• Breaking News

    Saturday, November 16, 2019

    League of Legends Broxah comment about him and Rekkles

    League of Legends Broxah comment about him and Rekkles

    Broxah comment about him and Rekkles

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 01:05 PM PST


    The rumors about @RekklesLoL and me disliking each other and having a poor relatonship needs to stop. We have a lot of mutual respect towards each other, as well as always sharing advice and showing support when necessary. A world where we would fight simply doesn't exist.

    Seems like he is tired of people spreading rumors about the Fnatic players. Good to know that they aren't fighting and that the problem in the team isn't them.

    submitted by /u/notabot_27
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    Classic silver Invade

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 02:04 PM PST

    Youngbuck, to Esportmaniacos: "[In Fnatic] A small group didn´t want to give or recieve feedback"

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 11:00 AM PST

    Rick Fox Hit's Bronze after more than 500 games!

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 01:19 AM PST


    Rick Fox initially became a part of League of Legends as a way to bond with his son.

    The amount of games he ended up playing is actually insane and shows how much he really enjoys playing. Most people would have had a sufficient taste for it 30 games in.

    https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=Echofoxrick Link to op.gg!

    submitted by /u/Cellybear
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    YoungBuck on why he left Fnatic: I’ve really come to terms with the fact that my happiness is way more important than let’s say, qualifying for Worlds and making it out of Groups but not having fun doing the job or being part of the team

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 03:57 AM PST

    2019 Honda Scouting Grounds Biggest Problem

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 01:23 PM PST

    Where is the promotion for this. Didn't know it was on until youtube recommended pulled it up on the sidebar. Why cant we watch this on Lolesports with all the info so i can learn the names of the player with out squinting at the screen.

    submitted by /u/xKing7x
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    In the light of Vizicsacsi's retirement announcement and already in Christmas spirit, I'd like to share a story

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 04:05 AM PST

    So, this goes back to last Christmas and truly shows Vizcsacsi's character.

    I'm the oldest of the 3 brothers and last Christmas, me and my brother were thinking what to offer our little brother. He was and still is really into League and being a top laner, his favorite player was, you guessed it, Vizicsacsi. So we decided to offer him a jersey of his favorite player, who played for Schalke by then.

    We then thought the jersey was cool, but you know what was reaaally cool? If he could sign it! We live in Portugal and the chances of meeting him in person to get him to sign it were really small, so we thought we could send the jersey to him, he could sign it and send it back - we'd pay for all, of course. Looking back, it was a long shot and a naive thought, but hey, it's our little brother, so let's try it!

    Already thinking "this isn't going anywhere", we sent him a message, hoping that somehow he'd see it AND respond. And this is where Vizicsacsi truly showed how big he is even outside the Rift. Not only did he see the message, he also responded saying he couldn't do that because he was traveling a lot (or just didn't want to give us an address, which I totally get and agree with, after all it really was a naive idea). And not only did he respond that, but he offered to record a video wishing him a merry Christmas and giving my little brother, who was 14 years old at the time, a little touching speech.

    Needless to say, it was probably the best Christmas present we ever gave anyone. My little brother teared up, of course, Vizicsacsi was his idol. He was so stunned he didn't talk for about half an hour, he was in complete shock!

    Because I know nowadays nothing goes by without proof, here are some screenshots of the conversations my brothers had with him. I'm not posting the video because he says my brother's name among other personal things, sorry.

    Also, my baby brother is starting to use Reddit so, little dude, if you're reading this, I love you. Get to Diamond next season!

    submitted by /u/Jataki
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    Riot talked about working on AP Bruiser itemization before delaying it. The (soon to be removed) Twisted Treeline already has an AP Bruiser item.

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 09:37 AM PST

    A few months before the preseason, Riot talked about plans for better AP Bruiser itemization for champs like Sylas and Morde. As preseason changes hit the PBE, AP Bruiser items were nowhere to be found and it was soon revealed that the plans were pushed back, but Riot doesn't need to look too far to find a suitable AP Bruiser item.

