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    Sunday, January 17, 2021

    LoL Guide How do you end a game ?

    LoL Guide How do you end a game ?

    How do you end a game ?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 05:29 AM PST

    So ive just been in a game where we were 45v20 in 18 minutes, we had 3 drakes, we pushed to the first mid injibitor turret and it still took us 15 min to end it. The enemy team was inting and they only had a 8/7 kat. They managed to even ace when we had baron because we misplayed. How do you step by step end a game ?

    submitted by /u/sudolake
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    Why does morde feel so strong to play against and so weak to play?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 11:15 AM PST

    I always feel useless late game. It doesn't matter if im up 3/0 on my lane opponent or down 0/3. Even with my ultimate, I feel like I can't keep up with anyone else in the game since my kit is 100% reliant on predicting where someone is going to go. I miss literally one ability and I'm fucked. Meanwhile, other mordes proceed to pick up one or two kills in lane and magically transform into this triple-killing unstoppable juggernaut. What am I missing?

    submitted by /u/Madrigal_King
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    I seem to just be getting worse the more I play and I don't know why.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 06:02 AM PST

    So recently I tried taking some of my friends' advice and focus on one character (ADC with Samira). The first game I played pretty well, but then after that over the last few days it seems like I've just been in a very rapid downhill spiral. I've watched pro league games, I've watched guide videos, I've even got coaching from a guy in Master rank with ADC. That helped for maybe a game or two before I went right back downhill. It feels like I'm just getting worse the more I play and I don't understand why. The last two games I played with Samira went for a combined 4/23/5. I have no idea what to do and I'm at the end of my rope with this game. I don't want to stop playing League, but at this point that seems like the best option with how bad I'm playing. Any and all helpful advice would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Fang_0927
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    What to do when getting camped in your jungle early?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 09:12 AM PST

    I've picked up jungle in pre-season 11 and i'm finally feeling comfortable with the role to the point where in a even elo/skill matched game I can do pretty good. However against experienced junglers I really suffer. The game in question was me at s4 vs a g4 Jungler

    Just had a game as fiddle where I couldn't enter my jungle at all. The enemy udyr invaded and got an early kill and from then on constantly invaded my jungle and basically treated me like a camp. My laners weren't doing too great so they weren't really in a position to help me. I tried to avoid him after dying once or twice so if he was at my botside jungle i'd go to his topside but he somehow had some omnicience and was really fast so he'd always find and kill me. Basically was useless and couldn't play the game as he was always at least 3 levels above me from level 4 onwards. I tried to use my trinket and red wards to ward up but it was useless as he just ran me down every time. Suffice to say it was a loss.

    I feel like in another match we might have been able to win as towards the end of the game I was starting to be more useful as had my mythic and we had one or two good team fights where I got a big shutdown leading to us managing to claw back some map pressure however we couldn't see the game to the end as our midlaner ragequit and they just ran us down mid and won. But that's beside the point.

    In a situation like this where you're a weaker jungler vs an early bully how can I stop being camped/killed in my own jungle and basically loosing access to all camps and exp letting the enemy Jungler snowball?

    submitted by /u/Izzywizzard
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    The Morello's vs The Putrifier. The Last Word.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 12:19 PM PST

    I have created a rather controversial post a while ago comparing Morellonomicon and Chemtech Putrifier for Galio. I have come back to fix my past mistakes and show in a more objective way: Which one is better?

    Both of these items have basic stats. Morellonomicon costs 2500 gold. It gives 70 AP and 250 HP. This item is good for Galio as he is a frontliner. With little option to build tank he needs all the tank stats he can get. He needs to resist some punishment while still being able to deal damage. The passive effect, Affliction, applies 40% GW when you deal magic damage. If the enemy is lower than 50% health, affliction applies 60% GW. Meaning the more you fight or the more you stay in a teamfight the more GW you will apply. We will get back to this but first lets look at the opposition.

    Chemtech Putrifier costs 2300 gold. It gives 50 AP and 15 ability haste. Also it grants +100% Mana Regen but thats more of a novelty than anything else. This item is good for Galio because he has some painfully long cooldowns, especially on his W. Meaning having more Ability Haste makes him more effective in fights. This is the whole reason some people opt for Night Harvester over Rocketbelt. The ability haste is just that good. The passive, Puffcap Toxin, applies 40% GW when you deal magic damage. Immobilizing the enemy will apply 60% GW. Meaning if you can hit everyone with your R or you W or your E on a high priority target you will apply 60% GW instantly.

