Roaming. |
- Hello, I'm a grandmaster ERL top laner and I made a short guide to Teleports and Roaming.
- How to beat Udyr?
- Don't expect others to read your mind
- Shieldbow Buffs - Affects on Yone & Yasuo?
- What do I do if my jungler ganks even if I don’t want a gank?
- Guys please stop doing pointless team fights
- In Silver Top Lane should I worry about being counter picked or just spam my best champion?
- Think before you play
- Hate for my sums: Ghost + Cleanse on ADC?
- Why am I finding it so hard in bronze.
- Kraken + Guinsoos + RFC on Senna is by far her best build.
- Vi Jungle Vod Review
- New jungler
- Jhin tips & tricks & builds
- Viktor or Katarina? Which one should I learn?
- Setting keybinds for individual champions?
- Problem With Seeing Cursor During TeamFights
- How do I play a split push vs team fight comp from behind?
- How do you use your early game lead to win?
- Need some help with bot please.
- How do I perform and/or counter level 1 invades?
- How to take advantage of the time spent playing in a game that is clearly out of reach and over 15 minutes and team won't ff?
- How do you play against zed
- What made Kai'sa meta again?
Hello, I'm a grandmaster ERL top laner and I made a short guide to Teleports and Roaming. Posted: 29 Jan 2021 08:23 AM PST I hope you guys find it helpful. I get asked this question frequently in coaching and generally, so I thought I'd just make a guide video on it. If anyone has any questions they'd like to ask I'd be glad to discuss anything you like! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Jan 2021 08:04 AM PST Every time I face off against an Udyr, he always outjungles me and outganks me. There's no bloody way I can match his farm nor can I have as much objective control as him. Meanwhile, my team cries jungle diff or that I have no brain. How the fuck do I beat him? His teammates are also getting advantages off of successful ganks and dragons. There's no way I can beat Udyr unless I ban him, which has the opportunity cost of allowing something like Vi to fuck me over. [link] [comments] |
Don't expect others to read your mind Posted: 29 Jan 2021 08:06 AM PST I have seen this situation happen numerous times in my games, the team isn't on the same page and someone blames someone else for their death. Ok so here's the actual scenario that happened. My team just took mid inbib and due to how the skirmish happened I ended up top side and took enemy jungle camps. We had numbers advantage so jungle/mid/support took dragon without interference. I'm playing adc and recall to buy my next item. I see top lane pushing towards our inner tower so I go to pick it up and for some reason my team stayed after dragon and invaded the enemy bot jungle. No calls for ganking there, no real reason to group there and the jungle (khazix) dies. Of course, because I'm top picking up a wave he's spam ??????? pinging me. I tell him, half jokingly but still true, I'm playing the macro game and boy did he not like that. Long story short, not everyone on your team is watching what you do, especially when you don't communicate. There's nothing wrong with grouping up but it has to be a coordinated strat. The more I thought about it the more I thought there were multiple mistakes here. You don't have the gold advantage until you spend it. You take towers, inhibs, and dragon you gotta recall to actually complete your advantage. There's also no reason to fight in the enemy jungle, way too much 50/50 there at low elo. Finally, check your map! Before you go for a play, know where your team is and decide if you have the advantage. Thanks for coming to my summoner talk [link] [comments] |
Shieldbow Buffs - Affects on Yone & Yasuo? Posted: 29 Jan 2021 07:51 AM PST Hey gang, What are your thoughts on how Shieldbow will change the power of these two champions? As an example, I was loving the berserker + kraken + BT bruiser rush on Yone... But now I'm wondering if rushing Shieldbow + IE is the superior move here? Bonus Question: for ADCs, will it affect champions like MF? [link] [comments] |
What do I do if my jungler ganks even if I don’t want a gank? Posted: 29 Jan 2021 10:43 AM PST I'm a nasus main in gold elo, and it really pisses me off when my jungler ganks and feeds my lane and proceeds to flame me for not helping. It's really annoying in lanes such as darius, jax, garen because they just proceed to snowball and make me sit under my tower for 20 mins. I try to ping my jungler off or tell them to not gank and 8/10 times they ignore me. Most of the time my jungler also ganks even when there's a big wave on my turret. Do I just help my jungler 2v1 or just ignore and go back to farming? [link] [comments] |
