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    Sunday, November 17, 2019

    LoL Guide Update: Story of a Blind Girl Trying to Play League

    LoL Guide Update: Story of a Blind Girl Trying to Play League

    Update: Story of a Blind Girl Trying to Play League

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 12:49 AM PST

    Hi r/summonerschool! It's been a while. I'm Livi, the blind (very fuzzy-sighted) girl you all were amazingly kind to over a year ago. I wrote that post a night I was feeling so down about myself. Sometimes you have nights playing with friends where you go too long, too hard, not wanting to end on a loss, but eventually have to, and people leave the voice channel silently one by one. I hadn't told those friends about my eyes and it weighed on me. Would they have won any of those close calls if they had just had one more teammate with 20/20 vision? To combat the sadness, I made a new Reddit account they wouldn't recognize, thought up a cute name, and started writing. I needed to share how frustrated I was at sucking at this game I enjoyed, ruining it for the great people I had managed to find through it and amazing subreddits like this one.

    But then, as I wrote, I thought of jokes I could say. I remembered the pride I felt in myself the day a random person complimented me for a random Morgana Q that saved their life. The frustration faded away and I started to feel proud and even optimistic. By typing the story out I inspired and surprised myself by admitting I wanted to play ADC- I wanted to play the role that does the most autoing when my mouse was my worst enemy. There have been some improvements in that regard...

    The release of Kai'sa for example, her Q is lovely. And she kept getting better and better... Oh, did you think I meant because I learned how to use her powerful kit (self peel/repositioning ult, burst and DPS, steroids, invisibility, mixed damage)? No, silly, her manamune build let me have more mana for her Q which is guaranteed farm and her KD/A skins with super loud sound effects, followed by Arcade which has color-changing passive marks. I mean, wow, talk about pay to win.

    Of course, I can't play ADC that well still. It's a work in progress. I still play support in ranked so don't get too scared if you see me in your lobby! Though I am definitely done for the season. I put off getting at least the rank I was last season and now I'm exhausted. Oh, what rank is that? Platinum! Duo queue since I'd like at least one person in the game who knows about my eyes, usually the ADC but not always.

    People still message me, telling me why I should try a certain champion, and it touches my heart every single time that you guys care. So also, forget support, I have enough tokens for the Qiyana skin and u/Axeloy messaged me two days ago to tell me about her passive and Q. r/QiyanaMains here I come!

    It's funny to me that I made this Reddit account to hide from my friends and now I use the name ObliviousOwlette for everything. When it's not too long at least. It's my summoner name, Discord ID, and even what I go by on Twitch when I stream my optimistic struggles with the game. The crazy support of the last post made me share it with my friends and tell them about it. I hadn't really come to terms with it and now I have. So this whole post has just been a really long way of saying thank you and showing where I've gotten with that support.

    And, you in the back, the only time I'll play Lee Sin is full AP in URF, ya hear me?

    submitted by /u/ObliviousOwlette
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    》Challenger Pantheon teaches you everything 《 (video/text guide) + all matchups in separate videos [WIP]

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 11:38 AM PST

    Pantheon went a long way from his Q spam-bot days. 100% banned at worlds because his kit is made for the times we live in now.

    Difficulty: Medium

    consider Pantheon because

    1. insane early game
    2. huge base MS [highest in game] and global R make him a roaming god
    3. insane diving potential [Panth+Elise is brutal]
    4. flex through mid>top>jungle [underrated, yet OP feature]
    5. stomps Yasuo

    However, he does lack in late-game and team fighting.

    VIDEO | TEXT | DMG CALCULATOR Build guide will be released within 2 weeks of preseason.

    Feedback appreciated <3.

    submitted by /u/erenLoL101
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    What I learned in my climb to diamond

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 05:59 PM PST

    First of all, I finished last season at Plat 4, and started this season at Silver 1. It was an easy climb back to plat, but was stuck in plat for a few months, and finally climbed to diamond for the first time. I gained some experience through all of this and it might help some of you.

