LoL Guide Reddit comments are broken |
- Reddit comments are broken
- 6 years of being bronze and im finally gold. Heres what i did.
- Every Kai'Sa Matchup in a Nutshell
- Some things I see low elo supports do that they could do better
- 5 Settings To Improve Your Gameplay
- Help me with Kha Zix
- What am I supposed to do against Kayle?
- Kaisa/Yuumi vs Ashe/Leona
- Red side / blue side pros/cons for a newbie
- Playing "easy" champions has taught me more about this game in 1 month than I've learned in the past 6
- Glacial Build and Oblivion Orb
- Kayn jg help
- Try to lose a game by fighting a back to back 3v5-2v5-3v5
- Top lane struggle
- Help me with rengar
- when to buy offensive items versus defensive?
- Gold farm
- Can I carry a game to win?
- Annie Mid, is She Your Champ to Get Better at LoL? A Guided Video Experience
- Prototype video for a new series where I go over 60 Tips for Top Lane. The tips are from some of the most asked questions in SummonerSchool
- ADC - not hitting CS targets but unsure why
- My Cs isn't improving
- Looking for advice for playing Vayne (specifically when set behind early)
- How do I learn to play?
- When should a newbie start playing against human players/with more experienced friends?
Posted: 27 Oct 2019 02:44 PM PDT Comments from the past ~2 hours are currently invisible to everyone, even moderators. You can verify this by checking the /new queue for any sub; it'll say threads have comments, but when you open them you won't see any. Since I don't see a Reddit announcement about it anywhere, who knows how long it'll last - in the meantime I'd recommend not leaving any comments and using our Discord to ask/answer questions for the time being. Edit: Looks like some are showing up now, but many are still missing [link] [comments] |
6 years of being bronze and im finally gold. Heres what i did. Posted: 27 Oct 2019 07:58 AM PDT I FARMED. I saw a meme a few weeks ago stating league of legends is "an angry farming simulator" so that got me thinking. Should you really just farm? Its more complicated than that. The meaning of farming is last hitting minions until you are rich enough to use your plants excrement to grow yourself. (The minions are that fruit) You really, really dont have to make trades allll day. Especially if the enemy champ counters yours! Riot has a tip that states "1 kill os worth 3 waves" and this is explained as if you are level 1. If cait has 50 to your 30, but you didnt die, this is still a winnable lane. Its a matter of WHEN. Not why. In bronze, people are dropping 5, 10, and even 20 deaths in a single match due to their lack of understanding the concept of survival. As im sitting in promos for gold rank, i see that players will die at a tops 5 times before someone starts to flame. I am an ADC, and also a top/jungler. Each role has their own player conflicts for champ pool reasons. But as an example, the adc should almost never attempt to hurt the other adc, if they counter eachother. Chances are the support is waiting for you to make a move so they can trade. If your playing adc, chances are one of you has press the attack, which will normally do 50% of a level 1s hp. As a jungler you gotta buy a red ward for your camps. Its only 75 gromp is worth more than that. Having a pointless redward can change your existance. I tossed a red into a krug pit and 3v1 a roaming jungler. Its that easy! People seem to miss the farm later into the game. Spending more time trying to turn their one wave into 3, or 6, or 9 worth with a single/double/or tripple. But at the same time, you could give them the same. This is why higher rank players spend more time hitting minions than piushing towers. Objectives are 100% better than running into an empty red to 4v5 one by one. Theres no garrunteed profits. It just seems like low elo forgets to farm a lot. A 20 minute game can become a 40 minute if all you did was farm after losing your lane. If im missing something basic as fuck i would like to know. Being this close to gold, im hunting for the best knowledge. My cs is on point, i can roam and keep it up, visions good, could be better, and ive learned the dangers of any mage support. Have a good day everyone! [link] [comments] |
Every Kai'Sa Matchup in a Nutshell Posted: 27 Oct 2019 06:29 AM PDT Just uploaded a video explaining how all of Kai'Sa's ADC matchups should play out. Though all ADC matchups vary greatly depending on the supports, it's still helpful to know how any two AD carries match up individually and how different supports can affect the dynamic of the matchup. Here's the vague transcript, though a few changes were made in the video, in case listening isn't your thing. Ashe Up until Patch 9.19 Ashe was very much on the weaker side of laning AD Carries. However, now with the return of her auto-attack reset on her Q, she's been pushed up into a middle of the pack laner, similar in strength to Kai'Sa herself. With her range advantage, Ashe just slightly edges it out over Kai'Sa currently, but this matchup is even enough that the supports are definitely going