LoL Guide Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 9.21 |
- Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 9.21
- Moderator Applications: Fall 2019
- New player here
- How long do you think it takes someone to master their main champion?
- Improving is possible
- Picking up Riven for Season 10 ?
- what to do after winning a level 2 all in?
- How do I stop playing on autopilot.
- As a support should i be buying a 6th item or leaving the slot free for pink/red wards?
- How to deal against assasin?
- How to play consistently?
- Order of Fundamentals
- As someone who doesn't play jungle, how do I learn about jungle?
- Why do so many pro players and teams play ADC's mid lane and mages or bruisers top lane?
- I struggle to create my own agency and it infuriates me.
- How to cs most effectively as a mid laner after landing phase
- Wave managment tips for a adc player
- Why are my cs numbers so low
- Getting into ranked
- What Type of Music Do You Listen to While Tryharding in Ranked?
- how to play adc with a random support
- A small tip for scouting vision around mid lane and setting up for your jungler
- Really hard to keep my mental stable during ranked and need help
- Am I the only one who thinks Nunu will be broken in Season 10?
- Reaching level 30
- Transitioning from early to mid game in top lane.
- How to Communicate With your Support? (Gold Elo Specifically)
Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 9.21 Posted: 23 Oct 2019 06:06 AM PDT Hello summoners! In order to create better discussion in the subreddit, we will be redirecting all simple questions to this thread. What is a simple question? Typically, we define a simple question as something that can be answered fully within a single, or maybe two at most, comments. In this thread, you can ask any question you need answered about League of Legends, even if it isn't necessarily about learning the game itself. Keep in mind we will still continue to remove golden rule violations, rants, memes, topics against Riot's ToS, and paid services - but the other rules are generally more lax here. What you can do to help! For now, this is a patch-based thread, meaning it will be posted once every two weeks. Checking back on this thread later in the patch and answering any questions that have been posted would be a huge help! If you're trying to ask a question, the more specific you are, the better it is for all of us! We can't give you any help if we don't get much to work with in the first place. Resources
Which do you use? Deviations in stats are typically minor, so whichever one you prefer.
If you have any suggestions for this thread, please let us know through modmail how we could improve! [link] [comments] |
Moderator Applications: Fall 2019 Posted: 23 Oct 2019 06:56 PM PDT Hey all, it's that time of year again - we're looking for some more volunteers to help make sure the sub can keep running smoothly. We're doing it a bit differently this time with a Google form as opposed to posting apps on the thread; you're free to leave questions below though, if you have any. These will be open until Nov 6th, 11:59PM EST. Good luck, hope to see you all there 🤠[link] [comments] |
Posted: 24 Oct 2019 01:39 AM PDT As the title suggests, I've recently gotten into the game as I discovered that a few of my closer friends play League. I've already completed the tutorial, played one or two casual games with then, so I understand the general gameplan of matches I thing I do need however, is to optimise my graphic and control settings, as well as general tips for beginners FYI I picked Ahri as the starter champion and got Caitlyn for free at the start, so any Ahri or Caitlyn mains out here, teach me your ways Any help is appreciated! [link] [comments] |
How long do you think it takes someone to master their main champion? Posted: 23 Oct 2019 06:56 PM PDT I have 270k mastery points on Lux (who's not a hard champion at all) and still miss the easiest stuns etc in most games, and it's so embarrassing. Do you guys think there is anyway to improve this? I know it's impossible to hit every stun but I would like to start hitting more of them. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 24 Oct 2019 02:40 AM PDT Hey guys! ^^ My League of Legends carrier has recently changed a little bit and this is something new for me. Thus, I wanted to share my experience. I have been hard-stuck in low gold for a couple of seasons. I've never managed to improve or feel like I was better than my opponents. I have been always tilted on everyone and I used to blame my teammates instead of myself - I guess it is a common thing for a low elo player. I have just been average. I could not put any pressure on the map, I could not use my gold advantage to snowball and win, I didn't have a clue what was happening in certain matches. Honestly, one thing changed a lot. I found a champion which makes me wanna play the game. I started one tricking Evelynn. I don't care that people say this champion is broken or overpowered. I don't think about it. This is a champion which makes me smile while playing and I am having fun even when losing. I, a Gold IV player with shitty win ratio in 200-300 games last season and for fewer games this season as I wasn't really playing that much, I hit Plat in few days with something around 75% wr or more. I know that Platinum is still not that good but it is a huge improvement for me. I understood that I am better than the players from my previous divisions. I can outplay them easily, predict enemy jungle pathing and stomp my opponent, I can put pressure on the map and use my advantage to feed me and my teammates to win the game. Moreover, all the salt that was in me disappeared. I stopped being toxic and, in general, I understand more things. It proved to me that we're not to stick with meta but to find something that gives as fun and pleasure, so we can have fun and this will make us improve. [link] [comments] |
