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    Saturday, January 16, 2021

    LoL Guide Learn to get carried

    LoL Guide Learn to get carried

    Learn to get carried

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 10:00 AM PST

    Being a carryable player is one of the best ways to climb. You cannot and will not hard carry every game, you need to learn to understand when you aren't your teams win condition and learn to stop the bleeding and just let someone else carry.

    This is especially true in low elo. I recently started playing an off role on an old account that was placed in bronze 1. And man everyone wants to be the super star. People act like if they aren't giga fed by 15 minutes the game is over and just ff. Realistically if you die 3 or 4 times in lane you can still be useful, if not behind, in teamfights. But if you die 14 times it's over you have ruined your teams chance of winning.

    So get over your ego, stop the bleeding, give up your cs, tower, exp, whatever and keep the game winnable. Consider that if you got camped that maybe your team camped another lane and they are just as far ahead as you are behind. They are your win condition now and you need to play like it.

    Tldr getting carried is a good thing and a good skill to learn if you want to climb

    submitted by /u/Herakles1994
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    How do you play against the yone dash forward combo?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 04:43 PM PST

    It seems like no matter if I'm on rumble or jayce, the yone combo where he jumps forward and uses q2 and w and autos you a couple times before bouncing back can't be traded favorably against.

    And most importantly it can't be outrun and he can build boots fairly early into his build

    Just one or two of those combos and suddenly you're within killing range.

    I'm watching faker vs showmaker azir vs yone and there seems to be a similar issue with even faker being unable to trade favorably against this combo or outrun or dodge it simply because of the movespeed differential. How do you play against this?

    I was d1 last season, just getting back into the game and have been losing lane to gold and plat yones rather consistently and effortlessly on their part. Anivia as well but she just needs a nerf so we can wait for that lol.

    submitted by /u/colkcolkcolk
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    Pantheon's shield bash is the most dangerous part of his kit lategame!

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 09:41 PM PST

    TL;DR - Shield bash deals incredible AoE damage lategame due to high bonus ad scaling. Don't sit there and wait for him to complete his E channel, put some distance between you and him especially squishies.

    People usually look at pantheon and think he falls off by the mid to lategame and while that's true, do not underestimate how much damage he can do in a fight especially against the squishies.

    The thing is, most players look out for his Q damage since under 20% it executes targets, not to mention the empowered Q does something like 800 damage with like 3-4 items, usually half if not more than half of an adc's health bar. But there's one other source of strength in his kit that needs to be respected, his E.

    It's not the invincibility that he gets for 1.5 seconds that I think is the scary part, it's the actual damage that comes from it. The stabby part does pantheon's AD over the duration which can mean 300-400 damage, nothing to scoff at. The shield bash part is RIDICULOUS with how much it can do. Base 255 damage + 150% bonus AD scaling. Most pantheons have about 200-250 bonus AD (if not more) towards the 25-30 minute mark which results in something like 600-700 damage in a wide cone in front of him. Since the stabby part procs all 6 black cleaver stacks you'll also be down a bunch of armor + some missing health damage.

    There's a lot of people even in plat and diamond who don't take pantheon's damage seriously enough because they think it's all tied to his Q. Yes, Q claps some cheeks, but watch out for his E. Also, if he uses his standard combo of empowered W auto reset, then another auto and Q followed by empowered E, prepare for a second Q coming since the cooldown is low enough to come right after the E finishes.

    submitted by /u/VarsVerum
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    Question about my duo partner.

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 07:03 PM PST

    My duo partner is the kind of toxic player you always hear about. Player not doing well? They're garbage. One bad fight ff at 15. Never his fault kind of thing. This season he's been a support but whenever I play with him our bot lane never wins and he always blames his ADC and gets upset when he doesn't have kills (as a support main) but I never watch him cause I have my top lane to worry about. When I play ranked alone my supports are always phenomenal, I almost never lose bot lane. My question is, is it him? Is he the reason he loses his bot lane?

    submitted by /u/Chkgo
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    I wrote a guide about jungle monsters for people who are looking to learn more about jungling!

