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    Sunday, January 10, 2021

    LoL Guide When did the convention of giving blue buff to your midlaner fell off?

    LoL Guide When did the convention of giving blue buff to your midlaner fell off?

    When did the convention of giving blue buff to your midlaner fell off?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 06:14 AM PST

    Full disclaimer, this is not a complaint, although sometimes this does piss me off.

    As someone who has played the game since season 2, I remember it was pretty conventional for the jungler to give second blue to their mid laners. Somewhere along the way this convention just... disappeared?

    I noticed these days no jungler actively gives me the buff, me winning, stomping or losing lane, even if it's a no mana champion in the jg like Lee or Zac.

    As I mentioned earlier, this is not a complaint. If there's a reason behind it I'd like to understand though. Feels like the resource would be better put to use on the mid laner 90% of the time, and it's bad for team morale to insist on taking it from the jungler without their consent.

    submitted by /u/raphaelcgo
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    what do high elo players do macro-wise to "smurf" every game

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 07:46 PM PST

    So I've seen a ton of "unranked to challenger" and what I've noticed is, they don't always snowball every game, sometimes they get behind and even still they just comeback somehow every single time and when they do get a lead, they extend the lead really well. What do they do macro-wise to do these things? In what aspects are they better than their opponents? Its not always mechanics I know that

    As a plat 4 player, when I play in silver 4 or gold 4, I always comeback or snowball out of control but even then I don't know what I'm doing better than them. I hope its not too broad of a question but I just can't figure it out

    my op.gg

    submitted by /u/Sukiyakki
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    I just want to not suck

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 10:36 AM PST

    I picked League back up after a 6 year hiatus this winter break, and it's been seriously so fun. However, I suck. Like, I seriously suck. Every gamer girl stereotype you can think of. I'm pretty much a detriment to any team I play on, which makes playing with friends a lot less fun even if I know they don't care.

    I've mostly been playing Soraka because she's easy and I can at least heal people, but it feels pretty impossible to ward well, since a jungler or anyone wandering around can pop up and kill me in two hits. If I don't stand in the right place during team fights I'm also dead meat, and end up dying first so I can't even help my team. If I can't heal at the right time I'm essentially useless. One game someone said I did less damage than a cannon minion. Ouch.

    What can I do to not suck so much? It feels like if anything goes wrong, I immediately end up feeding the enemy team, and I don't know how to come back from it. Is there any way to balance not dying and also actually being helpful to my team?

    submitted by /u/gaoxings
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    At what point should I abandon ganking a Lane?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 07:34 AM PST

    I'm a midlaner but this would also apply to a jungler:

    What point should I abandon a lane?

    I understand that I should be roaming as to extend my lead, and as a Katarina main it's detrimental.

    My problem stemmed from one game: I was about 6/1 around 6- 10 minutes but the problem was that Quinn was essentially feeding the Yasuo top lane. I did a few roams bot but was scared to touch too because the Quinn was 0/3 and wouldn't stop fighting him. By the time I roamed top I got solo killed by him even with Anti heal.

    I was too late

    So at what point should I just ignore that lane? Or should I at all?

    submitted by /u/voltardu
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    How do you deal with shieldbow on Yone in midlane?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 06:43 AM PST

    Even if he's behind, once he hits shieldbow he just flat outlifesteals any damage I do. I can't pressure him off the wave to prevent that because I have cooldowns and he doesn't. I can't burst him because of his shield + shieldbow shield, and he has insane kill pressure.

    Am I missing something here?

    submitted by /u/dystariel
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    The amount of knowledge people demand I have is too much for me to handle.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 02:28 PM PST

    I'm new to the game, picked it up late last year and have mostly played privates with friends (howling abyss) and actual ARAM, and I wanted to start playing the game "properly", but I've genuinely been tearing up with anxiety and panic with the amount of expectation everyone seems to have, especially when I get auto filled into jungle.

    Is there a way to combat this? Any methods, advice? I really want to play the game but it's a struggle.

    submitted by /u/RobotBloke
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    When do I back?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 12:41 PM PST

    Deciding when to back as a midlaner has been pretty challenging for me. One of the main problems with my play is that I tend to have low CS. I do tend to miss too much cs by failing my last hits, which is an area I'm trying to improve in, but I think the biggest problem is that I back at poor times. My CS is low because I'm missing them when I'm not there, they're either dying to my turret or my minions.

    How do I back in a way that'll ensure I'll miss as little gold as possible?

    submitted by /u/CapriciousZen
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    Educational Jungle Youtubers

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 01:35 PM PST

    Who are the best educational jungle youtube channels out there that put out up to date content? I really like Nathan Mott and Coach Curtis and I'm looking for more channels in that vein, optimally someone like Coach Curtis but for jungle.

    I'm a gold 3 jungle main, and I like playing champions like Olaf and Master Yi where you win with pure macro but still destroy people in fights. This information is irrelevant and I am now at over 250 characters.

    submitted by /u/silverfang492
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    Before item shop update, I was understanding the game well. Now, I can't win at all.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 08:17 AM PST

    I just don't know how to play the game anymore. It seems to have changed so much. I'm not a great player, just got into gold for the first time last season. Now I can't win a game in bronze.

