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    Monday, October 28, 2019

    LoL Guide Moderator Applications: Fall 2019

    LoL Guide Moderator Applications: Fall 2019

    Moderator Applications: Fall 2019

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 06:56 PM PDT

    Hey all, it's that time of year again - we're looking for some more volunteers to help make sure the sub can keep running smoothly. We're doing it a bit differently this time with a Google form as opposed to posting apps on the thread; you're free to leave questions below though, if you have any.

    These will be open until Nov 6th, 11:59PM EST. Good luck, hope to see you all there 🤠

    submitted by /u/Caedei
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    If You're Struggling To Climb, Stop Trying to Carry

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 04:42 AM PDT

    Hey guys.

    Last night I climbed gold (from bronze after placements) for the first time about a month after coming back from a 2 year break. Before the break I'd never gotten past silver, and I really think this is why.


    Carrying a game alone is really hard, especially if you're not significantly better than everyone around you. Obviously Challenger Smurfs can stomp all over games, but if you're silver and your enemies are silver you have no reason to reasonably expect to be able to outplay entire teams consistently enough to actually win. Stop trying, and just play for the team fight.

    Stop playing jungle Kha'Zix or Rengar. Sure, sometimes you'll get really fed and go crazy, but sometimes you won't, and even if you do in low Elo the games last too long and you end up losing. Just play Amumu and Nunu. Your team doesn't know how to play around your Kha'Zix, and often won't have an engage at all. They do know how to jump on the enemy team when Amumu ults though, or when Nunu lands a snowball.

    Stop trying to play Talon mid. As soon as you eat an unlucky stun late game it doesn't matter how fed you were or how hard you're carrying. You'll die and your team will lose. Instead play Lissandra and be the one to ult that one cocky scrub who's been cutting through your team all game like a hot knife through butter and turn it around, or play Swain and yank their carries out of position. You don't even have to actually do damage yourself. You don't have to get fed every game. You just have to make things easier for the rest of your team.

    Stop playing Fiora or Riven top and start playing Nautilus, Poppy, or Sion. Get picks. Peel for your carries. Win the team fights.

    Bring cc wherever you play, and ping for help when you think you can land it and get a kill. If you think you can kill the enemy every time your ult is up with Lissandra ping it for your JG when it's got 30 seconds on the cooldown, or if you want to turret dive with Swain ult up follow your jungle to wherever they wanted to gank anyway and make it a 3v1 or 4v2, and after you've done something even if it just forced a lane to go back go ping for some turret plates or the Dragon. Make it worth your time.

    You don't have to do it all yourself, and yes I know that it feels like your team's always suck. They do. We all collectively suck together, but you're not making it any easier for them to succeed by sitting back and trying to pick up kills at the end of the fight to pad your KDAs.

    I feel like I'm a pretty decent Ahri for my Elo, but I still lose more often than not because I can only actually kill 1 or 2 people before having to back out to keep myself alive and not give up my shutdown gold. I win a lot more with Aurelion Sol and Swain even though they're not as flashy as Ahri, and they're not as strong in a 1v1 and don't assassinate people, because they're easy for teams to play with. If you ult and Flash in with Swain or fly in from half the map away with a star as wide as a lane with Aurelion Sol your team is going to follow up more often than not, and you'll win your Games even if your scores aren't as good as they are with your carry Champions.

    submitted by /u/LoL-Shadikar
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    Common mistakes people make in low elo and how to abuse them

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 05:54 AM PDT

    Hello Reddit,

    In this post I will go over a few classic mistakes that people are making in "lower" elo, ie silver - gold, and how you can abuse these mistakes to create leads that you can then use to carry games. Of course, if you yourself do these mistakes, maybe by reading that post you'll realize that's something you can work on to improve, so this post has a double goal.

    Some context first as to the reason of this post. I'm a one trick Xin jungle, with 2 accounts in low diamond. I recently leveled up a fresh account to lv30 to duo with a friend who just got back to league (he's a former diamond 1 one trick Darius).

