LoL Guide I feel bad about my champion pool |
- I feel bad about my champion pool
- How to deal with those high mobility bruisers?
- Seeing a lot of posts regarding how to deal with champion X. Here's a tip on how to do it.
- Identifying Your Mistakes for Every Elo BEFORE Season 11
- What do i do when enemy jungler goes into my jungle and never leaves?
- Wave Management In-Depth Help
- Might have ruined relationships because of toxicity
- Do tanky mids make sense?
- Diamond ADC who hasn’t played since February is extremely confused on new items. Few questions!
- Does mute all actually help win games?
- How to climb in S11 as a Scaling Mage
- What junglers are similar to either Kayn or Lillia and how do they compare?
- Is it possible to carry as Tahm Kench top?
- Are ADCs weak right now?
- why are there so many bots on the ALLY team in coop?
- how to counter master late game
- Yone ADC
- I need help! Please
- Gray health interaction with Shen ult
- Lec in 24 years
- Best Website To Find Out Which Support Goes Best With Which ADC?
- Am i Winning through vision?
- Struggling to carry as a low elo support.
- 3 Things I do Differently To You as ADC in League of Legends (In 3 Minutes) - Ex-pro/Challenger ADC tips
I feel bad about my champion pool Posted: 03 Jan 2021 08:10 AM PST I'm an adc main who used to be an OTP support. Currently play Jhin, Tristana, and Ashe as adc and MF if I don't have a choice. For flex roles I play teemo and cho'gath top/Xerath, AP mf, teemo mid/Yi jg/ and I used to be a Lux, Xerath, and nami support main with a huge emphasis on Lux and Xerath. All these champions have one thing in common which is they're simple. Atleast the way I play them is super simple and easy it almost feels cheesy. I quit league awhile back when I played support after realizing that I was just a poke mage midlaner who can't farm. I play adc by playing stupidly safe and I mean really really safe until I know its a guaranteed all in because I know I can't outplay a fair fight. Basically I tried picking up other more skill-expressive champs like Yone and Draven and I just got flamed for how bad I did. The only real combos I know how to pull off are Xerath's. Its just frustrating sometimes when I realize that when I do good its not cuz I did some big brain play or had insane macro. My champs and playstyle feel really cheesy sometimes and it doesn't help that I only play norms and never ranked. [link] [comments] |
How to deal with those high mobility bruisers? Posted: 03 Jan 2021 08:27 AM PST Hello everyone, i've been playing League since the march of 2020, the highest rank i got so far was Silver 1 solo climbing. Most of the time i'm gonna freeze the wave at my tower, so they can't all in me easily, and when they leave the lane or recall i hardpush it to their tower and recall, sometimes i have tp, sometimes i run ignite. I always click Irelia to check her passive stacks, and i know when she's gonna try to Q a minion and E me, auto attacking me to death, so thats easy to get track off, but freezing the wave at my tower sometimes doenst work because they're duo with the jungle, and mine's an autofilled one, i'm not blaming the jungler, they're just gonna help the Irelia and the Yasuo crash their waves, for some reason both have so MUCH mobility, i've been killed as Yone by a 2/5 Irelia, she got 3 Auto Attacks off and they ripped most of my hp, and then she ignited me. Against Yasuo i try to stay away from the wave and from him once he gets his tornado, poking off his passive and fighting away from the minion wave to limit mobility, but even tho he misses everything, he still manages to kill me auto attacking, how can i deal with those? most of the time they're not even good at their champions, that Irelia attempted to dive me once i had used my E as Yone, but i had my ult up and pulled her to my tower, i literally could have lost that game because i had warded the river, and i kept spamming the chat with "please be careful with Irelia, she's roaming bot/top" but my team managed to get her a triple kill twice, i have a replay for that. luckily our Urgot was strong enough and their Irelia instead of splitpushing since no one could kill her, just kept trying to get pickoffs in our JG and ended up 13/10, i was carried by Urgot cause my Yone 2/4 cant do much, i'm accepting any advice or critiques, Thanks. [link] [comments] |
Seeing a lot of posts regarding how to deal with champion X. Here's a tip on how to do it. Posted: 03 Jan 2021 01:50 PM PST Unlock the champion and learn their basic combos, you will get a better understanding of why they are beating you and the windows they have for harass and kill pressure. I used to be insanely afraid of zed mid. So I decided to learn the champion and understand why I kept losing to him. I learned he is strongest when he has w up and can land a full combo, outside of that window I felt afraid pushing up without it. And took a lot of poke during that window. My game knowledge improved and I started to understand why he wasn't a boogie man. This applies to any champion you have problems with . Another example was illoai. I couldn't understand how she beat me everytime in lane, untill I played her and realized all of her power is in her E ability and if you dodge that she can't do much outside a slow poke. [link] [comments] |