Picking up Riven for Season 10 ? Posted: 24 Oct 2019 02:01 AM PDT Hi, I have been Silver since I began playing at the end of Season 3, but never really put the time into the game to get to Gold and had couple of gap seasons. Anyway, this season wanted to get Gold, so kept playing simpler champions to get there. Now, have reached gold, and always wanted to learn Riven with all her combos and animation cancel, love the challenge. The problem is that 2 core parts of Riven's kit, conquerors and shoujen are getting gutted/removed, so is putting time into Riven even a wise move at all ? [link] [comments] |
what to do after winning a level 2 all in? Posted: 23 Oct 2019 08:00 AM PDT They die and im at like 200 hp, I could back but i would lose more experience since the death timer is shorter than 7 seconds and I also don't have enough money to buy any intermediate items. But if i stay, it gives them a chance to equalize the lead since im already so low, so I dont know what to do [link] [comments] |
How do I stop playing on autopilot. Posted: 23 Oct 2019 05:50 PM PDT I've played league for a long time. I play the game fun or when I'm bored. After playing the game so long, sometimes I end up playing without thinking in a sense. Not always, but I catch myself zoning out staring at the screen. I just react to whatever I see, rather than actively looking or thinking. I can find it hard to constantly pay attention and zone out. [link] [comments] |
As a support should i be buying a 6th item or leaving the slot free for pink/red wards? Posted: 24 Oct 2019 02:45 AM PDT I just played a support swain game where i was pretty ahead but it go to late game which is rare where i had the option to either complete a void staff or keep the slot free for bulk red wards. In this situation which should i do, i understand i have a sweeper but there were times when it was on CD and situations where having a extra ward would of helped? Here my op for the game (most recent) Cheers [link] [comments] |
Posted: 24 Oct 2019 12:37 AM PDT I will just say this, I am low elo. Assasin is really hard to lane against for me since everyone has a dash to get on top of me and just kill me. Talon just lvl 2 cheese and roam. Zed just keep killing me over and over, and get out coz his shadow. Leblanc is way too safe. Wukong can just 100-0 me by dash AA Q Ult ignite with elec. Fizz feel ok to deal against IN LANING PHASE, coz I can constantly harass him in the lane, but he gets 6 then just 100-0 me. Now, this just seem like a bitchin thread, but really, I just want to play the game. I even bought an early armguard against assasin match, yet they just burst me down. Any help is appreciated. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 24 Oct 2019 01:17 AM PDT Sup, summonerschool. Inb4 p1 adc player here (got it in pre-season in February or January I dont remember exactly, nevermind). So, after I've got p1 Ive been struggling there for about a week, then got hella burned and quit game for like half of year. I was playing time to time, but that was horrible tries, I've done calibration with smthn like 1-9, got g4 and stopped played till now. Now Im playing again, already got g2, but I got problem I had in February. I cant play for a long time. I begin to make unsafe plays, doing some unreasonable things, etc if playing more than 3-4 games in a row. And you could say like its quite easy, just play when u do feel like play, but now Ive got plenty of time and I want to spend it on league. Like I ready to play 6-7+ hours daily but that's like my body doesnt afford me to do so. So, is there any way you are dealing with that kind of fatigue? Or that some kind of my personal problem? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 24 Oct 2019 07:11 AM PDT Hello, I've been on this game for 4 years or so and burned through countless hours of educational material. I've yet to make meaningful progress. From hovering around high silver I now hover high gold, which is basically the same. In other words, I've reached a state of paralysis from analysis. The amount of information I've collected, but haven't made a habit out of has overwhelmed my gameplay, so I just end up autopiloting through the games. I'm certain some of you will recognize yourself here. I've decided to finally take the approach of incorporating a single habit at a time, as most coaches suggest and actually try to improve. I'll be focusing mostly on mid. Now, I'm trying to compile a list of fundamentals in order in which they'd be best to practice and make a habit out of. The only thing I am certain about is putting CS foremost, work on first. I'm also fairly educated on what runes to take into each game as well as item builds and adapting to the situation. So, runes / builds can stay off the list, as they're something you can work on outside of the actual game. My question to you, fellow summoners, is in what order would you learn the fundamentals if you had to go through all of them? Also, if you've got suggestions how to formulate the habit - feel free to share that alongside the fundamental idea. For example, to work on map awareness, the habit would be to look at the map everytime you're lasthitting a minion. Update: Each stage should consist of 10-20 games before moving your focus to the next fundamental:
