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    Tuesday, October 22, 2019

    LoL Guide The Art of Playing From Behind

    LoL Guide The Art of Playing From Behind

    The Art of Playing From Behind

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 10:57 AM PDT

    So there you are, walking back to lane after taking an all in that you thought was a sure thing, the sting of embarrassment sharp in your chest, and all you can think of is that you're behind now. The enemy will get to run all over you, the game is surely finished, all your friends hate you, and you'll never amount to anything. Truly, an un-enviable position. For many players, it's just too much - they simply give up, to protect their ego - they'll say things like "I wasn't trying" or "I got unlucky, bad teammates", or other such excuses, and just all in again, and again, and again, desperately trying to exercise power that they don't have. "Just play safe" their team begs, but they don't really know what it means to play safe, or see how it could ever win them the game, so they ignore the message. Quickly, the game snowballs wildly out of control, and all hope is lost. Another crushing defeat.

    However, being behind isn't nearly as much of a damning offense as it feels. Although the psychological side plays an enormous factor here, that's not what I want to focus on - instead, I want to talk about the technical decisions that can be made from a weaker position to survive, and eventually recover. If one does not know what to do from behind, how can they remain hopeful, and stave off this feeling of claustrophobia?

    It all starts with a very simple idea - The Defender's Advantage.

    Defender's Advantage

    When the match begins, usually one champion (or pair of champons, in botlane) is stronger than the other. However, in professional matches, we hardly ever see any early kills go down, and even large CS discrepancies are rare, even in what might seem like impossible matchups. What prevents the stronger player from chain killing the weaker one over and over? What causes the laning phase to behave like it does, with both sides feeling like if they were to all in, they would die? The answer lies in some of the most fundamental rules of the game.

    When a champion damages another champion, within range of enemy minions or towers, those minions and towers switch their aggro from whatever they were targeting, and protect the champion that took damage. This gives the defending player a combat advantage. By using your minions and tower to protect you, you can stay safe, even when facing a stronger opponent that would win in a fair fight.

    There are still more defenders advantages - skillshots are easier to land while an opponent is walking into you because the particle has to travel a shorter distance. As you retreat into your own territory, the enemy will have a more and more difficult time controlling the fog of war, and you'll be closer to your fountain so you can shop and heal more frequently with lower cost.

    So, one must abuse these mechanics to remain safe while playing from a weaker position. Be willing to give up some minions that you would need to walk too far forward to get, because you'd need to leave the protection of your own minions and would lose the trade. Be willing to cede control over the wave for a bit, and just let them push you under tower if you have to. By simply preventing yourself from dying, and continuing to collect resources, you propel yourself closer to being even with them. Why is this? It has to do with how power growth works in the game.

    Resources and Power Growth

    If you die once, early on, the power gap that that can create can be tremendous. When both of you only have 1000 gold to your name, an extra 200-300 can be a suffocating lead. But, if from that point, you only let the gold gap grow a little bit, and mostly go even, you end up with something like a 4.5k total to a 5k total. The percentage lead gets smaller, even though the absolute lead gets larger. The ultimate example is of course that as you approach the end game, and everyone gets six items, it doesn't matter who has more gold because you can't spend it anymore. Of course, games don't generally last that long, but it's the principle at work here that's important. If you're weaker, going even is winning - it makes your opponent's lead less and less important, to the point that eventually you can win fights using the defender's advantage, and start to come back into the game. Bounties are another wonderful comeback mechanic that can help equalize the gold difference between two teams, and which can change the payoff of ganging up on a particularly fed member of the opposition.

    One must also remember that resources are not the same as power. Gold and experience allow you to buy items and level up, but how much better your abilities get, and how much your champion cares about the stats that they can buy depends on the kit that they have. A six item reksai isn't nearly as scary as a six item master yi, because of how efficiently those two kits can make use of the gold they get. If you're a champion that scales better than your opponent, you can actually be down resources, and be equal, or potentially even ahead in power.

    But, sometimes the game continues to snowball out of control - the enemy plays their cards right, puts you in situations that you can't deal with, and you fall even further behind. The key here is a mixture of patience, and lightning fast aggression. The key is the difference between doing nothing, and waiting.

