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    Wednesday, February 3, 2021

    LoL Guide I learned another cool thing today. TP on ward = map vision on ward

    LoL Guide I learned another cool thing today. TP on ward = map vision on ward

    I learned another cool thing today. TP on ward = map vision on ward

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 09:30 AM PST

    So watching a high elo coaching vid today, I noticed that the coach had told the player now you gotta back, you got someone teleporting behind you. I saw that there was absolutely no vision and had no idea how the coach could have possibly seen this, when the camera was on the player (minions and tower), but backtracking in the vid, I noticed that when an enemy tp's, you won't see the flashy circles surrounding the player on the map icons, obviously as you have no vision, but you will see an enemy ward location pop up on the map, similar to when you have vision on a ward, the ward will appear as an icon on the map.

    This isn't anything groundbreaking or likely new to most people, but I had no idea about it.

    Perhaps knowing it might help you path away from where they're tping or better yet, see that someone is trying to bush flank you with a tp. But, it doesn't grant you any kind of vision in the fog war, not even anything subtle.... is all it is is a tiny ward figurine pop up on the map, so if your concerned of putting yourself in a tp ambush, briefly heightened map awareness might save you!

    Edit: This apparently only works on control wards and not on stealth wards nor TP objects like jhin traps - thanks to 'srivignesh_ms' for that confirmation!

    submitted by /u/BlackClover47
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    The Math of Losing: Are you just "Unlucky", or are you just bad?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 02:52 PM PST

    Hello, I have seen several posts in the past few days along the lines of " I am better than people in my elo but I get idiot teams and lose." These people seem certain that they are just unlucky, so I would like to offer a little math to investigate the probability of this.

    To begin, we will assume 4 things for simplicity.

    - You always perform better than your lane counterpart.

    - The other 4 lanes are a coinflip between who is better than their counterpart.

    - The team with the higher number of better players always wins.

    - You are < gold with 100 games (LP works differently at higher ranks).

    As we said, we will flip a coin for each laner. You only need to win only 2 coinflips to get 3/5 better players and win - you are a "weighted" coin because you insist you are "better". To find an initial classical probability, we divide the number of successes (3) by the number of coinflips (5) to get 0.6. This means that if our assumptions are true, the probability of you winning a game is 60%.

    To stay in your elo, you must be losing around 55 games. To apply our probability of 0.6, you must therefor win at most 45 games. We will therefore use the binomial distribution function to calculate the probability of event K happening with a cumulative notion to determine the probability of you losing at most winning at most 45 games [ in this case b(x; n, P) = nCx * Px * (1 - P)n - x ] where n= the game, x=a win and p=the probability of a win (note, we are using cumulative probability so (X =< x) . This gives us a cumulative probability of 0.00088180806. Probability is between 0-1, so to convert to a percentage we multiply by 100 to get a percentage chance of 0.088180806%. I will go to 3 decimal places for simplicity, so 0.088%.

    To ensure the calculation is correct, I used the same calculation to calculate the chance of winning at most 60 games (as expected if the assumptions are true). This is 0.456, or 45% - to be expected (keep in mind that it is lower than 50% because it is also possible to win more than 60). In summary, this means that the probability of you being stuck in elo hell after 100 games despite always playing better than the enemy laner is 0.088%.

    Some interesting probability figures that have around the same chance or higher chance of happening for reference;

    - Finding a 4 leaf clover after searching through 10 (0.1%)

    - Dying on your birthday (0.2%)

    - Finding a shiny pokemon (0.2%)

    - Finding a pink sheep in Minecraft (0.164%)

    - Reading this entire post (0%).

    In summary, either you are in the top 99.912 % of unlucky players or you are the same skill as everyone in your elo.

    Thanks for coming to my ted talk.

    submitted by /u/lawrence1998
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    How to understand team comps and how to build them

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 10:02 PM PST

    I know this sounds like a lot to ask so if anyone has any kind of resources or YouTube videos that can explain this in depth that would be great! I understand the basics of champion roles and can guess how about half of the champs would fit into team comps. My real question is what different kind of team comps are there? I understand teamfight champs such as heimer, hecraim, alistar, Camille, gnar. I also get what makes a splitpush comp, trynd, fiora, illaoi.