to become the biggest factor as to who wins. Still, while Ashe comes out slightly on top because of her range advantage, in situations where Kai'Sa can get up close and personal to nullify that range advantage, such as using her Killer Instinct to all-in, Kai'Sa has the advantage especially when able to land Void Seeker for the massive damage increase. You also want to avoid losing lane priority to Ashe as much as possible since this gives her access to constant Volley poke, and without having a minion wave you can hide behind to block it you will take a lot more punishment than you'd really like. Caitlyn While Caitlyn isn't quite the laning terror she used to be, she's still no slouch and ideally a matchup you'd rather avoid as Kai'Sa. Her massive range and waveclear give her a big advantage over Kai'Sa who just doesn't have the tools to match her in trades, nor the tools to get in her face to abuse the fact that Caitlyn sucks in all-ins. This matchup is definitely Caitlyn-favoured, but the supports will have a big impact and there are many matchups in which Kai'Sa has the advantage. Usually what Kai'Sa wants in this matchup is a support that makes up for her own lack of engage to give her the tools to beat Caitlyn, especially a hook support like Nautilus who can close the range gap and keep Caitlyn locked down is the best Kai'Sa could hope for, since Caitlyn really isn't good at all-ins. If Caitlyn has a squishy enchanter support like Nami, she will still have the edge at many points, but ultimately they will be weak in all-ins, and Kai'Sa is definitely a pick that can punish that with the right support. Draven No AD Carry is truly unbeatable in lane, but Draven is pretty much as close to it as you can possibly get. Especially for Kai'Sa as Draven excels in short range to either trade or all-in, and Kai'Sa has even shorter range and doesn't have the ability to win trades from his range. As Kai'Sa pretty much your only option in this lane, besides try to win through superior mecahnics and knowledge of when to trade, is if the support matchup happens to be heavily in your favour, such as Draven having a very weak and abusable laning support like Braum while Kai'Sa has a strong laner, like a mage support such as Zyra, Brand or Xerath. Otherwise bursty all-in supports can also create a winning fight for Kai'Sa if they have the CC to lock Draven down briefly while they burst him, not allowing him to get any of his superior damage out while they take him down. Ezreal Ezreal is one of the weaker laning AD Carries in the roster, which makes him a matchup you're happy to see as Kai'Sa. When Ezreal has lane priority he can become an annoying poke champion to face, but when you have minion protection that poke is hard to land and his trading is very weak, while also having very poor waveclear. Because of Kai'Sa having really good early waveclear and stronger trades from behind minion protection it makes it easy for her to obtain lane priority and always have minions to hide behind, which removes Ezreal's ability to have effective poke. That being said, this won't necessarily always be the case since many support matchups can give lane priority to the Ezreal, but in a nutshell, this will usually be heavily Kai'Sa favoured. Jhin Jhin is one of the strongest lane bullies in the current bot lane meta, so naturally Kai'Sa will tend to have a tough time into him. Where Jhin best shines is in his terrifying trading power with his Q and FOURth shot, but is mediocre in trades where he can't use his FOURth shot and in all-ins where he has to keep putting out damage after his FOURth shot. But even his weakest short trades are at the very least on par with Kai'Sa's, so where Kai'Sa edges it out is in all-in scenarios where she can burst him down with her support. This is easiest after level 6 where an auto-attack or any CC from her support can allow her to position herself for an easy Void Seeker, especially since Jhin's ultimate isn't usable when he's the one being engaged. Naturally what you most want in this matchup tends to be an engage support, especially Nautilus is a nasty duo with Kai'Sa and suits her needs perfectly against a matchup like Jhin. Jinx While Jinx's trades very weak, what she does have on her side is massive auto-attack range in rocket form. Kai'Sa with her 525 auto-attack range is one of many can't easily trade back against such a long range opponent, so her best chance of winning this matchup will again be through all-ins. As such the best kind of supports will be engage supports who can lock down Jinx and force her into a fight where her squishy stats make it hard for her to survive, and therefore forces her to play far back since she can't risk getting caught. Beware that in matchups where Jinx has lane priority she can actually be quite the annoying lane bully if she's able to land constant Zap's without having to worry about minions blocking them. Kalista This matchup is kinda complicated in how I should approach explaining it because of the high skillcap to Kalista's lane bullying