    1. First of all, and most importantly, try not to tilt and don't be toxic. I'm not a toxic player, but sometimes I have an irresistible urge to flame others too, but control yourself and stay calm
    2. disable the chat if you can't resist flaming others, as this will only tilt yourself and the whole team more. In my experience, when my games are almost even, usually the team that is more toxic loses. Spam pinging someone for dying wont bring them back to life and it'll only tilt them more, that doesn't help you at all.
    3. Play champions you are comfortable with. Don't play meta champs just because they are meta, since even for easy champs, there are tips and tricks you'll probably not be used to
    4. remember to ward, buy pinks, and constantly look for enemy wards to make life easier for junglers or your roaming teammates. Especially remember to ward heavily around baron when it spawns
    5. You dont have to be the hero every game. Learning to be carried is a skill, there are ways to help your team other than getting solo kills in lane, ward, shotcall, etc
    6. Ping! A lot. Many players, especially in lower elo need many pings to actually pay attention to what's going on, and many players are too busy to read chat, so remember to ping!
    7. As I went up the ladder, I noticed much more high mastery champs (500k+) in around mid-high plat, and this is like a follow up to my point. You don't have to onetrick a champ, but play champs you've mastered and you are comfortable with
    8. Don't go autopilot in games, think. If you made a mistake, especially one that cost you a game, think about what you did wrong, watch the replay if you have to, and try not to make the same mistake again.
    9. It is always easier to blame others. Sometimes you have to know that it is your fault, and instead of placing the blame on others, find what you did wrong so you don't make the same mistake.
    10. TAKE BREAKS!! Even a short break such as getting up, stretching, drinking some water, or eating a snack can help reset your mentality, especially after a tilting game.

    Try to fix your mistakes and focus on yourself, since that is the common factor in your games every game. GL to everyone, no matter what rank you are, you can still hit your goal in these last days!

    submitted by /u/Xstrolite
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    New Player, Newer to ADC

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 12:06 PM PST

    I just switched over to ADC from top lane, and find it more fun, but I do not know much about ADC. I also struggle because my supp always takes my cs, not that I'm very good at csing in the first place. I play Caitlin and Jinx. Any and all help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/SkyfatherTwitch
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    Playing against Talon

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 02:50 PM PST

    When playing as a mid laner, how should i play against Talon?
    Perhaps what should i pick against him?
    And how should i answer his roams other than pings?

    During this season have Talon been my biggest opponent regarding climbing, can usually take a bad Talon but rarely a good one unless my jungler camps mid.

    Do the big great internet have tips for a Malzahar main regarding Talon for the upcoming season?

    submitted by /u/knommonk5
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    Are quick keys and quick casting helpful?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 01:46 PM PST

    I have been running with whatever settings League has as default and was told that was an awful way to play and that I should really focus on using quick keys for leveling up and quick casting. Is that really going to up my game (Iron I in solo queue) or should I stick with what I know?

    submitted by /u/cartersa87
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    Am I playing darius wrong?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 01:11 PM PST

    I recently got paired against a riven, and I got absolutely demolished. I over estimated my early game and I went 0/2. After that, even under tower, riven continued to punch me like a punching bag. I've heard that darius's early game is quite good, but is it better than riven's early game? Am i playing poorly, or is it a matchup situation?

    submitted by /u/Duckmester
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    Is it okay to suck while starting out?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 08:51 PM PST

    Hey, so I've had a League account for like over a year now, but only ever really touched it right now. I've played about thirty games so far, and I feel like I'm doing pretty bad? I think I have like an overall sub-50 win rate.

    I have some knowledge about MOBA's since I played mobile MOBA's before, but I can't even carry my team yet. Every game, I keep getting AFK's and/or teammates making poor decisions, and the enemy team would always outfarm us.

    I'm not sure how else I can improve and honestly feel like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. I haven't unlocked Ranked yet, but at this point, I don't think I'd handle that yet.

    submitted by /u/dumb_lasagna
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    What I learned in my climb to silver

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 03:53 PM PST

    I've been playing League for 10 years and I finally made it, I reached Silver. So if there's anyone still struggling to achieve what I just did you can read about my experience which is surely going to help you. I've summarized my experience in a few tips:

    1) Reach the lane in time. I can't emphasize this enough. If you are in lane on time you will most likely get all the exp from the first few waves, allowing you to match (or outmatch your opponent if he doesn't follow this advice) your enemy in terms of exp. It's really hard to fight someone after being late to your lane. Take this as an example: You are playing Renekton against Jax and Rene counters Jax. However, if you are late to lane and Jax is already lvl 4 while you are level 1, he will most likely beat you unless he severely missplays. It's important to note that except leveling up abilities, you also receive stats for each level you gain which translates into gold.