This list is a work in progress. [link] [comments] |
As someone who doesn't play jungle, how do I learn about jungle? Posted: 24 Oct 2019 01:41 AM PDT As someone who doesn't play jungle, how do I learn about jungle? For example, I hear some people say stuff like "jungler most likely won't visit mid until level 3 because he's x champion" Or "enemy jungler x was just at Blue buff so he won't be visiting y due to pathing so you can push the wave" But I myself cannot come to such conclusions due to lack of knowledge about the jungle, so I always just assume the jungler is gonna gank me unless I see him somewhere else on the map. I thought about playing jungle, but it just takes too much time to learn and get good at a role. When I am autofilled jungler I just go to whatever camp I want and gank if appropriate hope my lane carries. I don't know how to count jungler cs to predict where they will be, and I don't understand any sort of jungler matchups and pathing and power spikes etc. What can I do to understand stuff like this? I main mid, so I understand laning, but jungle seems like a completely new topic and I cannot relate. [link] [comments] |
Why do so many pro players and teams play ADC's mid lane and mages or bruisers top lane? Posted: 23 Oct 2019 08:50 AM PDT Last year it already started where teams picked comps with mages or bruisers bot lane (fnatic summer split 2018 is a good example). Nowadays we have marksman champions in the mid lane (played by mid laners) and mages in bot lane (played by ADC players). First of all, why do people do that? Why is it more efficient? Or is it inefficient compared when playing them bot lane? And why do so many pro players play mages bot now? Second, why do players like Kobbe play Veigar bot instead of Tristana mid and Humanoid would move to bot with Veigar for this one game. Kobbe is more used to play ADCs and Humanoid is used to play mid lane champions. What is the point behind those picks? [link] [comments] |
I struggle to create my own agency and it infuriates me. Posted: 23 Oct 2019 04:35 AM PDT Hello guys I'm a ex-support main who rerolled ADC a few weeks ago. Practice in Normal Draft have been great, but since I'm struggling with some Ranked Anxiety on a massive level, I decided to play ADC on a smurf. So far I'm at 2w/1l, so it's not that bad. I'm the type of player who wants to win. (Just to make ths clear, I've been competitive in sports etc, so I can't really stand the phrase "Lol it's a game chill") I also totally understand that I can't be the main carry of my team, I have no troubles with that, I just can't understand how going 1/9 in a game at 15mins and taking random trades or fights are plain fun, but thats not the point here. However, I want to be able to play my lane, even if I am alone. The thing is, I still haven't figured out how to 1v3 in most of my games. If I have a good support, it'll be a stomp, if I have an okayish support, I'll manage to farm and outfarm my opponent, if my support is "bad", I'll start to lose focus, and then struggle. And since I'm anxious, I tend to not focus about myself, which leads to me losing control of my lane and my game. I wanted to know HOW I can cope with that. I want to progress, but I think this lack of ability to remain cool and create agency in losing situations is a huge wall to me right now and I want to demolish that wall. Thank you very much for answering Edit : Thank you very much everyone ! I think I've figured out many mistakes in my mindset (Fear of losing, too much emphasis on winning rather than improving, not being critical on myself enough) I also pointed out many flaws that I will actively try to work on (Like AA Cancel, How to push and rotate properly, learn my Powerspikes) I think I will only focus on playing kai'Sa, and if it's banned, Lucian. If I need an AP, I'll go on Veigar. I'll try hard from now on to stay focus only at me and don't yell out loud (not in chat, don't worry) at everything else xD I'll also give a try to more champs after that, but now I want to focus on : -How to lose gracefully, and especially how to accept it -How can I maximize my damages on a bad trade without dying -How to self peel myself -When should I take the big waves, when should I group -When I have some powerspike Then I'll focus into -How to maximize my poking in lane -Try new champions -How to macrohelp in an effective way I don't know if I got the good program but I feel like I need first to fix my "I'm not the winner in my lane so it's lost" mindset because it's the main factor of this trouble thank you guys :D [link] [comments] |