    Doing nothing Vs. Waiting

    If you're doing nothing, there's no end in sight. You've given up - the game will end at some point, and you could care less. You've disengaged from the activity. Waiting is different - on the surface it can look like doing nothing, but you know that you're priming an action, which is ready to go as soon as the right circumstances arise. Perhaps the only way you can win a fight is if the enemy blows an important cooldown without thinking it through first. You wait, tensed, keeping your eyes peeled for that animation to begin, and as soon as it fires and misses, you pounce, ready to capitalize on the mistake. Sometimes it never comes, but most of the time it does, and if you're not ready for it, you'll miss it. When behind, you must constantly be asking yourself "What mistake can I punish", and preparing to allow them to make that mistake.

    When you put all this together, you'll find that games where you go behind, or have a weak matchup are no longer a horrible situation that you can't escape, but a dynamic, compelling part of the game, just like being ahead and trying to figure out how to snowball.

    So get out there, and break some hearts - use your defender's advantage, let the resource gap shrink over time, and wait for the right moment to show them what you're made of.

    submitted by /u/AthertonWing
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    [TIP] Keep warding even at lower elo

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 02:46 AM PDT

    I just played some games using lower elo account and I noticed that junglers there are terrible at helping their laners - many times I got fed at toplane and the jungler did not really help at all to loosing lane.

    This makes me thinking if people are having low vision score at lower elo because they used to not having such a need.

    Nevertheless, please, keep warding your lanes because once you climb it will be hard for you to keep up with vision when you need it. Its very, VERY annoying when there are no wards on map and everybody have god damn yellow trinket in their equipment.

    Long time ago Riot made wards for free and people still struggle to use them

    submitted by /u/Hell4Ge
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    Spending vs saving leftover gold?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 05:47 PM PDT

    I'm trying to learn more about shopping decisions. When you have small amounts of leftover gold, when should you buy a small item versus saving it for a bigger item?

    For an example, say I'm playing an Electrocute Ahri, and Luden's Echo is my first item. I'm at base and have corrupting potion, lost chapter, a control ward, boots, and 500 gold. The blasting wand for luden's is 850, and sorc boots are 800, so I can't buy either right now.

    Is it better to save the 500 gold for luden's, or buy e.g. an amplifying tome for immediate power? What situations would lean you more towards one or the other? Would you buy the tome and later back at ~1600 gold, sell the tome (305 gold), and buy Luden's (1900 gold) to minimize the delay of your power spike?

    Any insight would be appreciated, or even examples including other champions and roles!

    submitted by /u/Erzz197
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    Is ADC the Weakest Role?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 12:10 PM PDT

    So, I'm a P1 (recently demoted from Diamond) ADC main, and I've felt like ever since the original crit nerfs back in midseason, ADC has been the weakest role. Now, I know that since then, the items have been buffed, but not entirely. Now, before you start vigorously typing about how I'm a spoiled ADC main who can't position, let me try to explain my thinking, and I'm totally open to being wrong about this.

    Now, I am aware that if I were a better player, I would be a higher rank. I'm not blaming my rank on my role. That being said, I am someone who has mained every role at some point in my league experience (I've been playing since S2), and out of all of them, I definitely feel like ADC right now is the weakest role I've ever played.

    To begin with, the ADC has the lowest map pressure of all the roles. Since you buy blue trinket at level 9, you have the least vision control in the game, since you can only have one control ward on the map at the time. That means you can only ever have two wards on the map at most assuming the enemy is semi-decent at vision control. Also, because they share XP in lane with supports, you are generally going to be behind the solo lanes (and sometimes power farming junglers) in levels. Combine that with how most ADC's kits are designed, and you basically cannot be in a lane by yourself, let alone try and 1v1 anyone (with notable exceptions like Vayne or Draven who are both out of meta). The only thing you can do as an ADC to help get map pressure is try and get lane prio (and hope your support gets enough vision to avoid ganks), help your jungler get dragon (assuming your jungler actually wants to), and get the tower as early as possible so you can rotate top and do the same thing. This is only a realistic strategy when you can actually push in your lane, though. It doesn't help that because of tower plates, hard pushing to get a fast tower is not nearly as fast or easy as it used to be.

    My second point is that ADC's are the weakest early game role. Now, some might counter that it's the strongest late-game role, but I would actually disagree. ADC's are only strong late game when their team is playing around them. I can't tell you how many games I've been fed, but all I can do is collect waves mid lane while my jungle/mid chases into the unwarded enemy jungle and die for free, giving up baron or an inhibitor. Because ADC's rely so heavily on their teammates for vision and peel, they are pretty much useless no matter how fed they are alone. Now, combine that with the fact that ADCs are already the weakest early game role in a meta where games are ending between 25-30 minutes generally, and you've got yourself a sad marksman.

