• Breaking News

    Thursday, October 31, 2019

    League of Legends Urf lucian with spear of shojin

    League of Legends Urf lucian with spear of shojin

    Urf lucian with spear of shojin

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 01:00 PM PDT

    RISE Cosplay

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 08:42 AM PDT

    RISE Cosplay




    Vs PerkZ





    Vs Uzi





    Vs Faker










    Ambition - BlackDay


    PerkZ - BONG


    Uzi - Kuria


    Faker - RyoGi


    thank you





    I know how to upload images using IMGUR. I'll fix it soon.

    submitted by /u/die1587
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    DUOS: Perkz and Caps | Presented by Honda

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 08:03 AM PDT

    NA will never perform internationally until the old guard is forcefully removed.

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 01:53 PM PDT

    NA has a smaller player base and they are all centralized in 1 location.

    This results in cliques and friendship within the industry allowing older/washed up players to bounce from team to team because their friends want to help them out.

    Prime example is Darshan and Huhi both getting kicked from teams and immediately they are put on an academy team that is meant to foster young, up and coming talent. You can save the whole "they need veterans to guide them" saying, because that is what coaches and vod reviews are for.

    Until this old guard leaves the scene (probably from age) NA is never gonna be competitive on an international level.

    Ping is a bullshit excuse as well, NA also sucked internationally when the servers where located in LA so we can stop with that garbage.

    submitted by /u/Betabet91
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    Flash auto is bugged, and so is camera lock on champion

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 02:28 PM PDT

    It has been a while now where sometimes when I flash to auto-attack, the auto doesn't go off. I thought it was me just messing up but it was happening way too frequently. I also saw it happening to my opponents, and Nemesis was talking about it the other day aswell. But it's not just that, sometimes when recalling/dying, if you are holding down center camera key your camera will get stuck and the only way to unstuck it is by clicking on the mini-map and then repressing center camera key.

    Sorry if this has been posted before, I tried to search for it but found nothing.

    submitted by /u/Nerisamai
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    [TIL] DAMWON Canyon left Europe with his EUW SoloQ account at rank 1 with 1623 LP

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 05:33 AM PDT

    His soloQ account : https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=JUGKlNG

    Honestly that's insane to me, i don't even remember once seing so much LP in any account of any region and maybe it's even possible that he achieved the highest amount of LP ever.

    The last huge one i remember was Deft around season 6 with ~1500 LP but here it's on a whole different lvl even tho it's not the same region.

    Still a huge achievement. Mad respect tbh.

    submitted by /u/OPMBlast
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    Kai'sa Ultimate Skin. (Featuring Professional MS Paint Drawings.)

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 11:45 AM PDT

    Alright, so you know who Kai'sa -Daughter of the Void- is since people won't stop crying about her since she's a very unique Hybrid Marksman, and you know about passive, Living Weapon, which evolves her abilities when they reach a certain cap of Attack Damage, Ability Power, or Attack Speed. Given Kai'sa's lore, the Void, and this passive, it offers opportunity for plenty of brainstorming.

    And so, as an idea for an Ultimate Skin, how about this: ULTIMATE WEAPON KAI'SA

    "The time will soon come when she must decide whether to forgive those mortals who would call her a monster, and defeat the coming darkness together... or simply to forget, as the Void consumes the world that left her behind."

    To start off, this is Smol Kai'sa, The child caught between Humans, and the Void. Kai'sa's kit along with her passive Living Weapon, allows for plenty of versatility to the player and how they want to play that champion. and capitalize on their choices to determine how they want to play her, or they can try to go for all of them and become The Ultimate Weapon. So many choices.

    Anyway, given her nature, how will she become when she evolves?

    If she chooses to build AD as her primary path, and evolves her Icathian Rain, what if her skin started to change from that, and becomes "Rockier" or "Bulkier"? (Think of creatures like Cho'Gath or Rek'Sai) maybe it can even change her character to be "rougher" or "dominant"? To give an example.

    If she goes AP, evolving her Void Seeker, she becomes "floatier" or "celestial"? (but on a grayer scale), think of Sea creatures like Jellyfish or Octopi (kind of like Vel'Koz), as she becomes more "mentally distant" or someone whose mind is on a different plane (Think Malzahar, before he went mad).

    And if she goes AS, evolved her Supercharge, her body looks "sleeker" or "sharper", maybe she grows wings (like Kha'zix) or butterfly wings (since this is a Human who is becoming one with the Void), and she starts to sound more "relentless" or something like an assassin.

