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    Saturday, January 9, 2021

    LoL Guide Noob asks about Guinsoo and on-hit, Lethality and Stats Scaling

    LoL Guide Noob asks about Guinsoo and on-hit, Lethality and Stats Scaling

    Noob asks about Guinsoo and on-hit, Lethality and Stats Scaling

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 06:22 AM PST

    Hi, noob here. So I searched around but still don't understand some things around Guinsoo, and around Lethality.

    1 - If a champ could choose between critical damage or Guinsoo on-hit, why and when would he choose one or the other? What are the -/+ from the 2 stats that make your choice? In general what is the point of on-hit (Guinsoo, nashor's tooth...), what is it good for?

    2 - If a champ can build lethality or another thing (damage, crit...) why and when would he choose lethality? I would say you choose lethality when there is a lot of armor in front but I'm not sure, is lethality on point against a malphite or a rammus that has so much armor?

    3 - Last, what is the scaling of stats? I mean by that : is attack speed a more early stat than armor, what are the best stats in late or early game... Etc

    I KNOW THAT'S A LOT! I'm a main jungler in the game until the 1st confinment, trying to understood a bit more the game. People helping will forever have all my gratitude. PS : I'm french please excuse my english if there is mistakes

    Gl hf!

    EDIT : Wow I didn't expect so much activity! Thank you all a lot! Lethality is all clear now, as it is for stats scale (even if my question was not cristal clear sorry).

    For the on-hit : 1 - as I understand your answers, it benefits mainly for champ who already have on-hit effects and want to synergize. So an adc without on-hit will always take 100% crit against Guinsoo + BOTRK/ Essence Reaver? Or I'm again missing something? I have a good exemple I think, let's talk about ashe: ashe can build on-hit (kraken + BOTRK or reaver + Guinsoo or ruunan), why and when she would do that against her classical build (immortal shield bow + ruunan + infinity edge for exemple) ?

    2- For the exemple of Vayne I don't understand why Guinsoo enable her to proc her passive faster, Guinsoo passive as I understand it means that all 3 aa she will deal her W passive twice, why the second proc of her passive would come 1 aa faster as some of you said? An on-hit effect count as an auto-attack ? ANSWER FOUND : i understand more about the Guinsoo now, the french translation say nothing about the "phantom hit" mecanic, that's why i didn't understood why vayne proc her W passive faster. We are sure S11 Guinsoo continue to work like that ?

    submitted by /u/Lelian0
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    Not sure what to do after a big play? Ask yourself this: "What would I be doing if I was on the other team?"

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 10:14 PM PST

    This might seem really simplistic advice for a lot of people, but I've started using it as a tool and it's helped sort of calm me down and give me direction during the mid and late game. It also keeps me from dying unnecessarily.

    Basically, whenever my team has won or lost a fight by a small margin, and we're trying to make something happen elsewhere, I ask myself, "If I were on the enemy team right now, what would I want to be doing to punish my opponent?"

    Then I try to put myself in a position that stops them from doing it. For example, in my last game there was a super fed top laner. We won a team fight in mid lane and rotated to dragon. I thought to myself, "If I were him, I'd try to 1v4 at the drake". So instead of running to drake I ran back mid and just sort of waited for him. Sure as heck he showed up and I spooked him off.

    Similarly, in another game we won a big fight top lane near their base. But, we had an open inhib. I thought, "If I were them, I'd TP to that wave and trade inhibs." So I backed instead of pushing ahead. I didn't save the inhib, but I killed him for his impertinence and my team was able to push a bit farther in safety.

    It's a shift in thinking from "What do the guides and youtube videos say to do?" to "What should I do in this very specific situation to prevent my opponent from carrying out their plan?" Try it sometime!

    submitted by /u/shaidyn
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    I made a PowerPoint presentation to teach you about rotations and laneswapping.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 08:55 AM PST

    What's up peepos.

    Not finding any exciting aspects in my life for the sake of that virus, I've been working on another PowerPoint presentation about gaming-stuff. For everyone who missed out on my others here is a quick introduction of myself:

    I am a peak Diamond 1-2 support player that plays around that elo for like 5 seasons straight. But more importantly, I have experience in teaching League for some semesters. I was employed at "Hochschulsport Münster" - TLDR; midsemester sport-courses for students - for three semesters straight before ending my Education at that University. Given that I could call myself a League of Legends coach that actually got paid.

