• Breaking News

    Monday, October 28, 2019

    League of Legends According to current ecological data, 247,259,600 people have died since the last Zilean skin was released. (1631 days ago)

    League of Legends According to current ecological data, 247,259,600 people have died since the last Zilean skin was released. (1631 days ago)

    According to current ecological data, 247,259,600 people have died since the last Zilean skin was released. (1631 days ago)

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 07:51 AM PDT

    According to the lol wiki, Zilean's last skin was released 5/10/2015, 1631 days ago. According to various sources, the average number of people who die each day is approximately 151,600 people. This means that approximately 247,259,600 have died since the last Zilean skin was released. How many more people have to die before we finally get the Zilean skin we deserve?

    submitted by /u/TheBlazingAnus
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    The hype in Nuguri this Worlds was a misinterpretation of who Nuguri is as a player

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 10:12 AM PDT

    Now that gamepedia has supposedly awarded Nuguri the dade award, I feel like anybody I hear talk about the player severely misinterpret Nuguri's style and how he plays. Going into Worlds, Nuguri was hyped as one of the best players in the world and as one of the best top laners next to TheShy. Following that assessment, Nuguri had a rather disappointing run overall that didn't meet those gargantuan expectations.

    The reason Nuguri failed to impress is because the analyst praise and hype is misinterpreted by the larger community. Nuguri isn't TheShy. If there's any player to compare Nuguri to, its MaRin. TP play notwithstanding (as 2015 SKT MaRin was likely the greatest teleport user of all time), what made 2015 SKT so lethal was that they could carry through any lane. But if you remember 2015 SKT, very rarely would Bengi play around the top side of the map. MaRin was often left in isolation. But MaRin, if left alone by both teams, would often be able to secure an advantage in lane, and if camped by the enemy team, would often still be incredibly relevant and oft times more useful than the enemy top laner as the game progresses. If you have watched competitive sets from Damwon, Nuguri is often a player left in isolation by Damwon while Canyon plays through the other sides of the map. This isn't to say Canyon never goes top, but more often than not, you'll see Canyon playing around Nuclear and Beryl much more than around Nuguri.

    At one point, I believe during play-ins, Atlus described Nuguri's play as somebody who is flexible to getting camped - but who always frustrates you due to his utility in spite of the camp. If you watch Damwon's run through worlds, almost every team that played against Damwon crafted a strategy around shutting down top lane. Liquid's lane swap, G2 hard camping him across every game, IG camping for TheShy. In all of these games, Nuguri tends to get behind. In all of these games, Nuguri also tends to still be outputting very high teamfight damage, catching farm when he needs to, and scaling back into the game.

    Even if you watch his SoloQ games, he tends to play this sort of isolated playstyle, focused around being self-sufficient. I know SoloQ isn't the greatest representation, but in reviewing his VoDs, I would notice that Nuguri would actually often get behind early as a result of jungle pressure, but pull himself back into the game and dominate through intelligent map play even without resources from his team.

    This isn't to say Nuguri isn't exploitable. Anybody who watches LCK can tell you that he oft greeds too hard, whether that's in his setup even before the game loads in, or in his overall map play. A particular game against SKT where he went 1/9 as Klepto Gangplank top comes to mind.

    But Nuguri's greatest strength as a player shouldn't ever be imagined as being some unstoppable lane destroying, game ending killing machine. He's a rock who always produces.

    Nuguri doesn't deserve the dade award for not meeting an expectation that should never have existed in the first place. In my opinion, he played well in spite of the focus he drew from every team. At least that's my take.

    Edit: just some statistics from recent games to back these claims up. Even in g2 vs dwg where nuguri was camped every single game, every single game Nuguri had either the highest or second highest dmg share on his team

    Edit2: people seem to be upset about the MaRin analogy. In my memory MaRin played carry top most of worlds 2015 but Im mostly thinking about the OGN splits were Maokai and Gnar were his more prolific picks. Bengi started playing topside more towards the latter half of the year but to my knowledge and the SKT i watched for most of 2015 OGN top lane matchups ended up being lane swapped on a decent amount and the greater majority of Marins games were Rumble, Gnar and Maokai with Bengi focusing other sides of the map. Standout games in my memory are Summer finals against KT and playoffs against CJ Entus. Maybe Im wrong?

