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    Saturday, November 16, 2019

    LoL Guide Older player. I think I might be atrocious at this game. Advice very much appreciated

    LoL Guide Older player. I think I might be atrocious at this game. Advice very much appreciated

    Older player. I think I might be atrocious at this game. Advice very much appreciated

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 08:35 AM PST

    Hi guys!

    I am a relatively new player (lvl 20, 50 games played) but I think I may just be incredibly bad at it? I have a K/D of 0.9 and a 50% win rate in my chosen lane (support) which seemed ok, but the more I read, the more it seems like a >1.5 K/D is pretty much the standard for alright or semi-decent players?

    I have been playing a lot of Pyke and Nautilus so far and I feel like I've got a relatively good handle on their abilities but my inability to actually land kills, or stop myself from dying to the enemy is a little disheartening.

    I am an older player and I know that reaction speed declines with age so if I'm just laughably bad because I can't compete then I'll probably look for a different hobby. That said, I absolutely love the game so if this is relatively normal and I am kind of meant to suck this bad at the start I'd love to keep plugging away.

    Alternatively, I could look for different characters with less twitchy mechanics (Pyke's hook) if that's where I'm going wrong. Ultimately, I do know and appreciate that it takes time to master new games but I feel like 50 games should be enough for me to get a good feel for whether or not I can actually learn the mechanics well enough to compete and I have to admit that I have quite a few doubts now that I'm actually looking at my character stats :(

    submitted by /u/Ozymandia5
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    How do I successfully lane and play the game as ADC?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 12:43 AM PST

    I know this sounds like a strange question, but let me tell you my background. I am a Gold player and can play any role competently, except ADC. All the other roles make sense to me, and are easy to play.

    However, I cannot figure out how to play ADC. I usually end up turbo feeding the whole game, ending with 10+ deaths. A lot of it seems unavoidable to me, coming from getting tower dove by mid + jungle or getting hit by just one skillshot after dodging them for 5+ minutes.

    In general what happens is the mid or someone will look at me, dive me and I die in less than a second. I think, no big deal, still early in the game, I am not really strong and they are wasting their ult on me, someone who isn't going to do damage. But it becomes this feedback loop where I keep dying because I can't get any farm, and I can't get any farm because I keep dying. The enemy sees me as a free kill and keeps killing me.

    I tried playing aggressive ADCs, safe ADCs and just nothing works. Champs I have tried are Caitlyn, MF, Ashe, Jhin, Jinx, and Sivir. I build standard (IE into Zeal item), but can't really get creative with my build path because my farm is so low from dying all the time.

    Honestly I am just thinking about giving up ADC and playing Heimerdinger bot or Syndra bot or something like that. At least I understand AP champions and trading and they have Zhonya's if people are so intent on killing you.

    But anyways, is the role really weak right now? How do I play lane and game to not die a million times?

    Edit: Thanks for the response. I guess I am just going to hyperfocus on living and drop CS and damage, even if I do nothing in a team fight if I don't see any ults.

    submitted by /u/Ferromagneticfluid
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    Blade of the Ruined King help.

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 06:50 AM PST

    I play ADC a lot its my main role, and am a bronze level player. I for the life of me can never remember to use BotRK when i buy it. If i never use it should i just not buy it? For example i have been playing Ashe a lot lately and her item pathing seems to be BotRK > Runaan's > IE. At my current skill level i am just focused on CSing and trying to stay behind tanks and not feeding or get too aggro.

    submitted by /u/Limelifes
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    Seeking help for ADC

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 02:08 PM PST

    As for me, I have played since 2013 and mained support and reached platinum.

    Some time ago I created alt to try other roles, but recently I feel alienated playing other lanes so I want to play ADC on my alt to gain perspective for me to support. But I want to focus on ADC for this thread.

    I want to focus for now on my last game playing twitch. I managed to go 7/0 very quick, but didnt do much after that (I think enemy adc was new player). Infact I felt hopeless against enemy Khazix and Teemo and would be dying pretty often after eating Ahri charms and Thresh hooks. We won the game and I gues the jungler hard carried it.