    Has the playstyle changed this season?

    Have items changed the game that much?

    submitted by /u/ItsTehDynasty
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    Need some tips on how to play Olaf jgl properly?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 02:59 PM PST

    I played Olaf top for a good amount of time like two years ago. For this season I started to main jgl and also wanted to get into my favorite viking again, but I am struggling quite a lot and I think it's bcs I don't really know what my purpose in the game is as olaf. What is he actually strong at? How do I use him best?

    For reference, with poppy I know that I can flank and initiate catches or fights, disengage and/or peel for my carries. Pretty straightforward and easy to understand and to play with that.

    submitted by /u/Ahoukun
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    Should i ignore my laners pings for gank when im doing a buff or not

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 02:45 PM PST

    So let me explain there are a lot of situations that my top laner fight with the enemy top laner and pinging me for help while im doing the top side buff or scarrtle same as the bottom side and mid lane while im doing raptors so what i suppose to do us a jungler leave the camp and go help them or finish the camp first cause sometimes till i kill the camp the have die already and spamming jungle diff in all chat and

    submitted by /u/geomine
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    What to do when you've lost your lane?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 12:32 PM PST

    I've been playing for a week and before this my only video game experience was Animal Crossing so really pushing the definition of new here

    Just played a game (adc, Miss Fortune) where I kept getting ambushed by the opponent (also Miss Fortune) in my lane. Within ~15 minutes they were 3+ levels above me. My strategy was to just keep doing what I was doing to the best of my ability, but every time I die I'm making my opponent stronger so I'm wondering if this is really the best approach?

    1. What's the best option when I've totally lost like this, just keep going and try to make the best of it? Or is there something else I can do that will give my team a better chance?

    2. (bonus question) Ideally I would want to avoid this entirely by not pushing ahead so fast and being so vulnerable. But I kept running into it because it seems like "fast pushing" is the only way to really farm minions? When I try to be more conservative and stay by a tower or something I end up making only like ~5k gold for a game. Also it seems wrong to let my minions run way ahead and not follow them?

    submitted by /u/OneLonelyPolka-Dot
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    How am I supposed to win games in low elo as a support with adc's who oftentimes don't farm very well at all or ignore good engages?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 02:38 PM PST

    I have found that oftentimes in the elo that I'm in, my adc doesn't farm very well so they stay behind. Or for example I will play someone like Morgana and get lots of poke and root the enemy but my adc doesn't do anything about it. I understand that it doesn't always equal for a good fight but even just a few auto attacks while they're rooted would do. So how do I get my adc ahead and win more games? Or what exactly am I supposed to do to get promoted into higher ranks if I'm stuck in games that are determined mostly on my ad no matter how well I do?

    submitted by /u/ForstySeaTurtle
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    how can i abuse my lead when i get early kills and CS advantage?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 03:29 PM PST

    Hi guys, im doing my placements and one of the champions ive used are lucian in the midlane. I can get lots of pressure as him and im able to stomp my lane with his lane bully potential, but after winning lane i dont really know what to do next.

    Should I start rotating? Should I stay in mid and keep the enemy unable to come back? Do i push sidelanes to make my CS lead even bigger?

    edit: clarified something

    submitted by /u/TooBad_Vicho
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    What is going on with Kog`Maw, Quinn and Sivir

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 08:06 AM PST

    I am having a lot of Kogmaw, Sivir and Quinn players that are like lvl 30 weird names and don't buy items in game.

    I am grinding the last pass I see these guys almost every game. Are they bot or something?

    Or just trolling cuz I see them every game and that take commitment.

    submitted by /u/ReitenZero
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    Complete beginner please help

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 02:58 PM PST

    I'm new to the game where should I start? I like to play mostly ADC and support. Are there any streamlined video resources for complete beginners like me? I know about the basic objectives as I've played Wild Rift on mobile but I know League on PC is a different beast. So any help would be much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Tapledacloud
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    Lane choice for brand new players?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 02:50 PM PST

    Hello everybody! I just started with league this week. I haven't matchmade a game yet for fear of ruining 4 other people's days. My question is: what are some good champions to run in each lane that are easy to use and beginner friendly? I've heard Miss Fortune is a good choice for ADC, Annie is a good mid choice, and Garen is a solid top. Any other combinations to add? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Stanski11
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    What is GD as a stat and how can I use it to get better

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 02:43 PM PST

    Hello I am an unranked player who only plays draft with friends. I want to play comp with the new season but don't want to leave my friends in the dust. I feel I am much better than my friends and they just drag me down. My profile is Bluetoxc if you want to look at my matches. But recently I was looking at mobalytics for my stats and saw GD@15 I would love to have someone explain that stat to me. It said I had a -1100 GD is that good or bad? And how can I use GD as a stat to learn from. I want to commit to playing comp this season. Should I just solo q or try to find people around my skill group? Or should I just solo q and find people that way? Thanks for any reply's.

    submitted by /u/BlueToxc
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    Need help with Tristana!