    Twisted Treeline has an exclusive item called Moonflair Spellblade. For 2400g, building from a Seekers and Negatron it gives 50 AP, Armor and MR, as well as 35% Tenacity. With the right adjustments to the price/tenacity, this could easily be implemented to SR and work as a decent pickup for AP Bruisers while not being ultra abused by mages.

    What ya think fellas?

    submitted by /u/Ashihara_V2
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    The "remake" feature should be tuned

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 11:51 AM PST

    I feel like it's not working as it's intended to. Often people are afk for 3+ minutes in base but since their client crashed and were technically in game you can't remake. Happened so often to me now that I create this post.

    Once an Ezreal was in base, bought but didn't leave beyond inhib turret and we could remake and we did remake. But when someone is afk in base for 2:50 and then buys and leaves base you can't remake? I don't get the system.

    submitted by /u/ggrengar
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    NA Scouting Grounds 2019 Draft // Results & Discussion

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 05:19 PM PST


    EG Evolved MID
    FLY Fanatiik JG
    100T Gorica ADC
    GGS MistyStumpey TOP
    EG Tomo ADC Purchased from IMT for cash considerations.
    CLG 5fire MID
    DIG Chime SUP
    C9 Julien MID
    TL Wolfe MID
    submitted by /u/TomShoe02
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    Team Cloud vs Team Infernal / 3rd Place Match / NA Scouting Grounds 2019

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 01:44 PM PST


    Official page | Leaguepedia | Eventvods.com | New to LoL

    Team Cloud Drake 0-2 Team Infernal Drake

    CLD | Leaguepedia
    INF | Leaguepedia

    MATCH 1: CLD vs. INF

    Winner: Team Infernal Drake in 31m
    Match History

    Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
    CLD Heimerdinger Qiyana Nautilus Sivir Lucian 49.9k 8 2 None
    INF pantheon xayah olaf thresh alistar 62.1k 21 10 C1 H2 C3 C4 B5 O6
    CLD 8-21-21 vs 21-8-47 INF
    Zig jayce 3 1-5-2 TOP 2-4-9 4 malphite MistyStumpey
    Inori Gragas 1 3-4-5 JNG 5-1-7 2 lee Sin Winston
    Wolfe Syndra 2 0-4-4 MID 9-0-5 1 ryze 5fire
    Gorica Kaisa 2 4-3-3 BOT 5-2-12 3 ezreal EvanRL
    SPX Rakan 3 0-5-7 SUP 0-1-14 1 leona Gweiss

    MATCH 2: CLD vs. INF

    Winner: Team Infernal Drake in 37m
    Match History

    Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
    CLD heimerdinger qiyana gragas sivir tristana 72.5k 23 8 H2 C5 B7 I8 B9
    INF pantheon xayah gangplank jayce lee sin 70.9k 27 7 O1 O3 I4 I6
    CLD 23-27-45 vs 27-23-63 INF
    Zig renekton 3 4-6-5 TOP 3-4-17 4 kennen MistyStumpey
    Inori elise 3 8-7-10 JNG 8-6-7 1 olaf Winston
    Wolfe ryze 1 6-5-13 MID 7-6-13 2 syndra 5fire
    Gorica kaisa 2 4-4-7 BOT 7-2-11 3 lucian EvanRL
    SPX leona 2 1-5-10 SUP 2-5-15 1 nautilus Gweiss

    This thread was created by the Post-Match Team.

    submitted by /u/TomShoe02
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    Hi, I'm Darius, a journalist/interviewer who's been at every day of LEC since January 2017 - Ask me Anything!

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 07:05 AM PST

    Hey there!

    My name's Darius and the regular LEC interviewer who's been to every single match of the EU LCS/LEC in the last three years, doing interviews with players, casters, coaches, and anyone that is relevant to the League community really. I also went to every international League event since 2018 and was the European Press Representative at MSI and Worlds 2019, voting for the Finals MVP in the process.

    I'm open to any questions!