    I don't know if this is possible or allowed (I skimmed through the side bar rules and didn't find a rule saying I cant post op.gg from there), but would someone be interested of taking a look at the match? It was not very long.

    My op gg Server is EUW.

    Even though I got fed, I didn't feel like I was particularly ahead anyone.

    I gues I am looking for insight on major ADC redflags? Itemization, positioning, timing in fights and adc macro. (I know I screwed up with the ingenious hunter rune). Stuff that I shouldn't be doing and stuff that I should be doing.

    Again sorry if I am breaking some rule, I occasionally browse reddit but I never post nor have I made account prior to this, but this community seemed about as good a place start as any.

    submitted by /u/IsabellaRddit
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    Best way to help teach a new player the game?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 04:02 PM PST

    Hey guys! My girlfriend has been watching me play League for a while now and is interesting in learning the game. I am by no means an amazing player (I am in Silver 3 at the moment in Solo/Duo) but I have been playing for a while. She has played a few games and she enjoys playing but she doesn't quite understand the ins and outs of the game. Is there any advice you guys can give me on teaching her? I want her to have fun but I don't want to stress her out by throwing a million terms and acronyms at her.

    submitted by /u/MrSayre
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    How do I beat jax in lane as swain?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 10:21 AM PST

    I felt completely helpless against him. Every time I tried to poke him, he e q'd and just ran me down for most of my health. He also out scales so I felt pressured to try and beat him in lane. Trying not to make this a rage post but I really need help in this matchup. Silver 2 for rough skill levels.

    Also, he went gun blade first and then I could no longer poke him down or keep damage on him got more than 30 seconds. Is this a meta build for jax?

    submitted by /u/gunslinger900
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    What can I do to improve my warding?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 02:19 PM PST

    I main yuumi support and do well for being fairly new but I always get low vision score. I usually ward the bush in the river next to the bot lane to help not getting ganked and if their adc or sup is camping a bush I ward it. Where should I be warding to get a higher score?

    Here is the picture of my stats https://imgur.com/a/NjrDkFJ

    submitted by /u/ocvt
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    Can I climb like this?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 11:06 AM PST

    This season:

    So I almost hit plat this season with being silver last so I think I made progress, though the game at the end of the season are too coin flippy and I just can't play with all the boosters and inters. I got to gold mainly playing Yorick top and Nunu jungle, and later got to Gold 2 by playing Annie mid.

    What I think am gonna do next season:

    I used to play a lot of Eve and Twitch jungle so for next season I think I am gonna spam only those 2 champions to diamond, do you think it's worth it I don't know if I am good enough to play them in plat but I really like them and I think those are champions I can stick to. In general how do you go about picking a champion in low elo what should you avoid.

    Edit: spacing

    submitted by /u/RoCapBG
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    How to deny an enemy xp after killing them?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 07:46 AM PST

    Let's say I'm in botlane, We just killed the enemy botlane. What's the most effecient way to deny them the most amount of xp. I usually always try to shove the wave underneath their tower but I started realising that some people don't do that.

    I know it's all about wave management but how do I know when to shove it, freeze it or just leave it as it is? Does it have any other factors than where the wave is?

    If it isn't obvious yet, I'm a low elo (silver 3, started s9) jungle main but I started getting more into support and I started noticing wave management mistakes.

    submitted by /u/SaifBaraka
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    Elo climb

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 01:32 PM PST

    Hello fellow summoners, I have been playing league for some time now and unfortunately I am stuck in gold 2. I am playing mostly top and jungle and I don't seem to find a champion that would help me climb higher. Do you have any recommendations for some character that is fun too play and I won't get bored playing him a lot. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/stomi123
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    Keep playing ranked during pre season!