    That might sound good but remember; People can't hit you when you immobilize them. This means they cannot life steal. But do you know what they can do? Get healed or regen health.

    Putrifier applies max GW, faster. This comes with the cost that it is not good against life-stealers. But it is exceptionally good against healers. I am talking Nami, Soraka, Lulu etc. These healers can heal their target even when they are taunted. Champions with health regen like Mundo can regen health even if they are immobilized. Meaning building Putrifier against these champions is a smarter move. Remember the fact that Morello's needs the target to be under 50% health to apply 60% GW. Let me tell you, that full build Mundo that just popped ult; he aint getting under 50% health.

    Morello's is a smarter buy against lifestealers because if you can get them under 50% health they will be an easier target. As every instance of magic resist will apply 60% GW. Yone, Yasuo, Yi etc. These guys can heal back lots of health but if you can hinder that for longer it will really help your team to take these guys out for a knuckle sandwich.

    In my first post I didnt even think about obvious details and I want to thank everyone for pointing these out. It helped me make a better post explaining stuff better.

    Also I have 190K* Galio. You might want to hear this:

    He smash mages.

    TLDR: The item choice is up to the situation. Morellos against Lifestealers, Putrifier against Healers and Regen. Stats are good on both items.

    submitted by /u/Teacherson404
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    How am I supposed to lane as an ADC when Yuumi is my support?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 12:46 AM PST

    Silver II so far this season, maining mostly ADC. I've had a few games with a Yuumi as my lane partner and I really just have no clue how I'm supposed to do anything when Yuumi is my support, it feels like the enemy support puts out so much more pressure than she does and I can't really farm at all. Is there any way I could adjust for this or should I just hug tower and concede farm until mid/late game?

    submitted by /u/Fr0stee_
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    An AD Midlane Assassin/Fighter vs Irelia.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 09:09 AM PST

    I need help with this since Irelia just seems unbeatable Midlane, just due to the champs I play.

    I just had a game of Yasuo Vs an irelia mid. At level 3 I got solo killed since she waited till I dashed for a minion and e'd me. I had no windwall since I used it to block the previous E, and she just auto'ed me to death with ignite and flash. I only Windwall the E's I cannot dodge myself

    I played safe till 6, and then she got an auto on me when I went to last hit. After the shield died down she just ulted me -> Q E and ignite and i was dead again.

    I couldn't even keep up in CS since it's Irelia, and she just has to Q to farm well. After she got a vamp sceptre, my E 3Q trade does nothing to her and she heals the damage with 2 Q's. I managed to kill her once after that by ulting her under tower when she dove me, but I ended up dying as well and lost farm.

    Whenever it's irelia top I do fine since I'm playing Bruisers and Juggernauts, but whenever it's Irelia Mid and I play an assassin, mage or Yasuo it ends up going horribly wrong.

    When I looked it up Yasuo seemed like a decent matchup into irelia according to everyone, and irelia w/r isn't even that high, so it's pretty obvious I'm doing something wrong

    TL;DR : Getting solo killed very easily by irelia. After she gets a vamp sceptre poke doesn't affect her.

    submitted by /u/EmissaryOfStorms
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    What are the 3 best Supports on EU/NA/KR that also stream & have VODs on Twitch (don't care about "educational", pro players prefered) just about the quality of their actual gameplay.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 02:59 PM PST


    • MikyXD (doenst stream too often, also map covered)
    • Hylissang doesn't stream
    • Kaiser doesn't stream


    • CoreJJ (doesnt stream too often)
    • IDK anyone else


    • Don't know anyone here :/

    If you can help me with view names/lists I would appreciate it :)

    submitted by /u/TheStormsFurySupport
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    Climbing while maining tanks feels very difficult?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 01:51 PM PST

    Climbed with non-tanks on the top lane last season with very high success rate. Been playing Malphite recently, no matter how much I win fop lane or at the very least stay even I just cant seem to win games. Even when I get fed, in teamfights all I can really do is get a great ult and burst down squishy targets but aside from that it's a struggle.

    My question is how do I climb with tanks? Or should I just use bruisers champions instead?

    submitted by /u/Wahayna
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    When and how many Control Wards should I buy as a Jungler?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 08:44 AM PST

    I'm a Mid and Jungle Main mostly playing Jungle nowadays. Lately I have been having a hard Time understanding exactly how many Control Wards to buy each Game and more specifically how often or when I should but them. I tought getting a better understanding of Control Wards would help me win more of my Placements (Won 2 and lost 1 so far).