    Edit3: Nuguri has been removed from the gamepedia dade award page

    submitted by /u/TormentedLoL
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    MarkZ: "It's time to retire the Dade award." - Thoughts?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 03:49 PM PDT

    i feel like this can be an interesting discussion


    Alright it's time to retire the Dade award.

    After Ruler last year and Nuguri this year, it's lost it's purpose.

    I'm not even saying there were really better candidates, but no one absolutely shit the bed compared to expectations.

    It shows expectations were relatively accurate.


    Getting first in his group, and only really struggling vs the best top laner ever and getting knocked about by pre tournament favorites who had one bad day in bo1s does not compared to people who got dunked on and knocked out of groups.

    personally i'm largely in agreement here, no very hyped player underperformed egregiously relative to expectations for two years now

    submitted by /u/JoshM_01
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    Jatt's thoughts on Worlds: "Worlds 2019 is no longer about who is the best region -- it’s about who is the best team."

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 10:32 AM PDT


    Worlds 2019 is no longer about who is the best region -- it's about who is the best team.

    I say this only a day removed from watching my precious LCK hype train derail. I had foretold the re-emergence of the LCK as a dominant region. I thought there was a decent chance of it happening. Korea has always been the best in esports -- last year was a misstep I said, the young talent was heading to Worlds and was poised to take the World by storm.

    In group stage, they did. LCK won all 3 groups they were a part of. In the Quarter-finals though, we saw how incomplete the young LCK teams actually were. Griffin had poor drafts and failed to execute clutch situations against the more experienced World Champions in iG.

    Damwon, while competitive, were ultimately no match for G2's MSI championship experience and teamplay. I realized while searching for a Teamfight Breakdown fight to cover -- that G2 didn't have a single 'teamfight' that broke a game open. They won that entire series through smart laning, map pressure, and picks. (I settled on doing a Teamfight Breakdown from iG vs. GRF, stay tuned)

    And now, even though 3 LCK, 3 LEC, and 2 LPL teams qualified for Quarterfinals, 1 LCK, 1 LEC, and 2 LPL remain. While we could continue this game of trying to forecast the best region -- I think the results so far actually show that it's more about the best TEAMS.

    We actually have the BEST TEAMS from the LCK, LEC, and LPL still in the tournament. The only 'out of place' team in Semi-finals just happens to be the DEFENDING WORLD CHAMPIONS, iG. It's perfect.

    This is the league of legends ecosystem that we've all always hoped for. Exceptional teams from multiple regions can compete and be the best. We have that this year; and Semi-Finals are going to be incredible.


    Since people seem obsessed with NA:

    This is about the LCK LPL LEC triumvirate. Glad you still enjoy bringing up NA in everything though ;)

    submitted by /u/Esperfotia
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    The madman did it again: German YouTuber plays LoL with Milkshakes

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 08:32 AM PDT

    Pro players can now stream matches on the tournament realm

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 12:21 PM PDT


    "The NALCSPA is excited to announce that pro players can now stream matches on the tournament realm. The PA coordinated with Riot to create this policy to enable players to get more quality practice in a low ping environment. We are looking forward to sharing more updates on the work that the PA is doing in the future."

    Hopefully this means more pros will play in inhouses/ inhouses will last longer than a few weeks.

    submitted by /u/Ilurkonlyl
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    Don't quit playing LoL after URF ends if You want ever play again URF in future

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 06:58 AM PDT

    As Riot statement about URF ever coming back in dev talks about URF:

    So is it all URF from here on out?

    No, definitely not. This is an experiment. We hope we've improved URF in meaningful ways, but we're planning on this to be a one time thing. We've been transparent in the past that URF seems to have a lot of detrimental effects on players in the long term—in particular, it makes people burn out and stop playing League all together. If this becomes the case again, even with the changes, we'll have no choice but to keep URF's return as a one-time special event.