How to cs most effectively as a mid laner after landing phase Posted: 23 Oct 2019 04:33 PM PDT I mainly play mid lane and I can usually reach around 100 cs by the ten minute mark most the time. My cs usually falls drastically after laning phase as teammates join to the mid lane taking exp and cs. I've heard you should play in side lanes to get solo exp and cs to not fall behind but I don't understand exactly the right time to do this and often miss team fights at mid. If anyone could help explain when to roam to different lanes for cs it would help allot, thanks [link] [comments] |
Wave managment tips for a adc player Posted: 24 Oct 2019 08:14 AM PDT Im a silver adc main. I mostly play jhin, kaisa and xayah. I always know my limits and I'm really good at staying alive and wait for opportunities. But I have one big weakness. I don't know how to take advantage of my lead in lane. How to deny as much xp and gold as possible etc. so basically I need help with wave management, when to freeze and where to do it, when to slow push, when to fast push and when I should recall. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 24 Oct 2019 04:22 AM PDT even tough i can play jax, i still have super low cs numbers like wtf? how do i even win these games. it feels awful to press tab and see me who has the lowest cs in the team??? what ways are there to fix this? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 23 Oct 2019 07:20 PM PDT I'm a level 36 support main who mains Brand and plays either Lux, Morgana, or Rakan when he gets banned/picked. I play other roles as well but I'm trying to get into ranked playing support. I'm at the point where I stomp most draft games I play but get stomped in most games I've played ranked (1-3 in placements so far). I want to get into ranked because I know it'll help me get better, but how do I transition from draft to ranked as a support without being a detriment to the team I'm on? [link] [comments] |
What Type of Music Do You Listen to While Tryharding in Ranked? Posted: 24 Oct 2019 07:50 AM PDT Personally I feel like I can not listen to anything other than peaceful piano music because anything with lyrics is either too catchy or interrupts with my train of thoughts in the game. I know some friend that listen to edm or high bpm songs which gets them really hyped up but when I do I just ran it down mid thinking im Faker. I think no music is best because it doesn't interrupt the conversation you should be having with yourself in game, but I was curious what your guy's opinion on playing music while playing ranked [link] [comments] |
how to play adc with a random support Posted: 24 Oct 2019 07:48 AM PDT i play a LOT of xayah and i enjoy the champion immensely, however sometimes the support flat ints, we have bad communication, is trolling, or sits back and does nothing. at times i get great ones and i love duoing with my friends, but do you guys have any tips to carry with randoms, especially in a ranked game? [link] [comments] |
A small tip for scouting vision around mid lane and setting up for your jungler Posted: 24 Oct 2019 07:42 AM PDT When the enemy mid shoves you in/recalls and their creeps are pushing towards you, you can try to set up a freeze by tanking the creep aggro and stopping the wave outside your turret range where they can be intercepted by your own creep wave. Something easy you can do to scout for vision is tank the creep aggro and walk into the mid lane side brushes while the enemy creeps chase you, and if they immediately disengage once you enter the brush then it isn't warded. This tells you usually what side of the map they're playing around, where it is warded and you can ping your jungler if there is no vision so that they can try to path to you [link] [comments] |
Really hard to keep my mental stable during ranked and need help Posted: 24 Oct 2019 07:41 AM PDT Honestly it's just really difficult for me to deal with losses. I spent the past few months climbing from S4 to S2 and it was pretty hard for me to deal with all the losses but I stuck with it and tried to stay positive. Then I would have the most tilting games where we would be ahead by so much because of some smurf on our team only for us to lose because we had such a huge early advantage that it threw everyone off and they would just go dicking around like it was some casual mode. I just felt like no matter how hard I tried I would never be able to translate winning lane into winning the game. After two really tilting loss streaks that brought me back down to S4 I quit playing ranked, but recently I wanted to try playing again because I really didn't want to have that as my rank for this season. It's really hard for me to see this as just a game anymore because of all the time I spent studying my role and learning the game. Even when I try to be positive I feel like a part of me is just shutting down whenever bad situations happen. I have no idea how other people can climb so quickly or keep their cool about going up and down a few elos during their climb because it really bothers me. The worst part is when you put in your best effort but lose due to other people messing it up. Of course I try not to be mean because I've been there before, but in Silver it is so exhausting sometimes because I have no idea if the people on my team will be competent or not. I know that I belong in this elo if I can't climb out, but honestly why does the climb have to be so difficult? If I play support I get an Ashe adc that doesn't know she counters cait and just runs from every fight. If I play adc I get a first time bard support that doesn't know what he's doing. Yes, I have games where I don't play well myself, but how do I keep from losing my cool when I can't get a win no matter how hard I try? [link] [comments] |
