LoL Guide What Are Counterplay Options You Wish People Didn't Know About Your One Trick/Main? |
- What Are Counterplay Options You Wish People Didn't Know About Your One Trick/Main?
- The importance of free cam
- How do you win against fizz as Zoe?
- My damage dealt is always low
- How to play vs Aatrox?
- What's my goal as Pantheon?
- Tips to Solo rank as Jungler
- How to deal with ranked anxiety
- Champion Discussion of the Day: Viktor
- Control Wards
- How does de-aggroing minions work?
- [Plat II] Learning to manage waves in the top lane
- What are some skills a silver ADC Main can learn to stand on somewhat equal ground to an Diamond ADC main?
- Using item actives.
- Heal vs Barrier (Mid)
- Kaisa Build Question
- How to I become a better coach?
- Am I thinking about this game too hard?
- Help! Getting 1v2’d Top Lane
- How to know what to build and when?
- Team play in low-Elo fiestas
- Wanting to try out LOL from dota 2
- How to properly teach a new player?
- How can you enjoy League and not let it ruin your mood?
What Are Counterplay Options You Wish People Didn't Know About Your One Trick/Main? Posted: 21 Oct 2019 08:55 AM PDT As the title suggests, I'd like to start a thread on counterplay options/small interactions that maybe the average playerdoesnt know about. The goal is to help players handle matchups they dread or just some cool tips they didn't know about! Examples: Warding enemy Thresh lantern so their team mate can't click it. Buying QSS to counter Mordekaiser ultimate. Using Zhonyas to counter Nocturn ultimate. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 21 Oct 2019 03:27 AM PDT Is it always better? I'm playing with locked since it's easier to focus on my champ during fights. Are their particular champs that you should use free cam on? I main zed Ekko and pyke mid lane, I feel like free cam would be helpful but I can't get used to it. Is it really that important? [link] [comments] |
How do you win against fizz as Zoe? Posted: 21 Oct 2019 02:30 PM PDT I'm a Zoe one trick that is constantly counterpicked by fizz. I take mr runes and build null magic mantle and fizz can still 100-0 me under tower at 5 cs per minute 0 kills and no completed item and at level 7. People say dodge his shark but that can't always be done. I feel like a champion shouldn't be able to do what he does by landing one ability. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 21 Oct 2019 04:13 PM PDT I play toplane bruiser/assassins, focus on cs and all in when enemy makes a mistake, even in games I solo kill my laner 2-4 times, gank bot with a tp or roam mid, I don't "hunt" people and just push sidelanes and towers, I win games, but my damage dealt in the end game is ALWAYS low. I am hardstuck P2 and I know my brain is hardwired to focus on waves and only punish mistakes, I think it is wrong because when Diamond+ people play the same champs I do and have the exact same KDA, they have THRICE the damage dealt. How does this happen? Do you actively trade all the time and forgo CS if you can fuck up people? Edit: I did my searching and see people not believe damage dealt to be meaningful, but I'd rather lean on the side of streamers and high elo people on videos believe in this stat to know if you are consistently getting carried or not carrying/pushing a lead when you are big. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 21 Oct 2019 08:56 AM PDT I can't lane against Aatrox at all, I feel like the moment the first Q hits I'm half health, and the second time that happens I'm straight up dead. I tried tanks and bruisers against him and I think I just have a straight mental shutdown vs him because I feed super hard. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 21 Oct 2019 03:30 PM PDT I'm really having a hard time understanding him. Especially in a teamfight. For example, last game there was a Nami on the other team. Picture we're in a skirmish, and I'm trying to ult. She ults, and she knocks me out of my ult. So I feel pretty useless then, because I'm trying to dive their backline with my ult, but as soon as she knocks me out I'm a sitting duck. And I don't want to waste my burst on their tank. I also don't really feel like I do much damage to begin with. I thought my E would do more, but it doesn't. All my damage is in my Q. I don't really feel like I can burst their backline to begin with. What's my goal? What do I do as Pantheon to be effective for my team? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 21 Oct 2019 04:46 PM PDT Hi! I'm currently a Silver 1 JG main in Garena (singapore) Server. I have been encountering problems climbing and sometimes it is not my teammates fault. It just happens. I would like to ask a few questions : 1: Should I prioritise Objectives rather than my own teammates? (E.g killing dragon halfway and mid is getting ganked) what should I Usually do in this situation? 2: Sometimes top laners or mid dont want me to take their cs even though my objective is to push and get the turret plating. Is turret plating gold more impt for the game or is the top laner's individual cs count more impt? 3: Any tips for ganking bot lane? Always seems like the hardest lane to gank 4: Due to the restricted amount of wards I can have on a map. I'm not able to locate where the enemy jg is sometimes as I lose track. Is there several impt places where I should ward? Thanks for all your help guys! [link] [comments] |