    We're currently doing placement matches - so far the average elo has been high silver / low gold, and playing at this elo made me realize how easy it can be to win games, if you know what you're doing. Here are the main mistakes I noticed being frequently made by both my teammates and the enemy team:

    Lack of map awareness

    This is probably the main one that you can abuse, especially if you're playing mid/jungle. I've noticed people tend to forget to ping SS or even to pay attention to what's going on on the map. A few example to illustrate this:

    • Even if I walk on a pink while heading bot, the enemy botlane sometimes won't react until it's too late.
    • Enemy botlane and jungle just killed my botlane and are missing on the map, but my midlaner keeps pushing and then starts raging when he gets 4 manned mid.
    • Enemy team just killed drag and enemy mid + support are missing. No vision on drake. My botlane tries to kill enemy ADC 2v1, ends up dying 4v2. Etc, etc, you get the idea.

    How to abuse this?

    Try to pick champs with early game snowball potential (this applies mostly if you play mid or jung), and look for roams / dives / etc. Try to spot who in the enemy team has a particularly bad map awareness, and get fed on them then translate the lead you get from repeatedly killing them to carry the game. Bad map awareness also means people are very predictable. Use this to catch them and kill them again. For example, you saw the enemy jungler gank top and leave with 50% health, and his red is about to respawn. Go kill him at his red, it's likely that he won't expect you.

    How to improve on this?

    Work on your minimap. Be sure to put it at 100 size, so that you'll be more tempted to look at it. Try to constantly remind yourself to pay attention to it. Work on jungle tracking - try to guess where the enemy jungler is. If you see a lane is missing, try to guess where they could be and react accordingly. If you have no idea, play safe. Dying early game is very very bad for you and if you die more than twice before 10 minutes, you most likely won't be able to snowball the game. Also, work on your vision. This is especially true if you play as support, I more often than not end up having a higher vision score as jungler than the support. Ward the map, and BUY PINKS. This is true for any role. Pink wards actually hard carry games by spotting enemies and defusing potentially game breaking situations.

    Bad matchup/champ knowledge

    This is something that I've seen very often as well at this elo. People think they win the 1v1 or 2v2, fully commit, then realize they don't, and end up having to use summoners and/or dying.

    How to abuse this?

    Narrow down your champion pool to 2-3 champs and play a lot of NORMAL games with them. Don't try to learn new champs in ranked, you'll destroy your MMR. Once you know most matchups and have a good idea of the limits of your champs, use this to build leads. For example, bait the enemy into thinking they can have you, and then kill them. If you're jungle, invade the enemy if you know for a fact you can kill them (of course, before invading, be sure you have lane priority).

    How to improve on this?

    Well, same thing as above - narrow down your champion pool and master the few champs you chose to spam. Don't be too greedy if you're unsure whether or not you win - a single mistake can cost you the game depending on when it happens. This is especially true if you're the most fed guy in your team. You die, rest of your team may follow, and then it can be Nash and game.

    Very low mental

    You'll find players with low mental at any elo, but I have been appalled by how much more frequent it is at this elo (as compared to diamond elo). People flame all the time, both in team and in /all chat. Sometimes good players flame bad players, sometimes bad players flame good players... people seem to flame and tilt for about any reason at this elo.

    How to abuse this?

    Be sure to op.gg the enemy team during loading screen. Try to see if one of them tends to die a lot on their champ, or if they're on a big losing streak - then try to tilt the shit out of them. That's not a very nice thing to do, but a win is a win. If you kill someone and see they start to flame in /all, blaming it on whoever the fuck they decide to blame, focus them. Don't let them the time to stop tilting. Tilt spreads like fire at this elo, and can lose otherwise free games.

    How to improve on this?

    Don't get involved, even if you're the one getting flamed, even if you didn't deserve it, even if bla bla bla. Do. Not. Flame. Ignore them, mute them if you have to, just say in chat "shut up and focus", and that's it. The time you spend typing and reading the stupid shit your teammates (or the enemy team) is writing is time you're not spending being focused on the game.

    Side note - if you're jungling, DO NOT plan your game based on who might tilt in your team. This is never worth it. You might get them ahead in their game, but then the support takes one minion on their lane and they start inting anyway. Play the game the way you want, don't let others influence you.