Identifying Your Mistakes for Every Elo BEFORE Season 11 Posted: 03 Jan 2021 04:00 PM PST Season 11 is about to begin, and with it, a fresh climb for all! I made a short and concise video detailing common mistakes I find in **every** elo, and by the end, you'll know exactly where to focus your time and attention to quickly climb ranks, no matter where you are! Link: Good luck to everybody, may your season 2021 climb be smooth, and I hope everybody is having a great new years so far! [link] [comments] |
What do i do when enemy jungler goes into my jungle and never leaves? Posted: 03 Jan 2021 08:13 AM PST Im playing kindred, i take my red and gank bot and get first blood on adc. when I later get to my blue buff (still lvl 2) enemy jungler kha and top urgot runs me down while top and mid are pushed and are farming. I lose gromp, blue, wolves and scuttle on top side. I spawn run to scuttle and try to take it lvl 2, support rotates up, mid rotates down and kha comes again. i get locked up and die. I lose my bot side jungle and when I spawn Kha is waiting in my top side jungle and I get no help What can I do? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 03 Jan 2021 09:13 AM PST I'm currently in high gold, mid lane main. I've been trying to understand wave management, and I understand what they are (freeze, slow push, etc), but I'm struggling to figure out freezing a wave. I know there's a lot of factors based on the enemy laner, but how would I be able to freeze a wave, for example, near my tower, and how long do freezes sustain, and how do I maintain a freeze? I think it's an important part of me climbing, because mostly I win lane often by playing safe and last-hitting only, or shoving and poking them under tower as best as I can. (I mostly play mages). However, since this meta is assassin mid favored (fizz, ekko) I want to be able to freeze a wave near by turret to help ease ganks or for me to get more room to pursue a kill. I'd like something more in depth other than "You use abilities as much as you can to shove a wave, last hit caster minions for slow push, etc". If anyone has tips regarding how to sustain a freeze, then that would be great :) [link] [comments] |
Might have ruined relationships because of toxicity Posted: 03 Jan 2021 01:24 PM PST Hi, fellow summoners of The Rift If this is wrong subreddit for this kind of post, apologies. Felt like it would belong here. Over the last few weeks I've gotten to know and play with some fellow countrymen, some I know IRL, some I've never even met or talked with, only the in-game communication. Over the course of playing with these wonderful people, I've gotten more positive, haven't been as negative and toxic as I once was. Usually I play with communication with some of them, and I accept the fact that not all people have the same skill-level. Sadly, this night I played a game with some friends, NOT in voicechat. They lost lane, fed, etc. We ended up losing that game, but the worst part is that I relapsed into my former toxic behaviour. Spampinged on incompetence. Loudly wondered (unfortunately also lashin out in chat) how they could possibly lose this & that, and so on. I honest-to-God forgot I was in game with some friends. And in the post-game screen I felt so horrible. Knowing that I complained about some very dear friends of mine. Apologies were in order, and I talked it out with one of them before queueing for a new match. She really helped me realize what I'd done, and together we managed to upp the positivity of the next lobby. So to you who might be frustrated over your teammates, instead of spampinging and complaining, give them a tip as to how to deal with the situation. And you, yes YOU, you who are the definition of positivity, keep up that bright energy. You drag more people out of the dark than you might realize, myself included. There's been games where the positivity of a player kept me going and we ended up coming out on top. There's been games where I've been the useless one and my team of randoms didn't flame me, but helped me up and about. Don't lose your mind or your mental state over a videogame. Sincerely [link] [comments] |
Posted: 03 Jan 2021 11:19 AM PST Hey, so I know that there's some general tanks that can go mid but I've wondered if it ever makes sense to build tanky items on a champ like...I know you can go tanky Viktor on top lane but could you go tanky Vik on mid as well or is it useless? (I'm trying to learn Vik and I've wondered if there's other builds apart from the usual one that I could use against specific Champs) [link] [comments] |
Diamond ADC who hasn’t played since February is extremely confused on new items. Few questions! Posted: 03 Jan 2021 03:29 PM PST Hey guys. I peaked Diamond 2 in Season 9 and only hit Diamond 4 in Season 10 in February before I took a break from the game. I wanna play again and I just finished a normal draft game and I am so confused on these items. So I have a few questions if you guys can help. I think I still have pretty good game knowledge since I did hit Diamond in early Season 10 so feel free to explain things in a way such that you can skip over stuff like . I also read (but probably forgot a lot) of the preseason patch notes. Anyways, here are my questions:
[link] [comments] |
