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    Thursday, October 31, 2019

    LoL Guide Moderator Applications: Fall 2019

    LoL Guide Moderator Applications: Fall 2019

    Moderator Applications: Fall 2019

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 06:56 PM PDT

    Hey all, it's that time of year again - we're looking for some more volunteers to help make sure the sub can keep running smoothly. We're doing it a bit differently this time with a Google form as opposed to posting apps on the thread; you're free to leave questions below though, if you have any.

    These will be open until Nov 6th, 11:59PM EST. Good luck, hope to see you all there 🤠

    submitted by /u/Caedei
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    How do you freeze a wave?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 01:33 AM PDT

    Everyone always says "freeze the wave" over and over again but even in all the wave management videos I've watched no one actually tells you HOW to freeze the wave. Also how does my opponent's interaction with the wave affect it? I'm just really confused on HOW to actually freeze it.

    submitted by /u/NewCaptain9
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    An Observation On Playing the Map from a Challenger Player Ranking Up a New Account in Gold/Platinum MMR

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 11:35 AM PDT

    Hi friends, I'm a Heimer one trick who has reached Challenger on the North American server a few times over the last several seasons. I recently leveled a new account to 30 and have been ranking it up, playing in and around G1-low Platinum elo at the moment.

    Having played quite a bit in this Gold/Platinum elo along with everything above it, I think one of the major things that separates the players is not necessarily mechanics or anything along those lines, it's the ability to take in information and actually use it.

    In many of my games, players have a vision in their head of how the game should be played out. And it's not necessarily a bad or wrong way to go about playing the game, but it assumes everyone is on the same page throughout the entire game. It assumes everyone is at the objective on time, everyone executes flawlessly, etc, which we all know is not a realistic expectation, even as you climb up to higher elos in solo queue.

    An example from my most recent game. Our jungler sees an opening to take Baron and tunnels in on it. Only him and one other player actually show up to begin it (Olaf jungle and the support). They shouldn't do it, but they try anyway, it goes down too slowly, the enemy shows up and it gets stolen. The jungler then proceeds to flame the team for not coming to Baron.

    You might think to take the jungler's side and make the case that if more people did show up, it's a free Baron and the game is won. And while you're not wrong that's probably what should have happened, it didn't, and him stubbornly playing the game based on the vision in his head that more people came when they didn't also doesn't help the team win the game but sets them back even more. Two wrongs don't make a right, as they say.

    TL;DR: It's more important to play around the current map state than to have a plan in your mind about how League of Legends matches should be won, as plans often go awry since you're playing with complete strangers and more often than not have different ideas about what the team should be doing at any given moment in the game.

    submitted by /u/Ajido
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    I want to main nasus top...

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 01:19 PM PDT

    So right now I'm unranked and level 29 and when I hit 30 I'm thinking about going into ranked to play nasus top and I want to know how I can play nasus well with the current Meta. I also wanna know the stacking guidelines like when I hit 10 minutes how many stacks I should have and when I hit 20 minutes how many and so on.

    submitted by /u/BenDoverMoore
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    Is there a situation to pick blitz when nautilus is open?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 06:17 PM PDT

    I've been playing support lately and i've been having really good games with these 2 but I only pick blitz when nautilus is banned. I feel like the main edge that blitz has over nautilus is that his hook is better, but other then that I feel naut is better. Naut's more tanky, has more cc, and even if he misses hook he still can lockdown people with his passive, e, and r. When would you guys recommend blitz over nautilus? One case where i pick blitz is when the enemy picks thresh since my hook is less committal then nauts. Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Rapturecat
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    Level 1 push or let enemy push?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 04:24 AM PDT


    I have 2 questions :

    1) I am mid and top laner, but I still can't grasp on whether to push or let the enemy push level 1.

    In some videos, they advice to get level 2 faster. So that's mean the wave is pushing towards enemy. However, by doing that. It gives chance to the enemy to freeze the wave and deny our farm. Furthermore, we are exposed to enemy jungler.