    I think these are the main issues I've seen at this elo. Of course there are other mistakes being made, for example on the macro - but it's harder to give generic advice about that because it's specific to the game, and also because macro play relies on what the team does as a whole, and people at this elo rarely listen anyway, so it's harder to abuse bad macro to win games. The only thing worth mentioning is splitpushing - if you're ahead but you don't see an opportunity to win a teamfight, splitpush. This has a good chance to disorganize the enemy team, and then you have a chance at picking single targets.

    I hope this helped! Feel free to ask in the comments if you have any questions.


    submitted by /u/Skelturix
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    Hey guys! Here are some Tips on tracking the enemy jungler!

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 07:50 AM PDT

    Hey I'm Raz, I'm a Plat Top/Jungle player. I play early game dueling junglers, and make it my mission to kill the enemy jungler. This helped me develop decent jungle tracking skills, because to kill the enemy jungler, you first have to figure out where he is. Here are some simple tips to help you do the same and step up your game.

    1. Tracking is easy as "are they topside or botside"

    You don't have to track them down to the camp or exactly how many camps they've cleared.

    2. Junglers will follow their farm

    They will follow where their camps spawn. If they cleared botside, they are going to go topside very soon, or else they will be behind in farm.

    3. Most of the time your first clear is going to be the same

    3/4 camps + a gank is an extremely common clear path.For first clears, if you guys start on the same side of the map, you might run into each other, or if you start on the opposite side, you'll be on opposite side of the maps. Track where they start by seeing who leashes, and you will know their generally location by using yours as a reference.

    Once you master this very basic concept you can make variations on your play because you will "know" where they will be. My personal favorite is if I think they are going to 3/4 camp clear and I am playing a duelist, I clear only my buffs and go straight to their second buff to take it (win) or kill them (win). No overcommits and watch your map for mid rotating.

    4. Deep wards help you track longer

    It gets harder to reliably track the enemy jungler by only game sense as the game goes on, so you use wards to see what he side he is on. This helps generally after 8-9 minutes. Ward at choke points they have to walk through to get to the camps they want. Warding in the blue buff intersection is really strong.

    5. Don't overcommit to a solo kill

    Laners will rotate and kill you if you dive deep going for a duel against their jungler. Either be aware of their rotations, kill the jungler fast, or leave. It's good to just force a base too, you can take all his camps, and he cant counter jungle you back if hes based.

    6. If they show, you can take something on the other side.

    If you can solo take rift/dragon, and you know that the enemy jungler is on the opposite side of the map, you can take dragon/rift. Just pink ward the pit and be wary of laners rotating. If a laner goes MIA while you're taking it, you could be in trouble if your laner can't match. Just be aware of that, in low elo, a lot of the time they just wont know you're doing it and its FREE

    7. Ping the laners if you think that a gank is incoming, even if you are not sure

    It's 2:45 in the game, the enemy Lee Sin hasn't ganked yet, and he started bot side. Ping Top and Mid (PING ONTOP OF THEM), then ping the enemy topside buff. They should know what you mean, and it will let them know "Hey! Lee Sin is topside and my jungler thinks he will gank soon". If you can stop their ganks, you make them waste time (which is also in theory gold/xp). Extra ping one of them if he is pushed

    8. The mindset is what matters, not the success

    If you make some guesses to where the enemy jungler is and they are wrong, it's just an opportunity to learn why. Is it because his champion does something different, as long as you keep a critical mindset and figure out why they were there and what they did that led them to be there, and how you can predict OR capitalize on it. Mistakes = Opportunity to learn. Learning = Climbing

    Thanks for reading my post! I also make youtube videos, and if you want to see this in action heres a video of me playing on my smurf and just thinking outloud as I track the enemy jungler. Thanks everyone!

    submitted by /u/RAZGRIZTP
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    How do I beat an Akali in farm?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 08:39 PM PDT

    It's Qspam like Annie, except multitarget, shorter cd, and her resources regen faster

    EDIT: Thank y'all for the answers, but I want to clarify. I'm talking about mid lane, and general strategies instead of counterpicks.

    submitted by /u/SomeRandomDude821
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    I feel like in low elo mechanical skill and awareness are more important than macro and map plays.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 08:15 AM PDT

    The lower you are the more most players focus on kills. and that applies to both teams. so if you try to play the game smart and slow like chess or smth. your team won't let you. so you have to follow the flow of events.