    My socials:

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/DariusExMachina

    Youtube: https://youtube.com/theshotcallergg

    Twitch: https://twitch.tv/darius_ex_machina


    submitted by /u/TheDMWarrior
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    Needed 2 RP so I drew True Damage Yasuo on Paint

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 12:47 PM PST


    Thought I'd give it a share! I hope Riot still keeps to tradition and accepts this humble offering. Anyone know what the upper limit of RP they've ever given for doing something like this? Can't be more than the single digits right?

    submitted by /u/goonstrangler
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    Team Ocean vs Team Mountain / Finals / NA Scouting Grounds 2019 / Post-Match Discussion

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 04:33 PM PST


    Official page | Leaguepedia | Eventvods.com | New to LoL

    Team Ocean Drake 2-1 Team Mountain Drake

    OCN | Leaguepedia
    MTN | Leaguepedia

    MATCH 1: OCN vs. MTN

    Winner: Team Mountain Drake in 35m
    Match History

    Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
    OCN Nautilus Syndra Renekton Leona Rumble 59.2k 11 2 O3
    MTN Pantheon Xayah Gragas Darius kennen 69.6k 19 10 O1 H2 O4 M5 B6 I7 B8
    OCN 11-19-31 vs 19-11-39 MTN
    BMD Gangplank 3 0-2-9 TOP 2-2-6 4 Kayle PCL
    Frostynomad Lee Sin 2 2-4-7 JNG 3-2-9 2 Elise Fanatiik
    Evolved Ryze 1 5-5-3 MID 2-1-7 1 Qiyana Julien
    Tomo Kaisa 2 3-2-3 BOT 11-2-4 1 Lucian Vex
    Chime Braum 3 1-6-9 SUP 1-4-13 3 Alistar Shady

    MATCH 2: MTN vs. OCN

    Winner: Team Ocean Drake in 32m
    Match History

    Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
    MTN Heimerdinger Gragas Qiyana Akali Darius 54.3k 17 1 H2
    OCN Pantheon Xayah Lee Sin Leona Camille 68.0k 34 11 C1 C3 O4 B5 I6 B7 C8
    MTN 17-34-37 vs 34-17-46 OCN
    PCL Rumble 3 7-6-6 TOP 6-2-6 4 Riven BMD
    Fanatiik Jarvan IV 2 1-8-12 JNG 2-5-9 1 Olaf Frostynomad
    Julien Syndra 1 3-7-5 MID 13-1-6 3 Leblanc Evolved
    Vex Lucian 2 6-7-5 BOT 11-3-8 2 Ezreal Tomo
    Shady Braum 3 0-6-9 SUP 2-6-17 1 Nautilus Chime

    MATCH 3: OCN vs. MTN

    Winner: Team Ocean Drake in 32m
    Match History

    Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
    OCN Ryze Renekton Lee Sin Kayle Camille 61.8k 17 11 C1 H2 M4 B5 M6 B7
    MTN Pantheon Xayah Gragas Heimerdinger LeBlanc 55.0k 18 1 I3
    OCN 17-18-34 vs 18-17-39 MTN
    BMD Darius 2 3-4-6 TOP 1-5-5 4 Gnar PCL
    Frostynomad Olaf 2 5-4-3 JNG 6-3-8 2 Elise Fanatiik
    Evolved Akali 3 1-3-4 MID 8-2-8 1 Qiyana Julien
    Tomo Ezreal 3 7-3-8 BOT 2-4-12 3 Kaisa Vex
    Chime Nautilus 1 1-4-13 SUP 1-3-6 1 Leona Shady

    This thread was created by the Post-Match Team.

    submitted by /u/TomShoe02
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    Interesting Swain E and Ryze ult interaction I accidentally discovered

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 02:30 AM PST

    Very questionable scouting grounds candidates

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 12:49 PM PST

    Seriously why are zig and inori playing ? They're clearly not rookies and arguably not talented enough for pro play as shown multiple times. Furthermore, there's a masters 34lp player playing for cld which completely ruins the game. When you're this low elo in pro, you'll always make your opponent look better than he is. Losing in farm and pressure as syndra against ryze in lane phase clearly proves my point.

    submitted by /u/Uemisonbtw
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    Iron is where records are set.