    Regardless, players can choose how they want her to change, and multiple evolutions will fuse toghether, until she reaches her Ultimate Form, The Ultimate Weapon. regardless of whether creatures of the Void or the Outside World would be happy of that

    Anyway, I decided to give my thoughts on what would be pretty cool to see in the game, and what potential can be realized when it comes to this champion and how you can tie the lore to the gameplay to the ideas to create something beautiful.

    Well, that's what I think. Thank you for reading, sorry to waste your time, and have fun with your day.

    Take Care.

    submitted by /u/OtherAyachi
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    Ocelote in a short German documentary by a mainstream media outlet: "There were only two people in the world, he [Perkz] would be happy to change his role for: One is Caps and the other one I can't tell. But he's playing Worlds."

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 05:26 AM PDT

    EDIT: Sooo, of course just hours after I find and post this Riot released a DUOS documentary about Perkz and Caps where Carlos confirms it was indeed Faker. Link:

    What do you guys think, is he referring to Faker or Rookie? Personally I think he meant Rookie because of how badly they got beaten by IG in 2018

    A few days ago, Spiegel TV, the video branch of a major German newspaper, published a documentary on G2 on YouTube. They also wrote some good articles on Worlds during the last weeks. The video itself is mostly in English, you can watch it here: https://youtu.be/hjaZg_lH-gU

    submitted by /u/ohvalox
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    Mechanics: Invictus Gaming's Deadly Wombo Combo vs Griffin

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 10:39 AM PDT

    6 years ago, when competitive league was a rising phenomena, players struggled to play outside of their countries because many nation's wouldn't recognize them as athletes. Today, we don't have that problem. I posted about it, and hoped one day we would see that change. I'm proud of this community.

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 11:46 AM PDT

    Riot Announces Details for Honda Scouting Grounds Including a Revamped Draft

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 08:58 AM PDT

    Random skin shard and 2 little legends available for Twitch Prime subscribers

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 10:12 AM PDT

    Faker is currently playing unsealed spellbook Singed Mid

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 04:06 PM PDT

    I don't know what the actual fuck this is, and if its even viable, the game is currently being played and recorded you can check his opgg hideonstream account if you to watch the match later, I was randomly checking his account when I saw this and I have no clue what to make of it???? is it just a specific counter pick to ryze/yasuo or something?

    (Clid and Teddy are on the same team with him)

    Can someone explain this pick to me

    Edit: He won the game in 20 minutes.

    submitted by /u/EvidentlyTrue
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    The Story of Kasing is out!

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 01:26 PM PDT

    This will be the first time since season 5, that the new marksmen will not be getting a world champion skin

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 04:22 AM PDT

    Ever since season 5 the newest marksmen has received the world championship skin.
    S5 - Kalista
    S6- Jhin
    S7 - Xayah
    S8 - Kai'sa
    S9 - No marksmen released before the worlds.

    submitted by /u/Wengu
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    Additional Worlds tickets sell out in 4 seconds

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 07:15 AM PDT

    I think Riot Games vastly underestimated the demand for this event by picking such a small arena. There were 2,000 additional tickets available and over 60,000 people queuing for them. Each one of these can buy 4 tickets.

    There are people on the Worlds Ticket Trading discord who were 600 in the queue and it was completely sold out by the time they got in. Feels bad for normies like me who are 9k in queue waiting to get in.

    Cry with me boys and girls.

    submitted by /u/TestRoyale
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    Mark Zimmerman: Calling Doinb “one of the worst mid laners” because his laning isn’t great and his team supports him is like saying Michael Vick was one of the worst QBs in the NFL because he didn’t pass as well from the pocket as others.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 08:07 PM PDT

    https://twitter.com/TheeMarkZ/status/1189637218454757376 Calling Doinb "one of the worst mid laners" because his laning isn't great and his team supports him is like saying Michael Vick was one of the worst QBs in the NFL because he didn't pass as well from the pocket as others.

    Unique does not mean bad, it means use different metrics

    TheeMarkZ makes a very good argument that just because FPX has a different team dynamic than every other team doesn't mean that it makes them bad, it means they are different. I find it absurd that DoinB could even be thought of as one of the worst mids in the tournament, I can take an argument that he isn't as good individually as the other remaining mid laners but the thought that he isn't an amazing player is absurd.

    submitted by /u/MartinEpicBeast
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    Brolaf Cosplay

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 03:00 PM PDT

    Skin Idea: Sea Serpent Aurelion Sol

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 04:38 AM PDT

    Well, as the name says, it's just Aurelion Sol as a sea serpent. Its a pretty simple idea, but i think it could look cool. Q: A whirlpool.

