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    Saturday, October 26, 2019

    LoL Guide Is it ok to play really safe sometimes?

    LoL Guide Is it ok to play really safe sometimes?

    Is it ok to play really safe sometimes?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 02:21 AM PDT

    For example I was just playing Kayle against Garen and I know I am weak in the early game and once I hit level 11+ I just get way stronger than him, so as long as I don't feed I should be okay right? Especially since the rest of my team was more or less going even in mid and bot and jg so even though Garen ended up 30-40 CS ahead of me (maybe I gave him too much but I really did not want to feed early game, like at all) I match levels with him and just don't give him free kills or gank opportunities. We both ended up being 0/0/0 in top until like level 11 and the first tower fell. In the end we did end up winning once I hit that juicy 11/16 powerspike. Is this an okay approach?

    submitted by /u/NewCaptain9
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    Hi SS, I built something that saves all your replays and lets you easily share and watch them.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 03:23 PM PDT

    I spent last weekend building replays.xyz. It's probably considered extremely alpha, but feel free to push the feedback button if there are bugs. The link above will also disable ads. It's free.

    Do note that only ranked replays are saved due to Riot policy - normals/etc are considered private data.

    In addition to saving your own replays without having to download anything, you can also watch pro player replays, and slowly rolling out replay to video conversions.

    Currently my plan is to keep them for about 2-3 patch cycles in hot storage before moving to cold (AWS Glacier) for probably a year or more, in addition to providing older versions of the game client to let you watch older games.

    I hope it might come in useful for some, or make it easier to share replays when coaching or asking for analysis. I'd love some feedback and whatnot also.

    submitted by /u/bag-of-frozen-peas
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    Can't play Darius

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 11:42 AM PDT

    So i'm level 15 and i have been maining Garen ever since i started. I can play very good with him and land at a B+ rating most games. Now that i'm trying to broaden the amount of champions i can play i have tried to play Darius since he is at least a little similar to Garen. However i just end up playing horribly with him, i can get decent CS and buy items but i just seem to be losing every single duel that i take. Is he too hard for me or am i doing some major mistake while playing him?

    submitted by /u/wtfwurst
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    Why is Kayle such a powerful pick at Worlds but Kassadin isn't?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 06:56 AM PDT

    They are similar in many ways, magic damage hyper carries that have weak early games. However, I notice that pro players are able to reach level 6 with relative safety as they are able to do with Kayle. He is great against magic damage dealers like Leblanc and Ekko, as well as having one of the best ultimates in the game. So what gives? Why isn't Kassadin picked at all when Kayle is so hotly contested.

    submitted by /u/Peeping_Cat
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    How Pros/Streamers Decide Play Aggressive or Passive

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 10:20 AM PDT

    I just wanted to start to play a new, stressful lane for me: top lane.

    When I watch pros or experienced, high elo streamers, I see sometimes they play passive, sometimes aggressive. Often I get surprised because they play the opposite of what I would, and I don't know the answer why.

    I just can't be sure fellas. I try to improve my play by learning from them but I never be sure like "okay it's obvious, it's X vs. Y, I should play passive/aggressive" and often I get smacked down, (especially them relatively broken champs like Riven, Jax). I mean sometimes I see them lying down, miss some creeps to avoid a trade, even I would totaly go for them cs.

    Obviously it depends to heroes, junglers, elo to decide how to play (aggressive or passive), but do you have any advice? How can I be sure to how to play?

    There are tons of match-ups but, let's go for an annyoing one: Poppy (you) vs. Teemo

    I would be very nice to see different matchups and ideas under this feed, for me and the other noobies :) Thanks.

    submitted by /u/emremrah
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    Knowledge needed to get to a high rank

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 09:24 AM PDT

    I just wanted to ask; do high level players literally memorize every champions abilities and what they do exactly, all items and their active and passive effects etc?

    Stepping right into the game, it is intimidating to think about considering there are 140+ champions...

    I guess it would just come with hours and hours of play

    submitted by /u/andrijajosif
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    Ziggs vs champions?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 10:04 AM PDT

    I really like playing Ziggs these days. He has a fun kit, it's easy to pressure opponents in lane and then cash out when jungle comes in, his R has great utility and his W is amazing for finishing off tower pushes.

