LoL Guide 60 Tips that Every Top Laner Needs to Know (Prototype Video, Feedback Requested!) |
- 60 Tips that Every Top Laner Needs to Know (Prototype Video, Feedback Requested!)
- *Facepalm* I've been playing League for years and just realized that Teleport can be used on minions and not just turrets.
- Small tip to land more skillshots
- Healthy bot lane relationship
- Super Experienced Players in Bot Games
- How to work against Yasuo/Malphite R combo as an ADC?
- Is there a roadmap or things you would suggest to work on in the off season to prepare for Season 10?
- What's some of your most important tips for getting good at top lane?
- How do you deal with poke, in urf, but also in general
- I'm a gold jungler who has a track history of really good mechanics with other games. I want to switch roles to ADC but all my higher elo friends are telling me to steer clear of the role. What do you guys think?
- How to successfully dive as a jungler?
- Don’t be discouraged by starting of low in ranked
- What does Yorick Actually Do?
- Champion Discussion of the Day: Xin Zhao
- I'm kinda stuck and not exactly sure how to improve
- Looking to make an end of the season climb. Tips?
- Getting camped by top laner while jungling
- Building questions
- Basic support guide for an ABSOLUTE beginner?
- How to effectively ward?
- How do I stop getting ganked while keep playing aggresively? (Mid Lane)
- Tips for teaching new player?
- Playing against Yasuo Bot
- So i'm trying to learn Gangplank, as his kit looks really fun to me, has a high skill cap so I can keep on getting better at him. The one thing I don't understand is how to use your barrels properly while farming in the early game.
60 Tips that Every Top Laner Needs to Know (Prototype Video, Feedback Requested!) Posted: 29 Oct 2019 08:23 AM PDT Hey guys so I am also planning to make a new series where I give 60 tips on how to carry in the top lane. Basically I took some of my own ideas and then dug through SummonerSchool and found the most asked questions over the last couple months and came up with the below list and organized them into 12 different videos. I have released a prototype video to get feedback from before I start recording the series. Also I want to use that as a gauge of interest because I am not going to spend this much time on something that doesn't get views/ subs. Prototype Video: Tips that Every Top Laner need to know! The plan is to release every other weekend. Rotating with the Champion Guides that I posted last week. Videos and Tips I plan on going over. (Subject to Change and Feedback!) Video 1: Choosing Champions
Video 2: Going into a game
Video 3: Laning Phase
Video 4: Jungler Impact
Video 5: Wave Management
Video 6: Bonus Laning Phase Stuff
Video 7: Pressuring
Video 8: Taking Over Games
Video 9: Split Pushing
Video 10: Team Fighting
Video 11: Closing Games
Video 12: How to Improve
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Posted: 29 Oct 2019 12:37 AM PDT I used to teleport every time to a turret when I had to get minions that were going to die to the turret since I recalled too early. What I would do was unlock my camera, pan my screen over to the turret, and hit my D key to teleport there. However, today I was a little tipsy and accidentally hit my teleport key on the minimap...and lo and behold, I was teleporting to a minion! I never knew that you could teleport to a minion and now that I think about it, I never really wondered how others teleported to minions, I always thought it was a secret part of their champion... Maybe this was always super obvious. But since this is a training subreddit, figured I'd throw out my blatent stupidity out there. I can't believe I never noticed this before... [link] [comments] |
Small tip to land more skillshots Posted: 28 Oct 2019 05:27 PM PDT Many of you might know this already, but I thought this may be useful to some of you. The hitbox of champions and the models don't match perfectly. That's why sometimes skillshots that apparently should hit actually miss and the other way arround. From what I've been testing champion's hitbox is located at their base. So if you want to hit more skillshots aim at their feet. If you dont believe me go to practice tool and try aiming at their head and then at their feet. Also, take note that projectiles have width, so you can hit some "that's bullsh*t it wasn't even close" spells. Also cassiopeia op because no feet. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Oct 2019 06:45 AM PDT I'm an ad main hovering between high gold and hardstuck low plat for several months, and I'm not sure if it's just me but I always rejoice when I see a plat border around my support - not because of the skill difference, or the fact that they don't go AP klepto sona (though that's nice, very nice on the sona thing) but because the mentality they generally bring to the bot lane, from what I've gathered. Obviously if you win lane, nobody is going to get into any arguments, but from what I've noticed, if you accidentally get you and your support both killed in lane, I can expect a gold support to flame me. I tend to notice plat supports will never say anything counterproductive (even though they probably hate my guts and just want lane to be over.) They just silently go for plays, or roam around the map if I'm underfarmed and useless. I'll have that same mentality if my support isn't toxic (I should all the time, but I get triggered easily) - if they go for a dumb play and die, or get hooked or something, I'll just back off to my tower if I need to or recall silently. I'm sure there are some supports out there who will appreciate that as much as I appreciate them doing the same. The reason I made this post was not to flame my gold supports, or to talk about my experience of the difference between gold and plat, but I think it's such a healthy relationship when you queue for bot lane in solo queue (and I guess solo queue in general), and it makes it so much easier to play as someone who tilts. If either one of you make a mistake, not spam pinging your lane partner, or flaming them in chat can make more difference than you think. I want that to be the default mentality in bot lane, because both roles really can be frustrating to play sometimes. At the end of the day, even if you don't like each other, you're on the same team and both have the goal of winning. You'll probably never see them again and one loss isn't going to be the end of the world. Sorry if what I said was a bit repetitive or poorly structured, but I just woke up. Thanks for reading anyways :) [link] [comments] |