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 04:00 AM PST

    People have been wondering the purpose of such a desolate place, but I've cracked it. I've been browsing League of Graphs to check out records such as most Barons killed(38), highest CS per min(23!), or most wards placed(10,690!!), and pretty much all of them take place in Iron. People are under the impression that our worst are sent to Iron, but it's truly our greatest that reside there.





    submitted by /u/GenitaliaDevourer
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    Graves just straight up popped em

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 08:45 AM PST

    WWE Cesaro Still Playing League

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 03:09 AM PST

    It shows his last match was yesterday, and he actually seems to be playing alot. It's nice to see someone who didn't play the game for marketing then instantly left it after the marketing campaign was over.


    submitted by /u/BuritoFaggetsJr
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    Shyvana's kit is all over the place and needs a complete VGU

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 05:30 AM PST

    I know there are champions who also need full Visual + Gameplay updates, but Shyvana really really needs one. The champion used to be great at Top lane in season 4 and then completely disappeared from the game. They tried to mini-rework her and it failed miserably. And now she's nothing but a cheese pick, where most people build full AP to make use of only 2 abilities in the game, her R and E, but that's it. She has nothing good going for her right now.

    She needs a full Gameplay rework on the scale of Kayle, keeping her core as a diver with her ultimate, but change all the other abilities so they get amplified in a meaningful way when she's in her Dragon form. Personally I'd prefer to see a tank-diver Shyvana that can mitigate damage while being a menacing presence in the middle of the fight instead of this joke that she has been for years.

    And on top of that, she could use a Ezreal level visual update, plus giving her skin splash arts a fresh look.

    Her lore is great, but her in-game doesn't do her justice. She dives with her ultimate, but since her passive is actual garbage, she dies instantly, has a strangely cheese-y AP ratio on her E while the passive effect of E is meant to encourage you to auto attack to benefit your Q. It's just all over the place across the board.

    She really needs some rework love.

    submitted by /u/AtreusIsBack
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    Riot won esport publisher of the year

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 07:16 PM PST

    Electrocute has not been working on fully charged VI Q for atleast 5-6 patches

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 06:43 AM PST

    Dopa currently rank 2 and about to get rank 1 tomorrow

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 12:22 PM PST

    Dopa is 3 wins away from rank 1.

    After being at rank 5 for quiet some time now, he's decided to duo with former GRF jungler kanavi, his current record with him is 6W - 3L as of now.

    That means we'll prob hear about what he has to say about season 9, meta etc... in the near future, as he does every year.

    Here is his op.gg https://www.op.gg/summoner/userName=Doxxx

    submitted by /u/SSG_Kisuke
    [link] [comments]

    150 Stats from League of Legends Worlds 2019

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 07:36 AM PST

    I am currently in the process of a career shift from Engineering to Data Science so I wanted to practice my data analysis skills on a data set about something I enjoy and what could be better that Worlds 2019, I had so much fun doing it and I hope you find something interesting in it.

    I mainly watch LEC because it's the best timing for my time zone, So I am a fan of G2 Esports but Funplus Phoenix Dominated the stats and the Finals so congrats to them, and better luck for the west in the future.

    150 stats about the championship.



    1. 119 matches were played in the tournament


    2) Max number of bans for a champion is 118 for Pantheon, which is 99.16% of the matches followed by Qiyana with 86 bans.


    3) Max number of picks for a champion is 71 for Kai'Sa, which is 59.66% of the matches followed by Lee Sin with 57 Picks.

    4) Max number of picks for a champion for TOP position is Gangplank 38 times, followed by Renekton 28 times.

    5) Max number of picks for a champion for Jungle position is Lee Sin 57 times, followed by Gragas 40 times.

    6) Max number of picks for a champion for MID position is Ryze 29 times, followed by Akali 24 times.

    7) Max number of picks for a champion for BOT position is Kai'Sa 71 times, followed by Xayah 56 times.

    8) Max number of picks for a champion for SUPPORT position is Nautilus 48 times, followed by Rakan 42 times.

    Match Time

    9) Max Match Time is 63 minutes 25 seconds in game between Isurus Gaming and DetonatioN FocusMe.

    10) Min Match Time is 22 minutes 43 seconds in game between Lowkey Esports and Damwon Gaming.

    11) Average match time for the tournament is 33 Minutes 18 seconds.