capabilities. At her best she's possibly the most oppressive lane bully in the game, but at her worst she's just a mediocre laner. Regardless, it's always a good idea to have some lockdown against Kalista so you can actually land your Void Seeker against her and so she doesn't run circles around you. Nautilus is again your best choice here, especially since he doesn't necessarily need to land any skillshots to commence his lockdown since he can just ult her. On average this matchup is probably about even, but bear in mind that if you run into a Kalista who's actually good at her laning, it's going to be about as hard a matchup to win as Draven. Kog'Maw Kog'Maw is the best tank buster in the game, but he's also one of the weakest laners in the game, having very poor trading and very poor all-ins, which means you won't struggle much against him as Kai'Sa. He can be Jinx-like at times with high auto-attack range when his W is activated but it has high downtime which makes it easy to play around. In matchups where he has lane priority he won't have a hard time exerting pressure with his high auto-attack range and the poke he gains access to at level 6, but he very much lacks kill potential and is a fairly non-threatening champion to be losing lane against. He also has little to no defensive tools, so combined with a support that can engage on him he's a highly vulnerable and easy to punish pick, especially with the engage capabilities of Kai'Sa. Lucian Thanks to the buff to his base AD in patch 9.17, Lucian has reclaimed his place as the top laning ADC next to Draven. He was already a good matchup into Kai'Sa so it's now only gotten even worse, as he beats her in both trades and all-ins. In certain support matchups you may have the advantage, but generally you will want to play on the defensive and try to outscale. Miss Fortune Miss Fortune is definitely on the upper tier of laners in the ADC role, but not too far ahead of Kai'Sa herself. This matchup will heavily depend on the support matchup, since a Miss Fortune with lane priority is a terror that will keep you down with constant Q bounces, but a Miss Fortune without lane prio isn't going to be able to get her Q harass off all that easily except by directly targeting you. The key to this matchup is to respect her Q bounces as they have a decent range and also a very wide angle which they can hit you from, and to ult out of her ultimate as quick as you can on every cast since especially if she's building lethality this removes a lot of her damage in fights. That being said, note that other Miss Fortune playstyles focus on W max to lean more towards the DPS side and don't care as much for a whiffed ultimate, so it's important to be aware of which style of Miss Fortune you're facing. Sivir For the longest time Sivir was slept on as one of the strongest lane bullies in the game, but with her recent nerfs she's now about as underwhelming a laner as she was thought to be in the first place. That's good news for Kai'Sa though as it brought her from a solid losing matchup to a solid winning matchup. Your waveclear is now a closer match for hers and while she still has stronger trades she has to expend a lot more mana for them, while her all-ins are solidly below yours. Whether playing for trades or all-ins, Sivir's not quite a push over for Kai'Sa but she is a matchup you should now expect to win when you encounter it. Tristana Tristana as a matchup can range from okay to terrifying depending on whether the matchup allows her to jump on you or not. Tristana has the strongest all-in power of any ADC and can almost one-shot you starting from level 2, but in matchups where CC prevents her from being able to quickly proc her bomb her ability to all-in is greatly diminished, as she risks getting burst down before she bursts you down and then has no Rocket Jump reset to back out. Since her Explosive Charge is highly dependant on getting multiple procs in order to do damage her short trades are very poor and an area Kai'Sa can easily outperform her in. The issue is that by going for those short trades you give her an opening to just jump on you and possibly one-shot you, so you'll have to keep that risk in mind. Also note that she doesn't need an engage support in order to engage on you, she just needs to be stronger than you in a 2v2 and no support like Janna to interrupt her Rocket Jump when she engages, and even then you'd be reliant on your Janna not screwing up. In general you should treat this as a losing matchup, but occasionally you will find that you have room to bully her around. Twitch Twitch is definitely one of the weakest laning ADCs, but you can't afford to lower your guard against him. Twitch has pretty bad trading since like Tristana he depends on having multiple stacks for his E to do any significant damage, but in longer trades his damage can be deceptively high. His stealth also allows him to easily force these longer fights when you're not expecting it, meaning that in matchups where you win short trades but lose longer ones or all-ins, Twitch