    As an extension of my second point, ADCs are reliant solely on their supports early in the game. If your support doesn't know what to do or keeps dying, all you can do as an ADC is try to get as much CS as you can without feeding yourself. Now, some might counter that supports have to deal with the same issue, but I would disagree. If an ADC keeps dying in the lane or isn't helping the support at all when they engage, the support can simply help other parts of the map. It's not rare for supports in higher elo to simply roam top/mid to get kills or vision control on objectives like Herald. ADC's can't really do that. Not only do ADCs need minion gold to be useful with items, but they also tend to have less CC which is a big handicap when trying to gank another lane. That's why even when pro ADCs take TP, they mostly use it to catch waves and maximize their CSing, as opposed to how top or mid lanes tend to use it for roams or flanks.

    Now, an argument that I've heard a lot from junglers and top laners is that this is a bot focused meta right now, so how could ADC be a weak role? I actually have two answers to that.

    First of all, support is MUCH stronger than it used to be. Supports make way more gold than they used to, but the items they get remain the same cost. Not only that, but with the additions of supports like Pyke and Yuumi, the role itself has become less about supporting your ADC, and more about carrying the game yourself.

    Secondly, it's not so much that you gank bot to get your ADC fed, as it is that you gank to make the other ADC start to feed. A feeding ADC is the most worthless thing in the game. The only thing an ADC does is damage, so once you take away their gold generation, they're entirely useless, because they already have a lack of CC and tankiness. Getting the enemy ADC to feed is like making the game 5v4+cannon minion.

    My final argument is that unlike pro games, teams simply don't put the same amount of importance on getting ADCs ahead in solo-que. Everybody is greedy for gold because they want to be the carry, or simply don't believe in their teammates to do so. If you watch the best teams in the world, you'll find that often times, the ADCs will have upwards of 10 CS per minute. Now, obviously part of this comes from the fact that they simply CS better, and part of it is because it's less chaotic. However, another not so insignificant part of that comes from the fact that players in solo-que simply don't value funneling waves into the ADC as much as teams do. Sometimes I'll be catching waves mid, and suddenly the top laner or even the jungler (while he has camps up) will just walk into the lane and start taking the creeps. I would question ping him and tell him to go farm his jungle, but I think we all know that would only tilt them and possibly prompt them to soft grief the game (since people around P1 and D4 have given up on the game).

    Sorry, I know this was a long one, but I've been thinking about this stuff for a while, and I just wanted to get it out there somewhere that people could discuss and maybe refute it. Do you agree? Disagree? Either way, I'd love to see everyone's input. Definitely seems like every role (except maybe mid) has their own arguments for why their role is harder to carry from, and maybe I'm just looking through my own lens, but this is how I truly feel right now in LoL.

    submitted by /u/SooDoneWithThis
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    Updated Summoner's Rift + Items

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 03:10 PM PDT

    Hello again, fellow summoners!

    This time I'm here to reveal the changes to items in the new update that's just been released onto the PBE. I can now include stats and gold costs for the items as well as reveal what they upgrade into.


    Support Items

    So as we were all made aware, Riot intended to release some new support items in order to allow a bit more diversity in terms of supports in the bot lane. The new starting support items are as follows:

    Tier 1 // Starting Support Items // 400 Gold to purchase

    • Spellthief's Edge: +8 Ability Power, +10 Health, +2 Gold/second. Passive: Gain +15 gold by attacking enemy champions. Max 3 charges.
    • Spectral Sickle: +5 Attack Damage, +10 Health, +2 Gold/second. Passive: Gain +15 gold by attacking enemy champions. Max 3 charges.
    • Relic Shield: +5 Ability Power, +30 Health, +2 Gold/second. Passive: Basic attacks execute minions below 50% (30% for ranged) health. Max 3 charges.
    • Runesteel Shoulderguard: +3 Attack Damage, +30 Health, +2 Gold/second. Passive: Basic attacks execute minions below 50% (30% for ranged) health. Max 3 charges.


    Tier 2 // Upgrades after gaining 500 gold

    • Frostfang: +15 Ability Power, +70 Health, +3 Gold/second. Gain 3 wards.
    • Harrowing Crescent: +10 Attack Damage, +60 Health, +3 Gold/second. Gain 3 wards.
    • Targon's Buckler: +10 Ability Power, +100 Health, +3 Gold/second. Gain 3 wards.
    • Spaulders of Whiterock: +6 Attack Damage, +100 Health, +3 Gold/second. Gain 3 wards.