    What other kinds are there and what champs work in them? Also, do certain team comps counter others?

    submitted by /u/basementmeth
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    Kiting at 2+ AS without losing a ton of DPS: how?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 01:47 PM PST

    I would consider myself decent at kiting a certain type of AD carries (Jhin, Miss fortune, similar) who have mostly Attack Damge oriented builds, my kiting mechanics are acceptable enough for me to fufill my role in fights, but that being said...

    as title says, it often feels like when playing someone like Ashe who has a lot of AS (2+ once you get to a couple items), I end up making the choice between being a mostly stataionary turret who is super easy to gap close on (not an option with how much threat people have on me/how many assassins are usually drafted in most games) and being able to kite back effectively but not getting nearly as many attacks off as if i was standing still, resulting in much lower DPS.

    submitted by /u/Shark_Girl_Jazzy
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    What Does Patch 11.3 Change For Top Lane? | Top lane 11.3 Patch Rundown

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 10:38 AM PST


    Hello, here is a video going over the new patch 11.3 specifically for the top lane. The video was made by Roguebunny0 a challenger top laner and coach.
    We hope you are able to enjoy it and take some knowledge into this patch to help with your climb.

    submitted by /u/MarvFromFGG
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    I made a Jungle Tier-List for the upcoming patch 11.3!

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 02:26 AM PST

    Hey guys!

    I made a Tier-List for the upcoming patch for Junglers and would love if you guys could give me some feedback. I'm trying to get a lot better at editing and any thoughts you guys have on the quality of the video is appreciated!


    submitted by /u/TestTheLimitTwitch
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    Bruisers - Why does no one ever use black cleaver anymore and is it that bad?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 06:49 AM PST

    I know everyone dreams of the day black cleaver recieves it's flat armour pen back, which lets be honest isn't going to happen, but is no one using it anymore? Does it have anything to do with the changes in ability haste in place of CD-R ?

    Or the build path no longer building from phage? The reduction in health?

    To me, theoretically it still doesn't SOUND bad and feels like it would still be useful on some champs.

    But for juggernauts where it was there bread and butter, would it not still be worth building as a third item (or 4th if you're going that deep on offensive items)?

    Ever since s11 rolled in, I have literally not seen a single player buy into it. Not even once.

    submitted by /u/BlackClover47
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    Is Dr. Mundo a good jungler?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 01:20 PM PST

    Me and a couple of friends did a 2v2 where we tried new characters. I chose Dr. Mundo because he always looked kinda funny to me, and I had to choose someone I never played. Long story short he was super fun and I was beating my friends easily with him. Since I main Olaf as jungle, I really don't know if I should start playing him for the main reason that I don't know how viable he is in-game - for example, Olaf is one of the best junglers out there, and there is really no reason to start maining a new jungler which is worse than the one I currently main.

    Any help would be appreciated!!

    submitted by /u/WALLLMARTTTT
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    Playing with yuumi support as senna adc

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 09:11 AM PST

    How do I play with a yuumi supp as senna adc? Specifically, how do I farm my stacks? Usually with any other supp, I find fights are much easier and happen more frequently, so I end up with more stacks. But with yuumi, I find that she offers no sort of engage and her q poke doesn't really help me farm my stacks, so I end up with not many souls farmed.

    Usually I let my support engage and poke, and I understand that with a yuumi support the adc should be more proactive. How should I play the senna-yuumi lane so that I still get a good amount of stacks?

    submitted by /u/Xian1003
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    tahm kench top

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 08:48 AM PST

    aight idk what it is but 3 in 5 games ive had a tahm kench top, is he becoming meta again? and also how the fuck do i counter this guy? he just walks up when im under tower, q's me for a 1/3 of my health building full tank, tanks 2 turret shots and keeps 99 percent of his health and then when i even try and engage i just get auto attacked 3 times and then eaten

    submitted by /u/ItsBrann
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    Frostfire build with immobilization stacking

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 10:14 AM PST

    I'm looking for synergy in items and it looks like Frostfire + Frozen Heart + Abyssal Mask could be interesting:

    Frostfire slows enemies by 25% for 1.5 sec

    Frozen Heart reduces enemies attack speed by 15%

    Abyssal Mask deals 10% increased damage to immobilized enemies for 4 sec

    Has anyone tried this? The Frostfire and Frozen Heart passives count as immobilization, right?

    submitted by /u/mg21202
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    Is Swain disproportionately strong in lower elo?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 07:09 PM PST

    I'm in bronze and recently picked up swain and do really well with him. I've already managed to reach M7 and can often carry after hitting level 6. I was wondering if he's a bit of a crutch though, since the enemy often doesn't seem to know how to play against him, and if that's the case, I'd be hindering my improvement.

    submitted by /u/cherry_doughnut
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    Is aatrox hard to learn?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 12:20 PM PST

    I started playing aatrox yesterday and he's honestly kinda hard for me. Hitting all 3 qs is a little bit of a struggle and my w sometimes I accidentally hit minions, if I don't, the opponent just walks out of it and doesn't get pulled. And for my ult, whenever I'm in it I feel pressured sometimes. When's the best time to use your ult as aatrox aswell? I usually use it if they have an ability down plus they're missing a tiny bit of health. I usually get them to 1hp then they run under turret and recall and my ult is out by then.