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 09:21 AM PST

    Heya everyone, me again! The dragon guide that I posted here a while back was by and afar my most popular guide, so I figured that I'd try to do something similar. This guide outlines the different jungle monsters, their stats, and other noteworthy traits. I think that if you're looking to get into jungling, this would be a good place to start! As usual, I'd appreciate any and all feedback!

    Guide Link: http://dignitas.gg/articles/blogs/League-of-Legends/14981/welcome-to-the-jungle-an-overview-of-jungle-monsters-in-league-of-legends

    submitted by /u/Lucklepto
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    Silver/gold player can’t improve

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 07:21 AM PST

    So, I've been playing league since season 8 and only really had time to start playing ranked in season 10, I played over the 1700 games and ended gold 4 and just scraped a 50% win rate. I'm level 330 and still don't know my main role, last season I played most games on mid, but when I really needed to push for gold I became a rengar one trick for 50 games and finally got gold. I don't enjoy playing jungle nearly as much as any other role and I struggle to play rengar as well as I did last season. My most played champion last season was yasuo, but after realising I am not faker, I retried the champ. This season I went 5-5 in placements and got silver 3, I'm now 48% win rate playing adc since I used to find this my favourite role. My draven is abysmal this season, along with all the champs I used to play last season like twitch and on all champs I average A LOT of deaths but a decent amount of kills too. I have no idea how to improve from here, I focus on cs, when to push etc. but I just can't seem to do better than 50% win rate. If someone could highlight some things I'm doing wrong that would be great! I've been told the best way to climb is to one trick but my previous one tricks I'm suddenly losing every game on, so I swap champs because my mental starts to deteriorate after playing the same champ and losing a few games in a row. opgg

    submitted by /u/-tobyt
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    Generating A Lead Passively?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 09:51 AM PST

    I've been watching pro play lately, amd some teams (Damwon, old T1) it seems like they generate more gold simply by existing. I don't understand how they are able to acrue such large advantages without making things happen on the map. Then they group up and crush a decisive team fight and the game is pretty much over.

    Now, I know they are making things happen, but what are they doing exactly? I'd like to know so I can try to implement them in my groups games. I understand this is not solo queue applicable necessarily, but it would be good habits for me to form at least.

    submitted by /u/HopeForCynics
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    Should I drop my main?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 08:22 AM PST

    I'm a Bronze II jungler (was Silver IV last season), and I main Kindred because I adore their design and lore. However, I feel like I really struggle when behind, especially because my teams tend to have 1-2 other AD carries. If one or two laners pick something with tankiness or CC, things go much more smoothly, but this isn't usually the case. Should I drop my main for tanky engage like Amumu, or figure out a way to be more self-sufficient with Kindred, like picking an off-meta bruiser build? For reference, I have like 700 games' worth of experience on them, and maybe ~50 with even my second most played champ, Lillia.

    submitted by /u/we_have_an_urgent
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    How do I get high vision score?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 09:15 AM PST

    Hey guys. I am a support main and I know how important and game changing good vision control can be. However my vision score is always ranked really low in my matches (usually between 20-30) when I see other good players get something like 90.

    I try to ward a lot, but the thing is I find it really limiting to only be able to place 3 wards and one control ward. I feel like I can't ward enough, what do you guys do about this?

    I also don't know if I'm warding the places correctly. As a support, I fully ward the river connecting mid and botlane, then maybe ward the bushes up near the turrets. I place control wards near the dragon pit. Is this where I should be warding in laning phase? And in mid to late game I tend to not know where to ward and just spam them randomly in bushes.

    I play squishy enchanter supports, should I roam to ward or should I stay safe?

    P.S. I'm looking for the item that allows me to have 4 wards and 2 control wards on the map, but I forgot the name of this item. Can anyone remind me the name?

    submitted by /u/sirikim8
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    I'm having trouble carrying my team.