    2) Items, items, items. It's better to buy something than not. So if you are in base and you have enough gold to buy an item that is in your build path, do so. The more gold you have while in base the better. To further illustrate my point consider this example: As Rene you have killed Jax several times but because you were late to lane you are both the same level. Both of you go base but you don't spend your gold on items while Jax does. Despite you having a kill lead on Jax, he will most likely outtrade you unless he severely missplays. That's why it's better to buy items.

    3) When using teleport, to maximize it's effectiveness it's best to TP as close as you can to your destination while remaining self. So, if for example you want to TP top to reach your wave, your best bet is to TP to the turret closest to the wave. If you TP, for example, mid you will have to walk a long way and most likely won't reach the wave in time.

    4) Despite the name of the game is to destroy the enemy nexus it's always good to grab as much kills as you can on the way. Take this example: You are Renekton and you just killed Jax, a 5% HP enemy jungler comes to the lane to pick up the wave under his turret while you are 2 levels ahead and full HP. Do not hesitate to kill him because by doing so you achieve several things: You deny farm from the enemy team, you earn gold you get from the kill, you put enemy jungler even further behind.

    I know some of the tips seem pretty basic but I'm sure there are players out there who would find them useful and it's always a good idea to remind others of fundamentals. I hope I will help at least one person with my experience. Enjoy the rift guys.

    submitted by /u/OneTimeMan2
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    How to play with unlocked camera?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 12:03 PM PST

    I realize that playing with my camera locked is harming my play, I cannot see certain things I need to, and being stuck under your bot turret when playing red side is frustrating.

    I would like to learn to play with my camera unlocked, but I don't know where to start. The issue is it gives me physical pain to play with the camera unlocked, I've become so accustomed to having it locked that when I try to play unlocked, I feel dizzy and get a headache.

    Anybody have tips for this?

    submitted by /u/Marybr02
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    Need help with top lane

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 06:06 AM PST

    I recently started playing LOL again and fell in love with pantheon. I am new to top lane don't know what is important to do to win/carry games as top. I do good at early with pantheon and many times get first blood at lvl 2 since enemy doesn't respect my lvl 2 but as soon as mid game starts i am completely helpless. I am silver 1 on EUNE and just started playing on EUW.

    submitted by /u/hunter_mate
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    Absolute beginner guide to jungle

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 08:47 PM PST

    I just started to play league a few days ago, and so far I like it very much. So far I always play on bot with tristana or miss fortune, but now I want to explore the jungler role. The problem is I have no idea what a good jungler is supposed to do. I bought warwick because a friend of mine told me he was a good jungler, but I don't know what are the routes, when I am supposed to gank and basically everything else a jungler is supposed to do.

    So that's why I am coming here : do you have any good beginner jungler guide ? Or even tips, but tips alone wouldn't be as helpful since I have no knowledge at all of what a jungle game is.

    Thank you very much !

    submitted by /u/oliver_crush
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    How to start with league of legends?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 02:15 PM PST

    I was wondering if there is a right way to get into the game, where i can learn the heroes the micro and the macro good and fast. Since my PC lost his life in 2014 I couldn't start with league as i planned. That forced me to play a moba called Arena of Valor on mobile (LULW i know xd) since that was my only possibility to play something kinda similar to league. I got top 50 multiple times and thought if i get used to league i could get somewhere good. At least I want to try it. So this year i have the time and the money again to buy myself a Computer and play everyday. I already know that I want to keep playing jungle and keep my playstile, that means I like to farm as much as possible in my jungle while also trying to help pressure the lanes to get towers and other objectives. Since i don't know anything more than the names of the jungle heroes in league i wanted to know if theres a way to learn how they are played and what their spells do. Other than that I wanted to ask if there is a way to get used to cooldowns and skillshots of other heroes and where they currently stand in the meta. Last thing would be how can I farm new heroes quickly without spending money, or is it worth to spend some in the beginning? Excuse my shitty english and thanks in advance Jakob.