    2) In some games, I am ahead.. But I don't know whether to push it or not. Usually I freeze the wave in front of my tower. However, in some games where my other laners lost their lane. Keep on freezing seems like allowing other lanes to be crushed. I can't push to since I am expose not only to enemy jungler but by other enemy laners. I can't get enough vision since if other lane lost their lane, mean, enemy get upper hand in their visioning.

    submitted by /u/abcxyz-5
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    How I reached Diamond using my own guide

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 02:14 AM PDT

    Hi everyone!

    Some of you might have seen my post a few months back, where I shared an in-depth ADC guide. You can find the post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/cah8gm/a_guide_for_those_who_are_looking_to_improve/

    I am not here to tell you how "great" this guide is. I do not want to shamelessly promote my guide. I am merely going to explain how writing down all I know about the role, helped me remember and use that knowledge actively in my games.

    I have been Platinum for multiple seasons now. Truth be told, I have never played more than 500 ranked games per season, so it's not like I was a 1000+ games hardstuck platinum player. But still, I felt like I could do more.

    At the start of season 9, I started becoming more and more interested in teaching friends, rather than climbing the ladder myself. That's why I created this guide. At first, it was just meant for friends, but later on, I decided that I wanted to share it so that everyone who would be interested would be able to learn from it.

    Shortly after creating this guide, I started getting that excitement again to play ranked myself. I played on a smurf account for a while to get into it again. And recently, I started my last push to Diamond. I always felt like I could make it, but I never really pushed for it. And so a few days ago, I reached my goal :)

    What surprised me is that I thought it would be harder than it actually was. So how did it go so well? Well, I think there are 2 reasons for that:

    1. I turned off my chat
    2. By creating my own guide, it got easier for me to actively use all the knowledge I had in my games.

    The first one is simple, and you come across this tip a lot. Simply turn off your chat. Allied chat AND all chat. All that needs to be said can be said with pings. The only thing that I found frustrating was that I couldn't simply give kind suggestions to my team. But then again, who ever listens to suggestions in lower elo? No, by turning off allied chat, you don't get tilted as quickly because you can't see anyone flaming, trolling or just being plain dumb.

    The second reason is way bigger though. By creating my own guide, it was a lot easier for me to remember everything I need to do in my games. From looking at botlane comps and playing accordingly, to using powerspikes to your advantage, tips to improve map awareness, ...

    It is much like taking a test at school. When you have actively been trying to answer questions in class, it will be way easier to remember the answer on a test than if you just sat there, listening to what the teacher had to say.

    This is why I am not telling everyone to read my guide. No, I am advising you to write down what you have to do every game. Write it down and constantly remind yourself of what you actively know. Do not go autopilot, because you will never do everything you have to do when you are on autopilot. Maybe you will use the level 2 advantage. Maybe you will remember to look at the minimap every 2-ish seconds. Maybe you will start roaming and sharing your lead after taking bot tower. etc etc... But I promise you, you will never do all of it together, when you are not actively reminding yourself to do them.

    submitted by /u/smnbmby
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    Hey diamond + top laners, help me with my Gangplank macro

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 02:46 PM PDT

    Trying to bust into diamond this year after being a hard stuck plat adc the last few years and switching to top lane about 2 months ago. I've climbed up to plat 1-2 area from lower plat this season but I need some advice on how to macro with GP mid game. I am pretty much a GP one trick in solo que. Laning phase is pretty easy for me and I usually always have a gold lead while effecting the map with my ult. Teamfighting is good for me too. I feel like I close out games I am supposed to win but I would like to do better in turning games with a small deficit into wins. I would also like to get better at turning an advantage into a carry.

    My main question is; should I just afk split push safely as much as possible when my ult is up? I feel like I play with the most success when I essentially side lane like a tryndamere/yorick player; then use my ult for fights on the other side of the map. If no one matchs me I get towers, and if they do match then I can swing a 4v4. I usually do this until I get 3-4 items and a big enough gold lead to swing fights before grouping. I feel like I have the most success playing this way but my play style varies since I second guess myself. Does anyone in higher ELO have advice on if that works/is optimal? Gangplank mains subreddit was not too active and this is more of a splitpush question. It seems to be working so far but I have only been a top lane main for a month or so.