Super Experienced Players in Bot Games Posted: 29 Oct 2019 10:17 AM PDT Hi all! Long time lurker, first time poster, so bare with! I've been playing league for about 3 months (after being introduced by my boyfriend) and I'm a support main. Recently, I've been playing a tonne of beginner bot games as I'm trying some new support champs, as well as trying some mid champions and laning. In my game today, whilst on the load screen, I checked out the levels of all the players and one was gold 2, with 50,000+ points on Riven, the champ they were playing. Is there a reason why more experienced players do this? I don't really mind, but they tend to hurry the game along and then sit in the enemy base just getting pentakills, which doesn't really help those people who are trying to learn the game and objectives. Just wondering if any of the more experienced players could explain potentially why this is the case! [link] [comments] |
How to work against Yasuo/Malphite R combo as an ADC? Posted: 29 Oct 2019 06:24 AM PDT So i encountered this filthy combo as an adc, and i found it unplayable, especially in teamfights. If i position way back to the point it renders me useless, the entire team flames me for not "helping them". if i join in the fight, malphite target focuses me and yasuo finishes me off in less than a milisecond [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Oct 2019 01:08 PM PDT The preseason is fast approaching and the quality of my Ranked games over the last 2 weeks has dropped. I wanna use my time wisely to improve as a player. I love to learn and challenge myself A little background on me: This is my 1st year of Ranked, and I am in Silver after starting Iron 3 78LP at the very beginning of the Season. I have a 48% winrate, but 53% over my last 100 games. I am a Support main and played a ton of Leona (my favorite champion) and some Nautilus, sprinkled in with some Nami and Morgana when they were banned. I played a lot of Toplane before I started Ranked as well, and 10-20 Jungle games, all in Normals. Garen Sion top and Vi Xin in the JG. I have played champions in every role at some point since I started playing LOL. I am looking to improve across the board, but I still would like to continue as a Leona main. I have a PBE account and played some on the new map with new items as well. A few of my questions are: 1: Where should I play? Ranked, Normals or Flex? or All? lol 2: Should I be trying to expand my champion pool or focusing on getting better with who I play already? (I like all the champions I mentioned) 3: I have developed good CS skills in norms with my toplaners, and also Neeko/Galio Mid. Should I be looking to expand my Roles or focus more on what I played this Season? I was thinking I would learn more about the game exploring other roles, by playing more games. 4: Overall advice for a player who loves the game and loves to play and also wants to learn. My goal someday/some year, is maybe to get to Plat MMR. I am much older in age than probably most/all of you, and this keeps my mind busy while I deal with some health issues. I realize focusing on improving is the key, and this is the basis for this post. So any suggestions on how I can keep the fun going and improve at the same time during the off season would be greatly appreciated :) [link] [comments] |
What's some of your most important tips for getting good at top lane? Posted: 29 Oct 2019 11:52 AM PDT Hey I'm in bronze and trying to improve I play Garen but trying to find another easy to play champ to add to my pool. Now what are some of your most important tips for getting good at top lane and how would you add them. Few things I know but struggle with
Is there a champ pool you would recommend for a beginner I wanna just get good at the basics first as I know I will climb if I get that right. Thank you in advance. [link] [comments] |
How do you deal with poke, in urf, but also in general Posted: 29 Oct 2019 11:34 AM PDT I have a huge problem getting poked out of lane and in urf, it's exacerbated to the point that it's almost infuriating. No one besides me seems to have the same problems I do and it's really starting to become a massive problem. To me it feels like there it almost no way to balance looking at where you are, where the minions are, where your opponent is, and what they're throwing at you. How do you do it? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Oct 2019 12:20 PM PDT Hey yall. Just trying to figure out why everyone over the past few years says that ADC's are dying. I wish I understood the game enough to be able to see how they've changed overtime.... but because this season was my first time taking soloq ranked seriously, I have no prior knowledge of what ADC's once were. I want to understand why everyone who plays the role is so unhappy with it at the moment. I get nowadays theres so much shielding and healing in the game, I'm sure thats a factor, but what else is up? Why should I not, (or maybe should) change roles to ADC? And for what reason? Does the next season look better for the role? For some context, I'm currently a Gold 4 one trick with about 140 games of ranked and a 54 percent winrate with my one trick. [link] [comments] |
