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    Wednesday, January 20, 2021

    LoL Guide Is it Normal to Take a Break From Your Main?

    LoL Guide Is it Normal to Take a Break From Your Main?

    Is it Normal to Take a Break From Your Main?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 09:59 PM PST

    Hi everyone! I need some advice. I picked up Jinx about a year ago and have had a very decent playing experience with her. Last season I ended ranked with a 60% win rate. Lately I can't do anything with her, I feed, have horrible cs, and just get out classed by other laners. I don't want to drop Jinx but I feel that I need a break from her? I'm not sure what champ is like her though. Also like the title says, have you guys ever needed to take a break from your main to get better? Let me know thanks! :)

    EDIT: I woke up this morning to so many helpful comments! Thank you all for letting me know im not alone in feeling that I may need a change! I will definitely take a lot of these comments and put them to use! Again thanks so much!

    submitted by /u/lil_iberty
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    5 steps for an easy VOD/replay review.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 01:17 PM PST

    If you are serious about getting better at LoL, one of the best ways to improve is watching your past gameplay and figuring out what you could have done better, in addition to this you can watch those that are better than you and pick up on new skills and tactics. You can see this practice in physical sports all the time usually among the most elite players and there is good reason as to why, cause it helps and offers a perspective of ourselves we can't get anywhere else.

    But how to do VOD/replay reviews properly? I use a simple 5 step plan that I took from a high elo DotA2 coach. Surprisingly it works well in LoL too. Here are the steps/questions that I ask myself:

    1) Was it comfortable for me to play against the opponent's champions?

    2) Analyze the biggest drops on the Team Gold Advantage graph.

    3) Analyze each one of my deaths.

    4) Did I spend my time in-game efficiently?

    5) Analyze my stats over the last 10+ games.

    If you're interested in a more detailed explanation of these ideas you can find it in this video. Have a nice day!

    submitted by /u/LuckyGnom
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    I interviewed Rhoku, a Grandmaster Darius main. Here's the conversation that followed.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 07:42 AM PST

    Episode 2 of Challenger Insights is now live - this time featuring Rhoku, a Grandmaster Darius main.


    In this episode, we discuss the two mindsets a Darius player should switch between, how to play Darius' hardest match-ups, how you can push an early advantage, and much more.


    Listen to our conversation here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4R3gv8HPdr1j6ICcK6LFaP


    If you want to stay up to date with the podcast, be sure to follow us on Twitter or join the Discord:

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Chall_Insights

    Discord: https://discord.gg/E3b8mfHTdr


    Thank you for listening!

    submitted by /u/Lunariz
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    Moonstone Validation by LS

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 08:27 AM PST

    Since the release of Moonstone on the Pbe i've been adamant about its potential. This observation was not very populair, and often met with resistance. Today, on my birthday no less, LS posted a video validating my believes. I couldn't be happier!
    Hopefully Moonstone will get the recognition it deserves.
    The video focusses on the Synergy with Staff of flowing water, and the ''hidden'' synergy they have together.

    submitted by /u/MrSleepzz
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    What should I do if my team sends me to take a lane on my own as support?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 01:45 PM PST

    Hello, I'm fairly new to the game and currently trying to pick up on how to be a good support player. It's been working pretty well in CoOp vs. AI so far and I'm slowly, very slowly, getting the hang of it. What I noticed when I went into 5vs5, though, is that in a lot of games my team expects me to take over a lane on my own (mostly the top lane) and since I don't have any experience with doing that as a support I usually get nowhere, die a lot and cause my team a lot of grief during the game. My question is: How can I handle that situation better? Should I practice being on my own against enemies more and try out other item combinations?

    If this falls under the "basic topic" category, please tell me and I will delete the post right away.

    submitted by /u/dandelion11037
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    Why i shoulnt smite first camp?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 11:11 AM PST

    Im learning to play jungle and when i smited first camp all my friends told me to not do it but when I ask why nobody knows to answer. You have more dps at lv 2 with 2 ability and more lv than on lv 1 so the dmg of smite is more efficient at lv 1 than later in my opinion. Can someone explain me why its wrong to smite first camp?

    submitted by /u/SaliAzucar
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    Level gains upon delayed impact spells?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 11:09 AM PST

    I've been wondering if spells that activate AFTER being casted gain damage/power when you level them up BETWEEN those two actions. I'm sorry if my English is lousy so here are a few examples:

    • if you place a lvl. 1 Bard heal on the ground, will this same heal restore more HP if you up your W lvl 2 before an ally steps on it?

    • if you cast R as a lvl. 10 Riven, but get lvl. 11 during the fight and max it, will it deal more damage when re-casted?