    12) Blue side won 62 matches which is 52% of the matches.


    13) Max kills for a team in a single game is 34 for Funplus Phoenix against Invictus Gaming.

    14) Min kills for a team in a single game is 1 for Mammoth against Unicorns of Love.

    15) Max deaths for a team in a single game is 34 for Invictus Gaming against Funplus Phoenix.

    16) Min deaths for a team in a single game is 1 for Griffin against Cloud9.

    17) There were 313 Double Kills in the tournament.

    18) There were 59 Triple Kills in the tournament.

    19) There were 7 Quadra Kills in the tournament.

    20) There was 1 Penta Kills in the tournament.

    21) Max Double kills is 21 by Lwx.

    22) Max Triple kills is 6 by JackeyLove.

    23) Max Quadra kills is 2 by Cody Sun.

    24) Max Penta kills is 1 by Viper.

    25) Max kills is 110 by Lwx.

    26) Max deaths is 70 by Humanoid.

    27) Max assists is 213 by Crisp.

    28) Min kills is 1 by Apex.

    29) Min deaths is 0 by Deftly.

    30) Min assists is 0 by Hieu3.

    31) Max First Blood Kills is 5 by GimGoon.

    32) Max First Blood Assist is 7 by Doinb.

    33) Max First Blood Victim is 6 by Vizicsacsi.

    34) Fastest First Blood happend after 0.70 minutes in the match between Clutch Gaming and Fnatic, Vulcan was killed by Bwipo.

    35) Slowest First Blood happend after 15.36 minutes in the match between Clutch Gaming and Mammoth, Fudge was killed by Lira.

    36) Max Kill Per Minute in a single game for a Team is G2 Esports with 1.06 KPM against Cloud9.

    37) Min Kill Per Minute in a single game for a Team is Mammoth with 0.04 KPM against Unicorns of Love.

    38) Average Kill Per Minute for all teams in all matches is 0.40 KPM.

    39) Max Kill Per Minute in a single game for a Player is Lwx with 0.45 KPM against Fnatic.

    40) Min Kill Per Minute in a single game for a Player is Evi with 0.00 KPM against Splyce.

    41) Average Kill Per Minute for players in all matches is 0.08 KPM.

    42) Max average KPM for a Team is Funplus Phoenix with 0.61 KPM.

    43) Min average KPM for a Team is AHQ e-Sports Club with 0.22 KPM.

    44) Max average KPM for a Player is Lwx with 0.20 KPM.

    45) Min average KPM for a Player is Ysera with 0.00 KPM.

    46) Max KDA as TOP is ShowMaker with 10.00 KDA,[He Played top against flamingo] followed by GimGoon with 4.3 KDA.

    47) Max KDA as Jungle is Broxah with 5.41 KDA.

    48) Max KDA as Middle is ShowMaker with 7.50 KDA.

    49) Max KDA as ADC is Deftly with infinity KDA.

    50) Max KDA as Support is Lehends with 8.44 KDA.

    51) Min KDA as Top is Cyeol with 0.50 KDA.

    52) Min KDA as Jungle is Blaber with 1.71 KDA.

    53) Min KDA as Middle is Armut with 0.33 KDA.

    54) Min KDA as ADC is Sneaky with 1.84 KDA.

    55) Min KDA as Support is Hieu3 with 1.00 KDA.

    56) Max Kills by a team is Funplus Phoenix with 335 kills, followed by Splyce with 298 kills.

    57) Max Deaths by a team is Splyce with 265 deaths, followed by G2 Esports with 259 deaths.

    Win rate

    58) Max win rate for a champion is 100% by [Fiddlesticks, Jax, Kog'Maw, Malphite, Pantheon, Urgot, Vayne, Yorick]

    59) Max wins by a champion is Kai'sa with 37 wins, followed by Xayah with 35 wins.


    60) Max number of rules by a champion is 3 rules.

    61) Most flixable champions are (Ezreal (ADC,Middle,Top), Irelia (ADC,Middle,Top), Karma (Support,Middle,Top), Kayle (ADC,Middle,Top), Lucian (ADC,Middle,Top), Poppy (Support,Middle,Top), Pyke (Support,Middle,Top), Qiyana (Jungle,Middle,Top), Tristana (ADC,Middle,Top), Vladimir (ADC,Middle,Top), Yasuo (ADC,Middle,Top))


    62) 530 Dragons were killed in the tournament.