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 08:02 AM PST

    Hello everybody, I'm a bad silver and I'm trying to learn the game efficiently taking some coaching, reading this redding, watching videos etc. I switched to adc in this preseason after playing since since s2 as jungler (not a great choice, I know, btw I really wanted to change role and I enjoy adc).

    My pool is mf, ashe and vayne, but my coach suggested me to switch ashe with Tristana, since she's in a really good spot and since I'm duo with a support is a really good pick paired with yuumi.

    So I've started practicing with, but I'm really confused on how to manage her. Now my mindset is: -mf early bully -ashe midgame star -vayne late game beast

    According to this I set my plan trying to get advantage when those champion shines and it's pretty clear that w/ vayne you aim for late game and with mf you can try to snowball.

    And now comes tristana. I can set easily a lv 2 kill with yuumi so she seems an early bully, but I know she's an hyper carry and her late is awesome. Also, her mid game seems quite meh. I really can't Handle this champion and I can't understand how to plan the game with her and consequentially I can't guess how to interpret the match ups. But at the end I enjoy play her and she's really strong so Im struggling to learn something.

    Really thanks to everyone than will help me with.

    submitted by /u/SunPhoenix26
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    Struggling to get practice in actual games due to snowball

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 12:33 AM PST

    I can sit in practice tool and practice combos and lasting hitting all day, but how do you actually apply those in a game without throwing?

    I absorb a metric ton of League content and guides and am actively working to improve almost every day, but when I get in a real match the snowbally nature and long game timers ruin my experience completely.

    If I try to get out of my comfort zone and try to apply something new I learned and mess up even once or twice my lane is completely gone. My opponent gets XP advantage and hits their item before me and I can no longer play the game. I'm bottom of the barrel MMR as well so I usually get mega flamed from teammates.

    How am I supposed to work on improving when one or two missteps relegates me to sitting under my tower for the next 15 minutes and hoping my bot lane can carry my useless ass? I'm basically holding myself hostage for 45+ minutes because I took a bad trade or blew my sums early or whatever it is, and the games where I hard feed and go like 0/8 in lane people refuse to FF obviously lost games because they want to spite you for playing poorly.

    submitted by /u/_J3W3LS_
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    Question about training your autopilot/subconcious. Specifically CS.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 08:20 AM PST

    I've noticed that if I really pay attention to it I can farm perfectly. I miss out on some plays, make mechanical errors, and lose out on map awareness when I do.

    My autopilot cs skills are good enough to get most of the cs.

    Does anyone have any experience with training their CS game to improve auto pilot skill?

    I want to be able to play normally, where I follow up on plays, position well, and top off my mechanics. I feel like I should be able to commit a set number of games to focusing just on cs to imprint into my mind how to subconsciously farm. Like I said, my level is already pretty good, it's just like those times when you accidentally auto attack one time too many and miss three creeps from it as it crashes into tower.

    Also the one minion in a cannon wave that I miss due to my own minions attacking. These small errors only cost 1 or two cs in a given wave but could add up to another component, or a quicker base, when I try to get my buy off.

    Also helps to get closer to that 10cs/min and above that we all want (I know, I know, it's not really that important in solo q).

    My question is, do I really have to put my focus into CS every game, or can I just do this for 20 games straight before I imprint into my subconcious better habits to grab each and every cs?

    submitted by /u/jubilee414404
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    I'm sticking in a bad mental state (honestly need help)

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 12:55 PM PST

    Lately I've been FF ING (having mute all on) more than usually because one thing goes wrong, and in the mental state that I'm at best s3 player and nvr getting out. I've tried leaving the game for a week comeback but doesn't help i really want to climb but can't get out of this mindset. What are some of ur guys things to get a better mindset for games.

    submitted by /u/DoubtSpartan
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    Can someone please explain to me how to play Camille?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 02:40 AM PST

    Honestly, I keep hearing she's a good champ and that she can be useful in many team comps, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to actually perform well with her.

    I know what her abilities to, I know her combos (I guess?), but still, I feel very weak in-game and I'm afraid to trade.

    So how do I go about using her efficiently?

    I had the same problem with Kled in the past, where as soon as I lost Skaarl I would try and back off, until someone here told me that when you lose Skaarl you just go all in and try to get her back ASAP by AAing, which honestly helped my Kled winrate skyrocket. Just that little tip helped a lot.

    So here I am, asking for your advice on Camille and her matchups.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Xplosion101
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    Only 10 games into the season and I'm extremely demoralized. What am I doing wrong?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 04:13 PM PST


    Don't bother looking further than 10 games, was playing for fun in preseason.

    I really don't know what I'm doing wrong. I feel like if I don't hard carry I just lose and even games where I'm doing well/carrying its just not enough.

    I know it sounds dumb but the junglers I'm getting... wow. I have botlane perma frozen usually but they still won't come. I help them with dragon/crab and they still won't come. I say gj when they get a kill across map and they still won't come bot. Hell, theres been times where the enemy botlane is 40% HP, no summs, no ults and my jungler just does his Krugs and moves on.

    I know I'm probably overreacting a bit because its only 10 games in but ehhhhhhhhh it feels so doomed.

    submitted by /u/zodiacez
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