    So here I am. Fourth PowerPoint presentation. This one will be about rotations, laneswapping and has some warding tips in it. We finished the boring parts of just talking about every objective there is in the game and can actually talk about macro-game options.

    Why should you watch it?

    Rotations, especially in soloqueue, are really rarely done and do not really serve the cause they usually should when executed correctly. Having the hold of a chokepoint or a firm grip onto a mayor objective can make the difference between winning and losing it. Thats why I decided to cover them in my PowerPoint presentation to give you that little extra over your enemy regarding macrogaming. Snowballing and efficiently ending can be a hard task to execute. Having some more bullets in your chamber is really convenient in those cases.

    I hope you guys enjoy it, and as always I appreciate all feedback you give me, positive or negative, and try to answer every question.

    Link (Twitch VOD): https://www.twitch.tv/videos/867405175
    Link (YT Upload): https://youtu.be/UZQENuZGG6Y

    You can also find the other presentations on my Youtube and Twitch.

    UwU and out,

    submitted by /u/HD_Bagger
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    What to do when your jungler is coming to gank you?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 07:14 AM PST

    I mostly play mid, and whenever my jungler pings that he's coming to gank me i don't really know what to do. If I play aggressively, the enemy laner might get scared and run away, but if I let my jungler do the engage i usually end up not having enough time to come and help him. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/TheHacker995
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    Math to the recent Yasuo/Yone changes doesn't make sense to me.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 12:21 PM PST

    Hello, fellow summoners.

    A few patches ago the passive of Yasuo and Yone got changed. The both champions can now obtain up to 150% crit chance. However 100% crit chance is that every autoattack critically strikes. (At least that's how I understand it) So how do the extra 50% crit chance convert into the game?

    submitted by /u/NotBraveEnough-_-
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    How does PSZ deal insane damage every game even with high deaths?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 08:32 PM PST

    Hello everyone,

    I know this post is mostly Draven related, but due to the Draven subreddit being obsessed with Allah, I can't really hope for helpful answers there besides "mashallah, he push very halal, just slap haram ezreal and egirl seraphine and stomp game with chad conq".

    So recently I started PSZ streams again, due to him streaming more often than normal. I noticed that in almost all of his games he has in the beginning negativ kda, dies a ton to ganks, but still manages to get most towers around the 14 minute mark. (Ik, through perma pushing he can get plates, but also attracts enemy jgl, so yeah idk)

    The dying continues in the mid game with him engaging in obviously bad fights, but he still manages to get one or more kills out of it, even tho often times not a single one.

    Still in the end he's averaging 11 deaths per game, with about 1,5:1 kda, his damage graph is out of our universe and sometimes his graph is twice as high as the one of his teammates, and that's probably just his auto pilot in diamond-master elo.

    I know that kda isn't everything, but people taught me dying too much isn't good because you can't farm after dying or deal damage when you are dead. So how tf does PSZ manage to have high farm, high damage and in the end high kills when he consistently dies throughout the whole game?

    submitted by /u/morgo49
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    Low ELO Wave Management

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 10:43 AM PST

    I'm a jungle main and I have a query about low ELO wave management. In the lower end of ranked (Iron, Bronze, Silver), summoners don't have a sound grasp of wave management. The tendency is to endlessly push either because you play automatically and you're not thinking OR because it will deny your opponent some CS whilst they try to kill the minions under tower.

    Now my question is, how do I even get around If my teammate is endlessly pushing? The opponent is usually not even low enough to be divable and my laner just gets ganked and acts all surprised that why is his opponent getting so much ganks. By the time I could gank he already died too many times and lost the lane because there was 0 or maybe that 1% opportunity to gank or dive. Allthough I always spam ping that they should go back because their jungle is clearly there and I'm clearly trying to warn them about the enemy jungler ganking but all i get is a ? or just get completley ignored and 10-15 seconds later he dies while I'm at drake or doing anything else on the opposite side of the map.

    submitted by /u/Zealousideal_Flan529
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    i feel trapped in a little box of being bad and can't get out of it

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 12:12 PM PST

    to start off I was searching for someone to sympatize with right before writing this and I found this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/etmbd8/are_some_people_just_naturally_bad_at_league/ffkgt6f/

    TLDR: the guy says he is depressed over not being able to get better after 6 years of playing. Which another guy says is because of "piss low mental" and some other stuff.