    I've been going over my graphs recently though, and...I do piss poor damage to enemy champions. It feels like my contribution in teamfights is minuscule. I'm not sure if my builds are wrong or what, but for a burst champion I usually end up doing damage comparable to a full tank, not much better from a support. How does that happen? How do you ziggs in teamfights?

    submitted by /u/Freeform_
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    How Am I supposed to beat Garen

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 02:56 PM PDT

    I am not top lane main, but I was and I have pretty solid knowledge when I should fight or stay behind, wave managment, etc... But seriously in most of the matchups u won't be able to push cause you are not mobile enough to survive Garen, who will just runs you down.

    But I guess I can win/go even in lane by abusing ranged toplaners, like Quinn, Vayne, maybe Teemo... but I tried Trynda, too hard after lvl 3, with Riven I had 2/0, but Garen outscaled me pretty hard after phage, also very unforgivable matchup cause u need to play perfectly around your dashes. Few hours ago I picked Jax, and I couldn't farm, couldn't fight (I made first blood) and as someone who should scale better than him I never could beat him in 1v1 situations, and also he just ren me down while I had to use my counterstrike to dodge his Q and leap to minion every time to go even in trade.

    Please tell me favorable pick so I counterpick him, I can't play against him anymore, but I need to ban Yi everygame for same reason. If you have any advice too, please feel free to tell me! Greetings!

    submitted by /u/ripebola
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    The best way to climb low elo

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 04:03 PM PDT


    I planned to learn to learn Riven this pre-season, but after reading many of the comments placed on my post, decided to focus on climbing, at least until I get to high level. This season would finish Gold 4, Top main with decent mid and adc. My mains are AP Malphite with whom I climbed from Bronze 2 to Gold 4,Nasus and Illaoi. My question is the following, what is the best course of action to help myself climb next season ? Ideally to Plat, except working on stuff like farm,map awareness and etc ? Should I focus on 1 to 3 champs or just play whatever is OP atm ?

    submitted by /u/Dralexus
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    How to die less

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 10:08 AM PDT

    Hi, I don't know if this gets posted a lot so I'll go a little bit more in-depth. I feel like recently I have had upwards of 5-10+ deaths a game, and I can't find out what I'm doing wrong. Sometimes I do stupid dives, and I understand that, but I feel like I should be able to stay alive more. I don't know the areas where I'm misplaying specifically. Any help is appreciated! I main mid and top, and my main champs are irelia and zed.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/punchee123
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    Something that’s super important and no one talks about.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 06:19 PM PDT

    I can back this up when I say it , and it's a tip I have given to everyone I've known that just started league.

    Body language.

    I play mostly top lane. My pool consists of Pantheon, Aatrox, illaoi, Kled, morde, urgot, yorick, teemo, and Kayle. Ive played top since 2013 around Aatrox release date (my first main) every single person I fought against up until his last days before a rework displayed the same body language.

    What do I mean by body language: 1. A players actions per second Example: quickly moving back and forth confidently between cs and trading. 2. General Speed Example: time it takes to get back to lane, their first actions. 3. Ability Usage Example: How often or how little they use them. 4. Emote usage

    I've used these signals to play mind games constantly in top. It's lead to countless lane advantages.

    I witnessed it plenty when I was playing Aatrox.

    Say I walk into lane and I'm against renekton for example.

    Example match up 1: He instantly engages me and starts a lvl 1 auto fight.

    What this tells me: He underestimates my champion pick and skill. This also tells me he hasn't pressed tab and check my sums as I have ignite and he doesn't. This person is cocky in his champ but doesn't have the knowledge of stats.

    Conclusion: I go 5/0 and am now an unstoppable split pushing machine that can 1v3

    Example match up 2: I played against a Darius today actually. He instantly engaged me with Q followed by an emote spam ever my auto. I am yorick.

    What this tells me. He knows he can win pre 6, he doesn't have ignite, he's cocky and fragile.

    Conclusion: I learn to let the lane win itself. He tower dives by lvl 3 and loses lane from then on out the game is closed. I further tilt him by buying control wards and replacing them as he attempts to clear them effectively wasting his time.

    How you can apply this. Reading your opponents body language can open doors for you.

    Causing laners to rage. Causing them to underestimate and take advantage of them. Intimidation. Showing you're better. Knowing their weaknesses.

    The one champion I use this the most with. TEEMO.

    Knowing that they will dive me? Place mushrooms on their escape paths out.

    Knowing they have a duo? Set up anti ganks with mushrooms.

    You're low and their low so you trick them into thinking you recalling and invis under turret because they displayed the cocky I don't press tab type body language. You pop out and kill them.

    Mind games in this form are severely under rated. Learn to dismantle your opponents.