How to deal with ranked anxiety Posted: 21 Oct 2019 11:46 AM PDT Hello guys I've had few ranked when someone got tilted and then leaved the game, and it happened like three times in a row, I lost a lot of LP... Now I'm stressed that anyone is gonna leave the game, and I'm very careful about my plays... In my normal game I'm chill and do the job to win but not anymore in ranked games, I can't really focus on the objectives when anyone stress me out, so I'm doing a bad job and lose. I'm silver 2 main jungle, and I don't know how to climb anymore (I know I'm not that high but still) Thanks in avance [link] [comments] |
Champion Discussion of the Day: Viktor Posted: 21 Oct 2019 01:08 PM PDT Champion subreddit: r/viktormains Primarily played as: Middle, Top What role does he play in a team composition? What are the core items to be built on him? What is the order of leveling up the skills? What are his spikes in terms of items or levels? What are the most optimal rune/mastery setups? What champions does he synergize well with? What is the counterplay against him? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 21 Oct 2019 04:35 AM PDT Should I only use Control Wards to deny vision or is it ok to use them as regular wards too? As an ADC I try to buy them to drop them when we're doing dragon/baron or into a lane bush if I have a support that likes sitting in them but doesn't buy a ward themselves. Sometimes though the support/jungler beats me to it when we're doing objectives or I honestly just forget that I have one, and then I end up with a ward in my bag for a really long time. So unless I happen to see something obvious like my guys camping a brush without one, I end up just chucking it in a brush like it was a regular ward. Is that bad? Or should I at least try to use it to delete a ward? Any other suggestions on how to use Control Wards better? [link] [comments] |
How does de-aggroing minions work? Posted: 21 Oct 2019 11:18 AM PDT I thought they worked with a tethering system. Just walked away far enough and they stop hitting you. But whenever I try to deaggro minions after a trade the little shits will chase me halfway across the rift. How exactly does minion aggro work, and how do I lose it so I can win trades harder? [link] [comments] |
[Plat II] Learning to manage waves in the top lane Posted: 21 Oct 2019 11:15 AM PDT I've been climbing recently, and noticed one of my weaknesses is not being able to manage waves and warding (lol.) I really do not understand the concept of freezing and slow pushing and stuff. I mainly play Fiora and Camille, so most of the time, how should I manage the wave? Considering I go against tanks, how should I manage it? Conversely, what about going against bruisers? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 21 Oct 2019 04:13 PM PDT Gonna be playing in a diamond average tournament next week as a silver 2 ADC main. I have relatively good mechanics but i do feel like mechanics aren't enough. I recently started learning auto spacing,wave management and other micro things like getting Lane priority etc. But even then I feel it's not enough to stand toe to toe with a diamond player. What could I possibly learn to at least make the gap smaller? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 20 Oct 2019 04:46 PM PDT I am an adc main taking a break from ranked to play more mid which is my secondary roll. I used to play ahri and lux a lot in lane but more for fun now have been playing qiyana and Akali. I have surprisingly been able to have some pop off games on both of them but one thing I have been struggling getting used to is managing my actives (more gunblade than zhoynas) I feels like when I'm in a fight I end up fumbling for the right keys to press (I keep GB on 5 and Zhonyas on 6) and I end up wasting my time with those when I could be dodging skills or using abilities. I remember feeling the same way about ignite when I first started playing league and I'm not perfect with it but much better. Is using actives juts a mater of practice or are there ways you make using them more easy? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 21 Oct 2019 11:01 AM PDT What's better on a mage such as ori or lux? I know there's a situation for both, but I'm not clear on what it is. Recently, I've seen IG's midlaner Rookie take heal everytime he gets orianna, even into assassin matchups. Is barrier only into heavy burst such as syndra? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 21 Oct 2019 10:13 AM PDT Is there a reason BOTRK isn't good on Kaisa? I've tried it one time into a team full of tanks because i thought the percent dmg would help, but I got flamed for stacking percent dmg on top of my passive. Why is BOTRK good on Vayne who has her own percent dmg but not on Kaisa? Is the attack speed and dmg not good enough while stacking towards upgrading her abilities? And I feel like the active and lifesteal would help alot in team fights. [link] [comments] |
How to I become a better coach? Posted: 21 Oct 2019 05:34 PM PDT Hey guys! Recently I've been really busy with school and work and other junk so I can't play the game for myself as often so my interest in coaching as increased. I've been an assistant coach before for a diamond team but I mostly would just run the draft when the main coach was absent so I have some experience but I've never really did a VOD review or anything like that. I have so many questions. My rank is currently gold but I peaked at Plat 1 last season. Any advice would be appreciated! [link] [comments] |