    That's essentially what I've felt over the course of my first year of playing league. I know it's just 1 and not 6 to compare, but I kinda feel the same way. I try to get better and REALLY HATE being bad at games that I dedicate time into (which I asume almost everyone else does aswell.) The way I found this post is by litterally thinking if some people are just naturally bad at league. Now I do think I can get much better at the game, but that's a huge task for me. Like the guy in the thread I have very low self esteem. Alot of the time I think negative about myself without noticing it. I know Im not exactly sending this to a bunch of psykiatrists, but I just want to know what your thoughts are and what you think can be done.

    I can't think of anything more to write, since my brain very clouded by emotions right now. Sry if this is too dramatic xD.

    submitted by /u/bjar3064
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    Can you overstack antiheal? Is it worth to buy chemtank and thornmail?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 02:20 PM PST

    Sometimes when i buy chemtank it feels like my enemies still heal a fuck ton. Why is that? Do I need to buy thornmail ontop of chemtank if there are many healing champions in the enemy team? Or is that a waste of money? Basically im confused about the mechanics of antiheal and the chemtank item.. Can somebody help me out here please. Would very much appreciate it. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Diawayptoxityps
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    What do you do when the entire team ganks boy lane

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 01:34 PM PST

    Usually when I play boy it's pretty smooth I might be up or down a few kills.But for some reason on occasion the entire team will gank bot or all except for top.

    What do you do against these 4-5 man ganks

    And what do you do when your getting spam ganked?

    submitted by /u/Blackkage1
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    How do i get my pings to land?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 08:43 AM PST

    Ok real nub question, but yeah, whenever I ping it lands like way off from where I wanna put it. Say I ping on my way on like the drag, it'll often end up somewhere in mid lane and it's really weird? So how do I make them land where I actually wanna put them. Unless the game is just designed that way or smthing

    submitted by /u/Valk19
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    What is the most important thing to learn for very bad ADC players?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 10:06 AM PST

    I am playing LoL for a while now (lvl 40) as a ADC main. I mostly play Ashe. I am a noob player and literally bad in all things of LoL. My cs is low, I do no damage and kills and so on. So my question is: what is the first thing I should „learn" to improve my skills?

    submitted by /u/thefirewolf31
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    Is starting at the beginning of the season a bad idea?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 03:43 PM PST

    Just finished my placements at 4-6

    I played consistently in preseason and it felt like it solo queue was a million times harder at the start of the season and games were ff15 on either side. I was diamond 2 last season so I wasn't in low Elo.

    Is it just my bad play (I did play pubs with my silver/gold) friends which may have made me rusty. Or is everyone else experiencing this?

    Or In general is it bad to start your climb at the begging of the season?

    submitted by /u/UntalentedAsian
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    Different classes do different things

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 03:04 PM PST

    Okay, hear me out. This may sound like a "duh how the hell did you not know that" comment, but I just realized different champions are part of different classes making them excel in different things

    What I mean is there obviously your mage, tank, marksman, etc classes, but each of those categories has a subclass. Those subclasses give you a pretty good idea of what the character specializes in.

    For example, there are vanguard and warden tanks. Vanguard specialize in locking down opponents and getting fights started while wardens specialize in peeling and disengaging.

    As a supp main, Leona, Malory, mao, naut fall into that vanguard subclass while Braum, tahm, taric fall into the warden class.

    Why is this info good to know? This gives you a better idea of how to round out your team comp, gives you a good idea of how your champ is suppose to be played and what your champ excels at doing.

    This was a lightbulb moment for me just now. Sorry for the rant.

    submitted by /u/iWantThatGrapeDrink
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    Problems with choosing role + some mentality problems

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 02:31 PM PST

    1.I play league from end of season 7th, i've never been any role main, sometimes I played top, sometimes adc, sometimes midlane etc. same goes for champions, my most mastery champ was kayn with 160k... pretty small for 4 season of playing. Last season i reached platinum III and I feel peaked, cause of not having main role and my favourite, so i decided to choose my main role and champ for it, but i don't know how can i choose, when I like all of them! Atm, I think about playing midlane, but in pisselo like platinum i can't always play it. How did you guys choose your main role?