can be a very high threat opponent, especially with a finished Blade of the Ruined King to better force fights. Whether this is an option for him or not will depend entirely on the support matchup, many supports have too much lockdown threat for him to risk engaging these longer trades, but other supports like Janna don't provide much threat and may cause fights to be in favour of Twitch and his support. Regardless, make sure to never let your guard down and always be aware of the possibility of a Twitch stealth engage and thinking about whether you should be worried about it or not. Varus Varus has been underwhelming for a while, but his laning phase remains on the upper tier for AD Carries thanks to his above average auto-attack range and the range of his poke whether maxing E or Q. Because of his superior trading and his lockdown after level 6 this is a matchup where you have to be wary of trading, but your all-in strength is far greater than his so with an engage support you can easily shine and stomp the lane, since Varus is a vulnerable target with not enough burst or DPS to shine in all-ins if his support isn't a champion that excels in them. Vayne Vayne is possibly the weakest laner in the ADC roster currently. Her trading without landing 3 auto-attacks for her Silver Bolts is very weak, and her all-in power is very underwhelming too especially before level 6, and with Void Seeker revealing stealth this makes Kai'Sa an edge over Vayne that other ADCs don't have. Trading with Vayne though you do want to keep the trades short and not let her proc her Silver Bolts in order to maximize the efficiency of your trades and not lose any more HP than necessary, since if she's smart she won't be letting the trade drag on long enough for you to land the 5 hits necessary to proc your own passive. Additionally, be wary of the fact that in situations where she does win all-ins, she has a very easy time engaging and chasing people down because of her passive movement speed buff and low Tumble cooldown, so if you're not confident in your ability to win a fight, don't put yourself in a spot where she can run you down. Xayah Xayah is an ADC that has great waveclear. And decent poke. And strong trading. And pre-6 crowd control. Also good all-ins. And also huge safety. And massive DPS. So unsurprisingly, Xayah's a pretty good laner. But just like Kai'Sa she has low auto-attack range and her trade pattern benefits more from long extended trades, just as Kai'Sa does, so this matchup isn't too bad for Kai'Sa. Xayah is the stronger laner, but not to a significant extent, to the point where I would call this one a skill matchup. Obviously, just try and avoid getting hit by the pullback of her feathers, they can seriously chunk you out and getting rooted can set up an easy engage for the enemy support. Be mindful of ways your E and ult can help you avoid her feathers in fights, and don't be afraid to miss some CS if she has a bunch of feathers positioned in a way that you can't avoid them without getting zoned, it's better to let yourself get zoned out of a last-hit or two while you wait for the feathers to time out than taking a massive chunk of damage. [link] [comments] |
Some things I see low elo supports do that they could do better Posted: 27 Oct 2019 01:55 AM PDT Hey all! I see the claim made on here pretty often that its impossible to climb as a support player and that's just (obviously) not true at all. So I decided to compile a little list of something's I've seen low elo support players do that could stand some improvement. Hope it helps! First and foremost, and most egregious — playing a non-interactive lane. Just because you're not the "carry" doesn't mean you don't have a job to do. Doesn't matter who you're playing, who you're against, or who you're with, you should be doing all you can to: — deplete the enemy's health bar — keep your laner's health bar as full as possible — keep your own health bar as full as possible — deny minions from the enemy — ensure your laner can safely farm So running around in circles not doing anything unless you think you can land a zenith blade, rocket grab, or dredge line is pretty bad. There's a lot more you can do! Poke! Threaten! Deny CS! Your opponent should have to carefully think about every move they make, and everything they do that's even mildly aggressive should come at some cost. Whether that's some health, some mana, a missed minion... make them pay for everything they do. If you're the type of player who runs in circles til your Q is off cool down, switching to this more deliberate play style may be difficult. You might feed. DO IT! How will you know your champions limits if you don't explore them? (Please don't do this in ranked.) Second big thing is vision control. Low elo players either don't ward, or they ward poorly. They just kinda toss some wards in whatever bush they might be passing by, and then they're proud of themselves for a job well done. Also, they never switch their trinkets over to a sweeper. Or if they do, they don't use the sweeper