    I want to know if that is the correct way to play, or if I should be grouping prior to my items on certain occasions. Also my OPGG is here: https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=kajamgroot .

    submitted by /u/KajAmGroot
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    Recently switched from Mid to Jungle. How do I gain more map awareness?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 12:01 PM PDT

    I recently made the switch & I'm loving it. Only problem is, I don't feel like I'm watching lanes as much as I should be. I know you're supposed to watch lanes while taking your camps but without working F keys, because I'm on Mac, I can't do it efficiently, leading to me missing out on early fights. I also wanted to know if my map awareness will just improve & become second nature as I play more Jungle.

    submitted by /u/thesagenibba
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    wanna learn kata

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 11:39 AM PDT

    HELLO ,

    i am a silver player who wants to learn and master kata with her advanced combos and skills . but i have some problems with farming especially against melee champs

    so what should i do to learn her combos and how to farm with her and if there is some other champs to play with in low elos i ll be glad to be told


    submitted by /u/elfek009
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    Should a Crit ADC build Last Whisper/LDR?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 09:26 AM PDT

    I've started playing Caitlyn ADC (after being JG/Top main) and it feels like I'm not doing very much damage to tanks 3-4 items in. So I'm thinking, should I build Last Whisper/LDR? I'm thinking I would be better off getting a 4th crit item for 100% crit chance but I really don't know the right answer as I am newish to ADC. Can anyone help?

    submitted by /u/Teflaro
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    Champion Discussion of the Day: Yorick

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 03:13 PM PDT

    Link to Wikia

    Link to u.gg

    Link to Probuilds

    Link to League of Graphs

    Champion subreddit: r/yorickmains

    Primarily played as: Top

    What role does he play in a team composition?

    What are the core items to be built on him?

    What is the order of leveling up the skills?

    What are his spikes in terms of items or levels?

    What are the most optimal rune/mastery setups?

    What champions does he synergize well with?

    What is the counterplay against him?

    submitted by /u/Balondis
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    Carrying from top lane

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 02:54 PM PDT

    Hey there!

    So have been playing top lane for a good while(2-3 months or so) and I really enjoy it at the moment. I mostly get a pretty good gold difference at 15 minutes and getting myself ahead. But I can't win. I've lost 10-15 ranked games in a row past couple weeks and I kinda developed a ranked anxiety because I'm too afraid that my teammates will feed someone on the enemy team and having to deal with a 7/0 jinx is never fun. But how do I actually deal with it? Mostly I try to play splitpushers such as akali and fiora and split as much as possible to get some pressure away from my team but then I get flamed for not grouping up and play aram style in the mid lane until 45+ minutes.

    So how do I actually close a game on top lane?(I mainly play Renekton, Akali and fiora)

    Thanks in advance :)

    submitted by /u/Carrymy8ss
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    Nocturne/jungle help

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 02:33 PM PDT

    Hey all. I've been playing Nocturne for a while and got to mastery 6 with him but still feel like I need help. I know with him you need to rush 6, but there's a lot of games I play where my teammates get tilted that I'm not ganking as much as the enemy jungler or my ganks just aren't as effective pre-6. I'm Silver btw. Should I just hard farm and gank if there's a good opportunity or clear a side and try ganking even if I'm not 6? Also one last question. I've downloaded the blitz app that helps set up your runes and gives you items that tend to be best. Do you guys use that or is it a waste of time? Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/xLeocordisx
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    Trying to learn Jungle

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 10:41 AM PDT


    I am currently Plat 3 on EUW and I have been OTPing Riven for almost 3 years now. I always loved playing her (and I still do), but she is just not my champion. I can do all the combos and I know most of the matchups and build paths, but I am still very bad at her.

    That is why I decided to try and give jungle a chance next season as it is the only role I have always avoided.
    I love Nidalee and want to learn her, but I know she is a difficult champion and probably not the best first champion to learn to jungle with.

    What are some champions to start jungling with? I like mobile champions, but I don't mind playing tanks. I'd like to learn at least 3-4 junglers, so I can always pick something my team needs (AP, AD, tank/supportive).