    2.I got really hard mental problem, basicly every time, my teammate dies to my laner (like 2IQ adc player or JG trying to 1v1 assasin with 2 levels lead) i just can't stop myself from writing shit to that person. what can I do to stop that?

    submitted by /u/KKrisoniXX
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    Anyone noticing terrible quality players in season 12 more than usual.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 02:26 PM PST

    Pretty consistent winrate 51% over all 55% on my mains and don't really believe in elo hell and all that and I'm sure it'll normalize as the player base thins out over hundreds of games.

    I was like high silver low gold mmr last year and I have to say these games have felt terribly low quality.

    Anyone else?

    Season 11* sry typo

    submitted by /u/tpotts16
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    Minion dematerializer on tanky supports?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 02:17 PM PST

    I have committed myself to getting better this year. I have been a hardstuck gold player for the past several years, and am actually taking the time to improve and the learn the game. I am playing no more than 3 games in a block, taking notes after each game, and going back and reviewing every single game. I'm also starting to watch Diamond + support players on twitch. I can already tell I'm improving and staring to see my mistakes,

    My question is, what's up with playing tanky supports and taking minion dematerializer? I have seen biofrost and aphromoo do it, and I'm not sure what the point of it is? I know it's basically an auto execute, but after that what's the point?

    submitted by /u/iWantThatGrapeDrink
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    A small tip for those starting this ranked season!

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 10:18 AM PST

    My tip to y'all starting this ranked season out is to play it slow! Do the correct plays to the best of your ability, and don't rush things. More often than not the enemy will get bored and start making dumb plays since most people want to try to end the game as fast as possible!

    This is especially useful if the enemy has a lead and you play by your towers forcing them to dive. If you can get a few aces that can really turn the gold lead around, and if the game is late enough you might be able to just run it down one lane as a team and end!

    submitted by /u/Kingandaces
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    Mid macro help

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 03:03 AM PST

    hi, im a midlaner and I kinda suck at LoL, what i lack most are macro, like side lane awareness, jungle tracking, csing ecc... i main zoe and irelia (im not confident with her yet), i can also play lux, akali, lulu and sera. Which champions should i focus on to cover my counter matchups and letting me focus on macro? Also anyone have tips specifically for jng tracking? Thank you for your patience

    submitted by /u/litolinfj
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    Mid lane Youtubers

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 12:56 PM PST

    Hi guys,

    I've seen this asked before but are there any current YouTubers that play mid in a play-by-play style (i.e. they explain what they are doing as they do it). I've seen posts on here before talking about it where people like Arcsecond, Adpo, Midbeast, and LS etc. are mentioned. But either these guys don't post anymore or, in the case of Midbeast, they mainly review other players games. Someone other channels like SharkZone maybe, though I appreciate how his attitude could get on people's nerves. On Twitch I follow and watch a few and it's great but I don't always have the time to trawl through vods and find a game I'd wanna watch.

    I'm new to LoL and really interested in learning, any help would be greatly appreciated!


    submitted by /u/titan952
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    New-ish to league want I want to main Sona but I heard that Seraphine is "A better Sona" which, should I play?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 12:11 PM PST

    From what I have read I know that Seraphine has a very different playstyle despite having a similar kit. I'm not entirely sure which playstyle I would get the most out of. I also want to pick the champ that I can stick with in the foreseeable future as I try to climb in skill.

    submitted by /u/Mepileaf
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    What should I do vs tanks as an ADC?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 10:47 AM PST

    So, today I was playing 1v1 with my friend in ARAM. I was playing Miss Fortune against Leona and he absolutely destroyed me. I built Eclipse, Mercs, Mercurial Scimitar and then classic crit items. What should I have built and what items, runes or strategies are good overall versus tanks?

    Edit: Also, in case it isn't obvious, I'm new to the game. I know I should try to improve a lot of other things, but it was very frustating and I'd like to be prepared for future games against tanks.

    submitted by /u/Qyx7
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    Glacial augment after items rework

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 06:43 AM PST

    So i was wondering what is the state of Glacial Augment after items rework. Twin shadows was removed, GLP got changed... kinda no use for most of the champions. I was using Glac. A. as support alot, especially with adcs who need kiting. But now it seems more or less useless on supports.
    Anyone has any good practices S11 with Glac A. as support?

    submitted by /u/Tomovader
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