Guys please stop doing pointless team fights Posted: 29 Jan 2021 12:39 PM PST Far too often I see low elo teams will just Aram mid at 20 minutes and do almost nothing productive.Guys please for the sake of your own lp stop just automatically defaulting to mid once lane phase is over.obviously there are exceptions to this but most people will just fight mid for the next 20 minutes and the game ends up lasting 50 minutes. So what are alternatives you can do 1.go and farm a side lane.if your team and the enemy team is just fighting for no reason go take a side lane get farm and take jungle camps get pressure.even if your team loses the team fight your actually taking objectives and getting fed while everyone else is sharing xp. 2.go and kill other people who are split pushing.going on with the last rule you can go and kill someone who is split pushing her the gold from them and then continue pushing the lane. 3.go take dragons or herald.while your team is fighting .if no one is taking an objective you should be .doing that even if your behind is giving huge value to your team and is a great way to help you come back fro m a game. Some things to think about. Some teamates are going to call you trash and bad for not team fighting don't listen to them just mute them and do what you think is best. .your goal is to climb so doing everything they have been doing to keep them n there rank is bad. If you are already behind in gold and xp what value can you really provide to a team fight anyway unless your playing someone with high Amounts of cc you should just definitely be farming a side lane. Finally just remember there are exceptions for when you do need to team fight which will usually include fighting over baron dragon or if your trying to end the game.there are a few others but those are the main ones.Just please stop doing pointless team fights it's a waste of time and we'll it's pointless.especially if you lose. [link] [comments] |
In Silver Top Lane should I worry about being counter picked or just spam my best champion? Posted: 29 Jan 2021 01:37 PM PST I play a lot of Garen and my games for the most part seem pretty decent. Some matchups I struggle with like Nasus and Cho. I can usually go even in these games but I feel like I am relying on my team a lot to make up for my lack of carrying. What do you guys think? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Jan 2021 03:01 PM PST I am pretty tilted right now and maybe I'm gonna delete this post later but I have something to say.
I could say so much more because everyone just seems to know nothing about the game or other roles. Can be very frustrating sometimes. [link] [comments] |
Hate for my sums: Ghost + Cleanse on ADC? Posted: 29 Jan 2021 03:20 PM PST Hi SS! The background: I'm a NA ADC main (Miss Fortune, Sivir, and occasionally Varus). I've been playing since release, but only sporadically. I always play ranked seriously, and I usually place mid silver, though once I made it into Gold for the banner, which was nice. The ranking: I got placed into S3, lost a ton of games immediately after placements due to the usual trolls, leavers, and feeders, and got demoted to bronze. I'm not looking to climb hard since I mostly just Yolo solo, but I would like to get placed in matches where people take the game seriously. At one point I had an 83% WR with Miss Fortune, and I try to follow mental and mechanical advice from here in SS when I am able to play. The problem: I take Ghost + Cleanse on ADC almost exclusively (because what the hell, I'm in Bronze, right?) and SO MANY people rage at me continuously throughout the game about it. I will say right now, I feel like it saves my ass ten times more than Flash + Heal. But if I get jumped on 4v1 at bot tower, people spam-click my summs like they had anything to do the situation. I can solo Drake soul, B to nexus and save it with a triple kill, then CS all 3 minion waves (this happened yesterday!) and when we inevitably lose due to bad teamplay, people bitch about my summs. 