    63) Max number of dragon killed by a team is 57 by Damwon Gaming followed by 52 by Funplus Phoenix.

    64) Min number of dragon killed by a team is 6 by Flamengo and AHQ e-sports Club.

    65) Max number of Elemental Drakes killed by a team is 55 by Damown Gaming, followed by 50 by Funplus Phoenix.

    66) Max number of dragons killed in a single game is 8 dragons in two games between Isurus Gaming and DetonatioN FocusMe and between Clutch Gaming and Fnatic.

    67) 125 Infernal Drakes were killed in tournment.

    68) Max number of Inferno drakes killed by a team is 13 by Funplus Phoenix followed by 11 by Griffin.

    69) 129 Ocean Drakes were killed in the tournament.

    70) Max number of Ocean Drakes killed by a team is 13 by Damwon Gaming and Funplus Phoenix followed by 12 by Clutch Gaming.

    71) 133 Mountain Drakes were killed in the tournament.

    72) Max number of Mountain Drakes killed by a team is 19 by Damwon Gaming, followed by 14 by SK Telecom T1.

    73) 144 Cloud Drakes were killed in the tournament.

    74) Max number of Cloud Drakes killed by a team is 14 by Funplus Phoenix followed by 13 by Damwon Gaming.

    75) Most killed dragons are Cloud Drakes with 144 times, followed by Mountain Drakes with 133 times.

    76) Elders was killed 29 times in the tournament.

    77) Max number of Elders killed by a team is 3 by Fnatic, Unicorns of Love and Isurus Gaming.

    78) Max number of Dragons Killed by a team in a single game is 6 by Clutch Gaming gainst Royal Youth, by J team against Splyce and by Damwon Gaming against G2 Esports.


    79) Max Number of Heralds for a team is 13 by Damwon Gaming and Funplus Phoenix.

    80) Min Number of Heralds for a team is 1 byr Team Liquid.

    81) Fastest Team to get Herald is Royal Youth in 11.19 minutes on average.

    82) Slowest Team to get Herald is Detonation FocusMe in 15.77 minutes on average.

    83) Fastest Herald kill was after 10.39 minutes by Hong Kong Attitude against Griffin.


    84) Most First Turret kills by a team is 13 by Funplus Phoenix followed by 12 by SK Telecom T1.

    85) The team who kill the first Turret wins 70% of the time.

    86) Slowest first Turret kill was 20.81 minutes in the game between Royal Never Give Up and SK Telecom T1 and was killed by SK Telecom T1.

    87) Fastest first Turret kill was 7.76 minutes in the game between Funplus Phoenix and G2 Esports and was killed by Funplus Phoenix.

    88) Average time taken to kill the first Turret is 13.76 minutes.

    89) Max Mid Turret first Kill by a team is 13 times by Splyce and Damwon Gaming followed by 11 times by Funplus Phoenix.

    90) The team who kill the Mid Turret first wins 76% of the time.

    91) Max first three Turrets killed by a team is 12 times by Damwongaming, Funplus Phoenix and Splyce followed by G2 Esports with 11 times.

    92) The team who kill 3 Turrets first wins 81% of the time.

    93) Max Turret kills by a team is 143 Turrets by Damwon Gaming followed by Funplus Phoenix with 140 Turrets.

    94) Least Killed Turrets by a team is 13 towers by AHQ e-Sports Club.


    95) Max first baron kills by a team is 13 times by Damwon Gaming and Funplus Phoenix followed by Splyce with 12 times.

    96) Baron wasn't killed in only 4 games of the tournment.

    97) The team who kill the first baron wins 85% of the time.

    98) Longest Time to kill the first Baron was 37.36 minutes in the game between Cloud9 and Hong Kong Attitude and was killed by Cloud9.

    99) Shortest Time to kill the first baron was 20.26 minutes in the game between G2 Esports and Funplus Phoenix and was killed by Funplus Phoenix.