How to successfully dive as a jungler? Posted: 29 Oct 2019 03:56 PM PDT So one of the problems on why I lose games is I don't know when or how to dive. I play lee, kayn, and olaf, but even though two of the three champs have good escape and mobility, but I just see turrets as death machines that you don't go under unless you have a tank. Please open my eyes and tell me the fundamentals of turret diving so I can get some good picks to help me win more. TLDR ; I don't know how to dive halp please [link] [comments] |
Don’t be discouraged by starting of low in ranked Posted: 28 Oct 2019 07:06 PM PDT Hello summonerschool this post is for all my low elo players. When I first started ranked I was bronze 3 and I tried to get out of bronze quickly because it was a "shit" rank. I found that I couldn't climb out of bronze immediately and it took a very long time. At the time I got mad because I was in such a low rank and I thought I deserved a higher rank. Once I was finally able to climb to Silver which took till I got past 100 in levels I skyrocketed past low silver to silver 1. This made all my hardworking worth it and made it so satisfying when I actually got there. If you ask any high elo player they'd tell you they've been playing since season (insert low number) and you'll realize that it takes time to climb. Don't let other players bully you for having a low rank because everyone starts at the bottom and if you put in the time and effort you'll see results. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Oct 2019 03:49 PM PDT Hey guys, it's me again, your friendly top lane noob! A while back I posted on r/summonerschool about a champion I didn't understand, and I got so much help from you guys as it was a huge success so thank you very much! (What does Singed Actually Do?). Now I have a new dilemma with another champ I have yet to see in an actual match. I looked up videos on him and based on his kit he seems super weak because his minions die so quickly and one of his abilities does 0 damage. Can someone tell me what Yorick is supposed to do for his team? Thanks! [link] [comments] |
Champion Discussion of the Day: Xin Zhao Posted: 29 Oct 2019 02:56 PM PDT Champion subreddit: r/XinZhaoMains Primarily played as: Jungle What role does he play in a team composition? What are the core items to be built on him? What is the order of leveling up the skills? What are his spikes in terms of items or levels? What are the most optimal rune/mastery setups? What champions does he synergize well with? What is the counterplay against him? [link] [comments] |
I'm kinda stuck and not exactly sure how to improve Posted: 29 Oct 2019 09:07 AM PDT Hi reddit, first things first, here's my profile & champion mastery. I read a lot of posts about improving, but can't really figure out what I am doing wrong. Being at summoner level 300+ mostly by playing looots of normals I am somewhat embarassed for only being one divison above the peak of the bell curve when it comes to ranked. I almost exclusively play support, but if I feel confident enough to play any role in normal if I get autofilled (which happens very rarely). I mostly pick Sona & Janna for ranked since they are very safe, strong, fun picks. I love to actually support with enchanters, and to poke enemies down. A few things about myself, if you care to read: Before I really got hooked by the game, I did ragequit for a long time a couple of times. Usually I got triggered when I didn't know champion X's ultimate which screwed me over or got camped by enemy jgl. I used to play soraka and blitzcrank when I was in lower elo. I wish I could still play soraka (star guardian skin is so beautiful IMO), but it's hard to have fun and impact with the current damage creep in the game. Not that this all matters anymore, but one can see the transition on the profile if you dare to go back to last season, so yeah. I am a huge fan of off-meta aswell, on a side-note. Points I think I could possibly improve the situation:
Thanks for your time if you made it through. P.S. Im done climbing for this season, just would be nice to get pointed in the right direction for Season 10 :) [link] [comments] |
Looking to make an end of the season climb. Tips? Posted: 29 Oct 2019 04:35 PM PDT Okay, I've been playing this game for 3 months & I've sucked at everything so far. I thought I was going to break into Silver with my Renekton mid when I had a 60% win rate but that's not happening, as I'm down to 53% with him. I've came to the realization that maybe laning isn't for me, right now? I want to start Jungling. I don't have any real experience but I did play a fuck ton of Sejuani & a little bit of Nunu, on my road to level 30, which was around late August. I just tried Zac out in training mode & really like him. I know he's a good pick but I don't have much time to climb. If I play a good 25 normals with him, should I be ready for Ranked by then? I also wanted to try Ekko, he looks interesting. Any tips? If you could answer quickly, lol, I'm literally on the clock. [link] [comments] |