    If you are a jungler you need to know that effective ganking will more likely give you a win than effective map control.

    If you are a laner you should always expect enemies to try and fight you so always be ready to take a fight and have awareness just to know if it's a 1v1 or 1v2 etc .

    So what is this all about? it's because i see low elo players watching high elo streams trying to do like them and still can't climb and then curse their teammates . you won't climb out of low elo by doing high elo stuff.

    Low elo is chaotic and messy and is all about kills . your team comp is better split ? get read for "all mid calls" till you lose and good luck trying to convince your team that you have to split. good luck trying to convince anyone that fights aren't what gonna make them win.

    So first climb out of that messy elo with your mechanical skills mastering a champion and having good map awareness to know where you should be. then as you find better teammates . try to play the map game with them.

    submitted by /u/elabyed25
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    Some Champs Just Don't Make Sense to Me

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 01:09 AM PDT

    As a new player I try to learn as much about new champs by jumping into a few normals with them but some of these champs I just can't play. Their kit does not make sense to me and I just consistently feed.

    On the other hand I can pick some other heroes and within a few games do completely fine on them.

    My question is, is this normal? How big of a skill gap can you expect between your comfort picks and your worse champs? should i be aiming for basic proficiency on all champs? what if i get autofilled in ranked? all things i worry about.

    submitted by /u/NewCaptain9
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    Wtf am I supposed to do against Heimerdinger

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 11:06 AM PDT

    I actually don't know what to do against him. He walks straight forward no fear and puts down his 3 turrets and I just can't do anything. A lot of the champs I play are melee type things like Jax so I can't just walk up and kill the turret without him blowing me up and every CS I take costs me half my health.

    On top of that I can't just jump on him and beat him up because I literally can't close the gap without getting poked down and even if I somehow do manage to land melee autos between his turret damage and any minion aggro and his own abilities I just die or go 1 for 1 (dream scenario). I just can't CS at all and i fall so far behind in gold and xp.

    It feels like there is no good solution other than just picking a ranged champ but often times I pick before him so there's nothing I can do unless I just ban Heimer every time which I would rather not (since I dont want to deal with the meathead known as Garen)

    submitted by /u/NewCaptain9
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    What items do I need to buy depending on the enemy Im facing

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 04:06 PM PDT

    Im level 20 and I only play mordekaiser top or mid. I only play this champion because a lot of you said to me in another post that in order to learn how to play better I should play one champion for now and not 3 like I was doing, I also play him because I like it.

    Anyway, explaining the question. I always build up the same items that I follow from some websites, this are:

    Core build: Doran's Shield, Health Potion, Liandry's Torment, Mercury's Treads, Rylai's Crystal Scepter.

    Last item option: there are a lot but I usually go with Spirit Visage

    If you search Mordekaiser build almost everything you will find is this.

    My problem is that in some games more in the mid to late game Im against some champions that counter me with items they bought (I know this only because my friends tell me, I dont usually tab a lot and I dont know every item) and for ejample I cant do a lot of damage to them so I think maybe I can buy an item that gives me more damage or something like that but everytime I try to do that I just get asked if Im trolling. If I play X champion why am I limited to always buy the same items when there are like 200 in the shop? (I know that Im not going to buy items that gives me mana for mordekaiser). If in a game I cant do a lot of damage or I cant tank enought why is it a bad thing to buy items to try to fix that?

    I always read every comment, dont worry if I dont respond, thanks!

    submitted by /u/HelloThere010
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    How do I Know my Win Conditions?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 12:12 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm a Silver 2 jg main who is always looking for ways to improve. I have heard a lot of tips about "knowing your win conditions and playing around that." This sounds great in theory but how do you know exactly what that win condition is? I have only beed playing since season 9 preseason so I don't have a ton of experience which could be part of my problem. Any advice would be appreciated though!

    submitted by /u/ajvandam8
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    Winning lane almost every game, still losing al the time

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 03:39 PM PDT

    Hello friends. I am making a post because I've really been struggling lately. I have been having a hard time in low platinum top lane for a while now, and I kind of understand the problems I'm having, but I am not sure of how to fix them.