    Tier 3 // Upgrades after gaining 1000 gold

    • Shard of True Ice: +60 Ability Power, +150 Health, +3 Gold/second. Gain 4 wards.
    • Black Mist Scythe: +35 Attack Damage, +150 Health, +3 Gold/second. Gain 4 wards.
    • Bulwark of the Mountain: +40 Ability Power, +300 Health, +3 Gold/second. Gain 4 wards.
    • Petricite Pauldrons: +24 Attack Damage, +300 Health, +3 Gold/second. Gain 4 wards.


    Other Support Items

    • Shurelya's Reverie: +300 Health, +100% Base Mana Regen, +100% Base Health Regen, +10% Cooldown. +10% Heal and Shield Power. Active remains the same.


    NOTE: Support Items no longer grant cooldown reduction.


    Lethality Items

    Lethality Items have had their numbers slightly changed, and there are now 'set bonuses' for having multiple lethality items in your inventory.

    Set Bonus - 'Draktharr's Arsenal':

    • 1 Lethality Item: +10% Cooldown Reduction, +5 Lethality.
    • 2 Lethality Item: +10% Cooldown Reduction, +15 Lethality.


    Lethality Items:

    • Youmuu's Ghostblade (2900g): +55 Attack Damage, +12 Lethality. Passive and Active remain the same.
    • Duskblade of Draktharr (2900g): +55 Attack Damage, +15 Lethality. Passives remain the same.
    • Edge of Night (3200g): +55 Attack Damage, +200 Health, +10 Lethality. Active is now a passive like Banshee's Veil.



    submitted by /u/Malmorphius
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    Why does TF Blade seem to always rush Tiamat first?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 05:46 PM PDT

    I've been watching TF Blade a lot recently, and on Tryndamere, Jax and Irelia he always seems to rush Tiamat first item in a lot of matchups.

    I understand the pushing strenght of Tiamat but doesn't it completely destroy your control of the wave? Even in lanes where he has gained an advatange he rushes it, shouldn't he try to deny more farm rather than push up to tower?

    submitted by /u/NymphomaniacWalrus
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    Champion Discussion of the Day: Vladimir

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 01:08 PM PDT

    Link to Wikia

    Link to u.gg

    Link to Probuilds

    Link to League of Graphs

    Champion subreddit: r/VladimirMains

    Primarily played as: Middle, Top

    What role does he play in a team composition?

    What are the core items to be built on him?

    What is the order of leveling up the skills?

    What are his spikes in terms of items or levels?

    What are the most optimal rune/mastery setups?

    What champions does he synergize well with?

    What is the counterplay against him?

    submitted by /u/Balondis
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    How do I keep actively thinking while playing league

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 03:08 PM PDT

    I feel like I understand many of the concepts of the game, and know that when playing ADC I should take the jungler into account, keep track of their CDs when engaging, knowing what win and loss conditions are and etc. But once I get in a game I just go on autopilot and forget about everything, tunnel vision on farm & kills and die a lot because I dont think about what I am doing. So any tips?

    submitted by /u/Latherius
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    One-Tricking a champ

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 06:50 AM PDT

    This is a weird one but I can't seem to one-trick any champ. No matter how fun I think they'd be to play, after I play enough games to reach around mastery 4 I seem to lose any fun playing that champ. Like I thought that won't be the case with Sylas since you literally have every ult in the game but it was. One-Tricking anyone just kills all the fun for me. I can do pretty decent with new champs I pick after I get 10+ games on them. The question I'm asking here is, is it necessary to have a one-trick ? Or can you be a Gold+ player being a jack of many trades (champs) ? Sorry for the weird question but this really bugs me. Thank You to anyone who reads/helps :)

    submitted by /u/DespicableCandy
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    What to do when you have wrong runes? (Also what are your worst wrong runes moment?)

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 02:22 PM PDT

    Hello fellow summoners!

    As the title asks what does one do when you accidentally have the wrong runes? I mostly play ADC so i have a set precision rune page but there are those times when stuff happens.

    Lets say i accidentally when predator on Caitlyn How would i adapt to my new runes or do i just go with a regular build?

    I'd also like to know what was your guys' worst wrong runes moment and what did you guys do differently that game.

    Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/Falable_
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    Pro mindset

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 10:31 AM PDT

    How do you adapt the same mindset, playstyle, etc as pro players or streamers? Does it just come down to experience with the game? I started playing league early S9 and play daily, and average about 5 games at the very least but I feel no improvement whatsoever I have attempted ranked but only reached silver 4. I mostly play draft to practice characters and roles I want to take into ranked so that I can improve my skill level. Is there any other reasons pro players and streamers do so well in their lanes? ( I've watched guides to the lanes I play and the characters I try to improve on but I do not see much improvement ).

    submitted by /u/Zannex-
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    Help, I forgot how to play League after trying new keybindings (Attack move)

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 05:01 AM PDT


    Hi everyone!

    I've been playing since around season 4. I've been through the army for 3 years and maintained a solid rank of Silver. Now that I've been discharged, I've been climbing pretty fast, hitting Gold 1, 100 LP recently.

    Here's the problem - until this point, I used my Attack Move Click on MB3 (That's the mouse wheel). It has been not very comfortable, but it got the job done; the main problem was the fact it's not meant to be pressed that much, and I found myself missing AA's or accidentally zooming in.

    In that point I got a nice new mouse, and tried new keybindings.

    Boy, was that a disaster.

    First, I tried having Attack Move on the A button (default). Feels horrible. It's very unintuitive to have to MB2 to move, A to Attack Move, and MB1 to confirm. Also having to sync pressing mouse, then keyboard, mouse, then keyboard just to execute AA's seems really unintuitive as well.

    Then, I found it - the perfect way to play League. It was hidden in the bottom of the Hotkeys page - "Bind Attack Move Click to MB1". You heard that correctly - that's the left mouse key. It felt like discovering League all over again. It felt so effortless and right: MB2 to move, MB1 to attack. MB2 to move, MB1 to attack. It's like every game I ever played - you move with MB2, attack with MB1.

    The problem is that it legit fucked up my entire game. Once you tick that setting, every HUD interaction you used to do with MB1 is now done with Shift + MB1. Which means you can't move your camera smoothly, you can't click on you items smoothly, you can't click on the map smoothly, you can't ping anything that's on the scoreboard smoothly - because once you try to click on it (MB1) you cast an Attack Move Click command. Certain abilities become wonky and annoying - Zac's E, or Taliyah's W are good examples: if you start channeling them and press MB1 before you release the ability, the channel get cancelled due to casting an Attack Move click command, and you find yourself standing in place very confused.

    And now I'm stuck. I can't go back to my old ways, but the new bindings are ruining my gameplay. I feel like my brain broke down and I don't know what to press anymore in fights.

    I'd be happy to get your help - what keybindings should I use? What keybindings are you using? What should I do now that my muscle memory got erased?


    • I used to have MB3 for my Attack Move Click, was suboptimal.
    • Tried Attack Move on A button (Default). Feels bad switching from keyboard to mouse just to Auto Attack.
    • Tried "Bind Attack Move Click to MB1". Feels perfect, but this setting fucked up the rest of the game due to messing up with the interaction button (MB1).
    • I don't know which keybinding to use for AAing and I need help.
    • Thanks in advance <3
    submitted by /u/OmriH7
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    Please give me all of your tips you wish you would've known when you first started playing League + everything else you think I should know!

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 07:08 PM PDT

    I'm a very new player to League, having been an Overwatch player for the past 3 years or so (and a competitive FPS player in general before that, 7+ year, 12,000+ hours FPS experience) with League of Legends being my first serious MOBA that I want to learn, some high-level concepts that I learned over my years of playing FPS games carry over, with others, not so much.

    I feel pretty lost game awareness and positioning-wise (and I do understand that this sort of thing DOES improve and come with time, expierience and hours put into the game, but I do want to go the extra mile and learn whatever I can besides that) whilst I feel like my mechanics are strong and have carried over reasonibly well. I want to put in a serious effort into improving at League because I've been having a blast with the game and not being good enough to understand why I'm losing and what I could be doing better instead has been pretty frustrating, so, hey! I want to learn!

    I'd love for all of you to give me all the tips (even the most basic ones) you wish you had known when you were first starting out. There's probably stuff I should know that I'm not even aware of being a vague concept, so I can't ask you to tell me about it, but, if you think you can, please do.

    I'm playing on both EUNE and NA due to me living in Europe but having a lot of American friends and altogether with both of my accounts put together I'm probably around level 22 - 23 at most.