Does mute all actually help win games? Posted: 03 Jan 2021 11:10 AM PST Everyone and their mothers say mute all is the best way to climb and I just havent found that to be the case. There has been more times where typing to teamates has potentially saved my games then were full muting has. Ex1 i had a support that tilted from me (mid laner) taking his cannon..... and after that he started to run it down giving the enemy 3 deaths while typing that he was tilted. In response i apologized and leashed him blue and scuttle and said there were even. Lol and then he stopped typing as much and he stopped running it down and we won. Ex1 happens quite often and if your not adding to the fire I feel like type can be useful in helping win the game or make the game not 100 percent lost. I found that apologizing for mistakes or even thibgs that I dont feel like were my fault can help create a okay environment especially if your team is easily tilted. Cordinating with jgler as a mid laner in chat before lane starts like saying if im gonna be able to be there for scuttle or not. Overall I feel like typing and communicating with my team has done more good that I would have missed out on if I full muted. That being said I can see that if your triggered and tend to flame then to disable chat would work better for you ,but if your trying to win games communication is super valuable to me. I should preface that this is working for me mid gold to low plat. [link] [comments] |
How to climb in S11 as a Scaling Mage Posted: 03 Jan 2021 02:43 PM PST Hi, I am having problem climbing solo queue in S11 as I am completely hardstuck. I play League Of Legends since 2013 (a lot more since 2016/2017) and in 2020 I decided I wanted to aim for ranked and climb the ladder. I went from Bronze 2 to Plat 4 in around 3 months. (S10) I always have played a variety of champions, even though i have 350k points on yasuo and over 100k on 5 more. I climbed to gold playing whatever came to mind and found myself hardstuck gold, so I started enjoying less popular champions. I found Lissandra and basically only played her for some weeks, I had around 70% wr and reached Plat 3. This season I got tired of Lissandra and finally understood if I wanted to play a small champion pool I needed to find something skill expressive where I feel like I am improving every game. 2 weeks ago I found my beloved Azir and basically only played him since then. Problem is:
-I really enjoy him and seem to do extremely well kda/damage wise which is something I never did as I am NOT a kda player in any way. Even though I play very well (In my perspective) my teammates lately have been incredibly bad (mainly botlane) and I can't find a way to prevent it from happening even though I play for early game dominance (Ignite/HOB), playing more agressive and usually getting atleast a kill on the enemy laner. I am sorry for this whole description but I found the context needed and I am looking for ways to prevent this types of scenarios from happening. Edit: Forgot to mention my last games in my as they do not represent my "only playing azir". I started playing jungle when playing with my buddy (he mains midlane) because Azir mid wasn't working out, problem is I don't enjoy playing jungle. Tl;dr (Currently maining Azir after playing a variety of champions for years and not being able to win even half my games even though having a great gameplay) [link] [comments] |
What junglers are similar to either Kayn or Lillia and how do they compare? Posted: 03 Jan 2021 11:34 AM PST I've only jungled a handful of times in the past, but I really want to find a champion I'll have fun with in that role. My champion pool currently consists of mages like Zyra, Ahri, and Neeko in mid/support. I play for fun, and I don't care much about meta or learning curve. I just want to find a champion I enjoy playing. I've tried several jungle champions, including Nunu, Warwick, Ekko, Kayn, Diana, Evelynn, Taliyah, and Karthus. The only champion out of those that clicked for me was Kayn, but I'm still pretty bad at him. I usually prefer AP champions and I'm not much of a tank player. I want to find an AP jungler to play that's squishier and does more damage, instead of a tank like Nunu, but I'm not really sure where to start since I know very little about the jungle champion pool. I've been watching and reading some Lillia guides and I'm eager to try her out since she looks fun, but I need a couple other options. Are there any junglers, AD with some ability damage or AP, similar in playstyle to Lillia and/or Kayn? How do they compare in terms of difficulty, function, strengths and weaknesses, etc.? [link] [comments] |
Is it possible to carry as Tahm Kench top? Posted: 03 Jan 2021 09:56 AM PST I usually either go even or stomp my lane, but it feels like I have no power of the rest of the game. Even if I wind up going 17/3 or something stupid like that it feels like I have no impact later because pretty much everyone outscales me. If I'm against something like an irelia or akali, they just leave lane and pick up up things over the map. They can't really do much to me, but they can murder my entire team. Even if I push turret, I usually get thwarted by a more fed member of the enemy team rotating top for me. I don't die, but I can't dive them under turret when they're that strong. Am I just SOL as a fed tahm, or is there more I can do? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 03 Jan 2021 10:32 AM PST I've started league recently and I play support when my friend plays ADC, and regardless of our performance it seems that we'll almost always just be ignored in the grand scheme of things. It might be my lack of experience or my low skill level but it seems like even if my friend gets 15+ kills and goes for every objective, we just can't carry as hard as some tops or mids can by themselves. Are we just doing something wrong or is the meta in a different place right now? [link] [comments] |