50% of my games people insist I'm trolling, and will say to report me even if I carried. Conversely, if I make even a single mistake or die at all, supports will leave me 2v1 in lane, jungle will refuse to gank, top won't tele, and I hear the same story "not gonna help a troll." But I'm not trolling! I feel like Ghost+Cleanse is incredibly underrated, the potential for chasing people down and messing up their positioning / dodging combos is really fun to me, and it seems to be paying off in kills and performance. I have nothing against switching back to Flash + Heal (or whatever, I try to pick into the team comp) but I genuinely don't feel like it's affecting my game. When I lose, I don't feel like I lost due to not having those spells, more that we lose because of the usual bronze game shenanigans, inability to team fight, fill picks, rage in chat, smurfs snowballing out of control, etc. The question: Ghost + Cleanse works for me and I don't want to switch. Champ performance isn't an issue, just team dynamic. But everyone hates that I pick it, and I'm worried it's tilting my team further in an ELO where tilting is already the main reason we lose. At the same time, bronze mental is paper thin anyways, and these are the same people that regularly lose games with far worse troll picks, bad builds, inting, and pointless bickering. So what say ye? Is G+C really a troll pick? Should I just suck it up and take Flash + Heal to silence the haters and prevent tilt? Or should I just keep slayin' and mute all? I just want to get the hell back out of Bronze. Maybe finding an off-meta tolerant duo would help? [link] [comments] |
Why am I finding it so hard in bronze. Posted: 29 Jan 2021 05:32 AM PST I peaked last year in silver 1, and was playing around the mmr of mid gold. I always seemed to be paired with teams of golds. Games felt good, I understood where things are and how to proceed, and what to do, I always had strategy and planned routes at the forefront of my playing I felt I was climbing very steadily and very slowly, but sure enough was climbing. My problem is I'm now starting to second guess my entire playstyle because nothing is being rewarded. I don't mean that to sound entitled, but please read on. I'm jungle main and occasionally dabble in top trynd or top Kled. Every time I play it just seems to get worse and worse, like I'm really trying to apply correct macro as shown through challenger coaching, keeping high cs for that level advantage, doing my best to give up objectives that are already lost, trying to make picks, and putting an enormous strain of pressure on the enemy by lane pushing. I'm always there at the main objectives. I'm not picking fights for the sake of it. I feel like every time I make a decision, like in my head, it's correct, this is what foggedftw or neace would 110% be doing to get the win. I can actually hear neace in my head saying stop stop STOP WHAT ARE YOU DOING, GO FARM, YOUR ONLY TROLLING BY GOING THERE. But then I'm like, if it was the correct decision, which are generally successful in the attempt, why isn't the tempo of the game starting to sway in our favour, even the littlest bit.... I feel like I've become a much better player for it, and it makes me feel really confident my macro needed to WIN the games is getting more sensical and logical every game. But the wins aren't showing. After 40 or so games already this season, I've gone from bronze 1 placements down to almost bronze 4 with a win rate of like, 25% now. I'm playing the same 3-4 champs I used to get into s1 last season, maining Zac, Elise, Olaf and sometimes Starnes but rarely. If anything, Olaf and Elise have been hella strong since s11 as well. So the whole thing isn't making sense to me. And I'm not sure how to proceed. An example would be, I felt like I had really inty games when I played Elise and Olaf, cause unlike Zac and skaener who scaled better and had good CC , I felt like I was forcing ganks instead of farming which was so so bad, like that makes sense to me? Your topside farm plus scuttle and the PRE 14 minute rift herald is 100% garunteed gold and exp, that gank your trying to make, is a dangerous risky and low percentage play, that doesn't reaaaaly get anyone that far ahead. I've stopped playing so recklessly and it's affected my win rate negatively. I'm completely unsure what to do next, I felt like since I've started playing to improve, I seem to be doing nothing but losing despite my statistics (way more cs, item leads, level leads, lowered deaths) than before. and believe me, the wins I've been getting is because some random diamond smurf fizz or Riven just stomps the game to dust. Does anyone have any advice on where I go next. Since feeling better at the game, I'm actually going backwards and I don't see where I can improve. Like which elements to improve upon etc. Edit: In case anyone gets me wrong, this has nothing to do with team mates, this is simply about me, and what control I have in game. No flame directed at anyone. Edit 2: sorry, is scuttiy crab in oce server Edit 3: THANK YOU ALL FOR THE REPLIES, you guys have made me attack the game at a different angle. Very keen to try it out. Appreciate it very much [link] [comments] |