    I'm fairly new (level 40) and I'm super new to top.

    submitted by /u/Infinite_Kale6261
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    My mid-late game farm sucks. Need help

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 09:58 AM PST

    How do you farm in mid late game as a midlaner?

    I seem to get stuck between farming a sideline or being with my team when they pick random fights. When I have leads coming out of laning phase I give them up trying to babysit my team and missing tons of cs. Or I go farm and my team dies while I'm not there.

    How do you balance farming/fighting in silver/gold elo. I haven't found many coaching videos on mid game, they're mostly focused on laning phase. The ones I have found haven't been too helpful.

    My laning phase farm is just okay, but I know how to fix it (stop missing last hits, wave management, back timings, etc.)

    I play all sorts of champs, so any advice is welcome.

    submitted by /u/PandaNator4343
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    How to know when to pick what support.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 03:51 PM PST

    I am confused about when to pick what type of support, what should I take into consideration more? Synergies with my own adc, lane matchups, or team comp. What is the sort of balance between them. I really struggle to pick champs that are good against certain comps and lane matchups. Here is my champ pool if that helps. Oh I am silver 4 btw. ( I will play certain champs that arent on here sometimes like I will play braum if I am against a fizz.) Recommendations for my champ pool are welcome as well :D. Thank you for the help in advance <3Engage:

    1. Leona
    2. Rakan


    1. Seraphine
    2. Lulu


    1. Morgana
    2. Janna


    1. Lux
    2. Maokai
    submitted by /u/redplatypus84
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    Help: Hand fatigue

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 09:50 AM PST

    After resisting my friends' invites for over 10 years, I finally capitulated and now play LOL with them on a regular basis. I play around 3-5 matches a day and I've really enjoyed it so far but lately my hand has been experiencing increasing amounts of muscle fatigue to the point where it gets really stiff and I start playing really poorly, forcing me to stop playing early.

    Do you guys have any suggestions on how to combat this? I've tried to make my setup as comfortable as possible, even though my armrests aren't as high or nice as I'd like them to be (I can't afford a fancy gaming chair) and I'm thinking maybe I should get an easy-click mouse (currently using an older Logitech G602 whose buttons aren't the easiest presses ever). Any suggestions would be welcome, including brands of mice that would help reduce my pain and stiffness.

    submitted by /u/dasterix
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    Buy everfrost

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 06:01 AM PST


    Dear people that want to climb out of low elo.

    Dear people that always build the same mythic in every game over and over.

    Dear people that build liandries even though the enemy team has 5 squishies.

    Building everfrost is one of the never done choices that will change your games. The item is really underrated and I kind of want to explain to you guys why you should start taking it. Not in every game but in many situations it will probably be better than what you're building right now.

    When you are playing a mage with cc in it's kid, think of lux, neeko, morgana, aurelion sol, anivia Everfrost feels really good to take. Especially when you are falling behind. But it really won't hurt if you buy it when ahead.

    Everfrost vs GLP

    You might say: but it basically is a worse short range GLP cannon from season 10. You should then stop comparing it to the GLP, it's a new item that has a different playstyle. The items seem similar but they try to accomplish different things.


    You can use everfrost to enlengthen your CC, so when you land your neeko E on an enemy in the teamfight you can use everfrost to enlengthen the cc on them and thus give your allies more opportunities to finisht hem off. It also allows you to burst out more damage over time to them as they can escape later.

    You can also use everfrost as extra backup cc. When you play against a dive champion (think about kayn, camille, volibear, kaisa) they like to get into your face allowing you to CC them, which in worst case will be a slow which is still really good.

    Why wouldn't I get ludens or liandries

    There are some games where you fall behind, Everfrost is the only mythic with mana that will give you a bit of HP so you can survive for longer. It also gives you extra cc to self peel, or peel for others. While being stronger against dives, can chain cc enemy fed champions for longer allowing your team to get easier shutdowns.

    If youre facing tanks you can feel claustrophobic aswell due to them getting into your face so everfrost can help with that, but you might also have a tank shredder in your game already (aphelios, vayne whatsoever) so you can help them dish out more damage.