Am I the only one who thinks Nunu will be broken in Season 10? Posted: 24 Oct 2019 07:24 AM PDT With Riot rolling out the new drake changes soon it got me thinking about how much the jungle meta will be changing. Earlier this season we saw Nunu in a really good spot in the meta because of how easy his tanks are and his objective control. I even used him to finish my climb to plat. Seeing the new changes on drakes I feel like Riot needs to gut his base stats to prevent him from becoming a powerhouse. Any other opinions? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 24 Oct 2019 07:19 AM PDT I'm currently level 15 and wanting to unlock ranked games. I'm wondering when a good time is to stop playing co-op bot games and start playing normals? I've seen videos telling people to spam bot games until level 30 but it's just so easy winning against bots. When did u move on from bot games and how were your first few normals matches? [link] [comments] |
Transitioning from early to mid game in top lane. Posted: 23 Oct 2019 11:45 PM PDT Other than micro issues I can generally impact the early game well no matter the champion I've been playing top, however I struggle with extending my lead cleanly into mid game, I usually end up over committing or making stubborn/disrespectful plays which gives the enemy team a way back into the game. VOD (I fix audio hissing @ 8:00) As you can see other than micro errors causing me to miss a kill on ryze (and dying to the worlds most obvious gank) I played early game pretty well, getting my jungler, myself, and my midlaner sizeable leads that we can snowball into mid-game - but then I keep trying to over-use my advantages and get greedy causing unnecessary deaths and allowing the enemy team to start playing through their bot-lane, then we start to crack but they don't properly push the advantage they get from winning the bot lane fights so Zed manages to keep us in it and we stop the bleeding and have a relatively clean late game. I'd like to know how I can avoid this kind of situation in the future, because I won't always be fortunate enough to have a mid-laner that's very far ahead and can make up for our bad plays + the higher I climb the more enemies will be able to get back from mistakes I make in the mid-game. I can see I need to be more efficient with my time as well in the mid-game, and just accept when my team won't do an objective (Herald and Ocean) even if I think it's the correct play, because it's better to commit with my entire team than to try and solo something, especially on a champ like Panth/Irelia that thrive in skirmishes and can carry them quite hard. Also I'm open to just general gameplay advice, got placed B3 because this is my first season playing more than 20 games, I've been playing Top/ADC although I prefer top because you have a lot more agency in the first 15 minutes of the game, which I think are the most important in soloq if you can play them well, because soloq late game macro tends to be awful, so basic knowledge can pull you through vs most teams + if you can destroy the enemy team before 15, they have a higher chance to tilt like a seesaw and are more likely to FF/stop trying as hard because it's hard to find motivation to play another 30 minutes well just to have a chance to win when you can just go next (obv this isn't a good outlook on the game, just the one most people tend to have in low elo). [link] [comments] |
How to Communicate With your Support? (Gold Elo Specifically) Posted: 24 Oct 2019 06:33 AM PDT How do you communicate with your support? For example (based off of a recent game): I'm on Xayah and my support is on Rakan. The enemy botlane is Ashe and Sona. I know that we hit level 2 very soon and we were going to hit it before them. I tried pinging for rakan to step up and pinged the minion that would get us level 2 and our levels. The Ashe and Sona were still stepped up right before we hit level 2, but we never all-in'ed them because I don't think the rakan knew what I was trying to say. I felt really bad after that moment because we could've won the entire lane right there at level 2 but we didn't because of communication error. The point is that I don't know how to effectively communicate plays with my support. The only thing that the support seems to consistently understand is just me back pinging, which is obviously straight forward. ADC mains that have smurfed in low elo, and ADC mains in general, how do you communicate those kinds of situations to your supports? Should I be giving them a game plan before the lane starts? [link] [comments] |
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