    W: Instead of stars, it could be sharks swimming around Aurelion... they could jump out of water when hiting oponents or something like that.

    E: Pretty much the same thing, but with water effects.

    R: Again, not much to do, just change to a water blast instead.

    What do you guys think? I think Aurelion could blend really well a with sea theme. (sorry for any spelling mistakes, i'm not very used to write in english)

    submitted by /u/Raedros
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    With Klepto being removed it'll oficially remove Elixir of Skill, Green wards and mana pots from the game again.

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 06:44 PM PDT

    With Klepto being removed your opponent wont be able farm mana pots, elixirs and bisquits from you, making the lane bearable.

    Rejoice tank players at least one of your problems is gone.

    submitted by /u/Tydrack7
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    Every year I like to choose one of my favorite video game or movie characters to carve into a pumpkin. Here's an Infernal Nasus and Lulu!

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 08:44 AM PDT

    Drawing the whole True Damage group, starting with Yasuo.

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 10:06 AM PDT

    Drawing the whole True Damage group, starting with Yasuo.

    I mixed traditional inking with digital coloring. I'm currently working on Ekko now, and hopefully submitting them to RIOT gets me the RP I need.


    submitted by /u/ImIsaacOk
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    Riot Jatt's things to watch out for before heading into the semi-finals between G2 and SKT

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 05:28 AM PDT

    Early game

    SKT and G2 both had 100% First blood in their Quarterfinals. The team with the lead at 15 minutes won every game of the SKT vs. G2 semi-final at MSI. Clid has Killed or Assisted on First Blood in 7/10 SKT Worlds games. Early game is IMPORTANT.

    Unselfish, efficient play.

    G2 still lead Worlds teams in CSD at 15. On average they have 36 more CS than their opponent at 15 minutes. To me, this proves that their unselfish play is also incredibly efficient. We hear people talk about Caps roaming and "giving up waves" but what's important to note here is that it's almost always for the greater good. If Caps gives up a wave mid, it's to deny TWO waves from somewhere else. The stats back up how efficient these plays are.

    Neither of these Mid laners, lane mid.

    In Quarterfinals, Caps only spent 48.8% of the early game (first 15 minutes) in mid lane, which was the lowest % of all QF mid laners. In Groups, Faker only spent 55.8% of his time in mid, which was the lowest % for all Groups mid laners. Faker mentioned in an interview that playing G2 at MSI made SKT more flexible, and this is just one example of how. The winner of this mid-lane matchup won't be determined by comparing their CS, it will be measured on how much they impact the map.


    This is more complex than what I can cover in an instagram post, but I'm going to name some Pick/Ban unknowns.

    Renekton. He's been 86% presence at Worlds, and has won 10/16 games he's been picked It's the 3rd highest p/b champ at Worlds. G2 have played Ornn well into it. SKT have countered it with Quinn. I can't imagine an 86% presence champ not popping up in p/b, but the fact that both teams have countered it makes picking it suddenly high risk.

    Qiyana. Jankos K/D/A is 2/11/10 so far on this champ. On the flip side, SKT banned Qiyana themselves in every Quarterfinal game, and have yet to play it at Worlds this year. Dropping a Qiyana ban opens up draft flexibility for either team, and it feels unreliable for either team to pick it at the moment… but leaving Qiyana open in the semi-final still feels scary.

    Edit: Okay I'm at the character limit.. More later

    Follow up: Yeah ran out of space and haven't finished p/b prep yet but very quick takes on some more picks:

    Ryze (obvious)

    Xayah (SKT has banned it alot)

    Syndra (no SKT plays, Caps 3-0) + bot flex if ADC's banned

    Kayle MIA? (Don't think either team want the early game risk here)

    Akali - likely banned, but if Ryze/Syndra/Qiyana/Renek/Xayah/Panth all draw bans.. suddenly it's back.

    Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/B4SCWZtFffy/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link


    submitted by /u/talon1306
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    French Rammus Voice is so scary.

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 08:26 AM PDT

    LCS player portrait paintings.

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 11:07 AM PDT

    LCS player portrait paintings.

    Iv'e been getting back into watching the LCS after a couple years and decided to paint some of the players. (LCS +Faker)


    submitted by /u/Justwharton
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