    submitted by /u/JakobGu03
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    [Q] Camille and Runes

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 09:12 AM PST

    As you maybe noticed I try to get better at Camille.
    Ref: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/dryfbi/q_runes_bone_plating_second_wind_revitalize/

    My current is as follows:

    Resolve Domination Changes?
    Grasp of Undying Sudden Impact Sudden Impact to Cheap Shot
    Shield Bash Ghost Poro
    Bone Plating
    Revitalize Revitalize to Overgrowth

    • Is the true Damage of Cheap Shot worth the trade-off of losing the lethality?
    • For more sustain in the lane is overgrowth better then revitalize? The life you get is also ok for the shield?


    submitted by /u/KlonAmy
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    Just a tip for Bronze ADCs

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 06:53 AM PST

    Hey guys, so I finally climbed out of bronze yesterday and hit silver. This is my first season playing ranked and I can definitely tell you that I was horrible at it to start, and I took a few ranked breaks in between to not get over tilted. I know the season is ending soon but these are just some general tips I want to give out. I'm still by no means the best and I understand if you don't want to get tips from a player who just got out but here's what I learned to help me get out that I noticed a lot of ADCs in bronze don't do (Again these tips may not work for you depending on your play style but this is what worked for me).

    1) Focus on farming in lane and almost nothing else: As an ADC, you don't need to be the one doing the poking in lane. It's a waste of mana and a waste of time. Let your support do all the work and then when the opposing laners get low and/or CC'd then you can go in for the kill. It seems like a simple enough tip but so many ADCs I play against get caught out trying to go for the kill and I can easily take them down. As an ADC sometimes I can scale by just farming in lane and then popping off in fights, so it's really not worth risking yourself for a possibly bad play. And also, although you should always be trying to aim for at least 7 cs/min, the ultimate goal is to win lane and come out of laning phase with more cs than your opponent.

    2) Let your support be the one to engage: Your support has a hook/cc ability for a reason. Let them use it and only follow up if it lands. However, if you don't feel like it's a good trade, then don't follow up. Let your support know that you won't win early trades, and give them the exact level/item you believe that you need to hit a powerspike. Communication with your support (even if you aren't a duo) is key to win lane.

    3) It's okay to lose lane sometimes: I know this sort of contradicts number 1, but sometimes you have to play safe instead of attempting to win lane. If the other team has a Morgana that is consistently zoning you off farm and a Draven who chunks you down as soon as you attempt to kill a minion, then farm under tower and don't risk dying. It's better to play safe and lose lane with 0 deaths than try to win your lane and end up with several deaths. If your opponent is clearly better, then don't risk it. Your opponent may get gold from farm, but you definitely do not want them getting fed off kills. Now, if you find yourself losing lane every game, take a step back and look at what you or your support could be doing wrong, because that shouldn't be happening.

    4) Don't play champs that you aren't good at: Yes everyone says to play Xayah or Kai'sa to climb, but if you aren't good at them, don't play them in ranked. I got lucky because I started off with these two champs, so I didn't have much trouble playing them outside of normals when I first started. It should go without saying, but I can't tell you how many times an opponent has picked one of these champs with no clue how to play them effectively, and I've just stomped them. If you're a better Ashe than Kai'sa, stick with Ashe. If you are better with Varus? Stick with him and play to his strengths. Attempting to play a champ just because they are "meta" without being able to play them at a high level will be more detrimental to you than not.

    5) You won't carry every game: This is the most important one. Bronze is not a hard elo to carry in, but you won't be the one doing it every game, and you have to realize that. A lot of people think that because they are the ADC there's going to be a point where they can just out damage everyone and 1v5, regardless of the game situation. This isn't the case. You're going to have bad games or games where you won't be the one doing all the damage, and you have to let yourself get carried. Having a rough lane bot? Play under tower and let your fed mid laner or jungler feast on their pushing bot lane. Playing an adc with cc? Just land your cc in teamfights and let your teammates do the rest if they are ahead. Realize that you aren't the only one who is capable of getting ahead and if you aren't, then sit back and let yourself get carried every once in a while. At the end of the day, League is a team game, so the win should be all that matters.