    I found Mid to be my favourite role thus far with ADC being a close second (coming from a Counter-Strike and DPS main in Overwatch background, probably not all that surprising lol), but I have a growing fascination with Jungling (haven't tried it once yet), but it seems very intimidating to start off with compared to every other lane/role.

    I play a lot of Akali to force myself to both learn hard concepts as I've heard she's a very skill expressive champion (and a very difficult one too) and because I'm a fan of putting in long hours to learn a difficult hero/champion (mostly played a ton of Tracer, Genji and hitscan heroes in Overwatch), though I do realize it would probably be easier to learn the broad concepts of the game on a less mechanically demanding champion, even still, I feel fairly confident in my mechanics as I feel like it's the one thing that has transfered over exceedingly well from my expierience in FPS games.

    So, basically, kind of a TL;DR, I'd like to learn about (even in the most basic ways): broad gamesense, things I should know in general (just as an example, I still have no clue what's different from a Gromp/Rift Scuttler as compared to just normal minions besides them being more difficult to kill and giving you more gold), media to digest online to improve and grasp more advanced concepts and everything and anything else that you might think is useful in the least, I'll take anything and everything!

    A friend already suggested Leaguecraft and he called it the Bible of League, so I'll be getting started on that, but I'd like to be as prepared for Ranked as one can be and hopefully place pretty high on my first placements, I'm a competitive person and I love playing seriously and putting in a lot of serious effort into improving.

    I'd honestly love if you treated me like a total baby who just installed this game just because I want to learn everything I can in as much obscene detail as I can, I love (probably stupid, excessive and pointless) info, damage numbers and everything else you can think of, so, hit me!

    Thank you to everyone in advance, cheers!

    submitted by /u/BLUE_____
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    LF Jungle Assistance!

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 12:51 PM PDT

    Hello there SummonerSchool subreddit,

    I am Squirrel and I am here to try and get some help that can help me climb as a jungler. Currently I just got demoted to Gold 3 - 75 LP and I find myself lately losing way more than I am winning which I am not used to.

    I am and Elise main (but I can play other champions) and she is not ever banned in my elo so I don't find myself straying to another pick most games. She is by far my most played jungler and the one I am most experienced in. Outside of Elise I have been trying to pick Ekko and Kha'Zix so I have 3 junglers I can rotate between if I feel the need to change it up.

    My playstyle for me is that I like to be aggressive and I always want to try and invade the enemy jungler when I can but lately I'm finding that to not be a possibility. I know Elise is an aggressive, gank heavy, tower diving style jungler and despite knowing this I think I spend too much time farming and not just going to gank over and over.

    I always want to have vision control before trying to do objectives such as Dragon, Herald and Baron and I always have 1 pick ward on me at all times (as well as 1 being placed on the map). Pathing on Elise I feel right now is very one dimensional given the clears to she is good at which is usually Red - Wolves - Blue - Gromp into a gank or the crab.

    In the loading screen I will take a look and decide on who I think is my prio lane to gank and get ahead, especially if the matchup is volatile and if my side gets ahead then chances are I will win (which I did in one of my victories with my Darius). However lately I have found the lanes I want to gank straight after my first clear and level 3 spike are dying 1v1, 2v2 or they got cheesed at lvl 2 which leaves me in an odd spot.

    I believe I am good at tracking the enemy jungler and trying to ping out on the map what path the enemy has taken and where he might be at any given time so my laners can ward if they have not already but a lot of the time I ping and then they still die which is annoying, especially when I pathed away from them. Imo I know what matchups I can win as Elise (most of them depending on whether I hit my stun or not).

    Right now I feel like I am not ganking enough to get my laners ahead or to even potentially counter gank but I find myself getting flamed before I even finish my first clear because a lane got early ganked and I can't do that on Elise. The other thing would be that I have been in a position to win games but my team and I just start slowly throwing our lead by getting caught and dying which leads us to losing baron and more at times.

    I just don't know what I need to be doing anymore in order to turn my lead into a concrete victory or to even turn a game that is even/behind into a win either. I know I can't always get my team to listen to my pings or to not engage 1v4 or to not get caught but that's happened a lot recently and I feel like I can't control that but I can't blame my team when there is maybe something I can do.