properly. Ward with a purpose. Your vision should match the state of the game, and which objective you're playing for next. Ward to your win condition. Your win condition "right now" and your win condition overall. If infernal drake is coming up in one minute, you should be en route to set up a perimeter around that objective. COMMUNICATE that this is what you're doing. Grab a warding buddy. It's dangerous to go alone! If your tower is already gone and you're swapping lanes with your top laner, you should drop a few wards to protect him so he can effectively pressure a lane without getting caught while you and the rest of your team pressure something else. The point is — think about your wards. Use them effectively. Putting a control ward in bottom tri is worthless if nobody's going to be there, and there's no objective to control. It's a CONTROL ward. You use it for CONTROL. Lastly, and this one may cause some discussion, but my opinion is PLAY FOR YOUR TEAM! You're a SUPPORT! Leave the carrying to the carries! I'm not saying you shouldn't get kills, or you should just martyr yourself for your team every chance you get, but you should consider what the best option is for your team overall in any situation. If you're an 0-3 Morgana support, and there's a fight, and there's a chance you can hand off a kill to the 3-1 Kai'sa instead of taking it for yourself... you probably should let her have it. Same for things like lux or brand that build specifically for damage. I PROMISE you that gold is better on your ADC or mid laner in MOST situations. Don't try to carry from support. Try to make your team carry you! I play almost exclusively Soraka, Taric, Morgana, and Alistar. And while I may never go 15-0, I most certainly do carry games. It just looks more like 0/2/28 because I play for my teammates, and I play to win. I don't play to hard carry, and I don't play for KDA. If I'm Morgana and I see that I can flash into 3-4 people and ult/zhonyas — but im DEFINITELY going to die.... I guess I'm dying, cuz that likely ends up being at LEAST a 2 for 1, and that's worth it. That's all I'll go into detail about right now, but for further reading in your own time - look up some guides on good warding, minion wave management/setup, and itemization choices. The builds you get on or are decent, all-around builds, but you should really learn about all the support items and what situations they're useful in. I've won games off of a single use of Mikaels Crucible, Zekes convergence, etc. You may not think it matters, but it does! [link] [comments] |
5 Settings To Improve Your Gameplay Posted: 27 Oct 2019 03:08 PM PDT Hey guys, my name is Dinglehopper and I'm an intern at Dignitas. I've released a new article outlining some settings that could really help your gameplay! This is intended for newer players and players who don't really mess with their settings all that much. But hey, you might even find something you didn't know that'll help you out! Enjoy: [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Oct 2019 11:45 AM PDT I picked up Kha Zix uesterday as I like to do big dmg and just sneak away, however my Kha Zix isnt amazing and I feel like its because a lack of knowledge. Can someone tell me his powerspikes some of his counters and who he counters, and lastly what to build against different comps. Thanks for all the help [link] [comments] |
What am I supposed to do against Kayle? Posted: 27 Oct 2019 01:52 PM PDT I main top in low plat and play all types of champs but mostly tanks that help bring frontline and cc. But it seems like no matter what I do I can't beat Kayle. I can't beat her level 2 in trade, level 2 in all ins. I can't outscale her. I can't try to shove her in and force a dive. I just have no clue what to do. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Oct 2019 05:28 AM PDT Had this lane and it was pretty unplayable. Could never really 2v2 them because they'd always win (with their hard engage), tried to poke them out and heal back with Yuumi but this was kinda scary because they have longer range + can always engage on us. Tried to survive the lane, but at 6 their cc was pretty disgusting, even if I flashed the arrow the Leona would just flash on me and perma cc me until I died. Didn't help that their jungler hard focused the lane too. Is this lane winnable and did I just play it wrong, or am I supposed to just perma farm this lane and give up cs where possible? In hindsight I should've probably took cleanse, but I took heal in this scenario. [link] [comments] |