    So again, this is just what has worked for me. I feel like I could probably have climbed higher, but I was taking breaks for a couple of months at a time due to other external factors and me just not wanting to get tilted. My play style is obviously different from others, so if these tips don't apply to you take them with a grain of salt, but it's just what worked for me and I wanted to share it. Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/theycallmeap
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    Skarner Top(Serious Idea no Troll)

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 06:55 PM PST

    OK. So i was taking a shower thinking about my struggles playing top lane when I thought about skarner, specifically as to why he isn't played top. So I looked at his wiki page and other popular top laners like Darius, Renekton and Aatrox. I also looked at Hecarim stats as that is who I was mainly comparing him to due to both being junglers, with Hecarim at one point being played in top. Looking at the base stats, Skarner has arguably the best stats overall out of all 4 of the other tops I compared him with. His only lackluster stat was his movespeed and attack range. Now looking at his abilities, he has waveclear with a spammable q like hecarim, his w helps in trades and disengages like hecarim w. And his e gives him great gank setup for early game. His r gives him the best gank set up out of the 3 imo at level 6. His mana cost on q is very low and if he shouldn't run into mana problems early game because he can shove very easily and roam down river along his spire to get mana back. He also can use e to get mana back as well on minions. He has an attack speed steroid under his spire and when he use e. The spire means his jungler has perma top laner rift scuttler control due to his 2v2 being much stronger than these other 4 top laners under spire. The one thing I was worried about is his trade pattern. But after looking at his health regen, in a bad matchup, he can build triple rejuv beads against akali or darius. Against aatrox, he handedly beats him in a 1 v 1 at all points in the game. He can build steraks due to his fairly high base ad. He is also amazing against ranged top laners such as kennen, ryze and vlad. He has ver strong early game dueling against these ranaged top laners. He is also amazing into gp. The second problem I was worried about rune set up. Jungle skarner normally runs predator but I believed that running it in top isn't worth in top lane unless you plan on mostly roaming and also the domination tree being a very weak tree for top lane in general except for ranged top laners. Now I think if you go Triforce, death's dance, spirit visage, choice of boots(pref tabis or mercs), tiamat item and steraks gage, he would be a very strong bruiser. With these items he would go conqueror for the true damage and heal or PTA for early game prowess which he procs much quicker(quicker than darius). The other build could go tank with sunfire, iceborn, abyssal mask, boots of choice(pref tabis or mercs), titanic hydra and spirit visage. With this build he would preferably run either grasp or aftershock(aftershock seems risky if you can't land e making it a useless rune early game till level 6). His 2 v 2 is very strong. Me and my friends tested this with a level 3 2 v 2 with nidalee skarner vs elise renekton. The nidalee skarner won(keep in mind me and my friends are gold plat elo and don't know a lot of animation cancels and other tricks on these champs, also don't know matchups too well, maybe nid counters elise) most of the times at level 3. I would love to hear your inputs on this and if their are improvements that could be made to this to become an actual pick. Maybe it is a troll pick but I just want to know. Also if this is a real thing or was a real thing, I'm sorry as I am new to the game so I don't know about picks before I joined the game. Sorry for any spelling, or grammar mistakes.

    submitted by /u/KillerZScope
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    Why Reju Instead Of Doran's In Poke Matchups

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 01:15 AM PST

    A lot of people recommend reju instead of Doran's when in poke. Why is that? I always thought it was vice versa, with reju when NOT in poke? I know people go reju because it's sell price is more efficient cost wise, but doesn't Doran's heal you for every tick of damage? Wouldn't this work better in poke matchups and reju in all ins?

    submitted by /u/Potahtoboy666
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    Ahri- Why play ludans?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 08:18 AM PST

    Ahri is lacking completely in terms of damage, even with electrocute , she isnt going to 100-0 any champion easily unless shes fed, I never actually got ludans to work, maybe im missing something

    do i have to wait for 100 stacks to engage? because that could be not continent

    there are other items such as lich bane which provide nearly as much AP but alot more damage to the roatation with basic attacks, more damage potential too , E AA Q aa R aa, i dont get how ludans is any better than lich bane.