    So overall I would like to get some help so I can perhaps climb a little before the season ends but ultimately I want to learn and improve for next season so I can try and reach Plat for the first time. My OP.GG is ---> https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=Flying%20Squirrel

    Thank you for taking the time to read my post and any help is greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/SquirrelPowa
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    What am I aupposed to do against this?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 06:12 PM PDT

    Im literally crying while I write this, I just went into queue after a bad game, I picked Kai Sa and had to play against a Veigar Annie botlane. I started with a 25cs lead but as soon as they reached level 6 me and my support (Soraka) got deleted at the same time, then again and again. The only thing I think I did well was farming, I always had at least a 10cs lead against the brainless kid and Veigar, probably going to have a break for 2 or 3 days.

    submitted by /u/2KWT
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    Miss Fortune Support

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 05:35 PM PDT

    Hello all. It's been a bit since I've played (2-4 months) and decided to play a few games over the course of the anniversary event. I'm a support main and as luck would hold it I received the Gun Goddess MF skin. I'm a meh adc and not sure if she's still good. I know back in the day you could go AP (support or not) and do well. Does it still work or should I dust off my adc and play some games with it for the funs?

    submitted by /u/Soviet_Carebear
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    should a top laner leave alot of creeps to help the team?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 01:58 AM PDT

    Hello, its been a few times that I was in a position I where I have around 10 or more creeps I can farm, but at the same time my team is fighting in the river, most of the times I stay as long as I can to farm the xp and gold and arrive late to the fight, Is it worth to stay for the creeps? or should I prioritize helping my team and losing those creeps?


    submitted by /u/EmekC
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    What can I do In skirmish-heavy games as an immobile champion?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 08:34 AM PDT

    Hi fellow Summoners!

    There are some fiesta games, In which fights are pretty common and random, but you are on an immobile champion without at least a semiglobal.

    This usually means that if im not there when a fight breaks out I simply cant participate unless my mates are retreating, In which case I can cover their asses (if they run towards me, if not im useless af).

    I cant predict the fights, and even if we ping towards a location chances are that I will arrive late if they dont wait me up.

    So what can be done in these games/situations? I try to prioritize objectives (cos I know when those are up, and they are usually guaranteed fights, or even better totally free), but is there anyting else to be useful?

    submitted by /u/Driffa
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    Is there any data on what champions are the best per their level?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 06:38 AM PDT

    I always hear that Olaf has the best lvl 1 in the game and if Riven hits lvl 2 before you then get ready to die. Is there. I know things can be very different and situational due to matchups but I'm curious if there's any data or listings out there that show who is really good lvl 1 and who is useless until level 6

    submitted by /u/Fortlulz
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    What has opened up mages to be played bot lane recently?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 03:47 PM PDT

    So, historically, the roles that went specific lanes have been fairly set it stone, with pretty solid reasoning as to why. We have historically seen tanks/bruisers top most often because they can handle the longer lane since they're inherently safer than mages, and ranged top laners cropped up as a counter to them to win lane. Jungle has been pretty much anything that can clear it, with a bunch of varying metas. Mid has been primarily mages because the lane is shorter (and they're inherently less safe most of the time), and because they scale more with levels than gold (relative to adc) so they solo lane for solo exp(they can also handle being alone early a bit better). Mid has also seen assassins to counter squishy mages and take advantage of being in the center of the map with roams. ADC has been fairly reliant on gold and less so on EXP, as well as being the worst role in the early game, hence the meta where they duo lane with a support to keep them safe while sharing EXP but being funneled gold. Barring patches like 8.11 with the base stats of ADC's getting ruined, we generally haven't seen mages bot being particularly meta. We've had stuff like Yasuo ADC for a while now, and Morde was at one point reworked to be a "marksman", but in general that meta of Tanky top, Whatever JG, Squishier damage mid, and Super squishy ADC with a varying support has been pretty static. So then, with us obviously not being on patch 8.11, why is it that we're seeing things like ADC Cassio and Syndra and Veigar even on the worlds stage?

    submitted by /u/UsernameAndAPassword
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    Mid Gold inconsistant player looking for advice.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 03:32 PM PDT

    So quick about me. Here is the account I am playing, and I am a Eve 1 trick. My strengths include playing around vision, knowing when to go in and tracking the enemy. I am great at watching enemy cooldowns and abusing even the shortest of cooldowns, and even hard carrying most games, even carrying when it seems to be futile. My weakness? idk Plat promos? Everytime I enter plat promos, I just lose, but not just like 1 or 2 games, like 40 games straight. My other account I was in plat promos and now its G4 0 LP, and I seem to be on track for this now.