    100) Max baron kills by a team is Splyce 19 times followed by Funplus Phoenix with 18 times.


    101) Max Damage dealt by a team over the tournment length is 1226722 by Splyce followed by 1098078 by Funplus Phoenix.

    102) Max Damage Dealt by a team in a single game is 176971 by Isurus Gaming against DetonatioN FocusMe.

    103) Max Average Damage dealt per game by a team is 79021.75 by team DetonatioN FocusMe followed by Isurus Gaming with 72031.75.

    104) The Highest Damage Dealt in a single game from both teams is 312814 in the game between Isurus Gaming and DetonatioN FocusMe.

    105) Max Damage dealt by a player in the tournment is 336503 by Humanoid followed by 308664 by Kobbe.

    106) Max Damage dealt by a player in the tournment without playing in the play-in stage is 282318 by Doinb.

    107) Max Average Damage dealt per game by a player is 25142.6 by Sneaky followed by Ceros with 23296.75.

    108) Max Damage dealt by a player in a single game was 66398 by Sneaky on Heimerdinger in the game between Cloud9 and Hong Kong Attitude.

    109) Max average damage per Minute by a team is Invictus Gaming with 2015.19 damage per minute dealt followed by Griffin with 2005.95.

    110) Max average damage dealt per minute by a player is 614.77 by Sneaky followed by TheShy with 590.67 damage dealt per minute.

    111) Max average damage share of the team for a player is 37.2% for Uzi from Royals Never Giveup followed by 32% for Buggax from Isurus Gaming.


    112) Max amount of wards through the tournment by a team is 2494 wards by Splyce followed by 2372 by G2 Esports.

    113) Max average amount of wards per game by a team is 161.5 wards by DetonatioN FocusMe followed by 151 by Royal Never Give Up.

    114) Max amount of wards for the tournment is 1038 by Norskeren followed by 1010 by Mikyx.

    115) Max average amount of wards per game by a player is 69.25 wards by Slow followed by 66.5 by Ming.

    116) Max average Wards Per Minutes for a team is 4.4 by Sk Telecom T1 followed by 4.35 by Royal Never Give Up.

    117) Max Average Wards Per Minute for a player is 1.9 by Ming followed by 1.84 by Koala.

    118) Max Share of team's total wards placed (of all types) is 49.15% by Destingy followed by 48.47% by Baolan.

    119) Max number of wards killed by a team is 1116 by Splyce followed by 1041 by G2 Esports.

    120) Max number of wards killed by a player is 329 by Jankos followed by 302 by Norskeren.

    121) Max average number of cleared wards per minutes is 2 by Royal Never Give Up followed by 1.77 for Griffin.

    122) Max number of vision/control wards by a team is 862 by Splyce followed by 815 by Damwon Gaming.

    123) Max number of vision/control wards by a player is 345 by Mikyx followed by 327 by BeryL.


    124) Max Amount of gold earned by a team is 1257971 by Splyce followed by 1114693 by Damwon Gaming.

    125) Max Amount of gold earned by a team that didn't play in the play-in stage is 1088766 by Funplus Phoenix followed by 1064673 by G2 Esports

    126) Max Amount of gold earned by a player is 318058 by Kobbe followed by 285079 by Humanoid.

    127) Max Amount of gold earned by a player that didn't play in the play-in stage is 271084 by Lwx followed by 269484 by Perkz.

    128) Max Average Gold earned by a team per game is 68171.75 by DetonatioN FocusMe followed by 67807.5 by Isurus Gaming then Royal Never Give Up with 64686.33.

    129) Max Average Gold earned by a player per game is 17411 by Yutapon followed by 17312.5 by Warangelus then Uzi with 17301.16.

    130) Max average Gold Per Minute by a team is 1290.16 by Funplus Phoenix followed by 1274.21 by Damwon Gaming.

    131) Max average Gold Per Minute by a player is 366.46 by Uzi followed by 351.22 by Lwx.

    132) Max average Gold Difference at 15 minutes by a team is 1762.66 by Funplus Phoenix followed by Griffin with 1189.09.