    It's simple when I'm a Support, I just get 2 Control Wards with each Recall. As a Midlaner I just buy 1 or 2 to check the River. It's a little harder as a Jungler because I actually have to spend Gold on some Damage aswell as control more of the Vision around the Map.

    Looking at my latest Games, I'm usually buying between 3 and 5 Control Wards every Game. Recently I've been buying a Control Ward and Oracle on my first Recall. I usually try to place a Control Ward in either the Pixel Bush in the River, Top or Bot Bush or in the Dragon Pit. I mostly buy 2 Control Wards and have one placed somewhere and one with me in case I need to clear out an Area and my Oracle is on Cooldown.

    Thank you in Advance for any Tips!

    submitted by /u/Unknown_Warrior43
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    New role - from support to jungle

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 12:54 PM PST

    Hello guys

    Today I played as a jungle for the first time since I remember. I've played mainly as a support but even after a good bot lane my other lanes were pretty useless and I didn't feel I have a big impact on the game. This weekend, I've lost maybe 8 out of 10 games as a support and I wanted to try something new.

    I played jungle as Evelyn (I really enjoyed her on ARAM) and I had 3 wins in 3 games, pretty easy and enjoyable. Yet, as I'm not maining jungle, can you share some useful tips on how to play good pathways, what should I focus on, which objectives do first? I feel there's a lot of ground I should cover but I don't know exactly what to do and when. And I don't wanna just run like a headless chicken

    submitted by /u/LysergEsports
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    Does moonstone stack healing?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 07:41 AM PST

    Sorry guys I couldn't really find this anywhere. I used to be a big AP support guy usually Morgana and Lux. It hasn't really been working too well for me lately so I've made the switch of being a real support. I build moonstone then I build more items to stack healing.

    I can't really tell if it helps or not because my shields are strong but my healing seems to be the same. Should I build moonstone then no more healing?

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/shittaco1991
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    Having troubles with low impact as Orianna

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 01:59 AM PST

    I've been really enjoying Orianna and I love her kit and lore. I definitely find she is my best champion, but I've been struggling a lot with seemingly low impact games. Very very often I will go even or slightly win my lane, and then finish the game with good/great CS and a scoreline like 4/3/9 or something similar and we lose. It feels like I'm contributing my part but my team doesn't always pick up their slack and Orianna isn't a 1v9 champion. I poke a bit, hit a decent ult, and we lose a team fight. I don't know. I've also had this problem on Viktor, but he does a lot more damage so it's not as bad.

    This feels like a toxic mindset to get into with blaming teammates for losses so I'm trying to figure out why I feel useless in my average game.

    submitted by /u/_J3W3LS_
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    How do I farm in a losing matchup?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 12:28 PM PST

    As the title says, I want to know how to farm in losing matchups. This is mostly for top lane (since I don't really play mid) but I just want to know how to do it in general. I am going to start playing ranked soon, and I already know how to last hit, I kind of know how to freeze and slow push and I know how zoning works. One thing I don't know how to do, is farm in a matchup that you lose early game. For example Kayle vs Darius. Since Darius has a really strong early game can't he just zone me out and get like a 50 cs lead? If they get a really high cs lead it's like them having a kill so it's like I'm giving them free kills. What should I do in these situations?

    submitted by /u/sb-16
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    Gold elo not carryable

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 04:11 PM PST

    I would like to actually see someone from master/gm/chall on a hardstuck gold account being able to consistently win games (90%+ winrate). people always say that such high elo players would stomp through lower elos, but every time I see videos they seem to lose just as much as I do and only show videos of actually good games that are just extremly onesided. I would like to see a real match history (with many games) of someone who is master or above playing in gold elo.

    submitted by /u/leontepe
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    New player looking for tips

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 03:33 PM PST

    Hey guys. I started league in December and have been playing probably too much. (Lol). I'm really looking for someone who is much better than I am (iron or bronze) to give me some tips. This is my op.gg. I really don't know what position to play and what to have as my secondary. I feel like I'm best mid, but also have the biggest chance to lose mid out of the other lanes, as I feel like I either win hard and carry in mid or lose and we ultimately lose where as jungle and support seems like there's no players that just are insane with their mechanics and just ruin my game. I was really working on my vision scores with control wards to try and win more but I've forgot lately. I'd appreciate any help or suggestions as to what I should be doing.

    submitted by /u/STLNKILLZ
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    Spelltheif edge keeps stacking up over 1000 if you stay in combat

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 09:17 AM PST

    This is pretty niche but you should probably know it, you only have the free gold proc removed when you have been out of combat for 5 seconds or so.