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 02:42 PM PST

    So this season I decided to main Ekko mid since I had 63% out of 90 games the last season. I would easily say that I win my lane almost every game. It all starts after the laning phase ends. I'm having so trouble commanding my team and making the right decisions on the right time in order to win the game before the enemy team scales. I usually tell my team come all mid and push as far as we can. If we kill 1 or 2 champions I make baron call to end the game with the super minions. But sometimes I suck at the baron calls and the enemy team kills us all while we do baron. I usually avoid splitting up because I want to focus on teamfights and push mid lane till we get the inhib, but I don't know what to do after taking the inhib.

    I would really appreciate suggestions about this issue.

    This is my op.gg:https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=O13PerF

    I decided to create this post because of my last "17/8/10" Ekko game.

    submitted by /u/majolier
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    When is there ever a reason to buy boots outside of tabi, mercs, zerks, or sorc shoes?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 12:18 PM PST

    I feel like the benefits given by tabi and mercs into auto-attack champs and cc is just too good to pass up unless you have a champion that needs the attack speed such as garen or adcs from zerkers or a mage thag needs more damage. Hell, half the time I play swain, I wind up forgoing the sorc shoes for defensive boots. When would there ever be a reason for Ionian, swifties, or mobi boots?

    submitted by /u/Madrigal_King
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    Twisted fate in low elo

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 12:15 PM PST

    Hello, I'm someone who plays a lot of twisted fate, a champ who can both teamfight, and split push quite well. I play in about silver games, and I always struggle to sidelane and have my team not take 4v5s. I understand that I should be saving my ult to help my team, but I find that I often have to ult out due to lack of vision (I place wards whenever I can) of the enemy, or because I know they're coming. I'm not sure what to do. I have this problem on Diana as well, though I usually catch a side wave then regroup mid due to her ults nature. My friends (plat & diamond) tell me to just push the side lane, draw pressure, and ignore my team mates who are tilting because they're losing 4v5 fights, and I tend to do that, but it seems to be that even when I do that, I can never draw enough pressure to give my team room to push, or when I do, they do not use it. Anyone have any ideas as to what to do? Should I itemize more towards teamfights? Should I say screw it and buy Proto/Lich/Nashors and just melt towers with blue cards? I'm really not sure, I hope that someone can help! Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Juptian
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    How does Samira passive with immobilizing effect works exactly?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 02:02 PM PST

    And what should I do when it procs? I'm a new player and like her a lot, but I have a bit of hard time understanding exactly what I should do. I've created 2vs2 with bots in pratice mode. Pairing me with a character with stun (lux) and sometimes there is a sort of line that appear and I supposed it's the passive, but it says Samira is supposed to dash to get in range but now matter what button I press nothing happen? What should I do exactly? Thanks

    submitted by /u/K00han
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    Bronze looking to add an AP jungler

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 05:43 AM PST

    Hey! Thanks for reading.

    I'm a support main. I play nami and got 75%+ wr in ranked. I queue jungle secondary. I play nunu and honestly he is still ok with the nerf. I'm seeing the need for an AP jungler for the times I need to compliment my team well (I know nunu can be played AP but I think does much better tank and supporting his team). I do jungle in ranked it's just not as near as the success in my main role.

    I've been looking at ekko and Elise. Ekko is very enticing he seems to have an incredibly high ceiling and he looks super fun. I've been recently turned on to Elise from a friend but I don't know the champ well, other than reading her abilities.

    Any tips for a bronze I? I'd appreciate any thoughts or outside picks. I do prefer support but definitely down to add valuable champs to my jungle pool.

    submitted by /u/DAggerYNWA
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    Giving away my bestselling LoL book "The Secret Blueprint To High Elo" for FREE. Happy Climbing!

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 12:51 PM PST

    Hey guys!
    Let's keep it short, as I don't want to waste your time.

    I already did a free book giveaway a little over a year ago. Recently, I released my 2nd LoL book, and since you guys loved the first giveaway, here are more free in-depth insights so you can start Season 11 with a bang!