    133) Max average Gold difference at 15 minutes by a player is 909.33 by Blabler

    Minions/Creep score

    134) Max amount of minion killed by a team is 18106 by Splyce followed by Damwon Gaming by 15660.

    135) Max amount of minion killed by a team that didn't play in the play-in stage is 15456 by G2 Esports followed by Funplus Phoenix with 14258.

    136) Max amount of minion killed by a player is 6147 by kobbe followed by Humanoid by 5591.

    137) Max amount of minion killed by a player who didn't play in the play-in stage is 5200 by Perkz followed by Lwx with 4925.

    138) Max amount of Monsters killed by a jungler is 2401 by Canyon followed by Xerxe with 2362.

    139) Max amount of Monsters killed by a jungler that didn't play in the play-in stage is 2309 by Tian followed by Jankos with 2209.

    140) Max average Creep Score per minute is 33.96 by GAM Esports followed by Damwon Gaming with 33.77.

    141) Max average Creep Score per minute for a player is 11.12 by Uzi followed by MnM with 10.97.

    142) Max average CS difference at 10 by a team is 19.92 by Invictus Gaming followed by Clutch Gaming with 14.61.

    143) Max average CS difference at 10 by a player is 15.5 by Rockky followed by Zeyzal with 13.66.


    144) Max average XP difference at 10 minutes for a team is 388.35 by SK Telecom T1 followed by Griffin with 378.36.

    145) Max average XP difference at 10 minutes for a player is 454.6 by Shrimp followed by Rockky with 303.25.

    Viewers (data from escharts.com) China not included

    146) Number of hours watched is 137,876,707 hours.

    147) Average number of viewers per game is 1,012,559 viewers.

    148) Twitch peake viewers was 1,734,835.

    149) Max Peak Viewers game is G2 Esports vs SK Telecom T1 with 3,985,787 viewers followed by the Finals between G2 Esports vs Funplus Phoenix with 3,700,545 viewers.


    150) Max Prize is for Funplus Phoenix with $834,375 followed by G2 Esports with $300,375.

    There is a lot of other stats, but this is all what came to my mind.

    If you have any question or you want to extract some data from the data set, please leave it in the comments and I will try to extract it and update the thread.

    Source of the data : http://oracleselixir.com/match-data/

    My Code for Review : https://www.kaggle.com/xmorra/league-of-legends-worlds-2019?scriptVersionId=23561198

    submitted by /u/PhDinWastingTime
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    How do I not tilt/rage? (Depression/Anger)

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 01:34 PM PST


    I have been playing league of legends since the end of Season 1 and have been suffering from issues playing the game since season 3. Since season 4, I have been hardstuck low diamond 3/diamond 4 and struggling to progress with one key factor holding me back - tilting.

    In every other aspect of my life, I am a calm and easy going person. I rarely get mad at others, I never show signs of visible anger or aggression and I almost never even do so much as raise my voice at someone.

    However, when playing league of legends, I transform into something terrible. I rage, flame and say a ton of things to other players (on my team and the other team) that I don't mean. I have been permanently banned over 10 times, and just immediately create a new account and start the cycle again.

    Sometimes, I go on great streaks. I genuinely enjoy the game and I don't even mind losing and try to focus on my own play. But some days, it hits me like a wave - I lose sight of actually wanting to win. I just snap and almost want to be angry. I tilt hard and border line grief games until my account is banned.

    I break things around me in fits of rage. My headphones, my keyboard, my monitors, my chair. Sadly, as I've grown older, I am now able to afford this expensive habit of anger and rage.

    I have undergone therapy sessions and met with counselors on a number of occasions, but never really came away with a practical solution. Or at least, anything that wasn't just a temporary fix. The cycle always starts again.

    So, what should I do? Does anyone have any advice? Sometimes I feel like I want to win so bad, and that my happiness is directly linked to how my solo queue games go. Othe days I don't want to sleep because I'm so angry and I just keep playing and playing until something gives.

    Any help is appreciated, this is not a joke.

    I don't want to stop playing, and I take breaks for months at a time. But I always come back and it's always the same story.

    Thanks for any help you can give.

    submitted by /u/oxygenthiefxd
    [link] [comments]

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