    • same question for Maokai saplings, and so on...

    submitted by /u/reptilus89
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    Viego Combo Guide [Educational]

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 10:55 AM PST

    Hello summoners,

    Viego will be released tomorrow, this is why I want to show you my Viego Combo guide today.

    I put really hard work into creating this video.

    Videolink: https://youtu.be/yjQIyEn5Aic

    I would be happy about your feedback, so I can improve my future videos.

    submitted by /u/MrNoCopyright
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    Well scaling champions?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 09:08 AM PST

    Hello, I started playing the game last season and my theoretical knowledge on the game is relatively little.

    Me and my friends were having a discussion in which we were talking about scaling top laners. One of my diamond friends stated that Camille is more of a mid-game champion rather than a late game champion and said all late-game champions deal area of effect damages. When I first thought about this, it kind of made sense because of the champions like Kassadin, Vladimir, Kayle, Cassiopeia, Ryze, Azir, Karthus etc. There are also champions like Master Yi (Q) and Kai'sa (Q) who also have some multiple target skills but I don't think their scaling comes from those skills so I didn't include them. There also should be naturally scaling tank champions such as Ornn and Malphite.

    Most of the ADCs also should scale very well into the late game since they provide resourceless damage and their attacks scale 1 on 1 AD and have immense DPS as long as they can live through team fights. Although those ADCs have some kind of AoE skills, their scaling comes from their natural DPS and not their skill sets (except maybe Vayne).

    But I believe my friend is missing some champions such as Fiora, Yone, Yasuo, Wukong and Jax. Are there any other champions who are known to scale well and how would one understand whether a champion is a scaler or not? I mean there should be some parameters to rely on to settle which champion is a scaling champion like Camille in this situation, right?

    All answers are appreciated

    submitted by /u/TheProuDog
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    How to beat Illaoi (Mechanically simple)

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 10:07 AM PST

    Beating Illaoi in lane might seem impossible to some players, but hopefully you'll be able to beat her in lane after reading this guide.

    First, a breakdown of her kit:

    Passive:Spawns tentacles around Illaoi, and these tentacles will target vessels (the E pull), and targets of her W. These tentacles can be broken in 2 hits.

    Counterplay:Break tentacles whenever you can, lure the fight away from tentacles.

    Q:Illaoi slams down a tentacle in a rectangular hotbox(slow animation)

    Counterplay:stand away from the minions. Illaoi will try to use her q to poke while last hitting minions.

    W:Illaoi lunges to a target, (short range), and causes nearby tentacles to slam down on that area.

    Counterplay:Stand away from the W range. Her passive is the reason her W is strong, so breaking the tentacles helps a lot. Again, stand away from minions as she will use W to last hit while poking.

    E:Illaoi shoots a projectile which pulls the target's 'vessel' towards her. The vessel will mimick a percentage of the damage dealt onto the target. If the target walks out, or the vessel is killed, the target will be followed by spawning tentacles for a short duration.

    Counterplay:Stay at a distance. Her E is very easy to land if you're just standing there hitting minions, so play as if your auto attacks have a cooldown. By this, meaning don't stand on a minion hitting it, instead, hit it, back off, hit a different minion, back off, etc. This will make you unpredictable and hard to hit.

    R:We're all familiar with this ability, allowing her to heal tons of health and 1v2 ganks. It spawns multiple tentacles around her, which slam down multiple times while the target is still in the same location.

    Counterplay:Very simple to counterplay. First, don't go near if she lands her E. Second, bramble vest. Third, just don't fight if you see her do the little jump animation. Illaois tend to use W with their R to get an extra tentacle slam. If you see her ult, use your disengage.(Ex. Shen E, Aatrox W+E, Vayne Q, Morde backwards E, etc etc.)

    Playstyle:With all these tips, the gameplay should look like this. Let's use Sett as an example, as many people think this matchup is near impossible. First level. Your level 1 is stronger than hers, since her Q is a relatively long cooldowns and is hard to land on a moving target. You want to stall her level 3 as much as possible, as this is when she is strong. Use your level 1 power to keep her from getting exp if possible. Level 2, you want to see what she leveled up. If she went W, wait for her to use it on a minion, then engage for a short AA+AA+Q+AA+AA, then W to disengage with a shield. Once again, a very simple Sett combo for level 2. If she upgraded E second, just follow the tips above and keep your distance. She will win all trades between her first E upgrade to her level 6. Once she upgraded her E, just play very safe. Farm minions, and use your W shield to the fullest potential. Remember, the only consistent way you can bully an Illaoi in lane is to stall her level 3. If you manage to force her to miss exp, this is the best case. If you get a much earlier level 2, upgrade your E second instead, then use a AA+AA+Q+E+AA+AA. Once again, a very simple combo. If she hard engages you level 3, use your E to stun her, then W shield to disengage. Never EVER use your W or E to wave clear.