    Small appeal from me, a player who really enjoyed playing URF (not ARURF):

    Don't quit playing LoL after URF ends, and we may have chance to play URF again in future. Thanks ;)

    submitted by /u/Saurez_
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    There are too many 4800 BE Champions

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 09:24 AM PDT

    After a few years hiatus i decided to come back to lol on a fresh account at the start of the season and i must say the loot system is really good, and BE is a much better currency than IP, so i wanted to play this little game of trying to get every champion but not paying more than 4k BE for each and (somewhat) regularly bought passes to farm tokens so that i could get a shard for all the 6300 and 4800 be champs;

    After 40 or so shards farmed through the year i asked myself how many i was still missing and, not really to my surprise, i was missing 45 more.At first i shrugged it off expecting them to be mostly 6300 champs considering that with the slower releases new champions go down in price far slower, but on further inspection i realised that a huge portion of them is of 4800 champs!

    Let's look at the numbers:

    -There are 145 champions

    -32 are 6400 champions, making them the second largest group

    -53 are 4800 champs, meaning they take more than 1/3 of the entire roster

    I find this absurd, considering that in the 4800 BE group there are champions like Trundle or Maokai who are almost 9 years old, shouldn't riot adjust the champion prices so that they go down at a reasonable pace?

    submitted by /u/Marukuruso
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    Mata clears up the origin of his name: "I was a Chelsea fan, and I wanted to name myself Lampard. But that name was already taken, so I went with Mata because he was a Chelsea player."

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 09:35 AM PDT

    I drew Malphite splash art using only black marker

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 10:04 AM PDT

    Well, i had been waiting for 10 years to be able to reproduce MALPHITE exactly(almost) as in game!

    submitted by /u/befrought
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    Happy Annie-versary!

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 05:30 AM PDT

    Proper Etiquette: The Definitive Guide on How To Act in Diamond 4

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 06:19 AM PDT

    With the end of the season drawing near and the number of people in Diamond increasing, I wanted to share the proper guide to being in Diamond 4.

    1. Always check op gg before the game starts
    2. If anyone on your team does not pick their main, you must immediately ask them why they are trolling and suggests someone dodge.
    3. If your team has any champions considered low tier or off meta and you starting losing, you must inquire as to why they would pick such champion.
    4. Never under any circumstances do you dodge.
    5. When the game starts you must run straight to your turret. If someone on your team dies to an invade you must comment on how obvious that was.
    6. If your bot lane dies you must immediately respond "bot lane coinflip".
    7. If you die in lane, blame the jungler. If you die twice, blame the jungler and suggest opening.
    8. If your jungler pushes a wave without asking, you must blame them for losing your lane even if you were solo killed once or multiple times beforehand.
    9. Speaking of junglers, if you are going for a scuttle crab and your laners don't have priority then you must fight for it. If you die, it is your laner's faults for not having priority. Let them know you won't be ganking anymore.
    10. Any game with a 10 kill difference before 15 minutes is an automatic open.
    11. If you ever see anything questionable, let them know by pinging a missing "?". Multiple times if you really are confused.
    12. Remind your team frequently that this is diamond and that no one is going to hold your hand.
    13. If you lose, it is never your fault. It is however, your duty to make sure everyone on your team knows how they messed up and costed you LP.
    14. If someone had a bad game but has a positive winrate then they must be boosted, ask them how much their account costed them.
    15. Queue up instantly after a loss even if you are tilted. If you have any of the same teammates, you must ban the champion they played last game.
    16. If the same person from your previous game dies early, you must proceed to ask for an open and if your team does not agree, you must rage split all game even if it is winnable.
    17. After a long day of soloq, complain to all your friends how Diamond 4 is Elo heck and you are not actually hardstuck.

    Thanks for reading and best of luck to you all on climbing before the end of the season!

    submitted by /u/JRad174
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    Perkz's popularity in China

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 09:44 AM PDT

    So I was watching yesterday's VODs and was amazed at how popular Perkz is in China.

    Comparison between the two teams

    As you can see Perkz has a whopping 97.5% of the popularity percentage compared to his DWG's adc counterpart, and the only G2 player to have more fans compared to DWG.

    Most present sent by fans

    Perkz has the most present by fans out of the 10 players, which is how he has such a high percentage.

    I'm impressed, didn't know the Chinese fans like him this much.

    submitted by /u/nyagaldotcom
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    Upcoming changes for 9.22

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 02:58 PM PDT

    Mark Yetter Tweeted

    9.22 Patch preview. Should be pretty light touch on all of these changes, last patch before preseason. Changelists coming tomorrow.