    What I do: I take short 5 minute breaks in between each match, even longer if its a loss or I feel tired/tilted/just not concentrating or paying attention (thats helping alot hence my 60% winrate atm on this account).

    My biggest weakness right now and maybe I could get some advice on this, is keeping track of my cooldowns. 1 thing I do that really throws games, in a major way, is go for a pick when my ultimate is on like 5 seconds short of cooldown. So I am very feelings based, and I know that we need a pick to stay in the game (my last L for instance, was a winnable game if I didnt throw like a monkey). We were staging a comeback, and I ran in with 5 seconds left on my ulti cooldown. Now I checked my ulti cooldown and I knew that it was down, but I was so caught up in the tracking, and picking, and just movement around the map, that I had felt like it was up, and when I couldnt ultimate out of the fight, it just was incredibly embarrassing. This is a reoccuring issue I have in my climb. In fact, something I tend to abuse in gold elo, which I think accounts for most of my wins, is just abusing the fact that people are retarded and do not group. Say we get first 3 turruts and the game is a stomp, people won't reset, and thus, likely 2 people on my team will just die giving someone else a chance to carry, So this is something I absue with vision and tracking players (knowing where they intend to go b4 they know), then get a pick and force the game into a constant 4v5 or 3v5 state. The problem is I get carried away and don't know how to mental reset mid game and transition. For isntance, if we are down to defending nexus, and I kept us alive untill my team is good enough. A common mistake will be for me to keep going for picks and just get blown up instead, luckily most of the time my team is strong enough to clean up, but I shouldnt have ever gone for that last pick, I should have just let my team engage.

    So I suppose it all comes back down to just paying attention to certain game states. Paying attention to my cooldown, or paying attention to the fact that they are all grouped and its a bad idea, and actually acting upon that knowledge properly instead of just going fourth and saying "o this is a bad idea, but i can do it" then proceed to throw. How do you keep track of such things in the game, without taking yourself out of the game mentally for a few brief seconds.

    Edit: I think that in my highs I am easily mid high platinum player. but in my lows I am easily a silver player. I have had many games against smurfs who think I was a smurf of some sort, then other games where people think I bought the account or something lol.

    submitted by /u/Zeal514
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    Is it possible to play agressive as adc?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 11:33 AM PDT

    Is it possible to play aggro as adc like before? For some reason, these new seasons in comparison to older seasons feels like, if you play aggro you will just get rekt by the enemy jungler and sometimes midlaner (even in winning botlane matchups) and their 1000 move speed.

    Should i stop playing aggro and focus on farm, wave control? Is it worth to play aggressive? Is there a way to have more agency on lane?

    submitted by /u/Heos77
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    Is it a good idea to play with a beginner on my main?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 08:43 AM PDT

    Hi! I've been playing league for a bit over 2 1/2 years now (i think lol, time flies) and am currently sitting on D4, and mostly play normals with friends, as its a way of connecting with each other daily, it's fun!

    Now, another friend of mine that I've known for a while started playing league as well, mainly because i was very obviously super into it. Now, they're at level 41 and i think they're playing at around Bronce III MMR, only normals so far which is pretty fine for the start I'd say, but obvisouly they have a very hard time when playing with me or the others, especially on my main, which often also results in tilt and all, which is the main problem.

    Now, as i remember i got thrown into normal games after my 4th game or so by the friends that introduced me to the game, and i advanced super quickly, letting me reach D4 in 2 seasons (even though I'm pretty stuck now, but thats a different story :') )! What i want to know is if it's actually a good idea to do that, I'd definitely say so, but my friend - understandably - tilts alot when we play since they're getting killed alot and we all know, its not fun sitting on that gray screen, especially when you think that having a bad K/D/A is the end of the world, it used to be the same with me.

    What I'd appreciate is anyone with similar experiences, like how could i get them on a higher level quicker or get them to tilt less, what to tell them etc. thanks for any answers! Also sorry if a thread like this already exists, but i only realized that there could be one halfway through writing this, so whatever, i apologize! xD Thanks for any answers in advance! :D

    submitted by /u/SirEarlywood
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    Need explanation of the game

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 05:49 AM PDT

    I'm a support main but started playing adc and mid, I'm new to the game so I'm still trying to figure out a lot of stuff. While searching for videos to improve myself, I got confused by these things: -Crowd Control -Freezing lane -Adding pressure -Laning phase Would be awesome if someone can explain this to me. Sorry for my english

    submitted by /u/LampEye
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