Red side / blue side pros/cons for a newbie Posted: 27 Oct 2019 08:52 AM PDT Hi guys. I'm mid laner currently playing silver / gold elo and watching world's currently and I'm not clear about why they talk about priorities about picking red / blue side. For example them saying picking red side means they could lock in 'x' pick. I've never experienced a difference playing on red or blue side. Is this just a high elo thing or just pro play. Or am I missing something all together? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Oct 2019 10:11 AM PDT As a new player I really struggled to stick to one champion, especially a champion that is generally considered easy or beginner friendly like annie or garen or amumu. I tried "maining" a lot of difficult champions like akali, sylas, kalista, vayne and such, and never really stuck to one or two of them for long enough to get really proficient. As a result, I was miserable in lane, not really comfortable on anything, and would constantly lose lane or fail to transform any leads I did get into meaningful outcomes for my team. Eventually I decided that enough was enough and that I was going back to the first champ I ever played, which was Darius, and maining him exclusively. For one month I tried to play Darius only, meaning I would dodge if he was banned, picked by enemy team or if I got autofilled. Honestly, this might have been the best decision I have ever made in terms of league of legends because it has done wonders for my laning ability and overall potential to carry games. The first most important thing was that Darius, being mechanically easy to play and learn, has really easy combos and dueling. He isn't insanely technical like Akali or Lee Sin. The biggest benefit of playing a champion who was so mechanically simple was that I knew EXACTLY what trades I could and could not go for, when I could all in and such. When I mained akali for a week, I was never comfortable in knowing my damage output because I would constantly second guess myself about whether or not I could have played that better, if that was the best possible combo I could have done etc. Darius has helped me greatly improve in terms of trading and all ins, which has helped me win lane more consistently and then also win fights later on. The other great thing was that my decision to play darius only regardless of matchup and such meant that I had to really focus on my runes and summoner spell setups. Rather than just going with the same page mindlessly every game I took the enemy matchup/team comp etc into consideration and that taught me to play around rune cooldowns and such, things which I had not really focused on before because I was so occupied with just piloting my champion. Being able to play your champion lets you FOCUS ON THE MACRO. If I'm comfortable with trading, all inning, know my damage output and am confident in my combos then I can focus more on the macro game, like tracking the enemy jungler, warding river properly, drawing pressure and knowing when to split push and when to group. The amount of times I die to ganks or flanks has gone down significantly all because I am able to focus on the minimap more. Obviously darius is not the only champion you can learn, but if youre feeling stuck it might be worthwile to go back to one of the "noob" champions and see what you can learn [link] [comments] |
Glacial Build and Oblivion Orb Posted: 27 Oct 2019 06:57 AM PDT Just started trying Ahri/Neeko's Glacial Augment builds and I have a small question regarding the build order. When going Glacial Augment, should I always be buying Oblivion Orb after completing GLP and Sorcs boots? Or should I rush Twin Shadows next after GLP? So for example, GLP -> Sorcs -> Oblivion Orb ->Twin Shadows or GLP -> Sorcs -> Twin Shadows -> Oblivion Orb [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Oct 2019 01:40 PM PDT Hello i want to learn how to play jungle kayn but the monsters of the jungle kill me and im alsayd with a low level I want to know how to do early game [link] [comments] |
Try to lose a game by fighting a back to back 3v5-2v5-3v5 Posted: 27 Oct 2019 03:01 AM PDT Hi fellow Summoners! Recently I noticed that quite many games kinda explode in the midgame, without seemingly no reason (so no Baron sneak or facecheck, etc), these games were mostly evenish, but i noticed a common scenario in many of them, which should be avoided: One team focused on a semi-important objective, nothing gamebreaking, think inner turret or last remaining outer, so nothing that had to be protected/contested at all costs. So 4/5 people grouped, and 2/3 guys tried to defend, they got wiped, and now the situation becomes somewhat scary (4+ people pushing, vs 3 at most). Then the 3 guys try to defend, and obviously get rekt despite having ults, the sheer numbers advantage is just too much, by the time they die the initial casualties respawn and desperately try to stop the other team (you already know the outcome). And bam, now the game is snowballed both gold (6+ kills) and mapcontrolwise (2/3 turrets and and inhib down and a free Baron), and its probably gg. Avoiding it: be patient, be willing to give up something you have no realistic chance of defending anyways, if their push is dangerous try to hold them at the next defensive line, preferably without numbers disadvantage, or try to trade something crossmap. But dont commit to the let's fight them with whatever we have there, cos it is usually a recipe for disaster. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Oct 2019 09:44 AM PDT Fairly new still to top, I'm watching guides, tips, and streamers and slowly widdling down my favorite champ pool in hopes to climb next season. Most people 1-3 trick but I've found 5 champs I love to play (garen, gangplank, illaoi, kled, and fiora) which I plan to main. I've come into some really tough matchups recently and I really have no idea what to do vs them!? How do I lane vs an ap Malphite or ap cho and come out of lane with the ability to help my team mid game??? I know I'm a noob still but I really have no clue how to play vs them..... it's very nerve wrecking 😕🤦♀️ [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Oct 2019 01:23 PM PDT I have just picked up rengar and played a match (bot match). It felt way to confusing to actually do big damage. And the moves to me didn't really "make sense" when to use them Nor how to use them. If you could help with tip or tricks that would be very helpful. if you wanna help me in game feel free to message my discord -KingOfYolk#1190- [link] [comments] |
when to buy offensive items versus defensive? Posted: 27 Oct 2019 02:31 AM PDT just wanted to know situations such as when i'm playing irelia against a fiora, should i just finish my typical build of tri-force, sterak gage + boots/upgraded boots, or do i mix it up if i'm ahead/behind by buying randiuns omen to counter fiora's crit and attack speed? i'm not so sure when to buy offensive items, go the typical build or switch to defensive build in some situations (i'm mainly a top player and i'm currently 60 levels in league at gold 2) [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Oct 2019 05:03 AM PDT So I main jungle. I got bored with smite and started league. I'm a decent jungled player (in silver II) but when I look over my games my farm is still seriously low to what I should be at. I believe it's a average 9.20 average when I want it to get to about 22 average. Any tips. I get rift scutlers and dragon frequently even rift Harold. I just think It lacking because of my tanking skills. Any tips? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Oct 2019 04:03 PM PDT I've been in a losing streak lately, 11/20 of my games were losses, never happened before, i admit that i messed up some but in other matches, where I'm doing fine, the enemy team somehow gets fed and it's impossible to win. What can i do to outplay the enemy team when mine is splitting and feeding? [link] [comments] |
Annie Mid, is She Your Champ to Get Better at LoL? A Guided Video Experience Posted: 27 Oct 2019 09:56 AM PDT Hi there, Today we take a look at Annie Mid. What awaits you is a balancing act in the opportunity to mastery a broad variety of skills. This gameplay guide is packed with info to find out if that's what you need to step up your game or if there's greener grass on the side of selective specialization. The choice is yours. Hope you tune in and enjoy! If you do please leave tempered feedback, supportive comments or your own Annie tales and insights and maybe come again. :) [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Oct 2019 03:40 PM PDT Hey guys so I am also planning to make a new series where I give 60 tips on how to carry in the top lane. Basically I took some of my own ideas and then dug through SummonerSchool and found the most asked questions over the last couple months and came up with the below list and organized them into 12 different videos. I have released a prototype video to get feedback from before I start recording the series. Also I want to use that as a gauge of interest because I am not going to spend this much time on something that doesn't get views/ subs. Prototype Video: Tips that Every Top Laner need to know! The plan is to release every other weekend. Rotating with the Champion Guides that I posted last week. Videos and Tips I plan on going over. (Subject to Change and Feedback!) Video 1: Choosing Champions
Video 2: Going into a game
Video 3: Laning Phase
Video 4: Jungler Impact
Video 5: Wave Management
Video 6: Bonus Laning Phase Stuff
Video 7: Pressuring
Video 8: Taking Over Games
Video 9: Split Pushing
Video 10: Team Fighting
Video 11: Closing Games
Video 12: How to Improve
[link] [comments] |
ADC - not hitting CS targets but unsure why Posted: 27 Oct 2019 05:02 AM PDT So long story short, I have identified one of the key areas I am lacking in my progress as a solo-Q ADC is getting good CS targets. I am in high silver / low gold ELO currently. For the last few games, I have been REALLY focusing on CS - basically ignoring lane trading or harass until I can consistently hit 70-80 cs by 10mins. However, there are a few problems I am running into and would love some advice on how to overcome it: 1) Even when I am not noticing missing CS (sure, odd 1 or 2), I still often find that I am only at 50-60cs by 10mins. I normally have to back before 10mins to get my first buy. If I skip this back, I do hit the 70+ cs mark but that seems dumb? 2) Often at my elo there is stuff going on around dragon really early and frequently. This means that even before 10mins I am frequently pulled out of lane or have to leave my team (who then die) in river. As a result, not hitting 70+cs by 10mins. Is this just a choice I have to make at this ELO or am I doing something wrong. 