    that CDR is not that useful on ahri,she isnt a poke champion

    submitted by /u/Lavi1011
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    Is it necessary to get a leash and how to jungle without one

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 12:15 AM PST

    I play ekko and i usually go blue buff. My friend who plays top doesn't like to leash because he falls behind on cs. I don't usually kite so I have no clue on how to kite while taking minimal damage. I need tips on how to get the buffs without taking too much damage

    submitted by /u/YasuTorii
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    Just had a question about if anyone does this and if it helps

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 05:55 AM PST

    Ive seen some streamers writing down mistakes they make in notepad during or after the game. Myself im a hardstuck D4 player. I know i make tons of mistakes my kdas are insanely low and the champs i play are ryze, irelia, LB im pretty sure these are champs you can make a lot of mistakes on. Well my question is does jotting down the mistakes you make during game reviewing them after the game actually help people or are my mistakes subconscious and i just peaked? Generally my main issue is teamfighting i always lose track of my spells, enemy champs and focus the wrong people. Should i spam ARAMs to improve my teamfighting? I really need help understanding how to teamfight sorry if I'm rambling I just really want to improve. If anyone has tips on how they improved teamfighting it would be helpful. My ideas were rewatching vods and just writing all my mistakes during a teamfight, switching champ pool to easier to execute champs and finally spamming arams.

    submitted by /u/whsuks
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    Shotcalling/Macro as jungler

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 01:03 AM PST


    So I recently joined my school's league of legends team (I go to an esports school in Sweden) and I currently play jungle. I have been put into the spot of being the shot caller/Macro manager since I really enjoy that kind of stuff. Is there some kind of tutorial on youtube or some kind of write up I can read to improve my shot-calling?

    submitted by /u/katthaj
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    When to buy/prioritizing boots on an ADC?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 03:15 AM PST

    I'm a support player (gold though I don't think that would impact the question/answer), who's trying to move my second roll to ADC (from jungle).

    I'm wondering if I maybe put too much emphasis on picking up boots due to them being important to support players (at least to me, I generally go support upgrade into boots into mobi/T2 boots). I think they're also important to Junglers too.

    I tend to go for a component of my damage item + boots first back, but am I'm better off holding on to that gold or picking up another component? (i.e. if I'm building Ghostblade, I can probably get dirk + boots or dirk + long sword.)

    I'm aware Berserkers is slightly off meta pick on Jhin over Swift/Defensives, more interested in boot timing over boot type.

    Here are by builds + time in image form, or you can see them in the table below.

    Jhin/Ezreal v Kaisa/Soraka (was winning lane)

    7min Serrated Dirk + boots + longsword (LS taken over Control ward, less 'held gold', boots over 2nd LS)

    Jhin/Brand v Jinx/Yuumi (was winning/even lane)

    4min 2x Longsword + Control
    9min Serrated Dirk + Berserkers (over caufields)

    Cait/Pyke v Jhin/Zyra (was winning lane)

    6min BF + boots

    Jhin/Senna v Jinx/Janna (winning lane)

    3min Serrated Dirk + Control
    5min Berserkers (over caufields)

    Jhin/Thresh v Lucian/Janna (I think it was close but no kills in lane first backs)

    5min 2x Long sword + control
    8min Dirk + Berserkers (over caufields)

    Jhin/Rakan v Ashe/Leona (weak laning phase)

    6min BF + Dagger + control
    8min Pickaxe
    13min Infinity Edge
    16min Beserkers + Glove + control

    Jhin/Morgana v Lucian/Lulu (winning lane)

    5min 2x Longsword + boots
    8min Dirk
    9min Berserkers (over 2x LS/Caufields)

    Jhin/Warwick v Vayne/Pyke (winning lane)

    7min Dirk + boots + dagger + 2x control wards (Over 2x LS)

    Cait/Brand v Kaisa/Blitz (winning lane)

    4min pickaxe control
    7min boots + cloak of agility (Over probably greeding more CS for BF)
    submitted by /u/doubleliftnt
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