    My problem lately has been trying to have any sort of impact on the game when my team does not do well. I really feel so helpless when I come out of lane several kills up on my lane opponent, only to be killed in two seconds if I try to group up. Example would be if my bot lane loses and I try to help my team, I will find myself getting deleted in just moments by the enemy carries, while me and my team are completely unable to do anything. I find myself almost every game going from like 4/1 to 4/3 to 5/7 and I really want to be able to avoid it.

    The champions I have been playing most lately are Renekton and Pantheon. Both are pretty much "go in" champions, so how do I make the most of these when I am the only relevant champion?

    submitted by /u/Tehbreadfish
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    Minion wave management

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 01:16 PM PDT

    Hi I'm Hemphus and I'm a casual league player. Im a bit new to the wave management concept of league of legends and was wondering if someone can explain this concept to me. I was watching a video by a player named NEACE and he was going on and on about managing the wave to achieve his goal and to deny the enemy, and I was wondering if anyone can shed some light on thus particual concept. What it is and steps to effectively executing it.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Hemphus
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    Macro play(tips and help)

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 01:07 PM PDT

    I'm currently in plat euw(going from plat 4 to plat 1 with horiblle mmr).

    I am mostly playing mid but I am also playing any role.

    My goal is to climb, 1st to diamond and then master+.

    My laning phase is really good. I have good farming skills, wave managment and know almost all matchups in lane, but the problem is I sometimes dont know what to do later in the mid/late game. I feel that in most of my games i kinda fall behind when i get 1st turret and cant get objectives. Should just take waves and wait for plays, should i go bot lane for potential dive...?

    Can anyone tell me some tips or what mentality should I have because i need to improve that, since my mechanics and laning phase are on a diamond level, but i strugle to climb because of horibble mmr which i gave myself by tilting much and throwing winable games by not knowing for what play to go.

    And one more thing. How could i track enemy jungler better because sometimes i end up dying to jungler after a kill on lane or even getting ganked just as a started 1v1ing my laner( i know the basic things).

    I am really eager to start climbing succsesfully and any help would be appreciated.

    Ps. Please give me tips for snowballing when im ahead as mid/top lane.

    -I am sorry if my english isnt that good it is not my main language-

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/easymark1
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    Champion Discussion of the Day: Xerath

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 01:48 PM PDT

    Link to Wikia

    Link to u.gg

    Link to Probuilds

    Link to League of Graphs

    Champion subreddit: r/XerathMains

    Primarily played as: Middle, Support

    What role does he play in a team composition?

    What are the core items to be built on him?

    What is the order of leveling up the skills?

    What are his spikes in terms of items or levels?

    What are the most optimal rune/mastery setups?

    What champions does he synergize well with?

    What is the counterplay against him?

    submitted by /u/Balondis
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    Does fingerplacement matter?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 01:04 PM PDT

    I'm curious on how i should place my fingers on my keyboard. I've always placed my pinky on Q and index on R but most om my friends are using ringfinger on Q, index on R and pinky on shift or something. So my question is: Is there a fingerplacement objectively better than the other or is it just personal preference? And if you another way of placing your fingers I'd love to know.

    submitted by /u/aarondang02
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    Rengar in the Jungle. Informative Guide!

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 12:55 PM PDT

    • Server: EUW
    • IGN: DimebagDarrel (named after the best metal guitarist, here's the song Cowboys From Hell by his band, Pantera)
    • Rank: Recently lvl 30, not a ranked game played yet. I have 67 games on Rengar, and Mastery 6.
    1. Start at Red Buff.
      Jump from bush to Blast Cone at 1:23 with Q (Savagery). This will give you 2 ferocity stacks before you actually start Jungling, which starts at 1:30.

    2. Rengar loses a lot health and after doing a full clear, ending up at 20-40%.
      Follow THIS guide made by the best Rengar in the world. He can end with 90% hp or higher, which he uses to gank or invade. Really helpful.