    I was never a talented player myself. However, by playing for more than 9 years, I discovered many strategies and secrets that helped me climb from Bronze to Diamond 2 while becoming one of the best Ekko players on EUW.

    There is a fundamentally wrong approach to climbing & improving in League of Legends, so I felt the urge to share my secrets within my 2 books.

    You get the exact step-by-step blueprint that literally everyone can copy & paste to start climbing with ease. At the moment, my books are also the best selling non-Riot LoL books on Amazon.

    It's FREE on Amazon for the next couple of days!
    Enjoy & happy climbing! :)


    You can also get the free book on any other Amazon marketplace!
    (UK, DE, CA, AU, IT, ES, NL, BR, etc.)

    submitted by /u/Stuckili
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    Dropping more damage as ADC

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 10:33 AM PST

    Hi, I've recently picked up the game and seems like a kinda enjoy the ADC role, as it is one of the "easiest" (no skillshots usually, mostly AA).

    However, what good of an ADC I make if I barely do damages in team fight. So, I think I'm scared of engaging. I'm bronze 2 actually, and I'd say half of my games, my team is as scared as me to engage. So either I just wait in the back for my team to engage but they never do and we just watch our base getting destroyed. Or when someone moves in, I follow but then that's the signal for the enemy to get in the fight too, CC me, or zone me out with some scary shit, then I get deleted from the surface of the rift.

    At the end , when I check the score, I'd say 4 on 5, I'm about 10k below what my team does (on average), even on a good game. Or in the middle of damage done, before like, the guy who fed and my support.

    Of course, some games I just pop off and have 2-3x the average but these are because enemy team just fed me off.

    I know it's about positioning well, but what does it mean. Kayn Zed Akali Fizz etc can delete you one shot, malphite is just gonna ult into you, Twitch just hunts you down once you've engaged, etc.

    And so I'm scared of poking, if I can, I go in only to kind of "clean up" or when I can get a kill 100%.

    I struggle on Ashe and Jinx, a bit less with Lucian and I recently picked Tristana and doing a bit better but still not good enough, as Tristana has a good engage, burst then outro of the fight.

    Thanks for any tips.

    submitted by /u/AnotherCynical
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    How do i climb out of this shiithole elo

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 03:59 PM PST

    ive been in high plat for as long as i can remember and I'm placed in gold 4 atm. i know it isnt my fault because i communicate well to my team and tell them that i will be ignoring them for the entirety of the game and they shoudnt feed but shouldnt expect help from me either. i make my intentions clear that i will be the carry and them the anchors, and they should expect to get flamed for performing poorly i end up with a really good kda most games but still dont win because team feeds their bums off despite flaming them explicitly not to. if only i had 4 copies of me to play instead of 4 mentally ill gays on my team i wouldve easily hit challenger lol

    p.s. if ur gold or below dont bother replying ur a waste of air haha

    submitted by /u/ih8peepleofcoler
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    Some questions by a aspiring jungler

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 11:48 AM PST

    Hey everybody I actually re-started to play jungle now I masterize a little more the game, and I have some issues that I would like to share so I can improve :

    • When I know when I gank or farm ? I know that I must watch for gank setup (cc, state of wave, Ennemy jungle position) but it's not enough

    • when should I 3 camp to Lvl 3 or full clear ? I know it's more champ specific (exemple: full clear with Evelyn to lvl 6) but on champ that can do both like Kayn, what to do ? The only thing I know now is that must adapt to the Ennemy jungler if he's an early one or not

    • When should I back ? I have the impression to always lose time by going for impossible gank or lose time by walking for nothing, while I could back but it mean abandon my teammates so I would like to know how you know when back

    • Dragon timing ? I only know again that I shouldn't do them when I'm a weak jungler, but in general when do the dragon ? After a good gank botlane, but if not ? Same for Herald

    Thanks for read me and hope you can help me.

    submitted by /u/H45XZ
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    How do 30-50 level accounts reach Masters+ with <100 ranked games?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 03:01 PM PST

    So, I'm sure you have all seen about the type of players I'm talking about. The ones that are clearly playing on throwaway accounts that are around level 30 to 50 and somehow getting Masters+ with like a 70% WR across 80 games. I wonder, does anybody know how this works? Because when I first started my own "smurf" account I won 9/10 placements and got placed in silver 3.