why are there so many bots on the ALLY team in coop? Posted: 03 Jan 2021 12:40 PM PST ive been playing alot of coop recently as its less stressful and way more enjoyable and noticed that there are so many bots on my team, like one game i got placed with 4 bots, they did nothing but feed and go into the same lane. like is there an uprising of bots or something or are there just not enough people playing coop and they have to add bots on the ally team? [link] [comments] |
how to counter master late game Posted: 03 Jan 2021 10:25 AM PST i was playing a normal graves jg game it all went preety good i was fed was stealing all of the enemy master yi's camps at one point he was 1/5 but then i went to fight him i was full hp he was not i even smited his camp hit all of my abilities kited him well and still somehow lost. then 5 seconds later i can hear the announcer saying PENTAKILL and next fight he scored a second one which was an 2v5 for him please tell me how to counter master late game [link] [comments] |
Posted: 03 Jan 2021 04:14 PM PST So i've recently taken over playing Yone after playing a large amount of top lane for years, I would usually play him mid but I have a friend that plays mid and I was wondering if you guys had tips on how to play him like this, or if I should just play him top, thanks in advance! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 03 Jan 2021 12:19 PM PST Hi im new to league im level 8, can someone just give me some tips becuase i dont get the strategies and stuff, i'd like to play ahri and get better at her. I also like playing nasus. I have been told that ahri is a mid lane hero but id like to understand the way i should play her. Anything from ability combos to what items i should use to which abilities i should level in a match. All responses are welcome thankyou [link] [comments] |
Gray health interaction with Shen ult Posted: 03 Jan 2021 12:10 PM PST I'm wondering if a champion like Tahm Kench has 10% HP and 50% grey health and Shen ults him, will the Shen ult be stronger because of the low health bonus or does the grey health count too so Shen's R treats it as 60% HP? I know this might sound confusing but I can't really explain it better [link] [comments] |
Posted: 03 Jan 2021 01:31 AM PST Hello community. I wanna ask is it possible for me be pro player? Right now I am 22 years old in dia 2 in s10. I was many years just dia 5 beacuse I didn't try go higher (beacuse of school and other games)and this year of 2021 I wanna get master+ and play our country league and next year foreign country. Sorry for my English [link] [comments] |
Best Website To Find Out Which Support Goes Best With Which ADC? Posted: 03 Jan 2021 02:25 AM PST Hi there, I'm a support main. I have a few support champs I play really well. I'm looking to find the best website that shows best bot lane synergy based on win percentage stats. Anyone know which is the best website for this? I am really weak when it comes to identifying good comps vs bad comps, who's bot lane is stronger and when is it stronger, etc. I understand in soloq its better to play champs your comfortable with and I plan to do that but I would like to know out of the champs I main which one is best for the adc in my lobby. Thanks guys. My knowledge on bot [link] [comments] |
Posted: 03 Jan 2021 03:53 AM PST Basically title. I'm having good success playing support, in particular Brand. The thing I am noticing is that I have a really good avarage vision score, as you can see here, but I lack tower damage and i am usually underleveled. Am i doing too much for vision? I should stay more with my adc (wich usually gets more exp and plate's gold) so I can get more pressure and exp? As you can see from LeagueOfGraphs' tags I usually solo die, and ofc it is while I clear or put down vision. Thanks in advance :) [link] [comments] |
Struggling to carry as a low elo support. Posted: 03 Jan 2021 01:56 AM PST Hi guys. Recently i've been losing alot of games that I feel like should of been a win. I feel like low elo teams really struggle to wrap up games when we have a lead. Heres a list of things I try to do when I get ahead on support: I run in to quite a few problems in games. For example, sometimes my jungler just... doesn't want the free dragon? And refuses to come. Another problem is that my team does not want to group alot of the time. We're 20 kills ahead and have malphite and amumu? Time to split push with no tp and get caught without wards... huh? The grouping problem really becomes a problem when our lead is on a time limit. For example they have a Kayle and our team definitely falls of in power later on. Even when I remind my team that we're gonna have a big problem when she turns 16, people still refuse to group. A few bad catches later and our lead is gone and the game is over. Can somebody help me? I actually stopped playing for a while because I feel like a 15/0 bot lane has half the influence on the game as the 5/10 enemy darius. Are games like this just impossible to win? Thanks for any advice. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 03 Jan 2021 01:29 AM PST New video out: I highly suggest this along with my other videos for ADC's out there struggling to climb. Let me know in the YouTube or Reddit comments or via DM's if you have any questions that need to be clarified. Am happy to answer each question individually. Happy New Years and good luck all for 2021. [link] [comments] |
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