    3. I've compared Rengar vs Kha'Zix (level 3 full combo).
      Rengar did a maximum of 238 damage against an enemy dummy with 100 armor and 100 mag resist. Kha'Zix did 265 damage. Kha'Zix can do more damage. However, Rengar has attack speed bonus because of the Empowered Q (Savagery)... the auto-attacks after the abilities give Rengar the win.

    4. Oneshot Combo.
      Jump Auto AttackEWTiamatQQ(empowered). To get the 4 ferocity stacks you need to jump with 0 of them. If you use any ability before jumping, you won't get any empowered ability. Basically, use E when you're off the ground, not before.

    Question: "Yeah, but why not jump with Q first instead of an auto-attack, Q does more damage right?"

    Answer: One simple reason. Your auto does 50 and your Q does 100. So if you jump with Q activated you only deal 100, but if you do an auto attack first and then reset with Q, you do 150. Quick maffs.

    • Counter-Picks.
      Anything Brawler/Tanky with CC. (Sejuani, Vi, Warwick, Skarner)

    • Good to Counter.
      Anything with low CC, AP and squishy. (Nidalee, Evelynn, Ivern, Fiddlesticks)

    • In my experience, you shouldn't ban these champions, waste of a ban!
      There are too many champions to counter you, so pick something your whole team would appreciate, like Thresh with his long hook and CC, Ezreal with his distant poke and escape potential.

    • Learn to Macro.
      Priority is as following:

    1. Gank winning lanes. If you can't, then go to 2.
    2. If you can choose which lane to destroy the first turret, pick either Top or Bot, Mid is the worst.
    3. When choosing to gank TOP or BOT, try ganking the ally with the most CC possible. If you have Nautilus top, that is perfect he has 4 CC abilities. If you have Soraka and Vayne, that's not so great. So go TOP.
    4. Also realize that if you have a good Nasus top player with a losing lane, giving him a kill can be highly beneficial on a potential snowball.
    submitted by /u/TrustMeIveGotAPlan
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    How can I track my own progress and improve as a jungler

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 10:09 AM PDT

    So this is maybe a pretty weird question, but it really bothers me that I seem to be incapable of finding my own issues when it comes to decision making and priorities in jungle.

    Do I camp toplane although my topside jungle is blue and I lose a lot of farm by not resetting my red side?

    Do I play around my winning botlane although the ADC is Draven who is useless lategame and enemy toplaner is Nasus who gets free farm?

    I'm watching my replays and in 80% of cases I'm not sure weither I was at the right place at the right time.

    Especially when I play with my duo, he's always like "the enemy sits under my tower with 1/2hp, if you came top you would get a free kill and a tower." and I'd say "No dude, fire drake is up and the jungler is bot, I need to be there to countergank and secure/steal drake."

    So is there any checklist in your head you just work with? And how can I get better and practise correctly? I mean, I can grind games after games and keep doing the same shit over and over without learning nothing.

    I would not want to hire a coach at this point (G3)

    My champion pool is Ekko and Voli (Can play Nunu well and Amumu just in case) and I'm learning Shaco at the moment.

    Thanks guys

    submitted by /u/bigbaffler
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    I have no idea how to play jungle and I’m not sure I ever will.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 12:16 PM PDT

    I thought I had it figured out. Jungle is not my main role, but it's something I felt was important to at least learn and I used to enjoy it back in season 3. So I started playing, and I thought I had the system figured out.

    Enemy laners getting a little too comfortable being pushed all the way to teams towers? Go spank their ass a little bit maybe you'll get a kill and some summoners. Uh oh! Enemy jungle went top? OH! He has no red buff? But it's up? Go yoink that shit. While your at it, take his entire bot/top side jungle. Easy game easy life. Dragons up? Hover bot lane. Barons up? Hover top lane.

    This was what I thought jungle was all about, and it worked for a handful of games using this system. But quickly I figured out I have no idea what I'm actually doing.

    And it's not a mechanical problem. I can do a 360 no scope 420 blaze flash lee sin kick into 3 other people while under the tower after hitting a max range q like the rest of them. But I just don't know where to be and why. I don't know how to know when an enemy jungler will gank and where. I don't know what to do when my camps get taken. Do I risk going into the enemy jungle to return the favor or just start ganking since I have no camps to do on that side?