    Thank you for reading, have a great day.

    submitted by /u/Aunii
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    #1 Hecarim NA - Teaching people how to play Hecarim

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 03:25 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, I am Doaenel, currently ranked the #1 Hecarim master on op.gg. I peaked grandmaster this season, however have been sitting around the d2/d1 mmr bracket for a little while now.

    Due to maining the champion over the course of the last several seasons, I have thousands of games on Hecarim, and understand pretty much all of Hecarim's limitations and mechanics.

    I come here today to teach any aspiring Hecarim players how to play the champion. I will leave a very basic guide in the post, if anybody has any questions that are more in-depth - feel free to ask in the comment section and I will get back to you as soon as possible.


    Precision - Conqueror - Alacrity - Coup de Grace

    Inspiration - Magical Footwear - Cosmic Insight

    This rune setup will allow you to pretty much win every single early game matchup, assuming the enemy jungler has no advantage, except for *Olaf, Nocturne, Udyr*. It is very early game oriented and is meant to draw as much of a lead as possible, in order to close out games quickly.


    Warrior, Trinity Force, Deaths Dance, Spirit Visage, Steraks, Merc treads/ Ninja tabi

    Standard build as well, if you are ahead go deaths dance 3rd item, if you are behind go spirit visage. Last item should always be steraks gage.


    - Gank a lot early game, ensure that you're picking up kills wherever possible.

    - Maximize the amount of camps that you can take, practice efficient pathing while on your way to gank a lane.

    - Any time your ult is up (or going to be up) path towards bot lane, and get a gank off.

    - Take as many early game objectives as possible in order to not only build up a gold lead, but also get many later game advantages that will be necessary to scale moderately well.

    - If the game drags on, do not sit mid with the rest of your team while waiting for a teamfight opportunity. Move around in the jungle and aim for a flank.

    That's pretty much the basics of the champion, if anyone has any questions about a particular matchup or how to play from behind etc.. leave them in the comment section, and I will get back to you whenever possible.

    submitted by /u/Doaenel
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    Which building path is better for ADC?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 11:10 AM PDT

    Say I have BF + Berserker Boots.

    Would you build a Zeal or finish Infinity Edge?

    When I play AP I always finish my items one by one but when it is ADC I have doubts, given that AS + Crit can give you a better powerspike.

    Building recommendations and guides (general purpose building, not specific for champion)?

    submitted by /u/Vioxini
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    How To Jungle in Silver

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 06:16 AM PDT

    I'm A Silver II Jungler. And I don't know how to gank effectively in the elo I'm Currently In. Sometimes I Overstay waiting for my team to cc the enemy. But I mostl have trouble with my pathing, after i clear all my camps i just don't know what to do. Any of you willing to help me I appreciate it.

    P. S. I main Shaco Jungle so if you can give mo some tips for him I'll appreciate it and also send me some builds and runes on Shaco so I can try them out. TY

    submitted by /u/kenito2005
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    When do I buy/use my GA, if ever?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 10:49 AM PDT

    Hi, I'm slightly new to League and I notice that a lot of people in my games build GA and use it like a Zhonyas, i.e. they dive into teamfights and use GA as a form of zoning tool. Zhonyas is good because it has a low cooldown and therefore can be used on any engage, plus the items that build into it are decent. GA isn't exactly the cheapest item plus the CC chain that is focused on your after you revive isn't worth it since you are locked down anyway. It's also easier to time since the revival animation is very clear-cut about when the opponent is going to come out from stasis. So why do so many people build it if they could be building something like AP or AD instead?

    submitted by /u/RealComicSans
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    Is there a good place to read up on matchups? I want to be better at understanding mid lane matchups but I don't know where to start.

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 06:25 AM PDT

    So I am working on my end of season climb as a mid laner. I'm not a OTP, i like to have a couple of picks and pick for a favorable matchup if I can. Problem is I don't know matchups well enough.

    Is there a website or something that talks in detail about matchups? I am looking to read up on them in my spare time when I can't play league.