    Ludens gives extra burst and movement speed for kiting while also providing waveclear. Yes that can seem really spicy. However Everfrost provides enemy slow/root, to enable your team to kite better, dish out more damage. While being an item active so you can decide when the slow/root comes in rather than having it sometimes proc at the wrong time on accident when checking bushes. Not to mention Everfrost has a 20 seconds cooldown so you can use it for extra waveclear too, it's not that strong for waveclear but it still provides!

    Other champions

    Like I mentioned earlier the item shines on champions who have some hard instant cc in their kit. However you can still make it work on champions like orianna, viktor, ziggs if you really have trouble with the enemy constantly getting into your face. The root really isn't as hard to hit if you're getting used to playing with everfrost. Especially when youre playing in the gold elo and below.


    Everfrost provides peel, waveclear, AP, chain-cc, a little bit of HP that you can use in many scenarios over the Liandries or ludens you are now taking every game.

    submitted by /u/ItsRicked
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    Hybrid Locked/Unlocked Camera... Still a handicap?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 07:51 AM PST

    Sorry if this has been asked a hundred times, but I can't find much info on it.

    I play mainly jungle, secondary role is mid and sometimes top. I usually find myself somewhere in gold when I actually put time into playing ranked.

    I have camera lock set to toggle on 'Y' which I think is the default key binding. Basically, if I'm looking at other lanes to gank/assess a roam, or I see a potential skirmish on the minimap or a fight nearby, I'll unlock my camera and check out whats happening. Once I'm in the action and a fight is engaged, including teamfights, I'll lock my camera.

    If I'm just laning/clearing/farming, I'll toggle the camera lock on.

    I genuinely can't think of a reason why this playstyle presents a handicap (with good use of the minimap, but that's important regardless). I'm a gold player, though, so I'm very open to criticism from higher ELO players. What vital info am I missing playing this way?

    P.S. I play ultrawide, so my locked camera FOV is a bit wider. This can probably be disregarded though.

    submitted by /u/Agitated_End_8568
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    Graph of stat changes throughout game?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 11:35 AM PST

    Are there any sites/services that would give a graph of champion stats over the duration of a game? I think it would be interesting to visualize different champs power spikes and how stats change relative to each other for each item bought. There's got to be something like this out there, right?

    submitted by /u/detailattenhut
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    Is it smart to practice based on the statistics that I can find in the client?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 02:42 PM PST

    I'm a bronze akali main (I know that she is in a bad spot rn, but I invested lots of time in her and I'd say that I'm good enough with her to climb). So I just checked the statistics tab in the client and compared my akali stats to the ones from high rank/challenger players and according to them my performance (damage per gold, vision, objective control) is the same/higher then these high rank players. The only things that are worse is cs and 1 other thing (might change after playing more), should I focus on improving these things or are the stats unreliable?

    Btw I know that these stats don't mean that I should have a higher rank then I'm currently in, I'm just curious whether the stats from the client are useful for improving.

    submitted by /u/TheVengfulSpirit
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    How to use the information I gather about the enemy jungler?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 08:38 AM PST

    I'm quite good at tracking the enemy jungler, warding his jungle etc. and I know where he will be and when a lot of the time, especially in the early game, but just having that information isn't really good enough.

    If I burn top and jungle flash, but the entire top side of the map is cleared, do I power clear bot or abuse the top laner some more?

    I know it's all specific scenarios so I'm asking how do I learn to use this information better?

    submitted by /u/Szczesnyy
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    Need help for an item build in a very specific situation

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 02:32 PM PST

    We have a tanky bruiser with decent omnivamp (riftmaker volibear), in a team with two healers with full support build (sona and zilean). Also, this team has two complete grevious wounds items.

    In the other team there is a very fed aphelios, with heavy lifesteal.

    What would make volibear more tanky and useful to the team? A Spirit Visage or a Thornmail?

    I'm sorry to bring this up to the community but i'm really curios what the correct choice would be in this specific situation. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Darkwhellm
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    Mouse mechanics (wrist vs arm aiming, high vs low CPI)

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 02:24 PM PST

    Just wondering which most of you guys use? Or if any of you have made the switch from one to the other and how long it took? I've been using my wrist with 4000 DPI but my friend is trying to get me to switch to using my arm (or maybe still using my wrist but lowering DPI to ~1200). Apparently lower is better for click accuracy.

    submitted by /u/shampoosenpai
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    Optimal Kassadin guide/build S11 (high elo references) + general ap assassin item info

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 01:59 PM PST

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