    Game 2:Second scenario:

    Now, a matchup that isn't necessarily garbage into Illaoi, but has weak early levels:Nasus. Remember the 2 things you need in order to best an Illaoi:Engage, and disengage. (Engage when she misses an ability on you, disengage when her cooldowns come back up). Nasus's abilities are very simple to beat Illaoi with. Obviously his first few levels are bad, and nothing can change that. your W is a great engage AND disengage, with the insane slow. Nasus is a tank, so bramble is key. Most likely, she will rush tabis(plated steelcaps), and goredrinker. If you want to just beat her in lane, you'll need to build and AP build, using E max, and sacrificing some of your scaling factor. Your E, if leveled and built with ap items, can do some serious damage, dealing upwards to 800 damage if ignored. If leveling up Q, just get stacks. She doesn't have a pull or point and click slow like Darius or Tryndamere, so you can farm easily. But, don't give her a free lane. Poke with E, fake engages, make sure she can't just sit there smacking your turret all game. Grasp and spell book are good into her, both bringing lane sustain. A simple E+AA+Q+AA can win trades if she doesn have E. If she uses Ult, just use a W+E to disengage and discourage her from chasing you. If you freeze the wave, this is perfect.

    submitted by /u/Nocheese1
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    What to do against Talon

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 01:24 PM PST

    I've been playing jungle recently and a talon in mid lane just ruined my life. If the team rotated he just wall jumped to safety and if I ran he just wall jumps to catch up. It felt like I had no control in my own jungle when the talon only had two kills. I had 2 assists and a 150 gold shut down so I was pretty even with the talon gold wise. How do I deal with the behemoth running me down in my jungle?

    submitted by /u/RandomName298
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    How do I roam effectively?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 12:34 PM PST

    Title might not be accurate. I am always scared to roam. For me roaming means most of the time to lose 1, maybe even two minion waves. And it's not my setup that sucks. I sometimes try to slow push multiple waves into the enemies turret but somehow i still can't manage to get myself to roam because I feel like I'm gonna lose way to much. Also, it's more often than not a 50/50 for me (at least that's what it feels like). And if the roam doesn't work I just lose stuff for nothing...

    Also, whenever my enemy roams I manage to get EXACTLY these scenarios. I just get to push into his turret and win 2 levels on him. So how do you roam good, or rather, what mindset do i need?

    submitted by /u/Pennervomland
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    Where to generate leads on mid assassin

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 09:16 AM PST

    I am currently an adc main but I wanta to get better at mid lane. So I am trying to learn Kay I know to the best starting champ but I think she is fun. I am wondering tho I play the lane pretty standards in the fact that I give lane and let it crash if they pressure and then when I hit 3 I look for a trade. But the problem is I feel like I cant kill or push off the enemy off the wave. I get behind in lane so if I roam and get kills I don't even get ahead in gold my cs isn't the best which I am working on but I think farming isn't her main way of getting an advantage

    submitted by /u/dovaduck
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    Ive noticed myself getting progresively worse

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 12:49 PM PST

    Im no high elo player by any means. Gold 2 is my highest. But now after placements im in silver 2 and lost 3 games in a row. My mmr is good, im pretty sure at least. Im only losing like 8 lp for each match. But im struggling to play my mains. Yasuo and zed.

    I am getting over being high(that oregeno), i quit smoking and noticed that by playing sober. I am playing way worse than when im high. I hate that this is the case. What im trying to ask here, is what can i do to reclaim what i used to be able to do? Everything im doing, just feels off. I cant land combos on zed any more, i int way more on yasuo (i used to have a pretty good winrate at 67% on yasuo, now i have a 52%) i just dont feel relevant in my matches and just screw up the basics now. I want to not get into my feelings about sucking and genuinly want to improve more. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/that0neguy23
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    Kai'sa Tips and Tricks by S10 Challenger

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 06:24 PM PST

    Hey summoners, I made a video giving my personal tips and tricks on Kai'sa, Daughter of the Void. This is a guide covering combos and general things to know and things to have in mind while playing Kai'sa.

    I went over things like animation cancelling evolves and things to avoid doing (Flash Q fails).