Getting camped by top laner while jungling Posted: 29 Oct 2019 09:44 AM PDT So as the title says wtf am I supposed to do if enemy top laner is sitting in my jg? I literally had a guy sit on my red for like 2 or 3 minutes, pinging and my team wasn't doing anything while the enemy jg was also clearing the other side of my jg, I was denied HARD of xp, and I was palying a weak early jungler. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Oct 2019 09:34 AM PDT My question comes from the aspect of builds. In order to find optimal builds or build paths for various champions you have to do math and or crunch some numbers to get that intended result. I am theorycrafting a build on a champion and I am attempting to find the optimal way to build him. If I am in the jungle and the goal is to go titanic hydra into triforce (expensive I know). I get tiamat on the first back, and then would it ever be gold efficient to get a sheen into titanic as opposed to building the jaurim's fist if I didn't have enough gold for the full titanic? I realize that it slows the build down by 1050 gold but it provides sheen passive and cdr. [link] [comments] |
Basic support guide for an ABSOLUTE beginner? Posted: 28 Oct 2019 11:20 PM PDT Hi guys, I'm a new player who started 3 weeks ago. I've never played any proper PC games, let alone MOBA. So far I've been playing support but feel like there's still so much that I don't know. The learning curve is just huge! It also sucks getting flamed by teammates when you're trying your best. I've tried searching for guides online but they're almost always too advanced and assume lots of prior knowledge... I need something covering the actual basics. I currently main Yuumi and definitely do best with her. (She's the only champ I've ever gotten S+ with.) I'm also trying out Nami but I struggle with proper positioning and honestly just don't know enough about the basics of playing support. Please does anyone have any advice/links for learning how to play support as an ABSOLUTE beginner? What are some other good champs to try out? Thanks in advance! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Oct 2019 07:31 AM PDT I mostly main jungle and I feel like I never have a good idea of where the other jungler is. A lot of times when I gank I get counter ganked or when I invade I end up running into them in their jungle. I tend to ward a lot and buy pinks but I feel like I am just not placing them at the right positions. Any advice would appreciated for jungle or in general. Thanks! [link] [comments] |
How do I stop getting ganked while keep playing aggresively? (Mid Lane) Posted: 28 Oct 2019 08:44 PM PDT Watching great mid lane players getting ganked once in a while or not even getting ganked lead up to these thoughts of mine - "why are they not getting ganked while playing the same champions like I do?" "how to do it myself?" People playing champions like Orianna and Syndra, shoving the wave into the enemy's turret and not getting punished for it while the moment I step past the half point of the lane I get their jungle on me and I die. So, how can I play aggresively and in the enemy's face without getting ganked or dying to ganks? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Oct 2019 06:23 AM PDT Hey everyone. Quick backstory: Friends and I have gotten back into league again for the 786th time since S1. Nothing too crazy, group is pretty average high silver low gold. I myself have 2,000 hours between league and dota and other mobas. Nobody really pushes rank other than to get a Victorious every once in awhile. Year ago built my S/O a PC. Wasn't really a gamer before, since then has gotten pretty into games. Mainly play Overwatch, which at first was slow going but she learned quickly and placed gold in support last season which I was proud of. Issue: S/O is now interested in playing League. I helped her make an account and get through training. We've ran through some bot games while she got used to clicking to move a hero and placing fingers on QWER etc. I've taken her into practice tool and explained summoners, items at a basic level, and we've probably done 20ish arams? Advice: What should I do next? I feel like she has the general concept of the game down, shes not dying to towers in bot game or aram anymore lol. She likes skillshots and seems to have fun. But I'm wondering how you would go about teaching someone next. Aram has been nice for mechanics but I'm wondering if she would learn the game more if she could one trick a role in normals? I haven't queued us for a normal yet because I feel like it would be too overwhelming. When I solo queue I get matched against mainly golds and platinums. Would making an alt account and just playing poorly as a ADC or something and coaching her through support be viable? Or will I get detected as a smurf? I don't want to ruin anyone else's games, but I feel like if I play with her on my main she'll be dead too quickly to learn anything? I also thought about just coaching her and watching her play a normal but I'm getting the sense that she would rather be playing with me. So yeah, anybody deal with teaching league to an entirely new moba player before? Tips and advice would be greatly appreciated. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Oct 2019 07:29 PM PDT Hi, I am an AD main struggling to find a way to fight yasuo bot lane. Since he's meele, I try to poke him, but depending on the matchup he can usually chill/win lvl 2 and from there his mobility is unbearable for most adcs. Any CC is almost a certain death even wasting ss and from lvl6 not even ss. I know he should not be this strong, so I am doing something wrong in lane. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Oct 2019 05:39 PM PDT Says everything in the title. The barrels are very fun once you hit lvl 13 and they're basically nukes. However, I just don't understand the timing to maximize the gold with parley and the barrels in the early game. You can get so much gold, but I just don't understand how. I lose so much cs by trying to do the parley barrel trick. I just don't understand. Are there any tips to maximize the cs and gold pre 7 (or even 13)? [link] [comments] |
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