Kraken + Guinsoos + RFC on Senna is by far her best build. Posted: 29 Jan 2021 01:01 PM PST |
Posted: 29 Jan 2021 12:25 PM PST Made another Video this time on Vi Jungle: I took suggestions from the last time I posted and tried implementing them here. I am a high school esports coach that is trying to get good and accurate VODs out to my students that help them win more games. Any constructive criticism is needed to thank you :D [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Jan 2021 02:35 PM PST I am a support main but I would like to learn a new role and none of the others stand out to me, so I would like to try jungle. What are some good beginner junglers that will let me learn the role? I haven't messed around in ranked too much, but tracking sites have showed that I generally play around the low silver high bronze area, if that matters [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Jan 2021 02:21 PM PST Because my previous post was inexplicably removed, tell me how I can better myself as a Jhin main with doubled experience as supports (namely Nami and Soraka). So I have heavy botlane experience, but I want to also move towards Jhin midlane or even Jhin toplane With the recent additions to items and altered items, which build should I go for? Should I follow the default set blitz gives me? I made a Jhin tank build awhile back, didn't have the greatest outcome but that was anticipated but nevertheless a fun match. [link] [comments] |
Viktor or Katarina? Which one should I learn? Posted: 29 Jan 2021 09:17 AM PST So my champion pool mainly consists of Leblanc, Quinn and Camille. But lately I find Leblanc a bit too weak. Even though I win lane I just can't carry. I guess I don't have good macro with her. So I thought about finding an alternate champion to learn for mid. Which one would be better to learn this season? [link] [comments] |
Setting keybinds for individual champions? Posted: 29 Jan 2021 12:01 PM PST Hello everyone, Recently I've started to take League more seriously, and after watching many guides it seems that a majority of them recommend using quickcast with indicator instead of just quickcast. I've been trying it out for awhile, and on many champions/abilities I prefer it, but on some it feels clunky. For example, for Ahri's charm (her E), I love quickcast with indicator to aim the charm, but for Ekko's dash (also E) it feels clunky to not roll forward until I let go of the key. I'm wondering if there is any third party software that allows me to set keybinding for individual champions, so for Ahri I would assign E to quickcast with indicator, whereas for Ekko E would be assigned to just quickcast. If anyone has experience with it, I do have the Logitech GHub software which seems to have some potential for this. Alternatively, does anyone hard recommend that I just get used to quickcast with indicator for everything? Thanks! [link] [comments] |
Problem With Seeing Cursor During TeamFights Posted: 29 Jan 2021 12:01 PM PST I mostly play adc or ranged top lanes like kayle, and I have trouble with seeing my cursor clearly during teamfights. I know about using attack move click to aim at back line and all that, and also I toggle target champs only, the problem is when the enemy is all clumped togather, and we are all in a big fight, the abilities going off and the different colors really distracts me from my cursor. Any tips on how to have clarity? [link] [comments] |
How do I play a split push vs team fight comp from behind? Posted: 29 Jan 2021 01:25 PM PST I'm a gold ADC main and I usually play with a few friends of roughly the same skill level. We're really good at executing teamfight/dive comps, since the macro is fairly straightforward. But when it comes to splitpush/pick comps, we struggle to catch up from behind. The other day, we played a pick-based comp (malzahar, blitzcrank) against a comp that was better at teamfighting (yone, malphite). Our 1/3/1 split worked for a while, but as soon as we relinquished some pressure, the teamfight comp ran down our towers and we just lost the game. What general macro tips can you give me for how to come back as a splitpush/pick composition? [link] [comments] |
How do you use your early game lead to win? Posted: 29 Jan 2021 08:00 AM PST Title might me a little confusing but here's my explanation Often times I win my lane as an adc (either from cs, kills, or tower plates) or get a really good early leads due to my ganks and objectives as jungler but when it comes to mid-late game I always struggle to win. I'll be giving my last two games as an point of view, one for adc and one for jungle.