    Thanks guys.

    submitted by /u/whiteTerrence
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    P2 ADC - I can’t play from behind at all

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 10:06 AM PDT

    I've been climbing a lot because when I get a lead I can hard carry games, also I can let my team carry me in some situations. But if I die a couple times in lane then I pretty much just turbo int and become a huge liability. It feels impossible to be useful after losing lane because the enemy adc gets so much extra gold for damage items, while I'm stuck building items like QSS or Maw, etc. Then I do zero damage which is somehow surprising to people because I get flamed. I have low kda on pretty much every champ even though I win games so I'm not even sure if that's a bad sign

    I'm still climbing but it's harder for me to get fed and carry in this elo and I wanna get dia before the season ends. Idk I just need advice from ADC players even if we're the same elo

    Ignore norms and flex: https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=990222416

    submitted by /u/H-Two
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    Adaptative Force or Atck Speed runes?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 10:03 AM PDT

    I recently started playing Syndra and Leblanc mid, and I've been having some problem with last hitting. Their autos seems to take forever and not do much damage.

    When I complained to my friends about it, they told me to try Atck Speed rune instead of adaptative Force. Their reason is that it wouldn't influence much their magic damage and it would make farming way easier.

    Is this really viable?

    submitted by /u/im3ns3
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    How do I improve my macro at high elo?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 03:57 PM PDT

    Hello Reddit,

    I'm a EUW jungle main, currently at d3 75 LP, which is the highest elo I've ever reached.

    My goal for the season is to get to masters if possible; if not, then I'll get there next season, but bottom of the line is, I want to improve enough to reach very high elos.

    However as I'm climbing (I won 10 out of my 12 last games), I feel like I'm losing control over what's happening. I know for a fact I got hard carried by the rest of my team on several of those games. It was as if I was spectating my own game - I didn't feel like I had any impact on the game.

    When I play at lower elo, I usually find ways of carrying games because people will make mistakes on which I can capitalize. However this doesn't happen nearly as much at the elo I'm at, and because of that I often find myself losing a lot of time, which ends up with me being behind in gold and in xp.

    I know this is a bit generic, but if any d1+ jungler reads this, how did you become good enough to reach your elo, macro wise? What did you work on? Would you have any advice on how to control the tempo of the game when you fail to build leads for yourself? Any tip would be greatly appreciated.

    For the record, I'm a Xin Zhao one trick, and here's a link to the account I'm currently playing on:


    submitted by /u/Skelturix
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    a small tip for low elo

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 05:24 PM PDT

    Having just reached plat mostly playing mid, Ive noticed that in gold, players dont respect powerspikes and combos (especially summoners). Knowing power spikes of lane opponent and of your own champ will work wonders for your mmr.

    For example: I mostly play vlad mid and can almost always get a solo kill lvl6 with flash-R. Most people dont understand that they need to leave lane/expect a flash combo when they are 2/3 hp against a lvl6 vlad.

    Other examples off the top of my head are:

    Ekko e-q-flash (especially with w execute)

    Syndra lvl 6

    Diana lvl 6

    Sylas lvl 3

    Hope this helps some people trying to make that final climb this season

    submitted by /u/yelxe
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    How many games per week to stay at the same skill level?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 03:09 PM PDT

    Assume you're high-diamond rank. I just need your personal opinion/guess. I know it can't be measured easily.

    How many games per week do you think would you have to play, in order to stay at the very same level? Meaning: not improving and not getting worse as an overall player (mechanically, game-sense, game-meta, not getting out of shape, etc).

    I personally feel like about 5 games per week should do the job. Below that you probably would be getting worse over time. Do you think it's less or more?

    submitted by /u/GoodToMeetMe
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    When to buy and use Stopwatch? (ADC)

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 03:24 AM PDT

    I'm new to ranked, and have picked up league only recently again. I'm a level 42 adc main (xayah currently, but also sivir and ashe). Watching a few worlds games recently, I have noticed that stopwatch gets used a lot. How do I know when to buy it, use it, and if i need to build zhonyas?

    submitted by /u/iamflee_
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