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 10:03 AM PST

    Just a quick reminder to everyone who tends to kick back during pre season, this is the BEST time to continue playing ranked. Sure almost everyone will not really give a crap and games will be even bigger fiestas, but don't lax out and spam Nexus Blitz (if they bring it back again) or ARAM for the next two months. Don't have to play as much as you normally would but don't get rusty either!

    submitted by /u/VarsVerum
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    Returning player facing an elo wall

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 02:52 PM PST


    I haven't played in more than one year, almost 2 I think, I have made 2 games in draft, they were with platiniums, I'm getting absolutely rekt, 0/5 and 0/7. Going in normal one game was same, golds and plats. Was my elo not reset? Before quitting, I was with golds and plats. There should be some form of reset no? My will to play is massively hindered by the fact I have to go through a lot of stupid games against much better opponents to play at my level. Any solutions? You'll tell me to go in normal or draft but I already am.

    Am I supposed to go through enough games in ALL games modes where I am going to get annihilated by vastly superior opponents to get my elo to where I belong at the moment? (That would be low silver according to my alt account?)

    I also fear that by chaining very low success game I'll get banned for inting...

    Is putting an elo decay over time so hard for you Rito?

    submitted by /u/EresArslan
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    How do I farm if my wave clear skill makes the caster minions 1 minion hit away from dying?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 10:17 AM PST

    I have this issue when I play Talon or Ahri, at some point in the game my W as Talon (when it's level 5) always leave the caster minions 1 minion hit away from dying, therefore, I miss a lot of them and it makes it hard to push the lane and it became mandatory for me to build Tiamat and that itself puts me in risk to just walk to the caster minions and hit Tiamat while the enemy is present and I also don't have my W since I used it on the minion wave.

    submitted by /u/CrimsonBlossom
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    New-ish player seeking help about Unlocked camera and Camille

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 10:11 AM PST

    ● I reached level 30 just a few days ago, only leveled up twice since then.

    Lately I have been doubting myself because even though I have learned various crucial skills such as farming, trading and warding I still am incapable of using the unlocked camera because it just makes me awfully dizzy and I cant focus. I have been told by my friends that its a very important skill.

    Now Im wondering can I git gud without using it and if not what are the things I can do to make my process of doing a cold turkey on locked camera easier. (Practices I can do to learn using unlocked camera faster)

     □Oh and I always found Camille to be a champon with quite fun mechanics to play with. Its just that I am still pretty careful about picking a main. Is the current meta beneficial for Camille users? 


    submitted by /u/Poisonous_Duckling
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    Quick tip for map awareness

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 01:09 PM PST

    I saw this a while ago. Hopefully this is posted too often, but something what seems to help me a lot with map awareness is running a YouTube video in the background that beeps every five seconds. Every time there's a beep I try and look at the mini map. This works really well for forming the habit of constantly looking at the mini map. It's important to not look too long though

    submitted by /u/kittyloverblazeit
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    Bullied Every. Single. Game.

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 03:53 PM PST

    I'm one-shotting top lane Jax and keep running into the same problem - I get bullied every time I'm in lane and have to retreat from the minion wave, meaning I miss out on farm. I'm starting to try trading but that usually ends up with me dying in the first 3 minutes. How do I keep from getting bullied and what does a "successful" trade look like?

    submitted by /u/cartersa87
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    I suddenly seem to be doing less damage as a carry role now. What am I doing wrong?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 03:50 PM PST

    As the title suggests, I mainly play mid. I like to play champions that tend to lean on the more aggressive side (i.e. Ekko/Yasuo) however sometimes I see myself not dishing enough damage because I try to play smart, such as not taking fights that yield no value or when mid game comes I push side lanes to create pressure and separate the enemy team.