    Anyways, here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftA5nk_SBuE


    submitted by /u/evneslol
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    When counter picking: is lane win rate or game win rate more important?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 03:22 PM PST

    Of course the only thing that counts is the win at the end of the game. But if I pick a champ that absolutely dominates the other one in laning phase I'd have the potential to hard carry. Does it make a difference if my team has lots of hard scaling champions or not?

    It would be absolutely amazing if someone could explain this to me

    submitted by /u/jVVlian
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    What do I do as an ADC when I can't push in sidelanes

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 11:07 AM PST

    Hello, I am a platinum 4 ADC main mostly playing Ezreal, Jhin, and Kai'Sa.

    As the title suggests I want to know what I can do as ADC when I can't push in sidewaves without being immediately killed, wether it be by fed Heca/Noc or by permapushing top-laner. I typically try to push them as far as I am comfortable doing with the vision we have but after a certain point I have to leave the wave and wait for it to come closer again.

    Usually in these situations I try to go for camps or to mid-lane but sometimes no camps are up and very often other laners refuse to swap with me so I can be in a safer lane. What do I do then?

    submitted by /u/supe56
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    Playing as jungle for top side

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 07:12 AM PST

    I'm a s10 platinum one-trick Hecarim and I've been noticing that every game that I'm able to carry is because I do my initial pathing from top to bot (doesn't matter if I'm blue or red side), gank bot level 3-4, get easy kills because people don't expect junglers to be bot at this moment, recall, path to bottom again, get easy drags and that's pretty much it. What I want to know is, how do I improve my gameplay to play for top side? It just feels like my games never work as expected if I need to play for top, even if when looking at draft my top side should be my "strong side". I'm almost never able to take scuttle because my teammates won't help me, idk what happens. I'm looking into improving it because I've joined an amateur team and they want to play for top side, but I just don't know how to do this.

    submitted by /u/xmurasakiii
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    How to focus?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 03:06 AM PST

    Hiii ^^

    I was thinking about how to climb and start winning and I realised that my biggest problems isn't understand of the game or mechanics. My biggest problem is in my mind, I really find it hard to focus, to remember things and my pills are making my reactions slow. I was wondering how others do that? I feel like I can't focus on all things enemies Cool Downs, minimap, objectivies, wave control, taking care of my dumb ADC, roaming etc. I always forgot some of these things like tracking the jungler so I end up dying to enemy jungler.... I know these things in theory but I just can't focus...

    how to get better at focusing to all those things? How do people do that? and what helped you?

    Info: I peaked plat 1 last season, I'm currently g2 with 10 games played and I main supports :) thank you for answering

    submitted by /u/AoSoraTV
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    Smiting objectives

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 06:59 AM PST

    How do you smite a drag or Barron and when you have a giant ass cho, voli, zac ect on top of it, or are just bad like me and literally smite the thing next to it. I know there's a target champions only toggle, is there something like this for NOT targeting champs?

    submitted by /u/labudamike
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    Why do Seraphine players choose Aery over Comet?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 12:52 PM PST

    I think we can agree that late game the rune is completely negligible, meaning we want the rune that helps the most in the laning phase.


    dealing 30 − 100 (based on level) (+ 35% bonus AD) (+ 20% AP)


    10 − 40 (based on level)

    35 − 80 (based on level)

    Poking seems to be one of the most important lane phasing things and the comet does WAY more damage. I also think the damage aspect is superior to the shielding aspect. When you hit them with a spell the damage will always be added, however when you shield someone it may go to waste.

    that being said it looks like aery is picked across the board so I want to know why I'm wrong

    submitted by /u/Sapo7777
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    Are there any champs that don’t have any healing at all?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 06:55 AM PST

    I feel like almost every champ in game that is fed I see them heal a done during fights, whether it be from their abilities, passive, or which runes they have.

    So my question is if the other team has anyone fed wouldn't it almost always be beneficial to build some sort of Grievous wounds? Or are there some fed champs that don't really heal at all?

    submitted by /u/Samk1230
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    Questions for high elo smurfs

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 10:28 PM PST

    I am trying to understand the difference between high elo (Diamond+) and low elo players (Silver/Gold). But as a low elo player Im totally blind to how you are able to exploit our weaknesses to get ahead in the game. I try looking at challenger gameplay but I am not able to learn as much, since the play is different from a facing against low elo players

    So I have some questions.

    When you are playing against low elo players, do you consistently get early solo kills? What do you do if the enemy is playing super passively?

    Would you be able to climb with high win rates with low tier champs or do you only climb with high tier meta champs?

    Are most of your victories in low elo games from macro decisions or from dominating laning phase or is it a mixture of both?

    submitted by /u/AlertAnimator
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