Am I thinking about this game too hard? Posted: 21 Oct 2019 11:09 AM PDT Long story short, I've been playing this game for roughly a year but I still feel my improvement in this game is either extremely slow or non-exisistent. I understand that it takes time to improve but I feel like I could be way better than my current skill level. I was about Iron level when I started and I'm roughly High-Silver, Low Gold level atm but my gameplay feels too inconsistent. My question is, am I thinking about this game too hard? For example, for the past few days I've been asking questions of the simple questions thread about how I'm supposed to practice concepts that wouldn't make any sense practicing in an actual game. Take this piece of advice from a certain website (Can't name it, not allowed on this subreddit for some reason) that I took notes on:
How am I supposed to practice something like this in-game? Is this something that would even make any sense to practice in-game? Is this more of something that you have to practice recognizing and remembering to do in-game than actually practice physically? It's questions like these that nobody really ever answered, which left me kind of annoyed. Not to throw any shade on the people who took the time to try and help me out in whatever way they could (which I appreciate) but most of the answers I got either told me something I already knew about what I was asking or just wasn't helpful or meaningful advice in general. Am I thinking to hard about this? Is this the reason why my improvement feels so slow? Let me give you one more example. For a while now, I've been using the League pyramid and whatever division I'm currently in, that's what I try to focus on. Even though I'm currently Silver II (My MMR is around G4), I still feel like I can improve on the concepts that are in Bronze, which is what I've been focusing on improving atm. Normally what I do is that for each concept, I normally take a ton of notes regarding that particular concept and try to improve at each concept one at a time. Here's an example of what I'm talking about: My notes on improving my farming in the early game (It's kind of hard for me to explain this part since I'm not allowed to link or mention the website that I got this info from). Could I get to Diamond and higher just by using this subreddit and nothing else? Am I taking this way to literal and doing more work than I really need to? It's questions like these that I really need answers to. Here's my (This account is a new account I made a few weeks ago since I got a permant vaction on my main one, so there might be somethings that are a bit inaccurate like the # of games I have on my main champions) [link] [comments] |
Posted: 20 Oct 2019 05:41 PM PDT Hello, recently (in about 3 of my last 10 games) I have been stuck in a top lane where I am facing two people. For example, just one game ago I was playing Renekton and I was stuck in lane with Yasuo and Ahri. Ahri was in the role of jungler but did not jungle. I repeatedly asked for help from my jungler but received none whatsoever; our Skarner didn't step foot in top lane. I got tower dove 4 times by minute 10 and they got first tower. The game snowballed out of control and we lost. What am I supposed to do in these situations. Yes I know that I should be trying to farm under tower but when I get dove constantly there's not much that I can farm. Any help is appreciated because this problem came out of nowhere. I had never been 2v1'd top in the past before the first time which was yesterday. Thanks in advance [link] [comments] |
How to know what to build and when? Posted: 21 Oct 2019 11:20 AM PDT Hello, I am looking for some advice improving as a support main (Silver II). My main pick is Leona and my backup being Rakan and Alistar. I am confident playing aggressively with Ignite (Can often get my ADC fed early) and my Vision score is rarely below 45, which I think is good, but I could be wrong since the Vision Score system confuses me a little. But my main issue is knowing what items to build and when. My base Leona build would be:
But after that I often get lost as to what I should go for next. I'd sometimes build Iceborn Gauntlet or get started on Knights' I understand that different champion comps call for different items, but there are so many items in the game that I feel overwhelmed, so I was curious to hear your input since I heard this is a great place to seek advice. Thank you very much for reading, I don't post to Reddit often so I apologise if my formatting could be better. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 21 Oct 2019 03:09 AM PDT Low Bronze mid main checking in here (Tilt demoted to Iron 1, but should be back in Bronze when I have time to sit and play a few games). I have some disjointed thoughts and questions after coming back from a small hiatus. I sat down and thought about some of the things that were having impacts on my games. My strengths and weaknesses, and what was working, vs what didn't work, and some things I was musing on after experimenting with some new champions in norms. I know this is a lot of questions all at once, but I didn't know how to do this other than to collect a week's worth of thoughts all in one place, and hope that Reddit could point me back in the right direction. Okay, so it's a well-known fact that low-Elo players don't know how to end games. We see it time and again Win teamfight > farm jungle/recall whatever instead of going for midgame dragon/baron/towers whatever. How can I get a higher success rate in getting my team to take what are essentially free objectives? Macro decisions/objective play is definitely something I see as a strength of mine, so when people are refusing to coordinate, and it turns free wins into losses, it's super frustrating. If I can't get my teammates to end games efficiently, then how do I play around those 50+ minute games to maximize chances of winning when both teams are making lots of mistakes and throwing back and forth? Junglers: The axiom of modern League is that mid is essentially a 2v2 with the Jungler. I started adapting that philosophy a lot in my ranked games before I had to take a break, and I did a lot more shadowing my jungler and related things. The difficulty becomes when the enemy Jungler decides that they're gonna play around mid, and mine isn't, essentially leaving me 1v2. What should I do in those situations? When I don't have the safety of a 2v2, it feels like it neutralizes a lot of my ability to make plays and have an impact on the game, regardless of how well I'm playing, because if I overstep, and I'm alone, I probably either lose my flash or die. Roaming: This is definitely one of the things that is FAR and away a weakness of mine with regards to mid lane. How do I get better at recognizing opportunities to roam and make plays elsewhere on the map? I climbed through Iron basically on the back of being a better laner than the people I was playing against, and generally just not dying, while racking up 20-30+ CS differentials and essentially just waiting for mid-game teamfights, but if the sidelanes lose really hard, then that just doesn't work, and I get punished for playing safe and not taking any risks. How do I improve in finding opportunities to leave lane that don't lead to me getting punished? Because I find that my roams often get punished by something like the enemy Jg/Mid pressuring my tower, and then if I get nothing out of the roam, then it's a big loss. And lastly, I want to ask about mid-late game side-laning/splitpushing. A couple of the champions in my (admittedly small) ranked pool are very good at catching safe farm in side lanes, and can also effectively splitpush when the situation calls for (i.e. if I have the vision to do so safely) Reading advice from high-elo players, I found that a lot of them mentioned over and over how important side lane farm was in the late game, but every time I try and catch side waves, one of 2 things always seems to happen: 1. Someone follows me, completely wasting both of our time in the process, 2. a 4v5 teamfight breaks out mid and the "????" pings inevitably show up on top of me. Do I need to play into the low-Elo mentality of ARAM so that people don't lose to their own stupidity and sacrifice my own farm and XP to just be a body in case a pointless fight breaks out, even if the more "optimal" macro decision is to go farm? Or do I go farm anyway, and just accept the fact that dumb fights are the name of the game at this skill level, and sometimes that's what'll dictate a win vs a loss? [link] [comments] |
Wanting to try out LOL from dota 2 Posted: 21 Oct 2019 01:24 AM PDT Hi. Just came across this subreddit, wanted to try out LOL out of curiosity. No idea where to begin after I done with basic tutorial. I have browse through some beginner guides and know the differences tentatively between LOL and Dota2. Any champion suggestion for me to get started? FYI, I am a main support player in dota 2 if it helps. (AA, wyvern, bane and etc). [link] [comments] |
How to properly teach a new player? Posted: 21 Oct 2019 07:19 AM PDT Allright so i have this cousin that wants to join league,she does not have any experience with videogames,besides maybe minecraft and some playstation fighting games and like dota 2 for a bit.I am level 136 mid and top main,she has a brother thats a lvl 60 support main and my own brother that is a lvl 100 jungle main.Still we dont want to be pushy but at the same time we think just the tutorial wont really do the trick. [link] [comments] |
How can you enjoy League and not let it ruin your mood? Posted: 21 Oct 2019 02:45 PM PDT I played league between season 3 and 5, I used to be low silver and I remember enjoying it so much. In the last 4-5 months, after 4 years of not playing, I decided to get back to it. I created a new account, it was fun leveling up to 30, but once I hit level 30 and started playing ranked, I started to only care about winning and climbing. I can only play on the weekends because I have a busy schedule, and when I do, I try to climb as many divisions as possible and feel so frustrated if I don't, the frustration stays with me over the week as I can't play in the middle of it. For example, I climbed this weekend from Gold III to Gold I, but instead of feeling proud about it, I'm feeling terrible because I lost two promos to Plat, and I know it will stick with me until I can play again and get to Plat. If I can't control my emotions, I would eventually just quit playing League, but I want to know if there is anything I can do to feel good when playing League again. Does anyone suffer from the same "addiction" to winning? How can you stop a video game from ruining your mood? [link] [comments] |
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