I won my lane as Caitlyn with Senna support against Jhin and Thresh, but when it comes to mid game their jungler Rammus and their top laner Aatrox always target me, causing us to lose a lot of dps and they won because of it. I also always try to build against them but when i finish my build they already won the game by then.
I recently picked up Viego because he seems fun so I did, and to my surprise he's actually a lot of fun. My enemy this time is jungle Nasus, I know that when Nasus got his stacks it's almost an insta win for them, so I try my best to get a head by ganks and objectives, I got both scuttle early, the first and second dragon, then I got herald twice. I ganked my mid and top successfully and unfortunately i wasn't able to gank bot due to them over extending a lot. Then comes mid game and the enemy nasus just destroyed us and they just snowballed from there. I'm honestly tired of this happening a lot in my games because it feels like your hard work during laning phase has just gone to nothing and it's tilting me a lot, although I do try my best to have a good mental, it's really making me rage and it left me feeling exhausted. Tl:dr: early game leads feels nothing in the mid-late game and it's tilting me, how do i win using those early leads. Ps: sorry of my English is bad, or there are some phrases where it gets confusing as I'm not a native English speaker. [link] [comments] |
Need some help with bot please. Posted: 29 Jan 2021 07:58 AM PST I'm fairly new to this game (1 month playing). I just got done a game, I was Jhin, my support was yuumi, and I was against ashe and neeko. We were both equal the entire game and we kept trading the entire laning phase. I was 3/5 she was 3/5, but the only reason I wasn't getting ahead was because I got either neeko and Ashe to super low hp then they just went back to tower and recalled. Everytime I got neeko to low HP I was scared to walk up on her and try to get an auto or an ability off because I was scared of Ashe destroying me. I didn't want to walk up to try and kill neeko then just dying to Ashe, so I'm not sure how I could've killed her. If anyone has any tips on what to do when one of the enemies are low on bot side I'd love to know, I'm not really confident in this game yet and I'm scared of dying and risking stuff. Should I have risked going up and killing neeko even though Ashe might've gotten a kill off me? Sorry if this sounds super stupid. I'm just not sure of things yet. [link] [comments] |
How do I perform and/or counter level 1 invades? Posted: 29 Jan 2021 10:44 AM PST The title explains most of it. I don't really understand how to deal with level 1 invades work for both sides. Normally when I level 1 invade it will lead to a 1 for 1 even if we have the stronger level 1 champions like blitzcrank. Or when I get invaded most of the time I'll just give and try to vertical jungle but I can still get collapsed on. Do you have any tips on how to perform or counter a level 1 invade? (I play jungle mostly) [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Jan 2021 12:29 PM PST So every few games I'll run into one of those cases where my team is down 15-4 in kills, has no objectives or turrets, isn't going to outscale, and is just clearly going to lose. I'm sure it happens to all of us. If FF isn't going to happen, how do you make the best out of the game? Do you look for 1 on 1 opportunities where you can try and work on mechanics? Do you just try and keep farming just in case there's some possible comeback opportunity? Also, don't worry, this isnt a complaining post about how I crush lane but my team lets me down, in a lot (or most) of these games I also get beat bad and am just outclassed by the enemy laner. I just want to figure out how to take advantage of the situation instead of wasiting 20-30 minutes. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Jan 2021 10:11 AM PST Zed really tilts me, I can destroy him early and he just comes back and one shots me regardless of kda. I also don't understand why zed players think their champ is difficult, but that isn't the point. What do you do against him? Regardless of how bad his kda is, regardless of whether he can aim his qs, he can always one shot me as long has he clicks w once he has rd, as it is so close ranged i cant dodge anything. I dont want to just tilt, which is why i made this post. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Jan 2021 10:10 AM PST What made Kai'sa meta again in professional league of legends? In s10 Kai'sa was legit never picked in solo queue or professional games. This was because could not survive lane against ADCs such Miss Fortune, Aphelios, Ashe & Caitlyn and the awesome dudes (Heim, Yasuo, Cass, Karthus etc) . Also they gutted bot lane EXP so they would be lower level than the solo laners. What specific changes has brought her back into dominance? [link] [comments] |
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