    Edit: forgot to mention the types




    Positive but uninformed


    Confident and smart

    Confident and stupid

    Edit 2: I left some pretty basic situations here and I can see that left lots of open doors. Let's clear that up.

    When discussing higher elo this does still work. I left simple examples of top lane early. Allow me to go deeper. Watching team fights. Watch who joins the fight when, who is trying to focus who, and how each team rotates. Knowing what each and every player will do. Will trynd split this team fight? Bait his tp before the fight if you know what kind of player he is.

    My examples are not all that is to this subject. Think further on how to abuse it. The overall message is.

    Use information to crack at and chip away your opponent mental state from lane to the end of the game. This isn't just reading the score board it's about personal attacks without opening chat. Be evil and abuse beliefs.

    submitted by /u/Slydox
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    As a new player, how do you deal with smurfs?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 01:06 AM PDT

    I'm a level sub-20 player. I don't want to start a rant post, I'm just trying to get some practical advice here.

    I queued into a normal blind game because it was a mission and unlocked a champion for me. I was playing mid with lux and I feel like I'm pretty decent (I can beat intermediate bots no problem).

    Then I saw my lane matchup was against yasuo. He was level 14 or something. I know for sure it's a smurf because I know new players don't play yasuo. So I buy a corrupting potion to have more sustain.

    The second the action starts I know he was hard smurfing. He does typical yasuo things and I cant get a single proc of my e off cause he plays like a frickin ninja. I don't want to feed so I try to play under my turrent but I'm new to the game so i barely get any CS.

    I try my best not to feed but my jungler warwick comes and helps so we decide to try a 2v1. The jungler and I are just normal players (not smurfs) and we lose 2v1; he gets first blood. Then the next 5 minutes this yasuo gets a 3 level lead while he builds up items, and it takes me forever to get a lost page.

    At this point the game feels unsurmountable. The Yasuo ends up going 14/0/2 and we surrender at 20 minutes.

    So I guess what I'm getting at here is, how do you deal with smurfs?

    • Are you suppose to just accept that they'll carry the enemy team and there's nothing you can really do about it?
    • I know I can just play under turrent the whole game but to be honest that's really not fun.
    • I guess I can just play another game and hope someone isn't smurfing but it really only takes 1/10 players to be smurfing (on either team) to ruin the game for everyone.
    • I can get good at the game, but how do you get good if all you do is play against bots?
    • Should I just suck it up and be a man?
    submitted by /u/yan0134
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    Low Damage

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 03:42 PM PDT

    I've been playing jungle recently and really enjoying it. Something I notice however, is that my total damage throughout the game is often one of the lowest on my team, just higher than the support's. I always feel like this means I am doing something wrong, but I'm not sure what to do. Is doing low damage bad as a jungler, or is that pretty normal?

    submitted by /u/10LoL
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    Champion Discussion of the Day: Wukong

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 02:57 PM PDT

    Link to Wikia

    Link to u.gg

    Link to Probuilds

    Link to League of Graphs

    Champion subreddit: r/Wukongmains

    Primarily played as: Jungle, Top

    What role does he play in a team composition?

    What are the core items to be built on him?

    What is the order of leveling up the skills?

    What are his spikes in terms of items or levels?

    What are the most optimal rune/mastery setups?

    What champions does he synergize well with?

    What is the counterplay against him?

    submitted by /u/Balondis
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    A question to my silver mates.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 06:09 AM PDT

    I'm silver 2 currently, trying to climb to gold. I have a pretty good winrate with Veigar but after a few games with him i eventually get bored and try to play other champions. And this is where the lose streaks begin. I usually do well on my lane (i mostly play mid/top) but late game i just feel like I'm useless. I really want to get out of silver but I honestly feel like I can't do it without playing Veigar all the time. What should I do? Also sorry for my bad english.

    submitted by /u/RubbyGT
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    Why Does it seem like it's easier to play from behind than ahead?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 08:54 AM PDT


    From what I've seen, it seems to me that it's far harder to be ahead and end up winning that it is to come back from behind. To put it simply, it seems like the burden of execution is far higher on the "winning" team than the team that is behind. Is this because teams that are ahead have fewer options to choose when extending their lead/ending?