    I'm guessing it has something to do with your MMR and how you perform in your games till you reach level 30 but then how do they reach those tiers with botted accounts.

    If anybody knows the answer I'd really appreciate it as I'm trying to level up an account to grind to challanger in EUW.

    Edit: Heres an account like the ones I've mentioned ://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/lan/llaBvoy

    submitted by /u/Yee_Houses
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    I buy so many potions, explain why that's bad

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 02:41 PM PST

    Hey guys, I play support Seraphine. I buy a ton of potions. Here's why...

    Early game, the more I stay in lane, the more I poke, meaning my adc gets more CS and their adc gets less CS.

    I feel like as a support, my money is worth less than most of my teamates money, especially the ADC because they contribute a lot more late game So buying potions and staying in lane is kind of like transferring my money into their money. It also prevents me from gettin ganked.

    Midgame it allows me to roam all the time and help my teamates in fights without having to go back.

    I literally buy up to 5 potions everytime I go back if I have the money. I usually end up with 2 full items and lucitidy boots and if the games goes a little longer I get a 3rd item.

    I just hate going back to the fountain, it seems like such a waste of time, when I could be being more productive

    Any, I don't see people do this so I must be wrong, but please explain why

    submitted by /u/Sapo7777
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    Been seeing a lot of Kaisa/Sett bot duos in current proplay, wondering why that is

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 05:21 PM PST

    Feeling a bit out of the loop here- I've been seeing a lot of kaisa sett duos in proplay a lot this season (so far). I've tried searching this and the regular league subreddit to no avail for an explanation, in my perspective it honestly just appeared out of the blue. Does anyone know why this is/what makes them so strong in the current meta?

    submitted by /u/vvtdccbdcj
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    The Level Problem

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 08:10 AM PST

    So basically, I started playing League around a month ago because my friends wanted me to play with them. They taught me how to play, what roles I should pick, what champions are good, etc etc, and I started playing with them. The thing is, 2 of my friends are level 90, and the other 2 are 250+, so naturally, when I played with them, I'd get higher level opponents. I didn't mind that when playing with them because they either carried me or didn't blame me when we lost due to me being new to the game. The problem is, now when I solo q, I still get high-level opponents, and most of the time, the enemy shits on me, and suddenly it's "me diff". This is really discouraging me because while some people think facing higher-level opponents might help me learn the game, I personally do not consider getting shit on a proper way to learn the game, and it only demoralizes me. I'm only level 37 and I usually get opponents from level 150-250 and sometimes even 300+. Is there anything I can do to face people on my own level without creating a new account, as I've already bought a few packs/skins on my account? Thanks

    submitted by /u/Steamy_Boi
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    How to effectively jungle low elo

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 10:05 PM PST

    I'm a bot jungle main currently ranked in bronze, and I don't know what the heck to do in low elo jungling. My laners don't pay attention to objectives so the majority of the games I play I've been crushed by their mid/bot when going for drag and top when going for rift respectively. I get killed a lot, fall behind, along with my lanes.

    They don't pay attention to gank pings, and more often then not die before I can even get there to gank, or they ignore me and channel back. They then get mad at me for having a poor k/d and no objectives, but there's nothing I can do! I really don't know what to do and after 7 games of the same thing on repeat, im starting to think jungling is just an uphill battle in solo q.

    What can I do? I really don't know when I jungle with friends, who I communicate with, things go just fine.

    Obviously some of those games were statistically bad on me. I'm not flawless, but I know most of that was just a refusal of laners to team play. I'm thinking I should just go sup in solo q until I get to like silver where hopefully people pay attention to obj and prio.

    submitted by /u/Gravy-0
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