3) Going past the 15min mark - both teams seem to CONSTANTLY be fighting or engaging. Not over objectives, just for the hell of it :D As a result, getting into a lane to get any farm seems near impossible. It's mainly just 5v5 down mid lane all game from about 15mins. I have tried playing my own game and not engaging in the dumb grouping unless it is for an objective, but that usually results in my team still going in 4v5 and losing :D. If I stay with them, sure, we win some more TFs, but no farm..... Of the 3, the first question is my biggest worry. I am not noticing myself obviously missing CS but still end up a lot behind if I need to back (or even sometimes if I don't). [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Oct 2019 03:11 PM PDT So here's the thing. I watched countless wave management and macro adc guides and I managed to increase my cs per minute by 0.5 I think. I still got pretty good winrate on Ashe but I am not able to use the cs knowledge I get in those videos. I also watched countless of Doublelift's videos to see how he is csing. Again I try to transfer it to my games but I fail. In the last 10 games I was trying to get 7 or 8 cs per minute or at least better than the last game but I couldn't do it. Does anyone has advice for me? (idk how this could be useful but maybe you see something): [link] [comments] |
Looking for advice for playing Vayne (specifically when set behind early) Posted: 27 Oct 2019 02:27 PM PDT Hi, I'm level 63 but haven't really played much seriously and only just started dedicating myself to getting better instead of constantly fucking around with friends. I've been looking to learn ADCs, and specifically Vayne, but have obviously struggled, as someone who never played MOBAs before and only really played FPS games. I'd really appreciate some advice and tips. I often find myself being poked/pressured quite hard during laning phase and set behind. Once I'm behind, I try to farm as much as possible to get back into the game (something I see a lot from watching xfsn_saber's stream), but a lot of the time, my team will still constantly fight when there isn't a reason, and the enemies just end up further ahead, and if I try to help in team fights instead, I'm still behind and have to play perfectly to have a chance. When I manage to win lane, I usually don't have a problem with mid and late game, but I'm unsure of what to do when I come out of laning phase when I'm behind and would love to hear some advice. TL;DR - How should I play Vayne when I am set back in laning phase? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Oct 2019 03:30 AM PDT I just got the game a couple of days ago, never played the genre before but wanted to start to I could play with a friend. I've ended up really enjoying the game and really love Elise's design, she encapsulates everything I really love in a character and gameplay. But... I cannot for the life of me do anything but feed and get carried. I've watched a whole shittone of guides on the character but every time I feel like I'm improving I get thrown into a game where I can only get assists and deaths. Even when I win its not satisfying because I really just end up farming the whole game so I don't feed. I feel like I'm constantly surrounded almost exclusively by Smurfs too and it makes it impossible for me to get used to my techniques... except for escaping, I've gotten quite good at running away because it's all I'm doing now. And now I'm hesitant to play with my friend because he's a lot better than I am and I don't want to tank his high elo games or just end up not getting any kills because someone a lot better than me is carrying. This feels like a whiny post but I genuinely want to improve. It's a super fun game and I've already spent $10 on a cool skin so I can't back out so quickly! I know it's only been a couple of days but I thought that being able to apply fundamentals like I feel like I have would have net me some sort of feeling of success by now apart from being quite good at killing those fat jungle monsters that spit at you. I know the basics and I've got runes set up etc it just feels very hard to get any actual practice in. All my 'skill' is theory. I also know Elise is very hard to learn... other characters I like are Ahri and Vel'Koz. [link] [comments] |
When should a newbie start playing against human players/with more experienced friends? Posted: 27 Oct 2019 01:53 AM PDT Hi, I'm the more experienced friend in this scenario, just introduced LoL to a friend due to worlds, now she wants to pick it up. I know that Riot has the smurf detection system, so I shouldn't play together with her too soon, but is it okay to play Coop vs AI with her? And when is it okay to start playing normals with her? On a side note, if anyone knows some best guide for newbies that would be great. [link] [comments] |
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