    If you can stay in combat in a situation like hitting minions and towers you can prevent the item from transforming and pick up an extra 60ish gold or so without too much effort.

    submitted by /u/mazrrim
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    Exhaust or Ignite better vs today's insane drain tanks?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 03:09 PM PST

    With drain tank carries like Renekton, Olaf, Warwick, Sylas, Vlad, etc, being such a thing in the current meta, what's the better summoner spell to take to counter them? Ignite to cut their self-healing, or Exhaust to cut their damage and thus indirectly also cut their self-healing? I'd guess the main pros of Ignite are the true damage which can help especially in early trades and the longer duration, whereas the main pros of Exhaust are the slow and the help in peeling for your own carry by reducing the damage of a deep diving drain tank. But has anyone done the math to exactly calculate which is better and when and why?

    submitted by /u/Hautamaki
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    How can I change the HUD interaction button without scripting?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 02:59 PM PST

    Im currently using attack move on left click and its working out pretty well for me except when I play ekko or champs that need me to move the map to aim some of their skills hots. The problem is when I aim these abilities my champion moves out of the bush and the enemies start running away. So is there a way to change that binding?

    submitted by /u/ahmedkussem
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    How do I CS better as Jungle?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 02:55 PM PST

    I play Rek'sai and I will obliterate the first 20 minutes. Maybe 2 Rift Heralds and a couple kills. When the game will extend longer then 25 minutes I become useless. I was a second ago, destroying their team then all of a sudden I am food for their team. Biggest thing I notice is my CS is lower then their team but about 20-40. Any tips I can use to help me make sure I can secure my win?

    submitted by /u/CrunchyM4mmal
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    Who are the best Junglers to learn as a beginner?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 02:50 PM PST

    TLDR; New to jungle (Voli and lillia only experience). What should be my ideal starting pool of champs?

    Im learning jungle and have had alot of fun playing Volibear jungle and loosing all the time as Lillia jungle (lol, loosing is fun with her and i dont know why). And im working on setting up my pool of Jungles to learn so i can solo queue and chill. Ive tried every position in league thus far and i suck at pretty much all of them because i dont play much PC and my mouse movement are terrible. Ive been talking with Streamers like MetaSolaray about who i should learn jungle who has reccomended me Udyr. Ive also been reccommended Fiddlesticks too as a good starter.

    Im thinking my ideal pool would look something like this: Voli, Udyr, Fiddlesticks, Amumu, and (?). Any suggestions for me?

    submitted by /u/Phenicutie
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    How to play against Brand mid?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 10:53 AM PST

    Whenever I go against a Brand mid I basically can't contest my creeps at all due to his E having a ridiculous range and I feel like he does way too much damage with his burn. I've tried taking double MR in tree with TP, just so I can recall early if I get poked down too much, but if I do that I have no kill pressure and if my jungle ganks my lane I'm often too low to help or my wave is too big because he just slow pushes it into me and zones me off of CS. The only thing I've mediocre success with is playing all in champs like Akali, but he just stuns me and runs off

    Any tips?

    submitted by /u/666xbeachy
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    How do I carry in low elo as an ADC main vs Fed Carries

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 02:34 PM PST

    I am currently plat 2 ADC main I peaked D4, But it feels like every game when get a lead or go even I am made completely null by a fed Ekko/Darius/Kata etc., I feel like this role is just so team dependent, when I play off role ( like Renekton) its so easy to carry cause you essentially make 3 people useless, your laner and the two in the duo lane.

    I don't know what to do, I'm sick of loosing games in this fashion, I had a 60% win rate and it has since tanked to like 53%, IGN Minor Flaws v2

    submitted by /u/mojomanakin
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    What are you supposed to do if 2 or more lanes lose before you even do a full jungle clear?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 02:27 PM PST

    I just got back into league after 1.5 years off, s9 i was plat 4 i quit after i started college. Now since im on break i decided to start playing again on a fresh account, i played normals for 2 weeks to learn the new season and meta, it went ok, today i started ranked and i don't know what im doing wrong.


    Maybe its the matchmaking but in 3 games so far ALL 3 lanes lost before i could even do my full jungle clear. I know before in s9 you got your rank after you finished your 10 placement games, now you get a rank immediatly and i got placed in bronze 2 (??) this made me completely lose all confidence as i was plat not 2 years ago. Can anybody help me out? I want to know what im doing wrong.

    submitted by /u/Sicthroway
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