    If my teams decide they want to push all the time am I expected to do tower dives anyways?

    If a laner is getting camped is it my fault if they go 0/4 in lane? And that's not me being passive aggressive either that's a real question am I supposed to do something for them? I have other lanes to help should I be baby sitting this one lane?

    There's so much stress on me as a jungler, but especially so as a jungler just learning the role. I thought it would be a fun challenge but after two days of grinding the role I don't know if I ever want to go back.

    submitted by /u/DatFrostyBoy
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    How do I figure out my problems?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 03:20 PM PDT

    I've been stuck in high plat for a while now. A recent 30% winrate losing streak put me down to plat 3. I know there are many things that I can improve on, but it is really hard to figure out what my problems are, since if I knew them I could start working on them, right? Watching my VoD's doesn't get me very far since it appears for me that I just can't see what I'm doing wrong.

    any tips?

    submitted by /u/And0r24
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    How do i learn to farm with mages

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 05:28 AM PDT

    How do i learn to farm with mages like Ryze , Annie , Leblanc , Orianna , Syndra etc . I want to stay with the group , but i also want to farm . I just can't balance these things . My goal is to have atleast 8 CS per minute . I'm currently gold 2 and i want to balance to have alot of farm (something like 160 in 20 min) and to stay with the group and help them in teamfights . But if i start farming my team is 4v5 , if i'm in the group i forget about the farming and i'm getting back with alot of gold . So if you can make me a guide how to balance these two things (as a mage) it will be really helpful . Thanks you

    submitted by /u/teddo23
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    How to deal with a Katarina?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 02:34 AM PDT

    If I am playing mid I keep her in control stopping roams poking her in lane etc, but if I'm in some other role 8/10 there is a hyper fed ult machine which keeps roaming presses q-e-r or e-r and insta kills my team. My higher elo friends just say cc her but by the time leaning phase is over she is so fed that by the time we land any cc our team is 25% hp and remaining opponents just pick us off and even then she always has zhonya's. Any tips on how to deal with Katarina is appreciated. If a specific situation would help let's say I am playing pyke/blitz support and I roam mid she dashes too much for me to hook her and I can't stay mid for too long cause of constant adc pings, so how do I help contain the kata?

    submitted by /u/TheDemonWarlock
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    Should you watch your own Vods or those of Masters+ players?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 06:44 AM PDT

    I have heard a mix of opinions on this and just want to gage what you guys think. Should I just watch my deaths mainly in my own replays seeing as I'm G2-3 and making so many mistakes in any game? Should I then watch Challenger vods of the champions I'm playing and copying everything they do? Don't have much experience doing Vod reviews, but I really want to improve and try to hit Plat in the preseason or S10.

    submitted by /u/Superbrah66
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    Is it possible to climb playing multiple roles?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 01:44 PM PDT

    I have been playing league for about 5 years, on and off. Over that time I have "mained" champions in all 5 roles (most played are lux mid, thresh, Sion top, amumu jgl, Ashe, Cait bot), peaking low/mid gold in the last 3 seasons. I don't consider myself a tryhard but I do enjoy winning and trying to understand the game.

    I'm now at the point where I feel like I have at least one champ in each role I'm consistent with and recently I feel that I'm a better player when I'm always switching roles from one game/day to the next. I know this is the opposite of what people recommend doing in order to improve and climb and I understand the reasoning to it. I have tried many times to limit myself to only playing one role but I just end up autopiloting and getting bored. I feel like switching up my champ and role keeps me on my toes and makes me more focused on what is going on in my lane, in the game, my role in my team etc. It also just keeps the game fresh for me and let's face it, you only get better at something when you are enjoying it.

    Am I stupid? Any of you guys have a similar experience and have managed to climb whilst playing several roles?

    submitted by /u/spara_94
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    How can I, as a fed ADC with huge lead at the bot lane, carry my team towards victory?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 04:54 AM PDT

    Recently I've had some games where I was really fed. I played as Cait and Xayah and played really well at the bot lane, but I couldn't do much at the late game due to highly tanky enemy top lane and jungler.

    How can I use the lead I gained from the bot lane and carry my team as a properly functioning ADC?

    submitted by /u/A10ND10
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