    I mean, I've been playing Magic for 10 years, and to me it seems kind of similar: the defending player is the one that chooses how combat goes, thereby giving them an edge. Is this similar to why it's easier to defend than close out games while you're ahead? Just wondering.

    submitted by /u/10LoL
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    How do people play a ton of games in one sitting?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 01:20 PM PDT

    When I played ranked I concentrate on everything that's going on, so I can minimize unknown factors. This makes it so I can only play one game in one sitting. Most people that play ranked play a ton a games at once and I want to be able to do that because I want to get really good, so I want to be able to practice a lot.

    Edit: After one game I get a headache and can't play till hours later

    submitted by /u/SyncGrave
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    Talon improvement and kda numbers meaning

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 03:32 AM PDT

    In league of graph website. My kda average in rank is 9.3/4.8/7.3. and in normal is 7.0/5.0/6.0. Is it good?

    I play mid 90% mostly is talon in every game. I kill a lot , try to die as less as possible and take a lot of objectives and rotation and kill enemy jungle and side lane enemy when I have the chance. If I am not playing mid lane .

    I play jungle which is very less only Lee sin champion. I gank and do Lee sin stuff. Like any normal jungle etc.

    But the question is what do the numbers mean? Is higher number better or lower? How can I improve myself. Please comment if you know anything about the average kda ratio or numbers. Thank you.

    By the way I am 1 tricking talon up to plat. He is very good and suit my play style alot. And also I find my weakness in talon is I can't win games if enemy has a amumu jungle , hecarim or volibear on there team. They tent to 1 shot me under tower and dive me. I also find that talon falls off a lot in late game.

    How do I play talon in the late games. If I am fed but my team isn't. Like a 40min game and enemy has cc and tanks. And guarding their ADC always how can I play him? I tried building Health and armor but still i die to them because I can't out scale them. I am bad at talon late game but I am kind of good at him at early and mid game. If can please also comment how I can improve my game play. Thank you

    submitted by /u/calvinyip1105
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    Learning adc

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 12:07 PM PDT

    I'm a top lane OTP for about 2 and a haft years now (Since I started playing in mid season 7) and I feel like climbing with my role is like trying to cut something with the blunt side of a knife. My 2 buddies that I play with plays jg and mid so the only other role is adc (as supp is just as sad as top). I've played some adc and can play untraditonal marksmans like Ez, Luc, Jhin when autofilled decently well. If I want to transition to adc what are some tips/ champs that I should play to improve?

    submitted by /u/CHGaming349
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    Is Tahm Kench still worth playing? If so, how should I be playing him?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 11:33 AM PDT

    So I'll be completely honest: I have not played Kench in a hot minute. So when I pulled him out on PBE urf recently and found out his passive and Q had been changed, I felt like I was at a complete loss as to how to play him. The removal of the passive proc on his Q, as well as his passive being consumed on stun, seems on the surface (at least to me) that it completely removed his dueling power.

    So does that mean I should just not be playing him outside of support? If he *can* solo lane, how should I go about doing it? Is it even worth asking about Kench jungle? I'm really hoping for good news with this champion, because he has always been one of my favorite champions to play, and seeing those changes hurt me on a personal level.

    submitted by /u/Ederek_Cole
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    Jungling in ranked

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 12:08 AM PDT

    So good morning/evening to everyone in this group. Im here just for advice on how to jungle.

    So ive been jungling a lot and i seem to do good in normals but I usually feed in ranked. I dont know whats the issue, either im just not experienced enough or I play too difficult champs (im silver3) I usually play shaco, hecarim, rengar but sometimes i pick something to counter the enemy jungler and still lose. Any advice for better jungling?

    submitted by /u/HugeLoadOfSeamen
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    Playing vs non-adcs botlane

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 05:16 PM PDT

    Honestly, i am completely lost, i seriously don't understand what to do

    and i don't even mean i just play worse vs non-adcs, i literally just feed them 7 kills over and over, i just have no idea how it's even possible to play against stuff like yasuo, gragas, garen, whatever the hell that is

    is there something a guide i don't know? feels like an impossible feat but i don't know maybe im just fucking trash?

    i'm honestly tilted beyond belief by playing against a gragas-yasuo, like what's even the counterplay against that?

    thank you i will try to get my sanity back meanwhile

    submitted by /u/RIP_OWtanks
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    Splitpushing macro

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 07:06 PM PDT

    Yeah, I play a lot of trynd, so the not getting caught thing, constantly applying pressure, warding and checking for heads on map, yeah got that all down. But since I'm not playing trynd anymore and I'm not just afk splitting 24/7, when would be a good time to splitpush? Playing WW top with a tower-taking ish build (TH, sheen item, wits end), demolish included.

    submitted by /u/DepHea
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