    Kayle, Pantheon, Kai'Sa, Xayah, Ashe, Blitzcrank, Nautilus, AP Malphite


    Sejuani, Sylas, Kalista

    submitted by /u/MonstrousYi
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    High Noon Illaoi & Sivir

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 05:45 AM PDT

    The real reason Thresh starts with no souls now

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 10:31 PM PDT

    Girlfriend drew this and I thought you'd all get a kick out of it. There has been a lot of speculation But this is the real reason why Thresh starts with no souls now. Make sure to click the link! Thresh

    Multiple people have asked about her art so here is her Facebook art page. SaiyanchusArt

    submitted by /u/wulleybully
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    (G)I-dle Soyeon True Damage Teaser

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 03:16 AM PDT

    (G)I-dle's official instagram posted a teaser and Soyeon's coming back as Akali for the new True Damage skin line!


    submitted by /u/CaceDay
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    Sometimes, popping your mastery gives you extra luck.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 11:09 AM PDT

    This or That | Top Difference

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 03:04 PM PDT

    Taliyah is nearly 4 years old and only has a team skin (thanks to crown)

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 12:42 AM PDT

    Riot has already notified us in the past that team skins do not affect a champions scheduled skin releases.

    Is it THAT HARD to make a skin for an elemental mage that can fit literally any theme possible.

    On another note, kindreds last skin was released at the same time and it blows.


    submitted by /u/AChadz
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    Hashinshin telling someone to “just go die”. A normal summoner would’ve gotten a 14 day ban instantly.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 04:30 PM PDT

    The True Damage teasers seem to spell out GIANT

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 01:20 PM PDT

    All the artists that will be featured in the True Damage band have posted a teaser on their instagram pages. The teasers all start with a letter.

    Becky G has a G

    Duckwrth has an I

    Keke Palmer has an A

    Soyeon has an N

    In thutmose's story it shows the teaser starting with a T

    Afaik the only word this can spell out is GIANT. Maybe this is what the song will be called?

    submitted by /u/Floxyr
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    New client should be able to save multiple accounts and allow you to switch between them

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 06:55 AM PDT

    I like the new client's slick design, I give a lot of shit to riot but this time I have to give them props for it (at least the login bit). Being able to just go straight into league without having to log every single time is a great improvement I didn't think I needed but now I'm greedy for more. I'm sure the majority of players have multiple accounts (i regularly use 3) so having the client save them and being able to switch between them without too much hassle (logging out then logging back in has become a bit tedious) would be another great improvement

    EDIT 2

    of course, riot has other priorities and the client has many other issues to be addressed before even thinking about adding small quirks like this, it's just a small suggestion :-)

    for the delusionals that believe there is no world in which a sentient human might even consider having multiple accounts here's a couple of reasons people do (from comments)

    • PBE and normal accounts are separate
    • People playing on different servers (eg. EUW to NA) for whatever reason (eg. playing with friends from other countries)
    • Sharing a computer with family members or even friends.
    • Playing a role you're not familiar with (not smurfing) eg. I'm a plat top main but a gold ADC (a fresh account where I only played adc and peaked in gold) yes I have more knowledge or whatever but it clearly doesn't make up for ALL holes as I only got to gold and playing with people of my caliber is fairer for my plat teammates.

    Also, how is it different from the first time you ranked up? I played normals for ages then decided to play ranked. clearly I shit on some low elo kids to get to plat the first time so by your logic that's also smurfing. for people that say that somehow encourages smurfing you are also kinda delusional. so we should disable chat because some people are toxic? of course not! again it's not that big of deal just a small thought i came up with the other day don't get too worked up about it summoners.

    submitted by /u/kaiBaam
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    League of Legends is now 10 years old. This is the story of its birth.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 08:56 AM PDT

    After almost a month and 300 games of trying and failing to reach Challenger in EUW soloq, Tarzaned has given up.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 02:23 AM PDT

    He swapped to NA soloq even though he is still currently in Europe. It was a fun month watching all the pros duking it out, even the ones that didn't qualify for the tournament and are just there bootcamping. It is too bad he didn't make it as high in the ladder as he would have liked.

    His EUW accounts:



    His NA account:


    edit: fixed link, he name-changed his main EUW account. It appears he will try, try again

    submitted by /u/sidesaucin
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