    Should I be worried about damage numbers (even if my team wins)? I'll have games where my team wins even when I have a 3-0 KDA but my support ends up outdamaging me. I try not the pride of "Look at me. I did the most damage on the team I cArRiEd hurrdurr." I more have this feeling where if I'm playing an assassin I should at least be at similar numbers in damage (I believe slightly lower is ok if I did other things like splitpush etc.) with either other solo laners. Any tips on this playstyle would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/TraZixTV
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    Question regarding wave management in this specific scenario

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 02:42 PM PST

    Hello, ive been put in this situation a couple of times and if my enemy knows what he is doing i pretty much lose the laning phase here. THe white circles are minion waves, i was on red side, enemy botlane just got killed, on the lane there are cannon waves with equal amount of minions but slowpushing towards blue side. What should I do in this situation? If i clear 1 wave 2nd will freeze and i lost, if i dont it will still push and freeze and again im gonna lose a lot. Oh and I forgot to mention it was before first back so damage is lacking to clear both waves.

    submitted by /u/Nayten_
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    am I supposed to be this terrible?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 02:38 PM PST

    Saw a similar post tonight so I wanted to ask for your opinion myself. I'm a level 37, I've been playing league on and off for a few years but started seriously learning it a year ago for a couple of months, took a break and am back for the last month. That being said, I suck. My best champion is Xayah, I absolutely love her, she's my only S and mastery lvl 4 but that was last year, I'm way worse on her now. I also used to be amazing on Evelynn but not anymore. I used to main ADC/Jungle but discovered I prefer support this year. The problem is that: a) I keep dying b) even if I have a good lead in early game like 6/1/3, in late game it turns to 6/11/3 because everyone seems to overpower me c) no matter how much i think i farm, i absolutely suck. i get on average around 8k of gold while all my teammates get 30k or more d) cant play any melee champs because I get absolutely destroyed my ranged oponents This would all be ok if everyone else was this bad. But my teammates are always better than me ajd mostly also the enemy team. My highest rank this season is a B. Am I supposed to be this horrible?

    submitted by /u/nellneheil
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    Jhin help

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 08:20 AM PST

    Hi I'm a jhin main at gold 1 (https://las.op.gg/summoner/userName=sevaaas1)

    I'm looking for tips at better trade early game, as my range isn't really big compared to other adcs so I cant really hit the 4th shot bc they just leave my range, also I would like some item building tips, lately I have been following I keep it taco builds, where I start with a youmu, drakthar and boots, but people have started shitting on me for doing that build(76% jhin winrate) is there a better buildso people will stop flaming me? Because when I have good games with that build, like a decent team I can carry and delete every enemy, but if my team does bad they start blaming me because of my build like it doesn't work, which really tilts me off

    submitted by /u/Sevaaas1
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    How can I manage my lane against heimerdinger?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 05:05 PM PST

    Playing against him is a complete nightmare , I can't farm or trade bc he is too far from me and in a safe position thanks to his turrets. My friends told me he is pretty weak in teamfights or when he gets ganked but haven't seen this weakness yet. I play mages mid, so i find it quite weird that heimer is winning lane even tho i have range too.

    submitted by /u/LampEye
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    [Question] Whats the best combo of emotes to win mentaly game?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 09:56 AM PST

    Hi, im plat 3, and i play jungle mostly i came here to ask whats the best use of my emotes to tilt enemy? i got many and now its hard to choose

    Lol is a mental game, to win it i must use my emotes as effectively as i can, whats the best use of my emotes?


    submitted by /u/fix_wu
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    How do I press midgame as a toplane?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 05:25 AM PST

    I am now playing in G1 and i think I am not able to drive my team through midgame as Renekton.

    When midgame starts, lets say when all first 3 enemy turrets are down (or when loosing - after plates are down) things are going strange. I have the damage to kill their carry, but I cannot directly engage in this in aram-style on mid. Whenever I think about flanking I don't really believe that my team will follow because G1 is full of bad decisionmakings. Enemy team destroy the vision since support and jg buy red trinkets when loosing, and Jax/Garen is splitpushing but this works better for them since they buy time for scaling more lategame team (ie they have brand support).

    I think that it would be better to pick dumbest engage like amumu + galio which would work better for early-late than any fed top lanebully

    submitted by /u/Hell4Ge
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